Earth day presentations. Presentation "Earth Day" presentation of a lesson for an interactive whiteboard on the world around (preparatory group) on the topic. Earth Day Flag

  • 02.08.2020

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Oral magazine on environmental issues for elementary school students teacher primary school Zagidullina Alsu Maratovna Municipal educational institution "Nurlatskaya secondary school» Zelenodolsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

We must protect our Earth

The fate of planet Earth is in our hands!

About the holiday "Earth Day" Symbol of the holiday Flag of the Earth Peace bell Traditions Physical education game "Yes, no" Quiz "Connoisseurs of nature" Happy Earth! Summing up The Guess Game

Earth Day is a civic initiative that is designed to unite the entire population of the planet in the cause of protecting the environment.

The name Earth Day is used in relation to various activities, held in the spring and designed to encourage people to be more attentive to the fragile and vulnerable environment on planet Earth

The first worldwide action "Earth Day" was held in the United States on April 22, 1970, in memory of the environmental disaster in the United States in 1969.

International Earth Day was proclaimed by the UN Secretary-General in March 1971. Celebrated annually on the vernal equinox on April 22

Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician. "... Earth Day is a day of responsibility to our planet, responsibility to the people who inhabit it, to nature itself, of which we are a part."

Earth Day symbol Green Greek letter Θ on white background Θ

The flag of the Earth is associated with Earth Day and many other environmental, peacekeeping and international events; is not an official symbol of anything, since there is no planetary government or state; the picture of the planet Earth depicted on the flag was taken by the astronauts of the Apollo 17 spacecraft on their way to the moon.

Peace Bell On Earth Day different countries By tradition, the Bell of Peace sounds, calling on the people of the Earth to make efforts to protect peace on the planet and preserve the beauty of our common home

Traditions On this day, everyone takes part in the improvement and gardening of their yards and streets, in various environmental events, festivals and promotions

Worldwide Movement In many countries there are festive events and actions calling for attention to environmental problems To date, 147 countries of the world are registered in the World Movement

An environmental festival "Earth Day" is held in Russia Under the motto: "Blossoming Earth - Prosperous Russia"

Eco-bike ride in Hungary

In North Korea, on the streets of Seoul, the action "Without cars"

In Indonesia, in the territory american embassy, there are sports competitions.

Animal welfare demonstration in Manila, Philippines Participants promote vegetarianism to save the planet

"About everyone in the world" B. Zakhoder

Physical education game "Yes, no"



The well-being and prosperity of the Earth is in your hands, guys!

Dear planet, Earth! Congratulations on your holiday! Forgive us for our mistakes. We promise to keep your beauty!

Summarize! What holiday was our oral magazine dedicated to? When is it celebrated? What sign is the symbol of the holiday? What is depicted on the flag of the Earth? What events are held in Russia and other countries for this holiday - "Earth Day"? What can we do to protect the environment?

HOMEWORK: draw a poster or picture on the theme - "Earth Day"

poster "Red Book"

drawing "It's hard for me to breathe"

earth day poster

"The beauty of my land"

April 22 - International Earth Day - a holiday of clean Water, Earth and Air. A day of reminder of terrible environmental disasters, a day when each person can think about what he can do in solving environmental problems, overcoming indifference in himself. On this day, the Bell of Peace sounds in different countries, calling on people to protect peace and life on the Planet, to promote friendship and mutual understanding of all peoples.

On Earth Day, the Bell of Peace traditionally sounds in different countries, calling on the people of the Earth to feel the universal community and make efforts to protect peace on the planet and preserve the beauty of our common home. The Peace Bell is a symbol of tranquility, peaceful life and friendship, eternal brotherhood and solidarity of peoples. And at the same time, it is a call to action in the name of preserving peace and life on Earth, preserving Man and Culture. Since 1998, the action "Bell of Peace on Earth Day" has been held in Russia on the initiative of the Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR, Hero Soviet Union A.N. Berezovoy at the International Center of the Roerichs. In the photo: cosmonauts V.M. Afanasyev and A.N. Berezovaya

For a year, only 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere. As a result, a “greenhouse effect” occurs, the ozone layer becomes thinner, ozone holes appear. Permanent ozone "hole" - over Antarctica. At times, sometimes expanding, sometimes decreasing - over the Arctic, Europe, Moscow.

The “baldness” of the planet is intensifying. Over the past 20 years, man has cut down as much forest as was destroyed in his entire previous existence, not to mention the fires that arise through the fault of man. For many animals, the forest is their home. And the forests are getting smaller and smaller. This means that animals lose their home, they are doomed to death.

Scientists have calculated that every year around the world so many harmful substances enter water bodies that they could fill 10,000 freight trains. Even washing powder was found in the waters of the Arctic, and DDT was found in the body of penguins living in Antarctica. As a result of human activities in the rivers of Europe - the Seine, Danube, Rhine and Volga - you can not swim.

All the issues raised are very relevant. And I hope that you will not be indifferent in such situations, but will come to the aid of nature. Let's take care of our Earth! Everywhere, at every step, all together and each separately, we are not given another. The Earth with its biosphere is the greatest miracle, we have only one. Tomorrow Earth will be what we create it today.

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Earth Day Prepared by: Kartamysheva Yu.N. MOU Pavlovskaya OOSh, Lukhovitsky district, Moscow region

Earth Day is the name used to refer to various events held in the spring to encourage people to be more aware of the fragile and vulnerable environment on planet Earth.

Earth Day is a civic initiative and is open to all people, groups and organizations to join.

There are two main dates for Earth Days: March (near the vernal equinox) and April 22nd.

This day is held to unite all the people of the planet in the cause of protecting the environment.

Earth Day originated in the twentieth century. Scientists were able to calculate that the threat of total destruction of mankind is possible in 300-1000 years.

It seemed that the Earth is eternal, that a person will always live on it, but in fact, the threat of the end of all life lies in the person himself.

Every day, forests are cut down on our planet, rivers and seas are clogged, the atmosphere is poisoned.

Every day we walk the earth, breathe the air and do not think about what kind of Earth we will leave to future generations?

it is necessary to protect the Earth from the people themselves, from their aggressive behavior in relation to their environment.

Let's take care of the world we live in, as we take care of our children or parents. Let's take care of the world we live in, as we take care of our children or parents.

May there be only peaceful and joyful Earth Days for our beautiful spaceship- the planet Earth, flying and rotating in the middle of cold space with its so vulnerable load of life ...

Thank you for your attention! Take care of our Earth!

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  • Earth Day is a civic initiative that is designed to unite the entire population of the planet in the cause of protecting the environment.
  • It is open to all people, groups and organizations to join.
  • Earth Day is a holiday celebrated by people of all nationalities and faiths.
  • Earth Day is the name used to refer to various events held in the spring to encourage people to be more aware of the fragile and vulnerable environment on planet Earth.
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    Earth Day Symbol

    • Green Greek letter Θ on white background
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    Earth Day Flag

    • The flag of the Earth is not an official symbol of anything, it is a photograph of the planet from space (a picture taken by the Apollo 17 astronauts on their way to the Moon) against a dark blue background.
    • Traditionally, the Flag is associated with Earth Day and many other environmental, peacekeeping and civil international events.
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    • There are two main periods international days Lands having a different meaning of holding.
    • March 21 on the day of the vernal equinox at the initiative of the UN and April 22 at the initiative of the global Earth Day Network movement.
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    Earth Day March 21

    • The holiday was established in 1971 by the decision of the UN, when Secretary General U Thant signed a special appeal to the peoples of the Earth.
    • “Let there be only peaceful and joyful Earth Days for our beautiful spaceship - the planet Earth, flying and rotating in the middle of cold space with its so vulnerable cargo of life ...”
    • UN Secretary General U Thant, March 21, 1971.
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    • On this day, the Bell of Peace sounds in different countries, calling on people to protect peace and life on the Planet, to promote friendship and mutual understanding of all peoples.
    • The Peace Bell is a symbol of tranquility, peaceful life and friendship, eternal brotherhood and solidarity of peoples.
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    • The first Peace Bell was installed in June 1954 at the UN headquarters, in the Japanese courtyard. It was cast in Japan from coins collected by children from 60 countries. The inscription on the Bell reads: "Long live universal peace throughout the world."
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    • Bells of Peace at the end of the 20th century were installed in more than twenty countries - Poland and Turkey, Mexico and Australia, Mongolia and the Philippines, Canada and Brazil, Germany and Japan, Argentina, Ecuador, Russia.
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    • In Russia, for the first time the action "Bell of Peace on Earth Day" was held in 1998 in Moscow, its organizers were the International Center-Museum named after Nicholas Roerich, the International Humanitarian Fund "Knowledge", the Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia, the International Association of Peace Foundations.

    In the photo: cosmonauts V.M. Afanasyev and A.N. Berezovaya

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    • “... Earth Day is a day of responsibility to our planet, responsibility to the people who inhabit it, to nature itself, of which we are a part.”
    • Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
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    • Now the bells of Peace sound in other cities of Russia, however, more often we celebrate Earth Day not on March 21, but on April 22.
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    • On April 22, at the initiative of the worldwide movement Earth Day Network, Earth Day is celebrated in many countries of the world. This day, unlike Earth Day, held in March, is intended to unite the people of the planet in the cause of protecting the environment. It can be called a holiday of clean water, earth and air - everything that is necessary for life.
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    From the history of the holiday

    This holiday originated in 1872 in the United States, at the initiative of Nebraska Minister of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton. He suggested doing gardening, arranging a Tree Day. On the first Tree Day alone, the people of the state planted about a million trees.

    Later, in 1882, the government of Nebraska established Tree Day as an official holiday, and began to celebrate it on April 22, Morton's birthday.

    In 1970, at the initiative of Gaylord Nelson, Senator from Wisconsin, Tree Day was given a new name - Earth Day.

    Version one

    • On April 22, 1989, an oil pipeline ruptured near the small American town of Santa Barbara, which polluted a large area. The entire population of the town and many volunteers from other American cities took part in the elimination of the consequences of this environmental disaster.
    • The well-known American environmental scientist Professor Denis Hayes appealed to the American and world community with a call to celebrate, starting from 1990, April 22, "Earth Day" and to make a contribution to the ennoblement, landscaping and improvement of the territories of the native planet and its natural monuments on this day. .

    Version two

    • Since 1990, April 22 has been declared International Earth Day, it is celebrated by residents of most countries of the world.
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    worldwide movement

    • To date, 147 countries of the world are registered in the World Movement
    • In many countries, festive events and actions are held, calling for attention to environmental problems.
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    • In Canada, events are held that draw public attention to solving environmental problems. Almost every Canadian student takes part in the activities of this day.
    • In Germany, environmental protests and demonstrations are being held.
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    • Critical Mass international ecological bike ride in Hungary.
    • Action "Without cars» (Without Cars) on the streets of Seoul.
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    • In the Philippines, there are environmental action protest, PETA demonstration, "Annual Tour of the Fireflies" green bike race.
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    • In Russia, Earth Day has been officially celebrated since 1998 as part of the Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards.
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    • On this day, everyone takes part in the improvement and gardening of their yards and streets, various environmental events, festivals and promotions.
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    • Since 1990, national parks have become the theme of Earth Day in the United States. On this day, fundraising is carried out in support of protected natural areas. The holiday has acquired a new meaning, and with it a new name - the March of the Parks.
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    • Since 1995, reserves and national parks of Russia have joined the holiday.
    • The ecological holiday "March of Parks" is held on April 19 - 24 in dozens of regions of Russia and in many countries of the world.
    • The main goal of the "March of Parks" is to draw public attention to the problems of protected areas in Russia, to revive in people a sense of pride and responsibility for our nature.
    • This holiday is dedicated to nature reserves and national parks, which preserve for us the most beautiful landscapes, thousands of rare species of plants and animals, and unique cultural monuments.
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    Love and take care of our Earth, nature!

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    Environmental problems of the world

    • Air pollution with toxic emissions into the atmosphere causes cancer, disorders of the immune system. It kills about three million people a year.
    • Water pollution leads to the reproduction of malaria mosquitoes, which kills about two million people every year. More than a billion people experience a shortage of clean water, while 80% of all infectious diseases transmitted through water.
    • Pollution and devastation of the soil leads to the fact that toxic substances are absorbed by a person along with food and water.
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    Environmental problems of the world

  • There are no white spots on the Earth,
    Will you erase the black ones, Man?

    V. Orlova

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    Let's remember!

    • What holiday was the class hour dedicated to?
    • How many times and when is this holiday celebrated?
    • How are these holidays different? What do they have in common?
    • What sign is the symbol of the holiday?
    • What is depicted on the flag of the Earth?
    • What events are held in Russia and other countries for this holiday - "Earth Day"?
    • What can we do to protect the environment?
  • slide 32

    Happy Earth Day!

    Happy Earth Day!

    View all slides

    Elena Shishkina
    Earth Day Presentation

    Presentation« Earth Day» .

    Target: to form ideas that the planet Land - a large common house.



    Form ideas about the planet Earth,

    Build ideas about what The earth needs to be protected,

    Contribute to the acquisition of knowledge that Russia is part of the planet Earth,

    Involve children in the problem of cleanliness of the environment.


    Develop children's cognitive abilities,

    Promote development moral qualities character,

    Contribute to the development of thinking.


    Cultivate a sense of admiration for the native planet,

    To cultivate a sense of love and respect for their homeland,

    Cultivate a sense of belonging to the holidays of their country.

    slide 1:

    Hello guests, inhabitants of the beautiful blue planet!

    Today we celebrate « Earth Day» . Do you know what holiday this is? Many years ago, on April 22, an ecological disaster occurred, a terrible disaster that threatened the life of all living things on Earth: animals, birds, insects, plants - they were all in great danger and were on the verge of extinction, but the people of the whole planet united and stood up for protection Earth and environment, to protect our forests, fields, seas and their inhabitants. And since then our planet in this birthday girl.

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    We are part of our planet and must protect earth and everything that is on it. Do you know what matters most in the world?


    I am the sun, the most important thing. Everyone needs warmth.

    slide 4:

    I am air. All living things breathe. Without me, there would be no life. I am the most important.

    slide 5:

    I am the soil, I am the most important. Let the sun, air and water be, but without me nothing will grow.

    slide 6:

    I am water, more importantly. Without me, you will die of thirst.

    Slide 7:

    Don't argue about who is more important.

    "Everything is connected with everything!" Everything important and birds, and insects, and animals, and plants, and even humans.

    Slide 8:

    Blitz Poll:

    1. Why without air there is no life on Earth?

    2. More on land water or land?

    3. Who lives in the seas and oceans?

    4. And who lives on land?

    5. What is the name of our country?

    6. What is the name of our homeland?

    7. What is the name of our village?

    Slide 9:

    There is a big and small homeland. Our small homeland is the village of Kady. Here, as elsewhere, live animals, birds, insects, fish. Trees, herbs, flowers grow.

    Slide 10:

    Earth! So beautiful, blue, blooming! Can it really die? There are many flowers, forests, rivers on it, but they are becoming less and less. Do you still have time to save earth and all life on it! Only you can do it!

    How to do it?

    slide 11:

    People came to the forest, threw garbage and left. And now our forest has turned into a dump, all the animals have gone to look for a new home.

    Can we help them get back?

    Let's start by removing all the trash! (scatters trash all over the room.)

    We and our good deeds do good.

    And good conquers evil. So let's get this garbage out, kids.

    An attraction is being held "Garbage collection".

    slide 12:

    Rules of conduct in the forest (children explain):

    Tree branches must not be broken.

    You can not tear blades of grass, leaves, flowers.

    slide 13:

    You can not destroy bird nests, anthills, animal holes.

    You can not take bird eggs in your hands.

    You can not bring home animals from the forest.

    Slide 14:

    You can not leave a fire in the forest unextinguished.

    slide 15:

    dear planet Earth! Forgive us for our mistakes. We promise to keep your beauty!

    We are talking about

    What is all Earth is our common home.

    Our kind house, spacious house -

    We are all with we live in it.

    Also, we are talking about

    That we should take care of our home.

    Let's prove that it's not in vain

    Hopes for us Earth!

    Look how good he is.

    The house where you live!

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