Presentation world health day april 7th. Presentation on the theme "victory day in family history". If you want to be healthy

  • 23.02.2021

“Everyone says that health is the most precious thing, but no one observes this” (Kozma Prutkov )

History of occurrence world day health:

April 7 World Health Day is celebrated on the day the World Health Organization (WHO) was founded in 1948. Since then, more than 190 states of the world have become members of the World Health Organization.

world health day

The annual health day has been a tradition since 1950. It is held so that people can understand how much health means in their lives and decide what they need to do to improve the health of people around the world.

What is health?

The theme for World Health Day 2014 is transmissible diseases.

What are vectors and vector-borne diseases?

vector-borne diseases

World Health Day 2014

  • A WHO report states that European children spend up to 90% of their time indoors. At the same time, they are exposed to indoor pollutants: tobacco smoke, biomass combustion products, humidity, house dust, epidermal allergens, as well as environmental pollutants partially entering the dwellings from outside.

Maternal smoking can increase the risk of developing respiratory tract diseases in the first three years of life by more than 50%, and in children school age- by 30-40%. In addition, exposure to tobacco smoke aggravates already developed diseases, causing their exacerbation.

In addition, the environmental situation in many countries of the world leaves much to be desired. There are many more factors that destroy human health than save it.

If you want to be healthy!


  • - exercise in the morning
  • - sleep at least eight hours a day
  • - ventilate the room
  • - follow the daily routine
  • - eat properly
  • - temper, breathe fresh air
  • - do sport
  • - do not get nervous over trifles

If you want to be healthy


  • - long time playing computer games
  • - constantly worried, nervous
  • - drinking alcohol
  • - smoke
  • - use drugs
  • - eating wrong

You have to be friends with sports. To all those who are not yet friends with him. It will help you all to cheer up. It is essential for health. There is no secret for anyone, What sport can give to all people. He will help everyone on the planet To achieve fabulous heights.

Description of slides:

1. April 7 is World Health Day. 190 countries of the world take part in its celebration. This holiday has been traditional since 1950. On April 7, 1948, the WHO - the World Health Organization - was created - it was its appearance that served as the impetus for the annual celebration of Health Day. This holiday date is designed to help people appreciate how much health means in a person's life.

2. "The only beauty I know is health" Heinrich Heine

3. The main factors of health: mode, nutrition, movement, hardening.

4. With the intensity of life, human performance, body resistance to external environment and nutrition is directly related to infectious diseases. Its relationship with the mood of a person has been proven. Proper nutrition reduces fatigue, improves well-being, reduces irritability and agitation. To maintain good health, the diet of each person should be limited in volume and complete in terms of a set of products. Recommendations for rational nutrition are very individual, but there are principles that everyone should adhere to. Everything in a person is rhythmic: the work of internal organs, tissue cells, respiratory rate, heart pulsation. It has been proven that normal gastric secretion can only be maintained if there are clearly defined intervals between meals. Compliance with the rhythm of meals is in many ways the key to a good appetite. Experts believe that the main meal should be taken during the day, and a smaller part after 18 hours. In the evening, you should not eat meat, spicy dishes are not useful in the evening, as well as strong tea and coffee.

5. High physical activity and sufficient physical activity contribute to the preservation and strengthening of human health. Surveys have shown that those involved in additional sports, physical development occurs more harmoniously. They have higher lung capacity, more muscle strength.

6. Hardening is one of the forms of strengthening human health. 1000 years ago, the great physician of the Ancient East, Avicenna, wrote: Be friends with gymnastics, Always be cheerful, And you will live 100 years, and maybe more. Potions, powders - A false path to health. Heal by nature - In the garden and open field.

7. There are many ways of hardening. Very simple and effective method hardening is walking barefoot. The fact is that the soles of our feet are a somewhat unusual area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of our body. There are points - projections of our internal organs. By clicking on them, you can relieve pain, have a therapeutic effect on certain organs.

8. A significant role in maintaining health is played by the fight against bad habits: smoking and alcohol. There is such an anecdote. A tobacco seller praises his product at the fair: “Buy tobacco, fine tobacco! My tobacco is not simple, but with a secret. From my tobacco you will not be an old man, a dog will not bite, a thief will not get into the house. One guy bought some tobacco and started asking the seller: -Why won't I be an old man? Because you won't live to be old. Why won't the dog bite? - So you will walk with a stick. Why won't a thief get into the house? “Because you will be coughing all night.” Remember: Whoever smokes tobacco is his own enemy. Tobacco is not a friend of the mind. The smoker is his own gravedigger.

9. Drinking alcohol is also a bad habit of the body. It is not for nothing that they say: “If you reach for vodka, life will be short.” Drunkenness leads to 6 evils: poverty, discord, illness, loss of reputation, shame and weakening of mental activity. Alcohol requires itself as a sacrifice not only for adults, but also for their future. For example, in the attic of the barn, where moonshine was secretly made, there were 160 chicken eggs for later incubation. What was the surprise of the owners when only 78 chickens hatched from the eggs. 40 of them soon died, and 25 turned out to be freaks. The embryos were poisoned by vapors of alcohol and essential oils. All this applies to humans as well. In drinking families, 38% of children are underdeveloped and sick. 2 times more often children are born dead. Alcohol shortens life by an average of 17 years.

10. Rules healthy lifestyle life.

11. Happy Health Day!!!



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Slides captions:

The presentation was prepared by the teacher Mirontseva Larisa Nikolaevna 7 APRIL WORLD HEALTH DAY

"The only beauty I know is health" Heinrich Heine

Main health factors:

The most important element of a healthy lifestyle is rational nutrition. Strict observance of the rhythm of food intake. Disaccustom to be saturated with food to the limit. Food should be eaten with attention and pleasure, slowly chew, feel the taste. Subconsciously, the design of dishes and table setting have a beneficial effect on digestion. Eat raw plant foods

High physical activity and sufficient physical activity contribute to the preservation and strengthening of human health.

Hardening is one of the forms of strengthening human health.

Many ways to harden

A significant role in maintaining health is played by the fight against bad habits: smoking and alcohol.

Drinking alcohol is also a bad habit of the body.


World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7, the day the World Health Organization (WHO) was founded in 1948. Since that historical moment, 194 states of the world have become members of the World Health Organization (WHO).

World Health Day The annual celebration of World Health Day has become a tradition since 1950. The events of the Day are held so that people can understand how much health means in their lives.

World Health Day And health organizations are called upon to decide what they need to do to improve the health of people around the world.

World Health Day Every year World Health Day is dedicated to global issues, facing the health of the planet and is held under different slogans: “In the safety of your blood - saving the lives of many”, “Activity is the path to longevity”, “Pregnancy is a special event in life. Let's make it safe" , "Protect health from climate change" .

World Health Day In 2009, the main theme of World Health Day was the safety of health facilities and the readiness of health workers to help people affected by emergency situations.

World Health Day Events around the world have been held to promote safer health care designs and improve emergency preparedness.

World Health Day In 2010, the words "1000 cities - 1000 lives" were chosen as the motto. Actions were taken all over the world to ensure that cities created conditions for wellness events on the streets.

World Health Day Street competitions were held and reported on to promote healthy lifestyles in cities.

World Health Day In 2011, antimicrobial resistance was the theme of the Day events. Medicine is concerned that the resistance (from the English resistance, stability) of bacterial agents infectious diseases to antibiotics becomes one of the main reasons limiting the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.

World Health Day In 2012, the theme of World Health Day was “Aging and Health” and the slogan for the day was “Good Health Adds Life to Years” . The focus is on how good health throughout life can help older people lead full and productive lives and remain useful to their loved ones and society.

World Health Day No matter where we live, aging affects all of us - young and old, men and women, rich and poor. .

World Health Day Hypertension was chosen as the theme for World Health Day 2013. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure, and can also lead to blindness, arrhythmias, and heart failure.

World Health Day About 40% of adults in the world develop hypertension. But hypertension can be prevented and treated.

World Health Day In 2014, World Health Day was dedicated to vector-borne diseases. Transmissible diseases are called infectious diseases, the carriers of which are blood-sucking insects and ticks.

World Health Day These diseases are common, usually in tropical areas. Malaria is considered the most dangerous vector-borne disease. In 2010, the disease claimed 660 thousand human lives. According to medical research, vector-borne diseases account for 17% of all infectious diseases.

World Health Day For 2015, the theme of World Health Day is food safety, which takes the lives of almost two million people every year!

World Health Day 2016 will be dedicated to diabetes According to WHO, 1.5 million people died from diabetes in 2012, if the epidemic continues at this rate, then by 2030 diabetes become the seventh leading cause of death.

World Health Day As a rule, the disease is most common in countries with low and middle income levels.

World Health Day In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) decided to make helping people with depression the theme of World Health Day. It will be held under the slogan "Let's talk". According to the WHO, depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy $1 trillion annually.

World Health Day Depression affects people of all ages, from all walks of life, in all countries. It causes mental anguish and affects people's ability to perform daily tasks. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide, which is the second leading cause of death for people aged 15-29, according to the WHO. “Beginning October 10, 2016, the overall goal of World Mental Health Day is that all people suffering from depression in all countries can seek and receive help. More specifically, we want to educate the general public about depression, its causes and possible consequences, including suicide, and the types of help available to prevent and treat depression. We want people with depression not to be afraid to seek help, so that their family members, friends and colleagues can support them,” the WHO website says.

The theme of Health Days since 1996 2017 is "Depression: let's talk!" 2016 "Defeat Diabetes!" 2015 Security food products» 2014 “A small bite, a big danger” 2013 “High blood pressure” 2012 “Good health adds years to life” 2011 “Antimicrobial resistance and its global spread” 2010 “Urbanization and health” 2009 “ Let's save lives. Keeping Hospitals Safe in Emergencies 2008 Protecting Health from Climate Change 2007 Health Security International 2006 Working for Health We Share 2005 Leaving No Mother Left Behind child" 2004 "Road Safety" 2003 "Shaping the Future" 2002 "Movement is Health" 2001 "Mental Health: Refuse Isolation, Help" 2000 "Safe Blood Starts with Me" 1999 "Active Longevity" Changes Lives 1998 Safe Motherhood 1997 New Infectious Diseases 1996 Healthy Cities for a Better Life

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Victory Day is a holiday of the whole country. The brass band plays marches. Victory Day is a celebration of the gray hair of Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and those who are younger ... Even those who have not seen the war - But everyone was hurt by its wing - We congratulate you on Victory Day!

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I'll sit on my grandfather's knees, whisper softly: - Tell me, dear grandfather, and I'll keep quiet! I will listen to everything you want to tell me, And I will not spin and interrupt! I want to hear about the war, how you fought, How you saved the banner in such a distant battle!

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The noisy anxieties of Thickness of years are far away... Your first roads Begin with the war.

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Victory Day is a celebration of the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Celebrated May 9th. Non-working day in Russia, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan…

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Victory Day is a joyful and sad holiday at the same time! Until now, there is no family in our country that has not been touched by a terrible, cruel war. Someone's great-grandfathers, someone's grandparents, someone's parents gave their lives, their health, their strength, for us, for the future, for the Victory!!! Therefore, on this important day for the country, all Russians remember and pay tribute to those who did not return from the war and those who, subsequently, established, built, planned, spent a lot of effort and energy to restore cities and production and save the whole country from hunger and destruction.

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During the operation, tanks were widely used in the city. In such conditions, they could not use a wide maneuver and became a convenient target for German anti-tank weapons. This also led to high losses: in two weeks of fighting, the Red Army lost a third of the tanks and self-propelled guns participating in the Berlin operation, which amounted to 1997 units.

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War always breaks out suddenly, although a generation later it will seem inevitable to historians. In 1941, the most terrible, the closest, the most expensive - the Great Patriotic War began. They say that without huge losses the Nazis could not be stopped ...

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It seemed that the flowers were cold, and they faded slightly from the dew. German binoculars searched the dawn, which was walking through the grasses and bushes.

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All people in 1945 fought against the Nazis, both men and women, old and young. Someone fought at the Front, someone saved the wounded, and someone defended the rear, our great-grandmothers, grandmothers and mothers built tanks, planes, cars, plowed, sowed, harvested crops, fed the country, raised children, in a word, protected their Fatherland, their people!

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The second most important symbol of the army after the banner is the identification mark of the armed forces of the state. This is the most concise and common symbol of the army. For the defenders of our Motherland in the Great Patriotic war such a sign was a star. In continuation of the conversation about the symbols of war - a story about the semantics of this sign and the history of its transformation into a symbol of our army

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For the defenders of our Motherland in the Great Patriotic War, such signs were a star. For the Nazis - the swastika (cross). The use of stars and crosses in the marking of paraphernalia has an ancient heraldic and sacred tradition. First, let's turn to the star and the history of its appearance in Russian military symbols.

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St. Petersburg is the only one of the major European cities where, after the two world wars, not only recognized masterpieces of architecture survived, but also unique historical ordinary buildings. The Neva was the main thoroughfare of the city, which was built as an imperial capital. The width of the river and the flat landscape dictated rules to the architects that remained inviolable for almost three centuries. Petersburg was called "the perfect embodiment of the European idea of ​​a regular city."

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Born in 1917, in Voznesensk since 1920. Yakov Vasilievich - a front-line soldier, went through the entire Great Patriotic War from Voronezh to Berlin. In January 1944, near the Kirovka station (near Znamenka), he was seriously wounded, ended up in a hospital near the city of Kirov.

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In 1956, I returned to Voznesensk again, began working as the chief engineer of public utilities. After that, in April 1959, I was approved as the head of the technical bureau of the Voznesensky district, where I worked for 30 years in one place.

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