Where is the best place to go to work? How to find a job abroad: instructions and vacancies. Leaving the country: where to go

  • 07.11.2019

It is difficult to find work abroad for Russians without knowledge of the language. For example, construction vacancies are filled instantly with guest workers from Asia and Africa. The language barrier is a major barrier to career development even in low paying positions.

Russians work abroad and get decent money on a shift as assemblers, plumbers, and welders. Here the main criterion is experience, and knowledge of the language fades into the background. Moreover, with the rotational method, specialists are selected on a national basis, Slavic brigades are completed.

Work for Russians in Europe with accommodation

  • Requires a team of qualified masons in Hungary of 5 people. Work on a rotational basis for 6 months, full provision of accommodation and meals. Room for five people with shower and toilet. Delivery to the construction site by corporate transport. The salary is piecework, depends on the quantity and quality of masonry, but not less than 600 euros per month clean on hand. Flexible schedule, two days off. At the end of the shift, vacation allowance is paid.
  • A cook is required for a Russian-speaking family, work abroad, in England, the city of Bristol. Country house, accommodation in a guest house, private room with toilet and shower, there is a bidet. Cooking for 5 people, the ability to cook borscht, cabbage soup, pickle, pancakes and other dishes of Russian cuisine. Once a week cooking dinner for 8-10 people. The salary is paid weekly at the rate of 40 pounds per day.
  • Heavy truck driver required international law for trips to Eastern Europe and occasionally to Russia. Age - not older than 50 years, work experience of at least 3 years. Knowledge of European languages ​​at the initial level is welcomed and paid as an additional bonus. Signed labor contract, all conditions of employment are negotiated. A basic salary of 800 euros is paid plus a monthly 50% accident-free bonus. Accommodation is provided in a departmental hotel, a room for 2 people with all amenities.

Fresh vacancies for Russians abroad

  • A dairy yogurt factory in southern Spain is looking for sorters and packers. Work in shifts of 8 hours with an hour break for lunch. The worker is provided with overalls and clean linen when starting a shift. Young people from 18 to 30 years old are accepted, knowledge of the language is not required. The newly hired undergoes a week-long internship with the payment of benefits, and then starts working. The salary is paid 2 times a month. total amount which is issued to the employee should not be less than 850 euros.
  • Maid job in France. A girl 20 - 35 years old is invited to the position of a maid. Responsibilities include cleaning rooms and laundry. Communication only in Russian, for the development of colloquial speech of younger family members. The house is located in the suburbs of Marseilles, a double room is provided for living in a service annex to the house. It has its own kitchen, toilet and bath. The salary is paid weekly in the amount of 300 euros, which is about 1200 euros per month. Free meals and specials clothes.
  • The repair of autobahns in Germany requires a variety of qualified personnel for the repair and laying of the roadbed. Shift work, mostly at night. Basic knowledge required German language. It can be obtained by completing a 2-week accelerated course. The salary of a simple worker is 1000 euros, specialists who know how to operate road equipment receive from 2000 euros. All road workers are provided with free housing and hot meals. Rotational recruitment method, minimum term 2 months, maximum - 6 months.

Work abroad from a direct employer

  • Estonia: janitor-cleaner without qualification and without work experience. Salary from 5 euros per hour. Men and women are accepted. Resume to email [email protected]
  • Portugal: operator of looms. Salary from 600 euros. Employer mail: [email protected]
  • Czech Republic: operator for the production of plastic castings. Salary from 900 euros. HR mailbox [email protected]
  • Poland: machine operator for plastics processing. Salary up to PLN 4000. Contact Email: [email protected]
  • Slovenia: full-time joiner-carpenter with a minimum wage of 825 euros. Communication with the employer by mail [email protected]
  • Slovenia: Master hairdresser with experience in haircuts and hairstyles. Salary is negotiable. Send resume by email [email protected]
  • Malta: Nanny for children over 3 years old, preferably with experience. Salary 170 euros per week. Mail to send resume: [email protected]
  • Cyprus: massage therapist with experience and knowledge of English. Salary from 900 euros per month. Mail to send resume: [email protected]
  • Iceland: care for the elderly and help with domestic problems. Experience is desirable. Mail: [email protected]
  • Romania: Demolition and demolition construction workers. Piecework payment. Write to mail: [email protected]

Reviews about work in Poland

  • Lydia: Let me share my experience of working in Poland. It is not suitable for everyone - only girls and women who know how to sew on industrial sewing machines. For a long time I wanted to go to work abroad, but two reasons stopped me. The first was the fear of staying in a foreign country without protection, money and a passport. And the second - ignorance of a foreign language. Which of us, fifty years old, studied at least English in full at school and university? Only a few, because then it was not relevant. Therefore, when I saw an ad in the newspaper about hiring women for a garment factory, I called and signed up for a consultation. There were 9 people in our group, and 7 of us signed a contract of employment after consultation. Because we were presented with certificates and the registration number of the agency, we were shown the website and its pages in social networks, photos of the factory and dorm rooms. The contract was signed for 6 months. Everything was organized clearly - transport, accommodation in a hostel, acquaintance with the workplace in the shop. The first month was difficult - strangers, monotonous work on simple sewing operations, the inability to communicate in transport and in the store. But then new words and phrases were learned by heart - life forced them. So finding a job abroad without knowing the language is real. But only through official representatives.
  • Igor: Last year I decided to leave my comfort zone and went abroad to work in Poland. It is very difficult to find a job without knowing the language, it is very difficult to survive alone. My friend who lives in Krakow gave me the address of an office that recruits Russian-speaking workers. They offered a hard job, the kind that guest workers from Central Asia do here in Russia. He worked as a laborer, concrete worker, slinger for about 10 months, but he could no longer. Gradually learned the basics of Polish and got a job at McDonald's. He worked as a waiter, cleaner and loader. It was difficult, but gradually got used to it, began to speak fluent Polish. Now I work as a taxi driver, the earnings are not great, because the car is rented, but there is a prospect of earning decent money here.
  • Olga: I came to Poland on vacation, but the circumstances were such that I had to stay and look for work without knowing the language. I started by translating my resume into Polish and sending it out to job postings - mostly cleaning and washing dishes in restaurants. In one of the restaurants, they entered my position and took me to the washing up. They paid me 8 zlotys an hour (the standard wage for such work at that time) with the provision of a free lunch. There were no other foreigners in the team besides me, so pretty quickly I was able to start speaking Polish and there were new opportunities to find more high paying job.

Review of work in Israel

Sergei: I myself live in Smolensk, a welder by profession, here I got a penny, and decided to go to Israel to work as a welder. On the Internet, through a recruitment agency, I was selected construction company with a team consisting of citizens of the CIS. The owner there is a Jew who left during the Soviet era.
There were fears that they would be deceived - the Jews, after all, but worried in vain. The salary is excellent, it cannot be compared with ours, I received about 2200 per month, if we translate into dollars, about 2200. A standardized day, the salary was given out on time, all safety standards were observed.
Everyone in Israel speaks Hebrew, and there are also many people who speak English. When you go out into the city, there are no big difficulties in communication. To buy something in a store or in the market - you explain yourself with the help of gestures. There was a funny case when, with a comrade, facial expressions and gestures, they showed the electronics seller that we need wireless headphones. He tells us so calmly: "Guys, why are you puffing up, say what you need."

Feedback on work in London

Alexey: I had experience of working abroad, or rather in London. We were sent to practice from the university. I stayed there exactly one month, made good money, we were paid 30 pounds a day. But the trouble was different, I didn’t know English well, but I can read and write, but alas, I can’t speak. I got into such a ridiculous situation in the store, they asked me what to serve, and I was confused and did not even know what to answer. Said the first thing that came to mind, took his water and walked out. Learn English! This may be of use to you.

Feedback on work in Austria

Anna: I was offered a job in Austria as a trade manager, I doubted for a long time. The problem was the poor knowledge of the language. Nevertheless, I decided to take a chance, I signed a contract for 3 months, in order to understand mine or not during this time, if I like it, I will renew it. After the first month of work, I understood. that was not wrong. Housing, working conditions, employer relations, everything is excellent!
For those who do not know the language, a mentor was provided to help in adapting and learning the language. In a month I earned 1760 euros, which is excellent by our Russian standards. Fortunately, my contract was extended and they hinted at an increase in salary after 6 months of experience.

How to get help

If you want to get help from businessmen, famous people or charitable foundations write your request. We will send your letter to 39 addresses. The cost of the donation is 45 rubles.

How to post your resume for foreign employers

If you want to publish your resume in different languages, donate 50 rubles to get a job abroad. And submit your application. We will translate it and publish it on the website.

For translation into 5 languages ​​- 150 rubles, for 4 languages ​​- 120, for 3 - 100 rubles, for 2 - 80 rubles, for 1 - 50 rubles.

Earning abroad is always attractive. Here you can get good money and return to your homeland. The only question is how to go to work abroad. Let's solve this issue and analyze it in detail. Instructions on search rules will be given. You will learn where to look, how to look and what you need to pay attention to, and you can easily go to work abroad.

Due to the political and economic events taking place in recent times, many people are left without work. Due to rising prices and the lack of indexation of wages, there is a decrease in the standard of living, so more and more people are thinking about how to find a job in another country and receive a decent salary that gives confidence in tomorrow. Therefore, the cost of finding a job is high.

Surely many of you have acquaintances who have found work abroad or are going to go there for this purpose, especially in the light of information about the amount of payment even for unskilled labor by foreign employers. In order for your aspirations to give a positive result, in this article we will try to analyze those points that you need to know when looking for work abroad. The video in this article will help us in this matter.

Choose the desired option

Where you can go to work abroad will depend on several factors, and you need to decide on them right away.

Everything in order:

Where you go to work will depend only on you. After all, the choice is yours. But never rush. Of course, it's good if you know languages, but for many this is a difficult situation. But this important question. Look at the similarities of the languages. Polish is the most acceptable for us, it is quite similar and when talking you will at least understand the essence of the conversation. Well, English is quoted everywhere. Therefore, if you know this language, you can go almost anywhere. Well, in general, it all depends on you, because nothing is given just like that and you need to make efforts in this matter. Let's see what is being done.

Existing Opportunities

We will now consider how to go abroad to work. Remember, if you don't do anything then life changes and it's not worth the wait. Don't be afraid to cross over advertisements The more information you have, the better it will be.

So, the possibility of employment has several options. Earnings abroad may well be in your profession. Here the level of qualification and accumulated experience will be of great importance. It is clear that there are no irreplaceable workers, but, nevertheless, there are still professions whose specialists are always in demand. Those who earn well at home.

For these highly qualified specialists, there are interstate exchange programs and the like. You must first decide where to go to work, here you should also take into account the mentality of the people, because you have to live with them. There are two options for going abroad to work:

So where and where you can go to work and for what purpose, you need to decide right away.

Option one

With this option for the employer, your value as a specialist is so high that there will be no problems with employment at all, since you will not be looking for a job, but employers interested in your qualifications will try to find and offer you profitable terms labor, and you will only have to choose the best of the available offers. But all this usually concerns rare technical specialists, artists and scientists of world renown, and there is little that can be useful to those who have lost their jobs due to layoffs.

Option two

Unfortunately, the world did not appreciate your genius, but you know your worth and, most importantly, you have experience in a specialty that is in demand in other countries and the awareness of the fact that you are needed more there. In this case, the following recommendations are for you:

  1. You need to know the language of the country where you are going to find a job, as a last resort, be fluent in English;
  2. The search for a potential employer should be carried out on the websites of his country, since the offers posted on Ukrainian resources usually come from intermediary agencies, and often from scammers;
  3. A resume for a vacancy that interests you should also be sent in the language of the employer, duplicating the translation of the resume into English. In case of doubt about the literacy of the presentation, you can resort to the services of a translation agency, at worst, resort to machine translation. But in order to avoid violation of lexical norms, it is better not to save money and turn to professionals.
  4. The more offers you respond to, the better. Be sure to place your resume on job search sites. This will only make it better. You will definitely get offers, and maybe even quickly. If you are not sure that you will be able to communicate freely in the language of the employer's country, you should indicate that you are ready for the interview in English. But knowledge of the local language in any case will be a huge plus, and sometimes it can be decisive. When looking for a job on your own, you will deal directly with the employer and it will definitely be better.
  5. Previous experience of working abroad will be of invaluable service to you, especially if you are going to find a job in the country in which you previously studied or worked.
  6. As a result, the interest shown in your person will logically end with an interview, which usually takes place using the Internet in video communication programs. Since the employer will probably want to evaluate your appearance and intelligence, then you will need to make a positive impression on him and prove your suitability for the vacancy and competitiveness.

What kind of professionals have a high chance of finding a high-paying job?

  • Judging by the information received firsthand from an employee of one of the firms specializing in foreign employment of Ukrainian citizens, it can be argued that IT specialists, qualified builders, engineers, and geologists are now in the greatest demand.
  • Accordingly, knowledge of the language increases the guarantees for successful employment.
  • Professionals in these areas can count on average monthly earnings in the range of two to seven thousand euros. Unique specialists receive an individual approach and higher wages.

The attitude towards foreigners hired for work in each of the EU countries has its own characteristics. In the UK, for example, preference is given to local applicants, which makes it difficult to get a work visa there.

In Germany, there are programs that attract foreign specialists in scarce professions even without compulsory higher education, for example, such as nurses or plumbers. In other countries, on the contrary, you will have to spend time confirming your diploma. General trends indicate that it is easier to find a job for a technical specialist than for a humanist.

What should be done by the humanities or those whose specialty is in little demand?

Option three

In this case, you need to contact the recruiting agency for foreign companies. Companies' requests are usually associated with unpopular, low-skilled labor in the service sector and hard labor associated with production.

For example, housekeepers, nurses, cleaners, waitresses, truck drivers, workers at a meat processing plant, agricultural workers, laborers, and the like are in demand. Among our compatriots, this employment option is quite popular, since even such work gives good (in comparison with Ukrainian salaries) money. Locals are not attracted by such vacancies due to low pay in conditions of a high standard of living.

Necessary steps for this employment option:

  • Contact an agency providing services for employment abroad.

Attention: Do not forget that this area of ​​activity is loved by scammers and only 20% of the total number of such companies provide legal services. Make sure you have a license.

  • Do not lose sight of the various subtleties associated with the work of the agency, even if the reviews on the official website are positive, it is possible that they are rigged. Pay more attention to searching by the name of the agency and reviews on independent resources.

What should alert you and indicate that you are facing scammers:

  • They will extort money from you for every step - filling out a form, entering it into a database, and more than one;
  • Without going into details, they will promise you otherworldly benefits and heavenly conditions;
  • Repeating to you about the simplicity of getting a job abroad, they will not give exact terms and certain guarantees.

Particular attention should be paid to the following aspects:

Visa type

Pay close attention to the type of visa, which should not be a tourist visa (usually issued for seasonal agricultural work) but a work one;


Find out about the method of payment for your work and about whose expense the relocation will be carried out, as well as food and accommodation;


Clarify information about the health insurance that the employer is required to provide;


You should be asked to provide a certificate of vaccinations, an HIV blood test result, a 082/10 form, and a certificate that you have no criminal record.

Warning: Never agree to travel to work on a tourist visa. You may be offered to issue a worker on the spot. Only this cannot be. A work visa is issued only at the embassy of the worker's country. If you are not given intelligible answers to your questions, then just leave, because it will bring nothing but problems. Do not be mistaken in the judgment that the main thing is to leave, and then it will be easier, so you risk losing both your earnings and lifelong entry into the country.

You can check the authenticity of the visa issued by the agency, its rights and validity by contacting the embassy of the country where you are traveling.

If there is an employment agreement between the states, a work visa is not required. In this case, the conclusion of the contract is sufficient. At the moment, Russia, Moldova, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Armenia, Poland and Vietnam have such agreements with Ukraine.

Attention: Girls who have received an offer to work abroad as a dancer, model or animator should be especially careful in these matters. Thus, gullibility and indiscretion can lead a girl into sexual slavery, where they will be forced to do work that has absolutely nothing to do with the declared one.

It is worth noting that many CIS citizens work abroad, most of them illegally. The most popular destinations for traveling to work are the countries of the European Union. There is also a demand for employment in Canada, where there are excellent programs for specialists. Only here you can run into scammers.

  • If you are told to pay in advance, no matter what, for example, that you will be included in a job search, you should not do it. Decent firms always have programs and places of employment at hand. The only thing that will be of interest is your resume, which they will have to send to the employer;
  • Earnings abroad can never be on a prepaid basis. Agencies take money from the employer. And it is deducted from wages. It must be specified in the contract.
  • Always ask questions and there is nothing to be shy about. The most important thing is to get a clear answer. This is described in detail in the article on getting a job without intermediaries.
  • After receiving the offer, go to the company's website. Look at the photos and gather as much information as you can.

What decision to make, what conditions to agree to, how to achieve the goal, everyone must answer these questions for himself. The main thing is that the decision you make is soberly balanced and does not lead to problems with health, law, family relationships, a ban on traveling abroad in the future and would not cost more than the money you earned. The question “I want to leave to work” is, of course, relevant, but to solve it, first of all, your desire is needed.

And business. With you, as always, Olga and my next post - where to go for a woman to work. I will list only the most interesting and highly paid options for working on a rotational basis.

If you decide to work on a rotational basis, then you must understand that you will live in Spartan conditions. Usually men are offered such work, but there are vacancies for women. Let's go straight to the list of vacancies.

Where should a woman go to work?

A salary of 40,000 attracts many. Most are ready to endure separation from loved ones for the sake of a decent income.

1. Assistant cook. They offer a salary of 63,000 rubles. watch 45/45 on the Yamal Peninsula. If your profession is a cook, which you acquired in college, school, then this job is for you. Type on the Internet - cook assistant Yamal. Go to the site, fill out the form and wait for an invitation.
2. Packer of clothes. Bryansk region. How - see another topic. They offer a decent salary from 55,000 to 85,000 rubles. What is needed? You will need to work with the scanner and pack, repackage orders with clothes. Shift work in warehouse. There are night and day shifts. Look for jobs on job sites. You can see an example of a vacancy here https://goo.gl/LVtCwb
3. Honey. Nurse or paramedic. For example, there is a vacancy in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - from 50 thousand rubles. Work experience and education. 40 days watch, 40 days rest. Work as a paramedic in the company "Lukoil". They offer from 50 thousand rubles a month.
4. Cleaning lady. Salary from 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.
Requirements: cleaning of industrial premises, full day, on a rotational basis. Check-in upon arrival.
5. Workers to the warehouse. Here they are ready to pay from 54,000 rubles.

The competition for these positions is high. But there is a chance for everyone to “fit in”. In the North, the deficit of the sun and the percentage of oxygen is very low. Weather and living conditions leave much to be desired. For each employee, a place of residence is provided: in hotels, hostels, according to the method of work.

Benefits of shift work for women

1. High income every month
2. As a rule, you need to work for a month, the next month to rest
3. The employer usually pays for the road
4. You will be credited with benefits, various allowances, seniority and increased pension.
5. The employer pays for accommodation and meals

Cons of working on a rotational basis

1. You need to be in good health, because the work is hard
2. There are restrictions on health and age
3. You will be far away from loved ones. It's not good for families
4. You may miss your paycheck if you find a dishonest employer.
5. Living without comfort. It may happen that you will be provided with a tent or trailer. Always ask the employer about the place of residence in advance
6. No holidays
7. Bad weather
8. There are no entertainment facilities

How to make sure that you are not deceived by employers?

Check the company that hires you. Be careful, there are a lot of scammers out there. Do not use the services of recruitment agencies. They are just waiting for you to pay them money, and they can offer a “fake” job. It is better to look for work directly with companies that have a decent reputation.

Do not pay money for employment. If they ask you for money, know that they are scammers. The employer even pays for the journey.

Read the contract carefully. How much you have to work, how much is your vacation. Salary must also be specified in the contract. There should also be a clause about food, accommodation, travel at the expense of the person who hired you.

Nobody likes their employees to get sick. If something serious happened to your health, then you can part with your salary and go back home.

It is best to go not alone on watch. Ask your friends if they would like to go to work with you too? Together it is more fun and the hardships of life are easier to experience.

Earnings abroad has always been considered one of the most profitable. A salary in US dollars or euros is a great way to significantly increase capital in a short time, save money to buy a home, a car, and more. Dr. In addition, work experience in foreign companies is a significant addition to the resume, which will directly play into the hands of employment.

An example of a well-written resume

Russians often look for ways to go abroad to work. There are 2 main areas in which foreign companies offer vacancies:

  1. For unskilled labor. Not much here high level wages for residents of the country, however, students and people without education and experience can earn much more abroad than domestic companies offer. This includes vacancies in the harvesting, in the service sector, in the cleaning industry and others.
  2. For highly qualified personnel. Foreign companies are interested in attracting experienced specialists in the field of medicine, science, and innovative technologies. Companies are ready to sponsor internships and teach the language to talented and promising personnel.

The opportunity to make good money, develop professionally, learn the language and enrich yourself culturally - all this led to the popularity of earning money abroad among Russians.

Students and unskilled workers in most cases are looking for or in nearby European countries. This is due to the popularity of American programs in the employment market, and in the case of geographically close European countries, the cheapness of crossing the border.

Before choosing where to go to work, you need to find out for yourself some factors:

  1. Degree of ownership foreign languages. Knowing only English may not be enough to get a well-paid job. In most cases, knowledge of at least a minimum level of the official language of the country you are traveling to is required.
  2. Scope of work and payment. It will be easier to look for a job if you know exactly what position or at least in what field of activity you want to be involved. It is also important to decide on the desired salary; carefully calculate how much money will be spent on rent, food, and other daily needs.

    Comparison of salaries in different countries

    Often, job seekers want to get a job in those companies that pay for housing and medical insurance for their employees, even if the wages are slightly lower than for the same vacancies in other firms.

  3. Education, experience. This is especially important if the applicant is applying for long-term employment with high pay.
  4. A well-written resume. In many European countries, resumes of applicants are first selected by a computer, and then they are already considered by HR specialists. Therefore, it is important to avoid various kinds of errors, provide information as accurately as possible, and answer the questionnaire questions concisely and to the point.
  5. Properly executed documents that are necessary for legal employment. In different countries, the list of documents may differ significantly, you can find the list on the website of the consulate of the selected country.
  6. Familiarize yourself with the legislation and law of the countries of prospective employment. It is important to know the laws of the state in which you are going to go both for work and just on vacation. Indeed, in many countries, Russians can pay a great fine with a huge fine for no reason. This is especially true for Asian countries, where residents honor not only laws, but also traditions, including religious ones.

This is not all you need to know when searching the right job. The list is simply endless and is individual for each country. Let's try to figure out which countries are best to go to, and what promises employment there.

Great Britain

Not every Russian will go to the UK for the purpose of employment, as this is a rather risky undertaking. Working in England and getting decent pay is not a pleasure for everyone. Unskilled labor is not highly valued here. Even less likely to find a job if the applicant has poor knowledge English language or does not know him at all.

work at a UK university

The problem with finding a job in the UK began back in 2008. Then the circumstances were as follows: economic crisis shook financial condition all countries. The UK was no exception. Many workers, both local and foreign, have been fired or made redundant. Therefore, the search for work has become an urgent issue that requires an immediate solution for both British citizens and immigrants.

Getting a job in the UK for Russians was also complicated by the laws adopted in 2014, which also lifted restrictions on working in the UK.

These regulations have toughened competition even more.

It is important to understand that at this stage of the development of the labor market in the UK, only a qualified applicant can obtain a work visa. It is possible to leave to work as a service staff, handyman and other unskilled worker in the UK only illegally.

labor market in the UK


detailed map of Italy with provinces

For those who do not know the language at all, it is better to start their career in Italy from the south. Here you can start earning without understanding a single word of Italian. At the same time, the employer, if lucky, will pay for language courses, having mastered which, it will be possible to move further to the north of the country, where wages are much higher. It is important to note that people with higher education can claim good working and living conditions in Italy.

We are talking, of course, about getting the Blue Card. This certificate is issued not only in Italy, but also in any other country that is part of the European Union.

What does the blue card look like? European Union


Germany is a highly developed country economic indicators which demonstrate the constant progress and improvement of the system of finance and the economy. A particularly important component of the German economy is a serious industrial capacity.

Developed industrial complex, which constantly introduces innovative ideas and technologies, requires the involvement of highly qualified employees. Work in Germany is offered to specialists in the field of science, mechanical engineering, electronics, and electricians. In addition, often the production requires not only specialists, but also laborers.

A woman in Germany can most often get a job as a dishwasher, maid, cleaner, that is, service personnel, if she does not have qualifications and knowledge of the language. With a certificate or good knowledge the German circle of earning opportunities, as well as the amount of salary, increases significantly.

With knowledge of German, a middle-aged woman can easily get a job as a nurse, nanny, governess. Having an education, or at least a course certificate, will increase income opportunities. For example, an ordinary hairdresser can receive 1,500 euros per month, which is a pretty decent salary for a visiting immigrant.

It is important to note that the implementation of illegal entrepreneurial activity in Germany it is a dangerous undertaking.

Even accepting clients at home, which is very popular in the beauty industry of the CIS countries, is prohibited here. That is why to provide hairdressing, manicure, pedicure, make-up, etc. services. at home in Germany is fraught not only big fine but also deportation from the country.

Any job site will provide a lot of watch vacancies in the North. It is often associated with high salaries. However, there are many pitfalls here. Getting what you want is possible, but for this you need to be well prepared. Below is the experience of people who have already passed through the watch in the North. It will be useful for further study of the topic on the forums.


The most common problem is when people stop paying salaries for several months, which is why many visitors quit and go back.Where is this happening? This happens mainly in private small companies that serve large city-forming enterprises. To be honest, private traders in any regions are trying by any means to reduce costs and increase their profits.

But there is one important point in the work in the north. There are a lot of visitors here who do not have their own housing, and hence registration. For big ones large enterprises, without a residence permit or registration, it is impossible to find a job. But private traders take everyone in a row. But you need to understand that you are in such an organization on the bird's rights. Perhaps they will conclude with you labor contract, but most likely it will not have legal force. Therefore, you will not be able to prove later that the employer has violated its obligations.

Therefore, if you intend to go to work in the north, then you should think in advance how and where you will apply for a residence permit or registration. If you have friends or relatives here, discuss this option with them. If not, then calculate your future costs in advance. If you decide to act at your own peril and risk, then be prepared for various vicissitudes of fate.

Why is this happening? However, not always in such cases, non-payment of wages is due to the dishonesty of employers. With the onset of the crisis, many large companies, in the north, mainly oil companies, warned all their counterparties that the terms of payments for services rendered would increase to 60-90 days.In practice, it looks like this. Let's say you work as a pipe-laying engineer for a small private office that serves a major oil company. Your office has won the tender for the provision of services and has started work.

You have valiantly completed the assigned work, your company has handed over the object, and here all the fun begins. Firstly, under the new conditions, oil workers have the right to accept an object for a long time (everywhere in different ways, on average about 30 days) + 60-90 days for payment for the work performed, if there are no complaints about your work. And it turns out that your company will see the money for the services rendered in the best case, in 60-120 days.

Pay less than promised

This also happens, and again, as a rule, in small private companies. If you manage to get into big company(TNK-BP, Lukoil, Gazprom, Sibur, etc.), then this does not happen there. But it is more difficult to get into such companies. It is difficult to say why this is happening, but I would venture to suggest that the company most likely has a high turnover of personnel, which is why people are attracted by such dishonest methods.

Living conditions I. This item is usually negotiated at the last moment and the applicants are considered somehow inattentively. Almost all the work is located far outside the city. Therefore, carefully learn all the subtleties of how and where you will live, what and where to eat, etc.

Recently work in the north on a rotational basis began to resemble a game of roulette. When applying for a job, the future employee of the company does not even suspect where the fraudulent action on the part of the employer actually lies. There are relatively few ideal firms that would comply with all laws in reality. Another unpleasant moment, when looking for work in the north on a rotational basis, are the services of recruitment agencies, which strive to tear off several skins from already impoverished applicants, and are ready to take on any available job. One of these moments is the fact of prepayment for employment services. And this prepayment can cost you from half of your salary to the whole.

Often, applicants who have already registered for a job through a recruitment agency, under an obsessive onslaught, give the requested amount of money to the agency and inspired go to work. But now, then it turns out that the real wages are several times less than those promised by the agency. And the working and living conditions can be just awful. Therefore, before signing the contract, demand to start talking with the engineer or the head of your future team in order to clarify the plan with the question of working conditions, responsibilities in your position, living conditions accommodation, wages.


The most demanded vacancies in the North

In the north, oil and gas, construction, timber industries, as well as rail transport prevail. Therefore, there isPermanent offer of work on a rotational basis in the north for drillers, drilling rig assistants, engineering staff, including geologists. Wage such employees varies between 60,000-100,000 rubles.

The construction industry opens doors and is open to prospects for a large number of workers of different qualifications. In demand (and their work is well paid) are assemblers of metal structures and reinforced concrete structures, electric welders, gas welders, argon workers, slingers, masons, builders, and finishers. You can earn up to 50,000 Russian rubles per month.

Without transport, a person has nothing to do in the North. Therefore, drivers will never be left without work (without exaggeration, this is the most common and sought-after shift job in the north), bulldozer operators, crane operators, excavators, and grader operators. The salary is 50-60 thousand rubles.

For women. Each company recruits cooks on duty, storekeepers, maids, commandants. The salary, of course, is not the same as that of men, but it is quite decent and an order of magnitude higher than you can get by working at the place of residence in the regions of the country, and all thanks to the state benefits and compensations that are due.

To get one of the vacancies in the North, it is not enough to have only a desire. It is also necessary to master one of the professions in demand, as well as to have excellent health. The basis for accepting a shift work is a medical examination for the absolute absence of any contraindication to living and working in conditions of high temperature, sudden pressure drops, high humidity, and a small number of daylight hours. If we take into account the fact of employment on shift work with conscientious employers who comply with all the conditions of work ethics and conduct activities not to the detriment of their employees, then you can really raise your material wealth to a high level.

But, it should be taken into account that such a high payment is a natural compensation for that hard work, for the lack of a real possibility of daily return to one's home, to relatives and friends, for a rather high risk of getting sick or injured.

!!!The main thing to remember is that direct shift employers never sell job vacancies in the North of Russia!!!. This is done exclusively by intermediaries in the face of unscrupulous recruitment agencies (this does not apply to everyone) and other scammers. Who are ready to seize the last funds of the applicant, misleading them at the job search stage, by sending SMS to a short number or paying for imaginary insurance, or charging money for tickets to the gathering place (where, as it turns out, no one is waiting for anyone). Do not be deceived and give preference only to trusted sources that provide employment services. It is better, of course, to get a job directly, but today this is simply not available to most applicants. http://rabota-na-severe.ru/

Most the right way to find a job is to send your resume through friends or to the official website of the enterprise. But the very first step is to decide on a profile.

Housing is different. If there is a permanent facility, a factory, for example, then they build dormitories, one-story blocks, there are at least two people in the rooms, but this is for the authorities and those close to them, the rest live denser, a canteen, a laundry, they rarely cook well, maids, cooks are aunts from nearby villages , many want to get married. There are also women bosses, but they often only come on business trips. The contingent, yes, peculiar, unromantic, the husband was silent for three days after each watch, getting used to the normal language. A salary of about 100 thousand just like that from the street is not given to anyone . You need acquaintances, recommendations, or you really need to have a very valuable and rare specialty just for this job. You can still get a job for a certain period in the head offices of companies in cities equivalent to the northern territories, you will have to move and live in another city, but on the other hand, separate housing (here it is necessary that this be spelled out in the contract and payment at the expense of the company), some kind of no civilization, and suddenly you like it and you want to stay there? This also occurs.

Friend a few years ago. He worked on the laying of a gas pipeline. Shifts for several months, around the taiga for hundreds of kilometers, lived in trailers, a contingent ... peculiar. But I still earned money for an apartment, I don’t remember for a year or two (with interruptions). Although he already had something. However, he left to forget. To plow and sleep and not think about anything. Former boxer. Considering the contingent, it turned out to be not an extra experience at all.

A friend works in a company that is looking for oil. The meaning of work is exploration. Ride through swamps and tundra and make explosions. Living in vans, cooking by ourselves. Working in the cold. In principle, it’s not easy. They leave for the winter season. November to May. During this season, depending on what results, workers earn from 200 to 400 tr. In summer and autumn they sit in the city and on salary.

You can work if the company is normal. Usually in a good place to get, blat, and if the announcement, you can fly. A relative now works in Varandey as a crane operator, 15x15, salary = 80t. conditions are normal.

It is difficult to get on a shift: if you want to work on a drilling rig and really earn something. 1) try in Schlumberger: you need English and very good. preferably a higher completed natural science education. 2) try to sum up other oilfield services offices: Baker-Atlas, Halliburton, Weatherford and the like. 3) try sending your resume to Russian oilfield services - Sibirskaya Service company, for example. In my experience, people usually migrate from Russian offices to bourgeois ones.

From 50,000 in the Gazprom office in our northern town they receive. And oilmen don't make money like that. More precisely, there are specialists who stand in oil at -40 and repair pipes. Here they earn decently (only they retire early, well, they are all disabled without exception), and the hard workers in Gazprom also make good money. But no one will take you there.

If you: 1. speak English 2. you are a graduate of the geological, mekhmat, physics, chemistry departments of NSU 3. age< 28 лет then there really are some chances WITHOUT EXPERIENCE in the oil industry (after all, this is what you mean, right?) to get a job in the Far North on a rotational basis with a salary of > 50 thousand. In other cases, just like that "from the street" to oil companies, no one no one does not take even as a labor force, because even in this case, relevant work experience is required. And in general, the fact that in the North you can nail down "crazy money" even without special training is empty tales. I know guys who have been on shifts for years in the Arctic Circle for 30-40 tons / month without paying for a rest shift and the prospect of increasing wages. In Novosibirsk itself, there are much more opportunities to make quite normal money.

Watch in the North for a woman: personal experience

Once, on TV, I caught a glimpse that women also go to watch the North. I began to watch ads on TV, there seem to be also vacancies for work on a rotational basis. In general, at first I liked the announcement of the recruitment of cooks for a shift with a salary of 30,000 rubles for 15 days of shift. I called, they told me that they were taking me and that I needed to pay 4,000 rubles for some kind of insurance. Later, after the conversation, I realized that something was not right. They did not ask about work experience and in general it looks like a scam. I didn't call there again.

After this incident with a clear deception of ordinary people, I began to study people's reviews and generally find information about shift work. Important points that I understood are a few. First, there are countless scammers among employers. Either they will demand money for some services, and then they will disappear, or they will not give out a salary at all. And they are not punished! Secondly, it is 20 times more difficult for a woman to find a job on a rotational basis than for a man. It's simple: in the North, constant hard work is required, which women cannot cope with. Even engineering vacancies involve only men.

I will say right away - I still got a job as a shift. The site "Center of vacancies on a rotational basis" helped me. Several vacancies were posted there in the section "work for a shift woman", among which I did not find a vacancy for a cook. Then I thought of compiling a resume for this site, since there is a form for correct compilation. To be honest, I did not really hope for success. But after 2 days I got a call about work. The company urgently needed a chef under the age of 40, with medical book and no bad habits. Another condition is that there should be no children under 3 years old. I met all conditions. The offered salary is 18 thousand rubles for a two-week shift. This is more like reality compared to 30 thousand. On the old work I received 10 thousand rubles a month, so the option suited me perfectly. I signed a contract and read it carefully before doing so. And that's it, she became officially employed. Of course, one should not be fascinated by work in the North, after all it is very cold. But my work schedule is excellent: I work for 2 weeks and I rest at home for 2 weeks.

To everyone who is just starting to look for work on a rotational basis, I want to advise you to carefully approach the choice of ads. You don't have to jump at the first one that comes along. Let it be better to have a slightly lower salary, but the company is more reliable. I want to say that even women can find a decent job as a shift worker.


The state of health of each applicant for work on a rotational basis is carefully checked. And although shift work often involves fresh air, it is still harmful. You need to soberly assess your capabilities: money is good motivation but the damage to health may be irreparable. For example, in the Arctic, there is 30% less oxygen than under normal conditions in central Russia. This negatively affects the heart and pressure, increases blood sugar. Adaptation of beginners is accompanied by constant colds and other diseases. Add to this low temperatures, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, high humidity, a busy rhythm of life, as well as beriberi and lack of sun. In general, many doctors recommend working in the north on a rotational basis for no more than 7 years.


People who today are on watch in the north, against expectations, practically do not drink. For at least one month (that's how long, as a rule, the northern watch lasts on average), dry law becomes fundamental, otherwise - dismissal. Moreover, according to experienced "polar explorers", during this period the body simply weaned from alcohol. True, not everyone, of course. And finally main reason of a sober mind and solid memory of a shift worker - the lack of live money, since the salary is transferred to the card.


Those who had a chance to work in the north on a rotational basis, with a characteristic wink, will say that there are few women there, but still they are. And not only the attendants: cleaners, maids, cooks, but also representatives ancient profession(also a kind of shift work). Which is quite logical - if you can still somehow cope with the craving for a green serpent, then no one has yet canceled the natural needs of the body. So shameful women curl around, like gadflies in summer, around the shift workers of the north swollen with money. Especially on trains on the way home - time off, as a rule, lasts as long as the shift work itself - they get drunk in dining cars, bred and fooled in every possible way.


Leisure is not particularly diverse. All free time "polar explorers" spend in shift camps. This is a whole complex of residential, sanitary, and even cultural and community facilities. As a rule, the shift worker's dwelling consists of special modules, including canteens, gyms and greenhouses (if you're lucky). It happens that well-known artists are brought to watch the north.

How are people living in the North supposed to pay for a trip to a vacation spot - every year or less often? Working in federal budget organizations in the Far North and in areas equivalent to them, they have the right to have paid travel to where they will rest every two years.


In recent years, cases of employee fraud have become more frequent, job seekers in the north. Namely, non-payment of coefficients, employers do not reimburse the cost of moving, recruitment agencies charge a fee for the provision of work that does not meet the declared.
Therefore, before leaving for work, You are required to conclude a formal employment contract with the employer. Make sure that your rights and responsibilities, wages, relocation reimbursement, provision of health insurance are clearly reflected.


Recently, I was surprised to see the following ads on the net: “Employment in Norway”, “Work on oil platforms in Norway”. I thought that scammers of this kind had long since sunk into oblivion. The work on drilling platforms is one of the highest paid in this country. I asked my Norwegian friend to find out how realistic it is to get this job for a foreigner from the former Union of the Indestructible ... It was not difficult for him to call oil and gas companies. So, they were very surprised to learn about such job advertisements. And, of course, they assured that they had nothing to do with these announcements. Explaining that in order to get this highly paid job, Norwegian specialists stand in line for several years. Once there for one shift, the next one is allowed to take over only after 3 years in order to give others the opportunity to work. The conditions there are very comfortable and there has never been a shortage of applicants.

As for employment in general, obtaining a work visa in Norway is a hopeless business. There are also unemployed people there.

In order for an entrepreneur to be able to request a work visa from the government for you, he must publish this job vacancy in newspapers across the country. If the applicant is not found, then he can start a seven-month marathon through bureaucratic instances, exactly 7 months are allotted for this procedure.
Put yourself in the place of this entrepreneur, will you do it for the sake of one job, for no one knows whom? Moreover, you will have to pay for everything immediately, without seeing the person you are hiring! Of course, there are also seasonal jobs where it is allowed to use foreign labor, these are agricultural jobs. But here, as a rule, Poles work. For agricultural work, they do not need to obtain a work visa. There are intergovernmental agreements between Poland and Norway. , 5.4 out of 7 based on 727 ratings