The scene for February 23 is small. Scenarios for Defender of the Fatherland Day ★ (February 23). Scene "Army education"

  • 14.04.2020


A Soldier walks along the road, stops.

Soldier. Oh, and I'm walking for a long time! Tired. You should have a rest. When a soldier is alone, he is his own commander. Now I’m commanding myself: “Halt!” And I'll sit on a stump, eat a pie.

The soldier sits down, there is a pie.

Soldier. Well, it looks like I'm resting. Gained strength. Now you can hit the road again... But I feel something is missing. What?

The soldier looks around.

Magpie jumps on a tree branch.

Magpie. Hello, soldier, my clear falcon, gild your paw, I'll tell you the whole truth, what you lack. Give me a dime.

The soldier is looking in his pockets. He finds a ten-ruble coin and gives it to Soroka!

Magpie. Oh, you give a lot, falcon!

Soldier. Yes, small money is hard for a soldier to carry. Yes, and I read somewhere that magpies like to collect shiny objects. So this is for your collection.

Magpie. Thank you for this. Now I'll tell you what you lack - mood!

Soldier. Where can I take it on the road?

Magpie. You see, flowers are growing, take any, that's the mood and rise.

Soldier(looks). There is a rose, carnation and chamomile, which one to take?

Magpie. Take a rose, it is the most beautiful. With her at least to the ball!

Soldier. Rose is very majestic!

Magpie. Take a clove. She is strict, you can put her in the buttonhole of a jacket.

Soldier. Don't tell me about the jacket, they will lower your mood completely to zero! Magpie. Take a camomile, it is like a little sun.

Soldier(looks). Yes, your truth, magpie, chamomile is so charming, ours, field. Take a camomile, and the mood will again take its fighting position. On a camomile and you can tell fortunes for good luck! After all, what is the most important thing for a soldier? Luck!

February 23 is a serious holiday. But even on this serious holiday it is not a sin to laugh. Therefore, our author's sketches for February 23 will make your holiday funny, and at the same time they will beautifully congratulate everyone on the day of the defender of the patronymic. The first scene will tell you why it is better to follow orders in the army, and not wait until a volunteer is found. And the second scene will congratulate everyone on the holiday. And not just congratulate, but do it on behalf of Masha and the bear. You and your audience will be very pleased, and this day will pass in the most solemn way.

Scene 1 - Potatoes!

Soldiers stand in a line on the stage, it can be in the amount of 5-7 people. Put the smallest one in the center of the line and it is desirable to make him a botanist. The soldiers stand at attention, the commander walks around them.

Commander: I ask again - who will go for potatoes?

In response to silence. Suddenly one of the soldiers asks.

Soldier: Comrade commander, why should we go for potatoes? After all, we are soldiers, our job is to protect the Motherland.
Commander: An order came from above, so we need to help our collective farm harvest. Therefore, I ask again - who wants to go for potatoes?

Silence again, all the soldiers avert their eyes from the commander. Suddenly one soldier asks again.

Soldier: But the collective farmers do not help us serve, so why should we help them harvest?
Commander: Private, where are you, in the army?
Soldier: Yes sir!
Commander: And in the army, orders are not discussed, but carried out. So, who wants to go for potatoes?

Silence again. One of the soldiers asks.

Soldier: What happens if no one goes?
Commander: Someone must go, the order must be executed. The last time I ask - who wants to go for potatoes? And then we will pull matches.

Silence again. The soldiers who stand near the botanist push him out of action.

Commander: O! Private Petrov! Voluntarily? Commendable, commendable!
Private Petrov: So I this, well, like him. Yes, that's right, I want to go for potatoes.

All sorts of cries are heard from the ranks, jokes over Petrov.

Commander: Put the conversations aside. Private Petrov!
Private Petrov: I!
Commander: Private Petrov. To the left, step march to the bus and to the potatoes.

Petrov goes to the left.

Commander: The rest of you, listen to my command. To the right, a step march on the potatoes on foot.

One of the soldiers speaks.

Soldier: So we didn't want to go for potatoes, did we?
Commander: That's right, you didn't want to go, so you'll go on foot!

There is a table on the stage in one corner, chairs nearby, a samovar or a teapot on the table, cups, a bouquet of flowers in a vase, cookies, jam, honey. A calendar hangs on the wall next to it, on which there is a large number 23. The bear walks all dressed up, important, preparing for a tea party. Masha comes out from the other side of the stage. As usual, she skips, looks around, sings something under her breath. Masha comes to an imaginary door and knocks.

Masha: Knock Knock. Is there anything? Mishka, open it already.

At this time, the bear became alarmed, hid, he did not expect Masha to come.

Masha: Well, bear, open it already, it's cold to stand, it's winter outside.

Mishka sighed, shrugged his shoulders, spread his arms to the sides and went to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, Masha immediately ran past him and ran up to the table.

Masha: Mishka, what do you have. Some kind of holiday?

Then Masha comes up to the bear and examines it from all sides.

Masha: And he dressed so beautifully, like some kind of groom. Oh, I know you're getting married!

The bear spreads his arms to the sides and shakes his head negatively.

Masha: Not?! So it's a birthday! Hooray, let's celebrate!

The bear again spreads his arms to the sides and shakes his head negatively.

Masha: Not a birthday? What then?

Bear brings Masha to the calendar and points to the number 23.

The bear shakes his head again and begins to explain in his arms what holiday is February 23rd. He depicts a soldier, a soldier with a weapon, and so on.
Masha looks at him, then begins to twist her finger at her temple.

Masha: Did you get sick?

The bear covers his face with his paws, then goes to the shelf, takes a book from there and shows it to Masha. He opens a page and points to a book with his finger. Masha is reading, mumbling something in a low voice.

Masha: I realized today February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day! And we will celebrate.

Misha nods his head approvingly and invites Masha to the table. They sit down, the bear pours tea for Masha, Masha raises a glass and speaks.

Masha: Happy holiday to you men, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Key tags:

Each of us celebrates the holiday on February 23, but does everyone know what is behind it? Having come to the holiday, we will make you real men, so that you can celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day without a twinge of conscience! Scenario for teenagers for the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Scenario for February 23

A holiday is approaching, which our men are looking forward to - February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day, and many want to celebrate it somehow especially. We bring to your attention interesting scenario holding this wonderful, purely masculine holiday.

Scenario "Strong, brave, dexterous, skillful!"

Sports and gaming holiday "Strong, brave, dexterous, skillful!" dedicated to the celebration of February 23 by the children of the younger school age. The competitions will require the participation of not only boys, but also their dads. During various competitions, participants will be able to demonstrate their courage, dexterity and resourcefulness.

Scenario "Defender of the Fatherland"

Script for adults, can be used in various corporate organizations or just in a friendly company. The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts and congratulations. Then the banquet begins, everyone sits down at the festive table. The party program continues with fun tests and contests.

Scenario "How the heroes rescued the magic chest"

Scenario for the Defender of the Fatherland Day for children. Baba Yaga stole a chest with fairy tales from Brownie Kuzi. Children and their dads go to help him out, showing their skills in various competitions along the way. But it turns out that good always triumphs over evil, and even strength is not needed here.

Scenario "February 23 - it's time to congratulate men"

Scenario for holding solemn event dedicated to February 23. Designed to host an event within the framework of corporate party. February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Any team is in a hurry to congratulate the representatives of the stronger sex of each enterprise. This script will tell you how to do it beautifully and tastefully.

Scenario for children "In search of a knight"

So the day has come, dedicated to our wonderful men, the day of February 23. On this day, we can give them maximum care and attention, and try to do only what they like.

Scenario for February 23 for the corporate party "Oh, this holiday"

Corporate is an important event in the life of the company, contributing to the cohesion of the team. There are plenty of holidays in winter, but February 23 can be called one of the most important, since it is on this day that we congratulate our dear and beloved men. With the help of this scenario, you will be able to hold a memorable holiday for a small team (15-20 people).

On February 23, we pay tribute to those who defended their native land from the fascist invaders. But in peacetime, many of the guys continue to carry out difficult and responsible service. Therefore, special attention should be paid to boys, who in the near future will stand up for the defense of the Fatherland. Today is a holiday not only as the birthday of our Red Army, but also as the day of real men.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is always celebrated on primary school. Parents are invited to the holiday, and especially dads and grandfathers are waiting for guests. After all, this holiday is for them. How to surprise guests? Show new scenes by February 23rd. In elementary school, you can play different versions of skits that guests will like. We have several options that can help you prepare for the holiday. Let's watch them.

Scene - different military professions.
This scene will tell and show a variety of military professions. For the scene, you need to prepare toys or cut out of cardboard necessary material. For example, a tank, a plane, a ship, and so on. All this is necessary so that when the scene is on and the children talk about some kind of profession, other participants, using the example of toys, show how it all works.

Profession tanker.
A student comes out and talks about the tankers. And others with the help of toys show what it is and how it all happens.

Pilot profession.
The next student talks about pilots and what they do. Assistants also show everything that happens with the help of airplanes. You can stage an air battle. In which our planes defeat enemies.

Profession radio operator.
Now about the radio operators. You can also show everything here. For example, one child will come out with a walkie-talkie and a radio, as if transmitting a signal somewhere.

Profession border guard.
Many dads and grandfathers served on the border, and it will be interesting for them. Here the students talk about the border guards and their service.

Profession military doctor.
It is in the war. Perhaps the most difficult profession is a military doctor. He helps the wounded and is constantly at work. Children tell a verse about military doctors, and assistants show how doctors bandage the wounded.

Profession military sailor.
And, finally, the main military profession on February 23 is a sailor. This verse is large and can be recited by several students. And the rest to show how they can lead fighting ships at sea.

The scene is hazing.
Everyone knows that there was, and maybe is, hazing in the army. This is when a senior in rank or service life forces others to do everything. In this scene, you will see an example of this.
First on the stage, a little boy does push-ups, and he is led by an older boy. Then an even older boy comes in and forces the one who led before to do push-ups. Then he comes even older and already he forces the one who was the eldest before him to do push-ups and so on. And then a girl comes out, who plays the role of a wife, and turns to the eldest, to her husband. He asks him - why is he not at home? He cannot give an exact answer, and his wife makes him do push-ups.
Watch the video to see what this scene looks like: