Perspective directions of small business. New lines of business in Russia. Overview of the most promising areas of small business Ranking of the most promising commercial activities of small businesses

  • 10.08.2023

“Mobile payments”

You yourself have noticed how fast the number of smartphone users is growing. Experts believe that this market will continue to develop. In this regard, the prospects of mobile payments are clearly manifested. The largest banks, Internet companies, new payment systems that work with electronic currencies offer a lot of new services. This is just the beginning, mobile payment market players are announcing the emergence of new opportunities. The market is very promising, because in the total mass of payments, mobile accounts for an insignificant percentage. Consumers have appreciated the convenience of these services and are looking forward to new opportunities.

"Internet of Things"

The first connection of an electrical device to the Internet occurred in 1990. Now technology allows you to connect TVs, watches, electric lamps to the Internet. In Singapore, drivers use special radio keys to automatically pay tolls on the road. Developers predict the emergence of new opportunities - for example, a refrigerator that itself orders the missing products, vehicles that remind you of the need for preventive maintenance or refueling. Experts believe that in the future these technologies will become part of human life.

Every day, network users throw in a huge amount of information. The developers offer an interesting approach to using our social media communication, data about preferences, habits and everyday worries. Fixing, analyzing and archiving this information can greatly facilitate our lives and improve service in the service sector. In 2014, the insurance company Intouch offered to install special mobile applications that analyze the driving style of a motorist. For careful driving, users are offered discounts on insurance up to 20%. Big Data has prospects in many industries, because it is possible to form offers of services and goods for the constant needs of the consumer, simply by analyzing the circle of his interests and frequent purchases.

This system of acquiring knowledge will soon replace traditional educational institutions. Already, the most advanced universities offer entire courses that can be taken on the Internet for free. The savings in resources and the social impact of this approach to providing knowledge is enormous. It is enough for a person to have access to the network, and he can get any knowledge that was previously available only to a small part of children from wealthy families. Some universities offer students of these courses to take tests and issue official documents confirming the acquisition of knowledge.

“Online shopping and grocery delivery”

In developed countries, this direction is developing very quickly and is pushing traditional shopping trips out of the market. The ability to order products through a special service on the Internet and receive them through home delivery saves a lot of time. Retail chains are also happy to develop this area, because it allows you to reduce queues at the cash desks and significantly reduce the cost of organizing work.

“Portable Gadgets”

Sports bracelets are widely used, which count the number of steps and distance during sports walking and running, monitor the pulse and other medical indicators. In the near future, developers predict the emergence of new smart gadgets - multifunctional watches, glasses, rings and bracelets. The only problem that stands on the mass distribution of modern technologies in this area is the too high cost of new products. While they are available to the most affluent consumers. But manufacturers are actively working to reduce the cost of smart gadgets, because they can be used in almost all areas.

“3D printing”

About houses built using a 3D printer, only the lazy did not hear or read in the news. These technologies are actively used in Asia, but are gradually entering the European market. With the help of 3D printing, it will be possible to produce almost any non-food products. Already now we can say that this method of production has revolutionized and incredibly expanded the possibilities. Soon there will be dramatic changes in the labor market and in many industries. This technology allows not only to save on the cost of goods, but also to produce things that traditional methods did not even try to put into production.


Surely you have already seen presentation videos with new developments of scientists. In all seriousness, the introduction of drones for the delivery of purchases is being discussed, cars appear that are controlled by an automated system and do not require active actions from the driver. Ideas from books in which a nanny robot takes care of babies, or a gardener robot takes care of the lawn near the house, no longer seem fantastic and quietly enter our everyday life. It is noteworthy that in the modern world, large capital is not needed to create a progressive robot - interesting start-ups appear every day that can not only greatly facilitate the life or work of people, but also revolutionize the perception of robotics.


The sharp development and great prospects of this direction are noticeable even in everyday life. Devices that 5 years ago worked only after being connected to the power grid are now equipped with batteries. With the development of alternative energy sources, this area has become even more interesting, and promises great prospects for those who can quickly rebuild and start working with new technologies. The issue of saving resources and creating new types of batteries that provide recharging without being tied to traditional energy sources is today recognized as one of the most relevant.

“Commercial real estate in the regions”

Modern offices and shopping centers are a common thing for megacities, but literally 100 km from big cities it is impossible to find decent premises from the category of commercial real estate. The demand for this type of real estate in the regions is very high, the prospects are also increased due to the relatively low cost of land plots. Experts say that interest in this area is quite high, especially in medium-sized cities with developing industry.

“Smart Materials”

This direction covers a lot of areas of the economy. Scientists are actively working on the creation of super-strong, environmentally friendly and durable fabrics, building and industrial materials. Many people know how high expectations are for nano-particles that can revolutionize not only the economic, but also the medical field.

“Components for cars”

Demand for cars is growing relentlessly, and forecasts show that this trend will continue in the coming decades. Manufacturers are constantly working on improving old models, creating new ones. If only very large companies can be engaged in the complete assembly of a car, then the production of various components is within the power of small enterprises. International corporations are happy to enter into contracts with contractors around the world, because this can significantly reduce the cost of cars.


With the development of technology and new discoveries of scientists, medicine is getting more and more opportunities to cure diseases that were previously considered hopeless. At this stage, there is a clear tendency to change the basic approaches to the organization of health care. Those who can adopt innovative approaches have great prospects.


Environmental scientists are literally screaming that humanity is drowning and suffocating due to an excess of waste and an irresponsible attitude to their disposal. The advent of new technologies for recycling waste into new goods or energy sources has given the planet hope. In the coming decades, a sharp surge in activity in this direction is expected. New enterprises specializing in the disposal and recycling of waste receive support from governments, non-profit and public organizations, because their activities are extremely important for all mankind.

“Private Alternative Energy”

An example is the appearance of solar panels in private households. As a rule, they provide for the needs of the family in full, the excess can be sold at affordable rates to neighbors. In many countries, residents of cities and streets form associations and provide themselves with cheap energy. This trend will develop, because people really need it.


The development of technology is bringing man closer to space. There is serious talk about space tourism, the possibility of creating settlements on other planets, flights to other galaxies. The prospects of this direction are extremely high, because the resource of our planet is not eternal. The super profits of companies working in this direction also confirm this.

“Elderly Care”

The increase in the number of older people is a global trend. Modern medicine is making progress in curing many diseases and saving lives, but has not yet found a recipe for prolonging youth. The services of services providing assistance to the elderly in solving various household issues, providing care for the sick, are in increasing demand, and this trend will continue.


The advantages of this way of starting a business are so obvious that every year more and more businessmen prefer this option. For large companies, this way of development is also more profitable. Experts say that the franchising market will grow. This will lead to an increase in the level of service, a decrease in the number of bankruptcies and unemployment. Franchise offers are created not only by large companies. This method of development is also chosen by beginners who have achieved some success and tested their business model in practice. Often franchises are offered by companies that specialize in the introduction of modern technologies, mobile applications and other progressive areas.


Scientists argue that the role of agriculture will grow, because the population of the planet is increasing. There are already very reasonable concerns about looming food shortages and the need to support more efficient farming practices. At the same time, active work is underway to develop environmentally friendly technologies. Those who manage to fill this niche will soon be in a big win. New discoveries make it possible to grow plants without soil, in an aquatic environment. Scientists are looking for new ways to replace dangerous pesticides with safer pest control products. There are many innovative and effective approaches to farming, it is only important to implement them and earn money by reducing the cost of food.

“Geological Exploration”

The issue of natural resources is very acute. Fortunately, the bowels of the planet have not yet been fully studied, and every day there are reports of the discovery of a new field of oil, gas and other minerals. There is a real war for natural resources in the world, and those who are involved in the search and development of new deposits receive great prospects for the future. But that's not all. Mankind faces the issue of rational use of resources and the search for new ways to extract them from the bowels. The main task is to preserve nature as much as possible and not to destroy forests, the top fertile soil layer.

Small business plays an important role in the development of the economy of our country. Expanding the boundaries of entrepreneurial activity has a beneficial effect on the economic market and brings it to a new, higher level. In this article, we will identify the most promising areas of small business in 2018, which are characterized by active development, stability and efficiency.

Village Tours

Considering promising types of business in 2018, I would like to pay special attention to tourism. Since many people cannot afford to travel abroad during the crisis, the citizens of our country began to give preference to outdoor recreation, in the countryside. This trend opens up new opportunities for entrepreneurs. Organization of village tours is one of the most promising and profitable business ideas in 2018.

This type of tourism appeared in our country relatively recently. He came to us from European countries, where people, tired of city hustle and bustle, move to the countryside for a certain time to enjoy communion with nature. This type of business involves not only renting housing and three meals a day. If you want to do such a thing, you need to carefully consider a recreation program consisting of various entertainments - hunting, a disco in a village club, fishing and more. In addition, living conditions should be comfortable, be sure to take care of it.

Financial Literacy Courses

During a crisis, prices begin to rise rapidly, while wages remain at the same level. In this regard, people need to improve their financial literacy, as many questions arise about investing, insurance, bank deposits, etc. To properly manage money, certain knowledge is needed. They can be obtained for a small fee in financial literacy courses.

The organization of such courses is a fairly promising business in Russia in 2018. Another profitable option is teaching children financial literacy. According to experts, a person should be able to manage money from an early age, so this service will be very popular. Lessons can be done in groups or individually. Involve employees from various financial institutions as teachers. It's a great way, from scratch.

Mobile car wash

This profitable business in 2018 is based on people's desire for cleanliness and saving free time. It takes several hours to wash a car, and most of them have to spend on the road and waiting. Many customers want to speed up this process, so they are happy to use the services of an exit car wash. The order can be placed by phone or through a special mobile application. If you are looking, pay special attention to the mobile car wash.

Many such projects have already been implemented in our country, but despite this, demand exceeds supply, so novice businessmen will be able to freely occupy their niche in this market. The most important thing is the development of mobile applications with which you can order a car wash in any area of ​​the city.

Through such devices, you can pay for any service. Installing payment terminals is a successful start for small businesses in Russia in 2018. To do this, you need to purchase several machines, rent an area for their installation and register an individual entrepreneur. Everything is very simple. If you choose a good place to install a payment terminal, it will bring 500-600 dollars of net profit per month.


Many aspiring entrepreneurs ask the question, ? Of course, the crisis is not the best time to start your own business. But after all, there are such areas of activity that continue to work and make a profit in any economic conditions. You have probably heard of such a service as catering? This is one of the new ones on which you can earn good money.

The essence of catering is the delivery of hot food to offices and other organizations. This service is enjoyed by people who care about their health and therefore refuse to eat in fast foods. A catering company acts as an intermediary between catering establishments and customers. For such a business to bring good profit, you need to offer a wide range of dishes and provide a high level of service. If things go well, over time, you can hire your own chefs to prepare meals, as well as couriers to deliver meals to offices. Another promising area of ​​catering is holding banquets, corporate parties and other festive events in nature. This is a great option for those who can't decide which business to start in 2018.

Thermal printing on fabric

Do you want to open a profitable business during the crisis in 2018? Try offering thermal printing services on fabric. Success in this business largely depends on your chosen marketing policy. To promote such a business, you need to invest heavily in advertising at the start. In addition, you can open your own online store. This will allow you to attract customers online.

To apply applications, you will need a printer, as well as consumables - thermal film and thermal paper. It is advisable at first to take individual orders for thermal printing in order to reduce the cost of work. It is not worth saving on the purchase of equipment for thermal printing. In order for the applications to be of high quality, you need to purchase a professional printer designed for mass circulation. In this type of business, large-scale orders are extremely rare, so try to offer exclusive images to attract as many customers as possible to your service. Remember that the most profitable business in 2018 is not so easy to open. Start small and gradually grow your business. If you take responsibility for your business, it will flourish.

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aerial videography

One of the best business ideas in the crisis of 2018 in Russia, based on modern technologies, is aerial video filming of various events and ground objects. All you need to implement such a project is a remotely controlled drone and a video camera.

The multicopter must meet the following requirements:

  • Long working time;
  • Rise to the required height and removal to the desired distance from the remote control;
  • High wind resistance;
  • Certain load capacity.

Aerial photography services are often used by industrial enterprises and construction companies. In addition, it is actively used in advertising and design. The most popular activity is shooting various sports, corporate and other festive events. This service can be added to an existing photo studio or offered separately. This option is perfect for those who are interested, from scratch, because apart from buying a multicopter and a video camera, such a business will not require other serious cash injections from you.

Social projects

Since the state supports small and medium-sized businesses in 2018, it became possible to start implementing social projects. Their main advantages include the absence of the need for any special knowledge, as well as minimal financial investments. For example, the Internet Initiatives Development Fund allocates 800 thousand rubles to companies that provide a clear promising project. In addition, they can receive another 600 thousand rubles in the acceleration form. Of course, this money is not given free of charge. In return, the fund will take 7% of the company's shares.

The country's government also provides comprehensive support in the implementation of social projects. It allows novice entrepreneurs to significantly save money on renting production and office space, taxation and other expenses. If you cannot decide which business is better to do in 2018, pay attention to social projects. This is a fairly promising area of ​​activity, which opens up wide horizons for novice businessmen.

Home business

Many citizens of our country who are looking for additional sources of income often ask a question without leaving their homes without investments. According to experts, people who have some kind of hobby adapt much faster to difficult economic conditions. A person who has his own hobby will always find how to make money on it.

We offer you a few ideas that you can easily implement at home:

  • Homemade baking;
  • Handmade cosmetics;

Despite the crisis in the economy, small and medium-sized businesses have every prospect for further development. Roman Kharlanov, a politician and Deputy Head of the Trade Department of the Moscow Region, talks about the most profitable areas for investment.

1. Computer gaming industry

Computer entertainment is the area that continues to be at the top of the list of the most successful investments. There is great potential in both gaming applications and related technologies, in particular, the development of appropriate software. The industry, and any investment in it, can be profitable.

Trade in equipment is also profitable: games are becoming more resource-intensive, so more powerful computers are required every day. There is a growing demand for non-standard equipment: not unified, but assembled individually, taking into account the wishes of the buyer.

This approach expands the field of activity for manufacturing companies and component suppliers and provides a good opportunity for importers to earn.

2. Virtual reality

Another direction that is gaining momentum, and in the next couple of years it will definitely “shoot”, is virtual reality. Well-known brands like Sony (the helmet of their production should go on sale soon) and other brands are also closely involved in it. In development are glasses, simulators and other gadgets that provide an immersive effect. This indicates that the industry will continue to develop, and investments in it will at least quickly return, and at the maximum, they will provide investors with a good income.

3. Food industry

The high rhythm of life dictates its own rules: people try to save both money and time - so golden days are coming for fast food. Eating on the run has potential in a variety of ways. Several successful franchises have recently appeared on the market, including quick-order sushi sets, Asian noodles with takeaway additives. Not to mention the notorious shawarma / shawarma: any newly opened "point" for its sale is commercially successful! Investments in the fast food business are small, and in a crisis this direction always pays off quickly.

Regardless of economic changes, people have never skimped on baby products. We prefer to deprive ourselves, but buy a child quality clothes or a good toy.
So this segment is also successful, but here it is important to take into account the duration of the return on investment.

5. Education

A promising area, which few people pay attention to: secondary specialized and higher education. Nowadays, not everyone can afford a full-fledged full-time education. Therefore, a "niche" appears for organizing correspondence education - branches of institutes in small towns.

Now, even for representatives of working specialties, a college or university degree becomes an advantage when applying for a job, and in some companies, the presence of "certifications" is a mandatory requirement when hiring an employee. So both correspondence education and any professional additional courses that allow you to confirm the competencies of the applicant will be relevant.

6. Security business

Investments in security systems and security companies are profitable - in everything that will allow people to secure property. In crisis and post-crisis times, everyone is focused on protecting property, no one wants to take risks. Therefore, the opportunity to save the good acquired with such difficulty for an adequate amount will be in good demand.

7. Medical care

Taking care of your own health is a priority for many. Medical care is also in demand within walking distance, especially with appointments in the evening and on weekends, and therapists who do not have to wait two weeks. Dental offices are always profitable. Also on the Russian market there are several good franchises for the creation of companies that accept analyzes.

You can also take a franchise to open a pharmacy, but keep in mind that this is a long-term investment and it is important for it to carefully select a niche, correlating location and demand. For example, you can open a pet pharmacy next to a veterinary clinic: this will become a good competitive advantage.

8. Public transport

In any city, there is an acute problem with public transport. Moreover, you need to invest not in taxis, but in minibuses. Particularly needed are fixed-route taxis, plying from small settlements of the region to the nearest metro stations in the capital.

For success in this area, you need to carefully study the legislation, since the laws for Moscow and the region are different. But the return of funds within the next couple of years and income are guaranteed.

9. Housing

A large flow of visitors makes inexpensive hotels such as hostels in demand, but not with multi-bed accommodation (up to 10 people in a room), but similar in price, but with single and double rooms. Hostels for shift workers are also popular.

The second profitable niche in the housing sector is small-sized apartments in the property: "odnushki" and studios of 25-30 square meters. m. Moving closer to Moscow, it is more profitable for people to buy a 1-room apartment near the capital, moreover, it is already ready and renovated, than to make an entry fee for a mortgage on decent housing.

Small-sized apartments are now almost the only thing that sells well. And some companies have taken this into account by starting to build apartment buildings, almost entirely consisting of small apartments.

Summing up, I would like to note that any crisis forces you to save, and entrepreneurs do not have to focus only on new industries. Each investor with available funds can repurchase a ready-made business at a price below the market price, and, having properly disposed of it, secure a profit.

When I talk to successful business people in coaching, I rarely talk about promising business areas. As a rule, my clients are those who have already chosen something and are developing some line of business activity. While providing services to hundreds of such people, I made some observations as to where to direct the steps of the seeking aspiring "business kid" (the term "businessman" has taken root, the term "business woman" has taken root, in my opinion it is logical to call neophytes "businesskids").

Also, information about new directions in business can be useful to an investor who lazily (or zealously) invests in promising areas of small business- from the production of dumplings to real estate. These people are constantly faced with the problem of choice, since there are an infinite number of directions for developing small businesses and investing. And as a result, the businessman still has a rather limited investment portfolio. After all, you give the business attention, time and life. I hope you care what you spend this most important capital of yours on. Let's immediately dot the "i".

Big money on everything

You can earn big money in almost any segment of the business. If you don't believe me, just look around and tell me the line of business of commercial enterprises where there is not a single truly rich person. You won't find. Sometimes, a person who doesn't really understand the situation asks me a question like: "What are the priority business lines to become a millionaire?". I answer honestly which areas of business are the most promising - it's very good to try yourself in oil and gas trading. Profitable areas of business are also operating systems for computers. You can do cellular communication or create a popular social network. And in the form of promising areas for business development, I recommend that you come to grips with banking. Oh, I almost forgot - you can fry hamburgers and produce sweet brown water with bubbles. Do not believe it, but some have risen on this. Are you saying that I'm kidding? Not at all - after all, the richest people on the planet work in these areas. You will say that everything has been divided in these areas for a long time? That's a moot point. But the real answer to the question “What current business areas to take into development?” lies on a completely different plane.

Think about why people are so successful at certain things. main directions business development, but not engaged in others? Here is the question: Why isn't Bill Gates trading in oil?". And Mr. Vyakhirev does not invest in the creation of a popular social network? Why is Putin, with his obvious business talents, getting involved in politics, rather than choosing promising lines of business in Russia? Do you think every businessman would like to be in his place? Wake up, for many it's just a nightmare! The real prize in the game is not money or aspirations that are aimed at your successful business. The real prize is the very ability to keep playing a game that excites you. It is the spirit of the game that is what it is worth starting all this for. Of course, a game in which you constantly lose would be terrible. Nobody would want to play such a game. The very fact of victories - that's what inspires.

Why is Putin, with his obvious business talents, getting involved in politics, rather than choosing promising lines of business in Russia? Do you think every businessman would like to be in his place? Wake up, for many it's just a nightmare!

One of the key data in the philosophy of the game is the freedom of choice in terms of what what will you play. Each of you has games (I mean real games: football, hide and seek, etc.) that you like to play more than others. Someone cuts into computer games. Someone cannot imagine themselves without extreme sports. Others are drawn to intellectual competitions. Take a kid who is a champion in computer martial arts and put him in a real ring against a furious world champion in fighting without rules - he will feel a little uncomfortable. And this champion may not know which button turns on the computer. Here I recommend watching the video section "" on the site

Genuine inclinations

So, the first thing to understand when choosing the direction of business development is in what area you have genuine inclinations, abilities and talents. The best business option for you is to plunge headlong into this area. Perhaps you are reading and thinking: what is it about? I would simply list the main areas of business in which it would be nice to invest right now, we are reading the article for this. Well, please. Here are some promising business lines, starting with traditional. The best line of business has recovered from the crisis and is back on horseback. This is of course real estate. It really depends on your connections and your wallet, what types of it you will do. A profitable business direction lies in the region construction of small forms of real estate- This segment is less corrupt, and highly demanded. From sports grounds and landscaped areas to townhouses and cottage settlements. One of my friends became a millionaire in a year and a half by starting to build two-story houses in the Moscow region. Without a penny of own start-up capital. Businesses related to real estate are also promising, and this is also traditional. New directions in business - engineering systems, design, decoration, furniture, etc. - a large field for activity.

You can say that these areas are not promising areas in business, as they require effort to succeed. Big competition and low profitability. The bad news is that there is no area where you can't go broke if you're an idiot. My friend owns an air conditioning company. This summer in Moscow there was abnormal heat and smoke, people wanted fresh air. My friend's relatively small company generated about a million dollars of net profit per month during the summer. You can say - this is it, the gold mine. But! I know air-conditioning companies that went bankrupt that same summer due to shortages. So what is the point here - in choosing the direction of business activity or in a businessman?

The bad news is that there is no area where you can't go broke if you're an idiot.

Let's talk frankly. Is there a business in Russia now that turns a lot of money, in which bribes and commercial bribery (affectionately called “kickbacks”) do not thrive? If there is, then only in the field of "B to C". That is, when the payer is the end consumer - a private person. I hope, reader, that you are aiming in your soul at an honest business, and not at making money at any cost. Because then why do you need some advice? Profitable business directions, which is actually a criminal activity, but in our country is called the proud word "business", this is "peeling". When the budget money allocated for gas pipelines, the military industry, the construction of stadiums and roads, oil production, etc. is “sawed”. on the "big business" list.

I remember business man joke who sold his soul to the devil for a billion dollars. In response to a businessman's question, "What about me in return?" the devil replied: "Soul." What the businessman thought for a long time, looked incredulously, and then asks again: “No, I understood that ... But what's the catch? I feel that you are throwing me, but on what - I won’t understand ... ". I'm not trying to have soul-saving conversations. I'm just talking about the difference between profitable lines of business and criminal activity. You know, the heroin trade also brings in solid profits. Some people call it business. Do you care what you earn? Are you a supporter of sawing budget money? The flag is in your hands, you are a thief in law. Wait for the next round of the anti-corruption program of the President or Prime Minister. You may also have to lead an opposition-minded group from places not so remote. Or did the Lord God himself give you insurance?

The goal is money

So, if you are determined to play for high stakes, and the goal of “money” justifies any means for you, connect to the budget distribution channels. Make connections. Buy real estate in quiet countries, gold bars for grateful descendants and a good place in the cemetery - just in case. If you want a lot of money honestly, then today pay attention to the segment of private clients. There it is possible with proper turnover and with a properly built legal scheme. I know a man who makes juice in Thailand and sells it in China. Lives on Rublyovka. How much juice can the Chinese drink? How much juice do you need to sell to make you feel rich?

Many people make the mistake of looking at the business only at their side. Today there are a lot of businessmen who are trying to fight Chinese competition. On the contrary, those of my clients who keep production in China feel great. It is only necessary to take into account the traditional quality problems for this country, and maintain their own "technical control department", and not rely on smiling, cunning and enterprising subjects of the Middle Kingdom.

From flourishing legal, ready, actual business ideas were also seen: Internet and IT projects, payment terminals and vending machines, retail trade in various areas, training centers for the general public (for example, English), hotel business (including small hotels), various types of services (medical, SPA , coaching, etc., etc.), the main thing is that the level of service is very high - today there are high requirements for this. Design in its various forms (from web to landscape). The list can be long. But as you can see, all this is a focus on the end user. With due imagination, curiosity, perseverance, showing genuine intention, you can bring out almost any mini business idea that has the potential to priority business areas. You just need to correctly assess both the potential of the business direction and your inclinations. Is it possible to work as a clown and have an income of two billion dollars a year? Can. Look at Guy Laliberte. You can look at Guy and say that clowning is a very promising business. Or you can, looking at a beggar, sad and hungry clown, conclude that being a clown is very unprofitable. That's what it all depends on: are you ready to make the effort and overcome obstacles to make it a prosperous business that causes envy.

. ..are you ready to put in the effort and overcome obstacles to make your business prosperous and enviable.

And a few words about what to look for when choosing or creating a growing line of business that is close to you. In any business there is such a component as service. Even if the business is to trade in essentials, there is such a component as a service. And the most attractive is the business where the idea of ​​the service is worked out:

a) based on customer needs, not fixed ideas;

b) better and more original than competitors, but with minimal impact on cost.

Exactly service for the end consumer and the quality of the product will determine the demand and potential. note to new technologies, which allow to reduce the cost, especially when trading common, non-innovative goods and services. The simplest business is done like this: you find a product that everyone needs anyway, so you don’t have to promote it much, and you apply your genius only in the field of cost reduction. Business is done by the purchasing department, not the sales department!

Where is the problem - there is money

Personally, I went the other way, providing coaching services and teaching people. It so happened that this is the business that I am most interested in doing, even in the most difficult times. For twenty years in business, I went through several modern directions in business and settled on the one that makes me want to give all my best.

When incomes did not please me (during the crisis, this market dipped), I was truly happy the effect that my clients received In the end, I still win. Add to this the fact that I know both my work and management well - and my business is growing year by year, and is already approaching the planned turnover. If you can work two hours a day, so effectively that you have enough money, why don't you find a job where you, with your dedication, want to work 10 hours a day? Just imagine how much benefit you can bring, what effect you can have on this planet! Business is not done on an excess of something you have, but on a lack of it in consumers. On problems that people are aware of. Where there is a problem, there is money.

Business is not done on an excess of something you have, but on a lack of it in consumers.

People may have Problems which they are aware of, but for which they see no solutions or do not know that a solution exists. Show them the solution to their problem - better than any ordinary, banal solution - and you will see queue of thirsty consumers. Decide on your own authentic goals (my team can help you with this), find an unusual, interesting solution in this area, create a white chart. Reduce costs with ingenious solutions. Bring innovation and smart marketing to the field of service and customer service. It's not as difficult as it seems. And you will create a solid foundation for yourself both for financial freedom, business prosperity and happiness.

Vadim Boys,

owner of the Central Training Company

To become a successful entrepreneur, today it is not enough to have money and desire. Although, of course, you can't do without them. But you also need to carefully analyze the market, understand what consumers need now and in the future, and also choose a promising business idea and make a plan. Read on about what is better to do in order to have a good profit in 2017-2020. It will be interesting!

Where to look for promising small business ideas?

The most difficult thing at the first stage is to choose a direction of activity for yourself. Many aspiring entrepreneurs rush from one extreme to another, first opening something of their own without preparation, and then stopping due to a lack of customers, experience and profit. This approach is extremely wrong. You must first find a promising business idea, draw up a plan for its implementation, and only then proceed to implementation. To find the right one, you can:

  1. "Like" the forums and read the statements of other businessmen. This will allow you to avoid many of the mistakes they made.
  2. Visit regional exhibitions. In this case, you can at the same time evaluate the competition and profitability of the business.
  3. Explore the franchise market. It is quite possible that among all the offers you will find something that suits you best. In addition, it is always easier to open under an already promoted brand, there will be quite a lot of customers at once.

Another option is to browse startup directories. With their help, you can compare your product with those already on the market, find out the pricing policy of competitors and calculate the prospects for business development. You can also find some of the ideas below.

All kinds of mobile applications

Today, mobile technologies are conquering the world with great success, but there are still not enough applications for them. Therefore, experts rank their creation as one of the most promising ideas for small businesses. If you manage to plunge into this area with your head right now, you will have a good opportunity to earn a lot of money, since any investment will turn into a good income - up to 300-500 thousand rubles. per month.

As for ideas for creating applications, there are a lot of them: online games, planners, tutorials, electronic notebooks, store directories, data banks of any kind, and much more. The only obstacle that can stand in the way is the inability to work with special software. But there is a way out of this situation: you can hire a good programmer and designer, the costs of their work will pay off. It will also be useful to have a copywriter who can compose really selling texts for the site.

Sale of materials for needlework

In recent years, DIY products have become incredibly popular. People sew, knit, make jewelry and other products to order. For creativity, they need materials: yarn, threads, decoupage products, and so on. You can provide them to them. To do this, it is enough to find a good wholesaler (preferably Russian), buy goods from him cheaper, and sell more expensive.

With this promising business idea, you can set up your store online or offline. All kinds of bulletin boards, the "Fair of Masters" and other third-party web resources can also become platforms for the sale of products. It is better to carry out delivery both in your city and throughout Russia through the same mail or courier service.

There will be buyers anyway. But if there is money, it is better to organize a small advertising campaign to attract them. Interestingly, along with products for creativity, you can sell products made by yourself. The most popular are decoupage items, clothes and shoes for children, paintings, items for decorating the interior.

Training courses

Creating special courses in your own city is perhaps the most promising small business idea with minimal investment. All you need is to rent a room in which you will teach other people something new for them (crocheting, decoupage, creating some kind of carpentry for the home, working with Photoshop, and so on). In this case, you will need 3 things to achieve success: know your business really well, be able to organize the learning process, and have at least minimal teaching skills.

There is another business option that deserves close attention in 2017-2018 - the creation of online training courses. You can promote them in two ways:

  • through YouTube - it is worth creating a video, uploading it to the site, connecting advertising from Google (today it is very popular);
  • through the creation and sale of training courses (this is the so-called infobusiness).

Which way to go is up to you. But the infobusiness is only worth choosing if you really know some tricks and secrets that others don't, and you can attract people. Internet users today are already tired of buying "dummy". This is worth understanding if you want to be successful.

Any work related to websites

Another promising idea for a small business with minimal investment is to create or Since today most companies are moving their business online, this is in great demand. But it is necessary to be able to handle various programs and be on the same wavelength with a computer. If this is not available, you can also lead a group on social networks or write articles to order. Knowledge is not required here, and with good literacy and the ability to express yourself beautifully, you can earn at least a small income. You don't even need to leave your home to do this.

Legal services

This type of service, of course, is only suitable for people with special education. If you have it, that's good. People today need competent specialists who can clearly answer the questions posed. Consultations can be carried out both in real meetings and via the Internet. In addition, it is worth trying to write articles for different sites. Customers are ready to pay real lawyers who can show "crusts" from 250 rubles. for 1000 characters (this is about half an A4 page).

When creating a real office in your city, you can also prepare for the influx of visitors. But in this case, first you need to rent your own office and advertise in newspapers, on bulletin boards (for the same Avito), on the radio. It would be nice to create your own website to post articles that answer the most interesting questions for people. This will bribe customers as well as the first free consultation.

Realtor services

People have always sold, rented and bought houses, but they basically do not want to delve into the essence of things. It is much easier for them to give money to another person so that he can carry out a transaction from start to finish. In addition, in their opinion, this somehow protects against fraud on the part of the seller (or buyer). Therefore, the provision of real estate services is one of the most promising business ideas in 2017. You can open an office for the sale, rent or purchase of housing both in a big city and in a small village.

Finding real estate clients is easy. Statistics show that even villagers moving to a new place of residence turn to specialists for help. What is even better is that no education is required to organize a business. It is enough to be able to work with documents and be responsible. The rest, as they say, will follow.

Funeral home services

Unfortunately, scientists have not yet invented pills for eternal youth and life, and therefore people die and do it every day. All the worries and troubles for their burial are shifted to the backs of relatives, who are already having a hard time due to the loss of a loved one. So much has to be done to organize a decent funeral: order a coffin, negotiate with the morgue and the owners of the cemetery, get the necessary certificates, and much more. They are ready to pay good money so that someone else takes over part of all these worries.

Today, the provision of funeral services can be called another promising business idea. But it won't suit everyone. It is necessary to have strong nerves, strength and obstinacy in order to withstand all the lamentations of the relatives of the deceased person and overtake competitors, of whom there are really many in this area.

Sale of farm products

Another promising business idea is the production of agricultural products: meat, eggs, sour cream, honey, home-made canned food, and so on. People today want to consume organic products, and it is in your power to provide them with this opportunity. To do this, you can open both a small outlet and a website on the Internet. It is worth selling both your own products and someone else's, purchased inexpensively in any village.

It is worth noting that tree seedlings, seedlings that can be placed in your own yard (swings, barbecues, gazebos, greenhouses, and so on), as well as everything that can be used to decorate the house and yard, are well suited for sale. But do not forget that in order to sell agricultural products on an industrial scale, you will need to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Ecotourism as a business

If you live in an ecologically clean area, and even next to a river, forest, or any significant attraction, you can earn money from it. To do this, you must first choose a direction of activity, it can be:

  • accommodation and transportation of tourists who come to look at any monuments of nature or human activity located nearby;
  • organization for everyone to relax in the bosom of nature barbecue, picnics, mushroom picking, hunting or fishing;
  • organizing the stay of people who have come to rest from all the benefits of civilization in the countryside (in this case, it is necessary to have a bathhouse, a tidy toilet, a well with clean water and a separate guest house).

Any of these promising business ideas with minimal investment can bring good profit if everything is properly organized and attract customers with something unique. To promote the business, it is also worth posting ads wherever possible.

Sale of children's goods

As long as children are born, the sale of goods for them will remain a promising business idea in Russia and the world. Developing toys, clothes, children's hygiene products, cribs, strollers, shoes, art supplies - parents always buy all this and much more with great pleasure.

You can set up a business in a variety of ways. For example, open a retail outlet in the market or in a shopping center, or create your own online store, or combine both of these methods. It is also worth considering selling products through bulletin boards or social groups; for start-up entrepreneurs, these methods are most beneficial.

When choosing the sale of children's goods as a promising business idea for a small town, you only have to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, rent a site and create an advertising campaign. In large cities, things are much more complicated. Here it is worth considering how you can stand out from all competitors. For example, it can be the sale of products only of Russian or domestic production, or those that are decorated with images of cartoon characters beloved by children.

It is worth noting that if you are looking for a good business idea for the city, it is profitable, promising and fast enough to open a thrift store in it. You can take for sale not only clothes, but also various devices necessary for a small child: walkers, cribs, large toys, and so on. That is, everything that in a new form, some parents can not afford.

Sale of used building materials

This is a fairly new small business idea for the city. It is profitable, promising and good to engage in its implementation in life if you know where to get these same used building materials or a person who can provide them to you. Other entrepreneurs who decide to make money on this business do this: they look at ads on the Internet for the sale of an old, useless house at an inexpensive price, go there with their team, break everything, bring it to the city and sell it.

The profitability of this business depends on how much you pay for the import of material and for what money you can sell it. As a rule, the final cost does not exceed 70% of the original price. For example, you bought a brick house, dismantled it and began to take it out. For 1 pack of bricks, the work of loaders and transportation, you paid 500-550 rubles. You can sell it for 1100-1200 rubles, total net profit - 600-700 rubles. These figures may be different for you, so before starting a business, you need to carefully calculate everything.

Hostels and mini-hotels

In the tourist town, you can open a small and inexpensive hostel for travelers. Engaging in this small business idea is profitable, promising and good enough for those who already have a building in which several living rooms can be equipped. In this case, you will not need to invest a lot of money in organizing the business. It will be enough to bring a marafet. To achieve success, you must be attentive to the requests and complaints of visitors, constantly maintain cleanliness.

How to open a business and achieve success?

Before you open one or another business of your own, you should consult with all the experts that you can find. This will greatly facilitate the process of starting a business. You also need to understand a few things:

  1. Emotionality, ambition and excessive self-confidence do not lead to anything good, you need to be “on the same wavelength” with the client.
  2. Competitors do not need to be studied, but simply necessary, otherwise you will not win the fight against them.
  3. You should be prepared for negative reactions and emotional turbulence in advance, you can’t do without them.
  4. The main focus should be on communication with consumers, and not on the product or service, they are secondary.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to save on marketing and employee training, only a professional team can take you to a new level.

Only strict adherence to these rules will help you make your business successful. Well, now you know the most promising business ideas for 2017-2020, it remains only to start implementing them. Good luck in your endeavors!