Jobs for housewives: the best options for earning. What do housewives do besides household chores? Really earn a housewife on the delivery of garbage

  • 15.07.2023

How to make money as a housewife: the benefits of working from home + a detailed description of 5 easy ways to make money online + 5 ideas how you can earn money with special skills + 6 ways to make money with an investment.

Many housewives are thinking about an additional source of income, so as not to depend only on the husband's salary, but one that would allow them to have enough free time to take care of the children and the house.

There are a huge number of ways to get money without visiting a permanent place of work. In this article, we will talk about how to make money as a housewife.

But first, you should evaluate the main benefits of working from home for housewives and not only:

  • The opportunity to earn extra money for yourself, financial independence from your husband.
  • Self-realization and development.
  • Working from home allows you to plan your own schedule, in which there is a place for childcare and home care.

Now we will discuss with you the main ways that will allow a housewife to earn money via the Internet at home.

5 ways to make money as a housewife without special skills

On the Internet, you can find a wide range of opportunities to earn money for a housewife, even if she does not have special skills, knowledge or experience in a certain field. But it is worth preparing yourself for the fact that such methods are more likely to bring a small income than they can cover the family's expenses for a month.

So, let's start our top list of options to make money that do not require special skills from you.

1) Working with texts for a housewife: how to make money on copywriting and rewriting?

If you see these terms for the first time, don't worry, it's not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

For those not in the know:

  • Copywriting is a certain topic for money. The topic for the articles is given by your employer, or you can choose your own, if possible.
  • Rewriting is, in simple words, “rewriting” texts.

If everything is more or less clear with copywriting (needed to fill sites, blogs, groups), then why is rewriting necessary?

For example, your employer has a website of a certain subject that needs to be filled with information. But in order not to reinvent the wheel twice, it goes the easy way: it gives out a ready-made text, which you must rewrite in such a way that the result has at least 95% uniqueness.

To do this, you rebuild sentences, change words into synonyms, or slightly supplement the text with new information, tablets, graphs.

The main thing in copywriting and rewriting is the high uniqueness of the text, which is checked using online anti-plagiarism programs (for example, here -, It is also necessary to correctly and coherently formulate your thoughts.

There are two job opportunities to earn money as a copywriter/rewriter for a housewife:

  1. Directly, communicating directly with the employer.
  2. Through special online exchanges.

In the first case, you receive orders of a certain topic directly, without giving a percentage of your money to the exchange for mediation. But the downside of such cooperation may be unscrupulous employers who will not pay you what you managed to earn.

In the second case, you work through an intermediary - a copywriting / rewriting exchange, which withdraws part of your money for its services. This way, you will be able to earn a smaller amount of money per order, but the guarantees of getting paid are much higher.

Exchanges that housewives can use to find work

NameHow can you earn money?
1. advego.ruAn easy-to-use exchange that is suitable for housewives with no previous experience in copywriting. The resource also provides the ability to check for plagiarism and perform SEO analysis of written texts. What's nice is that it's absolutely free.
2. EtxtContains orders for both professionals and beginners (because it is a good option for housewives).
3. TextsaleIt allows not only to search for copywriting orders, but also to sell ready-made texts.
4. ContentMonsterMore suitable for housewives with copywriting experience. To gain access to orders for money, you must pass a test for knowledge of the Russian language. Thus, the exchange selects competent copywriters.

These efforts will pay off a hundredfold, as you will be able to earn more money on this site than they offer on other resources.

How to start a housewife to earn money? (on the example of the site

If you have ready-made texts, and you are interested in finding a buyer to make money on the sale, select the "Sell Article" option. But for this, you need to first receive money for completed 10 orders (hint - take the simplest ones, like “like the link”).

2) The opportunity to earn money for the housewife on the comments.

Many companies are willing to pay for comments from users. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to earn extra money?

Why do customers need it?

The presence of comments on the site is beneficial for several reasons:

  • Firstly, the presence of fresh comments indicates the activity of the site.
  • Secondly, it promotes the interest of potential buyers.

When writing a comment, you must remember that it should not be too long and difficult to understand. The most optimal note size is from 500 to 1000 characters. Not more!

In the text, you need to describe in detail the product or service that you used. Do not try to overpraise, as this will only scare away readers. Try to uncover both the positive and negative aspects of the product.

You should not copy the comments of other users from similar sites or groups in social networks. After all, you won’t be able to earn any money on posts with a low degree of uniqueness! In order to check your work for uniqueness, use the free online resource

Resources where a housewife can earn money on comments

1. QComment.ruTo search for a job on the stock exchange, you need to complete a test task, which involves writing a text of at least 500 characters. It is important to do this without errors and with a uniqueness of at least 85%. Your income will depend on the volume of the comment and the presence of registration on the site where it will be published.
2. advego.ruAllows housewives to search for comment writing jobs in different subject categories. The price of one text, on average, is estimated at 25-110 rubles per 1000 characters.
3. TuTux.ruSpecializes in user reviews of products, various services, etc. Reviews with photos of the product are rated higher, but the main requirement is your authorship of photographic materials.
4. ForumocAllows you to earn on comments, creating polls and compiling topics on forums. Has an affiliate program that offers 25% of the income of a friend you invite.

3) Watching videos for money as a way to make money for a housewife.

This method is perfect for a housewife, as it does not require much time, and you do not have to actually sit and watch it to enroll watching a video. It's enough just to start the show.

To earn money by watching video files, you need to register on one of the specialized exchanges.

Resources that make it possible for money

1. VKTarget.ruFree registration. The site has an affiliate program, according to which you can earn bonus money - a percentage of the profits of each friend you invite.
To withdraw money, Yandex.Money, Qiwi, WebMoney services are used.
2. VizonaAllows you to earn money on short videos (no longer than 30 seconds). Withdrawals are made to WebMoney.
3. VeedOKAn easy-to-use resource that provides an opportunity to earn money by watching short comic videos.
4. LikesRockIn order to earn money, you need to install the free LikesRockClient program, through which views will be counted for you.

It is important that the payment of earned money is carried out in euros. You can transfer income to PayPal, Payeer and Advcash services.

4) How to make money on likes, reposts, subscriptions for a housewife?

The social network VKontakte is very popular in the CIS countries. It is this platform that boasts the largest number of unique visitors per month - over 7 million! By the way, housewives, who form an active category of users, make a big contribution to the development of VKontakte.

Sites that allow you to earn money in social networks

1. LikesRockWith the help of this resource, a housewife will be able to earn money not only on VKontakte, but also on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google +, YouTube, Telegram, Pinterest.

In addition to income on likes, there is also an affiliate program, under the terms of which you can earn up to 20% of the profit of each referral you invite.

Money for each completed task will be credited to the Web wallet in euros.

To work, you need to install the LikesRockClient program from the site. It is through it that all the likes you put will be counted, for which you can earn.

2. SMMOKIt has a fixed starting price of services, so all offers of earnings start from the minimum specified amount, and in no case are evaluated below the specified line.
3. V-likeThe cost of a like, on average, is 10 kopecks, a subscription to a community is estimated at 20 kopecks. There is an affiliate program, according to which you can earn up to 10% of the profits of the friends you invite.
4. SocialToolsThe site has a simple registration. Money for completed tasks is transferred to the Web-money wallet or Yandex. Money.

5) A way to earn money for a housewife by entering captcha.

Captchas are graphic symbols that are used for security control, for example, when entering a personal page, transferring money, uploading files, etc.

Since the characters are shown in the picture, the captcha entry process cannot be automated. That is why there is a demand for doing this simple work for money. The cost depends on the selected site and the complexity of the codes. As a rule, small money - only 10-15 kopecks.

Exchanges where housewives can earn money by entering captcha

1. RuCaptchaThe user-friendly interface of the site will allow the housewife to quickly start earning. The site has a bonus system for recognizing complex captchas.
2. 2captchaThe price of one captcha is 1-3 kopecks, money is withdrawn to online payment systems (WebMoney, PayPal or Payza).
3. socialinkOn this resource, you are given 30 seconds to solve the captcha. Each time a new code appears, you can set the sound signal.
4. MegaTypersAmerican website for anti-captching. Money is transferred to the web wallet every Monday.

5 Ways To Make Money Through The Internet For A Housewife With Special Skills And Knowledge

Are you a housewife with photoshop skills or a higher education? Have you worked in IT before? Then among the following opportunities to earn money, you will undoubtedly find a suitable option for yourself.

With special skills, you can earn money with:

  • Skype online lessons.
  • Editing photos in Photoshop or creating web designs.
  • Drawing up individual business plans.
  • Translation of texts and books.
  • Preparation of term papers and abstracts.

1) How to make money as a housewife with Skype online classes?

If you received a pedagogical or other higher education before becoming a housewife, you can safely start looking for interested students in order to realize the opportunity to earn money from tutoring!

To find students, housewives should use the following resources:

  • "Your tutor" (
  • "PROFI.RU" (
  • "Preply" (
  • Frititchers (

Students can be accepted both at home and conduct lessons online. As a rule, the cost of the lesson does not change much from this.

The amount that you, as a teacher, will require for one lesson depends on your level of preparation, education, work experience, the ability to teach in foreign languages ​​and the experience of preparing students for exams.

When you are a teacher and a housewife in one person, your classes will not be strictly tied to the short period of free time that usually working people have (for example, on weekdays from 19.00 to 20.00). Therefore, your more free schedule will look very tempting in the eyes of potential students.

Teachers of mathematics and foreign languages ​​are in high demand: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian.

How to start making money on the PROFI.RU website example

2) Opportunity to earn money for a housewife by editing photos and creating web designs.

If you're proficient in Photoshop, you can make money doing professional photo retouching, creating avatars and menus for social media groups, and designing websites.

In addition, many companies are looking for graphic designers who can work remotely from home and create advertising banners, logos, ads, and more.

To find clients, housewives can use:

3) Drawing up individual business plans as a way for a housewife to earn money remotely.

This item will appeal to those housewives who are familiar with the main concepts of economic theory, and also had experience in business.

A business plan is a detailed blueprint for organizing a new venture.

Can you compose them? This is a great opportunity to make money!

You need to immediately outline that finding a customer who is ready to purchase your business plan will not be easy. This is due to the fact that there are many crooks on the Internet who, having no idea about the introduction of a business, make incorrect business plans for money, doomed to failure.

In the plan, you need to take into account literally everything:

  • How much money should be spent on opening and registering an enterprise?
  • How many clients can the enterprise theoretically earn in the first month of operation? For the first year of operation?
  • Where to look for suppliers?
  • What advertising methods will be most effective in this market segment and much more…

To earn money writing business plans, it is worth partnering with consulting companies that study the market and plan the structure of new business ventures. An alternative option is to search for business planning jobs on exchanges for freelancers.

Try sending your resume to the following companies or try working with these freelance services:

4) How can a housewife make money from text translations?

Do you have a philological education, a diploma on the successful completion of foreign language courses? Or have you spent part of your life abroad? Then this area of ​​employment will appeal to you and will allow you to make good money!

For women who have temporarily or permanently decided to acquire the status of a housewife, this is good because it allows you not to lose professional skills and knowledge while being at home.

Main requirements for a translator

Housewives can earn money from remittances in several ways:

  • First, you can find an advertisement on the Internet for the translation of small texts. These are one-time orders that will require a minimum investment of time, but will not bring much benefit. The list of sites where housewives will find an opportunity to earn money is in the table below.
  • Secondly, you can start cooperation online with one of the publishers. You have to translate both stories and entire books.

Orders in the publishing house are more labor-intensive and require a lot of effort and time. But for completing such tasks, you can earn many times more money than for small translations of texts on the Internet.

How much can a housewife earn working with text translations? It all depends not only on the amount of work that you can do, but also on the language of translation.

For example, the cheapest translations are from English, German and French (500-600 rubles per 1000 characters, including spaces). You can earn much more money on translations into Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, Greek, Danish (1200 rubles). Among the eastern group of languages, the most profitable are Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Farsi and Hindi (1400 rubles).

Websites that allow you to earn money from text translations

1. LitteraThe site specializes in the translation of technical and scientific texts. The most popular translation languages ​​are English, German, French and Japanese.

To be considered for a vacancy, a housewife must send a resume and examples of their texts. Higher education and work experience in the specialty for at least 1 year is required.

2. City of translatorsIn the corresponding section, you can search for offers of text translations for money. For this, it is not necessary to register on the site. It is enough to contact the interested employer directly by e-mail.
3. telejobThe exchange is more like a bulletin board where you can choose the type of work and start looking for the most profitable and interesting orders for you. Often there are texts in English, German and Chinese.
4. AdvegoAfter a quick registration using your social network account, you can start looking for money transfer offers. The minimum price for 1000 characters without spaces is 35 cents, the average cost of text is $1.8 per 1000 characters.

5) Writing term papers and essays for money as a form of income for a housewife.

To earn money writing essays, term papers and theses, you will need a higher education or work experience in the desired field. The highest demand is for term papers and essays in economics and natural sciences. The cost of work starts from 3,000 rubles.

The downside of this way to make money is that, as a rule, tasks need to be completed in short lines. Also, the argument "against" - the number of orders is unevenly distributed throughout the year.

If this does not bother you, you will find the opportunity to earn money on such sites:

  • "Zaochnik" (
  • "YouDo" (
  • BeSmarter! (
  • "Work5" (

6 Ways to Make Money with Investing for a Housewife

Are you a brave housewife, ready to meet the challenges of fate? Then why not take on a business that requires start-up capital investment? The amount of initial capital you need will depend on the type of business.

So, there are several ways in which you can earn money, but they will require an initial investment:

  • Opening your own online store.
  • Sale of culinary products.
  • Sewing at home.
  • Distribution of cosmetics and home care products.
  • Introduction of a photo or video blog.
  • Provision of services of a hairdresser, massage therapist, cosmetologist, makeup artist or manicurist at home.

1) How can a housewife make money on her own online store?

The Internet market is growing rapidly.

This is due to several factors:

  • increasing the availability of the Internet;
  • convenience of online shopping;
  • in some cases, lower prices;
  • and, of course, a wide range of goods.

Therefore, opening your own online store is a great way to make money for a housewife, but there are a few “buts”! You must be prepared to devote a lot of free time to the store. In addition, even online it will require significant financial costs and official registration in tax structures.

If you are ready to make such sacrifices and have enough money to implement this idea, then you should choose a segment of the goods that you will present to your customers.

  • Household appliances and electronics.
  • Clothing and footwear.
  • Auto parts.
  • Household products.
  • Children's things, toys.
  • Construction Materials.
  • Cosmetics and perfumery.

Accordingly, it is easier and more profitable to earn on them. Sales ratings for medicines, flowers, accessories and pet products are much lower.

It is necessary to include in the start-up capital the amount of money that will be needed to register a business, create a website and organize its work, rent a room for a warehouse of goods and hire an office manager. It is also necessary to take into account the cost of the initial purchase of goods and advertising.

An approximate list of costs for a housewife to open an online store

Cost category Cost, rub.
Total:From 85 000 rubles
Business registration7 000-12 000
Rent of premises for office/warehouse1800-3500 rubles per 1 m2 (in Moscow)
Site organization3000 rubles/month
Computer desk6 530
Computer chair4 890
Laptop13 990
Printer13 200
Cash machine16 200
Primary purchase of goodsThe cost depends on the category of goods that you plan to sell.

It is unlikely that you will be able to earn much during the first few months after opening, because the store needs time to correct working aspects and form a permanent customer base. However, with proper management, this business has great potential for development.

2) How can a housewife make money by selling culinary products?

For a housewife with culinary skills, the option to make money by selling culinary products is suitable. This type of activity is relatively new in the service market, but it is developing at a rapid pace.

First you need to select a product category and determine the assortment for the trade on which you plan to make money (for example, cakes, pastries, pickles, salads, roasts, etc.)

To find customers who are ready to buy dishes from you for money, create your own, since it is these platforms that allow you to communicate directly and conveniently with customers online, share the latest news. Moreover, it is free (if you do not use paid promotion).

The housewife will need start-up money capital for advertising, the purchase of goods, special equipment (if needed) and utility bills (gas, water and electricity costs for cooking).

What will a housewife have to buy to make money on sweets?

Waste category price, rub.
Total:from 6000 rubles
Gel color (21g) 200
cocoa powder
(1 kg)
Cocoa butter (3 kg)3299
Cake packaging (30/30/19 cm)45-60
pastry scissors 149
Syringe for cream with nozzles 142
Confectionery beads (30 g) 39
wooden rolling pin160
cake topper225
Pallet 140-350
metal mold295-940

Prepare dishes only as ordered, otherwise there is a risk that they will spoil before you find potential buyers.

3) Sewing at home as a way to earn money for a housewife.

For a housewife, working as a seamstress at home can be a source of good income. Of course, only for those who know how to sew.

The first clients of a housewife can be friends. Ask, and they will tell relatives, colleagues and friends about the familiar craftswoman. Thus, you can easily "acquire" customers and have a consistently large number of orders.

In the start-up capital, the housewife will have to lay the cost of buying sewing accessories, fabrics, a good iron, ironing board and other things.

Table of approximate investments to earn on sewing

ProductPictureCost, rub.
Total:from 10 000 rubles
Pins (125 pcs.) 120
Sewing machine needle 50-80
Sewing machine6 700-22 250
Sewing threads (200 m) 26-35
Tailor's scissors (250 mm)305-399
ripper 36-68
Metal zipper (16 cm)93-120
Trouser tape 0.30-0.49 RUB/cm
Satin ribbon (5.4 m)33-67

4) An opportunity to earn money for a housewife selling cosmetics and household goods.

We must immediately warn you: this method will not let you make a lot of money. At least at first.

In order to earn even a small amount of 500-600 rubles from each order in network marketing, a housewife will need at least 10 regular customers who will consistently place orders in the amount of 400 rubles and more.

However, a number of cosmetic companies offer the job of a cosmetics distributor to everyone. This job is perfect for a housewife who wants to earn money.

The housewife should look for the conditions on how to earn money on the website of the company she is interested in:

  • Avon (
  • Oriflame (
  • Faberlic (
  • Amway (
  • "Mary Kay"

How to make money as a representative (using the example of Avon)?

If a housewife wants to make money at the representative office of a cosmetic company, the start-up money capital will include the cost of purchasing products, samples and catalogs:

Expense CategoryPictureprice, rub.
Total:from 600 rubles
Catalog 49
Brand package 11-29
Probe organizer199
Varnish palette 199

5) A way to make money for a housewife is on a personal blog.

Blogs come to the rescue when we need advice, help or positive emotions. They tell us stories from other people's experiences.

Perhaps it is on your example that someone will learn how to cook, properly care for themselves or their loved ones, and reach the heights in organizing their own workspace!

Among the most popular (and, accordingly, you can earn more on them) blog topics:

  • Beauty trends and cosmetic novelties.
  • Unpacking of goods.
  • Fashion & Style.
  • Proper catering, culinary blogs.
  • Organization of time and personal space.
  • Skin, nail and hair care.

But starting a blog to make money is not as easy as it might seem at first. For promotion, you need high-quality content, interesting materials, professional pictures and the ability to edit video files.

How can housewives who decide to become bloggers earn money? Of course, in advertising! Popular pages attract the attention of advertisers who are willing to pay decent money to promote their product in a photo or video blog.

Want to hear the advice of an experienced blogger?

Then you should watch this video about creating a YouTube channel:

6) Work in the field of beauty and services for a housewife.

In order to earn money by providing professional care services (working as a hairdresser, masseuse, beautician, makeup artist or manicurist), you need to complete special courses and purchase the necessary equipment.

The most expensive ideas to make money for a housewife are cosmetology and massage. After all, to work at home, you need to fully equip the office for procedures.

The average level of high cost of organizing a business for a housewife is working as a hairdresser and makeup artist. The main item of expenditure in this case is hair care products, scissors for haircuts, hair dryers, curling irons (for a hairdresser), and cosmetics for the skin and body, brushes, airbrushes (for a makeup artist).

The most economical option for housewives on a budget is to earn money by being a manicurist. In this case, you will need disinfectants, manicure tools (scissors, buffs, nail files, wire cutters), varnishes, a special lamp (in the case of working with gel polish).

To earn the first money, you must first advertise yourself and your services. The following sites will help in this housewife:

  • "YouDo" (

So, in summing up, let's briefly outline the main pros and cons of each of the above ways to make money for a housewife:

Way to earnPositive sidesNegative sides
Opening a housewife own online storeHigh profit.
A business that could become a family business.
Requires large capital investments.
Organization of work requires a lot of resources.
In case of failure, it can lead to significant monetary debts.
Sale of culinary productsSmall expenses for products that pay off quickly.
Doing things "to your heart's content".
Unstable earnings of money (periods of a large number of orders may alternate with weeks of downtime).
Risk of poisoning or allergic reactions in the buyer.
Sewing at homeA profitable business that does not require significant start-up investments.The amount of money earned directly depends on the availability of orders and the number of customers.
In case of damage to the goods, it is necessary to compensate for its cost.
cosmetics distributionFree schedule.
Pleasant work on advising clients and selecting cosmetics.
Low earnings.
Blog introductionInteresting job.
Free schedule.
It takes time to unwind, which can take several months or even years.
Providing home care servicesThe acquired skills can be used in everyday life.
With successful management, the business will provide consistently high earnings.
Special skills and a certificate of course completion are required.
Money is required to purchase equipment.
Problems with finding clients.

In this article, we considered the question of how to make money as a housewife. After all, even sitting at home, you can use your talents and skills to get a stable cash income.

If it so happened that for family reasons you are forced to stay at home, do not despair, everything is fixable, and how to make money as a housewife you can find out those people who have already passed this way!

First of all, you need to decide how much time you are willing to spend on part-time work, and what exactly you can do. Yes, you know exactly how, because without knowledge and skills you can’t go anywhere.

How to make money as a housewife. Proven way

If you are a teacher by education, or an artist, musician, photographer, then you can open courses, online or at home. Tutoring is always held in high esteem, the main thing is to recruit those who want to study and carefully prepare for classes. Translators can find work on any freelance exchange, this profession is always in demand. Artists, designers, webmasters or those who are good with photo editors can also find jobs online.

Well, if you wish, you can write tests, abstracts and diplomas for money. Such orders very often appear on the Internet. Also, you can do online consultations of a psychologist, accountant, lawyer, doctor, all that remains is to create a website and find clients.

So how to make money for a housewife, if there is still little knowledge, and time too. Here you can advise to apply the skills. You can find a part-time job, wash dishes, wash floors, become a paperboy or do the simplest things that are taught even in school.

If there is not much knowledge, skills will help

1) For lovers, berries, flowers or seedlings, you can always find a use for your work, and sell them as they grow. Such work is seasonal, but you can earn money on it.

2) For those who make crafts from beads and other materials, you can try to sell your things on Internet resources, often hand-made is in demand.

3) You can order clothes on the Internet site, and sell to those who wish. To do this, you need to collect orders and then sell, collecting a small percentage. It is better to take money in advance, otherwise there may be refusals. Similarly, you can do network marketing, but here the income is not great.

4) You can be a nanny, create a kindergarten at home. Suitable for those who like to mess with children.

Without desire, neither desire nor knowledge will help.

In fact, you can always earn money, and in any way, the main thing is to want it. The more a woman knows how, the more opportunities she has to earn her money, but besides this, a great desire is also needed. If a woman sits at home with children, then naturally she has little time to do rather painstaking work, but you can master simple skills. It is much easier for those who know how to do something and sell their work. You can look at the sites what exactly is required, in order to learn it later. If you need high-quality photos, then you can just walk with the children and take great photos, and then post them for sale.

And if there is a little more time - write scripts for holidays, matinees, open your own business, because even a small business makes it possible to communicate and not sit in four walls. Therefore, how to make money for a housewife is not a difficult question, the main thing is to find your niche so that it brings not only satisfaction and happiness, but also income.

Finding an ordinary housewife in modern Russia is difficult. Some women build a career, someone devotes themselves to the house partially. More and more people are wondering what to do as a housewife. For example, in a decree. The modern world is full of various ideas. While at home, a woman may not devote all her time to housework. Washing machines are washed, dishes are washed by "dishwashers", a variety of pressure cookers and multicookers are prepared. All this saves time and allows the housewife to earn money at home. The following are the best ideas for part-time work at home.

freedom of choice

What to do at home? Modern man has many different alternatives. Some occupations allow you to earn income from a particular activity.

Housewives and young mothers are two categories of the population who are often interested in part-time jobs at home. This approach allows you to have additional income and self-development.

What to do at home? It's hard to answer. It all depends on the real skills that the girl has. A person has the freedom of choice in deciding this issue. There are plenty of ideas for part-time work at home (even without investments). Let's dwell on the most attractive, profitable and interesting ideas.

Baking and dishes

A housewife, as a rule, takes care of the house and life. She cooks, does laundry, cleans, irons, cleans, washes and so on. Therefore, often such a girl is full of skills. Especially in the culinary field.

Your culinary skills can be directed in the right direction for earning. Now in the goods market, home-made food is valued - ordinary dishes, desserts, cakes and pastries. You can earn good money by making them.

All a housewife needs is to offer her services in different ways. For example, via the Internet. Further, it remains to cook certain dishes, sell them and get paid for it. Some start by selling leftover home cooked food. Especially if the woman initially cooked too much food.

Pastries and cakes are very popular today. They are ordered regularly and in large quantities. If you master the skill of making mastic cakes, you can significantly increase your income.


What is a housewife to do? Often this category of women has needlework skills. Someone sews, someone embroiders, and some weave from beads or knit. These hobbies can also generate income.

As in the previous case, you need to offer your services. The following areas are considered the most profitable now:

  • creation of jewelry from beads;
  • knitting;
  • pillow embroidery;
  • cutting and sewing clothes;
  • creating clothes and costumes for kids;
  • Clothing repair.

All of these activities usually take time. And some investments too. It should also be taken into account that not everyone knows how to sew, knit and do needlework in general. What are these girls to do? Can they make money from home somehow?

With small children

Yes. Especially when it comes to a woman on maternity leave who lives in a spacious apartment. What is a housewife to do?

Recently, private kindergartens have been in great demand in Russia. Women offer babysitting services. They recruit groups of children, organize a semblance of a garden in one of the rooms in their apartment and develop the kids. Parents willingly use such services. Especially due to the fact that in groups there are usually several children who are given attention without any problems.

Why do mothers with children organize private kindergartens at home? All this is due to the fact that finding customers in this case is quite easy. For example, you can offer your services to the parents of your child's friends!


What can a housewife do to earn money? The following idea will suit creative and resourceful people. We are talking about the development of such a direction as scrapbooking. This is the process of creating original notebooks and albums.

Scrapbooking is easy to master. This activity does not take much time. Profit from activities only pleases modern housewives. Minimum cost, maximum income. The only drawback of this direction is a huge competition.

soap making

A young woman can do anything at home. Most hobbies can generate some income.

Some prefer to create handmade soap. Soap making in Russia is also in demand. In shopping centers you can find many different shops where they sell such goods.

Now even a schoolboy can master soap making. If a housewife has creative thinking and a well-developed sense of smell, you can very quickly achieve success in this direction. Original and delicious soap will be sold out in the shortest possible time. This type of earnings does not require special time costs. You can easily combine it with some other work at home.


How can a woman make money at home? Some work as tutors. You can offer tutoring services in the area in which the girl is well versed. Having a higher education in the chosen field will increase the chances of success.

The housewife can:

  • conduct school preparation courses;
  • engage with children of elementary grades in various subjects;
  • teach foreign languages;
  • prepare high school students for exams.

It is easy to guess that for tutoring a woman must have certain knowledge. Without them, it will not be possible to bring the idea to life.

Mastering the Internet

The Internet can also help in the implementation of the task. In fact, many are interested in just this method of making money at home. Having mastered IT technologies, a woman will be able to earn money at any time without breaking away from household chores. An ideal alignment for any housewife or mother on maternity leave. And if you achieve some success, you can even open your own business and forget about working "for your uncle" forever.

Internet earnings provides a huge number of methods for extracting money. For example:

  • maintaining a paid blog;
  • making joint purchases;
  • creation of translations under the order;
  • assisting schoolchildren and students in writing essays, diplomas and term papers;
  • creation of websites under the order;
  • sales in social networks (for example, cosmetics);
  • earnings on file hosting (for downloading documents).

The basic ideas for part-time work at home do not end there. Next, we have to get acquainted with the most successful and common methods of making money on the Internet for housewives!

For beginners and not only

The Internet is a place where the possibilities of remote earnings are practically unlimited. Only here is the problem: the Web is full of scammers. Some job offers from home turn out to be a scam.

What can you do to earn 100% from home? In addition to the ideas listed above, it is recommended to pay attention to the following suggestions:

  1. Surfing earnings. You need to register on special sites (Wmmail, SeoSprint) and browse the Internet for money. Payment is received for each view - from 5 kopecks to several rubles.
  2. Earn money doing small jobs. For example, you need to read paid letters and mailing lists. To get started, you will need to register in a particular service. Usually we are talking about sites for paid surfing.
  3. Completing tasks on social media. Most often, the user is required to: like, repost, watch a video, leave a comment, add a person as a friend, join a group on a social network. Payment for such tasks varies from 30 kopecks to 15 rubles for 1 work performed. It is best to work in the VkSerfing and VKTarget programs. They allow you to work not only in VK, but also on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Odnoklassniki.
  4. Leave paid comments and reviews. Usually, different services are also created for this purpose. They are called recallers. 100% can be earned on iRecommend. It is enough to leave reviews that will be useful to the population. This method is often used as a passive income. In a month, you can earn no more than 2,000 rubles.
  5. Participation in paid surveys. Earnings are based on filling out paid questionnaires. It is best to register on the Paid Survey and Questionnaire resources. Here, polls cost from 15 rubles, but there are not very many of them.
  6. Earnings on captchas. The Handcaptcha service allows you to earn money by entering texts from pictures into special fields. For 1 task they pay a few kopecks. For housewives, it is suitable only as a part-time job for small expenses. Not in high demand.

Now it’s clear what a housewife should do. All of these methods can be mastered even by a schoolboy or a novice user.

Large sums

The last two directions, which will be presented to us below, enjoy great success. Especially if the housewife has enough time for part-time jobs.

Today, you can make money on the Internet by maintaining groups in social networks. The position of a public administrator implies adding new articles and posts, creating topics for communication and moderating communities. A great way to earn money, bringing a good income (from 15,000 rubles per month). You can work according to a free schedule without interrupting your work.

Freelancing is also popular. This is a job for hire. Today, work with texts is widespread: translations, editing, writing articles on order. Copywriting and rewriting allow you to get a lot of money. Some freelance copywriters earn 30-40 thousand rubles a month. For labor safety, it is better to look for clients on freelance exchanges - etxt,, Advego.

It is clear how a woman can make money at home. These ideas are not exhaustive, but they are the most common in practice.

There is an unpleasant stereotype that girls who stay at home do absolutely nothing. Do not forget that this is, as a rule, a conscious and independent choice of every woman, and no one has the right to condemn such a lifestyle. There can be a great many options because of which she sits at home. But let's find out about what housewives do.

Not only household chores

So, let's say you have to become a housewife soon. The first question that probably worries you is what housewives do. Of course, women have a lot of things to do. It is necessary to wash the floor, dishes, cook dinner, wash, put clothes in order. The work of a housewife is very monotonous, so it is worth diversifying the list of activities, giving free rein to your imagination. For example, to make redevelopment, to start doing interior decoration. It all depends on how rich the woman's imagination and a large supply of creativity.

How to fill your day?

The to-do list of a modern housewife is not limited to ironing, washing and cleaning. You can organize your time in a much more interesting way. You can get creative, decorate your home, do something with your own hands - master classes, including free ones, have already been created a lot on these topics.

A housewife in the modern world is no longer the woman who washes dishes from morning to evening, cleans up after ten children and tries to please her husband in everything. This is the same modern woman who does household chores. If most women manage to work for 8 hours, and then still stand at the stove, then here a woman simply considers it her job to provide comfort and coziness in the house.

Athletic housewives are real

What do housewives do? Girls who spend a lot of time within four walls also want to look beautiful and well-groomed. That's why they play sports. Classes can take place both in the walls of the house and in the gym. Often girls choose this type of activity as yoga. It allows you to work not only on the body, but also on the internal state.

Also, some more active ladies prefer zumba. This is a dance fitness program based on popular Latin American rhythms. Very active and interesting workouts.

Other girls just visit the gym, doing exercises under the guidance of a trainer. A considerable number of householders combine the above activities with swimming.

Income ideas. What can you do to earn money?

It is difficult to argue with the fact that a woman can get tired of constant pastime within four walls. Without communication, creative self-realization, life is hard enough. There are many stories and examples when a woman, despite the fact that her husband works and receives a lot of money, develops her business from scratch and has been successfully engaged in it for a long time.

What can a housewife do to earn money? In the modern world, such a question is no longer relevant, because there are a lot of remote work and other ideas for realizing one's abilities. You can earn extra money as a typist, do tutoring, remote photo processing or video editing. Anyone with PC skills can find a job they love if they want to. You can start writing your own book, administer groups on social networks, run your own project, for example, a culinary one. You can buy clothes on foreign sites and sell them online or at home. Naturally, at a higher price. Of course, there will also be unclaimed goods. You will take risks by buying a product that may not be liked by anyone.

Baking cakes at home

If you like to cook, you can take up baking cakes to order. This is not only profitable, but also an interesting business. But it’s worth taking on it only if you have the talent of a confectioner or have been trained in this specialty. By the way, you can also study remotely. Now this is very common practice.

Own blog

Also, anyone has the opportunity to create and maintain their own blog. It's actually not as difficult as many people think. You need to have more than 500 subscribers. After a while, you will receive offers to advertise a particular product.

Private kindergarten at home

Recently, private kindergartens have become very popular in Russia. In order to bring such an idea to life, you need to allocate one room. In it, having recruited a group of children, you will engage in educational games with them. If you recruit small groups, then problems with the kids should not arise at all. Mothers like such gardens more, as each child is given more attention in them.


This idea of ​​making money at home is suitable for creative people who like to come up with new original things. Scrapbooking is a type of needlework art. Its essence lies in the manufacture and design of family or personal photo albums.

To master this skill is quite simple. It does not take much time to create products. At the same time, payment for the created albums will please you. The only drawback of this business is a lot of competition. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the quality of work and, of course, advertising.

soap making

Many hobbies can bring money. An example of such an activity is soap making. You can make your own soap. Every girl can master this technique. The original and fragrant soap is quickly sold out.


Many girls who are housewives are engaged in tutoring. You can offer your services in the field in which you understand. Undoubtedly, higher education increases the chances of success. The housewife can:

  • engage with children of elementary grades in various subjects;
  • teach children foreign languages;
  • conduct courses to prepare children for school;
  • prepare high school students for exams.

Business on creativity and knowledge

What can a housewife do at home if she does not have access to a computer or for some reason does not understand technology? For example, due to age or other reasons. She can do embroidery, making jewelry from plastic, beads and other materials. These products can be sold to your friends. If you have experience in writing diplomas and term papers, this is a good skill. You can help students or schoolchildren write papers for money. Such services are quite in demand in today's market.

Beauty Services

What do housewives do who do not have all of the above skills? Any woman knows how to do a manicure, pluck eyebrows, do hair removal. Why not make money on it? As a rule, it is enough to pass the courses, and you can proceed to direct duties. Of course, in this case, you need to be able to correctly present your services so that people have a desire to use them.

Distribution of cosmetics - another way to earn money

What do housewives do who do not like the above ways and earning opportunities? Many choose network marketing, such as distributing cosmetics. They start by offering their girlfriends catalogs and samples of this and that product. This business can be quite profitable and profitable if you have the right qualities and have a large number of acquaintances who are ready to cooperate with you.

Raising a child is a responsible mission

What should a housewife do at home if she has a child? In this case, the women's shoulders are primarily responsible for their child. Many mothers are fully engaged in this work: they study literature on education, take online courses, attend lectures and seminars, attend developmental clubs and sports clubs with their child, and organize home lessons. With this approach, as a rule, there is practically no time left for one's own hobbies.

Complexities of self-organization

One of the main challenges that women who stay at home face is that they have to constantly force themselves to do something. It is not easy for a person to live without external control. We are used to the fact that we are controlled by the boss at work, there is a structured eight-hour working day. In the case of housewives, self-organization skills come first, which, fortunately, can be developed. You need to learn to plan your day, prioritize. Therefore, it is worth constantly training and working on yourself.

In conclusion, it is worth writing some useful tips for housewives that will help you avoid a boring and unproductive life.

  1. Never sit still. Develop, be creative.
  2. Communicate constantly. With former colleagues, comrades, friends. You cannot be isolated from the outside world. You have to be among people.
  3. Travel, read books. Don't let yourself stop evolving. Expand your horizons, sign up for English courses or classes at an art school.
  4. If you need financial resources to make your dream come true, start working at home - start selling things from websites, do rewriting, copywriting, distributing cosmetics. Now there are a lot of opportunities for remote work or freelancing.
  5. Never forget about your parents. Always make time for them, no matter how busy you are. Always help them, communicate.
  6. If you are sitting at home, throw all your energy into raising children. Perhaps many years later your child will thank you. Do not spare time for this, children are the future, and it should be worthy.

A small conclusion

So, in this article we touched on a rather relevant and interesting question - what do housewives do at home. Many options for a pleasant and interesting pastime were proposed, taking into account individual characteristics, the presence of a child, skills and abilities. As it turned out, a woman can do whatever she wants. She can clean or cook incredibly delicious dinners for her beloved husband, she can teach her child to read, or she can be creative.

Almost any girl can be a housewife, even one who wants not to be financially dependent on her husband. Today there are a lot of means and opportunities for earning. If there is a desire, then there will be opportunities and ways to earn the necessary amount without leaving home.

  • Making money online - stereotypes and myths
  • The Internet is the engine of progress
  • Interesting Home Business Ideas
  • Breeding pets
  • hand made
  • Preschool educational game
  • Shopping, resale of clothes
  • Broken earning options

The word business is associated with a busy work schedule that leaves no time for household chores and family, so there is an opinion that a housewife cannot master this type of activity. This has been a stereotype for a long time, today you can earn money without leaving your home, and farming with your family will not become a hindrance. In this article, we will consider all business options for housewives, so that readers of the site //site/ can choose the right option for themselves!

Making money online - stereotypes and myths

Modern generators of business ideas place all their hopes on the Internet. They believe that even a student and a housewife can make money online. Theoretically, this is indeed possible, but practice shows that earnings on the Internet is not so simple and requires certain conditions to be met:

  • Online business should be fun;
  • It is necessary to effectively organize your free time - turn it into work. Outside of official work, where it is necessary to follow the daily routine, this is quite difficult to do;
  • Striving for self-education. You won’t be able to earn even a little money right away; this is preceded by the process of obtaining specific skills and knowledge;
  • Understanding the need to improve skills and business development. This is necessary in order not to be trampled down by competitors.

Only this combination of qualities will allow earn money sitting at home with children.

The Internet is the engine of progress

The global network occupies a significant place in the life of a modern person, it is firmly entrenched in everyday life and business, but earnings may not be 100% connected with the World Wide Web. At the same time, the Internet remains a powerful means of promoting goods and services.

Social networks, bulletin boards, thematic portals and forums have become excellent tools with which a housewife is able to express herself and her abilities for free. The Internet also provides a convenient payment system - electronic payment systems, they make business mobile. Therefore, all options earning money at home in one way or another connected with the Internet.

In rural areas, you can grow decorative flowers for the holidays, such as violets. These beautiful flowers in small pots bring real income. The cost of such a presentation is on average 200 rubles apiece. You can sell them yourself or take them to resellers. But in this case, the cost of flowers will be lower. You can also grow seedlings.

May be of interest: Selling handicrafts as a form of income

It is quite realistic to organize such a business for housewives at home. It is possible to grow flowers on a balcony or loggia, but due to limited space, profits will also be limited.

Breeding pets

Business can be done on the breeding of rare breeds of domestic animals. The housewife in this case combines business with pleasure. But such an activity is fraught with certain difficulties:

  1. Start-up capital is needed - elite animals with a pedigree are quite expensive.
  2. Need careful and professional care of the animal.
  3. You should know the features of caring for offspring, you also need to be vaccinated.
  4. Animals in the house are a certain kind of problem: torn wallpaper, shabby shoes, wool on clothes. But at the same time, there is no better entertainment for children, because pets often become literally family members. Therefore, this business, in addition to problems, brings pleasure and positive emotions.

In addition, it is possible to exhibit animals at exhibitions in order to obtain titles, which will increase their status, and, accordingly, the cost of offspring.

More details about how to make money breeding purebred cats, we told in the corresponding article!

hand made

Hand Made - this phrase opens up access to an impressive income. Today, various crafts are in great demand. The reason is exclusive, handmade souvenirs cannot be found in stores. These are really unique things, not mass-produced stampings. This feature allows you to organize earnings, which is also suitable for housewives.

This business is great for new moms. In the process of playing with kids, you can develop, invent new crafts, souvenirs. For example, to sculpt a model from plasticine, and then embody it in other materials.

Preschool educational game

You can make money on tutoring, or rather the development of preschool children. The housewife works with children in her free time, solves logic puzzles with them, teaches numbers and letters, tongue twisters, poems, draws. Tutors involved in the development of children are in demand both in the capital and in the provinces. You may be interested in: Strawberry business at home - where to start?

Shopping, resale of clothes

Today, the resale of things through the Internet is very popular. There are many specialized online platforms for this. Such earnings do not involve the creation of your own portal, and therefore saves time and money. A housewife in this case can turn shopping into an easy business. It is enough to take a picture and put the thing with a description on the portal.

In Second Hand stores, branded items are bought for a penny and resold more expensively via the Internet. This business requires only one thing - to understand things. Children's and women's clothing is in high demand, shoes and outerwear are in second place. Also you can try make money selling chinese stuff. Today, this is a fairly relevant business idea, although not a new one.