The use of photographic paintings in various business areas. How to organize a business for the production of modular paintings from scratch? We open a store of modular paintings at home

  • 12.07.2023

Creating photo paintings on canvas is a great business idea for creative people. You can engage in such a business without major investments, for this you need to find a printing company that provides such services and draw up an agreement with it that will allow you to get a 15-30% discount when looking for clients. For example, here you can print a photo on canvas in Kyiv. Printed paintings are stretched on a stretcher, opened with varnish and framed. If finances allow, then you can print photos on canvas yourself.

Initial stages of business development

1. Registration of a legal entity.

One person or a group of persons can be registered as a legal entity. For registration, it is necessary to draw up a charter, write an application, pay a state fee and confirm the legal address.

2. Preparation of tools and materials.

To work, you will need: a PC with Adobe Photoshop installed, a large-format professional art printer, special inks (solvent, water-soluble or pigment), a stretcher, various frame options and a textured canvas made of natural material (cotton or linen).

3. Portfolio creation.

To attract customers, you need to take care of the availability of a portfolio with examples of work in print and electronic form, a catalog with possible design options for the painting and a finished sample painting.

Photo printing technology on canvas

First of all, you need to edit the electronic photo in Adobe Photoshop. Editing can include not only improving the quality of the image, but also creating collages, making the photo look like an engraving, pastel, etc. Several different options can be made for the client's choice. Next, the canvas is laid in the plotter and printed.

The finished painting is stretched on a stretcher. When ordering a photo print on canvas (for example, here, you can choose two options:

  • standard stretch - the canvas is attached to the ends of the stretcher and the image does not go beyond its edges, this method is used if the picture is supposed to be framed;
  • gallery stretching - the canvas is attached with brackets on the back side of the stretcher, this method is used if the picture is not intended to be framed.

Then the resulting image is covered with a protective varnish and additionally drawn with a special gel, which forms a textured surface with the effect of a smear of oil paint.

How beneficial is it?

The main expense item is associated with the purchase of a printer, canvas and ink, while varnish and gel will cost much less. Stretchers and frames can be made independently or you can conclude a contract with a workshop or a company that manufactures baguette frames for paintings. The cost of printing directly depends on the size of the canvas. On average, the cost of a 60x90 cm painting is about $8-10, the cost of selling a finished painting is in the range of $15-17, thus, the entrepreneur's income reaches 50% of the investment amount.

I'll show you how to make your own oil-on-canvas posters from your favorite photos. This knowledge can also be useful for making money. Of course, there are many inexpensive posters for sale in stores now, but the images on these posters are standard, typical. With the help of the proposed technology, you will be able to make quite realistic oil-on-canvas posters from your own stories. You can make TO ORDER portraits of clients and their relatives and loved ones or posters with landscapes that have been dear to someone’s heart since childhood ...

This method was developed by me personally. After scouring the internet looking for the right algorithm for creating a "photo on canvas" with Photoshop, I came across several such algorithms. I've tried everything, but I didn't like any of them. As always, I had to invent my own way ...

And I did pretty well! At least many of my friends, for whom I made such posters “under oil”, and the clients for whom I made such posters “under the order”, were very satisfied!

So, creating a poster using the proposed technology consists of three stages:

First stage

The selected image is processed in Photoshop according to the algorithm below:

1. Open the photo.

2. Change the color saturation. Press Ctrl+U.

3. Apply Filter? Distort? Glass (Filter? Distortion? Glass).

For the Distortion and Smoothness parameters, set the value to 3, from the drop-down list Texture (Texture) select Canvas, and for the Scaling parameter, set the value to 79%.

4. Apply Filter? Artistic? Paint Daubs (Filter? Imitation? Oil painting).

Select the Artistic set, then click on the Paint Daubs filter.

For parameter Brush Size (Brush size) set the value 4,
for parameter Sharpness (Sharpness) - 1, and from the drop-down list Brush type (Brush type) select value Simple (Simple). (Brush type) select value Simple (Simple).

5. Apply Filter? Brush Strokes? Angled Strokes (Filter? Strokes? Oblique strokes). Select the Brush Strokes set and click on the Angled Strokes filter.

Set the Direction Balance to 46, Stroke Length to 3, and Sharpness to 1.

6. Apply Filter? Texture? Texturizer (Filter? Texture? Texturizer). To add a canvas texture, select the Texture set and click on the Texturizer filter.

From the drop-down list Texture (Texture) select the value Canvas (Canvas), for the parameter Scaling (Scale) set the value 65%, for the parameter Relief (Relief) - 2, and from the drop-down list Light (Light source) select the value Top Left (Top left ).

7. Create a copy of the layer by pressing the keyboard shortcut .
Then press the key combination to reduce the saturation of the colors in the layer.

Referring to the Layers palette, change the blending mode from Normal to Overlay, as shown in the figure.

Select command Emboss (Bas-relief) from menu Filter-Stylize (Filter-Styling).

In the dialog box that appears Emboss (Bas-relief) for the Angle parameter, set the value to 135 °, for the Height parameter (Height) - 1, and for the Amount parameter (Degree) - 500% (as shown in the figure), then click on the button OK.

8. Refer to the palette Layers (Layers) and reduce the value of the parameter Opacity (Opacity) up to 40% to complete the effect.

Naturally, exactly all these settings should not be selected strictly, as indicated in this manual, but a little experimentally, based on the size of your poster.

It should also be noted that for normal printing, the image must be at a resolution of 300 pixels per inch and dimensions corresponding to the actual size of the printed canvas. For example, if you want to print a 30x40 cm poster, then the same dimensions must be set in Photoshop for your image. In this case, the resolution must be set to 300 pixels per inch (set in the "Image" -\u003e "Image Size" window). But, if you are going to print a poster with a size of, for example, 60x80 cm, then the resolution can be set lower, for example, 200 pixels per inch, otherwise the image file size will be very large. This will result in slow processing.

Second phase

In the nearest company that carries out large-format printing, order a print on canvas. The cost of such a print is approximately 400-500 rubles per 0.5 sq.m.

Third stage

Go to the nearest framing workshop and order a frame for your poster, pre-stretching it onto the frame.

That's all! And something like this "masterpiece" will be in your hands:

A little about economic feasibility: the creation of one “oil on canvas” poster with an area of ​​0.5 sq.m will cost you about 800–1000 rubles (depending on the frame of the “picture”). A standard Chinese poster in a store with a standard plot costs about 1200-1600 rubles. But since you will be doing your work on ORDER with images in which the client is especially interested, he will willingly pay 2000-3000 rubles for them. Those. from each poster you can "weld" 1000-2000 rubles.

It takes about 2-3 hours for computer processing of one image (with tea drinking and watching TV in parallel :—).

You do not have to do the work of printing on canvas and making a frame yourself. So the production will not take much time, and the sale will depend only on your imagination in the field of marketing.

A picture made from an ordinary photograph will always attract attention and evoke rave reviews. Making paintings from photographs with the proper professional approach can be turned into a source of good income.

Demand and relevance of paintings from photographs

Many seek to decorate the walls of their homes with something beautiful and original, spending a lot of time searching and choosing among the finished paintings available for sale. But the picture bought in the store is not original - you can be sure that someone already has one.

Paintings made from photographs are distinguished by their uniqueness, beauty and harmony. Your own portrait, stylized as famous paintings by world artists, will be an excellent and unusual decoration for your apartment. And a large picture in a rich and heavy frame, presented to the chief for the anniversary, on which he is depicted in royal brocade against the background of the columns of a medieval castle, will delight both the hero of the day and the guests. And it will hang in the most prominent place in his house.

Painting from old photographs of your family members is a good way to perpetuate their memory on canvas, to emphasize the cohesion of the dynasty.

This also applies to photographs depicting nature, cityscapes, and so on.

The image of nature on canvas, transferred from a photograph taken by you, will always give you a sense of belonging to the great art - painting.

Step-by-step plan for making paintings

Making paintings from photographs is not a difficult process, but it requires considerable knowledge of graphic programs, skills in working with specialized equipment, such as, for example, a printer for printing on textiles.

For production you need:

  • Advertising. You can advertise your services on your website, blog or through the media. You can also participate in thematic fairs-exhibitions, which are held annually in major cities. Do not ignore the production of your business cards and booklets.
  • We need to think about ways to sell products. These can be specialized souvenir shops or wholesale dealers.
  • Create your own store. The option is expensive, since you need to choose a place with good traffic, and these are, as a rule, the central streets of the city, where the rent is very high. In the warm season, you can organize a spontaneous point of sale in places of high tourist attendance. To do this, it is necessary to consider ways to safely transport paintings and store them.

What equipment to choose

  • Powerful modern computers with graphics programs installed on them.
  • Large printer or plotter for large format color printing on fabric materials.
  • The fabric on which the image is applied, and stretchers for stretching the finished fabric. The material can be cotton, chintz or calico. Please note that the use of ordinary sheets of plywood or chipboard as subframes will greatly spoil the appearance of the product, although it reduces the cost of production at times.
  • Framing. To make the picture look expensive and solid, you need a high-quality frame - a frame. The frame should be made only of solid wood - plastic and other materials greatly reduce the cost of the product.
  • Accessories and consumables. Staples and a stapler for fixing fabric on stretchers, loops for hanging pictures, special solutions for processing canvases before printing, cutters.
  • Finished product packaging. Cardboard boxes or gift bags with your studio logo.

Production technology

  • If the photo is not digital, then digitization and processing on a computer. The image must be of high quality. When choosing an image, you need to take into account the dimensions of the future picture: the quality of the source directly affects the size and quality of the finished canvas.
  • Directly the printing itself on a pre-prepared fabric.
  • Cutting and processing the edges of the fabric with the finished image.
  • Fixing it to a stretcher
  • Framing the picture in a frame with glass.
  • Finished product packaging.

If you intend to turn the production of paintings from photographs into a serious business, then you should solve such issues as renting a workshop, hiring specialists, finding and negotiating with suppliers of the necessary material, bookkeeping, paying wages, advertising, and much more that private entrepreneurship requires.

How much can you earn from painting from photography?

When asked how much income the business of making paintings from photographs brings, we can say that a lot depends on the city in which production is established. Income also depends on the quality of the final product, the creativity and professionalism of the staff, and advertising.

You can increase your earnings by introducing additional services. It happens that from low-quality source material (photos), the customer wants to get something of very high quality, “masterpiece”.

Instead of arguing or proving, you can simply offer the service of professional photography of both the person himself (if a portrait is required), and objects or terrain. Also, special image banks on the Internet can come to the rescue, where, together with the customer, you can choose the right image.

The service of restoring old photographs with subsequent transfer to fabric will not be superfluous. And there can be a dozen such services - it all depends on the creativity and professionalism of the specialist.

Step by Step Plan for a Painting Making Business

To start a business, you need to issue an IP, as well as find a suitable room for the production and storage of finished paintings. Any spacious room from 20 m² will do, the location of the workshop does not matter, orders can be accepted via the Internet, and delivery can be made by a transport company. Or, sell in your pavilion in the mall. It is worth buying high-quality printing equipment, a special printer or plotter. The purchase of such devices will cost 150 - 200 thousand rubles, the purchase of cheap equipment will negatively affect the quality of future products.

It should be borne in mind that the entire production process in the early stages can be done by yourself, and when the client base appears and the number of orders increases, you will need to hire several workers. It is recommended to conduct a high-quality advertising campaign, create your own website with photos of finished paintings, prices for services and indicate your contact information. After that, you need to place ads on social networks and forums, as well as work out ways to sell the product and customer base. Paintings will be made to order, and retail trade in works is possible in small batches.

How much can you earn making paintings from photographs

The cost of one painting, depending on the size, varies from 500 to 5000 rubles. On the day, you can make 7-10 paintings yourself, the income from the sale of which will be 7-10 thousand rubles. After deducting taxes and the cost of consumables, the daily profit will be about 2 - 4 thousand rubles. In the early stages of business development and with an established sales channel for finished goods, you can earn from 60 thousand rubles per month.


Decorating the interior with works of art requires significant financial investments.

However, today the cost of decorating residential premises can be reduced due to the development of technology and the emergence of new methods of printing on canvas with imitation of painting.

Such works of art are many times cheaper than original paintings by recognized masters.

In addition, using canvas prints, you can modernize the original versions by inserting new elements into them (at the request of the client).

For example, today many people order the printing of a picture of this or that artist with the placement of their face on it.

Such a photo portrait looks very original and is undoubtedly quite promising, although for it, of course, you need to sketch an approximate one.

Canvas print business

You can start your own canvas printing business even at home.

At the initial stage, the entrepreneur will not even need to hire employees. He will be able to fulfill 1-2 orders per day on his own.

All he needs to do is to purchase professional equipment and promote his services in the local market.

In order to start your business printing reproductions, you need to purchase a powerful computer, an inkjet photo printer, as well as a set of special software.

In addition, the entrepreneur will need to purchase a set of consumables (baguettes, frames, canvases, paints, etc.). The total cost of purchasing all the necessary fixtures and equipment will be at least 100 thousand rubles.

A businessman can sell finished paintings (reproductions of famous world masterpieces) or work to order (create individual photo portraits).

The most important thing in such a home business is to find stable distribution channels for manufactured products.

An effective tool in promoting canvas printing services is word of mouth. It will allow you to form a client base in a minimum amount of time.

In this case, the entrepreneur will not need to spend significant funds on advertising in the media and the Internet. At the initial stage, you can sell reproductions at the lowest price to your friends and acquaintances.

If the buyers like the work of the master, they will recommend it to other people. Over time, there will be no end to those who want to order a photo portrait.

Profit from printing on canvas

What profit can print on canvas with imitation of painting bring:

A picture of a standard size of 40 by 60 centimeters, framed in a baguette, costs an average of 3500-4000 rubles.

The cost of such a product is many times lower (about 500-1000 rubles). Thus, the minimum profit from the sale of one picture will be at least 2,500 rubles.

Even if a businessman fulfills 1 order per day, his monthly earnings will not be lower than 75 thousand rubles.

If he hires an assistant and increases the volume of work, he will be able to make a profit of 100 thousand rubles.

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Decorating apartments and public spaces with modular paintings is currently very popular. With some artistic taste and a very small initial capital, you can create a very successful business for the production and sale of modular paintings.

General concepts for the production of modular paintings

Modular paintings as an element of the decor of modern apartments have appeared quite recently. However, they have a long history. Modular paintings were a continuation of the eternal desire of people to decorate their homes with interesting and beautiful images.

Types of modular paintings

Modular paintings are based on a very simple idea - to combine several disparate parts of the image into one whole. The modern use of modular paintings helps to make the interior more colorful, original, and voluminous.

Modular paintings are mostly segmented photographs or paintings consisting of several parts, but united by a common theme. In modern decorative art, individual elements of modules are usually located at some distance from one another and, which is typical, the ensemble of elements is not framed by any common frame.

Based on the number of elements that make up the modular pictures, they have names that have ancient Greek roots:

  • diptychs (two parts);
  • triptychs (three parts);
  • polyptychs (more than three parts).

Modular paintings enliven the empty space, filling it with colorful and voluminous images.

Fundamentals of the production technology of modular paintings

Modern modular paintings in production conditions are made using the most advanced technologies. The whole process of their creation can be simplified into the following sequential operations:

  1. Preparation of images using professional computer graphics programs.
  2. Transferring an image to canvas, paper, film or other material using a special printer.
  3. Cutting the canvas into several parts.
  4. Fixing individual parts of the picture with frames.

It should be noted that quite often the transfer of the image to the material is also carried out in fragments, for each element of the picture separately. At the same time, the masters achieve the effect when the edges of the individual parts overlap each other.

As for the frames, it all depends on the designer's idea. Frames can be narrow, wide, embossed, flat. They are made of plastic, metal, wood and other materials.

For the manufacture of modules of different sizes, the method of fragmentary image transfer is used.

Organization of a business for the production of modular paintings from scratch

It is difficult to start any business from scratch. Of course, the business of making modular paintings is no exception in this sense, but still it is accessible to any creative-minded entrepreneur and does not require a very large start-up capital.

It is necessary to start production from scratch with the registration of an individual entrepreneur or enterprise. To begin with, you can register as an individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system (STS), and only then, in the process of work, create a limited liability company and, if you wish, switch to the general taxation system (OSNO).

When registering as an individual entrepreneur, you can limit yourself to a minimum set of documents:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the passport;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

For a business in the field of manufacturing modular paintings, it is enough to indicate the following types of economic activity according to OKVED in the application:

  • making wooden picture frames (code 29.14);
  • production of paintings and photo frames (code 75.24).

For the production and sale of modular paintings, special permits, licenses and certificates do not need to be purchased.

The next step for a novice businessman is to find a room. The technological process of manufacturing modular paintings requires a separate room with a minimum area of ​​50 square meters. meters.

The area of ​​​​the room for the production of modular paintings should be 50-80 square meters

This area should be sufficient to accommodate:

  • printing copier or other printing device;
  • working large table for the manufacture of individual elements of modular paintings;
  • closets for storage of materials;
  • warehouse for finished products.

The next stage of the business from scratch is the selection of personnel. For a small workshop, the following personnel are required:

  • artist-designer;
  • specialist for working with graphic programs on a computer;
  • frame maker;
  • Sales Manager.

In the case of working at home, at the initial stage, you can combine all these professions yourself, but it will not be easy. And also with this approach, one can only dream of rapid business development and large incomes.

After creating a team, you should consider purchasing professional equipment and supplies.

In the list of equipment and materials for the production of modular paintings, it is necessary to provide:

  • powerful computer;
  • graphics programs that allow you to professionally edit images;
  • color printer for printing pictures on fabric, film and paper;
  • special pigment ink;
  • paper, film, fabrics for printing pictures;
  • stretchers made of wood or plastic, which serve as the base on which the material with the image is stretched;
  • a powerful stapler or staple gun;
  • brackets and other fasteners;
  • coating varnish;
  • paints;
  • embossing gel;
  • tables for cutting material and decorating frames.

One of the main technological operations for the production of modular paintings is printing images on a powerful color printer.

Features of the organization of work on the production and implementation of modular paintings

Business in modular paintings can be developed in the following areas:

  • work under the order;
  • sale of ready-made products in third-party specialized stores;
  • Internet trade;
  • sale of their paintings in their outlet.

Each direction has its own advantages. For example, the sale of paintings in other people's stores does not require the cost of renting retail space, paying for the work of sellers, coordinating with many government agencies, and the like. Making paintings to order requires well-established connections and excellent versatile advertising. Opening your own retail outlet, in terms of profitability, seems to be the best option, but it requires considerable expenses for renting and decorating a retail space.

Opening your own store to sell your modular paintings is a good option for successful business development.

Of course, the best way to do business would be to combine all of these areas. A multi-variant business structure is almost a 100% guarantee of its successful development.

Business plan for the production and sale of modular paintings

The amount of start-up capital for opening a business for the production of modular paintings in the form of a small workshop is about half a million rubles.

The structure of this amount:

  • the cost of a computer and the purchase of graphic programs - 250 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of a special printer that allows you to make color prints on fabric and other materials - 150 thousand rubles;
  • consumables and tools - 100 thousand rubles;
  • preparation of documents and business registration - 5 thousand rubles.

The calculation of this payback is based on the following assumptions based on practice:

  • the cost of one modular painting is 4.5 thousand rubles;
  • the number of paintings produced during an eight-hour working day by two masters - 10 pieces;
  • revenue from the sale of ten paintings per day - 45 thousand rubles.

Thus, the proceeds from the sale of products for the month, taking into account the days off, will amount to 945 thousand rubles. The approximate amount of expenses for materials, wages, heating, electricity and taxes is from 700 to 800 thousand rubles.

With such amounts of income and expenses, the monthly profit will theoretically be about 245 thousand rubles. It is practically difficult to achieve the full sale of all manufactured products. Therefore, the real net profit for the month will be from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. We divide the spent start-up capital in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. for 100 thousand rubles. and as a result we get a payback equal to five months.

The business in modular paintings is currently developing successfully and is a good investment. With well-designed production and well-thought-out advertising, entrepreneurial activity in the manufacture and sale of modular paintings has good prospects.

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