What is copywriting and how does a newbie copywriter make money on it? How much does a copywriter earn on the Internet per month: sad statistics of earnings on copywriting and what to expect for a beginner The main commandments of a copywriter

  • 11.07.2023

Today we will find out how things are going with earnings on copywriting in Runet. I will tell and give real examples of how much a copywriter earns, what his salary depends on and what a beginner can count on.

It turns out that now on the Internet, most copywriters earn little, and this, of course, has an explanation. No, competition, the crisis in the Russian market, the reduction of people who go online, and the frenzied development of remote work are not to blame here. There are a huge number of vacancies, both in large and well-known companies, and among novice webmasters.

The main reason that I observe when selecting copywriters for my projects is that people, it turns out, are not ready for the opportunity to work remotely, study and consider the profession unpromising, uninteresting and low-income. Find out how much copywriters really earn.

First of all, the level of income can be different, and it depends on many factors, a novice specialist needs to understand them. So let's take a look at them.

What does earnings depend on?

Usually, the salary of a copywriter is calculated by the number of characters written by him, that is, for the work done and the result. The price for 1,000 characters is negotiated and set individually.

Level of skill and knowledge

The first factor that the employer immediately draws to is how you write.

Copywriting is not just about being able to type text in a Word, here you also need to be able to sell, know psychology, interest the reader, understand him, build a logical and understandable chain of text, use keywords correctly, etc.

If you are a beginner and you still have little experience, then the quality of the text is immediately evident. For someone who is engaged in content projects, and low quality will be enough, you can find a job. But, you understand, you will not be well paid for this, but this is a great chance to train and do better and better every time.

Learn, practice and improve your skills.


For example, I will give such a skill as. The faster you type, the less time you spend writing 1,000 characters. From this, your hour of work will become more expensive.

Place of work and persistence

The third reason that payment for 1000 characters will depend on is the project where you will work and the permanence of orders.

If you are a freelancer and are always looking for work, you can catch orders on freelance exchanges for copywriters and rewriters, spend a lot of time discussing, each time adjusting to the conditions of the customer. I remember when I started, I could just sit stupidly all day and not find anything.

It is clear that monthly income depends on this. On the other hand, if you are a pro, then the price of services may be higher than for remote work.

When you work full-time and you have a content plan planned for a month in advance, you always know that tomorrow you will not be left without bread. No need to waste time searching. The price per thousand characters is reduced from this, you can say that you work at wholesale rates.

You can still get into a large project, where prices are an order of magnitude higher, but the conditions with responsibility are most likely tougher.

Types of texts and their task

The conditions and technical tasks are different for everyone - this is already the 4th factor. For example, rewriting a text costs 3 times less than writing a unique one.

A selling text, on the contrary, costs several times more than an informational one. Informational - can be divided into news, technical, entertainment, etc. Here, too, a price can be set for each type. Agree that describing some news is easier than making a technical article.

For example, I set a price tag for an article on the basis of whether this article is useful for my readers or not. If the author is addressing a topic that is too narrow, has a small readership, and is not suitable for the main structure of the site, then I will announce the minimum prices accordingly.

So, we figured out what may determine how much a copywriter earns. Now let's talk about the average cost of 1000 characters on the Internet and real examples.

How much do copywriters get?

As you probably already understood, writing texts is not an easy job, boring for someone, but interesting for someone. To make good money, you need to show interest and desire in your work. As they say, do what you like, then you will achieve results faster.

If you are a beginner and have never written texts to order before, then, to be honest, the maximum that you can count on when working online is 10-15 thousand rubles for the first few months, it depends, again, on your desire.

Yes, for some it's a penny that you can't live on. But for a resident of a small town, where the average salary is just the same 10 - 15 thousand rubles a month, it will be cool. Given the bonus that you can work while sitting at home.

Low quality texts are paid on average 30-40 rubles per 1000 characters. I give beginners for test tasks such a price. There are bloggers I know who have copywriters on a permanent basis for such a price and at the same time write good materials. I’m telling you, 15-20,000 rubles will be enough for someone, as long as they have a steady income and work from home at their own pace.

Then comes the average - from 50 to 100 rubles for 1000 characters. There are a lot of copywriter friends who work in this range. In a month they manage to earn from 25 to 50,000 rubles. In the regions of Russia, this is the average salary of a person; in Ukraine, salaries are even lower.

Above 100 rubles per thousand characters are paid to guys who have extensive experience, create cool and useful content and work more responsibly. Exit in a year or two on an income of 50 thousand rubles is quite realistic. Maybe even earlier.

I don’t want to miss such a thing as an office copywriter (content manager, journalist). Various news publications, magazines and other companies are hiring employees for this vacancy in the office. They also sit and write articles, only in the office and work schedule. Here the salary mainly depends on the average income of an office worker in a particular city.

As for earning in foreign currency - in dollars, there are foreign exchanges where you can look for work, but you need to know languages ​​well there. If you can translate the written text into another language, then it is clear that the cost of your skills is many times more expensive. This is a rare case, and I don’t have much experience in foreign markets, so I don’t have much to advise here.


It seems that everything I wanted to tell about making money on copywriting, I hope it’s clear what you can count on and what prospects there are in the future.

Who is really ready to work, in the previous article I already wrote that I can take a couple of people to the team. To do this, you need to contact me VKontakte ( vk.com/vasiliy_blinov). Write in a personal with a note "Copywriter job".

Leave your feedback in the comments, what do you think about it, and ask questions of interest. It happens that not everything is clear, so write.

All the best, see you in the next posts.

Hello dear readers! I welcome you to the popular magazine about business and earnings - SlonoDrom.ru. It's time to take a good look at what is copywriting and how to make money on copywriting for a beginner.

In fact, copywriting is a type of freelancing, i.e. remote work at home. It has gained a lot of popularity lately.

This can be explained by the fact that almost every person can earn money on copywriting right now within a few hours. several hundred or even thousand rubles .

It is not even that important to have any outstanding work skills or great experience at the beginning. It is clear that as your skill level increases, so will your income.

But first of all, I want to say that such earnings are available even to beginners. And you can learn everything on the job.

You may also be interested in other ways to make money online. The most complete and detailed article about (for both beginners and advanced users) has already been published on our website. Be sure to read it - you won't regret it!

So, after reading the article, you will learn:

  • What is copywriting?
  • How to become a copywriter and earn up to 100 thousand rubles on the copywriting of articles?
  • What are the copyright exchanges and which ones should you choose?

Ready to find out the answers to these questions? Then drop everything and go read the article! 🙂

1. Copywriting - what is it and how to start making money on it?

So, let's understand what copywriting is and how you can make money from it. Copywriting, if simple, is writing texts.

Usually we associate this occupation with journalism, but in fact, every day more and more new sites appear in Runet that need to be filled with content.

Who do you think writes information for them, maybe robots? No they do it simple people , just like you and me.

A newcomer entering this field is faced with a huge number of questions, scammers, dishonest employers, and difficulties in understanding the basic principles of work are waiting for him.

1.1 How to make money on copywriting?

First of all, you need to read at least some materials about this work. Personally, I recommend further reading the information on Daniil Shardkov's blog And forum of Peter Panda. Here you will find a lot of useful information.

In this article, we will also consider in detail all the necessary information: starting from which exchange to choose for work and ending with advice how to find direct customers.

Therefore, have a little patience, we will tell you everything in order.

1.2 Copywriting: where to start?

As mentioned above, start by looking for information about the profession. Slowly gain experience in writing not only informational articles, but also selling texts (you can earn much more on them).

So selling texts involve the use of a certain style and writing techniques, keywords, attention blocks, checking texts for various services, etc.

At the same time, you can already register on one of the copywriting exchanges today and start writing informational articles to order.

Copywriting is a job at home that can really bring in a lot of money, but again, this is hard work and the most important thing is your discipline And self-organization .

At home, you are your own boss, and setting up your working day can be the most difficult thing, especially in this case when there are no bosses and bosses above you! 🙂

In addition, you will need portfolio. A question that worries many novice authors: where can I get it? It needs to be worked out, and it takes time!

While you are a beginner, you will definitely not be able to work with serious clients. You most likely will not be trusted, and this is quite natural. But do not forget that you can write articles that do not require a high level of language proficiency.

We will help you make money on the copywriting of articles!
If you want to become a copywriter, then especially for you we will give below in the article step by step guide , where we will tell in detail and show what needs to be done in order to start making money on the copyright of articles.

Well, first, let's briefly touch on the most important question: How much can you earn from copywriting?»

2. How much do copywriters earn?

Secrets and basics of copywriting lie in the price position. Frankly, in this world, famous authors take for a simple advertising text from 3 to 9 thousand rubles.

But their earnings are a long work on themselves, an image, a rich client base, their own websites and forums, a promoted name. Such authors do not look for customers, because customers find them themselves.

But we will start in order and consider the prices on the example of one of the exchanges, for example ETHT. As a beginner, it will be difficult for you to take orders more expensive 20-30 rubles per thousand characters , but you will “stuff” your hand on them. By the way, it is conditionally possible to divide the gradation of earnings of copywriters into 3 stages, such as:

  • First stage. You are still in search and have a small knowledge base, your price tag on the exchange fluctuates from 10 to 30 rublesper thousand characters. Someone tries himself on freelance sites, making small orders, others are engaged in posting and writing inexpensive comments. Until your fees are expensive, but on 6-7 thousand per month you can count;
  • Stage of stable work. He starts after a couple of months in copywriting. You are already confident in your abilities. You know how to write a description and the Glavred service does not scare you. During this period, it is important to collect a portfolio (links to sites for which you wrote), because it shows the level of your professionalism. Prices at this stage vary from 70 to 120 rubles for a thousand characters, and a month you can receive from 15 to 55 thousand rubles ;
  • High level stage. You go beyond exchanges and can increase earnings through naming, targeting, slogan writing, SEO optimization of the site. It is believed that only 10 percent of copywriters can reach the level of decent earnings, because the competition in this area is fierce. In this case, you can get paid from 120 to 350 rubles for 1000 characters, and the final monthly earnings can reach up to 200 thousand rubles .

Copywriting is an activity in which you need to catch every moment, otherwise you will be left without your bread.

2.1 Examples of earning on copywriting

You can either write articles to order or sell them in "article stores". In my opinion, it is always more profitable to write to order, because almost all stock exchanges have severe dumping, and authors sometimes put up already written works for nothing.

Alternatively, you can delegate orders or articles and earn money on this as well.

An example of earning on reassignments!
For example, you can order articles from colleagues for 10-15 rubles per thousand characters and sell them for 20-30 rubles/1000 symbols

But you may face a huge problem - the content will be of poor quality. Therefore, it is important to select competent copywriters who can write more or less high-quality texts.

You can even create your own team of copywriters from several people, and yourself only deal with finding orders and correcting written texts.

On the stock exchanges, a simple commercial article costs on average 70-100 rubles per thousand characters, but place orders there, as a rule, not always direct site owners. This is done by content masters and SEO optimizers.

For direct customers, a commercial article costs on average 15-20 dollars . But do not rush to look for them, you need to gain experience at the initial stage.

Let's say you are writing 50 rubles/1000. On average, without loss of efficiency, you can make about 10 thousand characters per day, and per month with a couple of days off, your earnings will be 15-17 thousand rubles .

3. How to make money on copywriting: step by step instructions for beginners - 5 easy steps

Copywriting training , or rather, the basics of the profession have been passed, and the most important moment is coming - the search for orders and earnings.

Even if you don’t know how to cook mimosa salad, information about this can be found on other sites - Yandex or Google to help you.

For such an order for 4500 characters, you can earn 140 rubles, well, it will take you no more to write an article 1-2 hours of work .

First of all choose what you like. Also, be sure to look at the customer's profile, read reviews about him, because you don't want to stumble upon a person who is not quite adequate for the first time in your work.

Step 4. We fulfill the order

So, you took the order to work. Carefully read the terms of reference that the customer forms for the performers before submitting an application.

Popular ways to withdraw money on copywriting exchanges

Tip: What is the best wallet to use?
I recommend working with Yandex money or QIWI. Why? It's simple, lately there have been problems with WebMoney (delays in withdrawing on the exchange and difficulties with converting money).

4. Copywriting - sites for making money: TOP 7 best copywriting exchanges in Runet

So, we have come to the most interesting part of this article, namely the review of stock exchanges for copywriters. Below will be listed the most useful, in my opinion, resources on which, if desired, you can earn good money.

Each exchange has its own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages, so to say that " such and such» The exchange is the best would be wrong.

Therefore, we will consider each of them in detail, but the choice will ultimately be yours.

Site No. 1: ETXT (www.etxt.ru)

How to start a copywriter on the ETHT exchange? You need to check out this resource. The exchange is one of the largest in Runet; more than 3-4 thousand people(customers and performers), more than one hundred thousand people are registered on the stock exchange.

Every day, more than 5 thousand orders are placed on the site, a commission of 10 percent is taken from the customer and the contractor in half. Money can be withdrawn using WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex Money and minimum withdrawal amount is 250 rubles .

After registering on the site, you need to pass a simple qualification test and pass a qualifying work for stars, which allow you to submit full-fledged applications for orders.

As soon as you register, you will be attacked by customers with individual tasks at a price 5-10 rubles per thousand characters.

Do not agree to their terms and set up filters in your personal account so that you can only see orders from 30 rubles .

In general, on ETXT in the first month of work you can earn about 5 -10 thousand rubles , authors who work for more than six months reach the level of earnings in 20-30 thousand rubles per month.

Exchange pros – the possibility of a quick start and a lot of orders.

Minuses- very low prices for beginners, but with increasing experience, it turns out to take more expensive orders.

Website №2: Advego (advego.ru)

The Advego exchange is one of the oldest in Runet. The site appeared back in 2007, and it became one of the first resources for freelance writers.

There are always jobs and vacancies for copywriters on Advego. In total, more than 300 thousand users are registered on the site. True, there are far fewer people working there on a daily basis.

The commission fee is 10 percent. On the site you can perform tasks on rewriting, copywriting, posting, SEO copywriting.

Writing articles on Advedo: the benefits of working

New rules for Advego provide system maintenance efficiency And responsibility. Not doing work, the presence of constant refusals to work - all this can lead to the fact that you can simply be banned.

Payment on Advego is in dollars and prices start at about from 35 cents per thousand characters. Withdrawal of money is carried out through WebMoney. On this exchange, the gradation of authors depends on the rating, the more orders you complete, the higher you are in its system.

In addition, a tender system is provided for orders, and most often the tidbits go to the authors from the white lists.

Website #3: TurboText (www.turbotext.ru)

Working from home as a copywriter is an exciting and money-making activity. And another resource that cannot be ignored is called Turbo Text.

This copywriting exchange appeared relatively recently (in 2010), and now more than 5 thousand people work on this resource, and over 100 thousand users are registered.

Payment on the exchange: numbers!
The average cost of copywriting is 67 rubles for 1000 characters, rewriting - 40 rubles, and SEO copywriting is estimated at approximately at 70 rubles for 1000 characters.

To get on the exchange, you need to pass a literacy test and write a mini-essay, if you get an A for it, then you will have access to the basic level. There are four levels in total - beginner, basic, advanced and pro.

If you didn’t pass the essay, then within three months you will have to perform micro-tasks (liking and posting), but the benefit is that you can register as much as you like, the system does not track multi-accounts yet.

Payments every Monday through the system WebMoney, the minimum withdrawal amount is 50 rubles .

Site No. 4: Text Broker copywriting bureau (textbroker.ru)

The Text Broker site appeared at the dawn of the birth of stock copywriting, but it went down a completely different path, becoming a closed service for a small number of copywriters. Prices in this copywriting agency are higher than on the stock exchange.

The average price for 1000 characters on Miratext is 60-70 rubles and it goes up with your level.

But getting there is not so easy. After registering, you need to go literacy test , then write a short essay, correctly entering the keys into it, and only then there is still an exam on knowledge of the exchange system.

Be prepared for the fact that the work is checked by both the customer and the moderator, and you will be graded. For a score that is too low, you will be blocked for a day or more from accessing orders of your level.

Moderation is strict, but competition on the exchange is very low. It is understandable - not everyone can pass such tests.

Withdrawal of funds is carried out using payment systems WebMoney or Yandex money. There are orders that you can take without the approval of the customer, and there are tender orders. They are more expensive, and therefore more difficult to perform.

And one more thing - moderation is slow at Miratext and you have to wait quite a long time for an answer to your question compared to other text exchanges.

Site #7: ContentMonster (contentmonster.ru)

The ContentMonster copywriting exchange is also closed to the free flow of authors. According to the developers, only twenty-five percent of copywriters fall into its walls. But is it worth it?

Worth it, because the stock exchange has a special copywriting school where you can learn copywriting and learn a lot of useful and necessary information for yourself.

After registering on the exchange, you need to pass a short literacy test and write an essay. If the moderators evaluate your work, then you will have access to tasks on the exchange.

Many bypass this exchange, and do it in vain, since there is very low competition among authors. Moderation is strict, but you can work it out. There are skill levels, and articles are graded by both customers and moderators.

You can withdraw money from the exchange using the same QIWI, Yandex Money, WebMoney.

5. Pros and cons of working as a copywriter - for whom such work is most suitable

Informational texts, especially selling texts in copywriting Not everyone can write. So who is this income for?

First of all, for those who likes to write . You have to like it, otherwise you won't be able to become a copywriter. In general, anyone can do copywriting: mother on maternity leave, student, pensioner, office clerk.

Especially copywriting is great as an additional income to the main job. This is an ideal option for people with disabilities, because many people with disabilities simply cannot find a job.

You can always combine work as a copywriter and your main position, even a short part-time job in the evenings gives a substantial salary increase . Many people, realizing that earnings can bring solid incomes, are already becoming official freelancers.

If you have made copywriting your main source of income, then you can take care of opening an IP. What is the profit? First of all, you pay taxes and also receive social guarantees.

Many large and serious customers prefer to work with individual entrepreneurs. But I want to repeat myself, you need to think about IP at a time when your income is stable.

For convenience, we have presented the pros and cons of copywriting in comparison with standard work in the form of a table:

Category Regular work Copywriting
Working mode (-) Usually tight schedule (+) Can work when it's convenient
Pay Level (+ /- ) Depends on position and city of residence (+ /- ) Beginners: up to 10-15 thousand rubles. Professionals: up to 100-200 thousand rubles.
Subordination (-) There is usually a manual (+) Your own boss!
Free time (-) Usually the whole day is devoted to work. (+) Work can be given 4-6 hours a day. It is also possible to combine work with travel.
Payment (+ /- ) In most cases, the monthly salary (+ /- ) Payment for the result, immediately after the work is completed

6. Tips for those who want to make money copywriting - 3 valuable tips

  • Blog of Maxim Ilyakhov. You can subscribe and receive materials that will help you learn how to write good sales copy ( maximilyahov.ru/blog/all/availability/);
  • Denis Kaplunov's blog. You will find a lot of interesting information that will definitely help in your work (www.blog-kaplunoff.ru);
  • Peter Panda Forum where you can register and ask any questions. Believe me, they will definitely help you (textis.ru/forum/);
  • Daniil Shardakov's blog (shard-copywriting.ru/ob-author). There you will find just a bunch of articles, both for beginners and experienced authors;
  • School of Sergei Troubadour(profreelance.ru). By the way, there are free trainings.

This is the most minimal set of resources that should be in your bookmarks. And you should definitely read the information that will be useful to you.

Well, now we can talk about three important tips for copywriters.

Tip #1: Which is better: exchanges or direct cooperation?

A rather controversial issue, since in fact the level of earnings on the exchanges is frankly low. But, novice authors will not be able to immediately write texts for landings (online stores ...) and receive hundreds of dollars for them.

Simply because they do not yet have all the skills of professional copywriting. Therefore, start making money in copywriting by trial and error better on text exchanges . Gradually, increasing the rating and compiling a portfolio, you can think about direct customers.

Many successful authors started with exchanges, and this is not shameful at all. But there is one thing, you don’t have to sit on the stock exchange forever. You must grow, and the next step in your professional development will be your own website or blog, to which customers will come themselves.

The bottom line is this:
You need to start with exchanges, and then after a while develop your client base. It can be SEO studios and info-businessmen, site owners.

Tip #2: The Best Places to Find Profitable Clients!

And now we will touch on a more global topic: the search for profitable customers. Perhaps you have already worked on the exchange and want more? Well, then it's time for you to discover something new.

Place 1: Your blog

You can independently promote yourself as an author, create your own blog or website, fill it with interesting content and wait for customers, but there are certain disadvantages here: for you, the content and topics of articles seem interesting, but for potential employers, perhaps not.

And what to do in this case? It is necessary to study the market situation and offer only articles on relevant topics.

Place 2: studio CEO

There is another option which is SEO studios. Just type in the "Runet rating" in the search engine and on the first search line you will see lists of 250 companies. Many studios need texts "here and right now".

Do not be lazy and make a commercial offer along with a portfolio, describe in it your work experience and the desired rates for the work.

A few words about payment!
They won't pay you millions, but you can count on for 3-7 dollarsV per thousand characters, and this is already much more than on the text exchange.

Place 3: Newsletters and forums

You can search single webmasters and optimizers who work for themselves. They usually have jobs for copywriters. With a good optimizer, you can make friends and make good money, having already reached a completely different level.

By the way, be sure to check out the marketing forum searchengines.guru. There is a whole section for copywriters and you can always find a couple of customers, both for short and long-term projects.

Place 4: Social networks

Another way is to find an employer on social networks. You can use such groups in VK as www.vk.com/distancesiya And vk.com/work.work. What's interesting there?

Firstly, you can place your own summary and wait for a response from a potential customer, and secondly, the customers themselves are looking for authors in the discussions of the group. Many frivolous offers can come across, but sometimes site owners or content masters appear.

It is worth using VKontakte or Facebook for job search. Most importantly, set your priorities and prepare a good resume that will be competent and convincing for a potential employer.

Place 5: Search engines (Google and Yandex) and ad sites (Avito, HeadHunter)

There is another way to find a job outside the exchange space. Pay attention to the sites in the search results. But not in the first positions, but those that come after 4-5 in the search feed.

Let's say you write about tourism. In Google, drive in the key "tourism in Thailand" and see the results. Usually some sites are filled with extremely low-quality texts. You can offer your services through feedback. And perhaps you will get a good and monetary customer.

Well, the last way I want to tell you about is advertising sites, such as " Avito". You can place an ad about your services there and wait for a potential employer.

For example, on hh ( headhunter) often the studios themselves are looking for copywriters for remote work. You just need to write a resume and apply for the most suitable vacancies.

Tip #3: Fraudsters - how to figure them out and protect yourself?

People cheat, there is no escape from this in any field of activity. And in freelancing, scammers are also not uncommon. After all, we cannot see our potential employer, we do not know what is on his mind.

If we talk about exchanges, then everything is more or less clear and transparent: the customer places an order, you fulfill it and get your money. But what about direct orders?

First of all, do not set yourself up for the fact that all potential customers are scammers. Know how to apply pure psychology , which will allow you to understand even by simple correspondence what a person wants from you.

There are many good people, but many unscrupulous employers will come across on your way. You can’t get away from this either in life or in freelancing. Fraudsters rarely look at copywriting exchanges, because their goal is to cash in on you absolutely free.

Consider the main schemes for cheating copywriters:

  • Offers of payment after work. Beginners, and even experienced authors, are often not paid money up front. It is one thing if you are confident in your customer, and another thing is if you see a person for the first time. Always ask new customers advance payment, at least 30-40 percent. Fraudsters often "merge" under plausible pretexts to refuse cooperation;
  • Test tasks. This method is as old as the world. You are offered to write a test task under the pretext of testing your professionalism. Only agree to paid task or write a test with no more than one and a half thousand characters. Even if you are deceived, it will not be so insulting. No landings that sell texts and content for the main pages on 5-10 thousand characters it is absolutely impossible to write, as this is one hundred percent fraud;
  • First paid, and then "forgotten". It also happens that you are paid for one or two tasks and ordered a large package of articles. You believe the customer, honestly write everything off, and then you don’t get paid, and the texts have already been posted. What to do? Don't take huge amounts , ask to split your order into several parts.

Ask the customer for some data (for example, his skype, phone) and drive it into Google search. Typically, copywriters share unscrupulous customers on social networks or forums.

Thus, you can at least somehow check the information on hand about your employer. Always ask for a deposit!💡

If you have been working with a customer for a long time, you know him very well, then in such cases you can receive payments after the order is completed. With beginners, you need to be extremely careful.

Avoid customers with frankly low rates . off exchange price tag 100 rubles per thousand characters is considered low, everything that is cheaper can be a frank divorce. If the customer has not paid for the work, then it is necessary to act as quickly as possible.

What to do if you have already been scammed?

First of all, check your articles for uniqueness. If they are unique, then they should be posted on a visited forum, blog or public. There are a lot of thematic sites where you will not be judged for this at all.

If you manage to do this, the customer will not be able to use them for their intended purpose. Of course, you will lose money and text, but this is the best option.

You can try to sell your texts on exchanges, but you need to look at what the topic of the assignment was and whether it is relevant. After all, works in construction, law, tourism, and medicine sell well on text exchanges.

7. Conclusion

So we examined the main nuances of copywriting, learned about the most popular exchanges for work and places where you can look for good customers. Freelancing gives us freedom, getting rid of the shackles of a stuffy office. You can just start earning by writing articles.

Also, at the end, look at a small but very interesting thing about making money on copywriting:

Perhaps over time it will become not just a hobby, but a job that will bring you pleasure. Tens of thousands of people in our country work as copywriters, filling numerous sites with texts. Undoubtedly, this is an important and necessary work, very interesting and creative.

If you feel a writing talent in yourself, then do not let it go to waste. Develop it and remember that in the world of copywriting you will have to constantly learn something new. Blogs and useful links to forums of experienced copywriters were announced above.

Do not be afraid to start working with texts, everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Copywriting can make money from 4-5 to 120 thousand per month. But there is a long way to good earnings.

In this profession, nothing comes quickly or easily. But you can definitely handle it!

That's all! And we wish you success and good luck in any endeavors!

If you have questions or want to share your opinion (experience), write about it in the comments to this article. We will also be very grateful if you share the article on social networks and rate it!

This article was written with the participation of two professional copywriters, including their experience, advice and ins and outs.

To earn the first thousand rubles by writing texts, you do not need a lot of talent and time. However, copywriting is an occupation that, with some ability and knowledge, can bring a stable income that exceeds the average salary in the country.

The content of the article :

In this article, we will take a closer look at the topic How to make money copywriting". Beginners have a lot of questions, so here we will tell you step by step about this type of activity, how and where to start, how much you can earn and where to study.

What is copywriting

Copywriting- this is a neologism word that came from the English language, which in translation means " manuscript". This is a professional activity in writing texts that advertise a product, service, company, person, or simply present any information.

Such texts can be scripts, slogans, advertisements, descriptions of something, etc. Note that not all texts should contain advertising, a description of the goods and a call to buy it. Articles can also be analytical or informative, such as " How to get rid of freckles" or " How to install the application on a smartphone».

According to Wikipedia, copywriting is professional writing of texts advertising a product, service, person or idea. The modern world of copyright has expanded its own boundaries - now it is almost any text content on the Internet. It includes news, articles describing the problem and its solution, master classes, translations, main pages of sites, manuals, instructions and other information.

A good example of such copywriting is right in front of you. This text is not trying to advertise or sell you anything. Its key goal is to give you information on how to make money from copywriting.

From the side of a copywriter, the interpretation of this term looks something like this: Copywriting is when you write texts and you get paid for them.

Today, copywriting exchanges employ doctors, car mechanics, various specialists, as well as students and housewives.

The difference between copywriting and rewriting

Since you are already interested in the question of how to make money on copywriting for a beginner, it is worth talking a little about the types of this activity. On any exchange, there are three main categories into which this occupation is divided:

  1. Rewriting.
  2. Copywriting.
  3. SEO copywriting.

Rewriting is the writing of a technically unique text based on a ready-made source. Rewriting is work with an existing article. Presentation without loss of meaning and structure. Usually, customers offer ready-made text or indicate a page on the web that needs to be rewritten. This type of work is somewhat cheaper than copywriting, where the task is to write a similar text, but in other words, to maintain uniqueness.

Each copywriter's text must be unique, not copied, written in your own words. To check the uniqueness of the text, there are special services, but we will talk about this later.

Rewriting example.

Let's say we have this text: The average copywriter earns about 50 thousand rubles a month". If you rewrite this text, then the output will be something like this: “ On average, copywriters have a monthly income of around 50,000 rubles.". The information is the same, but in other words.

Copywriting is the writing of the author's text. That is, a copywriter takes any facts, theses, figures, personal experience, information from various sources, and writes a new text based on them. Such work is always valued higher than the rewriting of an already finished article.

SEO copywriting- writing an author's text using keywords. SEO copywriting, on the contrary, is valued by customers above other options. The bottom line is the even distribution of keys in the text - words or phrases oriented to the search query. Customers, thus, solve the problem of getting the article into the tops of search engines (Yandex, Google), where the probability of visiting the site is high.

Of these three main categories on the exchanges, over time, quite funny subcategories have been invented by customers, for example, SEO rewriting, deep rewriting, rewriting from several sources.

How to make money on copywriting from scratch and without investment

By itself, the work of writing texts does not involve investments and absolutely everyone can do this business, as they say - from scratch. To understand how to make money on copywriting for a beginner, you just need to learn a few stages of this work:

  1. Search / selection of an order on the exchange / directly from the customer;
  2. Article writing;
  3. Delivery of work and payment.

Below we will pay attention to each stage and talk about the exchanges where you can sell your texts, write them to order and how much you can earn copywriting.

For beginners, the best start would be to register on one of the available copywriting exchanges. These are special sites where customers offer their tasks, and copywriters perform them. The exchange provides for both parties convenient conditions for cooperation, security of transactions, payment methods. Below we will talk in more detail about exchanges and where to look for clients.

  • The author chooses the order he likes in the general feed, focusing on the topic, the total amount of payment, the timing and requirements of the customer.
  • After the successful selection of his candidacy by the customer, the contractor starts work.
  • The finished text in the form of a document is sent to the exchange for moderation (uniqueness, spelling check ...) and for evaluation by the customer.
  • After the approval of the result, the amount indicated in the order form is credited to the contractor's account.
  • It remains to withdraw the earnings to a personal account. As a rule, this is an electronic wallet of any payment system or a bank account.

How to start making money copywriting

Now let's move from theory to practice.

  1. What do you need to get started in copywriting?
  2. What do you need to know to make money on it?
  3. Where to begin?

To start copywriting, you will need a computer (PC) or laptop. If you are not reading this article from a smartphone, then you already have some of the above. Although you can start making money writing texts with a smartphone (verified).

Copywriting software:

  • Word or open office.
  • Yellowpile– to record important notes. The program is free, simple, and will allow you to place auxiliary information on the same screen where the typed text is displayed.
  • Spelling.ru. This is the most complete service for checking text for literacy, beauty and quality.
  • Sovar-synonyms.rf. Often, to build a phrase, finding a synonym does not quickly come to mind, and tautology (repetition of words with the same root) reduces the quality of the text. It is to solve this problem that the search for a suitable replacement has been created.
  • Text parsers(as an example - http://text.ru/ or http://glvrd.ru/). The quality of texts must be subject to certain parameters. Most often it is " water"- words that do not carry a semantic load. Without them, the text will not lose its significance. In addition to unnecessary and stop words, analyzers determine the relevance of an article for search queries.
  • Anti-plagiarism(for example, https://content-watch.ru/text/ and the same http://text.ru/). Exchanges have their own services, however, some customers require additional verification of the uniqueness of the text.

If you have the skills listed below, you will be able to achieve great success in the profession of a copywriter:

    The ability to convert your thoughts into text

    Almost all copywriters compare this lesson with school essays. This skill can only be verified through practice. Try to write a short article on a topic that you are familiar with.

    Ability to write without errors

    In order for your texts to consistently pay money, they must be written correctly, without spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors.

    Normal working conditions

    The environment around you should be such that you can focus on what you are doing.

    Ability to search for information

    Yandex and Google are here to help you. There is only one "but". In order for your texts to be paid consistently and a lot, the information that you will invest in them must be reliable, so relying on the sources of information, make sure the data is up to date.

How much can you earn from copywriting

On almost all exchanges, it is customary to pay for texts depending on their size, or rather, volume. It is measured in characters (letters, punctuation marks) with or without spaces. The price of a copywriter's services is the amount of money that the customer pays for 1000 characters without spaces (sbp), but some exchanges also take into account spaces (snp). Accordingly, the cost of one text is the amount that is obtained from the volume and price.


The cost of copywriting services is 100 rubles per 1000 spb. The customer orders a text of 5000 characters from him. Accordingly, the copywriter will earn 500 rubles on this article.

When a novice author just registers on the exchange, orders for simple texts with a price tag of about 5-15 rubles per 1000 characters will be available to him. Accordingly, if you can write, for example, 3 articles of 3000 characters in one working day, you will earn about 150 rubles. If you work like this for a whole month, then taking into account the weekend, you get about 3-4 thousand rubles.

If you are serious, you can qualification on the stock exchange- Submit any ready-made text for verification, which will be checked for errors (spelling, punctuation, style) and will be given a higher rating, with which expensive orders will become available to you.

After working a little, even at a low price, you will gain experience, learn more about copywriting, and perhaps you will have regular customers who are ready to pay more for your work.

If we talk about exchanges, then the average price for the services of a copywriter on them varies within 50 rubles for 1000 characters. Accordingly, if you recalculate the monthly earnings in such layouts, you get neither more nor less - about 1 0-15 thousand rubles per month. And with the ability and perseverance, you can reach this bar already in the second month of work.

Having studied most of the copywriting chips, gaining experience and other privileges, which we will discuss below, the copywriter reaches the level when they pay for his texts from 100 rubles for 1000 characters. A simple mathematical calculation will show that his earnings in one month can easily reach 30 000 rubles.

Unfortunately, earning more on copywriting exchanges is already difficult. Here you need to become an expert in a certain area, where you can find regular and targeted customers, when the author does not write everything, but only on a specific topic, for example, construction, finance

If a copywriter is capable, writes interestingly, without errors, in an original way and on time, then on the exchange he will be able to find customers who will give back 150-200 rubles for 1000 text characters. And this will already result in an average monthly income, which will be about 50 000 rubles.

Typing more text takes practice. And this applies not only to the speed of typing on the keyboard, but also to the ability to search for information, analyze it, generate and systematize your thoughts.But in order to increase the price tag for your work, you need to constantly improve your skills, develop your own style, study theory, listen carefully to customers and meet deadlines.

In the case of stock exchanges, your profile will not weakly affect the cost of your work - a high rating, a lot of positive reviews and the absence of negative ones, a portfolio filled with your texts, and other information about you.

How much do experienced writers earn from copywriting?

Instruction for beginners

Step 1. Registration on the copywriting exchange

A copywriting exchange is a platform where both performers and customers register. Orders on the exchange are publicly available. You choose a task that you can do, complete it, and then send it to the customer for verification. If the written text meets the requirements of the customer, after verification, you are paid a predetermined amount. Copywriting exchanges have orders not only for copywriting and SEO copywriting, but also for rewriting. What is the difference between them, we will talk later.

An important point about working on exchanges: these sites work for a reason, but so that the creators also receive money. Therefore, any copywriting exchange takes a percentage of each order. For example, the ETXT exchange charges 5% from both the contractor and the customer. And here ContentMonster completely unprofitable site for performers, tk. a commission of 20% is charged from them, and not from the customer.

Step 2. You need to decide on a topic that is easy for you to write texts on.

In order for your texts to be well-formed, you need to decide on which topics it is easier for you to write articles, based on your own skills and knowledge. For example, if you do not understand the legal case at all, then you should not even write about it. Without mastering professional skills and terms, it is unlikely that you will be able to create a full-fledged and useful article. It will always be easier to write a text on a topic that is familiar to you.

The most popular and demanded by customers topics for articles:

  • beauty and health;
  • medicine and psychology;
  • cinema, games and similar leisure;
  • work, finance and business;
  • construction;
  • cars;
  • cooking, etc.

Step 3. Search and selection of an order

By registering on the exchange, you will see a lot of orders. However, make no mistake, not all of them will be in the public domain for you. For example, on the Advego and Text.ru exchanges, most orders are available to whitelisted executors. It will be possible to get into this list over time, showing the level of your skill on simple tasks available to beginners.

In the first couple, you will be able to take inexpensive orders worth 10 - 50 r / 1000 characters. For example, if you are at least a little versed in cooking, you can take an order to prepare a dish. Even if you do not know how it is prepared, you can always find information on the Internet and describe the recipe in other words in a different style.

Having spent 1 - 1.5 hours on writing a text with a volume of 4500 characters, you will earn approximately 140 rubles + raise your rating to access more expensive orders. If the customer likes your text, he will probably order more from you, because mostly regular customers sit on the stock exchange.

Step 4. Execution and verification of the article

When taking an order, carefully study the TK ( technical task), which each customer, before submitting an application, forms for performers.

Having written a text on a given topic, it is necessary to check it for uniqueness using specially created programs (Advego, ETXT, etc.). Most beginners often make spelling mistakes. Here the "Spelling" website or a free service from TEXT.ru will come to the rescue.

Any text must be structured:

  • have headings and subheadings;
  • paragraphs should be indented;
  • the presence of numbered and bulleted lists is also mandatory.

Step 5. We hand over the order, receive and withdraw money

After completing the technical task, send it for verification. As a rule, customers approve the order or send it back for revision within 24 hours. After the order is accepted, payment is received on your exchange account. You can withdraw funds to a pre-specified EPS wallet ( often, this is WebMoney, QIWI or Yandex.Money) or bank account.

Volume or quality of texts

Now let's go back a little, where we considered the factors that determine how much you can earn from copywriting. The fact is that, theoretically, if you increase the volume of texts issued per day, you can infinitely increase your income. However, there is one nuance that will soon lead you to a dead end with this approach to work.

This nuance is called quality. What is text quality? A quality text should be informative, without unnecessary words, well structured, without errors. When writing it, the wishes of the customer should be taken into account. The text needs to be checked more than once, subtracted, processed, so to speak, with a file.

It takes a lot of time to do all this. Accordingly, if you aim specifically at high-quality texts, then you will have to forget about increasing volumes. But why, you ask, do this? It also reduces the amount that can be earned by writing texts.

And here it is not. The catch is that customers pay more for quality texts and are more willing to switch to long-term cooperation with you. As a result, in fact, you will be able to write less text in one day, and income, at the same time, will increase.

Our copywriter friend has a lot of examples from personal experience, when cooperation with a customer began with a rate of 50 rubles for 1000 characters. But in the end, the same customer returned for high-quality texts and was ready to pay already 150 rubles for 1000 characters. Where do you find in real life an employer who raises the salary of his employee three times? Do you think it's because of the volume, or because of the quality?

Naturally, not all customers on copywriting exchanges will increase your payment for quality. But there will definitely be others who will appreciate your approach to work, style and efforts.

9 books on copywriting

We will not describe in detail which books are better or worse for beginners. In each of these works there is something to learn, because the more you read them, the better for you. It definitely won’t get worse (tested in practice).

It would be nice to start your acquaintance with the world of copywriting with these books:

  1. Olga Solomatina « Writing is easy. How to write lyrics without waiting for inspiration».
  2. Andrew Parabellum « 77 copywriting secrets».
  3. All books by Peter Panda. At the time of writing this material, there were three of them, and the fourth is in development.

With the acquisition of experience and the arrival of an understanding of the essence of copywriting, it will be possible to move on to more complex literature, for example:

  1. Joseph Sugerman « The art of creating advertising messages».
  2. Dmitry Kot« Copywriting: how not to eat the dog».
  3. Ann Lamott « bird after bird»;
  4. Alexandra Karepina « We write persuasively. Your own copywriter».
  5. Denis Kaplunov « Business copywriting».
  6. Elina Slobodyanyuk « Copywriter's Handbook».

In fact, there are a lot of books on copywriting. If this profession really fascinates you, then you will find and read all the other works written by famous copywriters on your own.

When reading professional literature, keep in mind that it was written by copywriters, each of whom has his own style, his own understanding of the issue, his own chips. Therefore, different authors can find very conflicting opinions, different understandings of the same issue, and so on. Your task is to extract from these books what is most suitable for you and apply it in practice.

Now in your arsenal there is a lot of information on how to make money on copywriting, is it real, where and how to start. It remains to reinforce all this with a few practical recommendations, the benefits of which repeatedly tested in practice.

  1. If you can’t immediately write copyright texts (copywriting), then try rewriting.
  2. Determine for yourself the time of day when you concentrate best. Write during these hours.
  3. Don't chase quantity. Quality, multiple checks of texts, careful proofreading - all this pays off many times faster.
  4. Let your texts rest a bit. Write, put aside and do something else. Then re-read it again - you will surely see a lot of shortcomings and correct them, make your text better.
  5. Constantly improve yourself - use services for checking texts, read literature, communicate on forums and social networks with colleagues in the shop.
  6. If it didn’t work on one copywriting exchange, try another. Fortunately, there are enough of them today.
  7. Strive for constant cooperation with good customers. It is much easier to write several texts for one client than the same number for different ones (you don’t need to study the requirements every time, you already know what the customer pays attention to, what he likes and what he doesn’t).
  8. Start writing on topics that are closest to you. Later - expand this circle, but without fanaticism. Never take orders, the topics of which are difficult for you. You'll write heresy, get a negative review, and not get paid for your time.
  9. Set yourself achievable goals - the number of characters or texts per day, income per month, and so on. If you do not overestimate your capabilities, each time you reach the goal you will get a lot of pleasure.
  10. Rest. Copywriting is a job like any other. If you do not rest, very soon you will run out of steam and give up this business.
  11. Take care of your health. Properly equip your workplace, install programs that reduce the load on your eyes (flux, for example).
  12. With experience, try to refuse rewriting. This concept does not have long to live, therefore it is not worth betting on it.
  13. Develop your writing style. If most customers like it, use it, and don't listen to those who don't pay you.
  14. Do not be upset if something does not work out - an unfair customer comes across, you can’t rise in the price category, there is no inspiration. All these are temporary phenomena.
  15. Learn to communicate with customers. Be polite, never be rude, respect deadlines and order requirements. Take criticism appropriately. Remember: customers are people just like you.
  16. Consider a resume. The profile of the performer should always be of interest to customers. If there is any information confirming the competence of the author in the subject of the order, it should be indicated. For example, the end of a specialized university, work in the press, the main employment in the relevant profile. The resume style is promotional. One way or another, it is important for the performer to sell his talent.
  17. Upgrade your skills. Many exchanges offer test, unpaid tasks for beginners. A bonus for completing is a qualification badge. The higher it is, the more likely the choice of the author by the customer. Do the same for literacy tests.
  18. Watch your rankings grow. For each completed work, the copywriter receives not only remuneration, but also rating points. The demand of the author depends on their number. If the task is not completed, the performer loses money and "goes into the red." The consequences are as follows - long, low-paying orders, poor popularity among customers.
  19. Avoid conflicts with customers. This will lead to an accumulation of negative reviews. Even if you get a particularly “nasty” client, you should not stoop to the level of a scandal with your neighbors. A negative review may appear as a result of undelivered or poor-quality work - but the performer is to blame here. In some cases, it can be challenged with the help of site moderators.
  20. Please read the requirements carefully before submitting an order. Perhaps the client will request original photos on the topic of the article, but there is nowhere to take them. Or one of the conditions will be the independent placement of the text on a certain resource, and the beginner does not have knowledge about the process.
  21. Work strictly in accordance with the terms of reference (TOR). If a client asks to describe pink ponies and insert a certain number of keys about apartments in St. Petersburg into the text, it is important to do this without fail. Otherwise, why did you take the order?
  22. If the task specifies a specific amount, you should stick to it. At the same time, the quality must not be affected (empty phrases, excess water). It is better to look for additional information on the topic and reveal it.
  23. Don't linger too long on low-paying jobs. Sometimes it is difficult to refuse a regular client and you have to work for a penny for months. However, he himself is not tormented by thoughts of a small price for high-quality texts. Be able to firmly and politely reject incoming offers.
  24. Achieve a strong position on the stock exchange before moving on to "free floating" - to work with clients without intermediaries. By the way, there are many scammers among them, and in this case, the exchange protects its participants better - it blocks funds for the period of order execution. That is, the client will not be able to pay the contractor if the article is completed in accordance with the requirements of the TOR.

Copywriting is one of the many ways to make money online. Writing texts is in demand today more than ever. Thousands of owners of websites and blogs, online stores and just businessmen whose products and services are presented online need unique, high-quality or simply selling content that can attract the attention of the target audience, keep it on certain resources and make purchases.

In this article, we will consider how and where, and how much copywriters earn.

  • Job: Copywriting ( copywriting) - writing texts.
  • Why do you need: Texts and articles are required for all websites (except author's blogs), in business it is used for presentations, brochures, product and service descriptions, presentations, product descriptions.
  • How much do they pay for it? Copywriting is valued differently, from 20 rubles to several thousand dollars per 1000 characters.

How to make money from copywriting? how much can you earn on the copywriting exchange? How to make money on copywriting as a beginner? Can you make money copywriting? These are fair questions for anyone considering copywriting or a career change.

The good news is that copywriting is a fairly well-paid field that does not require a ton of training and expensive certifications.

What is copywriting

Copywriting is the process of writing copy for anything from brochures, billboards, and websites to emails, advertisements, and blogs, with the goal of building brand awareness and ultimately persuading a person to take a specific action.

With more than 27 million content items distributed over the Internet every day, the copywriter's content must stand out in order to attract more customers and create a strong and unique brand. Besides providing quality content, copywriting is also more effective than outbound advertising methods.

By creating unique, relevant, and high-quality content on a web page, blog, or social network, you can quickly and easily build an audience and build a solid reputation.

Copywriting in simple words is the work of writing unique texts. The process includes:

  • Sales Pages
  • mail funnels
  • Landing pages
  • Blog Posts / Articles
  • Social Media Articles
  • Case Studies

Despite the name, copywriters are more than just writers. They are writers, salespeople and behavioral psychologists all rolled into one. To be a good copywriter, you need to master all of these elements.

What is the difference between copywriting and rewriting

Copywriting and rewriting: what's the difference?

At the hearing of newcomers to the field of Internet employment, planning to connect their work activities with writing texts, two terms are constantly spinning: “ copywriting" And " rewriting». Under copywriting usually means writing the text " from scratch". The author doing this work has nothing but his own knowledge, experience and sources of background information.

Sometimes, in order to write a high-quality text, a copywriter needs to process 7-15 sources of information from which he receives reliable facts necessary to create a text of the required quality.

Sample order for copyright: The customer needs to write an article on how to care for horses, the article is 7,000 characters long. You have to find a lot of information yourself and write an article on this topic.

Rewriting in simple terms is a retelling from only one source, only in your own words.

Rewriting order example: The customer gives you a finished text or a link to an article on the Internet. You just have to rewrite the finished article in your own words so that the new text does not coincide with the original, that is, write the same information in other words. ( For example, instead of buy - write purchase).

What is SEO copywriting

SEO copywriting is a specialized form of online writing that:

  1. Contains key phrases - the words your target reader enters into a search to find the information they need.
  2. Helps online content rank higher in search results (like Google)
  3. Injects qualified traffic.

Key phrases should not make the article difficult to read.

How is SEO writing different from traditional copywriting?

The main difference is this: SEO writing contains key phrases. For example, [blue cashmere sweaters] is a key phrase.

Typing key phrases in is something we do every day, right? We type words into the Google search box to get answers to our questions.

But the point is that SEO copywriting is much more than just inserting key phrases into content: Google also wants to see authoritative content that fully answers your readers' questions and stands out from competing content.

Some people believe that you can insert a few key phrases into your content and still rank high. Not anymore.

Google has gotten smarter and everything has changed. Your content now needs to be of high quality in order for Google to rank it in the first ranks.

On the one hand, your readers should like the article. Your content needs to be relevant and appealing to your readers—something that educates, entertains, or enlightens them.

On the other hand, Google needs to see content written in a certain way in order to understand what the article is about. Understanding how to do this helps your content "compete" with other pages in the rankings.

How to make money online copywriting

Anyone who is interested in the possibility of making money on the Internet is concerned about the question of whether it is really possible to earn money by copywriting. You can make money on copywriting, and for this there are several more or less effective ways:

  1. Creation of texts to order. The direct owners of Internet resources can act as a customer ( creators, developers and owners of websites, blogs, social media accounts, online stores, editors of online publications) or intermediaries between the direct customer and the contractor.
  2. Writing sales texts. In this case, the author creates texts without a specific technical task, focusing, most often, on his experience, expert knowledge or on the most popular topics in the Internet sphere.

Both are performed on special copywriting exchanges, where authors and customers find each other. I will talk about this in more detail below.

The cost of works for sale depends on the demand for the topic, the qualifications and experience of the author, the degree of complexity of the work performed, and also on how the author himself evaluates his work. In this case, the last point is of the least importance, since hundreds and thousands of similar works are presented on the most popular and popular exchanges ( with rare exceptions) and almost always there will be an author offering an article of the same quality or better for less money.

Note that: However, many "article stores" provide such identifying features as the rating of the author and his reputation. So, the higher the rating and the better the reputation, the more willingly his works are bought up, the more the author earns by selling his articles.

Thus, making money on copywriting on the Internet is quite possible for both an author who is just starting his career, and a professional writer with experience, reputation and regular customers.

How much can you earn from copywriting

The average annual salary for a copywriter in the US is $47,838, while 80% of copywriters earn from 35 to 65 thousand dollars a year, according to data compiled by Payscale and Salary.com.

The two main factors influencing salary levels are location and work experience.

Average earnings of copywriters in Russia and how much a beginner can earn:

  • Beginning copywriter - 1,000 - 10,000 rubles per month
  • More experienced copywriter - 20,000 - 40,000 rubles per month
  • Experienced copywriters - more than 60,000 rubles per month.

Income data is for reference only.

As you can see from these numbers, copywriting can offer a comfortable life. And while some employers will require on-site employment, many businesses are comfortable hiring remote workers these days, allowing some copywriters to make money living where they want.

Of course, the question “how much can you earn on copywriting” is one of the main ones. To the delight of beginners, we can say that there is no upper limit for earning. Of course, within reason. You can't earn millions just by writing texts.

If you dedicate to work 8-9 hours a day, then you can earn on writing texts 30 - 70 thousand rubles per month.

As an example of more likely earnings, consider the most common copywriter with the most average performance. So, according to highly averaged data, with daily writing of texts:

  • 5,000 characters without spaces,
  • simple and popular topics,
  • with an average cost of about 50 rubles per 1000 characters

an absolutely average copywriter, without special outstanding data, talents and constant very generous customers, can effortlessly 2-3 hours a day to earn in the amount 1750 rubles a week and about 7500 rubles per month. Yes, it's not big money. But with larger volumes and greater employment, respectively, and earnings are higher.

Rewriting, as a rule, is priced much lower, since there is less labor costs. However, under certain circumstances, a purposeful and hardworking rewriter can easily reach the bar in 20 - 30 thousand rubles per month.

If this doesn't seem enough to you, then don't despair, as this is only the beginning.

Even on copywriting exchanges, which I will discuss in more detail below, you can find orders with price tags of 100-150 rubles for 1000 characters.

Since I myself had to order texts for different sites, ( at one time earned on the creation and sale of sites), then I can say that I am familiar with the work of copywriters not by hearsay.

I knew copywriters who made money $100 for a working day, they really wrote a lot and the rate was $4-6 per 1000 characters.

Not every customer will provide such a price, but judging by what I have observed, any copywriter is able to earn more than he thinks, and for this you just need to write really good texts. Only then will regular customers begin to appear, who themselves will begin to pay more for quality.

Any customer knows the main problems - this is a turnover,

since it is very difficult to find a person who will not hack, but write useful articles. So, having ordered texts to one person, the customer receives an average quality and begins to give the following orders to another. This process continues until the same performer is found.

A couple of years ago I read a book on copywriting by a foreign author and was dumbfounded!

The author talked about how he managed to earn more 50 thousand dollars on copywriting for a month of work. The book showed examples when the same product was sold with different selling text on websites and the result was simply stunning. With the original text, sales did not exceed $ 100 per month, but when the author wrote another text, sales exceeded $100,000!

  • Unfortunately, I do not remember the title and author of the book, if I am not mistaken it was the book "How to write in a way that you are trusted."

But I realized that the copywriting industry is quite large and always necessary. In America, there are almost copywriting departments and at least six-month training programs.

Income depends on many factors, and the main ones include:

  1. Cost of executed orders.
  2. The total amount of work performed (the number of written texts and their size).
  3. The level of demand for the author.
  4. The level of his professional skills.
  5. The ability to find and receive interesting and highly paid orders.
  6. The level of ability to work and the degree of purposefulness.

Websites for copywriting where you can earn

Currently, there are a huge number of copywriting exchanges - these are copywriting sites where almost everyone can find a suitable job for themselves. Finding these exchanges is not difficult, just use the search engine. Below is an overview of the most popular copywriting exchanges in Runet.

  1. Advego - there are a lot of orders of different levels of complexity, its own program for checking the uniqueness of the text, a program for semantic analysis, spell checking, and the opportunity to sell your finished texts. You can withdraw earned funds through the online payment system WebMoney, Yandex Money, QIWI and others.
  2. ETXT is a great copywriting exchange. A huge number of orders at a decent price can provide jobs and earnings for more than one hundred copywriters. And you can increase your income by selling ready-made texts in the article store. The exchange fell in love with many for a more than democratic and loyal uniqueness check service, in which, for one, you can check spelling, punctuation and even stylistic errors. Also available is a service for SEO-checking the text and even a dictionary of Russian synonyms. Earned money is withdrawn to WebMoney, Yandex Money, QIWI and others, The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles.
  3. Copylancer.ru - The exchange is popular and in demand by both customers and contractors. The average cost of work on the exchange is estimated at 20 - 110 rubles per 1000 characters without spaces and depends on the rating and qualifications of the performer. A nice bonus for the performer - commission fees in favor of the resource are taken only from the customer, unlike other exchanges, where all active users of the exchange pay the commission. You can withdraw earned money to WebMoney, Yandex Money, QIWI and others, The minimum withdrawal amount is 20 rubles or $2.

How to make money copywriting as a beginner

In a difficult business, it is the beginners who have the hardest time. And there are many reasons for this:

  • Too high competition among representatives of this layer of Internet hard workers;
  • The processes of finding customers are not clear;
  • Low wages for newcomers or the complete absence of any payment;
  • Collisions with inadequate customers (this also happens) and excessive requirements for the quality of work;
  • Complex and incomprehensible mechanisms of interaction through freelancing and copywriting exchanges;
  • Penalties for non-fulfillment or partial fulfillment of order requirements;
  • And etc.

However, only the most hardworking, persistent and self-confident beginners sooner or later become " mastodons”And they never again have questions related to whether it is really possible to earn money by copywriting on the Internet.

For the most courageous, lucky and talented newcomers, the road to advertising and digital ( digital) are agencies. There, under the guidance of a more experienced mentor, he will be taught to write by sellers, “ delicious' and vivid texts. In addition to invaluable experience, the newcomer will receive a regular salary for their work and success.

If the full-time option does not suit you, and you are looking for an alternative with free employment and a schedule, then like most mere mortal beginners, you will most likely have to get acquainted with copywriting exchanges and specialized sites for freelancers.

This is a great opportunity to explore the kitchen from the inside, gain experience, create a portfolio, figure out which areas and topics for writing texts are the easiest and most successful.

The fate of almost all freedom-loving novice copywriters is almost the same: the first orders are valued at the lowest cost. But with the growth of professionalism, portfolio and rating, the cost of the services of a beginner also increases - more expensive orders begin to trust him. As the price tag for services increases, so does the income. Thus, by registering simultaneously on several exchanges and taking on the heavy burden of several orders at the same time, beginners get the opportunity to earn quite tolerably or even decently. But this and that will depend on the degree of his efficiency, perseverance and on his ability to produce good material.

Newbies are different.

If you are lucky, and you have expert knowledge in some areas and spheres of life, you can immediately count on well-paid orders. Naturally, provided that the topic of your expert knowledge is in demand and relevant, and that in addition to expert knowledge, you have the ability to correctly express thoughts and transform them into words and sentences. Such a person can earn more or less a decent amount on copywriting in the very first month of work, since expert opinion is valued higher and paid more.

How to make good money copywriting

You can make money on the Internet on copywriting in different ways:

  1. "Catch" orders on exchanges and sites for freelancers.
  2. In moments of lack of orders, you need to continue to write and put up your finished work for sale on the same resources.
  3. Create your website, social media account or blog and offer your services professionally.
  4. Register on all possible exchanges and search for customers across all channels.
  5. Present yourself as a valuable and professional writer working on large projects.
  6. Expand your field of activity by adding such types of copywriting as slogans, naming, selling texts, product descriptions and others to the list of rates.
  7. Place and regularly update your resume on popular job sites in the "freelance" section. Quite often, employers who are ready to cooperate with freelance copywriters are looking for specialists who can write high-quality selling texts. Constant cooperation with a couple of such customers can provide the author with a high stable income.
  8. Writing really good texts - people who do their job well are always needed.
  9. Copywriters who know foreign languages ​​and are able to correctly express their thoughts in writing are highly valued. The cost of such work can be estimated starting from 1,000 rubles. per thousand characters without spaces and only increase.

And finally, who knows how your future copywriting fate will turn out. It is possible that going all the way from beginner to writing guru, you will write a book or develop a training course called “ Copywriting: is it really possible to make money?". And then do not hesitate - your income will rise to heaven.

  • Tip 1. Choose your niche

You can write on one topic, but better than others. So you can establish a reputation and become a regular author with several customers at the same time.

  • Tip 2. Reading

Read books on copywriting, there aren't many of them, but they help a lot. In the information about yourself on the exchanges, you also indicate which dozen of books you have read, this will distinguish you from ordinary self-taught people.

  • Tip 3: Build Your Personal Website / Online Presence

To attract the trust of customers, you need to show that you are not a passing person and that this is a professional job for you. Add a portfolio section to your website and include your best work as PDFs or as images so you don't compromise the uniqueness of your published work. Only before publishing already sold works, you should ask permission from the customer.

  • Tip 4: Ask for feedback

Ask the client if he liked your article, and if so, you can hint to leave a review about the work you have done on the exchange. The more positive the reviews, the more attractive you will be to potential customers, which will help you make money on copywriting on the Internet.

  • Tip 5. Know your audience

This advice cannot be overstated. In order to write a great article, you need to understand your audience both internally and externally.

This means truly understanding their hopes, dreams, fears and aspirations. What makes them act? What excites them? What do they expect from you?

One of the most common mistakes is that copywriters write for themselves. They talk all about their business and how great it is without thinking about whether their audience wants to hear it.

If you can't understand the desires of your audience, you won't be able to connect with them. If you can't contact them, your article is meaningless. And it will be lost in a sea of ​​marketing messages.

  • Tip 6: Practice Creative Concept

Creative copywriting. This means that no matter what you're writing - whether it's text for a site's homepage, an Instagram post, or a blog post - you need to take the time to create a creative concept.

A creative concept is a way to come up with creative ideas.

Give yourself time to brainstorm several options for your article. Then start writing.

Write 20 headlines instead of one. Try 10 advertising concepts instead of 2. Come back later and make changes! You will be amazed at what space and time will do for your creative ideas.

  • Tip 7: Don't sell a product, sell solutions to problems

People need information, solutions and history.

Your audience doesn't want to hear about the exercises in your weight loss program - they want to hear about the results they'll get.

Let's take something seemingly boring: a frying pan.

You're not selling the pan itself - you're selling delicious breakfasts you can cook with it...ones that make the whole family happy! It's not about a non-stick surface... it's about the time saved for mom because the non-stick surface won't make it difficult to wash later.

It's easy to talk about products, services, and opportunities. But really, you have to talk about the benefits - that's what the client really cares about.

Questions to help a copywriter:

  • How can you help your target audience?
  • Why do they choose you?
  • How do the functional benefits of your product or service translate into emotional benefits?

If your article can answer these questions, you are on the right track!

Copywriting as a job: the benefits

A lot of work

Companies, organizations, small businesses - everyone needs the services of copywriters. Most business leaders are too busy to write or simply don't like to write and write poorly. That's why they hire freelance copywriters.

Variety of work

You can write about health care, politics, travel destinations, finance, or purple frog. All kinds of organizations need good writing. Most copywriters end up finding a niche that develops skills and portfolios in a particular area.


Even the most mundane copywriting projects are fun if you love to write. In addition, the market continues to grow and change, providing copywriters with the opportunity to develop the skills needed for new types of writing projects. Ten years ago, social media was in its infancy. Today, businesses dedicate all positions to social media copywriters.


Businesses are hiring in-house writers for their creative departments, making copywriting a full-time job for the benefit of many. But just as lucrative (sometimes even more so) is freelance work. Freelancers have the freedom to work from home or the office on their own schedule for the clients they choose.

Copywriting as a job: disadvantages

Copywriters must continue to produce a good article for their employer or client, even if the "writer's muse" is missing. Shredding texts day in and day out can get tiresome. Smart writers know they can't write for hours every day without filling their creative tank. This is just plain burnout.


Most writers work alone, producing lyrics even when they are part of a creative team. For some people, this is not a disadvantage; rather, they are naturally most productive when they are alone. Regardless of personality type, copywriters need to balance being alone and interacting with others.

Creative Limits

The client (or your boss) needs brochure content. You have a great idea for a new approach, but he wants to stick with the usual organizational bias. A good copywriter figures out how to meet the client's needs using their parameters, not their own. Copywriters should channel their individual preferences into personal projects.

Instead of output

Summing up all of the above, we can draw a disappointing conclusion: how much you earn from copywriting depends entirely on your dedication, perseverance and hard work.

Of course, professional writing, like any other type of activity, has a lot of advantages, but in order to earn really good money, you will need to make a gigantic effort and smash more than one keyboard to smithereens. But this is a joke - you don’t need to beat the keyboard, this is your working tool.

If you decide to do this, I recommend starting by reading books by foreign authors. Reading specialized literature not only broadens one's horizons and gives the knowledge necessary for work, but allows one to improve one's qualifications, which means that one is in demand in the online industry. I still have excerpts of writing advice from several books and stick to it.

To achieve success and recognition, and hence high earnings, in copywriting is not given to everyone. Professional copywriting is not only the ability to correctly express your thoughts and write without errors. This is a whole range of skills and abilities ( a high level of responsibility, the ability to plan and manage time competently, the ability to negotiate, the ability to assess one’s capabilities, etc.) thanks to which you can achieve great success, recognition, decent earnings.

Copywriters are needed everywhere and good specialists are in short supply. As long as people use words to communicate, copywriters will have a steady job.

But among other things, it is also an opportunity to get a position in a well-known publication or Internet resource, and then earnings will become not only indecently high ( above market), but also constant. And if you decide to connect your life with copywriting, then remember that this is one of the professions where there is no place for laziness, optionality and irresponsibility. Otherwise, it will be simply impossible to achieve recognition and at least some acceptable earnings.

Remember that copywriting is a skill. It takes time, practice and dedication to get better.

Greetings, dear friends, on the blog website. If you started reading this article, then you are interested in the opportunity to earn copywriting. Why such a desire arises is another question. Tired of being an office plankton, not satisfied with the “lark” schedule, does the creative surge visit only at night? Perhaps your texts are not appreciated enough, and at the same time it seems that you could well achieve more? And, perhaps you have already studied the basic information and know that the simplest type of work on the Internet is to do rewriting and copywriting.

My experience under the conditional name "How to work as a copywriter at the first stage" was formed under the sign of inconsistencies between illusions and reality in the process of mastering this, at first glance, "easy writing business."

Visible benefits of working as a copywriter

The first thing that hooked me, hooks any intellectually developed person, is the opportunity to receive normal money for high-quality texts. seemed simple and easy. Yes, we know how to write texts, and the number of characters that need to be typed daily seems scanty to us. Still, some half a page - and a dollar in your pocket. And, after all, at work I gain many times more, spend a lot of time and get less.

My personal achievements in the area of ​​the number of characters created per week at a full-time job, on a task that I later determined to be rewrite 330 thousand characters. And I also managed to work as a copywriter there - urgent tasks of 20-30 thousand characters a day. And these are not simple, but profile-oriented texts, with complex terminology. I have always been told that it is possible to go down from the scientific to the popular level, but not to go up. So, having devoted several days to pricing on freelance exchanges, the amount of payment for texts for the site, having familiarized myself with job offers in the field of remote work, having calculated my possible future monthly income, I quit the official low-paid 5-day job, with a social package, an allowance for experience and summer vacation.

Content exchanges or labor exchanges: where to make money with copywriting?

The first thing I did was register on one of the freelance exchanges. On the Internet, I realized that this is not only a starting point for a novice copywriter. For many, exchanges are becoming in other areas (layout and design, search engine optimization). Registration on exchanges is useful and profitable. In addition to the fact that I generally saw the situation in the area of ​​interest to me, I was able to analyze popular topics, the most common orders for texts for the site. And, of course, how much and for what they pay.

The basis of work on the stock exchanges - writing articles, placement for sale and "hot orders" that require fairly prompt execution. There are a great many exchanges of content and copywriting, it is quite possible to earn money by copywriting on them. The most famous of them:

  • text sale;
  • advego;
  • Etxt;
  • Copylancer;
  • neotext;
  • textbroker;
  • smart copywriting;
  • contentmonster;
  • WPComment.

There is another version of the usual online labor exchanges, where they throw out the vacancies of a copywriter, rewriter, content manager. But, most likely, you will not find a promising job with decent pay right away. Why? Need experience, portfolio copywriter, after all, just discuss the topic in one language. But after training, it is quite possible to remotely become attached to one organization and earn extra money in your free time.

The specifics of writing texts for the site

Writing your own articles for the content exchange is the best choice for those who like to work quietly and determine the topics of the articles themselves. If you are interested in specific topics, consider yourself a professional, disdain popular topics, as if accessible to everyone - this is your niche. But then the question of finances arises - you cannot know who and when will buy your texts for the site.

Buy - buy, but life may not be enough. Therefore, get ready for the fact that at the first stage you still have to step on your ambitions, develop increased efficiency in yourself, constantly be online, and sometimes sacrifice your concept of the quality of work.

In addition, it is not so easy to get an order on the exchange. There is real competition, "white lists" of copywriters, on some exchanges, access to orders is generally opened only after the successful sale of a number of articles. But, when performing even simple tasks, your rating gradually increases. With patience, over time, you can earn a good income.

The most popular topics of articles were and remain those that are naturally related to business:

  • tourism;
  • construction,
  • health, beauty;
  • psychology, business;
  • Job;
  • creation and promotion of sites;
  • various texts for the holidays.

From the first steps to optimizing the text for the site

How tedious... I thought that this would be a salvation from the swamp of a past life. Yes, at first it was the same type of work. Test, uniqueness check, edits again, uniqueness check, error checking. After some time, this text is already hated. Here you have to learn, as, indeed, in any other business. Unlike traditional text, copyright does not require quoting. Compilation is also cancelled. In fact, you need to write from the head. This approach is completely contrary to what is generally known. Uniqueness checking programs check different methods and often what is unique on Text.ru, not unique to Advego. But if you have rewritten texts in new words in your life, it will naturally take you a little time to understand the principle of their work.

You can work as a copywriter and really earn money only by creating. "Keywords", "seo content", "seo texts" - these and other concepts are mastered quickly enough, assembling keys into text requires certain skills, but for a person with logical thinking, this is quite accessible. The main essence of text optimization is as follows:

  • Keys. The text of the article must contain certain given words in a certain amount. These keywords are given to you by the customer. In the event that you write the material yourself, the keywords are determined by search queries;
  • Description. Description of the article in a coherent sentence that highlights the main information. The main task of the description is to lure the visitor to the page. According to the "old" - this is an annotation. Just not boring;
  • Title. The original page title containing the keywords;
  • Nausea and water in the text. Nausea shows the degree of saturation of the article with keywords, its level is taken into account by search engines and lowers the rating. Water is determined by the number of so-called stop words (mostly complex phrases, ornate sentences, etc.). The beauty is that there are many programs, for example, (TEXTUS PRO, Copywriter's Notebook) and online services to determine these indicators. The check is instant, there you can immediately remove and replace the excess. The same services are provided by content exchanges (Text.ru, Advego).

On the question of the uniqueness of the text

The uniqueness of the text is checked by specialized programs, as well as online services. Each of them, of course, has its own specifics. However, it is quite possible to divide them into two groups. The most popular and advertised programs (Advego plagiarism and TXT anti-plagiarism) are downloaded from stock exchanges and check your text using the shingle method (compiling a certain set of words, for example, no more than three in a row).

Checking on online services, for me personally, has become an endlessly exciting adventure. Especially on Text.ru. I inserted the text and checked, then rechecked, then cut and pasted again into the check. And the results were different. Tired and overloaded online services often give an erroneous 100% result.

It is worth saying that if the text is really written “from the head”, the result will always be 100%. Checking methods like Text.ru are not very suitable for texts stuffed with special terminology or technical characteristics. Of course, it is possible to find synonyms for some generally accepted constructions, but the text itself is simplified from this.

About the salary of a copywriter

About the main thing ... The first prices that you will see will probably be as follows: $ 0.9 -1 per thousand characters. Don't be too embarrassed. Competition on copywriting exchanges gives indicators of $ 0.6 and below. At the beginning of an Internet career, you should not focus on the level of payment of established network writers. Over time, you will be able to offer a competitive product and expect higher pay. Perhaps much higher if you really feel that this path is yours.

The profession of a copywriter goes back to the time of ancient scribes. Therefore, she will live forever. Only today, it is no longer necessary to write on paper.

This job is definitely not for everyone, it needs to be loved. Naturally, invest and develop. You can always try. Unlike the “easy money on the Internet”, no investment is required here. Of course, you will be paid something anyway. That is, the risk is minimal - and the benefits can be maximum.

I hope the material will be useful to my dear readers. Subscribe to blog updates and do not miss the release of new usefulness for your business.

I would be grateful for pressing the buttons and reposting this material. See you in the next articles. Good luck to everyone and the qualitative development of their own business.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.