How to open a nanny agency for an hour. How to open a domestic staff recruitment agency? "It's a very tough business"

  • 07.07.2023

Attachments: from 2000 rubles

Payback: less than 1 month

Not everyone can afford to stay at home raising a baby, not everyone has a loving retired grandfather and grandmother. Where can I find a nanny who will continue the upbringing of the child started by the parents? Will not feed him sweets, but give him soup and salad for lunch? Will he not sit in front of your TV from morning to night, but play educational games with your child? The service "nanny for an hour" will be just the way.

business concept

Working parents have little opportunity and time to take care of their children. Good nannies don't grow on trees in the nearest park for an hour. This great business idea, with the proper level of organization, can bring good profits with a minimum of cash investment. How can this undoubtedly useful service be set up?

An hourly babysitter is especially in demand in the evenings and on weekends when parents want to go somewhere. There is also an option when parents are present at home, but busy with guests or business. The nanny can also only take and bring the child from school for his safety.

What is required for implementation

There are several options. First of all, if you are going to sit with very young children, then you need special experience and handling skills. Without pedagogical education and certain knowledge, you also cannot be a nanny for an hour for schoolchildren. First you need to decide what kind of nanny you will be:

  • for babies;
  • for schoolchildren, with the opportunity to do homework;
  • babysitter for an hour - the duties include simply taking, bringing from school, looking after and feeding the child.

All these methods do not require a large investment of money, but you can not expect fantastic profits either. If things go well in the babysitting service, and you manage to raise a large sum, then your next career step may be to open a babysitting agency.

Step by step start instructions

A nanny for an hour may not register her activity with the tax office for the first time, however, having the status of an individual entrepreneur adds advantages when hiring staff. All you need to start a business is:

  • step 1: write a resume;
  • step 2: place an ad on all available sites;
  • step 3: contact, if necessary, a recruitment agency.
  • step 4: when things go uphill, register a business;

Financial calculations

For many women, the main incentive is that babysitting for an hour does not involve large expenses. In fact, the only thing you have to spend money on is advertising, communications and the road.

The cost of your services will directly depend on education, qualifications and place of residence. Depending on the city, rates can range from 100 to 500 rubles per hour.

Housekeepers, governesses, chauffeurs, tutors - these specialists are becoming more and more in demand today. Where to look for such people? How can you be sure that they are professional?

These questions are of interest to many applicants. That is why the question of how to open a recruitment agency is becoming more and more relevant. After all, it can become a really interesting and profitable business.

What is such an agency? Basic principles of work

If you are interested in how to open a recruitment agency, then you are probably wondering how exactly such enterprises work. In fact, everything is quite simple. The clients of such agencies are employers - people who are looking for a particular specialist.

Since in most cases the company offers the services of domestic staff, then customers, respectively, are looking for nannies, governesses, tutors, gardeners, cleaners, cooks, etc. For example, if both parents are busy with work, then they need a person who will look after the child or keep the house clean, from time to time indulge in delicious home-cooked dishes.

Of course, you don’t want to take anyone into your house anyway - employers want to hire only really good people who can be trusted. The agency is an intermediary between the employer and the specialist of a particular case.

Where does the profit come from?

In fact, a domestic staffing firm can be a lucrative business. This business does not require a large start-up capital, but it takes a lot of time and effort to develop it. So where does the money come from?

Many agencies charge employers a small premium for finding the perfect employee. In addition, the money is paid by those people who are looking for work. Here you can already choose the system yourself. In some firms, employees immediately after registration pay a certain amount, and the agency guarantees them decent employment.

Some enterprises take 50-100% of the first salary of a hired specialist. On the other hand, you can charge a small monthly fee for having an employee or employer in your database. In any case, at the initial stages, it is best to establish a convenient and understandable payment scheme.

How to open a recruitment agency? Package of official documents

Of course, such activities are considered entrepreneurial. How to open a recruitment agency? First you need to register with the tax office.

In this case, the best option is to take shape as an individual entrepreneur. This will give you some additional benefits such as a simplified bookkeeping system, fewer paperwork required, etc. It is worth noting that individual entrepreneurship is opened, as a rule, already five or seven days after the submission of the necessary documents.

Where to rent an office space and how to arrange it?

If you are wondering how to open a domestic staff recruitment agency, then you should know that you will need to have your own office. Of course, it doesn't have to be big. However, remember that the atmosphere and atmosphere of your office will demonstrate the solidity and quality of your company's work - this is what clients will first of all pay attention to.

The location of the office is not so important here, but it is best to choose it somewhere in a busy part of the city, for example, in a central area or in a business center. On the other hand, if you do not have such an opportunity, then the office can be located somewhere on the periphery - in this case, you will need to spend more time and investment in advertising.

As for the office itself, it should be bright, clean, demonstrate success, responsibility and professionalism. There is no need for any sophisticated decorations - minimalism will be in place.

It is desirable that the office has at least three separate rooms. In the hallway, for example, you can place a secretary's table, arrange several comfortable chairs or sofas - here customers will be met. In addition, rooms for interviews are needed, as well as a place for working staff.

Naturally, you will need to purchase computer equipment, including a printer and scanner. Storing customer data on a computer system is much easier.

Selection of permanent employees

Of course, if you open a small agency, then at first you can do all the work yourself. However, this takes time. And as the company develops, you will need assistants, because a domestic recruitment agency must work smoothly.

To begin with, you need a secretary who will answer calls, meet clients, schedule and follow it. In addition, it is necessary to hire a specialist in personnel. He will conduct interviews with job seekers, help them fill out questionnaires, check data, etc.

It is possible that for interviews with employers, you will also need an additional employee who can figure out exactly what the client needs. Do not forget that someone will have to keep accounts, be responsible for advertising, conduct a regular search for new applicants, etc.

Some experts advise hiring a full-time psychologist who can assess some of the qualities of people looking for a job, as well as the characteristics and desires of clients offering a particular position. In any case, all employees of your company should be sociable, pleasant in communication, unobtrusive, diplomatic. Leadership qualities, the ability to clearly and clearly express thoughts, as well as persuasion, will also not interfere.

Where to find professional job seekers?

Of course, the selection of domestic staff is an extremely responsible matter, which must be approached seriously. After all, employers turn to you for help, completely relying on your opinion. You must provide them with professional employees who can be trusted.

Tips from the director of the company "Gloria" The process of the agency Workflow stages:

  1. Formation of a database of specialists (the accumulation of a sufficient database is completed in 2-3 years).
  2. Search for clients (at least 10 applications per month must be received).
  3. Compilation of application forms with requirements by customers.
  4. Selection of a suitable employee (within 3 days).
  5. Mediation between a specialist and an employer, conclusion of an agreement.
  6. Receiving payment for services.

Babysitting Services Provided:

  • constant;
  • temporary;
  • for an infant;
  • educator;
  • child care + housekeeper.

Important! The recruiting agency must find a nanny in 2-3 days and ensure the confidentiality of the parties. At the first wish of the client to pick up a new person.

How to open a domestic staff recruitment agency

Registering a business To get started, you need to register with the tax office. First of all, choose the most suitable form of activity.

You can register as a sole trader or as a limited liability company. After registration and obtaining all permits for activities, it is necessary to rent an office, make repairs there and equip a place for employees.

Next, you can get to work. Creation of a database The main task of the recruitment agency throughout its activities remains the creation of an expanded database of employers and clients looking for a job. Experienced personnel officers say that it takes about 2-3 years to create an extensive database.

How to open a nanny agency?


How to open a recruitment agency? First you need to register with the tax office. In this case, the best option is to take shape as an individual entrepreneur.

This will give you some additional benefits such as a simplified bookkeeping system, fewer paperwork required, etc. It is worth noting that individual entrepreneurship is opened, as a rule, already five or seven days after the submission of the necessary documents.
Where to rent an office space and how to arrange it? If you are wondering how to open a domestic staff recruitment agency, then you should know that you will need to have your own office. Of course, it doesn't have to be big.

Recruitment agency. management.


The more employment contracts are concluded between customers and job seekers, the faster you can return every ruble spent. The average cost of the services of a recruitment agency is equal to the monthly salary of an employed employee.

In specialized companies and with headhunting, payment can increase by 3-4 times. An employment business is one of the projects that does not work passively, but requires a constant search for new customers.
When accepting staff as your staff, set a small salary for them and a good percentage of each employed applicant, motivating them to work for results.

How to start a recruitment agency from scratch

Income If in the first month of operation the company manages to receive and fulfill at least three orders, then by the end of the second month it will have a profit of about 60,000 rubles. In the future, the amount of income will fluctuate between 100,000 and 200,000 rubles.

Profitability of business - not less than 10%. Business Nuances This recruitment agency business plan is an example of how such an enterprise should ideally organize and conduct work. In fact, in order to conduct business competently in this industry, you will have to periodically deal with difficult situations and defend the honest name of the agency.

What problems may arise:

  • The applicant hides some personal qualities that may not suit the employer.

How to open a recruitment agency

  • rent of premises (from 3 thousand dollars in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in small towns the cost of rent can be 10 times less),
  • a computer connected to the Internet (you can start using only your home computer, in the future you will have to purchase computers or laptops, the estimated cost is from $ 500),
  • various office supplies (from $100),
  • state duties for registering an enterprise (self-registration of an individual entrepreneur - from 2000 rubles).

Starting to promote a recruitment agency from scratch, in the first days and even months of work, you can do without hiring assistants, especially if friends or family members are ready to help you, but in the future, you will have to provide for the cost of paying employees.

How to open your own recruitment agency: where to start

Equipment Recruitment agency as a business does not need specific equipment. Enough of the following items of equipment and furniture:

  • Computer with Internet access.

    The number of computers corresponds to the number of employees. You can save a little on technology by using a computer and printer from home.
    The printer must function as a scanner and copier. On average, technical equipment will cost 150,000 rubles.

  • Specialized software for personnel accounting - from 50000 rub.
  • 2 mobile and 2 landline phones - 5-8 thousand rubles.

Before you open your recruitment agency, you have to find a suitable place to work. Employees 2 managers are required to get started.
Their job will be to call enterprises to compile a database of vacancies.

Recruitment agency business plan

The most suitable legal form is an individual entrepreneur; UTII should be chosen as a form of taxation. Since 2016, the OKVED activity codes have changed, now the entrepreneur needs to select the following:

  1. 74.50.1. employment services.
  2. 74.50.2. recruitment services.

Renting premises Before you open your recruitment agency, you have to find a suitable office space. The office has the following requirements:

  • Location in an accessible place, preferably in the area of ​​major transport hubs of the city;
  • A recruitment agency has no place in a shopping center. Office or business centers are suitable for this area of ​​activity;
  • The office should have a pleasant environment and inspire confidence.

A recruitment agency does not need a lot of space - 10 sq. m. If you rent a larger office, it is better to choose a room with a separate office.

How to open a recruitment agency?

When drawing up a plan for opening a recruitment agency, it is worth considering what additional knowledge you may need. This type of activity does not require special education, but it is important to have well-developed communication skills, be able to use office equipment, search for information on the Internet, and know the basics of law. Carefully study the labor market in your region:

  • What kind of specialists are most in demand?
  • What jobs are in high demand among job seekers?
  • Which universities train in-demand specialists that the employer is ready to accept even without work experience?

Social Media Recruitment Video The Role of the Firm's Location The firm's location is quite important - if your office is inconvenient to get to, potential clients may refuse even very promising interviews.

How to open a recruitment agency from scratch?

The least expensive will be the running line on local channels, job seekers often pay attention to such lines in search of vacancies. In order to make yourself known among potential customers - firms, you should seriously engage in calling with a proposal to post vacancies. It is advisable to make calls once a week, as vacancies are constantly updated. Expenses and payback This business has a low entry threshold, as it does not require special expenses. But before organizing a recruitment agency from scratch, an entrepreneur must be prepared for a long payback period. On average, this figure fluctuates around 3-4 years.

Home Recruitment Agency business plan download

The cost of services can be fixed, when a person pays for access to the database, or for the company to provide several addresses of organizations where they need an appropriate specialist; but more and more often, a different method of payment is being used recently, when the client gives the first salary to the agency after successful employment. Opening a recruitment agency has a fundamentally different approach to working with clients, which are the employers themselves. For the selection of personnel that meets the necessary criteria, agencies take a fixed amount of payment, usually equal to the candidate's average monthly salary. Some entrepreneurs prefer narrow specialization, opening, for example, their own recruitment agency for the selection of domestic staff.

With constant employment and a busy work schedule, young parents often face the problem of lack of time for the full-fledged upbringing of a child. In addition, not every mother can afford several years of maternity leave without the risk of losing her qualifications. Of course, kindergartens are the most obvious way out, but what if there are no free places in them, or the baby is having difficulty adapting to a new environment?

Considering the provision of a babysitting service at home as a business, entrepreneurs take into account the needs of parents who find themselves in such a hopeless situation, offering them to take advantage of the support of experienced teachers. The list of duties of such a specialist includes not only teaching the child, but also feeding, walking, active games, developing household skills, and improving physical exercises. It is logical to assume that with such help, mothers will be able to pay attention not only to the family, but also to their professional career, self-realization, without worrying that the child will grow up without proper upbringing and care.

Business Features

Babysitting agencies are to some extent similar to conventional employment companies: both create a database of candidates and then present employers with specialists with the required qualifications. However, the process of finding caregivers is much more complicated, since parents, when meeting applicants, take into account not only their experience and skills, but also the advice of friends, the opinion of relatives, and even the hairstyle or the cost of a manicure from a potential performer.

In some cases, for customers interested in home babysitting services, price may be a secondary factor, giving priority to their own personal likes or references.

Three main methods are used to attract new candidates: publishing a questionnaire on the agency's website, posting job advertisements in newspapers or on job search portals, and calling job seekers who have posted their resumes on the Internet. From each nanny, the recruiter needs to obtain information about her state of health, the availability of the necessary documents, the preferred amount of remuneration and the possible work schedule.

Applicants who have passed the initial selection are invited for a personal interview. After the successful completion of such a questionnaire, the nanny is placed in the database and begins to search for parents whose requirements correspond to her expectations and qualifications. The final stage is the acquaintance of the educator with the customers and the conclusion of a tripartite agreement on the provision of services.

To maintain the reputation of the agency, it is necessary to carefully check all references and reviews provided by applicants through communication with previous employers. Companies that work with wealthy clients, in order to collect information about the identity of the candidate, sometimes even establish contacts with law enforcement agencies, conduct polygraph tests and instruct psychologists to draw up a portrait of the candidate's personality.

Satisfied customers, as a rule, become permanent: starting cooperation with the selection of a nanny for a newborn, they consistently go through all the stages and finish working with the agency with the selection of a governess or even a tutor for a teenager. Therefore, all the efforts of the company's employees should be aimed at meeting the needs of parents and ensuring the most comfortable working conditions for them.

What are nannies?

The main tasks of a nanny are educational work and caring for a child, however, the degree of her involvement in these processes is determined by the need of parents for outside help: for someone, a change for a couple of hours a week is enough, while others cannot do without the constant presence of a worker in the family. The most requested by customers are:

Nanny for a newborn

Children under two years old need to select a specialist with a medical education. A prerequisite is the experience and skills of caring for babies - the child will definitely need feeding, swaddling, bathing and educational games. In addition, the nanny must have certain knowledge in child psychology, since it is at this age that the basic formation of the future personality takes place. The duties of such an employee involve comprehensive child care, including:

  • Compliance with sleep and feeding;
  • Bathing, hardening, accustoming the child to hygiene procedures;
  • Preparing food and milk formulas;
  • Special developing massage, physical exercises;
  • Walks twice a day in places indicated by parents;
  • Formation of basic household skills in a child;
  • Security, protection;
  • Socialization of the child, preparation for kindergarten;
  • Washing children's dishes, cleaning the child's room and washing his clothes.


Children from two to six years old already need a teacher, a specialist with experience in preschool institutions, who will educate them daily according to an agreed schedule (for example, while their parents are at work). At this age, the child asks a lot of questions about the structure of the world around him and needs the presence of a person who will help him find answers. The nanny must also speak correctly, as young children tend to repeat and memorize words and expressions after adults. Her main responsibilities:
  • Compliance with the daily routine;
  • Protection, security;
  • Hardening, physical development of the child;
  • Cooking and feeding, washing children's dishes;
  • Formation of household skills (self-care, maintaining order);
  • Visiting a pediatrician;
  • Walks, visits to entertainment events (circuses, exhibitions);
  • Caring for children's shoes and clothes, cleaning the child's room;
  • Teaching reading, mathematics, calligraphy, preparation for school;
  • Logic and educational games.

nanny governess

For children of primary school age, parents most often select a governess with a higher pedagogical education, who has the necessary knowledge in the framework of the school curriculum and owns various developmental methods. The nanny should meet the child from school, help him with his homework, accompany him on walks and when visiting various circles. Its main tasks are:

  • Assistance in physical, cultural and intellectual development;
  • Assistance in mastering the school curriculum;
  • Additional classes, tutoring;
  • By agreement - teaching foreign languages ​​and music.

Babysitter for an hour

Any parents episodically feel the need to stay at work, set aside a few hours "for themselves", deal with everyday problems, and even attend a theater or concert. At such moments, they will need babysitting services for a short time. Accordingly, the teacher must pick up the baby from school or kindergarten, feed him, do homework with him or go for a walk.

Nanny with accommodation. Such a specialist is around the clock next to the child and is engaged in both full-fledged care for him and the performance of some household duties - cooking for the whole family, cleaning the apartment, and doing laundry. In fact, residential babysitting services involve a combination of the functions of a caregiver and a housekeeper, which is very convenient for parents who are periodically absent from home or who are raising several more older children.

It should be remembered that when selecting a nanny, the price of the service is determined by the qualifications of the teacher: a specialist who speaks foreign languages ​​or can play musical instruments has the right to expect a higher payment.

Requirements for candidates

It is logical to assume that parents who trust the care of the child and ensure its safety to an outsider will be extremely scrupulous in choosing a candidate and make many demands on his behavior, education and availability of recommendations. Therefore, an agency that seeks to earn a good reputation must independently conduct a preliminary selection and include in its database nannies who not only have high qualifications, but also the character traits necessary for such work - responsibility, patience, love for children.

Most often, parents prefer nannies:

  • Between the ages of 35 and 55;
  • Without bad habbits;
  • Attentive and responsible, with a balanced character;
  • Not burdened by family problems or their own small children;
  • Providing a diploma of graduation from a pedagogical or medical (higher or secondary specialized) educational institution;
  • Having a sanitary book and a health certificate;
  • Possessing the ability to provide medical care;
  • With recommendations and positive testimonials from previous clients;
  • Possessing knowledge about the psychology and physiology of the child;
  • Living close to where they work.

Why is a contract needed?

The presence of a contract for babysitting services is a disciplinary factor and a weighty argument in disputes for both parents and educators: clearly defined rights and obligations of the parties force them to act within the framework of the agreement, not allowing them to exceed their powers and require the opponent to perform any undesirable actions. The document indicates all the main details: how much the nanny services cost, how payment is made, whether she is provided with days off and vacation days, what is the procedure for extending or terminating the contract.

  • What places for walking are preferred;
  • Whether contact with certain children or pets should be avoided;
  • What is necessary and what is forbidden to feed the child;
  • What to do in case of illness or injury;
  • When and for how long the child is allowed to watch TV or play computer games;
  • Will travel expenses be included in the cost of babysitting services for a child;
  • When and how will the nanny have lunch.

In the contract, it is desirable to reflect even minor points that may subsequently turn into a subject of dispute. The content of this document must be approved by both parties - both parents and the nanny.

Risks and Benefits

An entrepreneur considering the possibility of creating an agency should be clear about the features and specifics of a private nanny business: often even minor details turn into serious obstacles and greatly complicate the work of the company. The obvious advantages of this type of activity experts consider the following factors:

  • Requirements for the amount of start-up capital are quite moderate;
  • Considering how much babysitting services cost per hour, we can talk about the high profitability of the business;
  • There is no need for enterprise licensing;
  • To organize business processes, the ability to negotiate and convince customers is enough, while other specific knowledge is not needed;
  • The cost of babysitting services can be adjusted depending on the requirements of clients and the qualifications of the performer.

On the other hand, it is hardly possible to imagine the full picture and develop an agency development strategy without taking into account the risks inherent in this type of business:

  • Some nannies may work in bad faith and even commit potentially dangerous and harmful actions for the child - in such situations, the agency also bears partial responsibility to the parents;
  • The contract for the provision of babysitting services is the only document that establishes the rights and obligations of the parties;
  • The expectations of parents and their requirements for the professional duties of an employee may turn out to be inadequately high - some customers want to get a cook, educator, nurse and housekeeper in one person for a moderate fee;
  • Like any service business that involves working with people, finding and selecting a nanny for demanding customers is a source of stress - you need to conduct dozens of interviews with candidates during the day, and meet with clients in the evening.

Customer acquisition

Of course, the best advertisement of the agency are positive recommendations and reviews of satisfied parents. However, at the initial stage, the hopes of entrepreneurs for this channel of attracting customers are not justified: in order for the first customers and first recommendations to appear, a considerable amount of money and resources have to be invested in marketing activities. In general, the following advertising platforms can be used for this business:

  • Leaflets. One-color and multi-color booklets and flyers are distributed in crowded places or near establishments frequently visited by parents with small children: clinics, kindergartens, shopping and entertainment centers;
  • Business cards. Business cards should include the name of the company, a brief list of services and contact information. They should be distributed not only in crowded places, but also by agreement on cooperation through toy and children's goods stores;
  • Blocks in newspapers and magazines. Due to their high circulation, local print media are an effective tool that allows them to reach a fairly wide audience in the shortest possible time;
  • Own site. Virtual representation allows not only to form the image of the agency, but also to convey to the consumer detailed information about how much a babysitting service costs for a child and in what form it can be ordered, publish profiles of specialists with reviews and recommendations, and also attract new candidates for inclusion in the database.

Monthly marketing expenses

Premises and equipment

It is possible to organize the work of the agency at the initial stage at home, but for meetings with clients and interviews with nannies, a formal setting is better suited. In addition, a bright and clean office equipped with modern office equipment has a positive effect on the company's reputation.

Suitable premises with an area of ​​25–35 m² are often rented out in various business centers at a rate of 550–650 rubles/m² per month. An additional advantage of this option is the availability of repair and connection to communication lines in such offices.

In the hall, a working area of ​​18–20 m² and an area for negotiations with clients of about 12 m² should be allocated. Necessary office equipment includes furniture, cabinets, computers and printers, as well as a minimum set of amenities for waiting visitors - a sofa, a table, a cooler or a coffee maker.

Office equipment

Name price, rub. Qty Amount, rub.
PC or laptop 15000 3 45000
Multifunction device 8000 1 8000
Telephone sets 1000 3 3000
router 1500 1 1500
Crockery, kettle 3000 3000
Water cooler 3500 1 3500
Stationery 8000 8000
Desktop 4000 3 12000
Chair 1500 6 9000
Closet 3000 1 3000
Document rack 2000 1 2000
Coffee table 3000 1 3000
Sofa for visitors 12000 1 12000
Total: 113000

Investments in business

Despite the apparent simplicity and accessibility of the mechanisms of the nanny recruitment agency, it is not recommended to avoid developing a business plan when creating it. Investments in such a company do not differ in large volumes, however, the exact amount of start-up capital and possible payback periods cannot be determined in any other way.

Initial investment

When planning the costs of remuneration of employees, at the initial stage, you need to include in the staffing of the agency:

  • Secretary (reception of orders and contact with clients);
  • HR specialist (attracting performers and conducting interviews);
  • Part-time accountant.

Accounting may well be outsourced, and control over marketing activities included in the scope of authority of the director.

Labor costs

The agency's main monthly expenses are salaries and the purchase of advertising space. The amount of marketing expenses may vary depending on the type and intensity of the advertising campaign: the distribution of business cards will cost 5,000 rubles, while renting one billboard costs at least 20,000 rubles.

General monthly expenses

Profit and profitability

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The agency's profit is not fixed - its value depends on the number of customers attracted during the month. In general, entrepreneurs use four possible sources of income:

  • One-time receipt of remuneration when concluding a contract for the provision of babysitting services for a long time (an amount in the amount of a monthly rate is paid only by the customer, only by the nanny, or by the customer and the nanny in a certain proportion);
  • Regular receipt of remuneration when providing babysitting services “for an hour” (within 30-40% of the amount of payment);
  • Charging a one-time or monthly subscription fee from candidates for placing their profiles in the database (within 200-500 rubles);
  • Conducting paid advanced training courses (basics of etiquette, rules for caring for children in wealthy families, psychological training) - from 6,000 rubles for training lasting 35–40 hours.

When calculating the cost of babysitting services, the price per hour is set at the level of 250-300 rubles for ordinary educators, and within the range of 350-450 rubles for teachers with a musical education or knowledge of a foreign language.

Babysitting cost

Thus, an agency that has concluded three long-term contracts within a month and provided the services of five nannies “for an hour” (25 working days, 4 hours a day for each teacher) can receive an income in the amount of 180,000 rubles. Excluding tax payments and monthly expenses, the entrepreneur's net profit will be at least 40 thousand rubles, and the profitability of the enterprise will reach 30%.

To increase the company's income, attention should be paid not only to finding customers, but also to filling the database of candidates - the more options are presented to the customer, the greater the likelihood of a successful conclusion of the contract.


An entrepreneur who wants to open his own agency faces hard and painstaking work to promote his own business: competition in this area can be made not only by large companies with first-class personnel, but also by private traders involved in outright dumping. The main advantage in this struggle is the exceptionally high-quality provision of services and a high degree of responsibility for the result - the rest of the work to attract customers will be done by grateful parents.

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