Is the job dangerous? How not to lose health at work. minutes is a lot or a little

  • 26.11.2019

If you often work the night shift, be prepared for the fact that, in addition to your salary, you also “earn” a lot of diseases. Why is it so dangerous to stay awake at night and how to get enough sleep after night shifts, says doctor of the Department of Sleep Medicine, member of the International Public Organization "Association of Somnologists" Alena Gavrilova.

Oksana Morozova, Alena Mikhailovna, how does night shift work affect your health?

Alena Gavrilova: When a person works in such a schedule for a long time, he has an increased risk of sleep disturbance, as well as a number of somatic diseases, atherosclerosis, obesity, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, etc. As for excess weight, its appearance is due to the fact that secretion changes in the body insulin. This hormone is responsible for the feeling of hunger. If a person is awake at night, he wants to eat. In addition, with this mode, the amount of cortisol, the stress hormone, increases, that is, the body is chronically under stress. This reduces the level of serotonin, which provokes irritability and even depression.

The enzyme system of the gastrointestinal tract also suffers. Normally, during the day there is a maximum secretion of gastric and pancreatic juices, because we are active and eat, at night their secretion is significantly reduced. A person who is awake at night and eats food has an imbalance in the production of enzymes, which can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For the same reasons, so-called "traveler's diarrhea" develops when we change several time zones. The body does not have time to adapt to the new mode of functioning.

Once again I emphasize that by nature people are characterized by daytime activity. At night we must sleep. Of course, if you work on a shift schedule for several months (up to a year), and then return to a normal rhythm, there is a chance to avoid harmful consequences. But, if we are talking about years, be prepared for health problems. Also, I would not forget that at night, due to drowsiness, concentration of attention inevitably decreases, which means that the probability of making a mistake automatically increases.

What is the difference between nighttime and daytime sleep?

- Daylight affects the brain through the retina, changing the production of neurohormones that are responsible for the structure of sleep. It is right and beneficial for us to sleep at night. Sleep during daylight hours is shorter and shallower. It can be considered as an additional rest, but not as the main one. There are people who need daytime sleep, but not to the detriment of nighttime sleep. If a person has insomnia at night, he is not recommended to sleep during the day, as this will worsen the quality of night sleep. It is impossible to completely change the rhythm that is genetically laid down, that is, sleep during the day and stay awake at night. Otherwise, you will have the whole range of problems that I mentioned above.

- Such a regimen is not suitable for anyone and is definitely contraindicated for pregnant women, people who have had a heart attack or suffer from coronary heart disease, diabetes, heart failure, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and other serious diseases that can worsen. In general, only people with perfect health can afford such a schedule.

By the way, if you are a “lark” according to your chronotype, do not even try to use the mode with night wakefulness - this is very difficult and extremely unhelpful. "Owls" in this sense is easier. Their biological clock works differently. They may not sleep and go to bed in the morning. For them, this is normal, comfortable and does not increase the risk of getting any diseases. Such people often choose "free" professions that do not force them to depend on the daily routine of society. Night shift work is also suitable for them.

- What is the best way to get enough sleep after a night shift, go to bed right away or a little later?

- Focus on your own feelings. But there is nothing wrong with falling asleep as soon as you get home. The main thing - try not to doze off in transport when you are driving from work. Already in the apartment you need to create everything for yourself the necessary conditions: silence and complete blackout so that daylight does not enter the room at all. If you have difficulty falling asleep during the day, you can take melatonin preparations. They are often used in shift schedules, flights to several time zones, are sold without a prescription and are not addictive. Most importantly, they do not have any serious contraindications. If you do not want to use drugs - drink herbal teas, for example with chamomile or sage, take a warm shower.

Can you take caffeinated products while you are at work?

- Yes, they are even recommended to be taken at the beginning of the night shift. But in the second part of it, you need to completely abandon such drinks, so that they stop their effect by the time you are supposed to sleep, when you finish your work. Then, once at home, a person can sleep peacefully. It is believed that the average dose of drinks that does not adversely affect the body, 5-6 cups of coffee or tea a day.

- How to reduce the negative consequences if you are forced to work at night?

- It is necessary to exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week, for 40-60 minutes. Suitable for swimming, running, shaping and other aerobic activities. It improves the quality of sleep and well-being. In addition, such classes are the prevention of cardiovascular problems for absolutely any person. Minimize stress. It is clear that we cannot completely avoid them, but we can use various autorelaxation techniques. This will improve the quality of sleep at any time of the day.

Also, when you go outside after a night shift, wear sunglasses so that daylight does not reduce the synthesis of melatonin, which promotes sleep. Then, upon returning home, you can quickly plunge into the realm of Morpheus. In order to achieve the opposite effect at the beginning of the shift and, conversely, to reduce drowsiness, it is recommended to turn on bright lights. It is desirable that the lamps be daylight, at least 2500 lux. Due to this, the synthesis of melatonin will decrease, the person will become more active. Naturally, by the end of the shift, it is better to gradually dim the light.

The most innocent and safe office at first glance is a real hotbed of dangers for our physical and mental health. Today we will look at the most well-known risk factors at work and find out how they threaten our health.

  • Sitting all day takes years off your life
    It is very harmful to sit for a long time. Pain all over the body and a feeling of weakness is the least of the problems that arise from this reason: too much sitting can lead to early death. You may be at high risk for muscle and bone disorders, obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and more, even if you exercise regularly.
  • If you regularly slouch in a chair, it can lead to chronic diseases.
    If your job requires you to sit for most of the day, then you might want to consider getting a device to help straighten out bad posture. If you do not, you will contribute to the development of many chronic diseases, including arthritis and bursitis.

  • Using a desktop with a built-in treadmill can result in injury
    While such desks may reduce the risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease, they also lead to more typos and can lead to falls and injury.

  • Neglecting breakfast turns into constant stress for your body.
    Are you constantly on the run and regularly skipping your most important meal? If you do this constantly, you will bring your body to stress and metabolic disorders. People who don't eat breakfast are more likely to have high blood pressure, be overweight and have more heart problems than those who regularly eat within two hours of getting up in the morning.

  • Eating fast food regularly instead of a full meal increases the risk of cardiovascular disease
    Most office workers eat junk food from time to time instead of lunch, but even rare indulgences can have negative consequences. A serving of "fast food" typically contains twice the amount of calories compared to the same serving of regular food. In addition, it is high in oxidized fats, which increases the risk of heart disease.

  • “Motivational” Meetings Actually Depress People
    In order to set up employees for productive work, employers sometimes hold team building exercises or motivational meetings. However, studies have shown that trying to make people happy about something they are not sure about can actually only increase their dissatisfaction.

  • Recycled, toxic air clogs lungs
    Protection Department environment calls it "Sick Building Syndrome". Indoor air can be up to 100 times dirtier than outdoors, and occupants are exposed to a variety of harmful gases and chemical substances. Air conditioners have contaminants, toxic particles, dangerous bacteria and mold all flying around, especially in buildings that aren't cleaned thoroughly enough.

  • If you stay near working printers and copiers for too long, it can lead to lung disease.
    Photocopiers are a source of potentially lethal ozone if the filters are not changed in a timely manner. Even small amounts of this gas can cause chest pain and irritation. The same applies to laser printers with developing powder particles that enter the lungs and bloodstream, which can lead to lung disease and other diseases.

  • It is very harmful to sit with a working laptop on your lap for a long time.
    If during work the laptop is on your lap, and not on the table, then overheating can cause skin problems. For men, however, there is even more disturbing news. New York University researchers found that laptop use can increase scrotal temperature, which leads to a decrease in sperm count.

  • Working more than 10 hours a day can result in a heart attack
    European researchers have found that people who work 10 or more hours every day are at a 60% higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack and angina pectoris.

  • Working without a fixed schedule can lead to weight gain and increased levels of stress hormones
    Those who work mostly in the evenings (such as programmers) are at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. A 2009 Harvard University study found that people who wake up later have lower levels of leptin (the hormone responsible for curbing appetite) and higher levels of the stress-related hormone cortisol.

  • It hurts your eyesight if you stare endlessly at the monitor
    Even though computer screens don't emit radiation, the strain of staring for long periods of time can damage your eyesight, although sometimes it's only temporary. In addition, you may experience headaches and migraines.

  • Too much light increases stress, fatigue and blood pressure
    Excessively bright light can cause you more problems than everyday headaches. The body perceives overlight as complete darkness, and this confuses your internal clock. You may experience health problems such as overwork, stress, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of certain forms of cancer.

  • Boredom increases the chances of dying from heart disease or stroke
    According to researchers, boredom can actually shorten your life. A study conducted at University College London found that those who complain of boredom are more likely to develop heart disease and stroke. It also increases the risk of accidents at work.

  • A dirty keyboard is as dangerous as E. coli and coliform bacteria
    Keyboards can be fertile ground for bacteria to grow if not kept clean. Microbiologists have determined that a keyboard can contain up to five times more bacteria than a toilet, including the most dangerous ones such as E. coli and coliform bacteria, which are commonly associated with food poisoning - along with staphylococcus aureus, which causes a range of infections.

  • Germs are literally everywhere in the office
    Your keyboard isn't the only breeding ground for bacteria in the office. Door and faucet handles, elevator and printer buttons, handshakes, and more are all hotbeds of bacteria. Germs are everywhere, and some of them can be deadly.

  • Constant Keyboard Use Leads to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    Keyboard overuse is a known cause of carpal tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome), which is a painful sprain of the wrist that can spread to the entire hand. The disease can have serious consequences, including irreversible nerve damage and muscle atrophy.

  • Deadlines negatively affect learning and memory
    You get nervous when you have to meet very short deadlines, which in turn greatly slows down your learning and affects your memory, according to data published by Science Daily. This kind of short-term stress can be just as bad for you as stress that lasts weeks or months.

  • Keeping a computer mouse in the same place can lead to chronic tendon strain due to constant stress.
    If your mouse stays in the same place all day long, it can lead to overexertion. Upper limb sprains happen when your tendons are put on more than they should for long periods of time. The reason for this may be repetitive movements or a constant uncomfortable position of the hand.

  • Smartphone abuse can eventually weaken your hands and wrists
    People who constantly use their smartphones to text and emails, are prone to muscle fatigue and the so-called "smartphone finger syndrome", or de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis. The consequences can be so bad that the pain reaches the wrist and weakens your hand.

  • Uncomfortable shoes can lead to spinal injury, muscle spasms and chronic headaches.
    The luxurious pumps you wear may make you feel tall and confident, but they also harm your body in unexpected ways.
    Between 2005 and 2009, women's doctor visits for foot problems increased by 75%.
    Uncomfortable shoes can cause spinal injuries, muscle spasms, and even chronic headaches and migraines. In addition, the more painful you are, the more time you will spend sitting, which in itself is fraught with a lot of health problems.


Compared to our parents, and even more so grandparents, we spend most of our lives in a sitting state. School, work, evenings in front of the TV, driving time, meeting friends in a cafe - the list is endless. Our life is becoming more and more convenient, but from this, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, more dangerous to health.

The gym won't help

Numerous studies have linked sedentary work with weight gain (especially in the abdomen), increased blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. This leads to an increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer. At the same time, even regular visits to the gym after work do not reduce such risks, because it is long-term sitting without breaks to warm up that has a negative impact on health.

According to statistics, every fourth inhabitant big city 70% of the day is spent sitting or lying down, and the remaining 30% leads a not very active lifestyle.

"Sedentary" diseases

The main problems from sedentary work:

  • With prolonged sitting, the body burns less fat, and the blood moves more calmly. This increases the risk of blockage of blood vessels and the formation of blood clots. Compared, for example, with a farmer, the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease in an office worker is twice as high.
  • While sitting, and especially in the wrong position (the back is bent, the head is pushed forward), cerebral circulation worsens. As a result - problems with memory, concentration, headaches, fatigue and the risk of stroke.
  • The spine and bones also suffer - the development of hernias of the spine, scoliosis, osteochondrosis is possible.
  • The pancreas produces insulin, a hormone that carries glucose around the cells for energy. But muscles do not use this energy during sitting, so insulin continues to be produced, and glucose remains unclaimed. This seriously increases the risk of developing diabetes and other diseases.
  • Sitting in one position without breaks for movement leads to the development of varicose veins in the lower extremities.
  • Lymphatic congestion increases the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the body, cancer.
  • Without movement, the intestines suffer, digestion worsens, which causes an imbalance in the hormonal system and immunity falls.
  • Weight gain and obesity are closely related to sedentary work. Excess weight is not always dictated by nutrition. An Australian study in 2015 found that light exercise breaks without dietary changes helped office workers reduce the volume of the abdomen and start losing weight.

5 minutes is a lot or a little

To protect yourself from these problems, it is important to take breaks from work and move for at least 5 minutes. Walk down the corridor in the office, walk to a colleague instead of texting him, walk up and down the stairs of the 1-2 floors, do some active exercises.

If there is an opportunity to do standing up what you usually do sitting down, use it. Talk on the phone while standing, do not sit in transport, get a table with adjustable height. At home, sit more often on a fitball instead of a sofa or chair, for example, watching a movie.

Set a reminder on your phone to stretch. Now it is possible to set vibrating reminders in smart watches. Many applications count your activity during the day (if the phone is with you all the time or you use a fitness bracelet or watch). For example, the Google Fit app.


Try to spend your rest actively, and not lying on the couch or sitting in front of the screen. Walk, go bowling, minigolf, try the climbing wall. In winter, feel free to ride the slides, go skiing or ice skating. In summer, diversify your barbecue trips with outdoor football and other active games.

If you have a dog or a child, this is a great opportunity to actively spend time outside. Do not just walk, but play frisbee, ball, run or ride a bike.

After a working day, be sure to do evening exercises. These are exercises for stretching the muscles and joints of the legs, stretching the spine with the help of bends and bends, squats. Before going to bed, lie down for 10-15 minutes with your legs up to normalize blood and lymph circulation. Before taking a shower or bath, do self-massage with a dry brush in the direction from the limbs to the center of the body.

According to nature, man is a social being. Like any social being, he needs an environment, or simply a society. Loneliness entails depression, which can develop into a severe mental disorder.

As you know, most of the lives of many people are spent at work. And often working relationships turn into friendships, and sometimes even grow into something more. But the essence of this does not change: a person looks for an environment wherever he spends his time.

The fashion trend of our time has become , one that does not require a visit to the office, as well as personal interaction with management and colleagues. All activities are carried out only through the Internet.

It would seem that here it is - freedom! Indeed, the lack of total control on the part of the authorities can inspire. But not for long. And all due to the fact that many people are not even aware of the dangers that remote work is fraught with.

Danger One: Student Syndrome

Almost all remote workers face the habit of constantly postponing the moment of the start of the execution of the order or the "student syndrome". And even if enough time is allotted for work, the employee still prefers to delay the execution.

On the one hand, there is no logic, because the sooner the project is completed, the faster it is converted into money. But on the other hand, a person will need to strain, think, decide and do something, that is, suppress a state of some kind of relaxation in himself. This phenomenon must be fought by any means, otherwise the very idea of ​​​​working from home will soon have to be abandoned.

Danger two: task substitution

Projects can be both urgent and non-urgent. And there are also overtime. So why are those executed first that, in simple terms, can wait? According to one wise saying problems should be dealt with as they come up.

In the case of remote work, we can say this: orders must be completed in relation to their urgency, complexity and importance. If you apply this technique in practice, then over time you can significantly increase the productivity of work.

Danger three: total lack of time

In the understanding of every person, the word "freedom" is associated with different things. But if you bring them to a common denominator, it turns out that in 95% of cases only time is invested in it, which is not occupied by anything. And it is for him that they leave for "free bread". But in reality, it turns out that the worker at home does not have time at all, except to search for orders and fulfill them.

Not the most tempting prospect, is it? And this is a direct consequence of the irrational organization of your working day. Therefore, the first step towards that very freedom should be the study of the basics of time management.

Danger Four: Irregular Rest and Constant Overwork

Actually, there can be a great many reasons for this danger, but most of them boil down to the following:

  • Irrational planning of the regime of work and rest;
  • Being in constant tension, especially if there are no projects at all or there are too many of them;
  • Lack of regular physical activity.

There is only one way to solve the problem of overwork and increase labor productivity: to plan your time wisely. It should have both a place to work and a place to rest, during which it is best to change the occupation altogether.

For example, if a worker at home completes orders only at a computer, then chatter in in social networks- not the best option for recuperation. Here's a walk or a visit gym- the most optimal forms of recreation.

Danger Five: Playing with One Goal or Fear of Action

Well, if a freelancer has an alternative source of income, then he can safely set his own rules of the game with customers, without fear of not getting a certain amount. But if the money obtained in this way is the only income, then sometimes the fear of loss is stronger than the tempting prospects for profitability.

That's how mother nature works. And very often the consequence of this is that people continue to work literally for a penny for several years, achieving meager results solely due to the number of completed orders.

But is this the dream of all internet home workers when choosing this path? Of course not! But, faced with reality, they preferred to tightly squeeze the bird in their hand, and thereby lock themselves in a cage. Is it possible to escape from such shackles? Can. But only through action. A drop, as you know, breaks through a stone not by the force of impact, but by the frequency of its fall.

Working from home, on the one hand, allows you to get out of the office jungle and gain the freedom you long for, but on the other hand, it can turn your whole life into a prison.

With numerous dangers that are invariable attributes of remote work, every worker at home faces on his way, but not everyone finds the strength not only to fight them, but also to win this fight. Ultimately, to be among the winners or losers is the personal choice of each person.

Scientists from Australia have found out how much time a week a person can work without compromising their health.

Professionals from the Australian national university conducted a long-term observation of 8 thousand people with different schedules of the working day and work week. They shared their findings with the periodical Social Science & Medicine.

Based on the findings, the researchers recommended working no more than 39 hours a week to maintain their health, which is almost the same as an eight-hour work day in a five-day work week.

If the work schedule is built differently and made longer, then this will have a very negative impact on the human body - both physically and mentally. An intense work week exhausts a person, deprives him of the opportunity to fully eat and devote time to his health.

This information should become useful not only for standard employees, but also for employers. After all, it is not in vain that in a number of European countries in recent years they often practice flexible system work schedule.

The right to choose their own work schedule is received by many employees from management as an encouragement. Scientists also argue that this approach also helps to improve labor productivity - and several times over. All people are different - and if it is easier for one to work from morning to evening, then the other prefers to wake up for dinner, but at the same time works seven days a week. Given such discrepancies, it is possible to “negotiate” with workers and allow them to work when it is more convenient for them.

For example, in countries such as Sweden, Great Britain and Norway, a free working day is established by law. This is especially true for women - after all, in addition to the main work, they often have to do quite a lot of household chores. And this also affects the state of the nervous system and the whole organism as a whole.

Over time, a person who is busy with work can acquire various problems over time. First of all, these are diseases of the heart and blood vessels, peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis. In addition, such people suffer from a lack of immunity: they can get sick with a common cold several times a year.

Physical and moral exhaustion is also manifested by excessive temper, irritability, anxiety. This situation can also leave its mark on personal life: scandals, conflicts and even divorces are not uncommon in families of workaholics.

Another thing is if an employee works hard for the reason that he likes it. A person who is in love with his work initially enjoys it - and in such a situation, the recommendation voiced by scientists on the labor limit is not taken into account.

Psychologists support scientists in this matter. Since the time spent by a person to perform work prevails over the period of rest, sooner or later the occurrence of nervous and physical overload, sleep disturbances is inevitable, which, in turn, leads to the development of diseases.