Are Samara factories shortening the working week? Newspaper "Pravda". Who is interested in the collapse of the Russian space industry? Cuts in factory fireworks

  • 28.06.2020

And again disturbing news comes from the Moscow factories. Today it is FSUE Salyut. Under the slogan of "profit optimization" a wave of layoffs has been launched at the plant. About 860 employees have already received notices of layoffs. A shortened working week has been introduced in a number of Salyut departments, and they are already working on a three-day schedule. Reduce or pay incomplete overtime, which is the main income for many factory workers. Workers are not renegotiated on annual contracts. Elderly people are persuaded to leave peacefully, citing their age and health, while young people are persuaded to leave according to own will, promising only in words "worthy compensation".

And all this at one of the most advanced factories in the capital, which has orders and production capacity, latest equipment. It has now become clear that the Salyut administration, headed by Mr. Masalov (who has already ruined more than one plant in his career), is firmly heading towards transferring production to other regions, where labor costs are many times lower than in Moscow, where there are more opportunities. to exploit the workers. The corporatization of the plant, which threatens Salyut in the near future, is just a link in a whole chain of measures to liquidate the enterprise, seize its territories and social base. As for the pocket trade union of aircraft builders of the FNPR system, which operates at the enterprise, these trade union committees do not notice the protest of the Salyut workers, their members, whose interests they were obliged to protect. In addition, they are also campaigning for corporatization, justifying the anti-worker actions of the administration, in fact, pulling the enterprise apart piece by piece. And how else can it be otherwise, if the leadership of the FNPR trade union consists entirely of bosses and their henchmen, who receive their profits from Masalov's trough?

In response to the actions of the factory management, the struggling workers of Salyut issued another issue of the factory worksheet. It reflects the situation at the enterprise, the workers themselves talk about their needs, about the needs of their native production. hallmark his focus on the struggle, calls addressed to the workers and engineers of the plant to join the initiative group to create their own independent workers' trade union "Protection" became a regular leaflet. The editorial office of the factory worksheet "SALUT" repeatedly received information that the workers were collectively withdrawing from the corrupt FNPR trade union.

The Working Commission of the Moscow City Committee of the Revolutionary Komsomol - RKSM (b) takes an active part in the work on the factory worksheet, maintaining constant contact with the initiative group of struggling workers, helping with the publication and distribution of the leaflet at the factory entrances.

Now we can say with full confidence that the workers of the Salyut plant have their own reliable adviser and friend, fighting for their class interests. And the workers themselves do not stand aloof from the struggle, but support their editorial board with materials from their workshops and help in disseminating it.

Press center of the IGO RKSM (b)

Moscow. December 14th. website - At the Khrunichev State Space Research and Production Center, massive cuts personnel, the Izvestia newspaper reported on Monday.

The management of the "Rocket and Space Plant" (RKZ) in Fili, where the Proton and Angara rockets are assembled, suggested that employees resign on their own initiative by the end of this year, having received three salaries. As noted, the offer is valid until December 21, after which the management will begin to fire employees forcibly.

“A reform is underway at the Khrunichev Center, which, among other things, involves a reduction in administrative staff,” said Andrei Kalinovsky, general director of the Khrunichev Center. “In the central office, we have already parted ways with 600 managers, and this is half of the managers who worked in the fall of 2014 ".

Kalinovsky noted that the reduction in the number of managers made it possible last year to increase the wages of the main workers by 10%, and in 2015 - to RKZ employees by 23% and employees of the Salyut design bureau by 25%.

Kalinovsky did not specify the scale of layoffs in the divisions. According to an Izvestia source familiar with the plans of the company's management, the largest reductions in numbers are coming at the RKZ, where they plan to part with two thousand employees - now about 7 thousand people work there. The staff of the Salyut design bureau, also located in Fili, may be reduced by 20-25%.

The headcount optimization is part of Khrunichev's reform, the plan for which was drawn up in general terms last year, shortly after a new management team joined the company. After assessing the situation, the new managers of Khrunichev stated that the company had been losing operating activities since 2007 (the high accident rate of Protons is one of the main reasons), as of September 2014, Khrunichev owed suppliers 14.7 billion rubles , which is equivalent to the cost of 10 Proton rockets.

At the same time, goals were set: to make the company profitable from 2015, to increase labor productivity three times by 2018, to reduce the overhead costs of the RKZ, KB Salyut and the corporate center by 30% by 2019. At the same time, it was planned to optimize the number of employees by increasing the income of the remaining specialists to 80% by 2018. The growth of labor productivity by 2018 is planned to be increased by 2018 to 5.1 million rubles per person (from 2 million rubles in 2013).

Part of the production was decided to be transferred to the Khrunichev site in Omsk - Polyot Production Association. The assembly of Protons and upper stages will remain in Fili, while the Angara will be assembled in Omsk. As noted, this will gradually release some of the areas attractive to developers in Fili ( RKZ is located close to Filevsky Park). Under this program, a deal has already been concluded with VEB. From 2017–2018, the Bank received the rights to use about 100 hectares (out of 144 hectares currently occupied by the plant) of land in the Filevskaya floodplain, which are pledged under a loan of 37 billion rubles.

From June 1, the staff of the rocket and space center will be deprived of bonuses. Employees of the GKNPTs fear that mass layoffs will follow. But the Khrunichev Center has nowhere to retreat: the corporation owes more than 100 billion rubles.

The management of the State Space Research and Production Center (GKNPTs) named after Khrunichev decided to refuse to pay bonuses to employees of divisions and branches that are part of the structure of the enterprise. The staff of the center fear that mass layoffs will follow. The GKNPTs claims that we are talking about the unification of the wage system, and the set of basic working specialties and engineering and technical workers will continue.

Sources at the enterprise told Kommersant about the rejection of the bonus system. According to them, in early January, Alexei Varochko, General Director of the GKNPTs, planned to “reduce by 100%” bonuses for December 2017 to all employees in the “heads” category (we are talking about heads of departments), as well as to reduce the planned bonus funds for remuneration of their labor. In addition, towards the end of the month, Mr. Varochko decided “in order to unify the system of remuneration and the procedure for remunerating employees of the GKNPTs subdivisions” to completely cancel all additional payments except salaries for all current employees GKNPC.

We are talking about employees of the rocket and space plant in Fili, the plant for the operation of rocket and space technology, the Armatura and Salyut design bureaus, the Polet production association, the Voronezh Mechanical and Ust-Katav Carriage Building Plants, the Design Bureau of Chemical Engineering, Scientific -research institute space systems and even employees of the Zarya boarding house.

For example, this will affect employees who previously had an increase for a permanent job at the Baikonur and Plesetsk cosmodromes, for length of service, for an academic degree, for foreign languages, for high-quality performance of urgent and especially important tasks. Also, payments will be lost by those who take leave to care for disabled children, work after hours and at night, and are allowed to protect state secrets. According to Kommersant's information, initially these measures were planned to be introduced from April 1, but then everything was postponed to June 1. According to Kommersant, this was the result of the actions of the trade union, which managed to "slow down history." According to Kommersant's interlocutors, after a negative assessment received from the trade union, Mr. Varochko handed over the order to the legal service for verification. Recall that the former general director of the center Andrei Kalinovsky (now the executive director of Roscosmos for quality assurance and reliability) in an interview with Kommersant said that in 2014 average salary according to the GKNPTs was 37 thousand rubles, and by 2020 he promised to raise it to 78 thousand rubles.

According to Kommersant's information, a reorganization of the GKNPTs is planned soon: in order to "improve the management system and increase efficiency," there is a proposal to combine all structural units the Moscow site of the enterprise (head office, design bureau "Salyut", RKZ, sports cultural and patriotic center, department of social services, etc.). According to one of Kommersant's interlocutors at the enterprise, these measures will be accompanied by large-scale cuts.

The Directorate for Communications of the GKNPTs "Kommersant" confirmed the decision to change the wage system. “The company has more than 200 local regulations governing certain payments, some of them were published more than 20 years ago and, of course, do not correspond to the real situation,” the center explained. They note that soon hundreds of acts will be replaced by several, common for all branches, such as the regulation on remuneration, the regulation on bonuses, a single tariff scale for working professions and a unified salary scheme for engineering and technical workers. Minimum size tariff rate and the salary will be set not lower than the subsistence level of the region where a specific branch of the State Research and Production Center is located. Regarding the proposals for reorganization, the GKNPTs clarified that the RKZ, KB Salyut and other divisions have their own services in the main areas (finance, economics, planning, accounting, personnel, etc.). To get rid of duplication of functions, administrative and managerial personnel will be optimized, the center emphasized, but this will not affect workers and engineers.

It should be noted that, according to official government data, the volume of loans and borrowings issued by the GKNPC as part of the financial recovery program (adopted in 2014) exceeds 65 billion rubles, and more than 5 billion rubles are annually spent on repaying interest from this amount. According to a Kommersant source in the government apparatus, the debt could be reduced by selling the land to the GKNPTs in the Filevskaya floodplain, which would bring the company's budget at least 25 billion rubles. A final decision on this issue has not yet been made.

On Wednesday, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin congratulated the staff of the plant on the 105th anniversary. Salute ". He visited the workshop of machining and assembly at the enterprise. The largest research and production center creates and tests engines for fighters, helicopters and passenger liners. It also produces gas pumping equipment. And recently began to explore new project for testing marine engines. The plant exports its products to 13 countries of the world.

Without exaggeration, jewelry work. Despite the impressive size of the engine - some parts must take position to within a micron. Assembly is the most critical stage in this production. Up to 12 specialists can work around the turbine at the same time, TV Center reports.

The aircraft engine for the Su-34 aircraft is fully assembled. In the coming days, it will be transported to another workshop, and tests will be carried out there for 10 days. But according to statistics, the probability that at least one of several thousand parts will require replacement is extremely low.

The main products of the factory Salute "- engines of combat aircraft and helicopters. Moreover, not only domestic, but also foreign. A large volume of turbines has been bought by the Chinese military for many years. Production is high-tech. Serious job Now we are working on making individual samples on a 3D printer.

On Wednesday, one of the oldest Moscow enterprises - in the coming days it will celebrate its 105th anniversary - was visited by Sergei Sobyanin. "I am very glad that this enterprise continues to develop. Serious money is being invested in it. At present, it is not only one of the best in Russia, but also the best production of its kind in the world. High-tech, producing products that are 70 percent for export. This suggests that this is a really competitive production"- said the mayor of Moscow.

Now more than 8 thousand people work at this Moscow enterprise. A huge rarity by today's standards - "working dynasties" have been preserved here. Communicating with the mayor, one of the employees asked how to actively attract young people to production.

"In recent years, we have begun to hold big serious competitions for the best working profession. And in general, Moscow professionals became winners of all-Russian competitions. We have significantly increased the prizes for the winners. The most important thing is that our industry develops in order to wage increased in factories, then the prestige of this profession will increase"- Sobyanin pointed out.

Oddly enough, the most exciting employees of the plant “ Salute ", located in the east of the capital, turned out to be transport issues. The mayor explained that the lobby of the nearest metro will be reconstructed in the next two years "Semenovskaya". In addition, near enterprises will pass the Kozhukhovskaya subway line under construction - it will relieve the existing stations by 20 percent. Motorists will soon be spending less time on their way to work.

"Thank you very much for the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway on the Entuziastov Highway. It has been built, construction is completed, but not all entrances and exits are open. Because of this, traffic jams are formed", - said the senior master Evgeny Kalintientov.

"Such a problem really exists. Is it connected with what? We did the interchange in order to extend it, to make an exit towards the Moscow Ring Road. And during 2017-18, we will exit this interchange to the Moscow Ring Road, and those reserved today, they will be integrated into this chord and will fully work", Sobyanin explained.

At the end of the meeting, the Mayor of Moscow and the plant's employees took a group photo. After a short break, the specialists continued their extremely difficult and responsible work.

/ Wednesday, October 18, 2017 /

Topics: Reconstructions Underground Sobyanin Salute

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin congratulated the staff of the Research and Production Center (SPC) for gas turbine construction Salute " with the 105th anniversary of the enterprise, having visited it today and examined the machining shop and the assembly shop.

"I want to congratulate you on the anniversary of your plant - it turns 105 this year. One of the oldest Moscow enterprises. . . . . . This suggests that the production is really competitive. I am glad that the staff of the plant is preserved. And I am sure that with such support, he will remain and work for the benefit of Moscow and Russia as a whole, and, of course, bring income to those who work every day at this plant. ", - said S. Sobyanin.

NPC " Salute " is the largest manufacturer of aircraft gas turbine engines. As reported in the materials of the press service of the mayor's office, currently “ Salute " manufactures engines for aircraft of the Su-27, J-10 (China), Yak-130, MiG-29, Su-17, Su-24, Il-96, Il-114, An-3, An-38 families, as well as for unmanned target aircraft, various parts and assembly units. In addition, the development and production of ground-based industrial gas turbine units (GTU), gasifier solid fuel(waste processing plant), desalination plants “ Cascade" and others. The production complex of the enterprise includes foundry, forging, thermal, mechanical, galvanic, welding, assembly and testing production.

History of the NPC Salute " originates in 1912. In 2015, the plant was transformed into joint-stock company, and he entered the United Engine Corporation (JSC "UEC"), which in turn is a subsidiary of the United Industrial Corporation " Oboronprom ”, which is part of the GC “ Rostec ”. Currently, UEC unites more than 85% of the industry's assets.

The total output of UEC enterprises in 2016 amounted to 222.7 billion rubles. The volume of investments in the modernization of the Moscow enterprises of the corporation in 2016 amounted to about 20 billion rubles.

Sergei Sobyanin congratulated the staff of the gas turbine building center Salute " with the 105th anniversary of the enterprise. On Wednesday, the mayor will visit the enterprise and inspect the machining shop and assembly shop.

. . . . . According to the agency " Moscow ", here they produce gas turbine engines for military and civil aviation.

Now " Salute " is one of the most modern enterprises aircraft industry in the world. This was made possible thanks to a comprehensive reorganization that took place in the last few years.

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The mayor stressed that the city authorities support the industrial sector and will continue to do so, because, as S. . . . . . is one of the main industries. "We will continue to develop the industry. The main thing is that worthy places are created" the mayor concluded.

He also added that the city is developing territories around industrial enterprises. Yes, near the factory Salute " there are two MCC stations, the North-East Chord, road junctions, metro stations are being built.

FROM. . . . . . handed over thank you letter Vitaly Klochkov, Deputy General Director-Managing Director of the plant. In addition, the mayor thanked to CEO corporations" Rostec ”, which includes the plant “ Salute ", Sergey Chemezov for his contribution to the Moscow industry and its support.

In turn, S. Chemezov also congratulated the staff of the plant on the anniversary. "Indeed, this plant has big story. For the first time in these walls in 1912 a small engine called “ Dwarf ". Thereafter " Gnoma" more modern engines have appeared, and today there is a whole line of engines. It is mass-produced, and you are working on the creation of more modern engines that are necessary for our aviation: both for helicopters and combat aircraft. An engine is being created for our new fifth-generation aircraft, and I hope that in the near future we will complete all the tests with dignity, and the engine will go into series", - he said.