What to do if there are ads on YouTube. How to watch YouTube without ads - effective ways to get rid of ads on video. Cons of non-skippable ads

  • 12.08.2020

Users who do not want to tolerate intrusive ads will often think about how to disable ads on YouTube. Previously, it was enough to write just one line of code. Now this method no longer works.

  • Using blocker extensions in the browser;
  • Editing the system hosts with lists of advertising network servers.

Installing browser extensions

The most common way to remove ads on YouTube is to install special extensions. The most popular is Adblock. This is a reliable and popular extension among users. There are no viruses or other malicious files here. Consider installing AdBlock on the example of a browser Google Chrome:

  1. It is necessary to go to the settings using the button (☰) and select the “tools” tab in the “additional tools” section;

  1. Available extensions will open. However, you won't be able to find AdBlock here. You should go to the “more extensions” item, after which the Chrome store will open;

  2. In the search bar you need to write “Adblock” (without quotes), then install it.

Fixing a system filehosts

Remember: before you remove ads on YouTube in a video, it is important to understand that you yourself are responsible for the health of your Windows OS after making changes to the system file. By accurately performing each stage and their sequence, there will be no problems with the OS.

You need to do the following:


If you are a beginner PC user, then best solution is to install AdBlock. Experienced users can make adjustments to the system hosts file. All of these methods have certain advantages and disadvantages. So, for example, Adblock is not able to protect from all ads, then the list of hosts servers needs to be updated regularly.

A lot of people are wondering: Do I need to include non-skippable ads in videos? On the one hand, such advertising is the most expensive and can bring additional income, on the other hand, this ad cannot be skipped by the viewer and he can close the video, this hits the indicator so important for the promotion of the video on YouTube.

Benefits of non-skippable ads

Ads are really expensive, but there are few such ads, and their overall contribution to the channel's income is far from decisive. And since there are not very many such advertisements, it means that it will not annoy the audience so much.

Cons of non-skippable ads

As I said above, in some cases, non-skippable advertising can negatively affect the retention of the audience of your channel. In fact, this rarely happens. You can experiment. On some videos, turn on this one, but don't turn it on on others. And then after a month, compare the audience retention rates.

Just remember that audience retention can go down due to a variety of factors, far from being the fault of interfering ads.

Summary. Should such ads be included?

In most cases, you need to enable everything on the channel. Especially if your channel's income is largely formed from advertising money.

If you have good information that non-skippable ads reduce audience retention on the channel, then do not include it. Also, if the video is aimed at promoting your brand, goods or services, it may not be worth including advertising in it in principle. Decide for yourself, but I wish that any of your decisions be based on facts, and not just someone's irrelevant recommendations.

Needless to say, how interesting and convenient it is to watch videos online on YouTube? Still would! One of the most popular video hosting! Everything is fine, everything is fine on this site, but sometimes the question when visiting it worries, how, in fact, to remove ads on Youtube. Although it refers to a trusted one and can provide useful information about goods and services, still frankly interferes in some situations. Banners can cover important parts of the video sequence, and pauses with ad impressions take time (you have to wait for the demonstration to end).

Installing the script

Developers Google as an experiment, they offer everyone a special script that allows you to get rid of advertising on video hosting. It should be noted right away that the use of this tool is appropriate only in certain cases. For example, when a user needs to open a single video in the browser.

However, in this article, we'll take a step-by-step look at how to use this code:

1. Open the console by pressing "hot keys":

  • Ctrl + Shift + J - Chrome, Opera;
  • Ctrl + Shift + K - Firefox;
  • F12 - Internet Explorer.

document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=oKckVSqvaGw; path=/; domain=.youtube.com";window.location.reload();

3. Banners will disappear on the open video hosting page.


Conventionally, extensions that can remove ads on Youtube can be divided into two groups according to the filtering scale. large groups:

1. Customized

This group includes anti-banners that filter out advertisements directly only on Youtube. They do not apply to other sites and services. They are great for those users who, in the process of surfing the web on most of the visited online resources, prefer to view ads (except for YouTube, for example).

Addons are available in the official browser extension stores:

Adblock for Youtube (for Google Chrome):

another version with the same name:

Nearly similar solutions are available for Firefox:

And for Opera - Adblocker for YouTube:

2. General action

The solutions of this group are designed to permanently remove any type of online advertising, not only on YouTube, but also on other sites. They can also be downloaded from the app store as well as from their official websites:

1. Adblock Plus (adblockplus.org).

2. Adguard (adguard.com).

Open the "Products" section.

Go to the subsection: Browser extensions → Adguard Anti-banner.

3. Adblock (getadblock.com).

How to download and install the addon?

1. Initially, you must choose one anti-banner to filter ads. Multiple blocking addons are not recommended. They can programmatically conflict with themselves, slow down the loading of web pages, remove banners incorrectly, etc.

2. Copy the name of the addon. Go to the app store:

  • Google Chrome: Menu → Settings → Extensions → More extensions (link at the bottom of the page)
  • Firefox: go to - addons.mozilla.org/en/firefox
  • Opera: Menu → Extensions → Load Extensions

3. Paste the copied addon name into the search bar of the app store. Press "Enter".

4. Go to the extension page. Click the link "Install ...", "Add ..." (depending on which resource you use).

If the download is performed from the addon's official website, when you open the page, it automatically detects your browser and offers to download the distribution kit specifically for it (see the download links on the screenshots).

How to remove ads when watching a video on the Internet? / How to get rid of ads in movies and on YouTube?

For a long time, on all popular sites with a wide selection of video content, including the well-known YouTube portal, there are more and more ads. Not only can advertising be played immediately before the start of the video, but it also constantly pops up when viewed at the bottom or at the top of the video being played. What you will agree, at least, is not very convenient. And, in some cases, pop-up text boxes can seriously annoy the user. It’s blasphemy – nothing else, when the video is turned on, you tune in for a pleasant viewing, lie down, for example, more comfortably on the sofa in front of the monitor, and, trying to focus on the desired plot, you constantly see pop-up text boxes that carry absolutely useless and unnecessary information at the moment. And, some video authors manage to insert an advertising code with the video that had already been watched before the start of viewing, both in the middle and in any other segment of the video material we need, repeating it several times. If the description of the video included, for example, the number of pop-ups and commercials played, it would be fair. And, the user could decide for himself whether he will watch this record, or look for a video of such content with less intrusive advertising! Agree, that would be fair!?

But, unfortunately, there is no such kind of honesty, and there never will be! As a result, many developers software long ago we have been dealing with the question of how to remove ads from the video viewed on a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone?

To date, the company has reached the maximum performance in terms of removing ads from video recordings. Performix LLC, having created a powerful utility to combat all types of advertising in computer devices Windows-based and Android-based mobiles. Software, which perfectly fights advertising in video clips played on the Internet and performs many more useful functions, was named adguard("add guard" - in translation "add protection").

So, if you are tired of closing pop-up windows with incomprehensible and unnecessary text when watching a video, if you do not want to watch useless commercials, before watching the video, all ads in the video on the Internet can be removed! What is needed for this?

*First- download the program installer. If you intend to protect your computer or laptop from ads in video, click to download HERE. If we are talking about a smartphone or tablet, to download the installation file, click HERE

*Further- open the downloaded file and install the application on the device. (If this step causes you any difficulties, you can refer to the detailed step by step instructions for installation on a computer or laptop , and on a smartphone or tablet)

As for mobile devices:

  • Something to achieve top speed data exchange over the Internet, it is recommended to install on your Android device high-speed browser with all built-in optimization and even energy saving features

Youtube is the undisputed leader in the field of video. Music videos, movies and series, funny videos, not to mention the channels of popular video bloggers - YouTube is addicted to people of any gender, age and interests.

But if earlier the site attracted by the fact that all the videos could be watched without being interrupted by advertising, now Youtube ads are increasingly interrupting your favorite movies or surfing the channels with a variety of videos and programs.

To get rid of this problem, there are many ways. Some of them do not require any skills, others are a little more difficult. But choose the right option to get rid of annoying ads, accessible to everyone.

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Ways to disable ads on the site

There are several ways to disable YouTube ads in the search and on the site. Each of them works differently and not all of them are equally useful.

Below we will consider each method separately!

So let's go!

Disabling ads on the site manually

This opportunity exists due to the need for the company to analyze site statistics, count visits and view advertisements.

To do this, you need to go to the site at Youtube.com. The next steps depend on your browser type:

  • In the browser Opera or Google Chrome, Yandex, etc., you must press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + J.
  • On the Macintosh, in a different way Mac OS, for similar actions, the sequence of actions will be Command-Option-J.
  • AT Firefox browser you must simultaneously press the Ctrl + Shift + K buttons or the sequence of commands Ctrl + Shift + K in Windows and Mac, respectively.
  • If you are using one of the latest versions of the Internet Explorer browser, just press the F12 button and go to the F12 section.
  • After the console is open, you need to insert the following line into it
    document.cookie=”VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=oKckVSqvaGw; path=/; domain=.youtube.com";window.location.reload()
  • By pressing the Enter key, you will get rid of ads on YouTube.

Disabling ads using an extension

Such extensions, or add-ons, to browsers allow you to get rid of commercials and pop-up images not only on YouTube, but also on any other site.

Most often, the Adblock extension is used for these purposes. It's free, works efficiently, and offers two versions, regular and plus. With it, you can how to get rid of ads on YouTube Android as well as in the computer.

For this you need:

  • It is better to download the extension from the official site - https://adblockplus.org.
  • By default, you will be offered a version for the browser from which you visited the resource. If you need an extension for another program, you need to select the appropriate icon below the "Install" button.
  • There you can also find versions of the extension for tablets and smartphones.
  • After that, you need to click on the "Install" button and allow the extension to be added to your browser.
  • When the installation is completed, the browser will notify you with a notification.
  • For the extension to start working, just refresh the page or restart the browser.
Extension settings can be changed. Some types of advertising on YouTube, marked as "non-intrusive", it can save.

To tighten the filters, you need to go to the settings and set the required values. In addition to Adblock, you can use extensions such as Adwcleaner , Adguard and the like.

Shutdown with hosts

One of the most reliable, but requiring certain knowledge, ways, how to disable video ads on youtube, is the removal of advertising on the site using hosts.

This file can be found along the path drivers - etc - hosts. At what you can get into the drivers folder from the system32 or SysWOW64 folders located in the folder with the operating system.

Having opened the file using the notepad program, you need to add the following lines to it:

# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
#lines or following the machine name denoted by a "#" symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# ::1 localhost googleads.g.doubleclick.net ad.adriver.ru pink.habralab.ru www.google-analytics.com ssl.google-analytics.com

After saving the hosts file, you can launch the browser and enjoy watching your favorite videos without any ads.

There are other ways to disable ads on YouTube - special antivirus add-ons or special router settings, but they all require more time, effort and skills.

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