Business ideas for manufacturing. The most cost-effective production for small businesses. How much money do you need to start a business

  • 14.07.2023

Business ideas - production: 7 indicators taken into account when choosing + possible directions depending on the scale and type of activity + essential goods + 3 options for activities.

In Russia, only real daredevils are still aiming to start production. Although experienced entrepreneurs say that now is just the right time for this. In addition, there are many directions, the implementation of which does not require large investments.

Because of this, in the material we will consider the business ideas of production. Since the volume of one article does not allow us to analyze each idea in detail, we will briefly go through the most popular options.

How to decide on a business idea for organizing production?

Each person, having a certain amount of capital and an entrepreneurial streak, dreams of something that would bring him a good and stable income.

Over the past few years, the number of people employed in production in a particular industry has increased by almost 7%. The number of individuals whose business has been operating on the market for more than 3 years has increased by 5.3%.

This figure is considered a record for the entire period of research (since 2006). Entrepreneurs who choose relevant business ideas (production of products, for example, which is always in demand) achieve successful results from them. Also, an obligatory component of the triumph is the ability to sell, since the income of the enterprise will depend on the number of sales.

So which option from the many presented to choose?

To decide on one or another idea for starting production, you should pay attention to:

The price mechanism is also important to consider, because the cost of producing any of the products must pay off and generate income.

Before finally choosing a business idea, determine for yourself what goals you are going to pursue. You need to figure out what scale your business model will acquire.

Define the target audience, i.e. Who will you be producing for? If you focus on the consumer with high incomes, you can choose a business idea that is designed to create high-end products. Otherwise, it is advisable to consider ideas related to the production of goods from the middle price or budget segment.

Think about where it is better to open an enterprise, what will be the sales region. If you want the organization of production to be not in vain, look for suitable trade niches.

For example, in large cities it is easier to sell products, on the one hand, because there are a large number of consumers. On the other hand, there is a barrier in the form of high competition. In a rural area or a small town, it is recommended to choose an unoccupied business area, be sure to study the needs of local residents in advance.

Business production ideas and popular destinations

Of great importance is the scope of activities and the area of ​​production in which the entrepreneur plans to engage.

These can be such business ideas: production in the agricultural sector (forestry, livestock breeding, beekeeping, etc.), in the industrial field (processing of raw materials), defense (production of protective equipment).

We must not forget that there are still various areas of small business, which consist in the production of intangible goods.

These include:

  • the service sector, including banking;
  • spiritual and scientific production (discoveries, inventions, art).

You can consider business ideas regarding home production. It will be beneficial if it does not require expensive materials, and the process itself is not laborious.

Women may be interested in home business ideas such as jewelry, candles, handmade soap, knitting. For men, tile production, custom-made, glass engraving are suitable.

The business ideas of seasonal production deserve attention as a form of additional income.

Among them are:

  • production of mini-ponds, artificial reservoirs;
  • resort business;
  • production of holiday souvenirs, etc.

Recall that the type of production also affects the choice of an idea:

Ideas for business: production, what is cost-effective today?

If a novice entrepreneur wants to minimize risks, it is worth taking a closer look at the options that will be in demand in any political situation and economic environment.

These include:

No. 1. Food business: an idea for organizing the production of dumplings.

The production of dumplings is a rather interesting business idea. Despite the high competition and saturation of the market, a purposeful entrepreneur can still take his position.

In addition, the implementation of the idea for the production of dumplings will bring a good profit. It does not depend on seasonal fluctuations, because semi-finished products are bought and consumed all year round.

Even in such a business, the technology and production base are simple.

The products themselves can be produced for various consumer segments: budget, medium, premium. But almost half of the market is occupied by dumplings, which low- and middle-income citizens can afford to buy.

Depending on this classification and weight, prices for the packaging of frozen semi-finished products range from 40 to 550 rubles.

In the production of products, high-quality raw materials are used:

  • minced meat (pork, beef, chicken, pork and beef, turkey);
  • premium flour;
  • clean water, salt, spices.

To start the production of dumplings, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, obtain certificates of conformity, 2 OKP declarations. Appropriate permits are also required from the Fire Service, Rospotrebnadzor, SES.

You need to have at your disposal a room with an area of ​​​​200 square meters. m., it is allocated for the implementation of the technological process, storage of finished products and separately for personnel.

About 15 people work in a large workshop, and 4 people are enough for a small enterprise. Among them are directly employees, a technologist, an accountant, a sales manager, a storekeeper, a driver, laborers, etc.

Production proceeds in 5 stages:

We will not dwell on them in detail.

To run such a business, you need a set of equipment:

  • flour sifter,
  • dough mixer,
  • dough sheeter,
  • meat grinders,
  • grinders and more.

When buying, pay attention to the configuration, cost and power. Popular equipment is JGL-120, JGL-135 and analogues.

The most difficult task in implementing the idea for the production of dumplings is the sale of goods. Since there are many competitors on the market, you will have to have significant advantages, offer more reasonable prices, hold promotions, discounts.

Regarding financial indicators, one can observe something like this:

Starting investments will amount to about 2,622,000 rubles, and profit - from 319,422 rubles. With good sales, the cost of doing business will pay off within 8-12 months. Profitability - 12-20%.

No. 2. Small business ideas: production of wood concrete blocks.

From considering the business idea of ​​producing dumplings, let's move on to the manufacture of building materials. Let's give an example, since this direction is economically viable.

A business for the production and sale of wood blocks with a small budget can be opened first at home. Raw materials are relatively cheap, so the cost of production will be low.

This idea is also attractive due to the low level of competition. Arbolite blocks, especially during the construction season, are bought for insulation of load-bearing walls, sound insulation. This is an environmentally friendly product that has many advantages.

In order for production not to be unprofitable, it is necessary to buy good equipment, hire skilled workers, and follow all technological rules. Prices should correspond to quality, but there can be no question of a large margin.

With the right marketing and sales policies, the production of wood blocks in accordance with state standards and building codes, the business owner will be successful.

They produce blocks of two types (structural and heat-insulating type), of various sizes. The weight of one block can be from 16 to 60 kg. Only sufficiently durable products will bring profit to the enterprise.

For the production of building materials, at least 3 raw materials are used:

  • wood chips,
  • concrete,
  • various additives.

The wood is taken dry or prepared for use on its own, after which the risk of fungus and rot is significantly reduced.

Sawdust or wood chips are purchased from logging companies. It is made from aspen, maple, ash, etc. Also used larch, straw, kenaf. It is desirable to use cement in the production of the highest brand, M400, for example. The exact proportions of the recipe are set by the technologist.

In a certain sequence, the technology is observed and quality control is organized:

The business idea for the production of wood concrete blocks cannot be realized without technical equipment:

  • wood cutting machines,
  • hammer mills,
  • wood chipper,
  • vibrating table,
  • kyubels,
  • vibropress and others.

Powerful equipment will allow you to achieve significant production volumes in a month - 300-500 square meters. m. More expensive, but convenient is the automatic line.

The premises for production should have a large area (from 400 sq. M). This is a working area, a place for warehousing and storage of products. On the territory it is necessary to observe a certain temperature regime - 15-20 ° С.

Separately, you should take care of the site for the procurement of raw materials. If you find a suitable room near the sawmill, you can reduce the item of transport costs.

The staff usually consists of 3-5 people, depending on the automation of production.

Clients in the sale of finished products will be:

  • building bases and firms;
  • private traders;
  • contractor organizations;
  • large retail outlets, etc.

It is better to find wholesale customers and conclude supply contracts with them. When advertising your business, an entrepreneur needs to use all available methods, including the Internet. If you organize a showroom to demonstrate product samples, you can increase your customer base.

Such small business ideas (production of building materials), as a rule, require large start-up investments. So it is with arbolite blocks.

No. 3. Sewing children's clothing is an idea for a business in the light industry.

Tailoring is a popular business idea, since the final results of production are necessary and accessible to the average population. Clothing production is considered a material-intensive industry and ranks second in terms of gross output in light industry.

Today, many people are interested in this idea, since there are tendencies towards the individual nature of the finished product. Now the production of tailoring is present in every economic region of Russia, but most of all it is in the Northwestern Federal District and the Central Federal District.

Therefore, in other districts where there is a lack of production volumes, you can open a small or medium-sized enterprise, an atelier.

This is interesting ! In the 20th century, there was no factory production, as such. Basically, products were made to order in city workshops or at home. Only 3% of all things were made by large factories.

Sewing production is characterized by:

  • most of the spending goes on consumables, and especially on raw materials;
  • shortage in the domestic raw material base, so there is a dependence on import supplies;
  • the use of predominantly female labor;
  • the possibility of creating unique products, personal collections;
  • a variety of forms of doing business;
  • a wide range of consumers, etc.

We want to draw your attention to such a business idea as. This is a win-win option if the products are of high quality and in accordance with the expectations of the customer.

Why children's? Statistics show that adults, under the influence of fashion trends, update their wardrobe relatively often, but even more often young parents do it for their children.

This state of affairs is due to the fact that children are constantly growing, wear out faster and render their outfits unusable. The demographic situation in the country is improving, and the government only contributes to this.

Consequently, the production of clothing for children is relevant and profitable. The business is promising. It can be started at minimal cost if you create a small atelier in your home.

It is worth noting that a variety of options for the assortment range opens up before the entrepreneur. You can engage in the production of pajamas, underwear, T-shirts, sew outerwear.

In addition, babies need rompers, socks, bodysuits, overalls, envelopes, caps, etc., boys and girls need school uniforms, blouses, skirts, blues, seasonal clothes.

Organizational aspects of the production of children's clothing

An entrepreneur, in the course of conducting marketing research, needs to find out what assortment the population of his region needs, and focus on this. After market analysis, registration and certification, you will have to look for premises, purchase equipment, establish relationships with suppliers and purchase raw materials.

If you implement a business idea for sewing children's clothing, then you need to focus on urban centers, since its range is not as stable as, for example, work uniforms.

To implement the idea in the studio format, 30-40 sq. m, the sewing workshop occupies about 70 sq. m. The location should be thoughtful. It is better to open a business near kindergartens, schools, hospitals, shopping centers.

Having carried out repair work and equipped the premises with all the necessary engineering networks, it is time to apply to the relevant authorities for obtaining permits and approvals for doing business.

The fabric should be chosen natural and high quality in different colors:

If the production will be home, all the work will fall on the entrepreneur. To implement a business idea on a workshop scale, you will need to hire 6-9 people. Three of them are seamstresses.

The company also needs a designer, fashion designer, accountant, sales manager.

Before implementing the idea of ​​​​tailoring children's clothing, an entrepreneur must make financial calculations and reflect them in a business plan.

The average figures are:

Top 8 production business ideas.

How to develop your business? Real business projects.

Before plunging headlong into a particular business idea, it would be right to take into account such fundamental factors:

  1. The financial capabilities of the entrepreneur and the amount of capital investments, fixed costs necessary for organizing a business.
  2. Experience and knowledge of the industry.
  3. Consumer preferences regarding the products to be produced.
  4. The amount of tax deductions.
  5. The complexity of the process.
  6. Free niches.
  7. Exchange rate, cost of production.
  8. Business stability, its dependence on seasonality.
  9. Mobility of production, its prospects and long-term.

Business ideas of production are, together with the service sector, almost the most profitable direction. Each area has a lot of its own distinctive nuances. Therefore, first study them and choose the right approach. Knowing all the nuances and having the amount necessary for the initial investment, you will definitely reach a good income.

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Today there are various ways to earn money. You can work in an organization of a narrow specialization or for a private entrepreneur. And you can organize your own business - a mini-production of any product. The payback of this type of activity depends on many factors.

production in the garage

Each person who has a garage space at his disposal tries to use it to organize his own business. Production can be of different scales. It all depends on the skills of a novice businessman and his investment.

Today, the following products can be produced in the garage:

  • metal structures;
  • Construction Materials;
  • various industrial and industrial goods.

Some businessmen manage to create a mini-alcohol plant for the production of alcohol.

Note. Illegal conduct of such activities threatens the entrepreneur with administrative punishment. Therefore, it is better to register everything.

Distillery at home

Initially, it is necessary to determine for what purposes the products will be produced. These areas may be:

  • pharmaceuticals;
  • production of alcoholic products;
  • chemical industry;
  • Perfumes and cosmetics.

It is also necessary to select raw materials for the production of alcohol. As a rule, the following agricultural crops are used in the technological process:

  • corn;
  • potato;
  • sugar beets;
  • fruits.

It is necessary to choose a supplier of high-quality raw materials so that the products comply with all established standards (GOSTs).

Necessary equipment:

  • distillation plant;
  • mash tank;
  • alcohol meters;
  • separators;
  • refrigeration units;
  • thermoelectric heaters.

Today, the search for specialized equipment is made easier. There are a huge number of enterprises for its manufacture. It is only necessary to choose a seller who has the optimal cost of products.

Production of metal structures in the garage

Small business - production of metal products in a utility room or garage. A novice entrepreneur should be able to:

  • weld structural elements with various types of welding;
  • process seams;
  • correctly measure the dimensions of the product;
  • paint quality finished products.

Installation of a metal structure is carried out by the entrepreneur himself or by employees. Despite this, knowledge of how structures can be fixed to any bases is necessary.

At the initial stage of establishing production, you will need the following equipment:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder with additional nozzles;
  • clamps;
  • table for cutting and welding structural elements;
  • vise.

Do not forget about auxiliary tools: a hammer, a corner, a tape measure, a building level and others.

Note. You can measure the parameters of the future design yourself.

Today, entrepreneurs produce the following products:

  • gates (entrance and garage);
  • gates;
  • gratings;
  • doors;
  • fences of varying complexity;
  • flights of stairs;
  • decor elements.

Such raw materials are used for production: metal pipes, corners, steel sheets, wire.

It is worth considering that now you will not surprise anyone with a simple design of a metal structure. Therefore, in the creation of certain products you need to use them. You can buy them ready-made or produce them yourself. This will require forges for heating the metal, special forms, a sledgehammer, tongs and other tools.

Ideas for mini-production of building materials

This type of activity is familiar to almost everyone today. The following materials can be crafted in the garage:

  • foam block;
  • aerated concrete;
  • borders;
  • paving slabs;
  • concrete rings;
  • manhole covers;
  • grape columns;
  • and much more.

That is, almost all small structures created on the basis of concrete mortar or natural clay.

Raw materials for the production of products:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • clay;
  • additional components.

The latter include hardeners that allow the concrete mortar to harden much faster. As well as substances that improve the quality indicators of the concrete solution.

To equip a mini-workshop for this production, you will need the following:

  • concrete mixer;
  • forms for giving parameters to the product;
  • auxiliary tools;
  • vibrating table, which can be assembled independently;
  • an ordinary table for laying out tools and forms.

The natural process of solidification of the concrete solution can last from one to three days. If you put a small chamber in the garage that will be heated, the finished product is obtained faster. Forms with concrete mortar are placed in this chamber, where they are until the material is completely dry.

It would be useful to organize not only a mini-workshop, but also a small warehouse for storing finished products. In private households, this issue will not be a problem.

Hardware manufacturing

The production of fasteners in the garage is gaining more and more popularity. You can make bolts, nuts, studs and more. To do this, you need to install a lathe with various nozzles, as well as additional equipment and tables. Such production can be put on the line, if the scale of the garage space allows.

Manufacture of products from wire

The ideas of mini-production from wire in the garage are quite diverse. Despite this, nails and chain-link mesh are often made. This requires special machines. This type of production is different in that it does not need to be put on stream. You can do one-time orders.

Plastic recycling

This business can be opened in your garage without investing large sums. As a rule, the capital for creation is limited to 50,000 rubles. It is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

  • extruder;
  • press compressor;
  • shredder;
  • injector.

The machines are assembled and adjusted independently. You can ask for help from a specialist in this field.

The main advantage of this mini-production idea is the availability of raw materials. Plastic waste is used in the manufacture: bottles, pallets and much more. All this can be recycled and create real masterpieces and stunning decor elements:

  • flower pots;
  • and other.

A prerequisite for this type of production is the imagination of the entrepreneur. Develop such a business with the help of friends and acquaintances.

Joinery production

Wood products today have gained particular popularity. All this is due to its quality indicators. Products serve for a long time, and also have an attractive appearance. But it’s quite difficult to find a good craftsman who would make products to order.

There is a lot of competition in this business, and you will have to earn a reputation initially. What can be produced from wood:

  • interior and exterior doors;
  • tables and chairs;
  • cabinets and chests of drawers;
  • wardrobes and beds;
  • shelves and stands.

The range of products does not end there. It all depends on the imagination and abilities of a businessman, because you will have to start production on your own in order to save a little at the initial stage of development.

For production you will need the following:

  • machines: turning, sawing, grinding;
  • jointer;
  • table;
  • auxiliary tools.

If the products will be painted, it is necessary to allocate a separate room for work.

They lure buyers with original design and quality of work. The more unusual the product, the more interest and delight it will cause.

Consumer Goods Manufacturing

Whatever happens in a person's life, he will provide himself with everything necessary. The group of consumer goods includes the following:

  • products;
  • shoes;
  • cloth;
  • household chemicals.

The types of production of each product are significantly different from each other.

Making products at home

Consumer goods were sold in past centuries. Only earlier the sales market was limited to neighbors and relatives. Now such home mini-production is developing on an industrial scale.

If the size of the landholding allows, you can grow vegetables, fruits, agricultural crops. At the moment, the state purchases finished products of these types for the purpose of processing or resale.

Note. Quite often the farmer works at a loss. This factor is due to rather large initial financial investments and their incorrect distribution..

It is for this reason that it is necessary to pre-calculate all the costs of doing business and draw up a business plan with project payback planning. You can do it yourself, but it is better to involve a specialist.

Ideas for mini-production of consumer products do not end there. You can produce dairy products. It should be noted that it is not necessary to keep livestock. It is enough to find a permanent supplier of high-quality raw materials.

It is possible to process milk and produce products from it only with the help of special equipment. Since such goods are considered perishable and belong to the first risk group for infection with harmful bacteria. The process must be followed.

Advice. This type of activity must be registered, and a license must be obtained for the production of products.

Tailoring of shoes and clothes

Perhaps this is the most common type of home production. It requires little investment, since all work is done directly at home in a separate room, and the equipment is not too expensive. It is better to start with repairing products, earning a reputation for yourself. The competition in this area is quite strong. Over time, you can develop your production and switch to large volumes and the sale of finished products.

Mini bakery at home

Any housewife who can bake real culinary masterpieces dreams of opening her own production. You need to start small: bake buns or pies. Then you can move on to more complex products: cakes, pastries and other sweets. It will not be superfluous to show your imagination in the more interesting the design and taste of the product, the more customers will become regular.

For baking products, you need a high-quality oven. Preferably one that runs on electricity. Furnaces of this type have several heating elements located at the top, bottom and sides of the oven chamber.

Small business - the production of any product at home. Over time, you can move to a new level, which provides for additional investment, and produce products on an industrial scale.

In organizing your own production, you should not neglect the quality of products. It is also necessary to find suppliers of raw materials in advance and organize a sales market. Without proper sales of products, further development and increase in business profitability is impossible.

So, what is profitable in this business area, and what is better to produce from scratch?

Cinder blocks. This production idea is good for those who live in the private sector. After all, all the tools can be stored in the yard or garage. What will you need? Concrete mixer, vibrating machine, construction wheelbarrow and shovel.

Equipment costs will be about 55-100 thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the tools. A day, producing several hundred units of products, you can earn good money (about $ 100-200).

Styrofoam. The size of the required premises is about 150 square meters, the purchase of the necessary equipment will cost 1.5 million rubles. As for the revenue, you can count on an annual profit of about 1 million 500 thousand rubles.

2. Breeding laying hens

Very cost-effective and profitable production. For large-scale production of at least seven thousand chickens a year, investments in the amount of 400-500 thousand rubles are required, and the business itself will pay off in 8-12 months.

The largest costs are for the purchase of cages and an incubator. For a very small-scale production of several dozen chickens, about ten thousand rubles will be needed.

Breeding chickens is a great and uncomplicated business for a budding entrepreneur. Chickens are unpretentious in care and rarely get sick.

3. Casts and sculptures

Casts of children's hands and feet, compositions of lovers' hands, small sculptures-gifts are very popular now. Their production can take from half an hour to several days, depending on the complexity, and the net profit of one unit of goods starts from 500 rubles.

If use forms for the most popular sculptures, then the profitability of the business increases several times.

4. Making cottage cheese

Hello! Today we will talk about a small business for mini-production. The opening of a small production is becoming relevant against the backdrop of changing economic relations. In particular, the country's policy aimed at import substitution.

Starting your business from a small manufacturing enterprise is a great opportunity to enter both the domestic market and, possibly, in the future, the external one. Why not?! Especially for the readers of our site, we have collected 35 production business ideas for small businesses.

The relevance of small business for mini-production

Today, more than ever, a small manufacturing business is relevant. Those who think the other way around are in vain, because every day more and more investments are flowing into the development of domestic production in our country.

A few years ago, I visited Europe for the first time and was very surprised why some such simple production ideas could not be organized in our country. For example, in Eastern Europe, at the entrance to almost any village, you can see a huge variety of wood, plaster and plastic products for decorating a garden plot, from garden gnomes and flamingos to ready-made arbors and small fountains.

Almost 10 years have passed, and just a couple of years ago, in my city, I noticed that local figures also organized such production at home. And there are many such ideas. The main thing is to start in time and find your consumer.

Today's article has been prepared just to give some of you the idea of ​​​​organizing your own mini-production and tell what is now profitable for small businesses to produce.

35 Small Manufacturing Business Ideas

Below we have prepared for you a selection of 35 mini-production business ideas that can be implemented in both a small and a big city. Some can be opened even at home.

But also read other collections of business ideas on our website:

And useful articles for starting a business:

Business idea number 1 - Production of car covers

Investments up to 50,000 rubles.

: you buy the necessary equipment, find patterns for car covers and start looking for buyers who are interested in such products. You make a cover individually for each machine, having previously discussed all the details with the customer.


A car cover is an indispensable thing for every car. It protects it from rain, scratches and sunlight. But such products are less in demand than car seat covers. They are easier to produce, and the demand is much higher. Therefore, an entrepreneur who decides to open a production for sewing covers needs to think about the variety of manufactured products.

Implementation of the idea

To start working, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur, find and rent a room, purchase tools and equipment, hire a minimum staff, and distribute advertising.

The income of such a business depends on the quality of the advertising campaign. The better you advertise your product, the more orders will come, respectively, the higher the profit.

Business idea number 2 - Furniture production

Investments are about 500,000 rubles.

The essence of the project – opening of a workshop for the production of modern models of frame and upholstered furniture according to individual parameters.


This service is very popular and shows a high growth rate in its market segment. This is due to an increase in the income level of some segments of the population and the desire of the middle class to design housing in an original way. The most popular is cabinet furniture. It is purchased not only for residential premises, but also for offices, educational and medical institutions. Such a business project will become relevant in cities with a population of 250 thousand or more.

Over time, in a crowded place, you can open a point where orders will be taken. Making furniture is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and in some cases the profitability reaches 200%.

Implementation of the idea

In order to implement this business idea, it is necessary to issue an IP. After that, find a room (with an area of ​​at least 50 m²) in which the production workshop will be located, purchase a minimum set of tools, agree with the supplier of materials on regular supplies of all necessary blanks, hire (if necessary) personnel.

The initial cost of such a project:

  • acquisition of the necessary tools for work;
  • remuneration and staff training;
  • purchase of fittings and production materials;
  • service advertising.

The profitability and payback of the furniture workshop depends entirely on the volume of production and sales. The average trade margin for certain types of sets or cabinets can range from 50-200 percent. Such a business requires large financial investments in the first months, but can pay off after a year of stable work and advertising costs.

Business idea number 3 - Production of frameless furniture

Investments - from 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the project - opening of a manufacturing enterprise for the development and tailoring of models of frameless modern furniture.


Stylish and non-standard pouffes, voluminous armchairs with soft padding and bright design decorate youth and children's rooms, game rooms. The possibility of creating an original product makes such a business project in demand and interesting.

Implementation of the idea

To implement the idea, it is necessary to find suppliers of high-quality materials, to involve experienced designers in the work. In addition, expenses include:

  • purchase of professional equipment for tailoring;
  • staff content.

At the first stage, it is better to sell frameless furniture through the developed website of the store, to conclude agreements with large furniture centers and salons.
According to experienced entrepreneurs, such a project is able to reach self-sufficiency in three months. With an average cost of 1,000 rubles for one chair with filler, its retail price starts at 2,500 rubles with a minimal design. An increase in profits will bring work with individual sketches and orders from design bureaus.

Business idea number 4 - Making wicker furniture

Initial investment of funds - up to 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

This "creative" business idea is to open a private workshop for the production of beautiful and unusual furniture from natural wicker.


This eco-friendly material is once again on the wave of popularity. It is used to produce headsets for the dining area and relaxation, which can be placed in the country house or in the apartment. In addition to furniture, decorative items for the kitchen, Easter baskets or flower stands are in demand.

Implementation of the idea

You can equip such a workshop in any small room and work without the involvement of personnel. The biggest problem is the purchase of high-quality raw materials, so many real craftsmen prefer to harvest the willow on their own. Willow twigs can be cut in any season and not stored indoors. This helps to reduce the cost of wickerwork and increases profitability.

You can save on renting a retail space by taking orders and advertising products through an online store. A good profit comes from cooperation with furniture stores and design studios, the development of exclusive projects to the taste of the customer. This project can bring a net profit of at least 30,000 rubles and pay off in just 2 months of work.

Business idea number 5 - Production of colored gravel

The essence of the idea is as follows : you buy ordinary crushed stone, repaint it, pack it in small bags and find points of sale for finished products.


Colored gravel is very widely used in landscape design. It is small particles of marble or granite painted in different colors. The paint has unique properties due to which the color does not change over time. Such a business can be started with a minimum set of tools, but you will have to hire several workers. These may be people without any education, which can cut costs.

Implementation of the idea

To implement a business idea, you must officially register your activities and find a room for drying the material. After that, purchase crushed granite or marble, acrylic dye and the necessary set of tools and equipment (concrete mixer, screen). Then you can look for points of sale for finished products.

It is quite profitable to produce colored gravel. The average price per ton of ordinary crushed stone is 2,000 rubles, and a bag weighing 20-25 kg of colored crushed stone costs 300 rubles.

Business idea No. 6 - Workshop for the production of tiles from wild stone

Investments from 50 000 rubles. up to 100,000 rubles

The essence of the idea is as follows : you find deposits of sandstone, establish its extraction, transport it to the workshop. After that, it remains to process a wild stone and find a buyer, or a point of sale for finished products.


Tiles made from wild stone have always been distinguished by high strength and wear resistance. Because of this, most people prefer this finishing material. The production of tiles from wild stone is quite a profitable business for residents of the European part of the Russian Federation, because. the main deposits of sandstone are located in this area. In this case, the cost of transporting raw materials will be minimal, and the profit will be maximum.

Implementation of the idea

Before you start implementing this business idea, you need to find sandstone deposits. If the field is located close to the workshop, then you can register as an individual entrepreneur, purchase the necessary tools and equipment. After that, it remains to organize an advertising campaign and find buyers.

The income from such a business can be high if you manage to establish all the production processes. There will always be buyers for quality goods, so the money invested will be returned within a few months.

Business idea number 7 - Making tombstones

The amount of initial investment is 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

The basis of this commercial project is the opening of an enterprise for the production of tombstones and related paraphernalia from artificial stone, concrete or other materials. This service is always in demand, but it is distinguished by a high degree of competition in the market for the provision of such funeral services.

Implementation of the idea

You can set up such a business in a small room such as a garage or stay outside the city near the burial sites. This will help reduce rental costs and reduce costs. Additional costs to get started:

  • purchase of special equipment and tools for work and installation;
  • acquisition of molds for pouring mixtures;
  • purchase of a machine for complex engraving;
  • solving problems with the delivery of the finished monument to the installation site.

The cost of a complete set of tombstones with engraving is from 20,000 rubles. The selling price is 40,000 rubles with a 100% markup. This makes it possible to develop production, purchase non-standard forms and improve skills. It is possible to increase competitiveness by offering exclusive monuments and steles, high quality and durability of ritual products.

Business idea No. 8 - Penoizol production workshop

Investments from 460,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project - organization of the production process, involving the manufacture of penoizol, its sale to consumers, wholesale buyers.


The new building material is steadily gaining popularity due to its high heat-conducting and insulating qualities. Given the low cost of penoizol, the constant demand for it from builders of various facilities, such a workshop will quickly pay for itself and become a good means of investing capital in the coming years.

Implementation of the idea

To open a business you will need:

  • small production area;
  • special equipment;
  • raw materials for production;
  • car for transport services.

Penoizol can be sold through wholesale intermediaries, at retail, or by entering into a contract with construction hypermarkets. A simple technology allows you to deliver the equipment directly to the client at the construction site and work in any area. With the low cost of penoizol and a trade margin of 70-80%, you can completely reach the threshold of self-sufficiency in six months from the start of work. This material is most relevant in the warm season.

Business idea number 9 - Cinder block manufacturing

Investments from 200,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea - organization of the production process for the manufacture of cinder blocks for sale for construction purposes.


This material is widely used in the construction of residential buildings, industrial facilities, the construction of walls and outbuildings. The location of such a workshop near large cities or transport hubs will allow reaching regular orders from wholesale buyers, construction teams, and developers.

Implementation of the idea

For implementation, a small team of 3-4 employees is enough, premises with convenient access roads. The main costs fall on the following items:

  • rent of industrial premises, warehouse;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment for production;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • payroll expenses.

The highest percentage of profit falls on the warm months, when most construction projects are being built. With a full daily workload of the workshop, you can get 350 high-quality cinder blocks daily at a cost of 38 rubles per one. With a market price of 60 rubles, you can calculate that the daily income is 7700 rubles. At such a rate of production, in just two months, it is possible to recoup the purchase of equipment and basic costs. In winter, savings can be achieved by producing products in stock.

Important! This production is not subject to mandatory certification.

Business idea number 10 - Production of expanded clay blocks

Investments - 250,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea - opening of a production workshop for the production of expanded clay blocks, its implementation to contractors, consumers.


A modern and lightweight type of building material is popular in the arrangement of residential premises and buildings, the construction of outbuildings. The relevance is due to stable demand in the off-season, a high degree of profitability.

Implementation of the idea

To implement the production process, it is necessary to find a large utility room with good transport interchange, a warehouse for finished products. Most of the financial costs:

  • purchase of special equipment for production (concrete mixers, vibrating tables);
  • rent of a platform for drying blocks;
  • utilities for the maintenance of the workshop.

Additional costs - payment for transport for the delivery of raw materials, wages for workers in the workshop and warehouse.

A full work shift yields 1,000 good quality expanded clay blocks at an average cost of 20 rubles. A trading margin of 50% will give a daily profit of 10,000 rubles from one shift. By increasing the number of hours of work, it is possible to recoup all investments in the project in a few months.

Business idea No. 11 - Production of gas and foam concrete

Minimum investment - 540,000 rubles .

The essence of the business idea – equipment for a mini-plant for the production of gas or foam concrete with subsequent sale to construction organizations.


New types of material successfully replace the usual concrete due to their practicality and low price. It is increasingly used for the construction of buildings for any purpose. The relevance of the project is due to the constant demand for gas and foam concrete, a simple process of its production.

Implementation of the idea

To open such a mini-production, the future owner must:

  • choose a production facility with a warehouse and convenient transport routes;
  • purchase equipment for the manufacture of products;
  • train employees;
  • purchase raw materials from suppliers.

A small plant can produce 10 cubic meters per shift. quality building material. With equal volumes of foam and aerated concrete, the amount of monthly turnover can reach 650,000 rubles. Net income after deducting all direct and indirect expenses is 200,000 rubles. While maintaining such volumes of production and sales, the mini-factory will be able to switch to self-sufficiency in six months.

Business Idea No. 12 - Production of polystyrene concrete

The initial investment amount is 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

The basis is the opening of production facilities for the production of polystyrene concrete for the purpose of subsequent sale to consumers.


New building material is being actively introduced in the construction of various buildings and premises. Due to its high thermal conductivity and versatility, polystyrene concrete is increasingly replacing conventional stone and showing growth in terms of sales. The market is just beginning to develop, so there is little competition among manufacturers.

Implementation of the idea

To organize the production process, an entrepreneur needs to analyze the market for sales and solve the following questions:

  • procurement of the necessary raw materials and components for production;
  • purchase equipment and special forms;
  • train personnel in technology.

A workshop can be opened outside the city to save on rent and provide a full-fledged entrance for heavy vehicles. Sales should be sought through advertising on Internet resources and cooperation with large construction companies. With a cost of one cube of 2,000 rubles and stable sales, monthly income can reach 400,000 rubles during the season of active construction.

Business idea number 13 - Production of artificial marble

The minimum investment is 1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea – opening of a small production workshop for the production of artificial marble of different colors.


This type of design material is in high demand among companies that are engaged in decorating rooms, manufacturing kitchen sets or original piece products. The relevance of the business is due to the low cost and ease of manufacture of artificial stone.

Implementation of the idea

It is better to organize the production process on a specially rented area. It must have connected communications and convenient access roads for the shipment of finished material. For a complete manufacturing cycle, a minimum number of personnel, special equipment and grinding equipment will be required.

Having a spectacular appearance, artificial marble has a low cost. The average level of profitability of such enterprises is in the range of 40-50%. Monthly turnovers increase significantly in the warm season and can exceed 200,000 rubles. High demand for artificial marble and stable sales volumes of finished products make it possible to fully recoup the invested amount in 6-10 months.

Business Idea #14 - Neon Sign Production

Investments from 500,000 rubles.


Such production will be relevant in the conditions of constant development of the sphere of trade and entertainment in a big city. Despite stable demand, competition in this type of advertising business is quite low.

Implementation of the idea

To open an enterprise, you will need a small non-residential premises, the purchase or leasing of a mini-factory for the production of neon products. In addition, costs will require:

  • purchase of components for production;
  • the cost of training glassblowers;
  • salaries of account managers;
  • office space maintenance.

The minimum cost of a neon strip produced and assembled starts from 1,000 rubles per meter at a cost of 700 rubles. This gives a net income of 300 rubles. Depending on the features of the configuration, shade or complexity of installation, the price increases significantly. Fast turnover and reaching self-sufficiency depends on the number of customers, so advertising of your services, high quality of work, advertising from satisfied customers plays an important role.

Business idea number 15 - Production of metal doors

Investments from 500,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea - opening of a production workshop for the manufacture of metal doors of various models and types, their subsequent implementation and installation at the request of the customer.


Competition in the sector is quite high, but there is always a demand for inexpensive and high-quality products in the middle price range. Offering an excellent balance of quality, comprehensive service and affordable cost, you can realize a profitable project.

Implementation of the idea

To open a small workshop in terms of area and capacity, you will need a room far from the center, but with good transport interchange. In addition, an initial purchase is required:

  • production equipment;
  • tools for the assembly team;
  • material and accessories.

A small workshop can produce 200 metal doors per month on average. Having laid a profitability of 25% in the selling price of a standard door (7,000-9,000 rubles, depending on the configuration), we can talk about a monthly income of over 300,000 rubles. For a constant increase in turnover, active advertising is required, the conclusion of contracts with large hardware stores, sales intermediaries.

Business Idea No. 16 - Antifreeze Production

Investments - 300,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project - Opening of an enterprise that will produce various chemical fluids for car maintenance.


The relevance of the business does not require a special analysis of the market and target audience. Despite the crisis, the number of cars is only growing, and many owners are trying to reduce the cost of their maintenance through the use of domestic products. By producing antifreeze, car shampoos and other high quality products, you can quickly acquire worthy wholesale customers with bulk orders.

Implementation of the idea

The production is not technologically complex, but requires investments related to its opening:

  • rent of a large premises, warehouse;
  • hiring staff (no more than 4 people);
  • purchase or leasing of equipment;
  • purchase of packaging materials;
  • purchase of a certain number of reagents.

Such a business can be expanded through the introduction of popular types of products that are similar in composition to antifreeze. In addition to the main wholesale buyers, it is necessary to offer services to auto shops of enterprises, salons or retail stores. This will ensure constant capacity utilization and will reach self-sufficiency approximately in a year.

Business idea No. 17 - Organization of production for tailoring workwear

Investments - from 200,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea - organization of the complete process of development, implementation and tailoring of original and classic models of overalls for personnel of various institutions.


Such goods are necessary for many organizations, societies, industrial enterprises. Small studios are more in demand in terms of small orders with logos for cafes, hotels, restaurants, private medical centers.

Implementation of the idea

To open such an enterprise, it is enough to attract a small team of professionals. The choice of location does not play a role in the advertising of the atelier, so renting in a residential area can provide significant cost savings. An expensive purchase will be:

  • a set of professional sewing equipment;
  • a set of necessary accessories;
  • purchase of specialized fabrics.

The profitability of this type of sewing business is much higher than that of standard ateliers due to the volume of each order, the individual characteristics of clothing. Therefore, the first months of work can bring a net profit of up to 50,000 rubles, assuming that all organizational expenses are covered already in the first half of the year.

Business Idea No. 18 - Mirror Manufacturing

Approximate investment - up to 200,000 rubles.


Mirror making is a new type of small business project that is gaining momentum. Interest in such a product is constantly shown by companies engaged in the manufacture of modern furniture, interesting renovations of premises and office design. Demand generates the production of decorative mirrors, special tiles with a similar effect.

Implementation of the idea

The manufacturing process at first glance will seem complicated, but it will require a small list of costs, among which stand out:

  • workshop space rental;
  • purchase of special furniture, cutting table;
  • acquisition of an initial set of materials and reagents;
  • shipping costs to the customer.

Partial production of some types of furniture for the workflow on your own can bring good savings. Under such minimum conditions, one shift can produce at least 20 m2 of high-quality mirror at a cost of 1000 rubles per meter. Given that the market price for such a product starts at 1,500 rubles, it is easy to calculate a daily profit of 10,000 rubles. With a constant workload of production with orders, it is possible to reach self-sufficiency in a quarter.

Business Idea No. 19 - Eurofence Production

The minimum investment is 700,000 rubles.

The essence of the project – production of various models of a modern eurofence on the basis of an equipped production workshop.


The greatest demand for such construction products is among the owners of private buildings or country houses, residents of holiday villages. A large assortment and an affordable price for eurofences makes this product in demand, and its production is profitable.

Implementation of the idea

To organize an enterprise at the initial stage, you will need:

  • a small workshop with connected communications;
  • purchase or leasing of special production equipment;
  • training of personnel in production skills;
  • source materials and tools.

Particular attention should be paid to advertising your services. A good effect is the organization of a small exhibition space for the presentation of models and drawings. As a sales option - the conclusion of an agreement with large construction supermarkets or intermediaries.

Such a business project gives a good profit. It should be opened during the active construction season to ensure good sales at the initial stage. Making a quality product and good advertising will help pay off this business idea in a year of work.

Business idea No. 20 - Production of metal-plastic windows

The minimum investment of funds is 450,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

The basis of the new project is a business idea for equipping a fully equipped workshop for the production of door and window blocks from metal-plastic, their installation at the request of the customer.


This type of product is in fairly stable demand in cities of any type, confidently replacing wooden structures. Despite the competition, you can securely gain a foothold in the market by offering quality products.

Implementation of the idea

Opening a new enterprise requires certain investments, which will be spent on such items of expenditure as:

  • rental of premises for production;
  • maintenance of an office for receiving orders;
  • purchase of a standard set of tools and equipment for the production workshop and installation work;
  • training of workers in the technology of manufacturing window blocks;
  • advertising and site development.

In large and densely populated cities, the average profitability indicator can show 150-300%. It is possible to win against the background of competitors by providing discounts for the installation, repair or warranty service of window blocks. Laminated frames with a wood pattern and custom shapes are gaining popularity. A feature of the business is a sharp decrease in demand during the cold season, which must be taken into account when distributing profits and investments.

Business Idea No. 21 - Production of metal tiles

The amount of capital investments is 2,650,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

The main essence of this business project is the opening of a technologically equipped enterprise for the production of modern metal tiles.


A new type of building material is in demand in the construction of low-rise buildings. Its practicality and ease of use can increase interest and occupy a niche of 40% in the market of roofing materials in a few years.

Implementation of the idea

The main amount must be invested in an expensive automated line that can produce almost a complete cycle under the control of one operator. Modern installations do not require a large number of technical personnel for maintenance and quickly pay for themselves. In addition, you need:

  • rent a room of sufficient size for production and warehouses for finished tiles (transport interchange matters);
  • determine the types of products produced;
  • place advertisements among wholesale buyers, construction companies;
  • solve the problem with the supply of high-quality raw materials.

When fully loaded, the equipment can produce up to 7 meters of quality products in just a minute of operation. With an estimated profitability of the project of 30-40%, you can count on a full payback already in two construction seasons.

Business Idea #22 - Vinyl Siding Production

Estimated investments - more than 1.5 million rubles.

The essence of the project

The basis of the new business project is the opening of an equipped enterprise for the production of colored PVC siding and its sale to wholesale buyers.


Practical and versatile building material is increasingly used in the decoration and insulation of private cottages and industrial premises. The market shows a stable small growth for different types of vinyl siding up to 7% annually and moderate competition.

Implementation of the idea

The production of vinyl siding is possible with the arrangement of a complete technical line. It has a high cost, so experienced entrepreneurs recommend that beginners pay attention to long-term rental or used models. Additional costs will require:

  • rent of a large premises for the placement of facilities and a warehouse;
  • training and wages for hired personnel;
  • rent or purchase of loading equipment;
  • advertising and market search for siding.

Given the large initial costs and the cost of resources, the owner should not expect to overcome the payback threshold earlier than after a year of constant work. Sales can drop significantly in the winter season, but rise sharply in the spring. This should be calculated in capacity utilization and cost allocation.

Business idea number 23 - Production of forged products

The initial investment amount is 350,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

The basis of this production idea is the opening of a fully equipped workshop for the production of standard and exclusive products for customers.


Unique types of wrought iron gates, fence sections or window bars are increasingly decorating private housing construction. There is a growing demand for hand-forged furniture frames, interesting products that designers use to complement interiors. The competition for such non-standard things is small, but the demand in cities with millions of people is high, so there is room for development for young enterprises.

Implementation of the idea

When preparing for the opening of a new production, it is necessary:

  • rent a comfortable room for the forge with proper ventilation;
  • purchase a complete set of specialized equipment and tools;
  • equip an office for working with clients;
  • launch a website or online store to get acquainted with the range.

Of great importance is the involvement of a real designer to develop new products. This will help to take a high step in the market and create a circle of regular customers among design bureaus and furniture workshops. One meter of the finished product is sold at a price of 3,000 rubles, with its cost of 1,000 rubles. The completed projects of private forges show a high level of payback and incomes of up to 400,000 rubles per month, which quickly cover all investments.

Business Idea No. 24 - Production of figurines for a garden plot

Estimated expenses - 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

This creative business project is the organization of an enterprise or workshop for the production of original decorations for garden plots from plaster, concrete or plastic.


Many homeowners of private cottages or country houses want to equip their plots with individuality in an original style. Someone wants to transform the patio of their office building. Figurines of fairy-tale characters and animals, vases, fountains and flower stands are in demand.

Implementation of the idea

To open such a workshop, the owner will need:

  • rent a small room for work and storage of finished figures;
  • purchase the necessary set of tools and equipment;
  • purchase dry mixes and special paints for the first orders;
  • organize original advertising via the Internet or exhibitions.

Large investments will require the purchase of special molds for casting, the number of which depends on the range. You can stand out from competitors and increase revenues through the production of exclusive products. With the cost of one average figure of 350–500 rubles, its retail price starts at 1,000 rubles. Alternatively, you can offer decorations without coloring for art schools and studios. The average profitability of such financial projects starts from 30-35%.

Business idea number 25 - Making wooden toys

The starting amount of capital is 400,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

This original business idea is to open a workshop or mini-workshop for the production of original children's toys from natural wood. Such a business can be started in a small town.


The demand for such safe and environmentally friendly products is only increasing every year among caring parents. Such goods must be certified and manufactured in compliance with all technologies. Montessori toys are back in fashion!

Implementation of the idea

You can equip such a workshop in a garage or an extension of a private house. The main costs that an entrepreneur will face will be:

  • acquisition of specialized design software for product development;
  • purchase of special hand equipment and carpentry tools;
  • training of workers and payment for advanced training courses;
  • acquisition of a stock of raw materials and materials.

High-quality wood can be purchased at a discount from furniture workshop waste. There is little competition in this toy sector. Making interesting and non-standard models will help to quickly bring regular customers in the form of children's stores and wholesale buyers. The average payback period for this project ranges from one to one and a half years, and the business itself will require certain advertising investments.

Business idea number 26 - Organization of your own winery

Initial investment of funds - from 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

Before opening a "drunk" business, it is necessary to thoroughly study the legislation in this area. The essence of the project is the organization of a private winery and the production of homemade quality wines. A good basis can be the use of family recipes, original herbal tinctures. Such products will be in demand among regular customers, restaurants and entertainment venues.

Implementation of the idea

It is better to open your own winery near the location of the vineyards in order to independently control the selection of raw materials. The ideal option would be to break down your own land, but this requires a lot of capital and personal time. At the initial stage, it is better to do with manual labor. With this method, the largest investment will require the purchase of barrels and grape raw materials.

When raising the speed, you can invest in automatic cleaning and filtration systems, powerful presses. As an additional income, many entrepreneurs consider making several types of homemade jams. With the cost of one liter of homemade wine at 50-80 rubles, you can offer it to consumers at a price of 300 rubles and more. This will make the project profitable and help develop it in the future.

Business idea number 27 - Opening your own brewery

The initial investment of funds is 250,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

The basis for the “hoppy” project is the opening of an equipped private brewery for the production of several of its own beers. This type of mini-factory can be located in a small room such as a garage. The high demand for this type of low-alcohol drink will not leave the entrepreneur without profit even in the cold season. Especially, subject to the production of our own delicious varieties of high quality.

Implementation of the idea

To open a small brewery at the initial stage of work, you can get by with a small number of staff and perform some of the technological operations yourself. To start production you will need:

  • find and re-equip a room with good access for trucks;
  • purchase equipment for distillation and fermentation, a bottling line;
  • conduct a market analysis and find wholesale buyers.
  • organize active advertising of your brand and product.

Even with minimal investment, such a business will begin to pay for itself in a year. The margin on beer may well exceed 100%. The amount of profit depends entirely on the sales volume of hop products, advertising and production costs, and the seasonality of the goods.

Business idea No. 28 - Production and packaging of honey

The essence of the project

This version of the business idea involves the arrangement of a large apiary, the organization of a line for bottling and packaging of sweet products. Interest in proper nutrition and traditional medicine recipes makes such a business project very profitable and relevant.

Implementation of the idea

To equip such apiaries and a mini-packing plant should be in an ecologically clean area. Country plots and cottages are ideal. To get started, you need to solve several practical issues:

  • equip an apiary in compliance with all requirements, place bee colonies;
  • purchase equipment for packing honey;
  • Solve the issue of marketing products and find wholesale buyers.

The first year of operation can be started by placing ten colonies of bees, which will bring at least 500 kg of honey and related products. With an average price of 500 rubles, this will give a profit of 250,000 rubles per season. Packing in small portions in a convenient container will double its cost. Additional volumes can be increased by purchasing honey for packaging at neighboring farms, selling other beekeeping products (propolis, wax or bee bread) to consumers. Despite the seasonality, such a project quickly pays off and brings a high percentage of income.

Business idea No. 29 - Dry breakfast production

Preliminary investments - 1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea - development and arrangement of production facilities for the production of a variety of dry breakfasts, their wholesale.


These products are in constant demand among consumers who strive to maintain a proper diet. The relevance of the idea is due to the constant growth of the dry breakfast market (up to 10% per year) and moderate competition.

Implementation of the idea

To implement the project, a production facility will be required to accommodate a workshop and a small warehouse for storing finished products. The main part of financial investments will be distributed between the following items of expenditure:

  • purchase of special equipment;
  • purchase of raw materials for breakfast cereals;
  • staff salaries;
  • rent for the premises.

One kilogram of a nutritious breakfast produced costs 30 rubles, taking into account all the costs of its production. Under the condition of a five-day working week and a selling price of products of 50 rubles per kilogram, the total amount of turnover profit can be 830,000 rubles. With a stable capacity utilization, such a business project can fully pay off in 9-10 months.

Business idea number 30 - Production of clean drinking water

The initial investment amount is 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

Such a business is the opening and equipment of production facilities for the purification and bottling of water into special containers. Such drinking water makes up to 30% of all consumed among the population. It is purchased in stores in different volumes, used for cooking and drinks. The main consumers are catering establishments, institutions (kindergartens, schools, offices) and ordinary families.

Implementation of the idea

To implement this project and open the workshop, it is necessary to resolve several important organizational tasks:

  • determine the territory for the placement of capacities, where there is minimal competition and there is a sales market;
  • purchase equipment for the entire cycle;
  • conclude a contract for the supply of several types of packaging (plastic and glass), as well as for cellophane for packaging;
  • receive a package of sanitary documents and quality certificates from the relevant authorities.

This project can be planned for the intake of water from a well or water supply, which determines the cost of equipment and the location of the workshop. A business idea can turn out to be quite profitable and pay off in a year. To do this, you need to seriously approach advertising your brand and guarantee excellent quality.

Business Idea No. 31 - Spice Production

The initial investment amount is 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

This type of business represents the organization of a manufacturing enterprise for the production and packaging of aromatic spices.


Fragrant mixtures are in stable demand among professional cooks and ordinary housewives. Many consumers are discovering unusual tastes, so the market shows strong demand and growth for different types of spices.

Implementation of the idea

It is rational to open this project in warm regions where the necessary raw materials grow. This will help control the quality and save on product transportation. Additional costs include:

  • rent of workshop premises for packaging and storage of finished products;
  • purchase of equipment for several types of mixtures and packaging in different containers (bags, glass or plastic);
  • promotional campaign to increase brand awareness.

At the first stage, the help of an experienced technologist is needed, which will help create compositions that are unique in taste and aroma. With an active approach to advertising and a low price of goods, a business idea shows a profitability level of up to 70%. It begins to pay off already after two months of constant capacity utilization. The main difficulty is finding suppliers of high-quality raw materials abroad.

Business idea No. 32 - Greenhouse production

Initial capital investment - up to 200,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

A new business idea is the opening of an enterprise for the manufacture of frames and components for greenhouses.


During the crisis, the demand for these products increased due to the active growth in the number of subsidiary farms. The relevance is also due to the growing interest in the domestic agricultural sector on the part of investors.

Implementation of the idea

At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine the type of material for greenhouses. The lightest and most practical in work are plastic and polycarbonate. To open such a workshop you will need:

  • rent of premises for production and office;
  • purchase of equipment for working with plastic and installation of greenhouses;
  • placement of advertising of their products via the Internet and posting leaflets.

To begin with, with the manual method of manufacturing greenhouses, it is enough to collect several products per week in order to quickly recoup the investment. The profitability of the project may well reach 150%, but you should not overestimate the cost of products with high competition in the market. Additional income can be provided by the service of visiting the client's personal plot and installing greenhouses from ready-made purchased blocks, their conversion to the needs of the customer.

Business idea No. 33 - Production of children's sleds

Initial investment - from 1 million rubles.

The essence of the project

Such a business project is a large workshop for the manufacture of standard and modern models of sleds for children.


This business sector does not have much competition. Most of the large enterprises refuse this type of product, so prospects are opening up for the development of small workshops. Such products have a seasonal demand and show good sales in the northern and temperate regions.

The most popular are ordinary sleds on a metal frame. They are supplemented with comfortable handles, covers, new types of wood and plastic are used.

Implementation of the idea

To implement such a project, you need:

  • find a room for a workshop and a warehouse with good transport interchange;
  • purchase a semi-automatic line for working with metal;
  • hire staff and train them in technology;
  • solve the issue of product advertising and sales market.

The retail price of conventional sledges starts from 1000 rubles at a product cost of 500 rubles. This will help solve the issue of payback in almost one cold season. But the real problem with this business project is the seasonality of this baby product. It should be solved by the development and introduction into production of garden and purchase carts, cultivators or construction wheelbarrows.

Business idea No. 34 - Production of change houses for construction sites

The initial investment amount is 150,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

The basis of the commercial idea is the creation of a small enterprise for the manufacture of change houses of any size and configuration according to customer measurements.


This is a sought-after business due to a noticeable increase in construction projects. Many enterprises use change houses to accommodate staff, security guards or a field kitchen for workers. Given the ease of manufacture and the demand for the product, it is possible to implement an excellent business project at low cost.

Implementation of the idea

The manufacture of change houses from rolled metal does not require special equipment and technologies. Main production issues:

  • rent of a small workshop for the assembly of new cabins and storage of materials;
  • purchase of several sets of tools for workers;
  • purchase of the first batch of materials for change houses.

Several workers collect one change house in three days. Its cost starts from 30,000 rubles and directly depends on the filling of the room and equipment. The selling price is at least 50,000 rubles. Collecting 10 such cabins per month, you can count on a minimum net profit of 200,000 rubles. The introduction of new models for arranging a retail outlet will expand the circle of customers.

Business idea No. 35 - Feed production

The amount of initial capital is 2,300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project

The basis of the production project is the opening of a small enterprise for the production of several types of feed for households and farms.


The development of the agro-industrial public sector and private complexes increases the demand for this type of product necessary for animal husbandry. There is moderate competition in the feed production market and there is the possibility of introducing new enterprises.

Implementation of the idea

Opening a mini-factory requires significant financial costs on the part of the owner for the purchase of a special line, its installation and configuration. In the absence of large initial investments, a low-capacity project for home production can be implemented. In addition, the entrepreneur must:

  • rent a room for equipment and a warehouse for finished feed;
  • to equip access roads for trucks;
  • conclude contracts for the supply of high-quality raw materials;
  • work out the client base by working with farms and livestock breeders.

With proper marketing, in a year the feed mill will fully pay off and reach a net profit. The profitability of such mini-factories varies in the range of 20-24% with partial capacity utilization.


In conclusion, I would like to ask you to add more profitable production business ideas in the comments, because we are not able to cover all areas. So we will make this collection of ideas even more.

We are also waiting for your questions, if any!

The business of producing goods is a rather complicated phenomenon. It is difficult to organize it, it requires a large number of permits and investments, it does not bring profit immediately and can pay off for years.

If after such words you decide to close this section and go in search of easier business ideas, stop and think about this: no one would “get involved” with production if it were not profitable.

Varvara Labutina

Art Director of LeDiLe Charm Jewelry Company

Production in Russia is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is much more profitable to produce in our country than abroad, especially in times of crisis. The costs of customs duties and risks with non-delivery of products on time are excluded. On the other hand, own production is associated with many difficulties.

First of all, organizing production is a costly business. Even if we are talking about a small family business, and not a giant plant. Therefore, if you have few savings, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bproduction should be dismissed immediately. You will have to spend money not only on the equipment for production itself, but also on renting premises for storing products, renting premises for work and arranging it in accordance with all safety norms and standards. By the way, with the coordination of the latter, certain difficulties may arise. For example, a number of norms necessary for building technologies according to international standards are still missing.

In addition, not all materials are cheaper to produce in Russia, many simply do not have Russian analogues, as a result of which the cost of production also largely depends on the exchange rate.

The second difficulty is the legal registration of the business. It is not enough just to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC to start producing products. Get ready for the fact that your industrial premises will at least be checked by the SES and the fire inspection. And if it does not meet all the necessary standards, you will not be issued a hygiene certificate, which means you will not be able to work legally. In addition, you will have to confirm that your products are manufactured in accordance with industry standards and meet GOST standards. You will also have to prepare a technological instruction.

In individual areas of production, their own special documents may be required. For example, if you intend to produce alcoholic beverages, you will have to issue a special license, without which it is illegal to work.

It is also worth noting that production can be unprofitable in the first months of its existence, when you will not only pay workers, purchase raw materials, pay rent for premises and utilities, but also pay loans for equipment, etc.

A manufacturing business has a lot of fixed costs, and unlike the service industry, it is necessary to constantly load production with work, otherwise it will not be able to exist.

It is much easier to sell someone else's products, especially if they are well known.

A manufacturer, especially one working under its own brand, must promote it, and this is very costly and time consuming. However, production also has a lot of advantages. The first of these is to create a serious competitive advantage. You can make a unique product. Compared to the service or retail sectors, own production clearly provides a powerful foundation for business.

Also, manufacturing is more stable compared to a sales or service business. In fact, you are not dependent on suppliers of finished products, and therefore you are not afraid of a decrease in quality, an increase in prices or a sudden refusal to cooperate. For all this, especially for quality, only you yourself are responsible to the client.

Well, besides, which is quite important, small industries are more mobile. If the demand for your products rises sharply or vice versa decreases, you can always “tweak” the volume of products.

Also, a business built on the basis of its own production may well gain an advantage in a crisis. For example, clothing brands, whose production is concentrated in Russia, were able to keep prices at pre-crisis levels. As a result, their sales volumes practically did not decrease, unlike brands whose clothes are imported from abroad.

In a word, having your own production is an ambiguous point that has enough pluses and minuses. Everyone who is going to open their own business should take them into account. In the meantime, let's get acquainted with the motives of those people for whom the advantages of production turned out to be more significant than the disadvantages.

Igor Frolov

I wanted not just to earn money, but to make things that you can touch. Clothing is comparatively easier to produce than cars or food. Also, at first I worked with fur, and therefore I had experience with outerwear, I just changed fur coats for jackets.

Julia Ignatieva

General Director of "Evald Mebel"

I am a third generation furniture maker. To produce means to create, and this implies knowledge of the market, its gaps and the ability to fill them. I know other brands of furniture, especially sofas. We do not follow the path of copying, but supplement.

Angela Yankovskaya

General Director "Workshop Angel"

In 2001, my youngest son was 3 years old, I decided to buy him a suit for a family New Year's party. As it turned out, nothing decent was offered in Russia: the quality of the costumes was terrible. They were only meant to be photographed once. I don't like low-quality things, so I had to make the suit myself, but the entrepreneur's eyes fell on the unmet need of the market. I couldn't sleep anymore.

By May, I had a collection of thirty suits that I myself designed, designed and sewn by a seamstress I knew. Then I called all the major networks of children's goods, they willingly placed an order. After that, I opened production and shipped the first batch to these stores by the New Year.

Rail Khismatullin

President of the group of enterprises "Tentorium"

The motives that force businessmen to establish their own production are very different. But the main thing is always one thing. Business is business - it must generate income. Last but not least are the ambitions of businessmen. I personally wanted to create a production that could work for the whole world.

Production in Russia

The business of producing anything remains in demand even in times of crisis. Although the manufacturing sector itself is quite extensive, and its different branches have different degrees of development, they also react to changes in the economy in different ways.

Over the past 2015, Russian production as a whole decreased by 3.4% according to Rosstat. The reason for this is the depreciation of the Russian currency, the demand for part of the production, as well as the lack of investment and the debts of enterprises. The manufacturing industry and the fuel and energy complex were especially affected by these factors.

Although there were factors that influenced production positively. For example, the ban on the import of certain products from abroad led to an increase in the production of cheese, meat, poultry, fish and medical equipment. These areas have grown the most. But the volumes of production of jackets, as well as televisions and monitors, experienced the largest decline.

But one way or another, the decline in Russian production will not last forever. At the end of 2015, economists predicted that its growth would begin closer to the end of 2016.

However, the manufacturing sector surprised experts. According to Rosstat, it showed an increase of 1% already in February of this year. The value, of course, is by no means large, but the trend towards a constant decline was nevertheless broken for the first time since January 2015.

Import substitution is still relevant. Therefore, if you are thinking about setting up your own production, pay attention to various products whose import into Russia is prohibited, or which have risen significantly in price due to a jump in the exchange rate.

Another option for working on import substitution is the creation of innovative products that are ahead of existing Western technologies. This is especially true in the field of IT.

Igor Frolov

CEO of Northwestfur

If the decline continues, it is possible that manufacturers of cheap and expensive goods will remain afloat, goods for the middle class will simply disappear. Both manufacturers and sellers of such products must decide which of these two niches they should go. People will save money, more money is spent on food, so entertainment, clothing, cars will experience difficulties. And it is important to understand that this is not a temporary phenomenon that can be waited out, you need to start looking for your niche in the new reality and economy. Ideally, if it will be the best product or service for little money.

So, the manufacturing business has a number of advantages, despite its high cost and complexity. That is why there are a lot of entrepreneurs starting a business in this area. At the same time, for many, the question “Should we open production?” not even worth it.

If you are not one of those purposeful creators, carefully weigh the pros and cons, evaluate the trends and needs of the market. And after that, with a clear conscience, start your own business.