Children's backgrounds for presentations. PowerPoint Backgrounds for presentations. Beautiful nature with a bee

  • 14.05.2020

Presentation provides information to a wide range of people in a variety of ways and methods. The purpose of each work is the transfer and assimilation of the information proposed in it. And for this today they use various methods: from a blackboard with chalk to an expensive projector with a panel.

A presentation can be a set of pictures (photos) framed with explanatory text, embedded computer animation, audio and video files, and other interactive elements.

On our site you will find a huge number of presentations on any topic that interests you. In case of difficulty, use the site search.

On the site you can download presentations on astronomy for free, get to know the representatives of flora and fauna on our planet better in presentations on biology and geography. At the lessons at school, children will be interested in learning the history of their country in presentations on history.

In music lessons, the teacher can use interactive presentations in music, in which you can hear the sounds of various musical instruments. You can also download presentations on the MHC and presentations on social studies. Fans of Russian literature are not deprived of attention, I present to you the work in PowerPoint on the Russian language.

For techies there are special sections: and presentations in mathematics. And athletes can get acquainted with presentations about sports. For those who like to create their own work, there is a section where anyone can download the basis for their practical work.

The presentation and the materials attached to it were created for the regional event "Creative Arena", in which methodologists and educators took part preschool institutions Kolpinsky district of the city of St. Petersburg.
The presentation reflects the gender role subject environment, the creation of a positive psychological climate of the group, the direction of work on the topic "Knights" is presented.

The presentation presents the experience of creating a didactic manual for preschoolers "Teremok": materials for manufacturing, options for use, photographs. The manual is multifunctional: it can be used for playing with puppets, a surprise moment, organizing theatrical activities, etc.

The target audience: for educator

WWII presentation based on Ladonshchikov's poem "together with grandfather". the purpose of the presentation is to educate the patriotic feelings of a preschooler, the desire to know and appreciate the history of their homeland.

Target audience: for preschoolers

The study of the topic of the presented lesson is included in the content of the course "Methods for the development of children's fine arts." The purpose of the lesson is to reveal the patterns of development of children's artistic and creative abilities in the process of visual activity. Visualization in the lesson is provided by the use of the presentation. The material of the lesson can be useful to practitioners of the preschool educational institution in the preparation of consultations, seminars, and a pedagogical council on the development of children's fine arts.

Target audience: for the educator

The material describes the original form of work with parents. "Illustrations" are aesthetically designed material obtained in the course of the developmental, diagnostic work of a psychologist with children. What tasks are solved with the help of "Illustrations", the rules for their creation, examples - read about this and see in the presentation and the accompanying article.

Target audience: for the educator

The material can be used in educational work with parents of children attending I junior group, educators of nursery groups. The development consists of a presentation on the theme "Books for Toddlers", a full text of the speech to parents, a list of used literature, as well as a preliminary questionnaire for adult family members.

Bright template based on a personal photo. It can serve as the basis for an interactive album, presentation-congratulations and much more to your imagination.

Children at sea. Summer.

This template looks great in its entirety. For a summer story, quiz or other summer topics for preschoolers and younger students. The caption on the title slide is given on English language, but you can add your own title.

Download (226 kb)

Family tree template

Template for presentation "Family tree". This topic is popular in the study foreign language and not only. Families are different, so some changes need to be made in the template. On the title slide, change the captions as needed. Overlay your photos or drawings on the empty circles, then select the tree and send it to foreground(right mouse button). Each new page will be a story about one of the family members. Therefore, duplicate the main slide, but first delete the example picture with the image of a person. You do not need to remove the wreath, just send it to background. How to insert your photo? Add a new image to the wreath and send this photo to background.

Download (353 kb)

Beautiful nature with a bee

A new bright presentation template for children with a bee on the background of nature. The main slide can be duplicated.