3 d doors production. D door with artificial veneer veneer. D using photo

  • 04.11.2019

In the house where the family lives, each room has its own purpose. Well, the kitchen is the heart of the home! Most often, it is in the kitchen that we spend our time together, gathering at the dinner table. And even when a child appears in the family, growing up and exploring the situation in the house, he willy-nilly have to stay in the kitchen, because that is where all the most important things often happen.

So that a small child is in sight and does not have to be checked all the time, mom even allocates a special corner for him in the kitchen. First, a mobile bed or stroller may appear there, then a playpen or a blanket on the floor, and soon the child “flows” into the kitchen interior for a long time, rattling pots and ladles and giving mom the opportunity to cook dinner. Sometimes, this is just free time, in which mom can take a break, because children can take quite a lot of time to play with dishes and food.

Why don't ordinary toys interest children as much as kitchen utensils?

Firstly: Natural materials (including cereals and flour) have a natural ability to attract and release tension.

Secondly: in the kitchen there is often a mother, whom, like her, the child herself does not want to lose sight of (especially if he is less than two years old).

Thirdly: children's ability to imitate. Since adults are doing this, then it is very important, and if I do the same, I will become like them (that is, just as important and significant).

What do kitchen games develop?
There are many games in the kitchen and each of them was invented by a particular child. Parents sometimes just pick up his idea and send it to some particular plot or work. But even if this does not happen, be sure that the baby will still enjoy this process.
Young children, starting from the age of one and even earlier, are interested in playing games that have three main directions:

  • use of sensory sensitivity (gustatory, tactile, auditory);
  • interaction with objects-containers (where you can put something);
  • pushing large and small objects anywhere.

The plot is not important here yet, since this is a very early form of development of game manipulative activity.
Such an early activity of the baby develops and trains his hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity, an idea of ​​the size and color of objects, and, in addition, relieves stress.
For kids older games in the kitchen open up the opportunity to be independent, to receive approval and recognition from adults in order to feel their importance and significance.
What are the kids playing in the kitchen?
When interviewing parents whose children play or played in the kitchen, we identified the following activities:

  1. Games with dishes (pots, jars, basins, spoons, etc.).

To correlate the size of objects, the child is helped by containers of different sizes, placed one inside the other, and something can be put there (“something useful”).
Small lovers of knocking on the bottoms of pots with metal or wooden spoons often cause a lot of noise, but this allows them to develop auditory sensitivity and even contributes to the formation of the hand.
Some older children, under adult supervision, are allowed to twist soft foods in a mechanical meat grinder and this also trains the hand well.

  1. water games

Water is a natural solvent that every mixing is indispensable for and kids just love.
You can wash anything in a bowl of water.
In a pot of water, you can “cook” porridge or soup using pre-cut vegetables, as well as cereals and pasta.
Many babies like to drop a bag of tea into a glass of water, and if you do this for a long time, you can watch how the tea dissolves.

  1. Product games

For such games, cereals, pasta, legumes, flour, vegetables and fruits are often used.
The simplest thing a child can do is to dip his hands into various bulk products, roll peas on his palm, hide and look for objects in the groats.
Everything that is possible, the baby loves to pour and mix. So, flour turns into dough and the child has a vast field for activity. And given the desire of children to push small objects anywhere, you can suggest sticking peas directly into the dough. In general, you can do anything with the dough - roll it out, pinch it, knead it.
Older children mold certain figures from salt dough and paint them. Well, if you have the opportunity to cook something together with your mother (for example, molding cookies), you can’t imagine a greater joy for the child. By the way, such cookies, as a rule, are always eaten by a child.
Closer to a more conscious age, children can also use vegetables and fruits to prepare elementary meals or milkshakes.
Currently, this process can be diversified using various skewers, umbrellas and tubes. Children are very fond of making various canapes and puff sandwiches, and what cocktail is complete without a straw? By the way, holding the straw between the lips and drinking in this way is useful for the development of articulation.
There are many cookbooks for children with simple recipes that a child can cook at his age. Parents can be entrusted to their children decorating sweets with colorful sprinkles coloring Easter eggs, table setting and, of course, cleaning the kitchen. Instilling a love of order
As you know, only cooking is not the end of the kitchen. And now the child is already reaching for a rag, seeing how his mother wipes the table. Therefore, a bucket of water into which you can dip something (for example, a sponge) has a magical attraction for the child. Be sure that by dressing your child in a bright apron, rolling up your sleeves and arming yourself with a "hostess set", you will win at least an hour of free time. As experience shows, at the time of cleaning, the child will wash everything for you, from dishes to floors. And when you clean up after your "cleaner", you need to try so that he does not see this. And then - just praise!
Experiences in the kitchen
Children preschool age they love to learn everything new and especially to explore and experiment. Where, if not in the kitchen, you can find out what will happen if:

  • soak cereals or legumes in water
  • combine tea with milk and lemon,
  • beat the egg whites for a long time
  • pour starch with boiling water,
  • freeze water or juice in molds,
  • dissolve gelatin in water
  • extinguish soda with vinegar, etc.

Mixing, boiling, freezing - all this will clearly demonstrate to the child the different states of substances that can change under the influence of a certain chemical process.
Safety first!
Trusting the kid to play in the kitchen, you must first of all remember about safety. And this is a rather serious issue that cannot be ignored. Every year, many children end up in the hospital with serious injuries received in everyday life.
Remember: small items, breakable dishes, cans, household chemicals, vinegar essence, knives and meat grinders, gas, electric stove, boiling water - are fraught with a very great danger to the health and life of the child. From an early age, it is necessary not only to monitor the baby, but also to explain to him all the safety measures. What cannot be hidden must be fixed with the categorical word “impossible.” Many parents do not allow children into the kitchen, fearing the likelihood of injury and not wanting to clean up after them once again. Well, this is understandable - the child should not be confused under your feet every day while you cook or clean. But, if at least once a week you can calmly play with the child, giving him the necessary attention while you are in the kitchen, this will be enough to introduce the baby to real things, develop his cognitive activity and educate yourself in the near future a good housekeeper - the main thing is that both of you get positive emotions from this process.

Becoming a friend is easy!

This is the fixed part of the door, to which the leaf is attached with door hinges. The door frame is the supporting part of any door, and not a single installation can do without it, except for sliding structures.

The box is of two types, we will explain the difference:

Ordinary. The platband is attached to it on finishing, but still noticeable carnations.

Telescopic. The platband is attached to special grooves of the box. This is a more expensive and neat option, since in the case of repairs, the casing is easily removed and placed back into the groove. Without nails.


no threshold

These are elements of a complete set of interior doors, which are decorative strips. Appearance any door largely depends on the design of the platbands. They are the frame of the box, close the joints and irregularities, the gap between the door frame and the wall. Platbands can be installed on one or both sides.

1 side

When the width of the door frame is less than the width of the wall into which the installation is planned, it becomes necessary to expand the doorway. Expansion is carried out by attaching an additional board of the desired color to the groove in the box. Also, the extension allows you to carefully decorate the doorway, protecting the slopes from scuffs and dirt. If your wall is thicker than 7-9 cm, then most likely you will need an extension.

1.5 pcs

There are latches in the form of a ball or pressure. There is a separate fitting (a handle is purchased separately, a latch separately), which is more versatile and reliable. They differ in style and color, in functionality and wear resistance. If you have children, we recommend buying more comfortable and safe smooth "anatomical" handles, without pointed corners and edges.

Push, latch

Loops (2 pcs.)

There are several types of door hinges:

Overhead (butterfly loops). Used for light, often laminated doors weighing up to 15 kg.

Standard mortise. Used on doors over 15 kg.

Reinforced mortise. They have a longer service life, we recommend for heavy doors weighing from 30 kg.

Hidden. They are an expensive, aesthetic solution for decorating a doorway. They are only visible when the door is open.

Sections of the article:

3D technologies have rapidly burst into the sphere of designing and creating interiors. This innovative and original solution is becoming increasingly popular with designers in various fields. Thanks to this, 3D interior doors appeared, installed in apartments and houses.

A similar effect can be obtained in several ways, in addition, 3D images are quite simply performed on wooden door panels of different structures.

3D using photo

This option of decorating the door leaf with an image with a 3D effect allows the designer's fantasies to run wild and bring their wildest dreams to life. The doors will very easily turn into a window with a view of the blooming garden. You can display the serenity of the sea, a bubbling waterfall or space. 3D technology allows you to decorate door leafs with voluminous and realistic images that can satisfy the wishes of any owner of an apartment, house or cottage.

This method of finishing doors is quite simple and very inexpensive. For the production of 3D doors, you will need to use a plotter. It is with the help of this equipment that the selected three-dimensional illustration or photograph is printed. After receiving the image, it is glued to the door leaf. Then you will need to process the drawing with a special mixture that will protect the 3D drawing from various damages, primarily from loss of color and fading. At the final stage, a gel is applied to the surface, which will give the composition the structure of the lens.

3D veneered door

Finishing the door leaf with such material vaguely resembles the use of self-adhesive film. True, in this case it will be possible to avoid the formation of joints and seams. Such a coating has sufficient reliability, imitates a natural wood board, decorated with grooves, notches and cutouts. This type of 3D finish has the ability to imitate the texture of natural wood. Artificial veneer practically does not fade, and also tolerates various mechanical damage well.

Glasses with a three-dimensional effect

Innovative technologies, such as etching on both sides, make it possible to apply a three-dimensional image on glass as well. It will be by the way to say that with this method of decorating the door leaf, the ability of the material to transmit light is important. The less transparent the glass, the more likely it is to fully obtain the expected result.

Often, with the help of this technology, contour images or intricate ornaments are embodied. With this option, the door leafs receive high resistance to various mechanical influences, the pattern on them is not damaged, does not fade and tolerates sunlight well. The technology is available for implementation regardless of the type of door structure. It can be swing systems, folding or sliding interior doors.

Creation and features of technology

The optical coating used in the production process of 3D doors reliably protects the canvas from ultraviolet radiation and helps to keep the structure in its original form. Such systems can be used for a long time, while maintaining all their aesthetic characteristics.

Each buyer has the opportunity to choose a drawing or photograph that he likes, which will organically combine with the existing interior of the room. When using this technology, the flight of fancy has practically no boundaries. If you choose a similar solution as an interior door, then you can easily create it in any room personal entrance into the world of living and colorful nature. You can be in any corner of the planet, in any country in the world. In addition, such a door will be unique and exclusive. A 3D interior door decoration solution will delight children and surprise guests and relatives.

To select an image for your 3D door, you can use the gallery already ready-made solutions from the manufacturer or find a drawing, photograph, pattern yourself. At the moment, you can order the manufacture of such a door in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic.

Many interior designers have already appreciated the technology of manufacturing 3D doors. With this solution, you can decorate any room with three-dimensional images. natural phenomena and elements, cities, world famous sights.

How to set up production yourself

Some manufacturers of such doors are looking for business partners in different regions and offer the acquisition of technology for the manufacture of these door structures. The very same technology for the production of such door panels is quite simple, and their production can be adjusted even at home.

To start the production of 3D doors, several conditions must be met. First, you need a solid wooden door leaf. For this, an inexpensive product worth from 1 thousand rubles is suitable. If you buy doors in bulk, the price will be lower - 650-700 rubles. Secondly, you should get photos high definition.

The manufacturer, together with the production technology, provides a set of such images in the amount of one hundred pieces. In addition, you will need a special transparent gel, the cost of which is about 250 rubles per kilogram.

The cost of the 3D door manufacturing technique is 30 thousand rubles. The package includes a description of all the nuances for the manufacture of such door leaves, a set of photos ready for printing, contact numbers of suppliers who sell the goods necessary for production. There is also an option to purchase this technology in installments. After paying half of the cost, the client receives at his disposal a technique for manufacturing 3D doors, and after the start of production, he pays the rest of the amount.

It should be emphasized that decorating doors using this technology is absolutely harmless to human health. In addition, the process itself is silent, does not require a lot of free space, as well as specific skills. Although, of course, this technology has its own secrets and features. At the initial stage, you can start making 3D doors at home. The full production cycle is 24 hours. Labor costs do not exceed 90 minutes. The cost of one finished door will be from 2 thousand to 2.5 thousand rubles, but the market price of such products ranges from 3.5 to 8 thousand rubles.

For the convenience of manufacturing a 3D door, you can also purchase a plotter with which you can print large-format photos without leaving your home. Along with this, you will be provided with all the secrets and nuances of making 3D doors, obtained through numerous experiments. These recommendations will help to avoid mistakes and unnecessary financial costs at the initial stage of production.

Hurry up to buy in bulk for all 1500 r!

business 3D PICTURES

The business package contains 100 ready-made layouts
+ a lesson on the production of any layouts.
+ there is a video production lesson.
+ all necessary instructions.

The business package includes 25 video lessons, with theoretical knowledge consolidated by practice.
Namely, you will learn in theory how 3D floors are made from A to Z.
And then a real master of his craft will make a 3D floor from scratch.

The business package includes 25 video lessons, with theoretical knowledge consolidated by practice.
Namely, you will learn in theory how 3D walls are made from A to Z.
And then a real master of his craft will make a 3D wall from scratch.

1. Enough simple work even for a beginner.
2. Minimum costs (it is possible without them at all)
3. Enough high price finished product.

129 high-resolution photos included in business package
90x200cm -
photo printing can be ordered at any photo salon in your city 1 photo 90x200cm - 300-400 rubles

Manufacturing technology of 3D doors.

In order to start your business in a new direction - the manufacture and sale of doors with a 3D effect, you will need:

1. High resolution 3D photo 90x200cm. Provided with technology package.

2. Special transparent gel. All data is in the description technological process. Price from 250 rubles per kg.

3. Description of the technological process. Laid out all the secrets of production, addresses and contact details for the acquisition of some of the ingredients needed for production.

The production is harmless and silent, does not require large spaces and special skills, but has its own secrets. At the initial stage, it is possible to establish production at home. The time required for a complete production cycle is 24 hours. Labor costs - from 45 minutes to an hour and a half.

When buying technology 3 d doors production, you will receive:

1. A complete description of the technology for the production of 3D doors at home.

2. 129 high resolution photos 90x200cm

3. Tips and secrets based on numerous experiments, as well as warnings against possible mistakes in the production of 3d doors.

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Often, after the repair, we, enjoying the result, stop our eyes on a boring wooden door leaf. Everything is good in the apartment: stylish wallpapers, a pleasantly colored carpet, and a beautiful stretch ceiling. And so you want to turn boring interior doors into something unusual, create, for example, the illusion of an open door with access to a blooming garden or to the sea coast. Now those dreams have become a reality. With the advent of technologies for creating doors with a 3D effect, you can turn any apartment or house into an extraordinary space with unusually designed openings between rooms.

About the 3D effect

Recently, the 3D effect has been actively used in product advertising. And this is not surprising. With this innovation, you can create a delightful effect of presence, revive the unreal, which is often dreamed of. We have already discussed the business idea for and. Now it's time for the doors. The business of manufacturing doors with 3D effect is still young and has practically no competition in the market.

Production feature

You can implement this business idea even at home. All you need is a door leaf (you can use the most common and inexpensive), a high-resolution photograph, glue and transparent gel.

You can install a door leaf with a 3D effect anywhere: at home, in the office, mall, in kindergartens and schools, in cafes and restaurants, etc.

See what bright and realistic pictures can decorate an ordinary boring interior door:

Business Startup Costs

You can start a business for the production of doors with a 3D effect with minimum investment risking virtually nothing. The door leaf is purchased at a furniture store. The starting price is 700 rubles. Drawings with a 3D effect can be downloaded from various sites, and you can order a banner printout at any photo salon. The cost of the service is from 130 rubles per 1 sq.m.

PVA glue for fixing the picture on the door and a transparent gel for finishing the image are sold at any hardware store.

As you can see, everything is simple! And if right now you take care of opening this type of business in your region, then you have every chance to become the first and interest a large number of customers.

Being the first is already half the success!