How to sell on aliexpress from Russia. How to sell on Aliexpress, or how to open your store on Aliexpress How to become a seller on alipay

  • 13.07.2023

At the end of 2016, news resources proclaimed that Aliexpress completely conquered Russian buyers. And now the company has decided to win over Russian sellers, giving them the opportunity to trade on its site.

For a long time, only Chinese residents could become sellers on Aliexpress. But not everyone knows that the situation has now changed. And for a modest commission on sales, anyone can become a seller on Aliexpress.

How to become a seller on Aliexpress.

In order to open your store on Aliexpress and sell goods on this site, you need:

  • - Have a legal entity, such as LLC or IP.
  • - Only sell original brands. That is, you can place either your own products or brands of other manufacturers on Aliexpress, subject to the appropriate permission to sell from the trademark owner. Noname goods (of unknown production) are not allowed to be sold.
  • - You need to create a seller account on Aliexpress

How to register as a seller on Aliexpress

If you have already met all of the above requirements: you have a legal entity, you have decided which products you will place in your store, then the next step will be to send a questionnaire with information about your company to the address [email protected]

The following documents must be attached to the letter:

  • - OGRN (scan or photo of the Certificate of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities)
  • - Scans or photos of documents confirming the originality of the goods that you plan to sell. This is necessary to confirm the legitimacy of the sale of these brands, that the products are not counterfeit (original).
  • - Basic information card with bank details (in Word format).

After checking the information, if everything is fine with the documents, you will be sent a link in response to register a seller account on Aliexpress.

After registration, you will need to enter into an agreement with PickPoint or with Alibaba. PickPoint acts as a link that provides connection, as well as technical and marketing support. More details on the website

Requirements for the design of the store on Aliexpress.

  • - The price of the goods should not be higher than the cost of the goods of your retail network or your online store. That is, the goods should be as low as possible, since Aliexpress positions itself as a resource that sells goods at low prices.
  • - The item being placed must be in stock in order to process and send orders to customers in a timely manner. As well as transmit real data on the balance of goods in the warehouse.
  • - You must be able to respond to messages from buyers in a timely manner.
  • - The sale of goods must be authorized by the trademark owner.
  • - Products in the store must be at least 50 SKU, except for categories of cosmetics - from 15 SKU and mobile phones - from 15 SKU
  • - The card of each product must be designed according to a certain pattern.
  • - It is recommended to indicate the Russian Post as delivery, because this is the most popular delivery method on Aliexpress.

When working with AliExpress, you must adhere to certain rules. Information about the rules for the seller


From June 1, 2017, Aliexpress stopped accepting applications from Russian sellers to open accounts. Aliexpress no longer integrates new sellers from Russia. The timing of the resumption of applications is not yet known.

A reader of the site wrote to us about this. Here is a screenshot of the response she received to her application:

Have a question? Write it in the comments or contact the chat

For the reason that stores send out all purchases by mail, there is no particular difference in the points of sale. A big plus when working with Russian buyers directly within the country is the speed of delivery and no need for customs clearance. Therefore, if you have an interesting product and the opportunity to open a warehouse, then this is definitely the end of the prospect.

To register as a buyer, read our article. Or you can study the materials on the official website on your own.

Registering on Aliexpress as a seller

If you are a foreign entrepreneur, then it will be a little more difficult for you to create your store on Aliexpress. The fact is that when registering, you must specify an address in China and phone numbers of this particular country. Moreover, it is also desirable to know the Chinese language.
So, to register you need:

  • Go to Aliexpress website for sellers
  • Since the entire interface will be in Chinese, you will need a translator
  • At the top left under the site icon you will find a link to a free registration
  • Click on it
  • Enter your email address and verification code from the image
  • Click "OK"

  • Next, check your mail. You should receive an email with a link to confirm your registration.
  • Be careful, because you only have a day to confirm. When this time expires, the link will become negative.
  • To confirm registration, click on the red button in the letter or a special link.
  • A form will open to fill in the data about the store.

Here you need to specify:

  • New password and confirmation for it
  • Last name and first name
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Business model

The last column is intended to indicate experience with one of the four trading platforms:

  1. Taobao
  2. Alibaba (in China)
  3. Alibaba (other countries)
  • Confirm all temporary information with the key "OK"
  • An activation code will be sent to your phone

One minute is given for input, so when using someone else's number, try to get the data as quickly as possible. Otherwise, you will have to do everything again.

  • The last step in creating your seller account is to upload a photo of your visa and entry stamp.
  • If the whole procedure is completed successfully, then you will automatically be assigned the status of a novice seller. You will be allowed to post up to 50 products.

As your status grows, the limit of the goods sold will also grow. Verified sellers can list up to 300 products, and with Gold status - up to 5,000.

How to open an AliPay account?

To conduct payments, in addition to registering on the site, you will also need to create an account on AliPay.

  • Open the main page of the AliPay website and click 注册 (1)

Be careful as the yellow color tab should be selected. (2)

  • Next, you need to select the country where you are registering from (3). We need to choose Russia

  • You will still be redirected to the Chinese server, so do not be afraid. Here, registration is only possible for a Chinese number (4), so we choose to register using e-mail (5)

  • Enter your email (6) and click on 一步

  • Next, enter your phone number (7) and the code (8) that will be sent by SMS
  • Select 下一步
  • By the way, if you are still in China, then you need to click on the button under the number 9

  • If completed correctly, the following window will appear:

  • Now check your mail and confirm your registration

Now you need to fill out the registration form:

  • Think up and write a new password
  • On the next line repeat it
  • Enter the payment password, which will be required in the future to confirm transactions
  • Choose security question. In the figure, we have chosen "My mother's name"
  • Enter name in English
  • Write your real name
  • Choose gender
  • Next, you need to choose a profession, you can the same as in the picture
  • Select your city and region
  • Enter email
  • And push the button "Save"

That's all! Registration is over.

The next step is to replenish the account on AliPay. Read more on how to do this.

How to start trading on Aliexpress yourself | Aliexpress from Russia?

The administration of the Aliexpress site prohibits trading in things that the seller does not actually have in stock. Such entrepreneurs have a bad influence on the reputation of the site.

Often because of this, the dispatch time increases, orders are canceled, and so on. But at the same time, this does not bother the Chinese at all, and they still work as dealers.

That is, they post photos and descriptions of the goods, and when a buyer appears, they go to the nearest warehouse and buy what they need. Track rooms can be booked by mail in advance by phone. After that, a courier arrives from the post office, picks up orders and independently sends them to the desired address.

And what about foreigners who do not live in China? In such a situation, there are two solutions - either move to China, or find an intermediary to do business. Also, if you learn Chinese, it will be a great advantage.

Most of the goods on AliExpress come from China, but since purchases are sent by mail, the location of the entrepreneur does not play a decisive role.

Our country is no exception, so consider the question of how to become a seller on Aliexpress from Russia.

Features of the registration process

Let us consider in detail the registration process, as well as how to sell on Aliexpress.

How to become a seller with a legal entity

To register legal entities, follow the sequence of actions:

  • Go to Click on the corresponding inscription to see the text for Russian users.
  • Enter your email address in the top box. In the lower mouse, drag the slider to the right, in the field that opens, enter the verification code. Click on the button below the windows.
  • Fill out the form that appears: re-enter your email address, specify your full name and phone number.
  • The registration procedure is completed after verification of the company data provided in full.

You can also use the services of the PickPoint company, which launched a project for Russian entrepreneurs to enter AliExpress. After registering as an LLC or an individual entrepreneur, the owners of online stores will have the opportunity to place their offers.

Become a seller as an individual on Aliexpress

To open a business as an individual, you must follow a similar procedure, but do not select the option for Russian users. You will also need to be in China, since a confirmation with a code comes to a local phone number, and you need to enter the numbers within 60 seconds.

To create an account, you will need the following:

  • take a photo of an identity card or passport;
  • scan a visa with a mark of entry into the country;
  • provide photographs with an unfolded passport in hand, in which the face and photo in the document are clearly visible.

It is possible to carry out transactions only after providing the data, and the application is considered within 3-5 days.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who are not in China trade with the help of intermediaries who help to go through the procedure for $ 100-200.

Often there are also offers to rent an existing store, and the cost is determined depending on popularity among buyers.

What to offer customers: ideas and nuances

Before looking for an intermediary for registration, think about what you are going to sell: a Russian product is unlikely to interest the audience. Staying in China or the help of a local resident will be pluses, as they will ensure the availability of products, but you will have to take into account the nuances:

  • To sell branded items (a full list of companies is available on the website), you must apply for the right to trade, obtain permission and pay an annual fee. It is important not to send fake products to customers, because the fraud will be revealed by opening disputes, and the store will receive penalty points.
  • You can trade outside official channels by carefully writing descriptions. If you decide not to purchase permission, don't mention the brand name and hide the logos using Photoshop.
  • Make descriptions in English, supplementing them with screenshots of text in Russian. The approach will be convenient for users from the Russian Federation and will eliminate misunderstandings in case of disputes (the AliExpress administration does not use the services of translators from Russian when considering, therefore it will not be able to assess how true the information you provide is).
  • When compiling descriptions, adhere to the minimum recommended length that the service determines: due to the neglect of the criterion, your offer will not be in the first positions. But buyers, looking at the laid out goods, pay attention to the form with detailed characteristics. Fill it out in English.

Aliexpress does not have control tools to check the veracity of each description, so determine the criterion for yourself.

Do I need to make contributions before starting work?

When thinking about how to become a seller on Aliexpress from Russia, keep in mind that you need to pay fees for the sale of certain goods.

These groups include:

  • Cell phones;
  • tablets;
  • flash devices and memory cards.

A fixed payment is made at the beginning of the year: the fee for selling phones is $ 6,000, and even when the first batch is sold in the fall, the amount does not change. The rule does not apply only to stores whose annual turnover reaches $ 200,000.

What affects the reliability of the seller

The main violation that a seller can make is to sell fakes. If you post a photo of an imitation of branded items, the moderator will add penalty points regardless of whether you tried to pass off the goods as the original. Removal of measures occurs automatically after 12 months. When the total score reaches 48, the account is blocked.

Strict measures are being taken against counterfeits of American or European brands, but the imitation of goods from Chinese firms remains unnoticed by the administration. Problems will begin if you send a counterfeit to the buyer, taking payment at the price of the original item: the trading platform provides customers with the opportunity to open a dispute. If you do not reach a compromise, the recipient will aggravate the dispute, and it will go to the administration for consideration.

Often, the difficulties are related to the fact that the buyer did not understand the functions of the product: he did not read the instructions, connected the components incorrectly. Disputes can open without reason, but try to compromise and explain incomprehensible points. Disputes affect the seller's rating only after aggravation, so resolve issues at the initial stage.

Disputes invariably mean a loss of nerves and time, and sometimes money. But when working from Russia, return problems will be added to them: if you are registered in China, and the goods that did not suit the buyer are sent to the Russian Federation, the AliExpress administration may pay attention to this. Although this situation is discussed on specialized sites, most sellers do not yet have practical experience in the field.

How to determine the terms of processing and delivery of the order

Delivery times may vary from store to store and are affected by the following factors:

  • demand for goods;
  • state size;
  • the level of employment of the seller;
  • stock availability.

If you work without assistants, count on your strength: when current new products are released, buyers make pre-orders, and after the product appears, they must be completed first. To this will be added new purchases and a stream of messages that it is desirable to respond to. Experienced entrepreneurs say that after the appearance of long-awaited goods on the market, it takes 14 hours a day to post current offers on the site, to pack and ship. A responsible attitude plays a big role, otherwise the reputation may be damaged.

Disadvantages of trading on AliExpress

When opening your business on the AliExpress marketplace, prepare for the irresponsibility of individual merchants and buyers. Every business person has to deal with these things. But there are internal disadvantages as well. For example, registration and training takes place only in Chinese. You should study it or find an assistant who will help you cope with the translation.

High percentage of commission when paying for goods. Learn in detail everything related to the withdrawn commission fee and various payment methods for products on AliExpress. Stop on the most favorable conditions, with a lower commission percentage.

Things to remember when working on AliExpress

When choosing products, pay attention to the characteristics of the target audience. Geographically, residents of the following countries shop on AliExpress:

  • Russia;
  • Ukraine;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Thailand
  • France;
  • Germany;
  • Indonesia.

Residents of the CIS remain the main contingent, and according to statistics, they open disputes more often and try to get maximum compensation. Europeans, due to a higher standard of living, are more calm about emerging problems (if this is not an outright deception), they are less likely to ask for gifts and discounts. Any categories of buyers most often choose clothes and electronic gadgets, as evidenced by statistics.

Common difficulties in communicating with clients

Before starting work, prepare for the following difficulties:

  • Because buyers do not read product descriptions carefully, expectations may not be met. Practice shows that customers often do not notice the “pre-order” mark and wait for the package ahead of the allotted time. To prevent misunderstandings, give complete and honest information: when opening a dispute, the administration will be on your side.
  • After receiving the goods, many are in no hurry to make a confirmation. Often, the buyer is going to quickly test the gadget in operation, but in practice, the receipt of funds has to be expected within 20 days after the delivery of the parcel.
  • Short deadlines and affordable prices are offered by Singapore and China post. You should not choose too expensive services, because this will affect the price, and buyers tend to AliExpress due to cheapness. But it’s not worth saving too much, therefore, when deciding on services, bet on speed and the provision of a track number.
  • After a 20-day wait, buyers begin to worry, although the delivery time has not yet expired. Respond to messages as much as possible, be polite.
  • Customers try to buy goods at a low price, but do not sell fakes to them - this will affect their reputation and lead to blocking.

It is worth considering the nuances, and trading on AliExpress will be profitable.

is a world-famous marketplace that has won millions of buyers around the world. This platform was created for the sale of goods, both wholesale and retail in all corners of the globe. The convenience of purchase and the widest range of goods could not leave Russian consumers indifferent either. Not so long ago, goods from Russia began to appear on the market of the trading platform. Individuals and legal entities understand that by working with, they will take their product to a new level, sales will increase, and earnings will increase, since sales will be carried out not only within the Russian Federation, but throughout the world.


Who can be a seller on AliExpress

Before taking any action to cooperate with, any person asks this question. In fact, any person living in the territory of the Celestial Empire, or a citizen of another country who has all the necessary documents and has fulfilled all the conditions for starting trading (they will be described below) can become a seller.

As a foreigner, not a resident of China, you can become a seller on Aliexpress, what is the difficulty

No matter how bright the prospect of working with Chinese is, several difficulties can overshadow it at once. There are several options on how to become merchants on. To begin with, you need to travel to China, get a stamp in your passport at the entrance, settle in one of the provinces and get a phone number, naturally Chinese. All this is necessary so that you can continue to register on the site, and then open an account with a Chinese bank. You also need to find a Chinese person who will become your guarantor to open that same account.

Alternatively, you can buy an already existing, rated, or "shelf" in such a store for several products and work in this way. But not every manufacturer will agree to such a “shelf” and a small number of goods that you are allowed to place on it.

How to register a seller on Aliexpress, step by step instructions

A little higher, we mentioned that to get started you need to register as a merchant. You need to register on the site, the site is completely in Chinese, so turn on the translator in your browser, or learn the language of the Middle Kingdom.

Click on the start registration button. You will see such a window (above) in which you need to register your email address. Next, move the confirmation button and enter the captcha. Then the next window will follow.

We go to your mailbox, activation will be sent to you. Click on the link in the box and proceed to registration.

This form is very easy to handle. The main thing is to enter all the data correctly. Please note that the address must be, like the phone number, only Chinese, otherwise you will not be registered. In the field your experience in sales, you can tick the circle. Click on the red button and register.

Before clicking on the registration, find your phone, you will be sent a code to it, which you must enter in the field. The input time is given only a minute, after which, you will have to repeat all the actions.

An important point, you will also be required to scan a copy of your passport, and it should contain a mark about your entry into China.

A novice seller on Aliexpress, how many items of goods he can put up for sale

Of course, each of them, after opening, will want to place all their goods there, but unfortunately, if you have a lot of positions, you will not be able to do this. As soon as you have registered as a seller, you are given the status of a beginner. Merchants with this status have the right to post only 50 positions of their goods. The more your rating as a seller grows, and the better your product is, the higher the rating will be given to you, and you will be able to place more product names in your store.

Gold (Gold) status of the seller, how many positions he can put up for sale

Gold status is not given to everyone, you have to do painstaking work to promote your store, in addition, your customers must be satisfied with what you offer them. After your status is named as Gold ("Golden"), you will receive the full right to place goods in the amount of 5 thousand positions. Here, the prospect of work is already huge, the main thing is that you have time to fulfill your duties quickly and efficiently.

Russian seller on AliExpress, real prospects

The most important prospect for which everyone seeks to start cooperating with the Chinese giant is a monetary reward. You will not have such a number of buyers for your product, even in an online store, as on. People from all over the world are buying, and taking your products to the next level is a great prospect. A huge proportion of buyers on Ali are Russian citizens, to whom you can provide a lot of benefits that they will not refuse. One of them is super fast delivery. If a parcel can travel from China for months, then it will be faster to move around our country. Your customers will not have to use the services of different translators, you will be able to provide them with constant support and communication in their native language and answer all questions clearly and distinctly. In addition, they buy not only at retail, but also in bulk, which will provide you with a good turnover.

The devil is not as scary as he is painted. Become a seller on more than real! The main thing is to have a goal and help yourself in every way to achieve it!

There are quite a few people on our forum who are sellers on the eBay marketplace. And there are a lot of discussion topics where members of the forum share their knowledge, give advice, and simply tell how this trading platform works from the point of view of the seller. And this, one way or another, is interesting to everyone. Those who are just planning to start their careers as a seller get experience, albeit theoretical, but those who just buy will get to know the features of eBay better.

The editors of the site turned to him with a request for a short interview on the topic of Aliexpress and the features of trading on this site. Here's what happened in the end:

Let's get acquainted. Tell us briefly about yourself. How did you end up in China and why did you decide to become an Aliexpress seller? Indeed, in the understanding of buyers, Ali is a platform for Chinese sellers.

Well, let's get to know each other. My name is Andrey, I come from a small town on the banks of the Kama River. The city is famous for the giant plant Kamaz, the name is now easy to guess. Back in 2010, when I was still a student and was a member of an international youth organization, a Chinese woman came to us for an internship. Numerous meetings and conferences left their mark, and as a result, we began a relationship. After graduating from university, we decided that I would visit her in China and try to get a job. If something goes wrong, we will move to Russia. However, for the past 2 years I have been living in this amazing country and pah-pah so far so good.

During the first year I changed three jobs for different reasons. Then, for the second year, I worked for a Chinese online store. I got very good money for a maximum of 2 hours of work a day. Someone will think this is an ideal job, but I could no longer waste time on such work, I felt sorry for my knowledge and skills, because the store did not develop and it became not a joy to work. In parallel, I helped develop a new Chinese store, but that's another story. The funds received from two jobs and a great desire to do something really worthwhile led me to the idea of ​​​​opening my own store. It remained to decide where and how, because I was not ready to leave China. The choice fell on the world-famous Aliexpress trading platform. This is where I opened my store. Working on this site has both pluses and minuses, but this, at this point in time, is the most suitable option for me. So I became a seller on Aliexpress.

I had experience working in a Chinese store, so I initially knew which mail services I was going to use in my work. In my opinion, the fastest and most reliable delivery services at the moment are Singapore Post and China Post Registered Air Mail. Both of these services provide track numbers, which means you can always track your package. Their delivery times are good. European delivery services have not made an impression, although there are people who praise them. Today, Finnish mail is still becoming popular, but I am not familiar with it, I have not gotten around to trying it yet. Below is a list of services that have appeared recently. They are offered by Ali for delivery to Russia.

One way or another, often in the description you can see such a "seller's method - free shipping." In this case, it is impossible to say by what mail the seller will send the goods, and if you really need it, then ask him.

Once again I will return to the peculiarities of the mentality of our compatriots - buyers. Just the other day I received such a letter from one buyer from Russia:

"Hello friend, I"m greedy Russian capitalist, I want to buy you a quality product from Xiaomi, namely the camera and the new aqua box with metal keys. Your price is cheaper than in my country, but I"m greedy and want even cheaper) you can help me?"

I laughed, but how would a Chinese seller react to such a thing, one can only guess :)

What do you think (or from the experience of your "colleagues") are the most common mistakes buyers make on Aliexpress?

What immediately comes to mind is an inattentive study of the product description. It happens that people expect one thing and get another, although the description clearly displays information about the product. I agree that the description should always be honest and complete. Once I had a pre-order for one product, so the buyer, after 5 days of waiting, asked me to cancel the order, threateningly cursing me that I was so slow. I explained that this was only a pre-order, but, as it turned out, he did not know, did not even pay attention to the name of the product, where “pre-order” was clearly written in large letters.

Not to say that this is a mistake, but people are used to receiving parcels within 20-25 days, and if they do not receive the goods after this period, then some begin to worry. Anything can happen, because any “non-express” mail can have a delivery time of 2 months.

When creating a dispute, many mistakes happen. Not every buyer knows that it is better to make a video unpacking of expensive goods, this is what can prove the innocence of the buyer in the breakdown of the goods. Remember I talked about the case with the remote control, which was allegedly non-working, but as it turned out, the buyer simply did not know how to connect it? So, he threw me photos of this remote control in a dispute. How do you order to judge the malfunction of the goods in the photo? I mean, in a dispute it is worth presenting clear evidence of a breakdown / marriage, otherwise the case will drag on for a long time.

Buyers from Russia should add the “Name” column in the shipping address, now customs asks for the mandatory presence of a full name on the form. Otherwise, there is a risk that the parcel will be returned to China. So take care of this in advance.

Another very common mistake is when buyers are led by the low prices of a good product. “Until now?!”, you thought. Yes Yes. There was a case when aquaboxes for the Xiaomi Yi action camera appeared on sale in June, although Xiaomi itself had stopped producing them since May and there was nowhere to buy them for sale at all. Cunning Chinese (not from the company itself, of course) simply began to make exact copies of this aquabox, then even some top sellers put them on sale, and at a significantly lower price. They wrote to me that they wanted to cancel the order and buy from another seller, but I managed to convince some buyers, for which, in the end, they were later grateful to me. Those who still fell for that duck were left with cheap copies. The moral is clear to everyone, right?

Further. Not every buyer puts a mark on receipt, even if the goods have already been received. It is clear that when the delivery time expires, the system will automatically transfer the money to the seller, but sometimes the goods are received in 10 days, and the remaining 20 days have to wait for the receipt of funds. And the seller also wants to eat :)

Tell us briefly about your store. What range of products do you offer? What are the nearest plans?