The project "preparation of gifted students for subject Olympiads" project on technology on the topic. History of success. The absolute winner of the All-Russian Olympiad in Technology - on the creation of a winning project, perfectionism and the influence of clothes on success

  • 30.12.2020

A gifted child will not be able to realize his abilities without the conditions created for this. Environment should be such that the child could draw information from it, should help him self-actualize, constantly expand the zone of his proximal development and form a motivational sphere.

So, for the successful preparation of schoolchildren for the Olympiad, it is necessary: ​​firstly, the desire of the teacher to do this, and secondly, the presence of inquisitive, searching, enthusiastic schoolchildren. And there are such children in our school!



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Karaduvan Secondary School"


Preparation of gifted students for subject Olympiads

Program developer:

technology teacher

Fatkyrakhmanov R.A. .

Baltasi 2013

Brief summary of the project

The Olympic movement is part of a large and serious work to develop the talents, intellect and giftedness of schoolchildren. The giftedness of the child, manifested in the intellectual or creative activity attracts special attention of teachers. The sooner the teacher discovers the priorities in the personal development of the child, the easier and faster the process of forming a student's self-esteem of his achievements, building an individual educational route.

A gifted child will not be able to realize his abilities without the conditions created for this. The environment should be such that the child can draw information from it, should help him to fulfill himself, constantly expand his zone of proximal development and form a motivational sphere.

So, for the successful preparation of schoolchildren for the Olympiad, it is necessary: ​​firstly, the desire of the teacher to do this, and secondly, the presence of inquisitive, searching, enthusiastic schoolchildren. And there are such children in our school!

It is often said about gifted people that they have a “Spark of God” in them, but in order for this spark to ignite a flame, and in relation to science this is the flame of talent, considerable efforts must be made.

My system of work with gifted children includes the following components:

Identification of gifted children;

Development of creative abilities in the classroom;

Development of abilities in extracurricular activities (olympiads, competitions, research work);

Creation of conditions for the comprehensive development of gifted children.

First of all, gifted children must be able to identify. They have a number of features: they are inquisitive, persistent in finding answers, often ask deep questions, are prone to reflection, and have a good memory. Having identified such children, the school should teach them to think, to do everything possible to develop their abilities. The first assistant in this matter is the interest of students in the subject.

Relevance and prospects of the project

The relevance of the choice of the topic is due to the modernization of education, where one of the directions is the quality of knowledge associated with increasing the effectiveness of teaching in subject disciplines, taking into account the personality-oriented approach.

Technology is an object with which you can develop a child by influencing the motor skills of the hands, calm his nervous system, teach him to think figuratively, help a person in the socio-economic aspect by teaching him to make household items with his own hands, and prepare him for the harsh truth of life.

1.2 Project problem

The problem of giftedness is currently becoming more and more relevant:

  • low motivation of students to independent cognitive activity
  • creation of a system that develops a creative personality.

The educational standard on technology orients the teacher to the organization of the educational process, in which the leading role is assigned to the independent cognitive activity of students, provides for the formation of schoolchildren's general labor skills, universal methods of activity and key competencies.

I strive for the child to work on himself, that is, to be able to independently set and solve tasks, since it is possible to stimulate creative activity and develop it only through self-education. I start self-education, saying that when you follow someone, the road is not remembered, and the one along which you yourself will never be forgotten, and that "Talent is 1% of ability, and 99% of sweating."

Identification and selection of children with signs of giftedness: observations of parents and teachers, diagnostics of the level of development of abilities and readiness for learning according to the data curricula(usually increased difficulty and volume) and in this educational institution. Theory and practice show that for greater efficiency, this diagnosis cannot be limited to the use of only one or two methods and must include three stages: general group diagnosis, individual diagnosis and interview. The methods used to solve this problem can be different, since the main requirement for them is to ensure the possibility of finding and selecting “your student”.

1.3 Purpose of the project

To create a model of work with gifted children in the conditions of a modern rural school to prepare them for successful performance at subject Olympiads

- preparing students for independent labor activity, development and education of a well-educated, cultural, creative, enterprising and enterprising personality

1.4 Project objectives:

Development and approbation of scientific teaching materials on the formation and development of students' competencies:

  • logical thinking
  • intellectual and creative abilities
  • instilling the skill of independent search for information
  • development of cognitive activity
  • development of students' skills to organize their work and leisure
  • development of communication skills

Creating a space for creative self-expression of students, characterized by a comfortable psychological climate and positive motivation

- formation of a bank of creative products

2. Project implementation

Basic commandments:

· a person, if he is in his place, will certainly be useful, so help him find his place;

· success is a set of small things corrected in time;

· strong is not the one who has never fallen, only the one who, falling, gets up, is strong;

· if the talent is sleeping, then it must be awakened;

· don't forget to use the "global web" resource from now on.

2. 1 Identification of gifted children:

According to experts, only 2-5% of children have special intellectual and creative abilities, whose IQ (intelligence quotient) is 125 units. Specially gifted children develop in different ways, but most of them (at least 85%) are ahead of their peers and therefore they are often called "wunderkinds" (wonder children). It is noted, however, that often this gift "disappears" over the years. Indeed, only a very small part of the former "wunderkinds" realize their abilities in professional activity. The literature provides sad statistics regarding gifted children who have taken place in the profession; at best, their number does not exceed 2-3%.

Gifted children can be identified using " success":

Konk at rsov

Those with tov

Original questions

Subject Olympiads

Non-standard tasks

Individual conversations

2.2 Model for working with gifted children

A well-organized brain

worth more than a brain

well filled.

M. Montaigne

The main goal when working with children is to turn inclinations into abilities. This can be achieved only if the student has positive emotions.

(The thing is that not any activity develops abilities, but only those activities during which positive emotions arise. If you do a lot with a child, then you can teach him something, you can even achieve good marks, but in order for his talents to develop , he needs to enjoy doing it himself).

Model of work with a gifted child

Initially, a positively charged core (students and teacher) is created, which is involved in cognitive activity. I talk a lot with talented guys. At these psychological consultations, I teach the child how to regulate their mental activity, help in determining their cognitive qualities, in assessing their weak and strengths, in discovering and using ways to develop the work of your intellect. The child's consciousness is in its infancy, and that is why I make sure that the creative potential is not wasted, but only multiplied. In order to work with talented youth, you need to work hard on yourself, that is, constantly improve yourself. The planets that make up school life revolve along the orbits of cognitive activity. Every year the planets move to a new, better orbit of cognitive activity.

Starting a new academic year, I think about the work ahead, I ask myself questions: “How to interest my students in the subject?”, “How to achieve better academic performance?”, “How to develop students?” I have my own method, my own methods. Having studied various teaching technologies, I came to the conclusion that the technology of developmental education is closer to me in order to identify gifted children.

Methodology for the implementation of a figurative practical approach in technology lessons.

1. Working with illustrative material(showing visual and photographic material or a finished product in order to increase motivation to study new material):

Showing the illustrated material at the beginning of the lesson provides a positive emotional mood, creates the first figurative impression. Then the text of the paragraph or the teacher's story, or practical work lay down on prepared soil, and new material perceived more easily and remembered for a long time.

2. Demonstration of samples revealing the features of the technology product manufacturing, selection of objects of work.

3. An effective form of knowledge control:individual and frontal oral questioning, written test, a survey using task cards (text, in the form of drawings), tasks - triads (three pairs of elements in the table), tasks - canons (the table is built according to a certain rule that should be determined).

4. Using the design method.

This is a combination of reproductive and productive activities that allows you to combine and combine formal knowledge with practical experience. The method of projects is focused on the independent activity of students. Independent creative work performed by students or a group under the guidance of a teacher. AT educational field“Technology” project method is a complex process that forms general educational skills and abilities in schoolchildren, the basics of technological literacy, work culture and is based on mastering formations, technologies and processing. The project activity includes a number of conditional stages:

  • Search and research involves determining the needs and opportunities for activities based on the ability to generate and analyze ideas, formulate a topic educational project(problems), form intrinsic motivation in the acquisition of new knowledge by students. Sources of information can be textbooks, reference books, magazines, books, newspapers, radio and television, telephone conversations, a database on electronic media, in the Internet system, special directories.
  • Technological includes planning, drawing up the necessary documentation, organizing safe working conditions, observing technological discipline, work culture, and quality of work. This stage is central, fundamental, backbone, associated with productive activity, the result of which is an object project activities, for example, research work on technology issues (souvenir, product, model).
  • The final stage includes design and presentation, its evaluation by the performer, other students and the teacher. As an assessment of the result of the project, constructive, technological, environmental and marketing criteria, originality and quality of work can be used. Through the experience gained, one gets acquainted with production, marketing, entrepreneurship, the world of professions, and links between theoretical knowledge and the practical world are established and built.

5. Increasing the effectiveness of lessons through the use of developing teaching methods.

One of the main ways of forming cognitive interest, intellectual activity, and creative independence of schoolchildren is the improvement of the forms and methods of teaching, which do not imply the communication of ready-made knowledge to students, but the organization of the process of self-acquisition of knowledge. It is known that the most effective form of learning is a learning game. It forms new approaches in the relationship “teacher-student” and “student-student”. In the game, a living world is revealed to children, they develop Creative skills personality. After all, it is no secret that those silent people, from whom the words cannot be pulled out in the lesson, happen in games to become as active as we are in class - lesson weekdays are not able to imagine. The game, by its content alone, takes the children to a new psychological state. In the game, they acquire not only equality, but also a real opportunity to become leaders, to lead others. Having felt the taste for the games, the guys are included in their preparation, they read a wide variety of literature, periodicals. There is an expansion of the circle of interests of schoolchildren, the need for independent acquisition of knowledge is instilled and consolidated.

The game is much more difficult and difficult to conduct than a traditional lesson, as it requires preliminary work, cooperation between the student and the teacher. In my work, I actively use a variety of, including entertaining, forms of teaching, consolidating and testing students' knowledge. To develop and maintain interest in the subject, I use, if possible, musical fragments, poems, and fiction.

Lesson - marathon at the stage of generalizing control in front of each student cards with tasks. The goal of each is to go through all the stages as quickly as possible and score more points. In the next lesson, the students change tasks.

Availability game situations involve role-playing games when imaginary characters act. The most interesting are role-playing games such as press-conferences, travel games.

A press conference is possible in the 8th grade on the topic “Construction drawing”.

I often offer students crossword puzzles, puzzles, logical squares, lotto, tangrams. Based on additional literature, girls prepare small reports, reports, which develops research skills.

In high school, testing, which I accompany, gives an effect “ intellectual warm-up”: a crossword puzzle on the board or a task like “the third extra

2.3 Stages of project implementation

2.4 Expected final results project:

  • improving the system of work with gifted children;
  • creation of conditions for targeted identification, support and development of gifted children, their self-realization, professional self-determination in accordance with their abilities;
  • providing each child with equal starting opportunities in the realization of interests;
  • stimulation of motivation for the development of abilities;
  • formation of a system for monitoring the quality of education of gifted children;
  • holding competitions, conferences, olympiads; increase in the number of children actively involved in creative, intellectual activities; acquisition of self-development skills.

3. Theoretical base of the project.

  1. Labor training methodology,V.P. Kuznetsov Ya.A. Rozhnev, 1988.
  2. Methods of pedagogical technique, A.Gin, 1999
  3. Educational technology: from admission to practice, V.V. Guzeev, 1996
  4. Problem-Based Learning, “School and Production”, 1988
  5. Problem-Based Learning: Key Issues in Theory, M.I.Makhmutov, 1985
  6. Triz (the theory of inventive problem solving), A.Gin, 2002
  7. Personally - oriented learning in modern school I.S. Yakimanskaya, 1996
  8. Personal development in learning,E.N. Shiyanova, I.B. Kotova, 1999
  9. Pedagogical psychology, I.A. Zimnyaya, 1997
  10. Modern educational technologies, G.K.Selevko, 1998
  11. Internet resources


teacher of technology MBOU "Karaduvanskaya secondary school" on the work done to implement the project "Preparing gifted students for subject Olympiads at the republican level" within the framework of the grant "Our best teacher" in September-October 2013.

Stages of project implementation

Organizational stage (2013 - 2014) - includes the development of a program for a search system, targeted identification and support of gifted children.

The implementation stage (2013-2015) is associated with direct work with gifted students. At this stage, it is planned to organize and conduct subject Olympiads, conferences and competitions, organize research activities of students, participate in regional and regional Olympiads. Psychological and pedagogical support is provided for gifted children.

The final stage (2015-2016) - involves monitoring and analyzing the implementation of the project and the results achieved, identifying the problems that arose during the implementation of the project, ways to solve them and draw up perspective plan further work in this direction.

Tasks of the first stage of the project:

The study of theoretical and practical approaches to working with gifted children in preparing them for subject Olympiads

The following work has been done on the project

No. pp

Name of work performed


Study of the regulatory framework for the preparation and implementation of the project

Folder with regulatory documents

Drawing up a work plan for gifted students


Preparation of the material base of the technology cabinet for active work with gifted children

Project Corner

Preparation and holding of the school round of the All-Russian Olympiad in Technology

Tests, puzzles

Preparing students for the municipal round of the All-Russian Olympiad in Technology



To enter a university, it is not necessary to pass the exam with a high score. There is alternative way- become the winner of the All-Russian stage of the school Olympiad. In words, everything is very simple and clear, but in reality the Olympiad is hard work that requires thorough and lengthy preparation, extensive knowledge and perseverance. We talked with the absolute winner of the All-Russian Olympiad in Technology - 2018, a student of the 11th grade of Lyceum No. 145 in Kazan Adiley Nazyrova about the "Olympic" lifestyle, sources of inspiration and plans to create his own clothing line.

I have been interested in needlework since the age of 6. Technology teacher in grades 5–6 Tatyana Alexandrovna Vlasova taught me the basics of sewing. Then I studied at school No. 170 in Kazan. In the 7th grade, I entered the physics and mathematics class of Lyceum No. 145 and became interested in other subjects, including Tatar literature, and won the regional Olympiad in this subject. However, after a year, my interest in sewing resumed: I began to search the Internet for information on modeling, read books on sewing and sewed my first dress. That year, a student of the 11th grade of our lyceum became the winner of the All-Russian Olympiad in Technology. I thought about this competition all summer long, learned all the information, and at the beginning of the new academic year, I approached my technology teacher with a desire to take part in the Olympiad in her subject.

This year I became the absolute winner of the All-Russian Technology Olympiad. I went to this victory for three years, every year I improved my projects and climbed one step higher. In the 9th grade, I won the republican round, last year I became the winner of the All-Russian stage of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in this subject. This year my technology teacher and I Irina Arkadyevna Mitrofanova we thought for a long time about the ideas of the project, evaluated last year's works presented at the All-Russian Olympiad. We needed to create a project that could be better than all others. As a result, we found such an idea, implemented it and achieved our goal.

I presented at the Olympics innovative project"Playing together" to design clothes with children's educational games. The collection created for the project consists of 17 items for 4 models: mom, dad, daughter and son. It includes t-shirts, skirts, trousers, shorts, vest, top, shoes and accessories, 4 of them have educational games. Mom's skirt is a mini-game center, which includes three games: Adventure Game, Entertaining Math and Fun ABC, which contribute to the development of fine motor skills, logical thinking and figurative perception of the material. Three games are also hidden in dad's vest: table football, "Tools" and "Secrets of the Universe", which introduce the names of the planets and the tools that men need in everyday life. The daughter's top contains detachable elements with the games "Checkers", "Kingley" and "Geometric Tetris", and the adventure game "Treasure Island" is hidden in the son's vest: in order to open the chest located on the back of the vest, you need to go through the quest and find lock key. In addition, each of the models has accessories, for example, mom has a bag-house with games to develop orientation in space and familiarize children with the rules traffic. In dad's backpack there is a book that develops logical thinking, teaches the child to read and write. Daughter's bag easily turns into a self-assembled tablecloth. The bag contains dishes of the Tatar national cuisine: chak-chak, vak belesh, talkysh keleve, ochpochmak, kystyby, bavyrsak and a tea set made of felt. With this set, children can learn the names of Tatar dishes and the rules of etiquette. For my son, I sewed a bag of fishing tackle, which I also made myself. While playing fishing, children learn the names of the inhabitants of the water depths, learn to distinguish between sea and river animals. To use, it is enough to lay out these clothes and accessories on the table, on the floor or on the ground in the park.

At the invitation of the University of Talents, opera singer and presenter Ruslan Zakirov helped me prepare for the performance at the Olympiad. At the regional stage, I was recommended to improve my presentation. I approached the Talent University with a request to find an expert who would help make my presentation interesting, and this is how I met Ruslan Zakirov. Thanks to working with him, I was able to adequately present my project at the Olympiad and interest the jury. My presentation was clear and well structured, and my speech artistic. I have never performed so well. I alone would not be able to prepare such a presentation.

The desire to win, ambition, dedication, hard work - that's what helped me achieve success. If you have the will, you can do the impossible. During the preparation of the project for the Olympiad, I had many questions and problems regarding tailoring. For example, for sewing T-shirts, I needed a special sewing machine for knitwear. I agreed with one atelier and sewed for them for 3-4 hours over several days. I really liked the idea of ​​the project, the desire to implement it was strong, and it pushed me to find solutions, deal with incomprehensible moments and acquire new skills.

My grandmother gave me a sewing machine in the 5th grade. Nothing would have happened without her. I sew all the time on this machine. For any holiday I create a new outfit for myself. Sometimes I finish at 3 am, and at 6 am I get up and go to the event. My great-grandmother was a professional dressmaker. She sewed clothes for several villages day and night, she was a craftswoman. Perhaps I inherited her talent.

You need to pay a lot of attention to your clothes, especially when you participate in any event. I'm in Everyday life I wear not eye-catching clothes, but for events I try to wear something bright, noticeable. I agree with the proverb "Meet by clothes, see off by mind." Clothing is a calling card that will probably start your success.

If I created my own clothing line, it would be done in colorful and bright colors. I would borrow some elements from Dolce & Gabbana. I really like the clothes of this brand: its pretentiousness and variety of colors are chic. I don't know how you can create such beautiful clothes.

I think being a perfectionist is good. I also have this quality. I am an excellent student at school, I strive to do everything in the best possible way, I participate in olympiads and in other subjects. This year she became the winner of the regional stage of the Olympiad in Tatar literature and participated in the international Olympiad in the Tatar language. The desire to be the best helps a lot during the creation of the project, it also helped me in the Olympiad.

I am motivated by competition and my mother. Mom gladly accepts all my ideas, supports them during their implementation and shows how best to proceed. She tells me very often that I'm good. To a greater extent, I am grateful to her, because when no one supports you, it is very difficult. And competition pushes me every day to become better.

Even if no one believes in you but yourself, you can succeed. The detachment of others causes resentment, which increases perseverance, the desire to win and show everyone that you can. I also had those moments.

The Olympics takes a lot of effort, but the result is worth it. The Technology Olympiad lasts one week and consists of several rounds, which include the completion of theoretical and practical tasks and the defense of the project. The theoretical part includes questions not only on modeling, sewing and household, but also issues related to physics, history, chemistry, biology, literature, economics. There was also a question about the professions of the future - the knowledge gained at the University of Talents helped me. The whole week passes in a tense atmosphere, it is not easy to endure. By the end of the Olympiad, you begin to think: “On next year I won't participate." But in a year you sit down to do new project, and those stages that I went through the previous time already seem easier. “The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet” - this is about the Olympics. You need to work very hard, invest in yourself, overcome laziness. And the one who becomes the winner receives a cash prize, status and admission to a university.

Thanks to the Olympiad, I can enter the budget department of any specialized Russian university without taking into account the results of the USE. It remains only to choose a university. I think at the expense of the St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, on the basis of which the All-Russian stage of the Olympiad in Technology was held. I also consider Kazan: in KFU there is a design direction where you can do fashion design, and you won’t have to leave anywhere.

While preparing for the Olympiad in Technology, I was very inspired by the champion Alina Zagitova. I have watched her performance at the Olympics many times. I admire her diligence, perseverance and perseverance. Her example had a profound effect on me.

Talent University is a friend who will always support and never leave. He helped me in many ways. After attending the educational modules of the University of Talents, I changed: I became more confident, sociable, learned to set goals that fit my abilities, and this contributed to my victory at the Olympiad. I used to do everything myself, and teamwork was a big problem for me. And on the modules I had to constantly work in a team, and I gradually learned to take into account the opinions of others. At the events of the University of Talents, I met talented and creative people who understand me, and we continue to communicate. I am very grateful to the Talent University.

My motto is "Never give up". When you get tired or something does not work out, the desire to continue the work you have started disappears. During the preparation for the Olympics, there were also moments when I wanted to quit everything. My motto helped me move on.

Leysan Fayzullina,
Talent University Media Lab

Technology Olympiad aims to increase prestige and quality technological preparation students, developing their creative abilities, engaging in original and practically valuable projects, as well as identifying and encouraging the most capable students and creative technology teachers.

The role of applied knowledge has increased all over the world, which is reflected in the appearance in the curricula of many countries of the subject "Technology", the main focus of which is project activity. Technology reflects the totality of the concentrated foundations of all areas of knowledge accumulated by mankind in obtaining, transforming and using materials and information. It is precisely the subject that helps schoolchildren to combine disparate knowledge in individual branches of science, shows where and how this knowledge can be used.

With the right approach, the method of projects can become a method that can link together the solution of many problems, which allows you to qualitatively verify the content of topics and sections of the program, the level of assimilation of educational material by students, activates the creative development of the individual and forms the qualities necessary for successful social adaptation.

The project method is a comprehensive teaching method, a method of developmental teaching, which allows you to individualize the educational process, allows the student to show independence in planning, organizing and controlling their activities.

A student project is a creative, completed work, corresponding to the child's age capabilities, performed independently, but under the guidance of a teacher, and resulting in a socially significant product or service.

With all the problems in organizing the teaching of "Technology" in schools in our region, since 2005, Olympiads have been held in this subject. The first stage is school, the second is district, the third is regional. The winners of the regional stage participate in the final All-Russian stage technology olympiads. At the first and second stages, almost all districts perform, and at the third stage, many districts do not send their representatives of the winners because they cannot or do not want to find the funds necessary for the children to live in Voronezh. Thus, they do not give children the opportunity to prove themselves in this area, and in the future, perhaps, the opportunity to enter a pedagogical university without exams.

The venue for the third stage of the Technology Olympiad is the workshops and classrooms of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University. Students of grades 8-11 submit projects for the Olympiad in the basic sections of the mandatory minimum content in technology (technologies for processing structural and ornamental materials; culture at home; technologies for processing fabrics and food products; artistic processing of materials; electrical and Electronics; agricultural production technologies).

Creative projects cover one or more technology content sections and include educational material both from general sections (information technology; drawing and graphics; basics of entrepreneurship; basics of design, professional self-determination), and from various fundamentals of the sciences studied at school, which helps students understand the meaning of knowledge in practical activities.

The Olympics are held in two directions: technical labor(boys) and service labor (girls) in three stages: checking theoretical knowledge (testing), testing practical skills (performing practical task according to instructional and technological maps) and protection of the project. Moreover, the project evaluates: its practical part, explanatory note and public defense of the project using electronic presentation.

The experience of participating in regional and regional competitions indicates that in the process of preparing students for the defense of a creative project, often insufficient attention is paid to the content of the presentation and the quality of its design. As a result, the evaluation of the project defense is reduced due to the impossibility of understanding the motives for choosing a topic, the fuzzy presentation of the content of the work stages.

A teacher helping a student to carry out a creative project should tell him how to prepare a high-quality presentation and conduct a pre-defense, teaching the author of the project to correctly use the material posted on the slides, skillfully supplementing his report with it, which is given no more than seven minutes during the defense. When creating a multimedia presentation, it is necessary to achieve maximum information saturation of the product while ensuring the simplicity and transparency of the presented material.

Each phrase must be critically considered: will the listeners understand it? Cumbersome and slurred phrases should be ruthlessly removed from the presentation. Any phrase should be informative and necessary for commenting on a particular slide;

Congestion and small print are difficult to perceive, underloading leaves the impression that the speech is superficial and poorly prepared;

List items are short phrases; maximum - two lines per phrase, optimally - one line. Reading a long phrase diverts attention from the report. short phrase easier to remember visually;

Each phrase should logically lead to the following phrases - in the end, the whole performance should be subordinated to the main goal. The report cannot repeat the same thought, even in other words - time is precious.

Already the first representatives of the Voronezh region at the VI All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology showed good results and were awarded certificates and gifts. This is Fartygina Elina, currently a 1st year master's student in the direction of "Technological Education", Kitaev Evgeny - graduated from the Voronezh State Pedagogical University in 2009, having received a diploma of a specialist, Zavrazhnov Dmitry. Every year the winners of the regional Olympiad take part in the All-Russian Olympiad in Technology and always win prizes or receive awards in various categories.

But along with the achievements of the Olympiad, the problems of technological education in general and the level of training in certain areas and sections of technology in particular are revealed. Thus, the results of practical tours showed a rather low level of students' skills in modern sewing machines; insufficiently good use of instructional and technological maps; not always informative presentation. A lot of criticism from the jury is caused by the negligent attitude of both students and teachers to the observance of safety regulations during the practical tour in the educational workshops of the VSPU and at the stages of implementation creative projects(this is revealed during the review of the explanatory notes). I would like to see more social projects, in electrical engineering and electronics, in local history; complex multifunctional projects using little-known or new technologies.

The implementation of projects contributes not only to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also plays an important role in the development of students' creative abilities, in identifying their interests and inclinations, which in turn forms a professional orientation and desire to engage in research work. Students who entered our university based on the results of Olympiads are characterized, as a rule, only with positive side: they study well, are active, many of them continue their studies in the magistracy. Possession of project activities allows students to deeply appreciate the significance of "Technology" in human life and society is determined by the requirements.


Chapter 1. Ways to implement the method of creative projects in general education high school

1 Project method

2 Ways to implement the project method

Chapter 2

1 Experience in holding Olympiads on the basis of VSPU

2 Proposal for preparing for the defense of creative projects

Chapter 3. Development of proposals for the implementation of creative projects for students of the 7th grade

1 Choosing a Creative Project Theme

2 Design

3 Manufacturing

4 Preparation for the defense of the creative project "Modernization of the carpentry workbench"




Integration, modern education, represents a new stage in the creative development of the child, which includes modern approaches, requirements, skills, combined into a single whole. The best reflection of the creative abilities of children is the holding of olympiads and the development of creative projects. Development of creative projects that allow the child to open up and express himself.

The topic of our WRC is: "Preparation of creative projects for participation in the Olympiads."

· To study the features of the implementation of the method of creative projects in a comprehensive secondary school

· To explore the features of preparing creative projects for the defense of their Olympiad in technology

· Develop proposals for the implementation of creative projects for students of the 7th grade

Chapter 1. Ways to implement the method of creative projects in a comprehensive secondary school

.1 Project method

The project method is a didactic tool that contributes to the formation of goal-setting skills and allows students to find the best ways to achieve the formulated goals with appropriate guidance from the teacher.

It applies to both collective and individual work students.

With the didactically correct use of the method, the developing and educating components of the educational process are fully implemented. The formation of a sustainable interest among students in this form of teaching is an obligatory pedagogical task solved by the teacher. Skills of student self-government, formed and improved during collective forms activities, create the prerequisites for the maximum use of the mental abilities of each student, allow him to show his unique individuality at certain stages of activity. At the same time, students self-determine the circle possible problems for individual and collective problem solving. It is advisable to introduce students to both inductive and deductive methods of problem solving. Solving problems by ascending from the abstract to the concrete can be recommended as more preferable. The establishment of various analogies is also an effective means of finding fundamentally new solutions determined by the requirements.

The main task is to increase the technological literacy of students in every possible way. Design technologies (including their own activities) underlie the project method, so students should first of all be familiar with the basic design strategies.

It is important to form them sustained interest to technological creativity that contributes to the understanding of the structure and composition technological process in a generalized form and ensures the transfer of acquired knowledge to a wide variety of situations.

The level of independence (inventive activity) of students can be taken into account similarly to the coefficient of labor participation.

The ideal pedagogical option can be considered the activity of students according to the project method, when it is consistent with the individual motives and needs of the student, which is difficult to implement in a real pedagogical process. But such an opportunity should be provided to students at least occasionally, for example, using the project method to create what is necessary for the student educational equipment, device, etc.

The didactic system of education provides for the widespread use of heuristic and research methods in the learning process, which must satisfy the creative needs of students. The research method of teaching, the brigade-laboratory method, the method of experiments, which were widely used in pedagogical practice, along with some negative influence on the personality of students - a decrease in the general educational level, a decrease in the quality of knowledge of basic sciences - had a clearly expressed developmental orientation. Negative pedagogical consequences arose, as a rule, as a result of a violation of the didactic patterns of building the learning process. This is also true for the project method, which reveals its pedagogical effectiveness only when it is didactically applied correctly. The teacher develops clear and understandable both for himself and for students the goals and objectives of teaching (learning) at each specific stage of the educational process. Control and self-control ensure the effectiveness of mastering necessary knowledge determined by requirements.

Educational, upbringing and developmental functions of training in the complex can be implemented against the background of high emotional activity of students. In this sense, it is advisable by all means to draw attention to the human factors of transformative activity, to its motivation, vital necessity, satisfaction of needs, aesthetic and ergonomic components, to the constructive, rather than destructive aspects of relationships.

The emotional coloring of the learning process contributes to the creation of workable creative teams of students united by a common goal, motivated to achieve this goal within a given time frame. A sense of responsibility to the teacher and classmates is formed, the ability to self-evaluate one's own achievements and to develop individual learning technologies. Schoolchildren act on the basis of positive attitudes, they are able to experience and empathize with successes and failures.

Through the project method, it is possible to establish strong links between the theoretical knowledge of students and their practical transformative activities. The humanistic orientation of students' activities on the basis of taking into account the human factors of creation creates the prerequisites for the formation of such personality traits in schoolchildren as determination and will in the process of implementation own developments into practice.

When using the project method, a clearly expressed contradiction arises between the need to improve the general educational level of students and their personal needs and interests. It is permissible to allow students to choose tasks that simulate life situations of interest to them, but with the obligatory condition of coordinating the goals of the project activity with the structure of the educational program.

The project method is a system of learning in which learning is realized through planning (designing) and doing. Pedagogical technology "Method of projects" is an open and developing system that can be improved on the basis of taking into account the best pedagogical experience determined by the requirements.

The structure of the mental activity of students in solving problems by the method of projects is similar to the mental activity of a professional designer with the addition of the stage of implementing the project in practice by doing. It should be noted that the main task of the teacher is to organize the educational activities of schoolchildren in a form that models the fundamental stages of design technology. Both material objects and production situations and from the service sector can be designed.

It is appropriate to note that the modeling activity of the teacher is the leading one and is aimed at recreating (modeling) the structure and content of the technology being studied (mastered) by students in the educational process.

At the first stage, all upcoming actions are designed by students in a theoretical form with the obligatory identification of possible problems and contradictions and with the development of options for overcoming them. At the second stage, all ideas are tested (implemented) in practice. All practical actions are carried out on the basis of the developed activity strategy. As the project is implemented, the theoretical constructions of students can be refined and specified, and adjustments can be made to them. The general structure of activity remains unchanged, recreating (simulating) the main patterns of design technology determined by the requirements.

The teacher can include sections of the basics of design in the content of any educational courses that he teaches. The content of project assignments should be consistent with the topics of the sections of the course being studied. In accordance with the specifics of the course taught, the teacher can offer students special project tasks related to the subject of the OO "Technology" and other types of labor activity.

With all options for constructing the educational process, it is recommended that students pay attention to the following concepts:

basic information about the design;

design methods;

personal (human) design factors;

design technology;

artistic design;

· technology of evaluation of proposed projects.

An important problem for the teacher is to show students the creative content of the professions they are interested in, since students must be aware of the need for social creativity in all areas of work is determined by the requirements.

.2 Ways to implement the method of projects

Variants of creative projects for participation in the Olympiads, taking into account the age capabilities of students in grades 5-8, are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Options for creative projects

Direction The theme of the creative project Age Circles "Making a box with elements of geometric carving" Grade 6-7 "Making a plate with contour carving" Grade 6-7 "Flat-relief carving" Grade 6-7 "Making a Glider" Grade 5-6 "Making a paper parachute" Grade 5 "Making models of the SU-27 aircraft" Grade 5-6"Making a basket from a vine" Grade 5-6"Making a casket from a vine" Grade 5-6"Making a stand from a vine" Grade 6"Making a plate from a vine" Grade 5Improving the material base of the school Improving the material base of the school "lawn mower" lathe» Grade 7-8 "Drilling machine" Grade 7-8 "cutting machine" Grade 7-8 "Bar engraving machine" Grade 7 "Drill and hand drill" Grade 7-8 "Drill" Grade 7-8 "Cutting machine" Grade 7-8 "Homemade grinding machine<#"justify">7-8 grade Chapter 2

.1 Experience in holding Olympiads on the basis of VSPU

The Technology Olympiad is aimed at increasing the prestige and quality of technological training of students, developing their creative abilities, engaging original and practically valuable projects in the implementation, as well as identifying and encouraging the most capable students and creative technology teachers.

The role of applied knowledge has increased all over the world, which is reflected in the appearance in the curricula of many countries of the subject "Technology", the main focus of which is project activity. Technology reflects the totality of the concentrated foundations of all areas of knowledge accumulated by mankind in obtaining, transforming and using materials and information. It is precisely the subject that helps schoolchildren to combine disparate knowledge in individual branches of science, shows where and how this knowledge can be used.

With the right approach, the method of projects can become a method that can link together the solution of many problems, which allows you to qualitatively verify the content of topics and sections of the program, the level of assimilation of educational material by students, activates the creative development of the individual and forms the qualities necessary for successful social adaptation.

The project method is a comprehensive teaching method, a method of developmental teaching, which allows you to individualize the educational process, allows the student to show independence in planning, organizing and controlling their activities.

A student project is a creative, completed work, corresponding to the child's age capabilities, performed independently, but under the guidance of a teacher, and resulting in a socially significant product or service.

With all the problems in organizing the teaching of "Technology" in schools in our region, since 2005, Olympiads have been held in this subject. The first stage is school, the second is district, the third is regional. The winners of the regional stage participate in the final All-Russian stage of the Technology Olympiad. At the first and second stages, almost all districts perform, and at the third stage, many districts do not send their representatives of the winners because they cannot or do not want to find the funds necessary for the children to live in Voronezh. Thus, they do not give children the opportunity to prove themselves in this area, and in the future, perhaps, the opportunity to enter a pedagogical university without exams.

The venue for the third stage of the Technology Olympiad is the workshops and classrooms of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University. Students of grades 8-11 submit projects for the Olympiad in the basic sections of the mandatory minimum content in technology (technologies for processing structural and ornamental materials; home culture; technologies for processing fabrics and food products; artistic processing of materials; electrical engineering and electronics; agricultural production technologies).

Creative projects cover one or more sections of content on technology and include educational material from both general sections (information technology; drafting and graphics; fundamentals of entrepreneurship; fundamentals of design, professional self-determination) and from various fundamentals of the sciences studied at school, which contributes to understanding students of the value of knowledge in practical activities.

Olympiads are held in two directions: technical labor (boys) and service labor (girls) in three stages: checking theoretical knowledge (testing), testing practical skills (performing a practical task according to instructional and technological maps) and defending the project. Moreover, the project evaluates: its practical part, explanatory note and public defense of the project using an electronic presentation.

The experience of participating in regional and regional competitions indicates that in the process of preparing students for the defense of a creative project, often insufficient attention is paid to the content of the presentation and the quality of its design. As a result, the evaluation of the project defense is reduced due to the impossibility of understanding the motives for choosing a topic, the fuzzy presentation of the content of the work stages.

A teacher helping a student to carry out a creative project should tell him how to prepare a high-quality presentation and conduct a pre-defense, teaching the author of the project to correctly use the material posted on the slides, skillfully supplementing his report with it, which is given no more than seven minutes during the defense. When creating a multimedia presentation, it is necessary to achieve maximum information saturation of the product while ensuring the simplicity and transparency of the presented material.

each phrase must be critically considered: will the listeners understand it? Cumbersome and slurred phrases should be ruthlessly removed from the presentation. Any phrase should be informative and necessary for commenting on a particular slide;

congestion and small print are difficult to perceive, underloading leaves the impression that the speech is superficial and poorly prepared;

list items - short phrases; maximum - two lines per phrase, optimally - one line. Reading a long phrase diverts attention from the report. A short phrase is easier to remember visually;

Already the first representatives of the Voronezh region at the VI All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology showed good results and were awarded certificates and gifts. This is Fartygina Elina, currently a 1st year master's student in the direction of "Technological Education", Kitaev Evgeny - graduated from the Voronezh State Pedagogical University in 2009, having received a diploma of a specialist, Zavrazhnov Dmitry. Every year the winners of the regional Olympiad take part in the All-Russian Olympiad in Technology and always win prizes or receive awards in various categories.

But along with the achievements of the Olympiad, the problems of technological education in general and the level of training in certain areas and sections of technology in particular are revealed. Thus, the results of practical tours showed a rather low level of students' skills in working with modern sewing machines; insufficiently good use of instructional and technological maps; not always informative presentation. A lot of criticism from the jury is caused by the careless attitude of both students and teachers to compliance with safety regulations during the practical tour in the educational workshops of the VSPU and at the stages of the implementation of creative projects (this is revealed during the verification of explanatory notes). I would like to see more social projects, in electrical engineering and electronics, in local history; complex multifunctional projects using little-known or new technologies.

The implementation of projects contributes not only to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also plays an important role in the development of students' creative abilities, in identifying their interests and inclinations, which in turn forms a professional orientation and desire to engage in research work. Students who entered our university based on the results of Olympiads, as a rule, are characterized only on the positive side: they study well, are active, many of them continue their studies in the magistracy. Possession of project activities allows students to deeply appreciate the significance of "Technology" in human life and society is determined by the requirements.

2.2 Proposal for preparing for the defense of creative projects

The experience of participating in regional Olympiads in technology testifies that in the process of preparing schoolchildren for the defense of a creative project, often insufficient attention is paid to the content of the presentation and the quality of its design. As a result, the assessment of the project defense is reduced due to the impossibility of understanding the motives for choosing a topic, the fuzzy presentation of the content of the work stages. The most common mistakes that people make when designing a presentation are:

overload of slides with textual information - duplication of sections explanatory note;

abuse of additional effects (creeping lines, scattering of letters, pulsing of selected parts of the text)

showing too complex drawings;

poor quality of photographs and careless design of graphic materials;

re-inclusion of the same or similar content slides;

the presence of slides that are not related to the project.

A technology teacher helping a student to carry out a creative project should tell him how to prepare a high-quality presentation and conduct a pre-defense, teaching the author of the project to correctly use the material placed on the slides, skillfully supplementing his report with it, which, when defending, is given no more than 7 minutes. When creating a multimedia presentation, it is necessary to achieve the maximum information richness of the product while ensuring the simplicity and transparency of the presented material.

each phrase must be critically considered: will the listeners understand it? Cumbersome and indistinct phrases follows ruthlessly

remove from the presentation. Any phrase should be informative and useful for commenting on a particular slide.

congestion and small print are difficult to perceive, underloading leaves the impression that the speech is superficial and poorly prepared.

list items - short phrases; maximum - two lines of a phrase, optimally - one line. Reading a long phrase diverts attention from the report. A short phrase is easier to remember visually.

each phrase should logically lead to the following phrases - in the end, the whole performance should be subordinated to the main goal. The report cannot repeat the same thought, even in other words - time is precious.

The following requirements can be attributed to the presentations of the type we are considering:

the optimal number of lines per slide is from 6 to 11.

the entire presentation is performed in one color palette, usually based on one template.

it is necessary to maintain a single style of representation of the formation.

it is advisable to place detailed information on the slide, and the verbal commentary should be aimed at identifying technical contradictions, justifying design decisions and choosing technological methods.

animation effects should not be reused. This is a rather primitive approach. Jury members may feel uncomfortable about being interested in this, additional effects should not be turned into an end in itself, should be kept to a minimum and used only to draw attention to the key points of the defense.

sound and visual effects should in no case come to the fore and obscure useful information: stages of product development and manufacturing.

Taking into account the recommendations developed above when developing a presentation will allow the author of the project to claim a high assessment of the defense report, and this is not unimportant, since the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads are given the right to enter the university on preferential terms.

The materials intended for teachers of history and technology who implement the project method of teaching, and used in the VSPU when creating the laboratory and practical work "Presentation for the defense of a creative project", performed by students of the specialty "Technology and Entrepreneurship" in the study of the discipline "Technical creativity" is determined by the requirements.

Chapter 3. Development of proposals for the implementation of creative projects for students of the 7th grade

.1 Choosing a Creative Project Theme

The pedagogical practice that took place in February-March 2012 prompted me to choose a topic for a creative project. Arriving with my fellow trainees at the IOC No. 2 in Voronezh. After the first few classes held together with the teacher, we faced the problem of equipping the training workshops, since the workbenches that were installed there had long ago exhausted their resources, and it was simply impossible to work on them with the children due to their unsatisfactory condition. It was not only impossible to perform any work (product) on them, but it was not safe to work on them.

It was decided to modernize the workbenches by making new metalwork vise.

When performing repair work, and attracting students to it, I thought about a creative project that, with proper preparation, could well participate in the Olympiad.

.2 Design

After the decision was made to modernize the workbenches, in particular, the manufacture of new metalwork vise. To select a bench vise, certain requirements were presented to them:

· Increase downforce;

At present, there are quite a lot of such mechanisms that meet our requirements, but all of them are quite expensive, and it is simply not possible to find funds in the middle of the academic year. Yes, and with the current attitude towards the subject of technology, compared with other subjects such as computer science, which is considered a higher priority. Therefore, it was decided to make a metalwork vice on our own, from improvised means that we had in a metalworking workshop.

We had school workbenches installed similar to the workbench shown in Figure 1. (Figure 1)

Fig.1 Carpentry workbench

A big disadvantage of such workbenches is that they are made of wooden vise, on one guide, the guides deform over time, and the vice itself cracks and deforms. They begin to jam, warp, cannot provide a good clamping of the workpiece, this does not safe labor children at such workbenches, which is so important in technology lessons. The vise device is better seen in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 Locksmith workbench device

Screw; 2 - working board; 3 - pressure box; 4 - through sockets; 5 - folding emphasis; 6 - stop for trimming; 7 - emphasis for thin parts; 3 - rear vice; 9 - front vice; 10 - lining board; 11 - workbench; 12 - workbench with end eccentric; 13 - base; 14 - tray

The design of the workbenches installed in MOK No. 2 is slightly different from the shown design of the workbench in Figure 1. In MOK No. 2, the base of the workbenches is made of a metal profile. This allowed us to design the vise structure using steel parts to provide superior strength, reliability and durability.

We didn’t see the point in repairing these vices or making the same new ones, since we understood that this would not last long, after a while, jamming, warping, and unreliable clamping of the workpiece would occur due to deformation of the guides.

Therefore, a vise with two metal guides and a screw between them was taken as a sample (Fig. 3, Fig. 4).

Fig 3 Vise M - 132

Fig. 4 Vise D - 178

It was decided to make the guides from a half-inch pipe and a rod of the appropriate size, the screws were taken from old vices installed on workbenches. The screw and guide rods were fixed on the movable part of the vise by welding them to the corner, which is the base for the movable part of the vise, a wooden plate was already attached to it with the help of screws, which ensures safe and reliable clamping of the workpiece and prevents deformation of the workpiece during fixation in the vise. Two pipes and a screw nut were welded to the metal base of the workbench.

3.3 Manufacturing

creative project olympiad workbench

Work on the modernization of the carpentry workbench is carried out in the following sequence:

production of a movable sponge;

cutting the edges of the nut flange;

rod manufacturing;

production of a corner for a movable sponge;

welding parts of the movable sponge (angle, guide rods, screw plate);

production of guide bushings;

welding of parts of a fixed sponge (guide bushings, nut);

filing connections

Rice. 5 Cutting off the blank for the movable jaw

For the movable sponge, a pine beam with a section of 100x50 mm was used.

It is advisable to instruct the student to perform the operation of cutting off the workpiece with a hacksaw for transverse sawing.

Fig. 6 Marking holes in the movable jaw for the screw and rods

The student marks the holes.

Marking is carried out using a tool ruler and a pencil in accordance with the drawing.

Fig.7 Drilling holes in the movable jaw for the screw and rods

Drilling with spade drills is performed by a student on a 2M112 drilling machine.

Rice. 8 Cutting the edges of the nut flange

The cutting operation was performed by the teacher using an electric angle cutter (grinder).

Rice. 9 Manufacture of guide bushings

For the guide bushings, a half-inch pipe from an old plumbing was used.

Rice. 10. making rods

For the rods, a rod with a diameter of 15 mm was used.

This operation is performed by a schoolboy with a hacksaw.

Rice. 11 Welding parts of the movable jaw (angle, guide rods, screw plate)

this work performed by the teacher. The picture shows the operation of "tacking" the rod to the corner of the movable jaw assembly to ensure the alignment of the axes of the guide bushings and rods. The final welding is carried out after dismantling the movable jaw (removal from the workbench).

Fig. 12 Welding parts of the fixed jaw

The guide bushings and the nut are welded to the frame of the workbench.

Welding is done by the teacher.

Rice. 13 Welding parts of the fixed jaw (guide bushings).

This work is done by the teacher.

Fig. 14 Cleaning connections with a file

This work is done by the student after completion welding work.

Fig. 15 Finished vise after all operations have been completed

3.4 Preparation for the defense of the creative project "Modernization of the carpentry workbench"

The structure of the explanatory note:

·Title page

·Main part

· Economic component


It is advisable to record (photograph) all operations (stages) sequentially during the modernization in order to place them in the design selection and manufacturing sections.

It is important to prepare for the defense and develop a presentation.

Based on this, that it was possible to modernize the workbenches by consistently completing all the operations for the manufacture of parts, assembly and adjustment, it is necessary to show the main stages in the presentation.

It is advisable to build a presentation as follows:

Slide №1 Title page of the project (name of the project, author, title educational institution).

Slide №2 The name of the device being developed.

Slide #3 Requirements for an upgraded workbench.

Slide number 4 Variants of different clamping devices (photo).

Slide #5 Prototype. Criticism, positive and negative aspects of the mechanism.

Slide №6 Drawing of the proposed mechanism.

Slide No. 7 Marking holes for moving and non-moving parts of the device (photo, description)

Slide number 8 Drilling holes (photo, description).

Slide №9 Manufacture of guide bushings and rods (photo, description).

Slide No. 10-11 welding of the movable and non-movable vise jaws (photo, description).

Slide №13 Finished product (photo, description).


The implementation of the project method in the process of teaching the NGO "Technology" allows the formation of the following qualities in schoolchildren:

sustained interest in technological creativity;

creative abilities of the student;


The choice of topics for creative projects related to the improvement of the material and technical equipment of school workshops and the modernization of equipment is fruitful.

As an example of the implementation of creative projects, a set of works was chosen to modernize the carpentry workbench, which allows to achieve a significant improvement in the following characteristics:

· Ensure smooth running of the clamping mechanism;

· Increase downforce;

· Ensure safety requirements;

In the course of teaching practice at MOK No. 2, the joinery workbenches were modernized, which resulted in an increase in the reliability of fixing the workpiece, ensuring the absence of deformation of the workpiece.

The scope of work performed during the modernization of four workbenches indicates that most of the operations can be entrusted to students in grades 6-7, and the modernization of a full set of carpentry workbenches can be done within one quarter.


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