How to become a food supplier. How to open a wholesale business. Decide on the type of business

  • 05.03.2020

The state, as an economic entity, is constantly in need of large and varied supplies, ranging from replenishment of supplies in kindergartens and ending with the life support of guards infantry regiments. Therefore, since 2014, there has been a contract structure in our country, thanks to which various products are being purchased to meet the needs of authorities at various levels.

Public Procurement Requirements Framework

Public procurement is rigidly formalized by various legal documents, primarily federal law dated 04/05/13, and require the fulfillment of several requirements:

  • each purchase to satisfy state structures from the lowest to the highest must be recorded and reasoned in advance;
  • products of various directions, intended to supply the structures of the state, are obliged to support their activities, but not to provide unnecessary amenities and not be luxury products.

Entrepreneur's path to supply

How to become an Internet provider, for example? State deliveries are implemented on the basis of a number of mandatory rules. The most important of them will be the thesis of fame and transparency of information, because of this, any data on the supply of an individual customer is mandatory published on the official website of public procurement on the Internet.

Procurement algorithm for the state order

How to become a supplier of government supply chains? The main task of a customer working under contracts is to buy the necessary products (work, service) to supply state or municipal needs. Solving this problem, the customer is guided by the following:

  • the acquisition of goods begins with the collection of data about them, the creation of the initial possible value of the future contract;
  • state deliveries are recorded and argued in advance, all the necessary documentation is prepared;
  • purchases are carried out by bidding or by purchasing products from only one supplier.

Own funds to receive an application

To start, fixed necessary contract to buy products. But for this, the customer is obliged to present the availability of the necessary funds. The following conditions for receiving an application are obligatory for all customers:

  • scope of application security own funds is from 0.5 to 5% of the initial marginal value of the contract;
  • the winning bidder must provide an even larger amount - from 5 to 30% of the initial marginal value of the contract, if its total value is equal to or less than 50 million rubles, or from 10 to 30% if the contract value is more than 50 million rubles.

Documents required to conclude a contract

How to become a supplier, what documents are required for this? First of all, you need to confirm the fix state registration customer in rank individual entrepreneur or legal entity. To do this, you need to provide:

  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP, show TIN;
  • constituent materials of a legal entity;
  • IP passport data;
  • documents confirming the status of the head of the organization;
  • documents evidencing the status of a person to represent the interests of the participant;
  • other materials and data shown in the list for this purchase.

Unified information system and electronic auction

How to become a supplier? To obtain necessary knowledge about all stages of the auction, the customer is obliged to register in the Unified information system. With the completion of this process, the exit to the right material become absolute and free.

In the message about the opening of an electronic auction, which businessmen participating in public procurement will certainly place in the EIS, there will be confirmation of the specific site where the designated auction is taking place.

To fix an application for electronic auction customers are required to acquire accreditation, register on the site marked by the entrepreneur, upload all Required documents electronic.

Wholesale supply

How to become wholesale supplier? If you manage to get first place in the competition, then most likely the businessman is a wholesale supplier - thanks to this, his prices are lower, and his goods are more diverse. In this case, he will begin to supply the ordered products, sign an agreement, on the basis of which he is obliged to provide all types of goods in the right order. Only with the completion of the indicated actions and the execution of the signed legal agreements can the merchant claim to receive the indicated amount of funds.

It is best if you can pose the question: “How to become a supplier of five, for example, or another large network, in other words, a wholesale customer?” In this regard, the products will be even lower in cost and wider in range due to the peculiarities of the customer's business.

Sole supplier

The legislative base allows you to create the conditions to become one. How to become sole supplier?

  1. Provided that the cost of one purchase is not higher than 100 thousand rubles, it is possible to purchase products from one businessman. The amount of funds per year for such supplies does not exceed 5% of the businessman's total annual supply budget and 50 million rubles. Institutions with a budget below 40 million rubles. can purchase goods worth up to two million from a single supplier.
  2. At entertainment and cultural organizations, according to existing laws, it is impossible to spend more than 400 thousand rubles on one purchase. The total amount of supplies from a single supplier cannot reach 50% of the budget and twenty million rubles in absolute terms.

extraordinary circumstances

There are several options for purchasing orders for government deliveries. At the same time, you need to consider how to become a supplier within the framework of quick and force majeure purchases:

  • to eliminate the results of catastrophes and natural disasters,
  • for the supply of continuous industrial production;
  • to receive heads of foreign countries and delegations,
  • contract for the supply of electricity or water supply;
  • acquisition of software for the introduction of scientific and technical innovations.

Other options

There are other options on how to become an exceptional supplier:

  1. Public procurement from enterprises of the criminal correctional structure. Such purchases can be made without competition within the range of products permitted by the state.
  2. State supply of medicines or payment for treatment.
  3. It seems possible to purchase medicines worth no more than 200 thousand rubles from only one existing supplier.
  4. Fixing the supplier's customer by a decree of the government of the Russian Federation.

Public procurement is a fairly profitable commercial event, but, on the other hand, they are constantly in the attention of law enforcement agencies, so private market players need to make purchases honestly, clearly according to legislative framework. In this case, government supplies will be beneficial to all parties to the market - entrepreneurs, society and the state.

public procurement- this is the main way to meet all the possible needs of the country. It is with the help of public procurement that the timely provision of food to educational institutions and any other organizations takes place. Therefore, the legislative system provides for such a status as a supplier of public procurement, which must produce or supply products to meet existing needs.

Requirements and regulations of the law

Public procurement is strictly regulated by certain normative documents, including a special federal law, they must be carried out in accordance with a number of requirements. The main and most important of the conditions is the mandatory normative fixation and argumentation of each purchase, regardless of the nature of use and purpose.

Which companies will become suppliers is determined by customers based on several criteria. Primarily potential buyer collects and analyzes information about all candidates for the role of suppliers. After all possible proposals for state supplies are recorded and approved on specialized resources, an agreement on future supplies is concluded or tenders are held, at which the most worthy candidates are determined in accordance with certain criteria.

Any company can become a public procurement supplier if a number of conditions are met. The most essential feature of an enterprise applying for this role will be the publicity and transparency of information.

Before submitting your candidature for the role of a public procurement supplier, or an organization should register in a specialized structure - the Unified Information System. Further, when a business entity becomes a full-fledged member of this system, it will receive notifications about opening online auctions. If you wish to participate in one of them, any company can submit an official application. But before that, you will have to obtain special accreditation by submitting a certain list of documents to the site specified by the customer.

How to become a public procurement supplier: stages and algorithm

To conclude a contract between the customer and the future supplier, a number of documents must be submitted. A company that intends to take on the role of a supplier must have the status of a natural or legal entity, in confirmation of which, provide documents according to a specific list:

  • founding documents IP or LLC;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP;
  • personal data of an individual business entity;
  • personal documents of the head of the company, if the supplier is a legal entity.

In addition to such a basic, mandatory list for all, some additional documents may be required for submission, which in some cases require the submission of customer companies.

In order to be able to conclude contracts for public procurement deliveries, the customer, in turn, must provide confirmation of the availability of a sufficient amount of funds. Including 0.5-5% of the initial marginal cost of the contract must be provided by the customer company's own funds.

Bulk supply, additional features

An enterprise specializing in wholesale supplies can apply for cooperation with large retail chains. To conclude a wholesale supply agreement, you need to provide a potential customer with profitable terms cooperation, guaranteeing lower prices in comparison with competitors and maximum wide range of goods.

Among other possibilities, the law allows the company to become the sole supplier. But for this it is necessary that the purchases meet the requirements, for example:

  • if the buyer belongs to the category of cultural or entertainment establishments, he cannot purchase goods from one supplier for more than 50% of the budget. In specific figures, this limit is 20 million rubles.

Become the sole supplier, in accordance with regulatory documents, can correctional institutions. Suppliers of medicines also belong to this category, but also within the legally established limits.

In cases established by law, belonging to emergency or force majeure situations, a faster procedure for concluding a public procurement contract is possible. Such emergency circumstances include measures to eliminate natural disasters, man-made disasters, the need to supply electricity or other resources, or purchase software with the aim of introducing scientific and technical innovations.

Getting a big client is easy. Enough to offer him best price. But if you are a small business, this is most likely not your option. You will have to prove that your products or services are somehow unique.

I'll tell you how to achieve this, using the example of the company I work for. Volvo Penta has 26 dealers. These are small companies of 5-15 people who maintain and repair diesel engines. Working with large clients seemed to them not a very profitable occupation.

We have established cooperation between our dealers and big companies almost five years. As a result, in 2015 they showed an increase of 25%, although the market dipped by an average of a third, and we continue to grow. Mainly due to deliveries to large shipping firms.

Step 1: Find problem areas

Small business representatives rarely ask how a large company works because they are afraid of incomprehensible terms. Entrepreneurs get lost when they hear the expression "generate cash flow". This problem is easily solved by courses like "Finance for "Non-Financial" Managers" and "Management Accounting".

Our dealers needed to understand how diesel engines affect customers' income and what problems there are in this area. Customers love the "buy cheaper - earn more" scheme, but it doesn't always work. The purchasing department of a container terminal bought a Chinese starter for a loader that was four times cheaper than ours, and our dealers could not do anything about it.

When we looked up the operating statistics, we saw that the Chinese starter failed four times more often. Machine downtime has increased, and the cost of purchasing starters has approached the cost of the original ones. Replacement cost three times as much. Due to savings, the company was losing money - we showed this to the client, after which we made a deal.

Step 2: Suggest an effective solution

It is not enough to say that you can improve cash flow with your decision. We need to prove it with numbers. This is one of the key problems: few people are engaged in detailed calculation of costs, including the cost of equipment downtime due to breakdowns.

In Russia, they believe that downtime can always be "caught up" - for example, by going to the night shift. In Western accounting, idle time is an irretrievable loss: time cannot be turned back. Loss assessment is almost like financial advice, and many entrepreneurs think like this: how are we, the small ones, going to advise the big ones? False modesty must be overcome.

If an entrepreneur is a professional and an expert, he should advise a large company in his field. Ideally, if a small business at this stage can offer not only a one-time solution, but also a long-term one.

Our dealers have shown the customer that their parts and services can reduce downtime by so many percent over a given period, leading to so many percent improvement in cash flow. To do this, dealers offered to transfer the equipment to regular maintenance. They advised keeping records of each piece of equipment, training maintenance personnel and opening a warehouse for frequently used spare parts. The dealer took over the regular replenishment of the warehouse, and invoices for spare parts came as needed, taking into account seasonality.

Step 3: Sell ​​services to decision makers

The easiest way to negotiate with the managers of the purchasing department, but they never study the tasks in a comprehensive manner. It is a little more difficult in our market to reach employees of equipment operation departments. They see the problem more broadly, but they do not manage the finances. If you want to make a deal - go up.

In our case, if the dealer coped with the first and second steps, it remains to understand who the purchasing and operation departments report to. Once in a meeting with such a person, the dealer should not sell spare parts and repair services. This is a clearly losing strategy. It is necessary to stress that what is at stake is the company's cash flow and its profits.

Based on such a proposal, the client will formulate a task for the tender. Of course, it still needs to be won. But if you have prepared well, you will have few competitors.

  1. send price list e-mail(offers sent only from corporate mail are considered).
  2. provide information about your company (see requirements below).

Requirements for suppliers

1. Large range of products:
  • original auto parts - at least 5000 articles;
  • non-original auto parts - at least 7000 articles (with a technical description);
  • for representative offices of manufacturing companies - at least 4000 articles.
  • 2. Availability of certificates for the products offered and provision of a guarantee for a period of at least 6 months.
    3. Flexible system discounts.
    4. The possibility of returning goods.
    5. Regular updating of information about the assortment and current balances in warehouses.

    Organization of our work

  • control over the work of the supplier for the execution of orders on time;
  • round-the-clock daily acceptance of goods without breaks and weekends;
  • upon acceptance of parts, check for counterfeit;
  • payment for goods by bank transfer.
  • Managers can answer any questions. Please save the history of correspondence to make it easier to restore the chronology of communication.

    Required documents

    Before signing a contract new supplier provides copies following documents, certified by the original seal of the company and director's signature:
    1. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities issued by the tax authority no later than 30 days from the date of signing the agreement;
    2. Charter;
    3. Certificate of state registration of a legal entity (OGRN);
    4. Certificate of registration of the organization with the tax authority (TIN);
    5. Documents confirming the powers of the head of the legal entity (the person who signed the contract);
    6. A copy of the financial statements - the first sheet with a mark of the tax authority;
    7. A copy of the VAT declaration - the first page of the tax declaration for value added tax for the last reporting period, with a mark from the tax authority on the acceptance of the declaration;
    8. A copy of the warehouse and office lease agreement (or certificate of ownership of the premises);
    9. A copy of the power of attorney of employees for the right to sign primary shipping documents and invoices for the head and chief accountant;
    10. A copy of the reporting in the P-4 form (information on average headcount employees for the past year), or 4-FSS, or RSV-1 PFR;
    11. A copy of the passport of the Russian Federation of the director (or the person acting by proxy).
    To discuss cooperation issues, please contact the Supplier Relations Department by e-mail

    Suppliers want to find (or produce) a quality product and get their products on the supermarket shelves, in other words, run the supermarket. Long negotiations are underway with the supermarket, while the supplier points out the advantages, its excellent quality, etc. As a rule, such conversations of the supermarket invite the supplier to get acquainted with the price list, according to which the supplier must pay a certain amount in order to see his goods on the shelves of this supermarket. This is because the supermarket cares about meeting the needs of the end consumer, it is unprofitable to satisfy only desires and put all existing item. The supermarket wants to attract the maximum number of consumers, serve them and at the same time manage suppliers in the way it is necessary.

    How to become a supplier of products that the buyer wants to buy?

    You need to learn how to influence the buyer in such a way that when choosing, the consumer pays attention to your brand. Then the end consumer will satisfy your desire to sell the product. In order for the buyer to want to buy exactly your products, you do not need to be a marketer or manage huge capital. To do this, you need to know consumer behavior. Then this information can be used for ideas that can make the buyer pay attention to your product.

    However, the supplier may say that this is not his problem: the supermarket's concern is to sell products, its own business is to deliver the goods to the shelves. There are two options: either the supplier negotiates with the supermarket to display their products on the terms of the store, or you need to think about how to sell the goods “off the shelf” and not “on the shelf”.

    This information will help you become a supplier in demand by the end user. If you neglect these tips, the supermarket will dictate its conditions to you, since its role is not to serve the supplier, but to the end consumer and, first of all, satisfy the desire of the buyer to purchase this or that product.