Mystery electronics who is the manufacturer. I have a right! Cosmetics and household chemicals

  • 23.11.2019

This Canadian team began their creative career with a lightweight AOR, but then reconsidered their views and stomped along the progressive path trodden by their countrymen from "Saga" and "Rush". "Mystery" was born in 1986 on the initiative of Michel Saint-Pierre, and at first they had the status of a purely studio project and only after four years they turned into a full-fledged team. At the turn of the decades, the positions in the group were distributed as follows: Saint-Pierre (guitar), Raymond Savoie (vocals), Stéphane Perrault (drums) and Benoit Dupois (keyboards). At that time, Michel had already managed to acquire his own studio "Illusion", and in 1991 the first "mysterious" sessions were held there.

With the help of brother Raymond Gary (vocals) and Richard Edison (bass), "Mystery" recorded a CD of the same name, released in 1992 on their own. The album attracted interest from a number of record companies, but due to the drummer's illness, the deal stalled, and the band members took up side projects. However, there was still no complete abandonment, and in 1993 Michelle and Gary spent the whole summer in Illusion, writing about 20 new "mysterious" songs.

That same autumn, Stefan returned to action, and although the disease deprived him of mobility in his legs, he continued to work in a wheelchair, having developed a new technique that allowed him to knock without the use of programmable sequencers. The following year, the team actively gave concerts, and also began preparing the second album. When "Mystery" found themselves in the studio, the line-up increased by two units, and the new members of the project were Patrick Borkyu (bass) and Michel Painchod (saxophone, acoustic guitar). In 1995, St. Pierre established Unicorn Records, and on next year this label released the album "Theatre Of The Mind". By that time, the configuration had changed, and the responsibilities were redistributed as follows: Michelle (guitar, keyboards), Patrick (bass), Gary (vocals) and Stefan (drums, synthesizers).

With the release of "Theatre Of The Mind", the group's fame broke out of Canada, and their CDs began to be sold in the USA, Norway and France. As time went on, Perrault found it difficult to cope with the installation, and he decided to take up graphics (he later re-designed the cover of "Theatre Of The Mind"). The search for a replacement did not take too long, and soon the vacancy was filled by Steve Gagne.

Only in 2007 "Mystery" released the LP "Beneath The Veil Of Winter's Face", which was a mixture of AOR (to a lesser extent) and neo-prog (to a greater extent). The following work, "One Among The Living", although there have been some line-up changes over the three-year period between releases.

Last update 21.04.10

Did you know that many brands on the market today under beautiful foreign names are actually domestic products and have nothing to do with Europe and America? Perhaps you have such a product at home and you think that it is European, but no ...

Our domestic manufacturers are very fond of giving their goods beautiful foreign names. In advertising for this product, associations are created with German quality, European style, etc. But in fact, these goods have nothing to do with the countries of Europe. Basically, all goods are made in China, or, at best, in Russia.

It just so happened, but Russians are much more willing to buy goods with foreign names, thinking that since the name is foreign, then the quality will be appropriate. This began during the collapse of the USSR, when people swept off the shelves everything that even somehow hinted at a foreign origin.

Our savvy manufacturers have also adapted to this trend. The scheme is very simple - a company is registered in one of the European countries - this gives the most beautiful foreign name, as well as the address of the head office, for example, in Germany. At the same time, the entire management of the company is Russian (the office in Germany may not even physically exist at all), the goods are produced in China or in Russia (where it is cheaper). And voila New Product with a beautiful foreign name is ready! Then it's up to advertising - to beautifully present the product to the population, focusing on the European origin of the product and "excellent German (French, Italian, etc.) quality." But in fact, the product has nothing to do with the specified country.

All these "frauds" allow you to sell the goods much more expensive than the real value. Compare what would you buy - a TV called Hunsujin or a TV called Mystery? Both TVs are absolutely identical, produced at the same factory in China, only in the first case it is written on the box that this is a Chinese TV, and in the second - that this is a European-level TV with super-duper effects and the manufacturer's headquarters in London. The answer is obvious.

In China, there are special factories that produce the same goods on the order of such “manufacturers”. These products are no different in their essence and appearance. The difference is only in the etiquette and packaging. Such a product will go to Russia under the name Vitek (for example), and to the same India - AbnDeli. The name is different - the product is 100% identical.

You, most likely, will now think that these goods under foreign brands made in China or Russia are bad and of poor quality. Not certainly in that way. Or rather, not so with minor exceptions. Goods are produced on good, large factories in compliance with all standards. It's just that manufacturers decided in this way to attract the attention of buyers - giving the product a foreign name. The quality does not suffer from this. By the way, did you know that iPhones are made in China? And this does not mean that they are bad - the American company Apple orders production in other countries, because. it's much cheaper. Our manufacturers do the same, only the names are given not by "Electronics" and "Mir", but by Mystery, Vitek, Kaizer, Bork.

Yes, of course, there are exceptions when the goods are made of poor quality, but, as a rule, such brands do not last long. Although they manage to spoil the nerves of buyers.

Here is a list of the most famous brands, which "pretend" to be foreign, but in fact are ours:


Vitek. Yes, this is not an Austrian technique. Just a trademark registered there. The goods are made in China. Russian leadership.
"Scarlett". The joint Chinese-Russian company has nothing to do with the UK. Only the title.
Rolsen. Televisions and monitors are assembled at a factory in Fryazino near Moscow from parts purchased in Southeast Asia.
Kaiser. Has nothing to do with Germany. The equipment is produced at factories in Poland and Italy.
Bork. Also “ours”, nothing in common with Europe, except for the name. Is the property of a chain of stores household appliances"Electroflot".
Elenberg is a trademark of the Eldorado network.
Defender- domestic computer components. It's actually pretty good quality. Defender products are manufactured in factories in Western Europe and East Asia

It can also be included here Akira, Binatone, Explay, Nexx, Polar, Supra, Mystery, Prology- these goods have nothing to do with Western states.


"Finn Flare", "Baon", "Savage", "O'STIN"- under these trademarks, clothing is sold exclusively Russian production. True, the clothes are of high quality, but the price is too high (due to supposedly European origin).
Nordway, Termit, Outventure, Joss, Delamare- trademarks of the Russian network "Sportmaster". Their clothes are made in China.

As well as - Gee Jay, Gloria Jeans, Oggi, R2, Rico Ponti, Savage, Vassa, Zarina, Tom Claim etc. All this is ours.


"Carlo Pazolini". The company is Russian, it produces shoes at its own factories located in Russia and China. Imitation of a beautiful Italian name.
Camelot. In Poland and China, copies of expensive youth shoe brands "Grinders", "Dr. Martens" and "Shellys" are sewn.
"TJCollection", "Chester", "Carnaby"- three trademarks that belong to the same company, established in the UK in 1992. The company manufactures shoes ostensibly in Italy and Spain. But neither in the UK, nor in Italy, nor in Spain will you find shoes with this name. Draw your own conclusions.
Ralf Ringer. Footwear is produced at factories in Moscow, Vladimir and Zaraysk. True, they do not hide that they are “ours”.
"Tervolina". Produces shoes in Togliatti and in China.


"Greenfield". Exclusively "English" tea - a product of the St. Petersburg tea manufacturer "Orimi Trade".
"Mr. Ricco". Italian mayonnaise is made in Russia, nothing to do with Italy.
Bagbier. Beer is produced in Omsk, named after the director of the brewery - Ivan Bagnyuk.

Cosmetics and household chemicals

Faberlic. Yes, they are ours too. Cosmetics are made at two factories - in Balashikha and Moscow region, using, however, raw materials and developments of foreign companies.
Ile de Beaute, L'Etoile, Rive Gauche- are Russian companies. In France such retail chains you won't find it anywhere.
Frau Schmidt. Household chemicals of domestic production with a beautiful German name. In Germany, such a Frau was not even heard of.


Gipfel and "Berghoff" they have absolutely nothing to do with Germany or Belgium. All of these brands are made in China.


"Erich Krause". Goods for the office of "German" quality are produced in Russia.


"InTouch". The "European" level of service is the work of our craftsmen.

Here is a far from complete list of "werewolf brands" that hide behind beautiful foreign names. And what foreign brands of domestic spill do you know?

Manufacturer Mystery

The American company Mystery was created by businessmen who really appreciated good sound quality. They came up with the idea to create affordable audio systems that could reproduce sound well and with high quality. Quality equipment was available on the market, but its enormous price made it beyond the reach of most consumers. The businessmen have achieved their goal. They used solutions verified by the market, products with a unicorn on the logo became the most popular on the market.

A brand named Mystery is different from similar ones. Here is a completely different pricing philosophy. The company produces speakers with neodymium magnets for the price of their cheaper ferrite counterparts. AC transformers are also available to the client, which can usually be seen in expensive lines. And so in everything. The company seeks to catch all the most progressive in technology, selects materials for its products and seeks to reduce their cost and make them accessible to the consumer. As a result of such complex and painstaking work, the Mystery brand has a balanced range of models that represents all types of products developed in the world from the field of multimedia, car audio, tuning. All types of amplifiers, cables, mobile video equipment, auto-acoustic systems, subwoofers, accessories, auto-tuning lights are presented.

*manufacturer's country refers to the country in which the brand was founded and is headquartered


N. Manson, founder of the company: Today, Mystery is largely shaping the market for automotive audio and multimedia technology.
When Paul Barton and I created the Mystery brand many years ago and launched the first line of in-car audio products, our goal was to offer customers reliable, decent-sounding products at an affordable price. minimum price. And we did it!

At the beginning of our journey, we found best solutions from existing ones and then implemented them with a record price / quality ratio. Today Mystery is a serious company that pays great attention own developments. Now we ourselves are able to surprise the world with new multifunctional devices, and our models are copied by competitors.

In the current Mystery lineup you will find turntables that can read all digital formats. Single and double din head units with retractable 7” active screen. Ceiling monitors from 7” to 15” with a tuner and FM modulator that allows you to connect wirelessly to the standard car system. Pairing components is facilitated by Bluetooth and USB inputs. We continue to develop and expand the range of devices and components for music lovers: amplifiers, acoustics, cables, accessories, etc. Our audio components continue to outperform much more established competitors.

The latest generation Mystery devices are single-din radios, which always have an LCD screen. The choice of such devices is great - there are models with a screen from 3 to 4.6 inches! That is, now you can watch a full-length video on the radio, without even connecting an additional monitor. And this trend will continue. We predict that very soon the wide screen of the radio will become mandatory standard, and will completely replace the old samples with a conventional display. A similar situation arose once with the MP3 format, but now it is impossible to imagine a radio without MP3 support.

All Mystery appliances are fully adapted to the conditions of the country in which they are sold. So, Mystery TVs and multimedia systems sold in Russia always have the SECAM format that is relevant here. The same goes for our new widescreen radios – SECAM is a must here. And, by the way, this is what sets us apart from our peers on the market. Mystery navigation devices know all the local nooks and crannies and speak Russian. The Mystery company was one of the first to bring to Russian market GPS navigation systems. Moreover, this is not just a navigation system, but a full-fledged multimedia Entertainment Center, which, among others, has a navigation function.

N.M .: Paul and I always strive to make the technique that we would like to have in own cars. Our company is flexible enough not to be in the tail of progress, and strong enough to constantly be in the first positions.
Mystery will always combine the latest solutions and cutting-edge technologies in the best possible way.

The American company Mystery was founded by businessmen friends who were fond of good sound in everyday life. Their goal was to create such audio devices that would be available to anyone. Moreover, these devices should be of such a quality that a person of average income can only dream of, and at such a price that a person of average income can purchase these devices without hesitation. The goal was set and achieved.

The principle of the company's work is primarily based on careful tracking of progressive technologies in the world of audio systems, and then on the same careful selection of materials and components, with the final price of the product becoming the benchmark for choice.

And businessmen friends managed to create such devices, whose functional properties corresponded to the most expensive devices, and even if the price did not allow them to be called elite, they really were.

The result of a well-thought-out policy and marketing moves was a balanced production of a wide model range various types of products, including everything from the world of car audio, multimedia, car video, car audio, amplifiers, subwoofers and car tuning accessories - neon lights, cables and much more that is on the car audio & video market today.

By the way, the founders of the company themselves did not call their products elite. “Our modesty and its low price“, they said. This phrase, uttered by one of his business friends Paul Barton, became the slogan of Mystery.

At the very beginning of its development, Mystery chose the best technical solutions and based on them produced its products at a record low cost. And modern Mystery is a serious company capable of offering consumers their own developed multifunctional devices. Today, competitors are copying the Mystery models.

Modern models of Mystery audio devices are capable of reading any digital formats. Ceiling monitors equipped with an FM modulator, which makes it possible to connect to the standard car electronics without wires, become a unique development of the company's engineers.

Another requirement for developers modern technology Mystery was the adaptation of devices to the conditions of the country in which the equipment will be sold. For example, all Mystery multimedia systems sold in Russia are adapted to the SECAM signal. Mystery navigators are equipped with Russian maps and Russified. However, the first navigator supplied by Mystery to the Russian market was not just a navigator, but a modern multimedia entertainment system that included navigation functions. This trend allows us to compete with analogues and distinguishes Mystery equipment from other car audio & video brands.

N. Manson, the second businessman friend, the founder of the company, said the legendary words: “Paul and I have always made equipment that we ourselves installed in our cars. And our company is very flexible so as not to trail behind innovations and very strong in order to constantly maintain its leading position.”

One thing is certain, Mystery appliances will always optimally combine innovative technologies, low cost and excellent quality.