Household services as a business. Provision of household services. We are looking for regular customers

  • 28.09.2020

The Domashniy Master company is engaged in providing repair services for residents of Moscow. We are constantly expanding our experience and improving the quality of service. We value our reputation and value our clients very highly, and we also believe that only an individual approach and quality of service bring mutually fruitful results.

Our company employs qualified specialists - electricians, plumbers, carpenters, universal craftsmen. All employees are carefully selected. To work in our company, the master must not only have professional skills, but also be respectable and responsible, be polite and good-natured in any situation. Our specialists use high-quality parts and materials in their work.

You can contact us for advice on any issues. Our experts will help you choose any consumables or equipment, if there is a need to purchase them, this will help save your time and resources.

We have accumulated vast experience, and we know our business! We discuss all the nuances of the upcoming work with the client in advance in order to correctly assess the entire cost of the upcoming work. It will not come as a surprise to you, the news of additional works or costs in the course of our work.

We love what we do and work for you!

1. Manufacture of semi-finished products, assemblies, parts by order of firms, clothing accessories, badges, etc.

2. Knitting socks, gloves, clothes.

3. Tailoring.

4. Making hats.

5. Making shoes.

6. Lacework.

7. Embroidery.

8. Manufacture of products "objects of folk art."

9. Baking bakery products.

10. Production of flour, vegetable oil, pasta, sausages, soft and alcoholic drinks, mayonnaise.

11. Preparation and sale of pies, pancakes, barbecue, grilled chicken, shawarma, etc. on the spot.

12. Collection of old household appliances, repair and sale to people with low incomes.

13. Minor repairs of streets and roads.

14. Construction work.

15. Construction of playgrounds, yard complexes.

16. Production of piece furniture.

17. Blacksmithing.

18. Artwork.

19. Architectural and building design.

20. Design work.

21. Breeding purebred cats and dogs.

22. Dressing of animal skins.

23. Manufacture of stuffed animals and birds.

24. Collection of forest gifts - nuts, berries, cones, mushrooms.

Services to the population.

25. Washing sinks, bathtubs.

26. Cleaning clothes.

27. Shoe repair.

28. Repair of plumbing, electrical equipment, gas equipment.

29. Apartment renovation.

30. Cleaning of entrances, corridors, elevators.

31. Cleaning the area around the house.

32. Delivery of medicines to the population.

33. Collection of junk for recycling.

34. Hairdressing services.

35. Cleaning of premises and territory after repair or construction.

36. funeral services(funerals, wreaths, ribbons, orchestra, tombstones, fences, care of graves).

37. Sharpening of cutting tools (knives, saws, drills, manicure tools, scissors).

38. Production of keys, repair of household hardware.

39. Finding performers household services(assistance to the population) with the help of its own database (transportation of things, a housekeeper, a nanny, piano tuning, apartment renovation, etc.).

40. Furniture repair.

41. Photographing, developing photographic films and printing photographs.

42. Photocopying.

43. Production of audio and video recordings.

44. Installation of television antennas.

45. Installation of automatic washing machines and dishwashers.

46. ​​Broker for the selection of options for renting, buying, exchanging non-residential and residential space.

47. Activity of pawnshops.

48. Services for the protection of motor vehicles.

49. Repair of motor vehicles.

50. Repair of boats, boats.

51. Repair of sports equipment.

54. Rental (household appliances, tools, children's bicycles, toys).

55. Rental of audio and video cassettes.

56. Private paid library.

57. Rental of household appliances, items for tourism, tools, inventory, etc.

58. Renting out housing, a garage, a barn, a basement, a plot of land, a garden, a kitchen garden, a car.

59. Medical care.

60. Dental care.

61. Veterinary services.

Services in large shopping centers and shops under an agreement with them.

62. Expert advice.

63. Packaging of goods.

64. Delivery of bulky goods to customers.

65. Cutting fabrics and hemming curtains purchased at the store.

66. Minor alteration, purchased in a clothing store.

67. Stretching shoes and hats.

68. Performance of engraving works.

69. Installation at the buyer's home of technically complex goods purchased in the store.

70. Storage of things of buyers.

71. Storage of prams.

72. Organization of rest places for buyers.

73. Organization of children's leisure.

74. Organization of the cafeteria.

75. Providing information about the availability of goods for sale.

76. Order a taxi, etc.

77. Acceptance of orders for the repair and maintenance of technically complex goods.

Leisure organization.

78. Organization of recreation for the population: excursions, attractions, boating, boats, horseback riding, etc.

79. Outside photo-film services: public places, kindergartens, schools, family celebrations, company events, etc.

81. Dating service.

82. Guides, instructors, guides in cities, in the countryside, in fishing and hunting grounds, in the mountains, etc.

83. Organization of the show, production and director's work.

Educational services.

85. Tutoring.

87. Private courses, schools.

88. Preparation of abstracts, term papers, dissertations.

89. Learning to dance.

90. Teaching good manners, business protocol.

91. Training service and hunting dogs.

92. Dressage of horses.

93. Training of children's groups.

94. Yard coach for children's teams: football, volleyball, hockey, athletics, etc.

95. Organization of aerobics classes, etc.

96. Training of athletes.

97. Learning to swim.

98. Personal training in the craft.

Services to enterprises.

99. Washing windows.

100. Territory care: green spaces, fountains, gazebos, etc.

101. Laundry and dry cleaning of overalls, curtains, tablecloths, carpets, etc.

103. Bicycle, motorcycle courier service for the delivery of correspondence, parcels, small cargo within the city, district.

104. Broker for the selection of options for renting, buying, exchanging non-residential and residential space.

106. Secretary, referent at home.

107. Information desks on specific topics providing information by telephone or via the Internet.

108. Announcement bureaus providing services for placing announcements in thematic publications, on the Internet, in public places.

109. Preparation of books of a technical profile: operation manuals, repair instructions, practical aids, etc.

110. Mashburo, computer typing, scanning.

111. Printing documents on printers.

112. Photocopying.

113. Bookbinding.

114. Thematic clippings from newspapers on the orders of clients.

116. Repair of wheeled and tracked vehicles.

117. Repair of production equipment.

118. Cleaning pipes and chimneys industrial enterprises and residential buildings.

119. Audit activity.

120. Procurement and processing of secondary raw materials.

121. Warehouse operations in ports and stations.

122. Water well drilling activities.

123. Activities for the disposal of production and consumption waste.

124. Description, conservation, restoration of archival documents.

125. Activities for the repair and restoration of cultural heritage sites.

126. Activities for the restoration of museum objects.

127. Repair of cash registers.

128. Operation of gas stations.

129. Carrying out disinfection, disinsection and deratization works.

130. Real estate activity.

131. Publishing activity.

132. Printing activity.

Transport and related servants.

133. Transportation and transport-operational activities.

134. Transportation of passengers and goods by water transport.

135. Activities for the implementation of freight operations.

136. Freight forwarding services.

137. Servicing passengers in the territories and waters of seaports and roadsteads.

138. Transshipment activities in water transport.

139. Forwarding activities in water transport.

140. Agency activity in water transport.

141. Pilotage of ships on water transport.

142. Loading and unloading activities in railway transport, in sea and river ports.

Small wholesale and retail trade.

144. Traveling trade.

145. Peddle trade (peddlers, traveling salesmen).

146. Street trade.

147. Small trade by mail.

148. Commercial intermediary or agent.

149. Sale of newspapers and magazines.

150. Sale of flowers, maintenance of pharmacy stalls, etc.

The first company - a competitor to the employees of housing offices "Husband for an hour" appeared in Perm in 2003. Since then, the successful name has become a household name, and clones of the Perm enterprise quickly multiplied. In large cities, there are hundreds of companies offering minor repairs, in Moscow the bill goes to thousands.

Minor home repairs are one of the most requested services, according to The master earns an average of 3,000 to 6,000 rubles a day ( average check for one order is 1,500 rubles). The intermediary company that collects and transfers orders to the contractor receives a commission, usually in the amount of 10%. Several aggregators are developing on the Internet that accumulate offers, for example:,,,, It is believed that two-thirds of Muscovites are looking for minor repairs on the Internet, the market volume is estimated by the YouDo service at almost 50 million rubles.

The market entry threshold is relatively low - 15,000–50,000 rubles. You can work alone. There are two ways of development: the first is to pick up a drill yourself, create a presentation website, register on aggregators and wait for an order, the second is to conclude contracts with different craftsmen and collect clients for them. In this case, you can earn on commission and on renting equipment. In the first case, the profitability is quite high, it can reach 50%, since you only have to spend money on services mobile communications, petrol and promotion. In the second case, you will have to maintain a call center, invest more money in promotion and spend effort and money to maintain a stable quality of services. The profitability of such a business is 15–25%.


At first, you can do without a room. Calls can be made to mobile phone, tools - stored in the garage. It makes sense to rent an office when the number of masters exceeds 20 people and you receive hundreds of orders a day. Firstly, you will need to hire at least two operators on the phone (or outsource the functions of the call center), and secondly, to equip a warehouse for dimensional tools. For these purposes, you can use any premises converted into an office - as long as it meets SES requirements(availability of a toilet, sanitization, etc.) and fire inspection.

The documents

The legislation imposes a number of requirements on enterprises providing personal services to the population. Firstly, the consumer should be able to get acquainted with information about the cost of services, their quality, standards, warranty periods and other parameters specified in the government decree on the rules for the provision of personal services. Secondly, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement with each client, therefore, a single standard form must be agreed with a lawyer in advance. The legislation does not require cash machine, but insists on having a receipt in two copies, signed by the contractor and the client.

Relations with masters can be regulated in two ways - hire them on a permanent basis or enter into contracts with individual entrepreneurs. In the second case, they will pay taxes for themselves.

Repair of buildings and residential premises, as well as some other services to the population, are subject to UTII (single tax on imputed income). It should be noted that orders from individuals usually make up half of the flow of service and household services, the rest come from commercial organizations, and it is the corporate sector that brings 60-80% of earnings. Meanwhile, services provided to organizations are not subject to UTII.

Other expenses


Typically, companies start with three craftsmen: a plumber, an electrician, and a handyman who can do carpentry and lay tiles. You can find them among your friends, you can refer to ads on the Internet at specialized forums, you can search for them in the old fashioned way in the newspaper "Iz Hand to Hand". The average market rate for a master in the state is 60,000–80,000 rubles, plus allowances and bonuses. Masters should be immediately familiarized with the system of bonuses and penalties. The competitive element helps to control employees. In addition, the call center should call back customers and check whether they are satisfied with the work of the master. Call center employees receive 30,000–40,000 rubles each.

Option No. 186725

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. Units of measurement are not required. The answers to tasks 1-20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers without spaces, commas, or other extra characters. By completing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, choose only one of the proposed statements (29.1-29.5).

If the option is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the short answer assignments and will be able to grade the uploaded answers to the long answer assignments. The points given by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics.

Currently, a service business is considered to be such a type. entrepreneurial activity, which does not require significant initial investment. To get started, it is enough to use your home PC and mobile phone (preferably with two SIM cards). If we evaluate the business in relation to these insignificant costs, then mathematically we obtain a significant profitability. With all this, mind you, you do not need to rent an office, pay for advertising.

The main mission of such a business is to effectively bring the seller with the buyer, the customer with a specialist who performs repair, construction, plumbing, etc. work that is in demand in everyday life. Thus, the basis of its creation are professional services to the population provided by specialists. The accumulated percentage of the intermediary is the income in such a business.

However, on the other hand, if we take into account absolute figures, i.e., count in rubles, then the start of such an entrepreneurship is not associated with high revenue, it grows gradually, not as fast as in the investment business.

It is based on a business idea, the relevance of which is proved by the entrepreneur if his work gives a result: the business sprout planted by him is gaining strength and becomes a dynamic entrepreneurship that has its own market and creates jobs.

Top 10 ideas

Which service business should an entrepreneur choose? The question is clearly rhetorical, since it does not imply a universal answer. Around us, there is an invisibly market of demanded household services, where you can and should earn money.

How to define it? Take a look at the ads - offers of personal services. Among the most demanded are the following: repair and installation of plumbing, electrician services, tutoring, Courier services, professional cleaning of premises, tailoring, gardening services, babysitting services, pet care, window and door installation.

What should a future entrepreneur do with this list next? You should choose only one, but quite often demanded service, and concentrate on it as much as possible. The market for this service will become your service area, on the basis of which you will have to create your own business. In it you have to become a professional.

How to grow an electrical business

Here is one of the thousands of possible examples. In a city, for example, there is a consistently high demand for the services of private electricians. However, many of them, in addition to successful days, have periods of downtime when their professional skills remain unclaimed. It is under such circumstances, when information from customers does not reach the performers, that business on services shows its potential.

The business idea is universal: first you form a database of specialists, and then you carry out an operational search and provide them with orders.

In order for a pure intermediary to become successful, he must become a recognized dock in the study of demand, find customers an order of magnitude more efficient than the specialist himself can do. This is the know-how of the service business.

Service entrepreneurship as information service

As mentioned above, it seems possible to make money on the services of specialists if they are of high quality. information support. To do this, at this stage, a gentleman's agreement is concluded with them to transfer the percentage of the intermediary. At the same time, you must evaluate the qualifications of specialists, as well as stipulate the terms of cooperation. Each of them should:

  • individually determine the percentage of profit that they agree to pay you (preferably 30%, but 20% can be a start);
  • draw up a range of services and prices;
  • discuss ways to communicate.

At the first stage (we will describe it later), after publishing several advertisements in the press, you yourself receive customer orders on your mobile phone and transfer them to professionals. It is recommended for the same purpose to periodically post ads such as "electrician services" in the city.

Professional Tariffs - The Entrepreneur's Handbook

Cooperating with specialists (in our case, with electricians), the entrepreneur sets average market rates for services. With the help of such a price mechanism, one of the levels of organization of the future business is built: tariffs for servicing the population.

Here is a working example of such tariffication:

  1. Chasing in concrete for electrical wiring - 300 rubles / m.p.
  2. Chasing in brick for electrical wiring - 250 rubles / m.p.
  3. Installation of a cable with a cross section of up to 3.0 mm 2 - 50 rubles / m.p.
  4. Installation of a cable with a cross section of 3.0–10.0 mm 2 - 100 rubles / r.m.
  5. Installation of the box - 100 rubles / m.p.
  6. Setting the corrugation - 50 rubles / m.p.
  7. Outdoor el. point - 230 rubles.
  8. Internal email point in concrete - 600 rubles.
  9. Internal email point in a brick - 500 rubles.
  10. Replacing a socket, switch - 350 rubles.
  11. Installation of a chandelier - from 500 rubles.
  12. Installation of household electrical appliances - from 500 rubles.
  13. Installation (assembly) el. shield - from 3500 rubles.
  14. Change of circuit breaker - from 350 rubles.
  15. Installing the counter - from 760 rubles.

It is advisable, when talking with a client, to clarify the approximate cost of the order and, transferring it to an electrician for execution, indicate the customer’s contact phone number, a list of works to be performed and a list of Supplies to purchase.

Stages of business development

Considered by us business activity has two clearly defined stages of development: amateur and professional. The first should be taken as a test of the maturity of the future business. The criterion is the profit made up of the subscription fee.

At the amateur stage, you register completed orders in a convenient universal program, such as Excel. There should be enough orders to provide specialists with a full working day. The best - give more profitable tasks.

If suddenly extra orders drop out, i.e., which your electricians cannot physically serve, try rescheduling them for another day. If this is not possible, look for outside electricians in the directory yourself, offer them a job, and at the same time recruit specialists under your flag.