All-Russian Olympiad on the History of Russian Entrepreneurship. Events archive. III All-Russian Olympiad on the History of Russian Entrepreneurship

  • 06.03.2020

Faculty of Law, Moscow State University

Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law

The program “Problems of Theory and Practice of Modern Constitutional and Municipal Law” was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Moscow State University Development Program until 2020 and complies with the unique standards of higher and postgraduate education developed and implemented at Moscow University.

The topics of this training course allow students to get acquainted with the problematic material on the specified profile and critically assess the current level of development of constitutional and municipal law in Russia, acquire necessary knowledge and skills for successful work in state and municipal authorities and administration, in state and non-state institutions and organizations, as well as in universities that train specialists in the field of constitutional and municipal law.

Course Curriculum

"Problems of theory and practice

modern constitutional and municipal law”

1. Constitutional law of Russia as a branch of law, science and training course

1. The concept and subject of the constitutional law of Russia as an industry Russian law. Constitutional and legal relations: essence, content, subjects, grounds for occurrence and termination. Methods of constitutional and legal regulation.

2. Structure (system) of the constitutional law of Russia. Sub-branches of constitutional law. Constitutional and legal institutions. Constitutional and legal norms, their features and types.

3. The place of the constitutional law of Russia in the system of Russian law. Constitutional law is the leading branch of Russian law.

4. Ensuring the operation of the norms of the constitutional law of Russia.

Organizational and material prerequisites for the operation of the norms of constitutional law.

Constitutional and legal responsibility: concept, subjects, sanctions, their specifics, types, application procedure.

5. Sources of constitutional law in Russia: concept, visas.

Constitution Russian Federation is the main source of constitutional law.

Acts of the Constitutional Assembly.

Declarations and their role in the constitutional law of the Russian Federation.

Law in the system of sources of constitutional law. Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Federal constitutional laws. federal laws.

Normative acts of the President of the Russian Federation, chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, other federal authorities as sources of the constitutional law of Russia.

Domestic treaties as a source of the constitutional law of the Russian Federation. Problems of the limits of their use.

Constitutions, statutes, laws and other normative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as sources of constitutional law.

The significance of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and other judicial authorities for the constitutional law of Russia.

Legal customs, precedents and doctrines as possible sources of Russian constitutional law.

Generally accepted principles and norms of international law, international treaties RF and the constitutional law of Russia.

6. The science of constitutional law in Russia: the subject of study, meaning and tasks. History of the science of constitutional law in Russia. Science and modern constitutional and political practice in Russia.

7. The constitutional law of Russia as a training course. Presentation system.

2. Fundamentals of the doctrine of the constitution. Constitutional development of Russia.

The current Constitution of the Russian Federation

1. The essence of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Functions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The subject and limits of constitutional regulation. The main features of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

2. History and stages of the constitutional development of Russia. general characteristics acts of constitutional significance until October 1917, the first decrees of the Soviet government that had constitutional significance, the Constitutions of the RSFSR of 1918, the USSR of 1924 and the RSFSR of 1925, the USSR of 1936 and the RSFSR of 1937, the USSR of 1977 and the RSFSR of 1978 G.

3. Constitutional reforms of the Russian Federation in 1989-1992 - the main directions, the importance for the formation of a new constitutional order in Russia.

4. Issues of drafting the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1990-1993. Various concepts of the Constitution, their reflection in the content of the projects. Characteristics of official projects - the Constitutional Commission and submitted by the President of the Russian Federation. Other projects. The role of the Constitutional Council. Draft Constitution of the Russian Federation submitted to a popular vote (referendum) on December 12, 1993. Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

5. The current Constitution of the Russian Federation: features of the content and structure. The meaning of individual parts of the Constitution: preamble, main text, final and transitional provisions.

6. Ways and guarantees for the implementation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Direct action of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: legal principle and practice. The role of current legislation in ensuring the implementation of constitutional norms. Legal properties of the Constitution. The principle of supremacy and supreme legal force of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Correlation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other legal acts: federal constitutional laws, federal laws, etc. The Constitution of the Russian Federation and constitutions, charters of subjects of the Russian Federation.

7. Revision of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. constitutional amendments.

Subjects of the right to submit proposals for the revision of the Constitution and amendments to the Constitution.

Revision of the Constitution: rules and procedures. Constitutional Assembly: debatable issues of formation and functioning.

Amendments to the Constitution. the federal law dated February 6, 1998 "On the procedure for the adoption and entry into force of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation" and the problems of its implementation.

8. Features of making changes and additions to the Constitution of the Russian Federation related to the admission of new subjects of the Russian Federation to the Russian Federation, the formation of new subjects, a change in the constitutional and legal status. Federal constitutional law of December 17, 2001 (as amended and supplemented) "On the procedure for admission to the Russian Federation and the formation of a new subject of the Russian Federation within it."

9. Features of introducing a new name of the subject of the Russian Federation into the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

10. Debatable problems of constitutional reform in the Russian Federation, amendments and additions to the Constitution, adoption of a new Constitution of the Russian Federation.

11. Protection of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Organs responsible for the protection of the Constitution. The content and forms of constitutional control. Interpretation of the Constitution. Responsibility for violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

12. Features of the content, procedure for adoption and change, ensuring compliance with the constitutions, charters of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

3. Fundamentals of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation

1. The concept of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation. The main features of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation: democracy (people's sovereignty); The Russian state as an organization of the whole people; recognition of a person, his rights and freedoms as the highest value; democracy as the basis of the way of life in Russia and its political regime; ideological diversity and political pluralism; freedom economic activity and a variety of forms of ownership. The unity of the constitutional system as the main prerequisite for federal construction in Russia.

2. The essence of power in the Russian Federation and the constitutional consolidation of its belonging to the people. Categories of people's, state and national sovereignties, public authority in Russian constitutional law.

Character state power in RF. The exercise of state power by the people directly, by the Russian state as a whole, by state authorities. The principle of separation of powers, its constitutional foundations and reality. The unity of state power in the presence of two levels of its implementation - the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Public power as a form of democracy, its nature and implementation by public associations and groups of citizens.

Local self-government as a form of democracy (public power) in the Russian Federation, its social and state character.

3. The constitutional characteristics of the Russian state as a democratic state based on the priority of the interests of man and citizen, serving the interests of democracy, federal and sovereign, legal, having a republican form of government, using the principle of separation of powers, a social, secular state.

The constitutional name of the state, the equivalence of the names "Russian Federation" and "Russia".

4. Constitutional and legal consolidation of the institutions of direct and representative democracy in the system of democracy in the Russian Federation.

Ideas of direct expression of the will and government of the people, self-government and self-organization in public and public affairs as the basis of the institutions of direct rule of the people (direct democracy) in the Russian Federation.

Imperative and consultative forms of direct democracy in the Russian Federation.

Imperative referendum, elections, recall of deputies and elected by the population officials, decision-making on a number of issues at meetings in microdistricts of cities and at gatherings in rural settlements as imperative forms of direct democracy.

Federal constitutional law of 2004 (as amended and supplemented) "On the referendum of the Russian Federation": range of issues of the referendum, the procedure for appointing, holding and summing up the results of the referendum of the Russian Federation. Restrictions on holding a referendum in the Russian Federation.

Referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation. local referendum. Federal Law of 2002 (as amended and supplemented) “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation”.

Debatable questions of the use of referendums in solving the problems of social and political life, the subject of referendums and their effectiveness.

Poll of the people (consultative referendum), popular discussion of bills and issues of state or local life, collective appeals (petitions) of citizens to government bodies on issues of public importance, popular law-making initiatives, voters' orders, discussion of issues at meetings and gatherings with the adoption of appeals, recommendations in address the competent authorities as a consultative form of direct democracy.

Representative Democracy in Russia. Popular representation in Russia: the evolution of ideas and institutions. Inclusion in the system of representative democracy of elected collegiate representative institutions (state and local assemblies of deputies), as well as elected officials of state power and local self-government.

In February 2016, the regional stage of the II All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian entrepreneurship among students and graduate students started. The event was organized as part of the implementation of the joint project of "Business Russia" and the Russian Historical Society (RIO) "History of Russian Entrepreneurship".
The 1st All-Russian Olympiad on the History of Russian Entrepreneurship was held in 2015. Its regional stage was held in 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it was organized by the local branches of "Business Russia" together with local universities and regional authorities. More than 2,000 undergraduate and graduate students from 50 Russian universities took part in the regional stage.
In 2016, more than 200 students from 18 higher and secondary educational institutions took part in the regional stage of the Olympiad vocational education Perm Territory, which is 2.5 times more than in 2015.
On February 26, 2016, the regional stage of the second All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian entrepreneurship was held in the Perm Territory, held by the Ministry of economic development of the Perm Territory together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory and the Perm Branch of the All-Russian public organization"Business Russia" with the support of the Russian Historical Society and the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.
On March 23, 2016, diplomas were awarded to the laureates of the regional stage of the II All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian business for students and graduate students. Diplomas and certificates were awarded to 15 students.
SHAKIROVA Yana Ravilevna and KRIVOSHAEVA Arina Ivanovna, students of the 4th year of the training direction "Management" of the FGBOU VO "Perm State Agricultural Academy" received the "Diploma of the winner of the Perm regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in the history of Russian entrepreneurship for students and graduate students."
The winner of the regional stage of the Olympiad was Petukhova Veronika Andreevna, a 4th year student, the direction of training "Management" of the FSBEI HE "Perm State Agricultural Academy". Veronika received a “Diploma of the Winner of the Perm Regional Stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in the History of Russian Entrepreneurship for Students and Postgraduates”, a cash prize and went to Moscow for the federal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad.
The federal stage of the Olympiad was held on March 28, 2016 at the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, who is also a co-organizer of the All-Russian Olympiad.
On March 29, 2016, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the II All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian business was held in the State Duma. The best of the best were awarded by State Duma Speaker, Chairman of the Russian Historical Society Sergei Naryshkin, co-chairman of Delovaya Rossiya Nikolai Levitsky, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Irina Yarovaya and other deputies, leaders of Delovaya Rossiya and members of the competition commission.
Congratulations to all participants and winners! We wish you further creative victories!

On March 10, SPbSUE hosted the grand opening of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad on the history of Russian business, organized by the Russian Historical Society, which is the main partner this project, and the all-Russian public organization "Business Russia".

More than a hundred students from leading universities and colleges of the city and the region took part in the Olympiad.

SPbSUE Vice-Rector for Research Elena Gorbashko warmly welcomed the participants and, addressing the guys as future entrepreneurs, noted that it was important to learn to rely on past experience, which was also once innovative.

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Finance Veronika Shubaeva noted that it was thanks to the creative energy of entrepreneurs, their active life position, readiness to constantly learn, seek and implement new things that Russia has become one of the world's leading powers.

“To create an image of an entrepreneur-philanthropist, a philanthropist, a person who is ready to invest in the development of his city - this is the task of the Olympiad. In a few years, it is the current students who will determine the economic policy of our country. It is important that they have formed the right values,” emphasized Maxim Vinter, co-chairman of the St. Petersburg branch of Delovaya Rossiya, in his opening speech.

“For the third year, the Olympiad is being held with the active support of the Department of Business Economics of St. Petersburg State University of Economics. It is a great honor for the university to become a platform that hosts the Olympiad. We hope that this status will be fixed for us, and the Olympiad will be held at our site every year,” emphasized Elena Yaluner, head of the department. The Olympiad helps students to study history not through wars and revolutions, but through examples of entrepreneurs and patrons.

The Olympiad was supported by both researchers and teachers, as well as acting businessmen. “We responded with pleasure to the offer to help organize the Olympics,” stressed Gennady Vetrov, member of the Council of St. Petersburg Business Russia, Chairman of the Board of PJSC Energomashbank. - I remember how one-sidedly they taught the history of Russian entrepreneurship in the past. It’s good that now the situation has changed dramatically and children can learn from worthy examples.”

Also, the participants of the scientific competition were greeted by Elena Gruznova, executive secretary of the branch of the Russian Historical Society in St. Petersburg, and Pavel Fedorov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin. They prepared special interesting gifts for the ten best participants.

The finalists of the Olympiad will be awarded valuable prizes. The winner, who takes first place, will take part in the final stage, which will take place at the end of March and will be held in Moscow on the basis of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

III All-Russian Olympiad on the History of Russian Entrepreneurship

Information mail

III All-Russian Olympics

on the history of Russian business

(Primorsky regional stage)

Vladivostok, about. Russian, Ajaks settlement, 10, FEFU campus,

building B, conference hall "Morskoy"

March 02-03, 2017 Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) on the basis of the School of Economics and Management (SEM) holds an Olympiad for students and postgraduates of educational institutions on the history of Russian entrepreneurship.

The Olympiad is the Primorsky regional stage of the III All-Russian Student Olympiad on the History of Russian Entrepreneurship, which is organized by the All-Russian Public Organization "Business Russia" and is held jointly with the Russian Historical Society (

With this letter, we invite students and graduate students of educational institutions of Primorsky Krai to take part in the Olympiad.

The form of participation in the Olympiad is full-time, the winners are identified in the individual championship. FROM full rules can be found on the official website of the Olympiad

Persons who take 1-3 places will be awarded cash prizes. The winner of the regional stage, who took 1st place, will be sent to Moscow at the expense of the organizers (tentative date: late March-early April 2017) to represent Primorsky Krai at the federal stage of the III All-Russian Student Olympiad on the history of Russian business, which will be held at Moscow State University . M. V. Lomonosov.

All participants of the regional stage of the Student Olympiad will receive participation certificates to replenish their own portfolio.

To prepare for the Olympiad, the tasks of the regional stages of 2015-2016. will be placed in the public domain on the page of the FEFU School of Economics and Management in the News section and on the Primorsky regional office All-Russian public organization "Business Russia" in the section "Our projects" - "History of Russian entrepreneurship" and no later than February 24, 2017, answers to tasks will be posted there.

Place and time of the regional stage of the Olympiad: Vladivostok, about. Russian, 10 Ajax, FEFU campus, building B, Morskoy conference hall.

March 02, 2017 from 0930 - the grand opening of the Olympiad, the implementation individual assignments(time to complete tasks - at least 4 hours), the work of the jury (competition commission).

March 03, 2017 from 10:00 am – announcement of the results, awarding of the winners, presentation of the deluxe edition of the Business Russia project of Amir Khisamutdinov’s book “Own the East: Entrepreneurs of the Far East – Enlighteners and Patrons (How It All Began)”. - Vladivostok: Frontier, 2016. - 464 p.: ill., solemn presentation of copies of the book to representatives of secondary schools and universities of Primorsky Krai for replenishment library collections educational institutions and the presentation of books to especially distinguished students, in the performance of competitive tasks, according to an authoritative jury. Autograph session by A. Khisamutdinov.

Participation in the Olympiad is free, no registration fee is charged. Travel and accommodation at the expense of the participants. For non-resident participants, paid accommodation in hotel rooms on the FEFU campus is possible.

To participate in the Olympiad, no later than February 28, 2017, fill out and send to the organizers the Registration form of the participant at email [email protected] or register online:

The time of the Olympiad events may be adjusted, stay tuned for possible changes on the website in the "Our Projects" - "History of Russian Entrepreneurship" section.

For all questions of registration and participation in the Olympiad, please contact the organizing committee ( [email protected]), the contact person is Alexey Vladimirovich Vasilkovsky, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management, School of Economics and Management, Far Eastern Federal University (phone / WhatsApp +79084431403).