What is the name of someone who cleans windows? Skyscraper window cleaner is a sought-after male profession. - The problem with "imposters" can be somehow solved

  • 14.04.2021

Real men's professions in the minds of most people are associated with risk. Among the professions close to the window market, whose representatives risk their lives almost every day, one can name a skyscraper window cleaner, the OKNA MEDIA portal reports.

Today, one industry segment that is benefiting from an increasingly glassy urban landscape is skyscraper window cleaning or industrial mountaineering. Particularly in the US, skyscraper window cleaners have been in high demand lately as professionals are needed to maintain the growing number of high-rise glass buildings in cities.

While the windows in a brick building can usually be cleaned from the inside without the intervention of professional cleaners, and the remaining parts of the facade are rarely washed, glass-clad buildings present a completely different set of requirements. The height, as well as large areas of glazing, cause a number of complications when creating a perfectly clean facade.

Skyscraper glazing needs to be cleaned twice a year to keep it from looking like the façade is covered in blurry images of giant fingerprints. In the US, cleaning the exterior glass of a skyscraper, which requires several weeks of work, can cost up to $50,000. But some buildings take even longer. For example, the Time Warner Center in Columbus Circle takes up to three months and employs two crews to clean, while the 76-story Gehry Tower in Lower Manhattan, New York can take six to nine months to clean, depending on weather conditions.

With the growth of megacities in height, the trend towards creating the most glazed facades, this profession is becoming increasingly popular all over the world and in Russia, in particular.

This fact is illustrated by Yekaterinburg, where a window washer competition was initiated, organized by construction company"Meteor" with the support of the city administration. The competition called "My House" was held in a 24-storey residential building, which, by the way, was included in the Russian Book of Records, being recognized as the tallest building built using fixed formwork technology.

According to the organizers, the main objective of the event was to improve the professional level of window cleaners, as well as popularize cleaning in Russia.

Washing windows costs Gazprom at the price of window production

Probably because window cleaning is a very risky profession, people in this sector highly value human life, and especially children's. In particular, window cleaners from the United States, in order to cheer up little patients in one of the children's hospitals in Tennessee, dressed up in costumes of popular comic book superheroes.

Sometimes dressing up in exotic uniforms, however, is caused by commercial considerations. Skyscraper window cleaners dressed as Santa Claus can be found in many countries on the eve of the New Year and Christmas.

The enterprising owners of the Shanghai hotel decided to respond in an original way to the complaints of customers about the appearance of strangers outside the windows with strange tools in their hands, dressing up window cleaners in a Spider-Man costume. This decision, however, made washing windows at a height even more dangerous.

WINDOWS MEDIA recommends reading: Shanghai hotel window cleaners dressed in Spider-Man overalls

A skyscraper window cleaner is very dangerous profession, which is not available to everyone, because you have to be brave and not be afraid of heights. This is probably why men are the main workers in this field.

WINDOWS MEDIA offers a look at the courageous workers of this segment in the process of washing the windows of skyscrapers in different cities of the world.

Berlin, Germany Strasbourg, France Sofia, Bulgaria Warsaw, Poland Gateshead, England Tokyo, Japan Beijing, China Shanghai, China Bangkok, Thailand Sao Paulo. BrazilBuenos Aires, ArgentinaQuito, EcuadorAlgeria, AlgiersSydney, AustraliaNew York, USA

A window cleaner is a rather exotic and unusual profession for Russia, which is widespread in the West. It may seem that window cleaning is a primitive process available to everyone, but this is not so. Try hanging on the 70th floor tied with just a rope and cleaning someone's window!

This is a job for real professionals with special training, preferably a climber. About them today and will be discussed.

The huge windows of the skyscrapers are mesmerizing. Their inhabitants often prefer not to curtain their windows. And behind this city life behind the glass is a whole army of window cleaners. (Photo by Reinhard Krause | Reuters):

If you think about it, cleaning windows from the outside is one of the most difficult services. In fact, each of us can clean up the apartment or wash the floor on our own and without any additional training. Another thing - washing windows at a height. This is a job for professionals - industrial climbers. (Photo by Vincent Kessler | Reuters):

Window cleaners in Seattle:

Man, not trained high-rise work, is not allowed to wash facades, shop windows and windows.

A special platform with window cleaners on the CCTV headquarters building in Beijing / (Photo by David Gray | Reuters):

Usually, high-altitude work is called everything that is higher ... 1.5 meters. Almost no distinction is made whether work is being done on the 3rd floor or the 30th. In both cases, the risk of falling is fatal. (Photo by Yuriko Nakao | Reuters):

City district in the United States Arlington. (Photo by Steve Fernie):

Spider people. (Photo by Tripp):

In addition to the skills of working at height, a window cleaner must also know the technology of this work, since glass is not so easy to wash.

On the 101st floor in Shanghai. (Photo CDIC | Reuters):

Detergents are required to have professional inventory and knowledge in the field of detergents. Poorly organized washing often leads to cracks, scratches, chips, damaged frames. (Photo by Guillermo Granja | Reuters):

In this unusual profession funny things happen. So, newcomers come, beat their chest and say: “Yes, I can, yes I can”, then they get up, hang ... and they can’t do anything anymore. They are gripped by fear. We have to resort to the help of industrial climbers to remove them from a height.

A window cleaner on a residential building in downtown Beijing. (Photo by Jason Lee | Reuters):

Hotel in the center of Sofia. (Photo by Stoyan Nenov | Reuters):

Do not forget about the weather conditions, because what more height, the stronger the wind that will shake you from side to side.

Window cleaner from Brazil. (Photo by Ricardo Moraes | Reuters):

Washing windows and, in general, industrial mountaineering is an occupation for the dexterous and slender. Extra pounds at altitude create additional risks.

Bangkok. (Photo by Sukree Sukplang | Reuters):

Window cleaners at a hotel in Warsaw. (Photo by Kacper Pempel | Reuters):

Houston, Texas. (Photo by Anvar Khodzhaev):

Window cleaners from Doha, Qatar. (Photo by Sean Gallup | Getty Images):

(Photo by Jianwei):

Window cleaner from Seoul, Korea:

An interesting fact: the management of the Sheraton Hotel in Shanghai dressed up all the regular window cleaners in Spider-Man costumes so that they would not frighten the guests with their unexpected appearance outside the room window.


For such a responsible job as washing windows at a height, special training is required. Preferably climbing.

But high-altitude work is called everything that is higher ... 1.5 meters. There is almost no difference in whether work is carried out on the 5th floor or on the 25th. The risk of falling in any case is fatal.

But industrial climbers do not like to talk about this. They are true professionals: they have a double safety rope, helmet and mandatory equipment. They do not perform work when wind gusts are already 15 meters per second, and there is no need to talk about thunderstorms, rain, fog and icing of buildings - work in such conditions is prohibited by safety regulations.

But, according to CEO firm "Alpin Prom" by Yuri Evsyukov, in recent years, in industrial mountaineering, as in any other type of activity, guest workers have appeared: they have everything, like simple "guest workers", - prices are lower, and insurance is worse, and guarantees no to work.

Professional window cleaners hire more guest workers, but understandably their prices don't compare to those of their counterparts somewhere in New York. For industrial climbers, although the salary is considered one of the highest in Kazakhstan, it will not reach Forbes. On average per month - about 70-80 thousand tenge.


Among the facilities that are often serviced by industrial climbers are the Kazakhstan high-rise hotel, the House of Officers, the Nurly Tau complexes and the new 165-meter Marriot Hotel on Al-Farabi Avenue. And residential new buildings - if the tenants are willing to pay.

But not everyone agrees. And I have to work with “spots” - I washed it here, I didn’t wash it there ...

More often than others, the owners of buildings lined with shell rock, such as, for example, the House of Officers, turn to high-rise workers. The shell rock quickly absorbs all the dirt and soot of the streets, and it is difficult to wash off, you have to apply grinding.

Industrial climbers, like no one else, can assess the suitability of a building for further maintenance. According to Yuri Evsyukov, until about 2004, many buildings were built according to the “one day” principle.

- How it will be serviced in the future, no one thought. For example, a glass-lined building is covered with a long visor from above - God alone knows how and what to cling to for a climber who needs to wash the windows. You can, of course, use suction cups, but the farther from the wall, the stronger the swing amplitude, so you can squeeze out the glass.

By the way, one day, while doing work at height in the Kazakhstan hotel, the climbers noticed that some of the tiles in the hotel were “floating”, barely holding on. Reported to hotel management. It may have saved someone's life...


Washing windows and, in general, industrial mountaineering is an occupation for the thin and dexterous. Extra pounds at altitude create additional risks.

We watch the guys getting ready to clean the windows in one of the new skyscrapers. Konstantin Astakhov and Oleg Bugrov first go upstairs, install safety ropes there and go down along them, put on helmets ... and go up again.

The equipment of window cleaners consists of a light moisture-repellent suit, a safety belt with many clips for tools. On the hands are two pairs of gloves: rag on the bottom, rubber on the top. The most important thing is light and soft shoes, so as not to inadvertently squeeze out the glass.

Washing windows in the largest skyscraper, where ten climbers worked on an area of ​​​​almost five thousand square meters, took almost a week.

Sometimes even longer - if the weather is bad. By the way, high-altitude workers say: that is why it is unprofitable to work in Astana. The winds blow all the time, and it's cold for nine months of the year.

– Are there funny things at work?

- Curiosities usually happen to beginners. Many come, beat their chests: yes I can, yes I can, get up, hang out ... and they can’t do anything anymore. They are gripped by fear. At the same time, they cannot do anything, you have to hang around and take them off.

Have you had any romantic job offers?

- Yes, once a guy turned to us, he wanted to give flowers to the girl with whom he had a fight in an unusual way - through the window. He wanted to do it himself, but according to the instructions it was not allowed, and then one of our guys did it for him. The most interesting - it worked! The girl was subdued!

- Do you go to the mountains?

- We have enough that we climb the skyscrapers of the city. True, the heights here are small, the highest point is 200 meters!

Are there women in the profession?

- Yes, there are fearless girls, but not in our firm.

- And how do they fundamentally differ from male window cleaners?

- Wash, probably, more thoroughly ...

Facts on the topic

In a couple of years American windows will not be washed by washers or even robots: windows will be able to wash themselves. Already at the end of this year, glass will appear on sale, which will use rainwater and sunlight for self-cleaning. The constant washing process provides a titanium oxide coating that captures UV rays. These windows do not need to be touched with a rag. If there is no rain, just sprinkle them with water, and they will smear it themselves ...

One of Russia's famous billionaires, Mikhail Fridman, began his entrepreneurial career in 1988 as the founder of a window cleaning company. A year later, he created the Alfa Capital investment group in Moscow. As of May 2008, he was ranked 20th in the ranking of the richest people in the world (his fortune was estimated at $ 20.8 billion).

The management of the Sheraton Hotel in Shanghai has dressed up all the window cleaners on staff in Spider-Man costumes so that they do not frighten the guests with their unexpected appearance outside the room window.

Zhanar KANAFINA, Tahir SASYKOV(photo)

Real men's professions in the minds of most people are associated with risk. Among the professions close to the window market, whose representatives risk their lives almost every day, one can name a skyscraper window cleaner. This profession is also associated with height and great risk.

Today, one industry segment that is benefiting from an increasingly glassy urban landscape is skyscraper window cleaning or industrial mountaineering. Particularly in the US, skyscraper window cleaning services have been in high demand lately as professionals are needed to maintain the growing number of high-rise glass buildings in cities.

While the windows in a brick building can usually be cleaned from the inside without the intervention of professional cleaners, and the remaining parts of the facade are rarely washed, glass-clad buildings present a completely different set of requirements. The height, as well as large areas of glazing, cause a number of complications when creating a perfectly clean facade.

Skyscraper glazing needs to be cleaned twice a year to keep it from looking like the façade is covered in blurry images of giant fingerprints. In the US, cleaning the exterior glass of a skyscraper, which requires several weeks of work, can cost up to $50,000. But some buildings take even longer. For example, the Time Warner Center in Columbus Circle takes up to three months and employs two crews to clean, while the 76-story Gehry Tower in Lower Manhattan, New York can take six to nine months to clean, depending on weather conditions.

With the growth of megacities in height, the trend towards creating the most glazed facades, this profession is becoming increasingly popular all over the world and in Russia, in particular. This fact is illustrated by Yekaterinburg, where a window washer competition was initiated, organized by the Meteor construction company with the support of the city administration. The competition called "My House" was held in a 24-storey residential building, which, by the way, was included in the Russian Book of Records, being recognized as the tallest building built using fixed formwork technology.

According to the organizers, the main objective of the event was to improve the professional level of window cleaners, as well as popularize cleaning in Russia.

Probably because window cleaning is a very risky profession, people in this sector highly value human life, and especially children's. In particular, window cleaners from the United States, in order to cheer up little patients in one of the children's hospitals in Tennessee, dressed up in costumes of popular comic book superheroes. WINDOWS MEDIA recommends reading: Window cleaners have become superheroes

Sometimes dressing up in exotic uniforms, however, is caused by commercial considerations. Skyscraper window cleaners dressed as Santa Claus can be found in many countries on the eve of the New Year and Christmas. The enterprising owners of the Shanghai hotel decided to respond in an original way to the complaints of customers about the appearance of strangers outside the windows with strange tools in their hands, dressing up window cleaners in a Spider-Man costume. This decision, however, made washing windows at a height even more dangerous.

A skyscraper window cleaner is a very dangerous profession that is not available to everyone, because you have to be brave and not be afraid of heights. This is probably why men are the main workers in this field.

Noticing him in the window, someone screams and runs away, while someone introduces himself and offers tea. He sees what is hidden from many, and is always ready to instantly appear out of nowhere, and then also suddenly disappear. This is not about a ghost, but about a familiar to everyone office worker window cleaner. Together with the manufacturer of double-glazed windows Maxiform, we learned why many people call this profession "sedentary work at home", how to overcome the fear of heights and what kind of "sore topic" gnaws at all professionals. Industrial climber of Finisterra.by team Roman Lepey told us about all this.

The work of a washer is, first of all, thorough preparation

Roman, who did you dream of being as a child and how did you become a window cleaner?

- I dreamed about the career of a military man, to be like my grandfather and dad - they are my military men. I was even born on May 9th. But fate turned out differently: he was educated as a chemical engineer, for a long time worked in his specialty at Belaruskali in Soligorsk. Spacious office, no stress, decent earnings. In parallel with this, I was actively involved in rope jumping, in particular, rope jumping: I jumped a lot from high bridges and houses. Then he decided to combine his hobby with his profession and started working as an industrial climber. Washing windows is one of our activities, I like it the most: it’s easy to work, everything is clean, after the “shift” you look decent. Other types of work that industrial climbers do, such as painting or plastering, are heavy, tedious and not so “clean”.

“Sometimes you work at great heights. Are there any special security requirements?

- The main thing is good health. It is important not only to feel that everything is in order and nothing hurts, but also to get a certificate from a doctor. Many customers require a document on the passed medical examination - they want to protect themselves from accidents. Be sure to be well prepared physically. For example, I do crossfit, I go to the mountains. Naturally, we must not forget about mental preparedness - height affects everyone in different ways. Some people have a panic fear that fetters, paralyzes and interferes with work.

- Can a person who is afraid of heights work as a washer?

- Anyone who is terribly afraid of heights will not even crawl out over the parapet, and even more so will not work in such an area. If the washer has pulled two ropes, prepared the necessary fastenings and knows that his partner is insuring him, there is no point in worrying. I emphasize that there are always at least two people on site. Even if I feel good, it’s not a fact that in a couple of minutes I won’t lose consciousness due to the sun or strong wind. But I'm not afraid of heights, I respect her.

By the way, I know that some people go to work drunk, it's monstrous. If they so dull their fear, let them go to work as a guard, for example.

Before starting work, the washer fixes two ropes on the roof: the main and safety

— And what skills do you need to have in order to clean windows professionally and efficiently? Where did you learn them?

- When I first started working as an industrial climber, I simultaneously collaborated with a company that was engaged in cleaning. They taught me everything there. They explained what chemistry to choose, how to use the tool correctly and with maximum efficiency. All window cleaners must first of all adhere to safety rules. And also be able to work with the tool, diligently clean the surface, avoiding streaks and scratches. Unfortunately, many non-professionals have entered the industry now. Possibly seductive good earnings(even though it's not that big). They do not have the necessary equipment, knowledge or understanding of the market and prices.

- Can the problem with "imposters" be somehow solved?

- We have a problem with the profession as a whole: it was entered into the labor cadastre without thinking through the issues of retirement age, attestation, verification at all. Even take the issue of certificates of industrial climbers: if in Russia they need to be renewed every 3 years, then we give them indefinitely. You can get such a document in special training centers - in Minsk or Borisov.

By the way, if we talk about retirement, I would advise introducing the norm at 45-50 years. Our profession is connected with special physical loads. Also, the posture is always static, so lumbar and venous diseases are very common. We must not forget about the microstresses that we subconsciously experience. The work is very stressful, despite the fact that I am not afraid of heights. Even the doctors told me that it is unusual for a person to be a "spider".

— And what special devices is in the arsenal of every window cleaner and what are they for?

- Nothing special: goggles, a helmet with a mark on the worker's blood type, two ropes (main and safety), bindings, and also a "seat". We are located on it, so some jokingly call our profession "sedentary work at home." Well, tools: a bucket for detergent and water, a suction cup for working in hard-to-reach places, a fur coat (in other words, a roller), with which the product is applied to glass, a scraper to remove mechanical impurities and a squeegee - a pressure bar with an elastic band, with which the remaining dirt is pulled together. If there are stains, they are rubbed with rags.

What is the difference between professional window cleaning and what we do at home?

— Differs in result and speed. You need to understand that industrial climbers, as a rule, wash windows of large areas. By calling such a specialist at home, you will not pay for the amount of work, because it is negligible, but for the time spent - this is unprofitable. It is better to use the services of cleaning companies.

What advice can you give to non-professionals?

- If you decide to wash yourself, try not to climb out the window holding the handle or battery, this is a safety violation. First apply a solution of warm water and neutral chemicals, leave for a short time to work. If necessary, remove mechanical impurities with a scraper. Then you clean the window with a drive. Many people use newspapers - this is not forbidden, but it is hard, long and ineffective. But the drive can be bought at any hardware store, however, it is unreasonably expensive, it can cost 45 rubles. By the way, even though I’m too lazy to do this, I wash the windows myself at home - with high quality, just like at work.

- Do you know about all the features of washing and do you immediately understand what means are applicable to different types windows?

- Usually yes. For example, I immediately calculate double-glazed windows with a mirror coating: they need to be washed extremely carefully, without even using a scraper. Such are installed, say, in the National Olympic Committee. But in one of the major metropolitan shopping centers For the comfort of employees, special films against bright sunlight are applied to the double-glazed windows; they also need a special approach. If I encounter incomprehensible pollution, I make a test in an inconspicuous area: I select the appropriate composition of chemistry so as not to spoil it. There are also very special windows that do not even need to be washed - self-cleaning.

Sometimes it takes longer to work on problem areas

- It turns out that the latter do not need care at all?

— They are covered with a special thin film of titanium oxide, due to which the glasses acquire a bluish tint. Under the influence of sunlight, the film breaks down dust and dirt, and after rain, thanks to it, there are no streaks and stains on the window. This is a great money and time saver: no need to spend money on cleaning products, just pour water on the window.

What is the tallest building whose windows you have had to wash?

- National Library, 70 meters. But, to be honest, the most difficult thing was to work on the building of the National Olympic Committee - a glass ball with rings. There is a negative overhang, so it is very difficult to move around. It was still not easy to cope with the ceiling glass in the dome of the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War.

- As far as I know, there are even industrial mountaineering competitions.

- Of course! They are of two types: individual championships and team championships. There are many disciplines, such as checking quality and accuracy. The participant is given a pre-weighed bucket of water, with which he must go through the entire rope course without spilling a drop. At the finish line, the bucket is weighed again. Naturally, all this is temporary. By the way, at the beginning of this summer we held a meeting of industrial climbers for the first time. There were a lot of people, so we want to make this event a tradition.

And at the end of the work, the climber is met by his wife and child walking nearby - romance!

- Stories about your profession were even filmed. For example, "Confessions of a window cleaner", "Hellish skyscraper". If you could make a film about your work, what would it be?

- ... An ordinary working day, nothing portends trouble. But then a young washer guy becomes a witness to some juicy scene: robbery, burglary, murder ... or all at once. They notice him, but he manages to hide. Then scenes of persecution, conspiracies. Detective with elements of mysticism, in general. It all ends with the disclosure of some secret, the defeat of the villains and the triumph of the window cleaner!

— And why the guy-washer? Are women rare in the profession?

- I did not see. And I will not say that this is a woman's work.

What do you most often see through the window? How do people react to your sudden appearance?

— As a rule, I observe the standard workflow. Some notice, offer tea, coffee, buns, sweets. Men sometimes bring something stronger, but I always refuse. Once I was washing the window, and in the office a girl was sitting at the monitor. Everything seems to be calm, and suddenly she jumps up! She made a face - and back to work. My heart sank to my heels. There was another situation when a girl in a negligee was lying on the couch leafing through a magazine. When she saw me, she screamed and ran away. What can you not see! Many are already accustomed to the appearance of washers. Before, it happened, they shouted, threw the office. But now more often they just smile, talk and clarify whether help is needed.

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