Open a point of sale of old magazines. Ideas for business in stalls. What can be the income

  • 07.07.2023

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 4 minutes


Calculating the options for which business is better to start from scratch, many come to one decision - to open a food stall. It does not require large investments and deep knowledge in the field of management. The owner does not need to constantly be at the outlet. The main thing is to start the work of the stall and control the sales process.

Pros and cons of a food stall

In the beginning, consider the main advantages of the business - opening a food stall in a residential area.

What are the benefits of running a food stall?

The stall business is good for start-up entrepreneurs - for those who are just gaining experience in the trading business.

It is enough to give just a few arguments in his favor:

  • To open a stall , selling products, you need to have not so much money, no more than 300,000 rubles.
  • For a range of similar outlets a relatively inexpensive and popular product is selected that does not need to be promoted through advertising. What do the stalls sell? Cigarettes, beer, water, bread, chewing gum, chips, peanuts, and so on.
  • Minimum number of staff - 1-2 people are enough. The time for his training is also short. Sellers in the stall do not need special knowledge and experience.

That's all you need to open a stall. The margin is not more than 30%. In the list of fixed expenses: payment of utility bills and rent of a trading place, staff salaries. The cash register also requires paid maintenance. How long does it take for a stall to pay off? If his work is successful, in 6-10 months.

With the advent of the Internet, the press is gradually moving to another plane, especially among young people, but at the same time, at the moment there are a large number of people who like to read the news or look through their favorite magazine in the morning with a cup of coffee. After all, the sensations that you get from a printed publication, you cannot get from reading news or articles on a tablet or phone. It is these people who still regularly buy magazines and newspapers, and make a constant demand in this niche. In this article, we will talk about how to start selling newspapers and magazines in your city and what additional goods you can sell.

Selection of premises and equipment

The best solution for the press trade is to buy and set up a stall and install it in a walk-through place. These can be public transport stops, or food markets. This is where your main audience is concentrated. The most profitable outlets for selling newspapers and magazines are places at train stations where people buy newspapers to read something on the road. As a rule, the margin in such places of trade is higher.

Another, not bad solution, may be to rent an already promoted kiosk with the press. In this case, you will not need to wait until the buyer "gets used" to the fact that it is in this place that you can buy all the necessary press.

In order to present the entire range of printed products, you will need to equip the press kiosk with special shelves, preferably glass and tables. And also racks on which you will place the entire circulation of newspapers that you buy. Also, do not forget about the equipment of the workplace for the seller.

Usually the area of ​​a pussy varies from 10 to 15 sq.m.

Assortment and additional products

To develop a stable product range, you will need to work a little and see the preferences of your customers. What newspapers do they read, what magazines are most in demand, do they buy crossword puzzles and so on. You will need to study the audience and offer your customers something new. If a person is fond of computer technology, you can offer him to read not one, but several specialized publications. In fact, it all works, and in this way you can increase sales.

Here is a basic list of the range:

  • newspapers. Various areas: politics, economics, garden garden and more.
  • magazines. Various topics, from historical to auto publications.
  • crosswords and scanwords.
  • ad newspapers.
  • books.

Additional products:

  • various office supplies.
  • chewing gum, water.
  • lighters, matches.
  • covers for passports and documents.
  • other.

The range of such a point of sale can be constantly expanded with various small things. Only in this case, the business of selling newspapers and magazines can become really profitable.

Consider competition when choosing a location.

What start-up capital is needed?

Of course, the amount of initial capital for opening a newspaper and magazine store will directly depend on the volume of assortment and location, since rent in different cases can vary significantly. Also, if you plan to set up a press kiosk from scratch, then you will need to obtain all the necessary permits, which is also part of the cost. We will indicate only the basic costs.

  • Room rental - $200 - $250
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salary to the seller - $ 200
  • Initial purchase of goods - $3000 - $6000
  • Purchase of equipment - $800 - $900
  • The sign is $50.

What can be the income?

As already mentioned above, income will directly depend on where your press stall will be located. This is a business that is done on people passing by, not on marketing campaigns, so the place plays the most important role, everything else is secondary.

The average mark-up for the press (periodicals) is from 20% to 60%. Same for books.

For additional goods in the form of chewing gum and water - 30% - 35%.

For stationery and document covers - 90% - 120%.

From these figures, you can estimate the average level of earnings.

Conclusions. The business idea of ​​selling newspapers and magazines is a good start for an aspiring entrepreneur. Success depends on the location, for example, a press kiosk near the metro is very profitable. To make a good profit, you need to open several outlets.

Do you have something to add to this business niche? We are waiting for your comments.

Economic indicators of the work of a newsstand, subject to the registration of premises for rent.

In the field of small business, there are many areas that allow you to do your own business even with a small amount of start-up investment. One such promising idea is to open your own newsstand.

Of course, one retail outlet will not be enough to make a good profit, and therefore, over time, entrepreneurs tend to organize a whole network by placing pavilions in various parts of the city. But in order to try your hand as a businessman, one kiosk will be enough to start.


Newsstands belong to a category of retail outlets that do not require much effort in terms of placement. In addition, they always have their own consumer, and their products are in constant demand. Therefore, commercial activity in this area is always relevant, capable of bringing, albeit a small, but stable income.

Despite the fact that today the age of electronic technologies is coming, thanks to which users are increasingly using various Internet resources to obtain the necessary information, the relevance of newsstands in the modern market has not yet decreased. After all, for many people, reading a newspaper, magazine or romance remains a habitual way of life. Today, at the peak of sales, various types of crosswords and scanwords.

Of course, the competition in this business niche is very high (in any locality there are many outlets selling the press), but newsstands, like tobacco stalls, and grocery stores should be located in all even remote areas of the city. It is only important before opening a business to analyze this segment and determine the places with the least concentration of competitors.

For example, within the territory of one market complex, two or even three newspaper pavilions can coexist.

Registration and organization of business

First you need to go through the state registration of your business. To maintain a newsstand, the easiest way is to choose the form of ownership in the form of an individual entrepreneur, which will allow the entrepreneur to save not only time and effort, but also money. Most often, in this case, the registration process takes no more than one week.

If there is a need to create a legal entity, then the most suitable form of activity would be an LLC. It is worth considering that in this case:

  • the presence of an authorized capital is required (at least 10 thousand rubles);
  • the registration procedure will cost much more than with an individual entrepreneur;
  • it will take a long time to complete the registration process.

At the same time, both forms allow businessmen to use the simplified tax system, in which the tax is no more than 6% of the amount of basic income and 15% of operating profit. Regardless of the chosen form of ownership, the OKVED code for such activities looks like 47.42, which means retail trade in newspapers and stationery in specialized outlets.

Location of the kiosk

The best location for a newsstand would be a crowded area of ​​the city. In other words, in order for a retail outlet to bring in stable revenue, it is necessary to choose places with a large flow of people:

  • near the slopes in the subway;
  • near public transport stops;
  • on the territory of long-distance railway stations and station squares;
  • in the marketplaces;
  • near shops and shopping centers or on their territory.


Before proceeding with the equipment of the internal content of the outlet, it is necessary to select a suitable room for its organization. Of course, a separate kiosk and pavilion are not always used for this purpose, because newspapers can also be sold from a shop window, but from the economic point of view, this option is considered the most profitable.

You can buy a kiosk in several ways:

  1. Buy a finished pavilion in the property.
  2. Build a structure from scratch.
  3. Arrange the building for a long-term lease.

It is also important to take into account that, most likely, in any case, the land plot under the kiosk will belong to local authorities, which means that additional efforts will be required to draw up a lease agreement for it. In addition, when opening a newspaper pavilion on the territory of a railway station or shopping center, you will also have to pay rent for a place under it.

The main equipment for the internal device of a newsstand consists of autonomous heating and power supply systems. In addition, special showcases and shelving may be required. In addition, it is important to take care of the appearance of your pavilion.


The range of a newsstand can be represented by goods for various purposes. Among them, the following large groups of commercial products can be distinguished:

  1. Fresh press. It is quite easy to buy it for resale, as modern newspaper and magazine producers actively cooperate with small entrepreneurs.
  2. Books. Here it must be taken into account that this is not special or classical literature, but simple novels and detective stories that are willingly bought up by people who want to pass the time when traveling by bus, train, train, etc. Such popular ones today can also be included in this group. day scanwords, keywords and colorful children's magazines.
  3. Stationery and household items. Many people have become accustomed to the fact that these items are sold at newsstands. First of all, these are pens and pencils, without which it is impossible to guess crossword puzzles.
  4. Another popular type of product that is in demand is cards for paying for cellular communications. It is only important to place them in a prominent place in the shop window so that potential buyers can pay attention to them.

The variety of other goods will directly depend on the location of the outlet. For example, if a kiosk is located next to a hospital, then its assortment can easily include combs, handkerchiefs, wipes, shampoo, soap, toothbrush and paste, and much more.


A newsstand should work without breaks and days off, and therefore for one outlet it will be necessary to hire two sellers who will set a shift work schedule.

At the same time, employees are not required to have any special skills, it is enough just to be able to sell and be a conscientious worker, because the kiosk will always be provided with interested buyers. Due to the minimal job responsibilities, newsstand salesmen are usually paid a small salary.

If desired, at first, a businessman can sell his products on his own.


As for advertising a newsstand, no special events are required here, since such outlets always have “their own” buyer. As a rule, it consists in the correct external design of the pavilion, which includes a noticeable sign (for example, "news press") and, possibly, advertising and informational posters of suppliers.

If necessary, special signs can be placed at a short distance from the stall, allowing consumers to see that there is a pavilion nearby with:

  • newspapers;
  • magazines;
  • books;
  • stationery.

The financial component of the business

When drawing up a business project for the maintenance of a newsstand, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the organizational part, but also to its financial component. To this end, it is worthwhile to calculate such important performance indicators as:

  • opening cost;
  • maintenance cost;
  • the amount of future income;
  • payback period.

Cost of opening and maintaining

As already mentioned, opening a business for maintaining a kiosk selling press does not require special investments. For example, if you plan to buy a ready-made pavilion made on a turnkey basis, then for a small outlet you will need about 300-500 thousand rubles as a starting amount. If we talk about renting premises, then the amount of initial investment will be significantly lower, about 100 thousand rubles.

In the future, a large share in the structure of current costs will be occupied by items of expenditure for the purchase of trade material, for rent (for a pavilion and / or land plot) and for labor costs. But the amount of such costs, as a rule, ranges from 40-60 thousand rubles a month.

Size of future income

If we talk about a single newsstand, then the amount of future income received from it will vary every month. It all depends on the flow of potential buyers who daily visit the territory of the pavilion.

The average revenue of a kiosk per day can vary from 1 to 3 thousand rubles. Therefore, the amount of monthly income from such a field of activity is about 70-80 thousand rubles.

Payback period

It is also impossible to calculate the exact amount of net profit that a press kiosk is ready to bring. Sometimes it may not exceed 10-15 thousand rubles per month. Based on this, you can determine the payback period of the initial investment:

  1. When buying a ready-made kiosk, the start-up costs will pay off no earlier than in 2.5-3 years of uninterrupted trading activity.
  2. When renting premises for a retail outlet, the initial capital will pay off by the end of the first year of operation.

How to open a kiosk? This is the first question aspiring businessmen ask when they are about to open their own business.

Plan how to open a kiosk:

  • Legal registration of activity.
  • Permissions from the authorities of the city.
  • Market analysis.
  • Location.
  • Calculation of opening expenses.
  • Purchase and installation of equipment.
  • Recruitment.
  1. Registration and permits.

To register your activity, contact the tax office of the district administration where you plan to install the structure, or at the place of residence. It is best to register as a private entrepreneur, or for a legal entity - LLC (limited liability company).

Permission for installation is issued by both the city and district administrations, but if it is a millionaire city, then a tender is held if there are several applicants for the place. The document from the architectural department and construction is coordinated with the city's trade department.

  1. Place.

Choose the space where you will put the kiosk carefully, it depends on how many buyers you will have. Buy a standard size kiosk, up to 10 square meters, with the ability to work all year round. Analyze the market of trade stalls in the area where you will put it. Highlight for yourself their shortcomings and good sides, what are their advantages.

To trade in consumer goods, set up a kiosk near residential complexes, houses, if you sell fresh pastries and hot coffee - universities, hostel institutes, business centers are also a great option. Connect your kiosk to electricity, consider this when choosing a location.

  1. The cost of opening a kiosk.

Costs to open a kiosk:

  • Registration and permissions.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Payment of salaries to employees.
  • Rental expenses, if you did not purchase the kiosk, but rented it.
  • Unforeseen expenses.
  1. Retail store equipment.

Necessary equipment for the kiosk:

  • Cash register (registered with the tax office).
  • Refrigerator for food storage.
  • Service inventory.
  • Scales.
  • Other accessories for work (bags, disposable gloves, etc.).

5.Working staff.

It takes 1-2 people to work. For example, if you sell vegetables and fruits, one helps buyers to choose, the second - to pay customers. Be sure to put a cash register, and a terminal for paying by card, buy a uniform for the staff. Read more: How to open a summer cafe.

How to open your stall

How to open your stall for profit? Make a plan and then start working. The most difficult thing is to get permission to install and then open from the local administration. It will take at least a month to receive all the documents. Having received them in your hands, you can proceed to the further implementation of the plan.

Registering your establishment provides answers to the following questions:

  • Name.
  • Founders.
  • Activity.
  • Taxation system.
  • The amount of initial capital.
  • Name of the CEO and accountant.

Documents for permission from the fire inspectorate:

  • Apply.
  • Company registration certificate.
  • Contract for the lease and installation of fire alarms.
  • Insurance.

For SES, exactly the same documents are needed, plus a sanitary passport for the facility, sanitary books for staff and an assortment of goods sold, and an agreement for garbage collection.

To register cash registers:

  • Statement.
  • Passport of the cash register.
  • Lease agreement, in the room where the cash register will be, certified by the TsTO master.
  • Copies of documents from the tax office.

The range of goods does not have to be huge . To begin with, make the list of products approximately the same as those of competitors, and make the prices lower. After a month of work, look at what is in demand, gradually remove less purchased goods from the assortment. Cigarettes and beer are always popular. Buy products from distributors who work officially. The markup is often about 20 - 30% for any unit.

Location is another point to attract customers. Well, if there is an opportunity to park, there will be an entrance. The layout of the internal space is an important component of normal operation. The buyer should feel comfortable and free. Make a separate service entrance, if possible, storage rooms. The cost of a trading stall is different. To determine the final cost of a trading stall, you can consult with the managers of a company that specializes in services such as the sale of commercial equipment. The cost will be slightly less than renting it.

Depending on the chosen trading system (self-service or through the counter), order the equipment.

Retail store equipment:

  • Rack.
  • Closet.
  • Counter.
  • Showcases.

There are quite a large number of companies that rely on commercial equipment, so you can easily order for your store just what you need in the course of work and fit into the design. Agree on the delivery time of products with suppliers, do it during non-working hours.

Your product must be laid out not according to the principle of greater capacity, but according to the principle of convenience for the client and greater safety. Use the knowledge of the psychology of the client to obtain greater benefits.

Carefully approach the selection of personnel. The seller is obliged not only to sell products to the client, paying at the cash register, but also to help in the choice, to stimulate the purchase. Given all this, you will be able to successfully open a stall. Read more: How to sell your business.

How much does a kiosk cost

A trading kiosk is a structure for the sale of goods such as clothing, food, electronics, and mobile phones are especially used. The cost is significantly less than the cost of building your own store. The price often changes depending on your location and the products you offer.

The main part of the costs goes to the purchase of goods that are sold, the payment of rent for the place, and additionally for the building, in case you did not buy it, salary, utility bills (electricity), registration.

The easiest way to start a business is to buy a kiosk. Making a shopping kiosk is a labor-intensive process that lasts from several days to a week, depending on the internal content, materials used and the total area, but it is still quite economical. First you need a business plan. It is not so important what products you will trade in, the scheme for organizing a similar business is similar. Let it become pastries, toys, clothes, small things, ammunition for tourists. Register a business at the place of residence, apply for a simplified taxation system. Get the necessary papers for installation at the city executive committee, or the village administration (if your kiosk is outside the city). You still need to get permission from the department of trade and coordinate it with. architecture management.

If you have a small initial capital, you do not need to experiment with the assortment. Think of a product that is in constant demand. Take a closer look at which product categories are popular and which are not, what the buyer pays attention to when buying. Consider the costs that arise when selling products, they can deteriorate, the expiration date is running out, the refrigeration equipment does not work and the products cannot be stored, the electricity has been cut off and it is impossible to continue working. Include all of these costs in the initial planning phase.

You can immediately buy an outlet already with space, or simply rent it. The choice of the location of the kiosk and the cost of renting it must be justified. If the place where you put your structure will generate income, then the cost of maintaining it will pay off from the proceeds from the sale. The rent for accommodation does not differ much in different cities, but local authorities or district administrations can set their own rules.

If six months have passed since the launch stage, and you have not managed to break even, you should think about closing or retraining sales.

Actually, what else should be taken into account when opening a kiosk

  • Buy a building.
  • Choice of location. This is a pretty important point. Crossroads, spaces in close proximity to residential buildings, and educational institutions are profitable for business. Especially for the sale of products of daily demand.
  • Market analysis. If there are many points with similar products nearby, decide if you can resist competitors?
  • Operating mode. You are located in the center of the metropolis, or in close proximity to a nightclub - you can choose a round-the-clock work schedule. But, in any case, it must be a daily routine.

How much does it cost to open a stall

How much does it cost to open a stall? - a question that interests everyone who wants to sell. How to make a business profitable, and how to understand how much capital you need to invest? Everyone approaches starting their own business differently. Someone starts by searching for land, preparing documents and setting up a stall. Others buy a ready point with a place. You need to find a reliable landlord. In this case, the costs will be much lower. The rental price is affected by the proximity to crowded busy metas, such as underpasses, bus stops and subway stations. The further, the better.

Basic expenses:

  1. Rent per place.
  2. Buying a stall, or renting.
  3. Contracts with suppliers.
  4. Staff salary.
  5. Equipment.
  6. Advertising expenses.
  • Decide on the installation location.

The space where your outlet will stand should be chosen carefully. Prices may be higher than others, the assortment is small, but if you have a constant flow of customers, then you are guaranteed a profit. That is why, for example, stalls in the countryside are beneficial, where they are literally the only ones on the territory of the village, in large cities the competition is high.

Installation costs include:

  1. Place rental fee.
  2. Connection to electricity.
  3. The cost of obtaining permits from all instances.
  • Rent or purchase.

When buying a ready-made stall, you should take into account that the staff will work in it every day, all year round, therefore, it must be equipped for normal work in the winter.

  • Conclusion of contracts with product suppliers

At the initial stage, it is better to negotiate with several companies, so you will gradually see which company is better to work with, who delivers goods on time, of good quality, and at what time of the day it is more profitable to order products to package and put them on the counter before opening.

  • Employee salaries.

The number of employees for a normal workflow will need two, this is the seller at the counter, who will help the buyers, and the second employee will serve at the cash register. In the process of work, if necessary, you can hire a cleaner, if necessary, or another seller with a large flow of customers.

  • Stall equipment.

To work, you need to equip a stall inside. To do this, they purchase racks, price tags, showcases, refrigerators for storing goods (if they are food products), cabinets, mirrors (clothing sales), a registered cash register, weighing equipment, and food packaging (disposable bags, gloves, etc.).

  • Advertising expenses.

To start your business successfully, you need to advertise. Before starting work, order flyers and hire promoters to distribute them. In business cards, write what you will sell, where your store is located, what hours it is open, describe a short assortment, and, if there is additional capital, place a billboard near your stall.

The most promising business ideas for opening stalls are kiosks with food or inexpensive goods, let's look at some of them.

Crepa pancakes

An interesting business idea could be opening a pancake stand. Crepa are thin Greek pancakes with various fillings. They are baked from wheat dough with the addition of buckwheat flour.

The profitability of the business depends on the location of the kiosk. Choose places with high traffic: near metro stations, parks, stadiums. Equipment needed to make crepa pancakes:

  • crepe maker or stove;
  • fridge;
  • a dispenser that provides the same thickness.

There are a large number of fillings: sweet and spicy, meat and fish, special for children. You can experiment with fillers for true gourmets. For the convenience of customers, it is recommended to place tables near the stall.

To attract customers, it is possible to carry out various promotions. For example, with each order, sell mini crepas with new fillings, or make assorted mini crepas. In addition to pancakes, you can sell drinks: tea, coffee, juices, water.

To implement such a business idea in a stall, you will need from 150,000 rubles. At the initial stage, one person can sell and cook pancakes. With an increase in clients, you will need to consider hiring an assistant.

Ice cream on wheels

Opening an ice cream truck on wheels would be a lucrative idea. In the warm season, the kiosk can move around crowded places, and in winter it can sell fried ice cream.

In order to open an ice cream stand, you will need the following equipment:

  • freezer;
  • showcase;
  • cash machine;
  • plate;
  • fryer (for making fried ice cream).

A waffle maker may also come in handy if your ice cream will be sold in waffle cups.

Selling ice cream is a seasonal business, so you need to prepare for the fact that profits will decrease during the off-season. The idea of ​​an ice cream stand for the winter can be transformed into a waffle stand. The equipment will remain the same, you just need to think about the stuffing.

The idea for a business, ice cream on wheels, is not very expensive, for its implementation you need from 180,000 rubles.

bubble tea

The business idea with bubbles is quite new. The basis of this drink is tea with various fillers. In addition, this tea has beneficial properties due to a special ingredient, tapioca (balls made from pressed starchy flour).

Tea, as a base, can be anything. You can add juices, syrups, coffee, milk, honey, fruits to it. The drink is served hot and cold.

To make a bubble tea you need:

  • machine for shaking cocktails in shakers;
  • scales;
  • cash machine;
  • tapioca;
  • juice balls.

Tapioca is not sold in regular supermarkets, so you need to buy it in online stores. There you can also order various syrups.

At the initial stage, to open a stall with a bubble tee, you will need from 500,000 rubles. When the business starts to make a profit, you can buy a bubble tee machine and put it in a shopping or children's play center.


The main condition for opening a book stall is a favorable location. The place should be accessible, for example, train stations, metro stations, airports. To appeal to all generations of people, you need to offer the client a diverse assortment. Classics should be on sale, as well as fantasy books that are currently in vogue.

The book business can be lucrative if you find your client. When starting a book selling business, you will need the following equipment:

  • cash machine;
  • showcase;
  • books;
  • copier and printer.

To implement such an idea, you will need from 450,000 rubles. Most of the costs will be the purchase of books and the purchase or rental of a kiosk.

Do not forget that in order to open any business, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and obtain permission from local authorities to place a kiosk.