Own business: production of colored stained-glass windows. Stained glass production: how to open a business? About my work

  • 10.07.2023

This is not only beauty and comfort, it is also a way to protect windows from wear and tear, and health from harmful solar radiation. Creating film stained-glass windows is interesting and simple. They need special films and lead tapes. With the help of these materials, drawings are applied to acrylic or plain sheet glass. It turns out magically beautiful, and everyone is capable of creating such beauty!

It is you, with the friendly support of Mr. Stekolli, who can start a stained-glass window business. The technology has been around for over 40 years! It has long been tested and "run in" in many countries of the world. Get involved in this exciting process, promote the concept on the Russian market!

What do we offer?

If you want to make money by creating beauty and working with pleasure, then the Mr. Stekolli franchise will help make this dream come true. By becoming our partner, you will start a proven and profitable business. We will help you master the simple technology and show you how to find customers.

What is included in the franchise?

    • Business plan. A clear and consistent scheme of actions will allow you to build a successful business and get a stable profit.
    • Education. You will learn everything: making stained glass windows, running a business, working with clients, etc.
    • Cooperation schemes. How to work with different organizations? What documents are required? How to fill them in correctly? We will answer these and many similar questions.
    • Form style. It has already been designed by our talented designers. Leaflets, business cards, posters, discount cards that you will receive as our franchisee are designed in the corporate style of Mr. Stekolli.
    • Consumables. The franchise package includes: a set of stained glass films and lead tapes, an electronic database of sketches, a catalog of works, etc.
    • Acquaintance and communication with existing franchisees. You will receive contact details of our already working partners. They will tell you whether cooperation and the business itself are profitable for them, share their experience, and give practical advice.
    • Help after starting a business. Our managers will always give advice, provide you with the missing information, answer all questions related to the business of Mr. Stekolli.

How much do we earn?

Let's calculate our profit using a simple example. For example, we recently received an order from a furniture workshop for the production of 30 facades for the kitchen. We agreed on a price of 700 rubles for one facade.

We believe:

    • Slowly and trying, our craftsmen completed one facade per hour. The whole work took 30 hours, that is, 3-4 working days.
    • On average, stained-glass artists receive 300 rubles per hour. Our payment for work was 300 rubles x 30 hours = 9000 rubles. And if you do such work yourself, then these 9000 are in your pocket.
    • Then consider the cost of materials. The cost of one kitchen facade is 70 rubles. Tested and calculated in practice! Therefore, in order to fulfill the entire order, we had to spend materials in the amount of: 30x70 = 2100 rubles.
    • Here is the profit! The customer paid us 21,000 rubles (700x30) for the work. Our actual expenses were: 2100+9000=11100 rubles. Our income is 9900 rubles. And if you make stained-glass windows yourself, you will get 18900 for such an order! And it took only 3-4 days to work!

By implementing a set of materials that are included in the franchise package, you will not only pay for it in just a month, but also earn 60-70 thousand on top!

Investments from $5000
Net income is about$900/month, $11k/year

Stained glass technology

For reference: The market for stained glass is clearly divided into two markets: the market for real highly artistic colored glass products, which are made by craftsmen using old “classical” and “modern” technologies (for example, Tiffany technology) and the market for so-called film stained-glass windows, which, strictly speaking, are a cheap mass-produced imitation of natural stained glass. Both are called “stained glass” on the market, but you always need to clearly distinguish what kind of product we are talking about.

Film stained glass- cheap and fast to manufacture, it does not require the skill of a professional artist to create it. In the process of manufacturing a film stained-glass window, the professional equipment that is necessary for the production of a real stained-glass window is not used.

The workshop in which film stained-glass windows are made requires much smaller areas (a garage room is enough). A few hundred dollars are enough to purchase equipment for the production of stained-glass film.

Entrepreneurs who make money on film pseudo-stained-glass windows work according to stencil catalogs in cooperation with furniture makers and carpentry shops, often being furniture makers or carpenters themselves who decide to master a parallel type of business.

The profitability of such a business is estimated by experts at 30%. film pseudo-stained-glass windows cost more than half the price of the most budgetary natural stained-glass window.

How to open a stained glass workshop

A $50,000 investment in a highly artistic stained glass workshop can pay off in less than five years. But you can start with an amount of 5 thousand, market players say.

At all times and all over the world, stained glass windows have been equated with real works of art (applied art), the price of which is sure to increase over time, as is usually the case with vintage items or other products of antique value.

Stained glass production: target audience

The main buyer of stained glass (70% of the total volume of orders, according to experts' estimates) is a private person, a person building or restoring a country house, less often, repairing, restoring his own city apartments.

Classic stained glass works very well with (expensive) wooden windows, so when starting this business, you need to partner with luxury wooden window manufacturers, as well as architects and interior designers.

However, in recent times, market players have noted an unprecedented rise in the level of demand among corporate clients - owners of private hotels, mini-hotels, restaurants, bars, cafes.

The demand trend is such that, according to experts, the entire market of stained-glass windows is going to grow in the very near future solely due to the "corporate" customer.

If we observe the growth of the market from the zero years to the present day, then the total number of orders over this period has gradually increased by 25-40% per year, even despite the crisis.

Stained glass production market in numbers

One square meter of "material" or "raw material" (colored glass) cost about 70-200 dollars. Currently, prices for glass and related tools and materials required for the production of stained glass have increased by an average of 25%.

One square meter of an already finished product, that is, a natural stained-glass window made of colored glass, now costs the customer of the finished product on average in the amount of 800 to 1.2 thousand dollars.

One master artist, working, for example, using Tiffany's modern technology, produces on average 6 square meters of stained glass per month.

If we are talking about a more budgetary glass stained-glass window, then the master artist is already able to produce 12 square meters per month.

Large workshops, in which production and marketing are put on permanent rails, make an average of about 2.5 thousand square meters of stained glass per year.

With these figures, the turnover of such a workshop is about 2 million dollars a year.

The profitability of such a workshop is 20%.

Stained glass production equipment

A start-up capital of $50,000 is required to purchase the following set of special equipment and tools:

  1. table,
  2. drilling machine,
  3. grinders,
  4. jigsaws,
  5. glass breakers,
  6. glass cutters,
  7. scissors,
  8. minimum set of materials: foil, flux,
  9. glass sandblasting machine ($15,000)
  10. muffle furnace (10 thousand dollars)
  11. a small stock of the main items of colored glass ($5,000).

Separately: a car for transporting colored glass and stained-glass windows (its cost is not included in the mentioned $50,000!)

Suppliers of raw materials for the production of stained-glass windows

To fulfill luxury orders, stained glass workshops buy exclusively high-quality American raw materials from the following companies:

  • armstrong,
  • Spectrum Glass,
  • Wissmach Glass

Stained Glass Business: Costs

Expenses required to fulfill an order for stained-glass windows with a conditional volume of 6 sq.m, completed in a month .

If we take into account that on average 2.6-4.5 sq.m of colored glass is used per 1 sq.m of stained-glass window, then, accordingly, 6 sq.m will require at least 16 sq.m of glass, which will cost the manufacturer 1.5 thousand dollars.

For related materials, you need to lay another $ 700

Shipping and transportation of stained glass will cost $ 100

Total: 1 sq.m of finished stained glass costs $800
We subtract the cost of raw materials and related materials, the balance is 2.5 thousand dollars.

Additionally subtract:
Minus 1 thousand dollars - wages to employees.
Less money to pay a single tax, utility bills, rent, equipment maintenance
Total: net income is approx.
$900 \ per month,
$11 thousand per year

Minimum staff for a stained glass workshop

The state of the art workshop for the production of stained glass from colored glass should be three people:

  • collection designer,
  • the master who directly makes the stained glass window,
  • specialist who promotes these products to the market.

Pitfalls of the stained glass business

Stained glass, of course, is not a commodity. Therefore, the client themselves will not come to you and will not knock on the door, as it would be if you were selling vegetables in a tent ... Often, managers promoting products have to look for those “golden” clients for a long time, offering them their products.

Before opening this business, it is necessary to establish contacts with architects and designers who themselves do not sit without work and for a certain percentage (by mutual agreement) ask them to promote the products of your craftsmen among their clients. Including prospective clients…

To succeed without having large financial resources and practically without risking your fortune, you need to start small. For example, you can turn your favorite activity into a small-profit home business first, and then think about how to expand and improve it.

If you have fallen in love with some art, such as making stained glass windows, and decided to try it, then this is just a hobby. But now you have achieved some success and posted your work on the Internet.

With a good presentation, people will be interested in a beautiful decoration, and some will want to have the same for themselves. After proposals to create a custom-made stained glass window are received, it will be possible to state that you are on the verge of creating your own business.

Business idea for custom stained glass windows will help turn your hobby into a real business. Please note that the business idea itself is only a call to action; in order to build a successful business, you will need to prepare at least.

Let's start by finding out the cost of finished products. It turns out that your hobby can become quite profitable. After all, the cost of a meter of stained glass can reach up to a thousand dollars. Continuing to study the market, we find out that the high cost of these products does not mean that it is very difficult to make them to order.

Of course, there are a lot of subtleties in this matter, but the Tiffany technique, with the help of which small stained-glass windows are made, is not the most complicated of the existing ones.

It was invented in the past by a representative of this famous American family. He himself was a fan of stained glass art, and in his work he achieved unprecedented success. His stained glass paintings are known all over the world. The maestro figured out how to make the connection more elegant. He replaced the rough lead rods with copper tape glued to wax. At the same time, stained-glass windows became more interesting and of better quality.

This rather simple method of joining glass fragments of the future panel made it possible to obtain not only flat, but also three-dimensional products. This is how stained glass chandeliers, vases and other interesting items made in this technique appeared. She allowed many admirers of this art to try to create something similar.

But this is a digression. In fact, when you overcome the first difficulties, learn how to cut glass correctly and work with it, then the rest will gradually improve.

Many are afraid of cutting glass, since ordinary window material is quite difficult to cut evenly. However, the colored glass used in the stained glass technique is more plastic and easy to cut. And if you study some of the techniques used by the masters and make special devices, then this technology will become clear to you, and you can literally do everything blindfolded. After all, repeatedly repeated movements are performed automatically.

The purchase of one square meter of curved glass will cost you within 150 USD. But if you buy small fragments instead of whole sheets, you can save a lot. After all, the cost of such material is only 120 rubles. At the same time, in your work, you will mostly use small and medium details, which means that you will need few large fragments.

This area has not yet been mastered by our entrepreneurs, and therefore there will not be much competition. Many are simply afraid to take on this, as it seems at first glance, a difficult task. But if you approach it wisely, you can significantly simplify the manufacturing technology and, with the help of your innovations, achieve the desired results.

This way of doing business is suitable for people who love the creative process. If you are doing your favorite thing not for the sake of money, but for the soul, then you will like the home stained glass business. But, of course, money is also an important incentive.

If there is no desire to expand your business, then you can stop there. Production of stained-glass windows to order(in case you just want to have a side income) - the business is not very profitable. For example, if you make a medium-sized lamp, then it will take at least a week. The cost of the finished product is three thousand rubles. In a month you can earn about twelve thousand. Minus the cost of materials, you get only ten thousand.

Of course, in the provinces this is quite decent money. But if there is a desire to get more, then you can work all day and increase your income six times. True, for this it is necessary that the hobby turns into the main income. And yet, some believe that if you invite assistants, then income will decrease. But this is how to look. After all, then you will be able to devote more time to organizational issues: you will find cheaper material, new customers, you will be able to find new ways to develop your business. Naturally, then you will have to do less creativity.

At first, customers can be searched for by posting ads or demonstrating your achievements to relatives and friends. Materials can be bought in wholesale stores of district or regional centers - prices are lower there. You can bring materials in a regular sports bag. For start-up entrepreneurs, it is very important not to waste money. And do not stop halfway: believe that everything will work out if everything is done according to plan.

With this, I will end this article, for those who are still looking for business ideas that are relevant this year:. Be sure to subscribe to the group to be among the first to receive business ideas.

Although today it is difficult to say when stained-glass windows appeared, they trace their history from glass mosaics.

She in the I millennium AD. e. decorated walls or floors, and then began to fill window openings with colored glass in ancient Rome and ancient Egypt. However, the production of stained-glass windows was most widespread in the Middle Ages.

The main application of this technology was the filling of window openings in castles and Christian churches with colored glass. Since the manufacturing process was long, laborious and required certain skills and abilities, the use of stained glass was eventually abandoned.

Today fashion is back. Stained glass as an art of glazing received a second life. In addition, modern technologies make it possible to create not only windows, but also doors - earlier, due to the peculiarities of the production process, this was impossible.

Starting a business: what you need to know

Before opening production, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for a stained glass workshop. Calculations and economic justification, as well as marketing activities, are not difficult to perform. To do this, it is necessary to clearly understand what type of stained-glass windows will be produced.

Based on this, data is taken to calculate the necessary expenses, as well as in order to purchase everything you need. In addition, you need to understand how to make a stained-glass window yourself - this will allow you to more clearly identify the target audience for the sale of products and determine the payback period for production. Thus, there is a chance to survive among competitors.

Stained-glass windows should be distinguished by types: imitation, classical and modern. And although any of them makes it possible to create a wide variety of images, it is better to familiarize yourself with each of them. The simplest variety is imitation: contour, film and painted works. Using these technologies, it is possible to organize the production of stained-glass windows at home.

Classical and modern stained-glass windows - the best solution for the workshop

The most demanded will be products made according to classical and modern technology. Stained glass windows made in a modern style include sandblasted, faceted, cast, fusing. The simplest is sandblasting - grinding transparent or frosted glass in certain areas allows you to create unique products.

Classical stained-glass windows are made from small pieces of colored glass, which are inserted into a metal sheath. However, this type has its drawbacks - they cannot be used in doors or opening window sashes. Therefore, soldering stained glass or film is used for such products. The business plan for a stained glass workshop is drawn up taking into account the type of products produced.

We start to make a plan: define the target audience

Before a stained glass workshop is opened, it is necessary to decide which market segment will be emphasized and how many customers can be obtained. The main customers of products, as a rule, are wealthy people. However, most of them order stained glass windows to decorate homes or public places with limited access, such as private clubs.

This part of potential customers is about 60% of customers. The rest are owners of hotels, mini-hotels, private boarding houses, restaurants, bars or cafes. Moreover, the smaller part may soon become larger - the number of corporate customers is increasing. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan for a stained glass workshop, it is necessary to take into account this trend in order to properly promote your services.

Business promotion

Before starting production, you need to think over an advertising company. It doesn't make much sense to print flyers or flyers and hand them out to people on the street or mail them out. This is not efficient for several reasons. Many do not pay attention to printed information.

And those who are interested do not always understand how to make a stained-glass window with high quality, and, accordingly, cannot estimate the necessary costs. Even if a potential client appears, the cost will immediately scare him away. Wealthy people, for the most part, do not move on foot.

To attract clients, it is necessary to establish links with companies that design residential and public buildings, architectural firms and companies that manufacture windows and doors. It is there that they can offer to use your services and create an interior design with stained-glass windows for the client.

Upfront Costs of Starting a Business: Stained Glass Equipment and Supplies

Any production involves the premises and the presence of certain equipment in it. You can find instructions and descriptions on how to make a stained glass window in the absence of the necessary tools, but without materials and raw materials, the product will not work. So, first of all, it is necessary to purchase equipment for production and place it in the workshop. Then purchase the necessary minimum of materials to create stained glass windows. Here is just a small list with approximate prices.

1. Glass cutting table - $6,500

2. Grinder - $2,000

3. Sandblasting machine or laser cutter - $10,000.

4. Stained glass films - $300

5. Stained glass - $500

6. Drilling machine - $ 1,000.

7. Muffle Furnace - $1,000

8. Additional materials - $500.

The result is $21,800. Since the starting amount is quite high, not everyone will be able to start their own stained glass window business. However, making them at home is possible with the smallest initial capital. You can, for example, start working only with film products. In this case, stained glass equipment will cost a much smaller amount.

Productive capacity

It is rather difficult to answer the question "how many stained-glass windows are produced in one work shift". Depends on the size, complexity of the pattern, number of colors, technique.

On 1 square meter of a film stained-glass window, an average of 1 hour is spent. It takes up to 6 hours for classic and modern colored glass pieces of the same size. That is, per month, the workshop can produce an average of 200 square meters of products that imitate stained glass windows, and 35 square meters of classic and modern panels.

Staff for the stained glass workshop

No production is complete without appropriate workers. You will need at least 3 people: stained glass assembler, glass cutter, film gluer. It is also necessary to have a sales manager who will be in charge of finding and servicing customers, and a production manager who will coordinate the work of the entire workshop. Ideally, you will also need a designer, but it is not necessary to have one on a permanent staff. As a result, we get 5 people.

Payroll costs will be:

1) stained-glass window assembler - $800;

2) glass cutter - $300;

3) gluer - 800 dollars;

4) head of production - $400;

5) sales manager - $400.

As a result, you will need to pay employees $ 2,700 per month.

The cost of 1 square meter of stained glass

In order for the business plan of the stained glass workshop to be complete, you need to calculate the cost and payback period.

The cost of the film product will be: 1.7 (manager's salary) + 1.7 (production manager's salary) + 4 (gluer's salary) + 1.27 (carver's salary) + 7 (stained film costs) + 2.12 (additional materials) + 17.79 (rent, electricity, transportation costs, etc.) = $35.58.

The cost of classical and modern stained glass windows will be: 1.7 (manager's salary) + 1.7 (production manager's salary) + 22.85 (assembler's salary) + 1.27 (carver's salary) + 35 (stained glass costs) + 2.12 (additional materials) + 65.00 (room rent, electricity, equipment depreciation, transportation costs, etc. her) = $129.64.

The production of stained-glass windows must have at least 15% profitability, otherwise its opening is not economically feasible. As a result, we get prices for products: 41 and 150 dollars, respectively.

Payback periods

With the appropriate capacity of the workshop, you can calculate the payback period for production.

The income received from the sale of film stained-glass windows for the month will be:

200 sq. m. * 41 dollars * 22 working days = 180,400 dollars.

The income received from the sale of classic stained glass windows per month will be:

35 sq. m * $150 * 22 business days = $115,500

Planned profit from the sale of stained glass windows

(180,400 + 115,500) * 0.15 = $44,385.

As can be seen from the calculations, the payback period is 1 month - the profit far exceeds the costs. In reality, the payback period may be longer for several reasons.

First of all, because in the first month the stained glass workshop will not work at full capacity. The second factor that affects the payback period is taxes. They depend on the chosen form of ownership and the form of taxation.

Documents for starting a business

If you decide to start making stained-glass windows at home, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneurship. From the documents for opening you will need: a copy of your passport, TIN, a statement of intent to open an individual entrepreneur and a receipt for payment of state duty. The amount of payment will be about 800 rubles.

stained glass is a glass magician, in whose hands ordinary glass turns into a multi-colored radiance of precious stained-glass windows! By definition, a stained glass artist is a specialist in the creation of stained glass: first as a designer - in the idea, then as a master - translating the idea into reality. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and world artistic culture (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

stained glass(French vitrage - glazing) is an artistic composition created from colored glass, designed for through lighting. The miracle of stained glass is in the play of refracted and colored light, resulting in patterns of fantastic beauty. This magical light fascinates, transforms the interior, brings an atmosphere of mystery and luxury into it. It is not for nothing that stained-glass windows have long been inserted into Gothic cathedrals to set the parishioners in a sublime mood. Stained-glass windows are not just a mosaic of pieces of glass. This is a unique work of art that creates an iridescent glow and brings back a wonderful mood even on cloudy days.

Do you remember with what joy in childhood you peered into the kaleidoscope tube and were amazed at the incredible beauty of multi-colored glass? And then, shaking them again, with an impatient expectation of new patterns, peered into the kaleidoscope again and again - and each time were amazed at the new amazing combination of colors, patterns? This game could be played endlessly.

The stained glass profession is also exciting and a source of inspiration. He not only creates a wonderful idea, he also embodies it with his own hands, folding multi-colored pieces of glass and fastening them with a metal frame.

Stained glass technique is used not only for interior decoration, but also in the production of dishes, lamps, chandeliers, Christmas decorations, picture and photo frames, etc.

Features of the profession

The functional duties of a stained glass artist depend on the stained glass technique. But the main feature of the stained glass profession is the mastery of glass processing from engraving and cutting to firing and soldering.

Main types of work:

  • creation of sketches of stained-glass windows;
  • selection together with the customer of execution technique;
  • selection of glasses according to the colors of the picture;
  • cutting and manufacturing according to drawings and templates of glass parts;
  • applying a pattern by engraving or etching;
  • loading in the kiln of painted glass for firing;
  • making molds for casting thick glass;
  • fastening components with an electric soldering iron;
  • installation and installation of stained-glass windows on site;
  • reinforcement of stained-glass windows with lead, brass, copper or steel tape.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Creative work to create works of art.
  • Opportunity to work in areas that require design and artistic skills - in automotive airbrushing, at exhibitions, in window dressing, etc.
  • High pay.


  • Income instability.
  • Work with harmful substances: paints, solvent, hardener, adhesion, acids. And also with glass, which must be cut, polished, soldered. You have to breathe glass chips.

Place of work

Design and architectural firms, construction organizations, advertising design and layout works, private workshops, large stores where window dressing is required, exhibition complexes. Talented stained glass artists are in demand abroad.

Important qualities

Personal qualities:

  • artistic taste and fantasy;
  • sense of color and color harmony;
  • accuracy in the movements of the fingers;
  • accuracy;
  • patience;
  • endurance.

Professional skills:

  • The stained glass artist must know:
  • basics of painting and color science;
  • types of glass, its processing technique and special tools for cutting glass;
  • types of dyes and pigments;
  • types of solder, technology and composition of the preparation of resins and synthetic compounds;
  • operation of the annealing furnace and engraving machine;
  • technology of installation of stained-glass windows, methods of drawing a profile from aluminum, copper, lead and brass.

Stained glass training

You can get the stained glass profession in the following educational institutions:

in Moscow: MGHPU them. S.G. Stroganova - Moscow State University of Art and Industry, Department of Decorative and Applied Arts, Department of Artistic Glass.

In St. Petersburg: SPbGHPA im. A.L. Stieglitz (V.I. Mukhina), Faculty: Art glass, Specialty: stained glass.

There are similar vocational schools in other cities, for example, in Chelyabinsk No. 64, teaching stained glass.



The stained-glass window artist is paid, as a rule, after the delivery of the completed scope of work and currently amounts to 20 thousand rubles or more per 1 sq. m. meter of stained glass, depending on the stained glass technique. The salary and regularity of earnings of a stained-glass window depends on many factors. The most important of them is fame in certain circles and recognition.

Salary as of 01/02/2020

Russia 40000—80000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

There are various techniques of stained glass art:

Classical (typesetting) stained-glass window- the most ancient method of stained glass technique, in which individual pieces of colored glass, cut according to a pattern, are interconnected by a profile made of lead, copper or brass. At the joints, the profiles are soldered together, as a result of which a single composition is formed. The painting in this case is carried out with special paints with firing, it does not fade and is not erased for many years.

Pseudo-stained glass— a modern way to create a stained glass window, when special transparent stained glass paints are applied to frosted glass using an airbrush, and then with the help of self-adhesive lead strips, an illusion of a classic stained glass window, soldered from pieces of multi-colored glass, is created.

Tiffany- a soldered stained glass window, which got its name in honor of Louis Comfort Tiffany, an American artist and jeweler who invented this method in the 19th century. It consists in the fact that each piece of glass is wrapped around the edge in copper foil. Then these pieces are laid out on a template in a single composition and soldered together with solder, after which the stained-glass window is covered with a patina. The stained glass image is elegant and subtle. Separate elements can be made concave or convex, then the stained-glass window will turn out to be voluminous.

fusing is the process of glass sintering in a furnace at a temperature of 800 °C. As a result of such high-temperature processing, the stained-glass window does not have metal joints between the glasses, since the individual elements become one. Colored glass during heat treatment is literally fused into each other.

3D stained glass - These are stained-glass windows with built-in third glass.

Photo stained glass- This is a technique in which a pattern is printed on a transparent film with an adhesive base and then glued onto regular or acrylic glass. The joints of the parts are glued with lead tape imitating a soldered seam or a lead profile.

Filled (contour) stained-glass windows- the most common way, half automated. The contour on the glass is applied by a special large-format printer. When the contour is completely dry, the segments of the drawing are filled with liquid paints or varnish using a brush or airbrush. The finished drawing is fired or dried.

Film stained glass- This is an imitation of the "tiffany" technique, which is performed using stained glass film and lead tape. The details of the stained glass window are cut out of the film and glued onto ordinary glass.

Casting or "Murano glass". This technique uses special metal molds with embossed recesses into which molten glass is poured. The top of the finished stained glass window is covered with transparent glass.

Sandblasting glass - This is a modern technology in which glass is frosted with a powerful jet of compressed air or a special liquid with particles of abrasive material.

Artistic glass mosaic - an ancient technique known since the ancient times of ancient Greece, when masters made complex compositions from sea pebbles of different colors and sizes. Glass pieces are currently used for mosaics.

Stained glass painting - This is hand-painted on glass with stained glass paints.

Photo printing on glass printing on glass using UV printing.

Artistic bending - glass forming technique according to a certain relief or prepared matrix.

Engraving on glass produced by breaking or modifying the structure of the glass surface. There are several methods: grinding, faceting, cutting, percussion, as well as laser engraving.

Faceted stained glass- this is processing from the front side of the edge of the glass surface, that is, obtaining a beveled side face on a section of glass or mirror. Refracting through this facet, as through a prism, the sunlight breaks up into a rainbow and gives a special sophistication to the stained-glass window and the interior.