Pulses. Cereals Cereals and their beneficial properties presentation

  • 21.11.2023

“Cultivation of plants” - The main field crops are grains. How does an ordinary plant produce tissue? What grain crops do you know? Cultivated plants. 3.What groups can all plants necessary for humans be divided into? 1.Name the sectors of the economy that you know. Hunting and gathering. Crop production is divided into several main branches.

“Plant Growing Lesson” - Tubers. World sown areas of main agricultural crops, million hectares. Sugar-bearing. Geography lesson in 10th grade. Grain crops are the basis of world agriculture. Potatoes St. Wheat. Rye sugar World rice harvest. Food crops: Soybean. Oilseeds. Wheat rice corn sorghum soybean cotton sugar.Tr.

“Crop Crops” - Buckwheat is an excellent honey plant. The homeland of the oil palm is the western part of Equatorial Africa. Sugar beet. Peanut - ground nut. Soy is one of the richest plant foods in protein. Rice is the most important food product for half of humanity. Buckwheat. SOYbeans are native to East Asia. OATS! "Oatmeal" - 100% relief from stomach ulcers!

“Centers of origin of cultivated plants” - Coffee tree. Mediterranean. File:Unhulled rice.jpg. Central American. Potato. South American. Centers of origin of cultivated plants (according to N.I. Vavilov). Radish. Rye. Countries along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Wheat. File: Rettich.jpg. File:Cucumis sativus1.jpg. Tropical India, Indochina, Southern China, islands of Southeast Asia.

"The Origin of Cultivated Plants" - The effect of heterosis. Mass and individual. Pimenov A.V. 1. Mass selection for cross-pollinated plants (rye, corn, sunflower). XX century dozens of expeditions around the world. Selection is based on methods such as hybridization and selection. 9. Use of somatic mutations. By 1940, the All-Union Institute of Plant Growing had 300 thousand samples.

Teacher: Yurchenko E.A.

Incoming control

1. Why grain is essential
agricultural product
2. What applies to processed products


Grain is the most important product
agricultural production.
Grain processing products include flour,
cereals, pasta and bakery products,
which occupy in the human diet
significant place. Grain is necessary for
successful development of livestock farming and
poultry farming, which is associated with the production of such
food products such as meat, poultry, milk.
Therefore, further growth in grain production
- the main task of agriculture.

Grain processing products

Bakery products

Wheat, rye, barley,
oats, corn, millet, rice
Peas, beans, beans, soybeans

Brainstorming (proverbs and sayings about grain)

Rye bread – grandpa’s roll
What goes around comes around.
While the grain is in the ear, do not linger in the cold.
It also happens that grain goes into the ground, but nothing comes out of the ground.
The chicken pecks every grain and lives well.
Grain to grain - there will be a bag.
A grain fell under a forged millstone.
Grain in a spikelet - don't sleep in the cold.
There is grain in the bin - the soul is warm.

Wheat is the main grain symbol

The main cereal is
wheat. Wheat is considered the birthplace of
current areas of Syria, Iraq, Turkey.
Now on our planet wheat occupies
about 250 million hectares, of which 60 million hectares are in
Russian Federation.


“Rye bread is grandpa’s roll,” they say in
people. In Rus', rye was the main product
food until the end of the 19th century. took first place
among all grain crops. Once upon a time there was rye
weed when cultivating wheat,
barley. How rye became a cultivated plant
grow Slavs. Rye first appeared on
Ukraine, then in Leningrad and Novgorod
regions, the Baltic states.


Son of the sun and water since ancient times
called rice. His homeland is India. Then
rice crops appeared in Uzbekistan and


Corn is one of the main crops
modern agriculture. Homeland
cultivated corn is Central and
South America. Corn has been introduced into our
country from the Balkan countries.


A culture of opportunity is
millet is a valuable product not only for food
purposes, but also for livestock farming. Millet along with
wheat and barley - an ancient culture,
its homeland is East Asia (China, Mongolia,
southeastern Kazakhstan).


Oats have a high content
essential amino acids and easily digestible
fat Products are made from it
dietary and baby food.


Buckwheat was considered a native Russian culture.
the main food of peasants, although its homeland is Nepal
and India. To the Russian Far East she
penetrated from China and quickly conquered
popularity in Rus'. Of all the cereals
crops is the most nutritious and
dietary product.


Legumes are considered to be the source of protein and fat, and
primarily soy. Soybean grains are used in
bakery, meat, canning
industry, soybeans are also used for feed
goals. The homeland of soybeans is China. First mention of soybean
in Russia it dates back to 1643-1646.

PR "Structure of grain"

Cereal grains consist of flowering
films covering the grain from the outside,
fruit and seed coats,
aleurone layer, endosperm (mealy
nucleus) and embryo.

Flower films and fruit and seed
shells make up 4... 6% of the grain mass,
contain a lot of fiber and minerals
salts, vitamins. When processing grain
flower films and membranes are removed, so
how they are not absorbed by the body

The aleurone layer makes up 5...7% of the mass
grains, rich in fats, proteins,
mineral salts, vitamins B1, B2,
PP, but it contains a lot of fiber, which reduces
nutritional value of grain and makes it difficult
absorption of nutrients. Therefore, when
grain processing aleurone layer

The endosperm is the main nutritional part of the grain and
averages from 51% (for oats) to 83% (for wheat) of mass
grains It contains starch (36... 59%), proteins (7... 12%),
sugars (2...3%), fats (1%), a small amount of fiber and
mineral salts. Therefore, the digestibility of products consisting of
endosperm (premium flour, rice, etc.), high, however
biological value is relatively low due to small
content of vitamins and mineral salts.
The consistency of the endosperm can be mealy, glassy
or semi-vitreous, which depends on the different content
proteins and starch. Grains containing a lot of starch
opaque, mealy, and containing a lot of protein - dense,
solid, transparent. When processed, the glassy grain produces
large yield of premium flour with better properties and
more suitable for the production of pasta.

In the embryo, which makes up 7...9% of the mass
grains contain proteins, fats, sugar,
mineral salts, vitamins, enzymes,
fiber and no starch at all. Despite
high value of the embryo during processing
they try to remove grains from flour and cereals, so
how the fat it contains easily oxidizes and
causes the product to go rancid. For food
purposes, only the grain germ is used
wheat (for vitamin E) and corn
(to obtain oil).



Cereals are one of the important food products,
which takes second place after flour.
Production increases from year to year
cereals and its assortment.

Chemical composition and energy value of cereals

The cereal has high nutritional value.
It contains biologically active substances - essential amino acids, vitamins,
mineral salts.
Cereals are widely used in cooking for preparing a variety of dishes, and in food
industry - for concentrates and canned food. The nutritional value of cereals depends on its
chemical composition.
The main component of all types of cereals is starch (47.4... 73.7%). The largest
Cereals made from rice, wheat, and corn differ in starch content.
The composition of the cereal includes proteins (7... 23%), the most complete protein in legume cereals, according to
Cereals made from buckwheat, rice, and oats are also valuable for their content of essential amino acids.
Fat in cereals is 0.5...6.9%. In cereals containing a lot of fat (oatmeal, millet, buckwheat),
A slight bitterness is allowed during storage, since cereal fat is unstable during storage.
Fiber in cereals is from 0.2% (in semolina) to 2.8% (in oatmeal); fiber reduces the quality of cereals and its
In addition, the cereal contains vitamins (B1g, B2, B6, PP, carotene, folic acid, biotin,
pantothenic acid); mineral salts (potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron,
zinc, manganese, copper, iodine, cobalt, etc.).
The value of cereal also depends on its color, appearance and culinary properties, which
characterized by taste, consistency, smell, cooking ability and increase in volume.
The energy value of 100 g of cereal is 322... 356 kcal.

PR “Chemical composition of cereals”

Cereal production

To obtain cereals, grain is cleaned of impurities.
When producing cereals from oats, buckwheat, corn, peas, hydrothermal
processing (steam under pressure) and drying. This treatment makes it easier to collapse the grain,
increases shelf life and reduces cooking time (quick-cooking grains).
Sorting grain by size ensures better dehulling and crushing of grain.
Hulling (hulling) is the removal of flower films (millet, rice, barley, oats),
fruit (buckwheat, wheat) and seed (pea) shells.
Sorting after peeling - separation of husks (unhulled broken kernels) increases
the yield of cereals improves its appearance. For more thorough removal of fruit and seed
The shells, partially the aileron layer and the germ of the cereal are ground. Such cereals as peas,
subjected to polishing, i.e. the shells and aleurone layer are additionally removed for
giving the grain a smooth polished surface.
Polishing and grinding processes improve the appearance of the cereal, its culinary properties,
but they reduce the value of the cereal, because along with the fiber some of the proteins, vitamins,
Then the cereals are cleaned, winnowing the flour, sifting out broken grains and sorted, and barley,
wheat and corn grits are sorted on sieves according to the size corresponding to the number of the grain,
after which the cereal is packaged.

Millet, polished

GOST 572-60 Polished millet groats. Specifications

Millet, polished

Polished millet is the millet kernel freed from
flower films and partly from fruit, seed coats and
Based on quality, it is divided into highest, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades.
Depending on the variety, the color of millet is light or bright yellow,
consistency from mealy to glassy. Millet
glassy with a large core of bright yellow color is considered
the best.
Millet proteins are not valuable enough, so it is better to consume it
in combination with cottage cheese, milk, eggs and meat.
In cooking, millet is used for porridges, casseroles, soups,
puddings, minced meat. It cooks for 40...50 minutes, increases in
volume 6...7 times.

Millet quality indicators


GOST R 55290-2012 Buckwheat. General technical conditions


Buckwheat is divided into core and part.
Yadritsa are whole kernels of unsteamed buckwheat, separated from
fruit shells, cream color with yellowish or greenish
Quick-cooking kernels are produced from steamed grains
buckwheat with fruit shells removed, brown color with shades.
The kernel and quick-cooking kernel are divided according to quality into
1st, 2nd and 3rd grades.
Prodel is split kernels of unsteamed and steamed buckwheat
(proved fast-cooking). The product is not divided into varieties.
In cooking, buckwheat is used to prepare porridges and soups.
and minced meat. Viscous porridges, cutlets and meatballs are prepared from the product. Cooking
egg 40... 50 minutes, and fast-cooking - 15... 20 minutes,
increasing in volume 5...6 times.

Organoleptic characteristics of buckwheat


GOST 3034-75. Oatmeal. Specifications

Types and varieties of oatmeal

Uncrushed oatmeal

Several types are produced from cereal oats
Uncrushed oatmeal is a product that has passed
steaming, peeling and grinding. Cereal color
grayish-yellow in various shades. By quality
Cereals are of the highest, 1st, 2nd grade.

Rolled oatmeal

Rolled oat groats are grooved
surface and white-gray color. Get it in
as a result of flattening uncrushed oatmeal,
pre-steamed. By its quality
are divided into premium, 1st grade and 2nd grade.


“Hercules” is obtained from uncrushed steamed oatmeal of the highest grade
by additional steaming, flattening on smooth rollers and
drying. The flakes have a thickness of 0.5...0.7 mm, they boil quickly (not
more than 20 minutes) and are well absorbed. Petal flakes are also prepared from
premium grade oatmeal, additionally subjected to grinding and sorting
by size, steaming and flattening; these cereals are valued higher than
“Hercules”, they are better absorbed and boil faster - in 10 minutes.
“Extra” flakes are produced from 1st grade oats. Depending on cooking time
they are divided into No. 1 - obtained from whole oatmeal, No. 2 - small flakes from
chopped cereal, No. 3 - small, quick-cooking flakes, cooked
from chopped cereals. All flakes are white with a creamy tint to


Oatmeal is large oat kernels ground into flour,
pre-soaked, steamed and dried.
Color from light cream to cream, solid color,
the consistency is soft. It is used without heat treatment in
combination with hot or cold milk, with yogurt,


Oatmeal is used for cooking
puree soups, viscous porridges, dairy and mucous
soups, casseroles. Oatmeal is cooked 60... 80
min (except for flakes). They make porridge
mucous, dense.

Quality indicators of oatmeal


GOST 6292-93 Rice groats. Specifications

Types and varieties of rice cereals

Polished rice

According to the method of processing and quality, rice cereals are divided
into types and varieties.
Polished rice is processed in grinding machines
machines of hulled rice grains, which are completely
flower films, fruit and seed coats are removed,
most of the aleurone layer and the embryo. Surface
Polished rice is produced in extra, highest, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades

Broken rice

Broken, polished rice is
crushed kernels of rice formed in
process of producing polished rice,
grinding machines.
Broken rice is not divided into varieties.


Quality, composition and consumer benefits
rice grains depend on the properties of the rice grain.
Rice is characterized by high taste properties
Types I, II and III. Type IV rice is inferior in quality. Fig V,
VI and VII types of average quality.
Compared to other grains, rice contains less
fiber, starch grains have good
moisture-holding capacity, so rice dishes (soups,
puddings, porridges, cutlets) are well digestible
body, they are widely used in dietary
nutrition. Duration of rice cooking is 40...50 minutes,
at the same time, it increases in volume by 5... 7 times.

Rice grain quality indicators


GOST 7022-97 Semolina. Specifications


It is obtained in mills by grinding varietal wheat into flour.
Particles with a diameter of 1... 1.5 mm are pure endosperm. Type
wheat supplied for grinding, semolina is divided into grades M, T and
Semolina grade M is obtained from soft wheat. She's opaque
mealy, white or cream color, used in baby food for
preparing liquid and viscous porridges, dumplings, pancakes and mousses.
Semolina grade T is obtained from durum wheat. She's translucent
ribbed, cream or yellowish in color; it is used for cooking soups and
minced meat.
MT brand semolina is obtained from soft wheat with an admixture of 20%
hard. It is opaque, mealy, white, with the presence
translucent grains, creamy yellow; use cereals for cutlets and
Semolina has a high energy value, but is poor in vitamins and
minerals, boils quickly - in 10... 15 minutes.

Quality indicators of semolina

Wheat groats

GOST 276-60 Wheat groats (Poltava, "Artek").

Types and numbers of wheat cereals

Wheat groats

According to the method of processing durum wheat and the size of the grains, it is divided into
rooms and views, for example, “Poltavskaya” - four rooms and a view called
“Poltava groats” No. 1 - whole grain of wheat, freed from the germ
and partly from fruit and seed coats, polished, elongated
shapes, with rounded ends; No. 2 - crushed grain particles, completely
freed from the embryo and partially from the fruit and seed coats,
polished, with rounded ends, oval shape; No. 3 and 4 - particles
crushed grains of various sizes, completely freed from the germ
and partly from fruit and seed shells, round in shape, polished.
Artek groats are finely crushed wheat grains with a diameter of 1... 1.5 mm.
The color of wheat cereal of all types and numbers is yellow, content
good quality kernel at least 99.2%, taste and smell characteristic of cereals,
free of foreign tastes and odors. Wheat cereals are used for cooking
soups, cereals, puddings, casseroles.

Characteristics of wheat cereal

Quality indicators of wheat cereals

Barley groats

GOST 5784-60 Barley groats. Specifications

Barley groats

Pearl barley is obtained from cereal barley by removing
flower films, partially fruit and seed coats and embryo
with mandatory grinding and polishing and barley by
crushing and grinding barley kernels of various sizes.
Pearl barley is divided into five numbers according to the length of the grains: No. 1
(3.5...3 mm) and 2 (3...2.5 mm) - elongated and good
polished kernels with rounded ends, used for soups;
No. 3 (2.5...2 mm), 4 (2...1.5 mm) and 5 (1.5...0.5 mm) - spherical cores
shape, color from white to yellowish, sometimes with a greenish tint,
Porridge, meatballs and zrazy are prepared from them.
Barley groats are produced in three numbers No. 1 (2.5...2 mm), 2 (2... 1.5 mm),
3 (1.5...0.5 mm). These are crushed multifaceted barley kernels
irregular shape. Cereals contain more fiber and minerals
substances than pearl barley, is less absorbed by the body. Use this
cereals for making porridge, meatballs.

Types and numbers of barley groats

Characteristics of types of barley groats

Quality indicators of pearl barley and pearl barley

Corn grits

GOST 6002-69 Corn grits. Specifications

Type of corn grits

Corn grits

Depending on the grain size and method
processing produces the following types of cereals:
polished corn - five grain numbers
flint and semi-dent corn, grits color
white or yellow with shades; coarse corn
- for the production of flakes and puffed grains;
fine corn - for crispy sticks.
Corn flakes (cornflakes) - in the form of thin
petals from corn, which is soaked, crushed,
the embryo is separated. Coarsely crushed corn
the cereal is boiled in sweet malt syrup,
flattened into petals and fried.
Receive a product ready for use.

Corn grits

Puffed corn kernels are prepared from hulled grains
corn by “exploding” it in special sealed
devices where grain is boiled in its own
steam" and then due to a sharp pressure drop
expansion of vapor and air occurs inside the grain.
The volume of corn grain increases 5... 6 times,
acquires a cotton wool-like soft structure, ready for
consumption with milk, cocoa, etc.
The disadvantages of corn grits are the content
incomplete proteins and low culinary value
- long cooking (about an hour) from them porridge and quick
aging, as proteins swell slowly and poorly
soften, and gelatinized starch quickly
gives away water. The cereal is used for cooking soups.

Quality indicators of corn grits



Polished peas are produced from food peas,
According to the processing method, polished peas can be whole and
Both peas are divided into 1st and 2nd grades based on quality.
Whole polished peas are undivided cotyledons
round shape with a smooth surface, some crushed
peas in it no more than 5%, humidity 15%, peas of a different color
no more than 7% is allowed.
Split polished peas are separated cotyledons with
smooth or rough surface and with rounded
ribs. The color of all peas is yellow or green.
Peas are used for cooking first and second courses, and they are also supplied to cereals in fabric bags.
with a capacity of 50... 60 kg or in paper
bags, packs, boxes with a capacity of 0.5...
1 kg, packed in boxes with a capacity of 15 kg.
Store cereals in dry, well-ventilated
warehouses at a temperature of 12...
17 °C and relative humidity 70
% up to 10 days.

Cereal storage

Grain processing products are stored in dry,
pests of grain stocks, warehouses with
approved in the prescribed manner.
When storing cereals beyond the time limits specified in
table, at least once a month is carried out
tasting of porridge cooked from cereals and
storage of cereals.

Grain is a product that consists of a collection of a large number of grains or seeds of a particular cereal, legume, or oilseed crop. Grain crops are the most important group of cultivated plants in human economic activity, producing grain, the main product of human nutrition, raw materials for many industries and feed for farm animals. grain raw material feed for farm animals. Grain crops cultivated in the modern world belong to four botanical families: Cereals, Buckwheat ,Amaranth grain crops; in addition, there are leguminous crops belonging to the legume family. Cereals Buckwheat Amaranth grain crops leguminous crops Legumes

Of exceptional importance among plants cultivated by humans are plants with dry fruits: grains (in cereals), beans (in legumes), seeds (in some oilseeds), etc. Cereal grains, seeds of legumes and oilseeds are well preserved, so it is natural that from time immemorial man began to use them in food and feed them to animals. A commercial batch of grain receives the name of a specific grain crop (wheat, rye, etc.) if it contains at least 85% of the grains of this crop. If the number of grains of the main crop is less than this norm, the batch is called a mixture of grains of different crops, indicating the composition as a percentage. For example, a mixture: wheat + rye ().

The structure of the grain of all cereal crops is approximately the same, and it can be considered using the example of wheat grain. Its shape is oval. Its convex side is called the dorsum, the opposite side is the abdomen. A notch (groove) runs along the abdomen. At the sharp end of the grain there is pubescence (tuft, beard), and at the blunt end there is an embryo. The fruit shell covers the outside and protects the grain. It consists of four layers of translucent cells, contains a lot of fiber, lignin, pentosans, and mineral salts, which make up 5-6% of the grain weight. The fruit shells are not digested by the body.

The seed coat consists of three layers of cells and makes up 6-8% of the grain mass. They are richer in minerals, nitrogenous substances, sugars and have less fiber and pentosans. The pigment layer of the seed coat gives the grain its corresponding color. Fruit and seed shells impair the presentation of flour and cereals, their nutritional value, and consistency, therefore, when obtaining flour and cereals, they are separated.

Inner part of the grain (Fig.). The endosperm, or mealy kernel, makes up % of the mass of the grain and is its most valuable part for the production of flour and cereals. Consists mainly of starch and proteins, contains small amounts of sugar, fat, vitamins and very few minerals. All valuable products of grain processing are obtained from endosperm. Rice. 2. Longitudinal section of wheat grain: 1 rudimentary roots; 2- embryo; 3 kidney; 4 shield; 5 endosperm; 6 crest

The germ makes up an average of 3% of the grain's mass and contains a lot of proteins, fats, sugars, vitamins, and enzymes. However, during processing it is removed, since the fat goes rancid during storage, causing spoilage of the processed products of grain, flour and cereals, proteins, fats, vitamins. The aleurone (outer) layer of the mealy kernel is adjacent to the seed coat. It makes up 4-13.5% of the mass of the grain, contains a large amount of proteins, fats, sugars, minerals, vitamins, but these valuable substances are almost not absorbed, since the cells in which they are located are covered with thick membranes of fiber. When grinding grains, the aleurone layer is separated along with the shells.

Legume seeds consist of an embryo and two cotyledons and have virtually no endosperm. The seed is protected by a dense seed coat, the outer part of which is covered with the cuticle, a thin film of cutin. Sunflower and soybean seeds consist primarily of an embryo with a single row of endosperm cells and are protected by a seed coat.

Most grain crops (wheat, rye, rice, oats, barley, corn, sorghum, millet, chumiza, mogar, wheat, rye, rice, oats, corn, sorghum, sorghum, sorghum, paisapaisa, dagussa and others) belong to the botanical family Cereals; buckwheat to the Buckwheat family; mealy amaranth to the Amaranthaceae family. Bread grain contains a lot of carbohydrates (60-80% on dry matter), proteins (720% on dry matter), enzymes, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), PP and provitamin A, which determines its high nutritional value for humans and value for feed use. Dagussa buckwheat carbohydrates proteins enzymes vitamins group BB1B2B6PP

History The cultivation of grain crops began about years ago by ancient farming communities in the Fertile Crescent region, the area of ​​​​the original growth of wild forms and the domestication of wheat, einkorn, barley and a number of leguminous crops. Fertile Crescent domestication wheat einkorn barley grain legumes

Wheat Genus A genus of herbaceous, mostly annual, plants of the Poaceae family, a leading grain crop in many countries, including Russia. Flour obtained from wheat grains is used for baking bread, making pasta and confectionery. Wheat is also used as a feed crop and is included in some recipes for making beer and vodka. The yield of soft wheat in the countries of the European Union is 55 c/ha (5.5 t/ha), the average yield in the world is 22.5 c/ha. Maximum yield up to 98 c/ha (9.8 t/ha). The record yield on average in Russia is 23.8 c/ha (2008). Wheat takes precedence among other grain crops, its share in the Russian grain market in 2012 is 44%. Herbaceous annual Cereals, or Bluegrass, grain crop of Russia flour, bread, pasta, confectionery, fodder beer crop of the European Union Based on sowing dates, it is divided into spring and winter. Depending on the botanical characteristics, they are divided into main subspecies: soft and hard.

Soft wheat has a grain of glassy, ​​semi-vitreous or mealy consistency, round or oval in shape, slightly expanded towards the germ, with a pronounced beard and deep groove. The color of the grain can be white, red or yellow. Soft wheat is used in confectionery and baking industries.

According to technological properties, soft wheat is divided into three groups: strong wheat contains an increased amount of protein (over 16%), elastic, elastic gluten and at least 60% glassy grains; the average occupies an intermediate position, characterized by average quality indicators; weak contains 9-12% protein and produces low-quality gluten; to improve baking properties, strong or durum wheat is added to it.

Durum wheat is significantly different from soft wheat. The grain is more elongated in shape with a thickening on the back near the embryo, ribbed, glassy in section, translucent, the beard is poorly developed, the groove is open, shallowly entering the grain. Color ranges from light to dark amber. It contains more protein, sugar and minerals than bread wheat. Durum wheat is used for the production of pasta, semolina, and is added when grinding wheat with low baking properties to produce semolina flour.

Rye is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant, a species of the perennial biennial herbaceous species of the genus Rye Rye (Secale) of the Poa family (Poaceae). Rye is a cultivated plant; it is grown mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. There are winter and spring forms of rye. Poa grasses are a cultivated plant in the Northern Hemisphere. Winter and spring rye is a winter-hardy winter crop. A grain of rye is longer than a grain of wheat. The color of the grain is yellow, gray-green, purple, brown. Gray-green grains are larger than others, contain more proteins and have better baking properties. Rye contains less endosperm than wheat, therefore, more shells with an aleurone layer, and less proteins in it (9-13%). A feature of rye proteins is that they are not able to form gluten. They are used mainly to produce flour and in small quantities to produce malt and alcohol.

Triticale is a winter-hardy grain cereal, a hybrid of wheat and rye. The grain is larger than wheat and rye. The proteins of this cereal are complete and well absorbed by the body. The gluten from triticale flour is washed off, so its baking properties are closer to wheat. Depending on the variety, triticale bread can be white, gray or dark in color.

Barley Common barley Common barley Herbaceous Herbaceous plant, species of the genus Barley (Hordeum) of the family Poaceae. An important agricultural crop, one of the oldest cultivated plants in human history (the plant began to be cultivated about 10 thousand years ago). Barley grain is widely used for food, technical and feed purposes, in the production of pearl barley and barley groats. Barley is one of the most valuable concentrated animal feeds, as it contains complete protein and is rich in starch. Type Barley Cereals Agricultural crops Grain pearl barley protein starch Barley is a fast-ripening (the growing season lasts 70 days) spring crop that grows everywhere. Divided into six-row and two-row. This cereal is the main raw material for brewing production. In Russia, up to 70% of barley is used for feed purposes. Russia

Oats Sowing oats Sowing oats An annual herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Oats (Avena), a cereal widely used in agriculture. Sowing oats is an unpretentious plant to soils and climate with a relatively short (75-120 days) growing season, seeds germinate at + 2 ° C, seedlings tolerate light frosts, so the crop is successfully grown in the northern regions. and a rather heat-demanding crop. It is grown everywhere, sown as a spring crop, and ripens quickly. The color of the grain is white or yellow. In addition to starch and proteins, grain contains a lot of fat (4-6%). It is used for fattening livestock and for obtaining cereals.

Rice is a moisture- and heat-loving grain crop. The shape is oblong (narrow and wide) and round. Its endosperm can be glassy, ​​semi-vitreous and mealy. The most valuable is glassy rice, since during hulling (a technological process as a result of which the grain is separated from the shells), it is crushed less and gives a greater yield of grain.

Millet is a valuable heat-loving and drought-resistant cereal crop, grown as a spring crop. The grain is covered with floral films that are easily separated from the kernel; the shape of the grain can be spherical, oval-elongated, and the endosperm is glassy or mealy. Cereals Cereals obtained from the fruits of cultivated species of millet (Panicum), freed from glumes by peeling, are called millet. Millet is almost not processed into flour, but is consumed mainly in the form of cereals. Millet porridge or millet soup, flavored with lard, milk or vegetable oil, was the usual food of the working people of southern Russia, especially during field work. In both forms, millet is a nutritious and healthy food, like bread, which rarely gets boring even with daily consumption. millet fruit porridge milk vegetable oil bread

Corn Sweet corn Sugar corn Annual An annual herbaceous plant, the only cultivated representative of the genus Corn (Zea) of the family Cereals (Poaceae). There is an assumption that corn is the oldest grain plant in the world. Herbaceous plant of the Corn Cereals Corn, according to the shape, structure of the cob and grain, is divided into flint, tooth-shaped, semi-tooth-shaped, sugar, filmy, starchy, waxy, popping, etc. Contains less than other cereals, protein, but more fat (up to 5%), which is found mainly in the embryo. The germ is separated and used to produce oil. Cereals, starch, alcohol, and molasses are obtained from corn.

Spelled A grain crop widespread at the dawn of human civilization, a species of the genus Wheat. It is distinguished by grain with non-threshing films, ear fragility, brick-red color, and unpretentiousness. Area of ​​origin (presumably) Mediterranean. Grown in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Israel, Babylon and other places. Later it was replaced by durum wheat (Triticum durum), although it is much more demanding on the climate and less resistant to disease, but it is much more productive, and currently occupies a small share of the world's cultivated areas. On the territory of modern Ukraine, spelled was known already in the 54th millennium BC. e.cereal crop of the genus WheatMediterranean Ancient Egypt Ancient Israel Babylon durum wheat

Pseudograins Buckwheat Species A species of herbaceous plants of the genus Buckwheat (Fagopyrum) of the Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae), a cereal crop. Buckwheat is used to make buckwheat (kernel), whole grain (buckwheat, buckwheat), prodel (crushed grain with a broken structure), Smolensk groats (highly crushed grains), buckwheat flour, as well as medical preparations. The seeds are readily eaten by songbirds. The yield of buckwheat in Russia is about 810 centners per hectare, which is almost two times lower than, for example, wheat. The maximum yield is 30 c/ha (3 t/ha). The main exporters are China (61 thousand tons in 2009). Plants Buckwheat Buckwheat grain crop kernels flour songbirds Buckwheat has a triangular-shaped fruit, covered not with floral films, like cereals, but with a dense fruit shell, under which there is a core consisting of a seed coat, an aleurone layer , endosperm and a large embryo in the form of an S-shaped curved plate. The fruit of buckwheat is a triangular nut of gray, brown or black color, weight 100 g of fruit, filminess %.

Indian sesame Species A species of annual herbaceous plants of the genus Sesamum (Sesamum) of the Pedaliaceae family. Oilseed crop and seeds are widely used in cooking. Sesame seeds are used both for the production of oil and in flour products (rolls, baked goods) and as a seasoning. Kozinaki is also made from sesame. Roasted seeds have a particularly intense taste. In Arabic cuisine, a paste based on ground sesame called tahini (also known as tahina, tahina, tahini) is common. This paste is traditionally used in hummus and other Middle Eastern dishes. In addition, sesame is an important component of many oriental sweets, for example, tahini halva. Sesame oil is actively used in Asian cuisine (for example, Korean).Sesame PedalaceaeOil cropscookingseasoningsgozinArabic cuisinetahinihumusMiddle EastOriental sweetshalva Sesame oilAsian cuisineKorean

Leguminous crops Legume crops peas, beans, soybeans, vetch, lentils, beans and others are also a very common group of cultivated plants belonging to the legume family of the moth family. They produce grain rich in protein (on average 20-40% of dry matter, lupine up to 61%). The grains of some legumes contain a lot of fat, for example, in soybeans up to 27%, in peanuts up to 52% on a dry matter basis. Legume seeds are covered on the outside with a dense shell, under which lie two cotyledons connected by a sprout. The disadvantage of legumes is the slow digestion of their seeds (from 90 to 120 minutes). To speed up cooking, the seeds of some legumes (peas, lentils) are crushed, i.e. remove the seed coat. This reduces the cooking time by about 2 times.

Peas originate from Afghanistan and East India. The fruit of the pea bean consists of leaves and seeds. Based on the structure of the bean shells, pea varieties are divided into sugar and shelling varieties. Sugar beans are used for food together with seeds in the form of so-called blades. The shells of shelled varieties are not edible. When the seeds ripen, the bean shells easily separate, which is why these varieties of peas are called shelling peas. Rice. Beans of various grain legumes: a peas; 6-lentils; in chickpeas; g beans; d vetch; f broad beans; f soybeans; z lupine

Shelling varieties are divided into brain varieties, which in milky ripeness are used for preparing canned vegetables (green peas), and smooth-seeded varieties, which at full maturity are divided into two types: food and fodder. Food peas, depending on the color of the cotyledons, are white, yellow and green. Based on seed size, peas are divided into large, medium and small. Pea seeds retain their nutritional and flavor properties for years.

Soybean is a universal world legume crop. Flour, butter, milk, cheese are obtained from soybeans; it is added to confectionery, canned food, sauces and other food products. Soybeans are used only after industrial processing. In their natural form, soybeans are not suitable for food.

Chickpeas and chickpeas are in many ways similar to peas. They are eaten, like peas, fresh, boiled and fried. Canned food is made from them, and cookies and other products are made from flour. Legumes appeared in Russia in the 8th-10th centuries. They are eaten in green and ripe form, and are also processed into canned food.

Classification of grains and legume seeds is carried out according to their intended purpose, chemical composition, and botanical characteristics. According to their intended purpose, grains and legumes are divided into the following groups: food (flour and cereal) grains of wheat, rye, cereal crops (buckwheat, millet, rice, etc.) and legume seeds (peas, beans, lentils, etc.); feed barley, oats and corn, as well as seeds of some legumes (vetch, china, broad beans, etc.); technical malting barley, soybeans, rye and oats for processing into malt.

Based on botanical characteristics, grains and legumes are divided into monocots (cereals and buckwheat) and dicotyledons (legume seeds). Cereals (rye, barley, oats), the grain of which has a pubescence (beard) and a depression (groove), come in winter and spring forms; millet-like breads, or false ones (millet, rice, corn, sorghum), the grain of which does not have a beard or groove, are grown in the spring form.

Based on botanical characteristics, grain crops are also divided into families, families are divided into genera, genera into species, species into varieties, and the latter are divided into breeding varieties based on economic characteristics. Botanical characteristics: type, variety, shape, size, color, consistency, grain structure are widely used in commodity classifications to establish the type and subtype of grain and seeds. This division allows the formation of batches of grain and seeds with similar technological and nutritional properties.

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