Training sessions for school teachers. Psychological training "successful teacher". We end the training with a ritual farewell

  • 18.11.2019

Training for teachers "You can do everything."

Target: prevention of professional "burnout" of teachers.


Prevention and removal of psychological overload of the teaching staff.

Development of a positive attitude towards oneself, awareness of one's own self-worth.

Assistance in understanding personal resources and making possible adjustments to the performance of one's life and activity functions.

Relieve muscle tension and develop the ability to relax.

Facilitating teachers' response to negative emotions (anger, resentment, fear).

Numerous studies show that the teaching profession is one of those that are more affected by professional "burnout". This is due to the fact that the work of a teacher is characterized by a high emotional load: the need to communicate during the day with all participants in the educational process (children, teachers, parents, administration), great responsibility for the life and health of children, as well as for the quality of the knowledge and skills they have acquired and skills, the need to always be “on top” (use new techniques, technologies in work, be consistent and correct, pleasant in appearance and communication).

One form of effective psychological help for teachers is a training session that will help reduce emotional overload and muscle tension, develop a positive perception of oneself, and actualize the internal resources of a person.

Lesson plan.

Exercise - greeting "Good afternoon."

Acquaintance (name, mood, where we work, you can briefly about yourself, whatever you want).

The game "The wind blows on the one who ..."

Game exercise "Tram".

Exercise "Rain"

Brainstorming "How to cope with emotional burnout?" (methods of self-regulation in a stressful situation).

Theory "Natural methods of body regulation".

Stress relief exercises.

Game exercise "Paper balls".

Typewriter exercise.

Dance is a game.

Parable about the glass.

Relaxation "Waterfall".


Magic box.

Course of the training:

1. Exercise - greeting "Good afternoon."

2. Acquaintance(name, mood, where we work, you can briefly about yourself, whatever you want).

3. The game "The wind blows on the one who ..."

Born in autumn

Who has brown eyes

Who had a delicious meal

Who was born in the summer

Who loves cats

Who was born in the spring

Who was born in winter.

Who loves sweet

Who woke up in a good mood

Who loves indoor flowers

Who today happily went to work,

Who is looking forward to vacation.

Ex. "Tram". Let's go on a journey into the world of communication on a tram. Set up an empty chair. Whoever has an empty chair on the right, he changes seats with the words "And I'm going", the next one changes with the words "And I, too", the third with the words "And I'm a hare", the fourth with the words "And I'm with ... (they call someone from circle, and he quickly runs to an empty chair). Then it continues in the same way, whoever has an empty chair on the right, changes seats with the words "And I'm going ...", etc.

Exercise "Rain"

Participants stand in a circle one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. With light touches, each participant imitates the drops of the beginning rain. The drops fall more often, the rain becomes stronger and turns into a downpour. Large streams flow down the back. Then the streams become smaller, the drops less frequent and completely stop.

.Brainstorming "How to cope with emotional burnout?"(methods of self-regulation in a stressful situation). Participants are divided into two teams and for 5 minutes discuss and write down ways to deal with stress. Then, in turn, the teams say their versions without repeating each other. The psychologist adds:

Natural methods of regulation of the body:

Laughter, smile, humor;

Reflections on the good, pleasant;

Various movements such as sipping, muscle relaxation;

Observation of the landscape outside the window;

Examination of indoor flowers in the room, photographs and other things that are pleasant or expensive for a person;

Mental appeal to higher powers (God, the Universe, a great idea);

- "bathing" (real or mental) in the sun;

Inhalation of fresh air;

Reading poetry;

Expressing praise, compliments to someone just like that.

Of course, you need to be able to relax correctly, master the techniques for managing your psycho-emotional state.

As a result of self-regulation, three main effects can occur:

calming effect (elimination of emotional tension);

the effect of recovery (weakening of manifestations of fatigue);

activation effect (increased psychophysiological reactivity).

Stress relief exercises.

And now I want to offer you some exercises that will relieve your tension and that you can use in everyday life.

"Breathe Deep"

When you experience emotional discomfort, just check how you breathe. Breathing consists of three phases inhale - pause - exhale. With increased excitability, anxiety, nervousness or irritability, you need to breathe like this. Inhale - pause - exhale. Start with 5 seconds. Let's try!

It is not necessary to breathe in such a rhythm for a long time. Follow the result and focus on it. You can increase the duration of each phase. In order to raise the general tone, to gather strength, the alternation of phases should be the following inhale-exhale-pause. Let's try!

The ability to relieve muscle clamps allows you to relieve neuropsychic stress. They say they knock out a wedge with a wedge, and we will do the same. To achieve maximum relaxation, you need to strain as much as possible.

Exercise "Lemon"


Sit comfortably: put your hands freely on your knees (palms up, shoulders and head down. Mentally imagine that you have a lemon in your right hand. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that you have “squeezed out” all the juice. Relax "Remember your feelings. Now imagine that the lemon is in your left hand. Repeat the exercise. Again, relax and remember your feelings. Then do the exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy the state of peace."

Next technique "Eraser"

To maintain a stable psychological state, as well as to prevent various occupational psychosomatic disorders, it is important to be able to forget how to "erase" conflict situations from memory.

Sit down and relax. Close your eyes. Imagine a blank landscape sheet of paper in front of you. Pencils, eraser. Mentally draw on the sheet a negative situation that needs to be forgotten. It can be a real picture, a figurative association, a symbol, etc. Mentally take an eraser and start successively “erasing” the situation presented from a sheet of paper. "Erase" until the picture disappears from the sheet. Open your eyes. Check. To do this, close your eyes and imagine the same sheet of paper. If the picture has not disappeared, take the eraser again and "erase" until it disappears completely. After some time, the procedure can be repeated.

As a result of performing anti-stress exercises, interhemispheric interaction is restored and the neuroendocrine mechanism is activated, which ensures adaptation to a stressful situation and a gradual psychophysiological exit from it.

Exercise "Fly"

Target: relieving tension from the facial muscles.

Sit comfortably: put your hands freely on your knees, shoulders and head lowered, eyes closed. Imagine that a fly is trying to land on your face. She sits on the nose, then on the mouth, then on the forehead, then on the eyes. Your task: without opening your eyes, drive away the annoying insect.

Exercise "Growing up"

The participants are in a circle. Starting position - squatting, bend your head to your knees, clasping them with your hands.

Facilitator's instruction: Imagine that you are a small sprout that has just emerged from the ground. You grow, gradually straightening, opening and rushing up. I will help you grow by counting to five. Try to evenly distribute the stages of growth.

Complicating the exercise in the future, the leader can increase the duration of growth to 10-20 stages. After completing the exercise, it is useful to immediately go to the exercise "Pulled - broke."

Exercise "Icicle" ("Ice cream")

Target: control the state of muscle tension and relaxation.

Please stand up, raise your hands and close your eyes. Imagine that you are an icicle or ice cream. Tighten all the muscles of your body: palms, shoulders, neck, torso, abdomen, buttocks, legs. Remember these feelings. Freeze in this pose. Freeze yourself. Then imagine that under the influence of the sun's heat you begin to slowly melt. Relax gradually the hands, then the muscles of the shoulders, neck, body, legs, etc. Remember the sensations in a state of relaxation. Perform the exercise until you reach the optimal psycho-emotional state. Let's do the exercise again.

Game exercise "Paper balls".

In order for us not to accumulate negative emotions, they need to be responded to. The Paper Balls game will help us with this. Divide into 2 teams. Crumple paper balls from newspapers. Teams are located at a distance of 4 meters from each other. To the cheerful music, everyone starts throwing their balls to the other side. The task of each team. so that they don't have balls on their side when the music ends.

Typewriter exercise.
Purpose: mobilizes attention, improves mood, increases activity.
Let's imagine that we are all a big typewriter. Each of us is the letters on the keyboard (a little later we will distribute the letters, each will get two or three letters of the alphabet). Our typewriter can type different words and does it like this: I say a word, for example, "laughter", and then the one who gets the letter "s" clap his hands, then we all clap our hands, then the one who whom the letter “m”, and again a general clap, etc. A space between the words - everyone needs to stand up.

The coach distributes the letters alphabetically in a circle.
If our typewriter makes a mistake, we will print from the beginning.

And we will print the phrase: "Health is more precious than gold" William Shakespeare.

Dance is a game.

To cheerful music, each participant shows a dance movement, and everyone repeats after him for a minute, and so on in a circle.


At the beginning of the lesson, the professor raised a glass with some water. He held this glass until all the students paid attention to it, and then asked: "How much do you think this glass weighs?"

- "50 grams!", "100 grams!", "125 grams!" students assumed.

I don’t know myself,” the professor continued, “to find out, you need to weigh him. But the question is: what will happen if I hold the glass like this for a few minutes?

Nothing, the students replied.

Good. What happens if I hold this glass for an hour? the professor asked again.

Your arm will ache, one of the students answered.

So. And what will happen if I keep the glass all day in this way?

Your hand will turn to stone, you will feel a strong tension in your muscles, and you may even paralyze your hand, and you will have to send a hospital to you, - the student said to the general laughter of the audience.

Very well,” continued the professor imperturbably, “however, has the weight of the glass changed during this time?

No, was the answer. - Then where did the pain in the shoulder and tension in the muscles come from?

The students were surprised and discouraged.

What do I need to do to get rid of the pain? - Asked the professor.

Put down the glass, - came the answer from the audience.

Here, - the professor exclaimed, - the same thing happens with life's problems and failures.

If you keep them in your head for a few minutes, that's fine. You will think about them for a long time, you will start to experience pain. And if you continue to think about it for a long, long time, then it will start to paralyze you, i.e. you can't do anything else. It is important to think about the situation and draw conclusions, but it is even more important to let go of these problems from yourself at the end of each day, before you go to bed. And in this way, you will be able to wake up every morning fresh, cheerful and ready to cope with new life situations without tension. Put down the glass!

Relaxation "Waterfall". (Relaxation music sounds to help teachers relax).


What are your feelings after the training, mood?

What did you like? What didn't you like?

What was helpful?

Did you manage to relax? Relieve stress?

Magic box.

Exercise 12

Target: uplifting mood.

Educators are invited to get one note from a magic box (vase, bag), which will tell them what awaits them today or what they need to do in the near future.

Wish options:

You are especially lucky today!

Life is preparing a pleasant surprise for you!

It's time to do what you keep putting off!

Love yourself for who you are - unique!

Give yourself a gift, you deserve it!

Joy and peace are with you today!

Today is your day, good luck to you!

All your desires and dreams come true, believe in it!

Believe in yourself and everything will work out!

Luck will follow you today!

May happiness embrace you!

Feel free to go ahead, only the best awaits you there!

Live and be happy, the rest will follow!

May harmony reign in your soul!

May your eyes always shine!

Do not be surprised if today all of a sudden impossible dreams start to come true!

Think positive and everything will be fine!

Let everything be GREAT today, and the rest of the days - everything is WONDERFUL!

Take care of yourself - bathe in happy moments!

Everything will be fine, and tomorrow will be even better!

You have to love and praise yourself. Do not entrust such a responsible matter to strangers!

Smile when there are clouds in the sky. Smile when your heart is in trouble. Smile... and you'll feel better immediately. Smile, because you are someone's HAPPINESS!

The main thing is to believe. If you believe, then everything will definitely be fine - even BETTER than you yourself can arrange!

Only the one who conquered himself wins in this life. Who conquered his fear, his laziness and his insecurity.

Live in such a way that people, when faced with you, SMILE, and when communicating with you, become a little HAPPIER ...

To live and rejoice, you need only two things: firstly - LIVE, and secondly - REJOY!

Do not be sad because of nonsense, nonsense is not sad because of you.

If things don't go the way you want, let them pass! It's... none of your business!

Even after a small smile, one small microbe is sure to die in the body. Smile more!

Never give up and you will reach your goal!

There will be a new dawn - there will be a sea of ​​victories! And never believe that there is no way out!

Strengthen the body - joy, humor, optimism!

I allow happy events to line up to happen to me!

Theoretical information

Psychology is an amazing science. At the same time, it is both young and one of the most ancient sciences. Already the philosophers of antiquity reflected on the problems that are relevant for modern psychology. Questions of the correlation of soul and body, perception, memory and thinking; questions of training and education, emotions and motivation of human behavior and many others have been raised by scientists since the emergence of the first philosophical schools Ancient Greece in the 6th and 7th centuries BC. But the ancient thinkers were not psychologists in the modern sense. The symbolic birth date of the science of psychology is considered to be 1879, the year Wilhelm Wundt opened the first experimental psychological laboratory in Germany, in the city of Leipzig. Until that time, psychology remained a speculative science. And only W. Wundt took the liberty of uniting psychology and experiment. For W. Wundt, psychology was the science of consciousness. In 1881, on the basis of the laboratory, the Institute of Experimental Psychology (which still exists) was opened, which became not only a scientific center, but also an international center for the training of psychologists. In Russia, the first psychophysiological laboratory of experimental psychology was opened by V.M. Bekhterev in 1885 at the clinic of Kazan University.

The training is aimed at rallying the teaching staff, developing communication skills, emotional stability, self-confidence, and a friendly attitude towards each other. Performing training exercises, teachers learn to understand each other. The training motivates teachers to self-improvement, reflection, mastering the mechanisms of communicative competence.

Training objectives:

Formation of a favorable psychological climate

Finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them

Development of the ability to work in a team

Group rallying

Awareness by each participant of his role, function in the group

Improve the communication skills of teachers

Increase your mood for good luck, happiness, kindness and success.

Necessary materials:

Sheets of format A - 4 according to the number of participants, simple pencils, felt-tip pens

Calm music for relaxation

Plates, jug of water

Sheets in a cage, ballpoint pens according to the number of participants

Course of the training:

Educational psychologist:

Dear colleagues! Today we will talk with you about the psychological climate of the team, as well as the importance of team cohesion.

The psychological climate is the interpersonal relationships typical of labor collective, which determine its main mood.

In one climate, a plant may flourish, in another it may wither. The same can be said about the psychological climate: in some conditions, people feel uncomfortable, tend to leave the team, spend less time in it, their personal growth slows down, in others, the team functions optimally and its members get the opportunity to fully realize their potential.

Building a psychological climate and team cohesion is the most important thing not only for the administration, but also for each member of the team.

The climate is called favorable if the atmosphere of goodwill, care for everyone, trust and exactingness reigns in the team. If team members are ready to work, show creativity and achieve High Quality, working without control and bearing responsibility for the case. If everyone in the team is protected, feels involved in everything that happens and actively enters into communication.

Exercise 1. "Greeting"

Purpose of the exercise: to determine the purpose of a smile as a means of conveying a message

Task: greeting a communication partner with a smile

Instruction: today instead of the word "hello" we will greet each other with a smile. You are given the right to choose different types of smiles: sincere, arrogant, ironic, insincere.

Exercise analysis:

1. By what signs did you guess that the smile is sincere, ironic, arrogant?

2. How did you feel when you received a smile instead of a greeting?

3. How often and in what situations do you usually use a smile to establish contact?

Exercise 2. "My mood"

Purpose of the exercise: expression of mood

Task: draw your mood at the moment

Instruction: On a sheet of format A - 4, depict your mood.

We will arrange an exhibition of our moods, we will give our neighbor only good mood, accompanying the gift with these words: “I give you my good mood ...”, and then let there be your kind word, an appeal that is usually addressed to your loved ones and loved ones.

Exercise analysis:

1. What did you like about this exercise?

2. What emotions did you experience when giving and receiving a “mood” in the form of a drawing?

Exercise 3. "Compliment"

The purpose of the exercise: creating a positive emotional attitude towards the interlocutor, mastering the compliment technique.

Task: come up with a compliment that matches personal qualities interlocutor.

Instruction: remember the words of B. Okudzhava

"Let's exclaim, admire each other,

High-sounding words are not to be feared.

Let's compliment each other

After all, these are all love happy moments ...!

Today we will say compliments to each other. Choose a partner for the task. The exchange of compliments will take place in the form of a dialogue. It is necessary not only to receive a compliment, but also to return it.

For example:

Natasha, you are such a kind person!

Yes it is! Also, I'm kind!

And you Olya, such beautiful eyes!

A compliment is accepted in a certain form: Yes, it is! And also I ... (added positive quality) and the compliment returns to the speaker.

Exercise analysis:

1. What difficulties did you encounter while doing this exercise?

2. Were there any pleasant moments in the exercise, which ones?

Exercise 4. "Flower" (to the music)

The goal of the game is to help participants experience feelings of mutual support and trust, mutual understanding at a deep level.

Participants are divided into pairs, one of them represents himself as a bud. It describes its color, shape, soil on which it grows.

The second - represents himself as a hero supporting the bud.

He approaches the sitting, grouped, bud from the back, gently wraps his arms around him, and begins to rock him.

The bud is gaining strength and "blooms". Then the partners change places.

Exercise analysis:

1. Tell us about your feelings after the exercise?

2. What difficulties did you face?

Exercise 5

The purpose of the exercise: to develop mutual understanding in the group, to understand and discuss the patterns of mutual assistance

Task: a group of participants, silently with their eyes closed, passes a plate of water around in a circle.

As a result, during the transfer, communication methods develop, the search for the partner’s hands until the plate is passed, the warning about the transfer by touch.

Exercise analysis:

1. What do you think went wrong?

2. How can this be fixed, what needs to be done?

3. What emotions did you experience during this exercise?

Exercise 6

The purpose of the game is to bring the members of the group together and establish trust between them.

The psychological meaning of the exercise

Development of communication skills, cohesion of group members, trust.

This exercise provides an excellent opportunity to experience what trust is.

Task: standing with your back to your partners, fall into their arms. Conducted in turn with each member of the group.

Exercise analysis:

1. What was easier to do, fall or catch?

2. How did you feel about it?

3. Is there any real life situations where you experience similar feelings?

Participants talk about what helped or, conversely, interfered with the task. What felt those who fell, and what felt those who closed the circle.

Exercise 7. “What I have learned”

Purpose: reflection

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I learned….

I have learned that….

I was surprised that…..

I like it,………

I was disappointed that….

The most important thing for me was...

Completion. Circle discussion:

What have you learned today...

What will I use in my work ...

Thank you all for your active participation!


1. Moreva N. A. Training of pedagogical communication. Practical guide. M. 2009.- 78 p.

2. Stishenok I. V. Fairy tale in training: correction, development, personal growth. St. Petersburg 2006. - 176 p.

3. Vopel K. Psychological groups: Working materials for the presenter: A practical guide. M., 2005. - 256 p.

4. Manual for a beginner trainer, "I want to conduct a training." Novosibirsk, 2000. - 205 p.

Adjusting the audience to the perception of information, attracting attention.

Dear teachers, I ask for your attention and support. I want to present my gaming training session.

In order to make the goal clear to you, let's plunge into history.


So, the Roman emperor Diocletian, after 20 years of successful expansion of the empire, suppressing uprisings and cultivating the barbarians, spat on everything and left for the village to grow cabbage, as evil tongues claimed. For more than 16 centuries, ungrateful descendants considered the ancient Roman an ordinary madman, and only recently psychiatrists diagnosed him with an accurate diagnosis - the emperor burned out at work.

Syndrome professional burnout is a state of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion, manifested in professions related to people. This is a feeling of fatigue, insomnia, negativity towards work, people, children, guilt, anxiety, irritability.


I invite here those who experience something similar or would like to save themselves from this state. I need 8 members.

Note 16 centuries remembered the emperor. In order to remember you even longer and only with a kind word - take care of yourself right now warm-up.

Exercise - energizer

I am glad to welcome you all. In order to warm up a little after work, I suggest playing a game. On my command, you need to line up on a certain basis as quickly as possible.

- “Line up according to height”, - “By shoe size”, - “By eye color starting from light” (from light to dark), - alphabetically by patronymic, - by date of birth.

Questions for discussion of the exercise:

  • What helped you build faster?
  • Would the game take place if everyone were the same in eye color, height, etc.?

The conclusion that the guys come to: We are all different, but we have fun and interesting together.


Let's get acquainted. As a rule, in training groups it is customary to call each other by their first names, so for a while forget that you have a middle name.

Get in a circle. Take turns saying what you would like to be called today. You have to express your mood, inner state in different ways. Pull out the cards on them it is written how you need to express yourself (the rest guess).

Conclusion: Sometimes it's easier to express yourself with images than to tell in words and find the right words. You need to look into yourself more often. In some cases, this will help you to help yourself in time, in others it will teach you how to live here and now.

Before announcing to you the purpose of our meeting, I want to show a little experience.

I invite you to sit down (the participants are already divided into 2 teams while they sit down, the chairs stand around 2 tables on which there is also water, a glass, gouache, a brush, glitter, tubes).

Let's do an experiment. In front of you is a glass of water. What kind of water? (Transparent, pure.) What can be compared with your inner state? Thoughts? The senses? Emotions? Mood? You like it when everything is calm inside you. (What can help us with this.)

Add shine. Now what is happening to us? (Sparkle of joy and happiness, they say a sparkle in the eyes) Do we like this state? (which can help us with this.)

In front of you are paints, a brush, water, tubes and a glass. Show empirically the state of psycho-emotional stress. (Let me remind you that the state of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, accompanied by insomnia, negativity towards work, people, children, guilt, anxiety, irritability.)

The purpose of the training session is announced:

The purpose of our lesson is to create a model that helped maintain our psychological health.

I invite you to a creative workshop (teachers sit around a table on which there is salt).

Look, there's salt on the tables. What can it be used for?

We will now try to turn the salt of life into joy.

For a few minutes, I invite you to be alone with yourself and listen to your feelings. Ask yourself “What am I feeling, experiencing, thinking right now?”. You can close your eyes for a moment to listen to yourself. Focus on this question for a few seconds and think about what colors you could use to reflect your emotional state.

Open your eyes. Now we will create your mood rainbow.

In front of you is salt and multi-colored chalk. Choose the first color of salt that is somewhat reminiscent of what you felt now. (Additionally, you can choose a ready-made colored salt.)

Pour a little salt on a leaf and begin to paint it with chalk. We pour out. Just do it very carefully so as not to mix the layers of sand, otherwise, instead of a rainbow in a bottle, you will end up with muddy brown sand. So let's get started

Screw on the lid. The craft is ready!

Next color, etc. until you fill your container of rainbow mood.

You can take the wire and try to create some pattern very carefully so as not to mix the extra layers. This is how Egyptian masters create creative sand drawings.

This can be done in groups with children, you can paint the salt with chalk.

Outcome: Show off your masterpiece. Look at the rainbow in the bottle (jar) carefully and say what comes to your mind when you look at it - associations. Does it have anything in common with your inner state sensations?

What do you think, with what help did we try to clear our glass? (Salt, paints, plasticine, sand are methods of art therapy or creativity.)

Conclusion: we have now learned to express our inner state, everything that has accumulated in the soul with the help of creativity. It can be difficult to understand, and even more so to express in words what you feel - but it is easier to express it in creativity, besides, it relieves the accumulated mental stress, helps to calm down or just concentrate. We have now connected the world of fantasy and the world of reality with the help of an invisible bridge.

You did great with it.

Creativity, both of a child and an adult, realized in the process of art therapy, makes it possible to express and reproduce inner feelings, experiences, doubts, conflicts and hopes in a symbolic form, having once again experienced important events, because spontaneous visual activity is able to express the hidden content of mental life.

We are waiting for the second test.

Instruction: I want to invite you to play a game called Andersen has a fairy tale with that name. In this fairy tale, the fairy was presented with galoshes of happiness for her birthday, which she decided to give to people so that they would become happier. The person who put on these galoshes became the most happy man. Galoshes fulfilled all his desires, he could be transported to any time or era. So, I suggest you put on these galoshes and become a happy person.

Of course, there will be obstacles on the way to happiness, but you are in happy galoshes.

So, we break up into two teams, stand in a line - pay for cats and panthers. Kittens to the right, panthers to the left.

We will compete. Your task, wearing galoshes, is to overcome all obstacles (I demonstrate how to pass the relay race):

  • (bumps) - we overcome bumps of unpleasant, haunting, interfering, dark thoughts (we walk in galoshes along them);
  • (path) is a river of anxiety, worries, fears. (you need to go through it in an unusual way, never repeat it);
  • (barrier) - your bar is low self-esteem (I can’t, I won’t succeed);
  • A swamp (hoop) of ignorance of others. Think about how to cross it so as not to get bogged down in the same swamp;
  • in front of the goal (a pedestal with a medal) - victory (here you have a moment of joy of victory: your gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, exclamations - which will help you convey the feeling of victory) rejoice a little;
  • We return as a proud winner - we pass the baton;
  • The next participant runs.

Summary of the interview:

1. How did you manage to overcome these obstacles so quickly?

2. How do you feel?

3. Did your colleagues help you?

4. Have you gained positive emotions from winning, overcoming such difficult obstacles?

5) What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

7) And in life, what helps you overcome obstacles on the way to your goal?

8) In life, what is the most difficult thing for you to overcome, what to cope with?

(A basin with fish filled with water opens.)

Before us is a basin with fish. You have fishing rods. your task is to catch as many fish as possible in the bucket while the music is playing. The music stops as you approach the aquarium. We do everything quickly, otherwise the fish will suffocate without water.

We approach the aquarium and release only those fish that will be reserves of strength for us, thanks to which we can withstand troubles, which helps to maintain our vitality.

It remains to guess how you could call all these fish in the aquarium? (You can use brainstorming.)

These are our resources.

Each person needs resources - these are sources of reserves of strength, thanks to which we can withstand troubles, something that helps to maintain our vitality.

Conclusion: This is how, in symbolic language, today we tried to build a certain model of our psychological health.

We all managed to do it together in such a relaxed manner!

Reflection: Let's in a circle express our opinion about the past meeting and its significance for you (each participant in turn expresses his thoughts, feelings and sensations).

What feelings did you experience?
What have you learned, what have you learned? What are you thinking about?
How will this be useful in the future?

The facilitator sums up: the ability to relieve one's psychological and emotional stress, positive thinking, awareness and development of our resource state, as well as the positive emotions that we received today from the meeting, can help us feel better, raise our mood and self-awareness. And if peace and love, positive things reign in our own house, then we can create, give, bring love to the little houses of children's hearts.

The health of the teacher is necessary not only for his professional activity but also for the health of children, our pupils. Healthy teachers - healthy children.

Exercise "Applause" (2min)

Purpose: to cheer up and on a positive end the lesson emotionally

I would like to end our meeting on a positive note. I would like to give a feeling of victory and applause to everyone. I go up to any member of our training group and start applauding. (Audience help - well done participants to overcome so many obstacles and keep positive.) Then this participant chooses the next one from the group, to whom they applaud together. The third chooses the fourth, and so on. The whole group applauds the last participant.