Autonomous heating of the chicken coop. Heating a chicken coop in winter: heating methods and suitable types of electrical appliances. Is it possible to do without electricity

  • 25.05.2020

When it comes to warming and heating the birds' homes for the winter, it is important not to miscalculate and use exactly those materials and technologies that will be relevant for the local climate and allow the birds to safely endure the winter. The equipment and heating of chicken coops in winter deserves special attention.

For heating the poultry house winter time use two methods:

  • natural;
  • artificial.

Each of them has its pros and cons. For regions with a warm and temperate climate, a natural heating method is suitable, since 7 degrees of heat are enough for chickens for a normal wintering.

If we are talking about winters with severe frosts, when the temperature drops to minus 20 and below, then artificial heating is indispensable here.

Now there are a large number of ways to artificially heat the chicken coop, and each farmer himself chooses which method will be the most optimal for him in terms of price-quality ratio.


Natural heating is the warming of a room with the help of building materials. It is preferable to make the walls double, filling the space between the layers with foam or foam. Close all cracks inside carefully, leaving only a small hole for ventilation.

The floor in the chicken coop also needs to be insulated, for this it is made two-layer. From above it is covered with bedding, which is used as a 10-15 cm layer of sawdust, straw, slaked lime or peat.

The shed should have unnatural heating. But they should not be limited only to them if the temperature in the area drops below -10 degrees. In addition to natural heating, artificial heating must also be applied.

Types of artificial heating

Artificial heating allows you to create the desired temperature in the chicken coop. When the heating is of high quality, the owner of the subsidiary farm does not have to worry about the health of his wards.

Before conducting artificial heating in the chicken coop, you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular of them, learning about the features, pros and cons of each method. The main types of artificial heating:

Red chicken coop lamp

It is a red lamp with a mirror bulb inside. This is an infrared heater that runs on electricity with a power of 250 watts. Enough on average to heat an area of ​​10 sq.m. At this method Heating has its pros and cons.

  1. The rays of the red lamp are aimed at heating all surfaces, not air. Thanks to this, the air does not become dry, and the floor litter is regularly dried.
  2. The red light of the lamp can be left on at night, it does not interfere with the chickens' sleep. Scientists have proven that red light has a positive effect on laying hens, strengthening their immunity.
  3. Easy to use. The red lamp is simply screwed into the cartridge and voltage is applied.
  1. High electricity consumption.
  2. Quick failure. Some lamps are not of high quality, when choosing this type of heating, you need to give preference to trusted manufacturers, read the reviews.

The red lamp must be installed at a height of 0.5-1 m from the floor. Also, the equipment must be kept away from water, as if splashed on the glass, the lamp cracks and fails.

Electric heaters

These include: oil coolers, heaters, etc. Install the heater in the chicken coop in a safe place to prevent birds from getting burned. It is better to give preference to devices with automatic equipment, so that the desired temperature is constantly maintained in the room automatically.

Expensive heater. It is more expedient to take it if the number of chickens is large. The boiler is not autonomous and its control requires the constant presence of a trained person.


The simplest and cheap way heating. Allows you to provide heating of the chicken coop in winter without electricity. The disadvantages of this method include the fact that the stove quickly becomes covered with rust, it must be monitored, fire safety must be carefully observed.

Infrared chicken coop heater

In addition to red infrared lamps, there are other types of infrared heaters. Unlike the main types of artificial heaters, it has a bactericidal effect. Which one is better to choose? The devices of the following companies have proven themselves well:

  • "Bilux". Domestic heater. Automatic control, keeps the room temperature constant at 12 degrees, power 700W;
  • Philips. These IR heaters have high power and can last up to 5 thousand hours.

Water heating

If the heating in the house is carried out using water heating, and the chicken coop is adjacent to the house, then similar heating in the chicken house will be the most optimal and economical way of heating.

Do-it-yourself chicken coop heating

It is not difficult to make heating a chicken coop with your own hands, if you follow certain rules. If the temperature is low in winter, then here you will have to use two methods of heating at once.

You need to insulate the chicken coop in a natural way. Without pre-training and warming the room, there is no point in installing even the most expensive equipment, since the cold coming from the street will negate all the work of the heating device. Work algorithm::

  1. Floor covering in the chicken coop. Slaked lime is used as bedding. To do this, first prepare the base: it must be clean and dry. Slaked lime is poured on top at the rate of 1 kg per 1 sq.m. Over time, the litter will become wet, you need to regularly loosen it and add a fresh layer.
  2. Insulation of walls and ceilings. It is better to insulate the ceiling with roofing material, mineral wool. Mineral wool or polystyrene is also suitable for walls. Particular attention is paid to the careful sealing of all holes and cracks: even a small hole in the walls and ceiling can take away a large amount of heat.
  3. Windows and doors. They are insulated with a plastic film or fabric.

After the chicken coop is prepared and insulated naturally, you can consider installing special artificial heating equipment. Since infrared lamps are now very popular, the installation of artificial heating will be considered using their example.

  1. If the room is medium in size (about 12 sq.m.), then a device with a power of 250 watts will do.
  2. For the lamp, fix a platform with an E27 ceramic cartridge to the ceiling.
  3. Install a protective fence around the lamp so that water does not get on the lamp. And if the equipment bursts and falls out of the flask, so that it does not harm the chickens.
  4. It is convenient to supply the lamp with a thermostat with a sensor. This will maintain the temperature at a constant level of 10-12 degrees, and the lamp can also be turned on and off at a given time.

The importance of insulating a chicken coop

For those who are familiar with breeding chickens, the question does not arise whether it is necessary to heat the chicken coop in winter. For these poultry, temperature is very important.

If the question arises whether chickens need additional heating in winter, then the answer here is unambiguous: of course they do. Each poultry farmer himself chooses which of the heating methods to apply, based on personal experience, financial opportunities and feedback from other farmers.

It is known that pets need special care during the cold season. Chickens are the worst at cold temperatures. A negligent attitude to this fact leads to the loss of eggs, and in the worst case, birds. There are many ways to heat a chicken coop in winter.

It is necessary to prepare for the onset of cold weather in advance so that the birds overwinter without loss. In the cold season, they practically do not walk on the street, most of the time they spend sitting in their nests. Accordingly, the heat transfer is reduced. Paws are the most vulnerable place, because only there are no feathers. If you keep your farm at home, then you know what temperature should be in the chicken coop in winter. At + 12 ... + 16 ° C, birds live most comfortably. It is better if the thermometer has a stable mark of +20 ° C.

In winter, maintaining the optimal temperature for chickens provides a performance increase of more than 30%. The body spends more energy on warming the bird, it begins to eat a lot, and grain consumption increases. It is more economical to heat a chicken coop than to keep it cold. If there are chicks in the barn, then this issue should be taken more seriously so that the offspring do not die in harsh conditions. The minimum degree of heat should not fall below +10 °C.

Animals can also catch a cold, and it is more difficult to treat them than people. A cold will be followed by an infection and infection of the entire poultry house. No owner is interested in an epidemic raging among his wards. For many, poultry farming is profitable business. By supplying meat to consumers, the manufacturer bears full responsibility for the quality. For violation of sanitary standards, they can simply be held administratively liable.

The above indicators fully argue the importance of maintaining the optimum temperature in the chicken coop in winter. Products will not be competitive when the body fat percentage exceeds muscle mass. By ignoring the need for heating, the risk of developing such a trend increases.

Using infrared lamps

People have come up with dozens of options for how to heat a chicken coop in winter. The final choice depends on the region. The harsher the winters, the more powerful the heating methods. Often the owners are too worried about this, using all possible methods in combination. Excess heat also negatively affects production, as well as its lack.

Pets do not need tropical resorts, averages are enough. Knowing the peculiarities of climatic conditions, force majeure circumstances should be foreseen. For example, it is strictly forbidden to use open fire in wooden buildings, even potbelly stoves are a danger to animals. When choosing a product, think about how to safely heat the chicken coop in winter.

Infrared systems are very popular today. The heater can be both wall and floor. In most cases, it is attached to the ceiling. For average structures, a power of 500 watts is enough. First-class models are equipped with thermostats that automatically determine the operating time of the device.

When the corresponding indicator is reached, the heater turns off. When the temperature drops, the system resumes operation. Such a function practically does not require a human hand. Of the advantages, they also note ease of use, mobility and quality.

Infrared rays are safe, not harmful to health, and sometimes even beneficial. They do not dry the air, retain the necessary humidity and illuminate the space. But there are also disadvantages - the lamps draw a lot of light. Every owner wants the device to be as economical as possible.

Not using electricity

If there are power outages in the region, then forget about appliances powered by the network. The heating of the chicken coop must be uninterrupted so that the animals do not experience stress in winter. A gas boiler is an expensive pleasure. Not everyone can afford this system at home, let alone a barn. Basically, this method is practiced on large farms, where a simple heater will not cope. Potbelly stove is often used at home, but it is not very convenient.

It is difficult to control what temperature should be in the hen house in order for the hens to lay eggs in winter. A simple thermometer is not enough here. A potbelly stove can quickly heat a room, but it is almost impossible to maintain a balance. In addition, birds can burn themselves on the hot walls of the device. The stove needs to be heated, and this requires raw materials. It’s good when you have prepared firewood or bought coal in advance. A missed moment will cost the owners a pretty penny.

In addition to these factors, exploitation adds problems. If you have come across potbelly stoves, then you probably know how often they need to be cleaned, maintaining order in the chicken coop in winter. rules fire safety- far from the last items in the chicken coop in winter. So that the device does not harm the inhabitants, the barn is equipped with a chimney, which also needs to be cleaned. A diesel-powered stove is safer, but unprofitable at cost. Fuel prices are constantly jumping, provoking instability.

improvised means

You can heat the building without the help of appliances. To do this, you need to carry out repairs. At the first stage, it is necessary to build the frame part correctly and choose the litter. The more versatile the material, the easier it is to work with. Try to make an inspection in advance, identify cracks and holes. Through them, heat will leave the room, and during the period of winds, the laying hen will be stretched by a draft. The walls are sheathed with foam or glass wool. A thick layer of material will fully satisfy the needs of birds.

Heating the chicken coop with improvised means implies an enhanced diet. It is important to provide animals with proper care, and in gratitude they will rush better. Hay or sawdust is laid on the floor - this is safe for chickens. Fulfillment of the above requirements will achieve the desired result.

Video "How to heat a chicken coop in winter"

From this video you will learn how to effectively heat the chicken coop in winter.

In Russia, the breeding of domestic animals is complicated by harsh climatic conditions. For example, in winter, many pets need additional heating. Chickens especially, because they have no plumage on their paws. Therefore, heating is an acute issue for those who have decided to seriously engage in poultry farming.

The article tells how to warm a bird in a cold season. Various methods are being considered, each farmer can choose the one that seems more convenient and economical.

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Why warm the bird?

Breeding laying hens has specific goals. For the winter, as a rule, hens are left for the sake of obtaining eggs and / or for subsequent breeding. In both cases, livestock should be treated with care. After all, discomfort will immediately affect the health of the bird, and the number of eggs.

If it is cold in the chicken coop, then an enhanced diet will not help - the bird will lose weight, you can forget about high productivity. After all, 40% egg production depends on temperature.

Drafts and walks in the cold have a bad effect on the health of birds, they can get sick, become lethargic. If the farmer is winter period grows young animals, then heating will be needed even in the southern regions, because there may not be enough own heat to hatch a laying hen.

At what temperature is it necessary to heat the chicken coop in winter? In the room where the bird hibernates, it should not be less than 7 ° C, ideally 15 ° C. If the temperatures are low outside, you should think about insulation in advance.

No additional cost

In warm latitudes, you can get by with improvised methods without installing stoves and heaters. But first you need to prepare the poultry house - you need it. The most affordable and cheapest way is traditional whitewashing. A solution should be prepared at the rate of 1 part lime to 5 parts water. They process not only the floor, but also the walls, ceiling, wooden perches.

Then be sure to insulate the walls, windows and doorways. This is a reliable way to avoid heat loss and prevent dampness during the rainy season. Each gap is sealed with rags or special putty. Doors and windows must be tightly closed.

An exhaust hood is required in the chicken coop - with its help, not only the temperature is regulated, but excess moisture and the smell of ammonia are removed. This is especially important if goats or other livestock live with chickens. The ceiling is insulated with mineral wool, polystyrene, roofing material. The walls are sheathed with any available insulation.

Only then is it time to think about floors. Regular bedding will help maintain a fairly warm temperature in the paddock. But it needs to be done right.

This is how you can keep your pets warm without spending electricity. This method is called natural. Fermentation litter has recently been especially popular with farmers.

Beneficial bacteria

A modern way not only to heat a pen for birds or livestock, but also to get rid of harmful fumes, turn animal feces into a valuable fertilizer. The drug from bacteria is mixed with peat, straw, meal - how to make the mixture correctly is indicated on the package.

After some time, microorganisms begin to "work", populating the litter. They feed on animal excrement, but for this it is necessary to stir up the layer regularly. In addition, the room must be dry enough, or the new tenants invisible to the eye will die.

One package with bacteria costs from 2 thousand rubles, the price depends on the weight and manufacturer. Consumption of about 100 gr. per square square. Expenses seem big, but on the other hand, the corral will not need to be heated - after all, the “live” litter emits a huge amount of heat, heating up to 25 ° C! It will operate for 3 years. Feedback from farmers about its use is generally positive.

Thrifty Russian owners have already invented their own analogue. They make a warm bedding on their own, using the usual "Baikal EM 1". One liter of the drug will cost several times cheaper than foreign ones. To start fermentation, it is enough to water the straw with a composition diluted in a bucket of water.

Important rules:

  • Before the "launch" of the drug, it is necessary to disinfect the floor, walls;
  • There must be an exhaust hood in the room so that condensate does not accumulate inside;
  • Twice a week, the litter must be thoroughly loosened so that the bacteria are evenly distributed over it, and oxygen enters the lower layer.

Heating with equipment

A gas boiler

Practical only for large farms. In a private house, installing an additional boiler will cost a lot - after all, for this you will have to draw up a plan, pay for the work of the craftsmen, then pay the bills.

Electric heaters

There are different types- convectors, oil coolers,. A very costly method, especially if the house is large. The convenience of modern heaters is that they are equipped with thermostats. When the room warms up to the set temperature, the device automatically turns off.

economical method

The house can be heated with a stove. After all, installing a “potbelly stove” in the chicken coop will not be difficult. Yes, and you can collect it yourself from an ordinary barrel. This method is cheaper than gas heating, especially if the owners always have firewood (coal) on hand. The main disadvantage is that the oven requires constant supervision. It will be necessary to make a chimney in the room.

Separately, it should be said about compliance with fire safety rules. The place where the stove will be installed should have a concrete base and be away from walls, nests and perches. Also, you should not leave a burning "potbelly stove" unattended for a long time.

brick oven

For a small room, it is quite possible to independently lay out a brick oven. It takes a little time, and it keeps heat much better than a potbelly stove, and it is safer to use. It will take about a hundred bricks, doors, grate, burner and valve. A detailed step-by-step description of the work and the scheme can be found on the Internet.

It will take only about a square meter of area. To prepare the base, a film, roofing material, glassine is placed on the floor, then a layer of sand is poured. Then laying is done according to the scheme. At the end of the work, the oven must be whitewashed, let it settle for a week so that the solution hardens properly.

Diesel oven

A very practical option - it does not smoke, it is safe to use. The air is not saturated with decay products, so the room is safe. Automatic system control will shut down the operation in case of overheating. Therefore, such a unit can be safely left unattended. Installation does not require special skills, it is easy to follow the instructions.

There are also disadvantages - fuel should only be High Quality to avoid breakage. Repairs are very expensive. The cost of heating is not the lowest. Requires competent installation of the chimney. During operation, the diesel stove burns oxygen, so the room must be ventilated.

Red light

If the chicken coop is small, infrared heaters are quite suitable as a heating device. Power should not exceed 500 watts. They can be fixed both on the walls and on the ceiling. But the placement height is required at least 1 m from the floor. It is necessary to purchase a device equipped with a thermostat and a rotary mechanism.

You can use infrared lamps. They create a good microclimate in the poultry house - they reduce humidity, have a calming effect on the nervous system of chickens, and contribute to better absorption of feed.

The application has a number of features:

  • IR lamp requires careful handling;
  • Can only be used with ceramic cartridges;
  • So that the bird does not come into contact with the lamp, it must be surrounded by a metal grill.

Many hosts note a number positive qualities this type of heating

  • Low cost of equipment - a domestic-made lamp will cost about 200 rubles (service life - up to 5 thousand hours);
  • One lamp of 250 W heats 10 square meters. premises;
  • Installation and replacement are easy.

IR lamps come not only with red, but also with transparent cases. In the first case, they give off maximum heat, in the second they enhance the lighting. Analogues of foreign production are distinguished by a reinforced case made of a hardened stack.

There are many ways to heat a chicken coop in winter. Everyone is free to choose the one that will be the least expensive.

Laying hens are bred not because of their natural beauty, but for the sake of getting eggs. The egg production rate depends on the usefulness of feeding and the characteristics of the breed or cross. In order for the chickens to fully rush throughout the year, you need to think in advance how to heat the chicken coop in winter.

Whether chickens will rush in the winter is 40% dependent on the heat in the room where they are kept. In a mild climate, there should be a minimum comfortable temperature of +7 degrees, which can be provided by insulating the walls and ceiling and creating a warm bedding. For areas with severe winters, these measures will not be enough. What negative consequences await those who did not provide for heating the chicken coop in winter? The fact that chickens almost do not rush in the cold, we have already found out. In addition, this leads to an increase in feed consumption. In an effort to warm themselves, laying hens accumulate excess fat, become lethargic, inactive. This reduces the egg production of hens by 30% and in 5% of cases can lead to death from sudden rupture of the liver and internal bleeding.

With hypothermia in birds, the need for oxygen decreases, this leads to the occurrence of respiratory and infectious diseases, bowel function is disturbed. Therefore, heating the poultry house in winter for most regions of our country is a prerequisite for keeping chickens.

Video “Using an infrared heater”

From the video you will learn how to use infrared heaters for the chicken coop.

Heating without electricity

Since ancient times, any premises were heated by potbelly stoves and stoves made of bricks. This is perhaps the most inexpensive way to heat, especially when wood or coal is not a problem. When choosing this type of heating, it is necessary to take into account its increased fire hazard, especially for rooms built of wood. Therefore, stoves and potbelly stoves are installed on a concrete foundation, located away from wooden walls, a separate chimney is taken out and hot surfaces are isolated from chickens so that they do not accidentally burn their legs or singe feathers.
You can build such heating with your own hands, and this is its advantage, but it is far from suitable for everyone, given how often you have to lay firewood and make sure that an accidental spark does not set fire to the straw bedding and does not cause a fire.

Less flammable diesel stove. The fuel is not diesel or kerosene. But it can not be used in a room with poor ventilation. At the beginning and end of work, smoke enters the air, and during use, an unpleasant odor is released along with heat.

The absolute leader in this category is the Buleryan pyrolysis oven. Its efficiency is much higher than that of the previously considered furnaces. On one tab, it works 8 hours. The economy also lies in the fact that all kinds of waste can be used as fuel - sawdust, branches, shavings. Buleryan's body does not heat up and the air is not poisoned by combustion products.

Use of infrared lamps

The presence of electricity expands the possibilities to arrange heating of the chicken coop. An oil heater and a fan heater, a convector or a heater can heat the house, but it is unlikely to pay off. Heaters must be installed away from perches and nests.

An interesting solution to the problem of heating is the use of an infrared lamp, which is an inexpensive alternative to an infrared heater for space heating. small area. This is a halogen lamp with a tungsten filament, which is placed in a bulb with a mixture of argon and nitrogen. Distinctive feature it is that it does not heat the air, but objects that keep heat for a long time.

The second function of this lamp is lighting, 10% of the power is spent on it, the remaining 90% is used to heat the surrounding objects. Soft light in the red range of the spectrum has a calming effect on the chicken. Infrared lamps reduce high humidity, destroy pathogens, increase the digestibility of feed and strengthen the immunity of the inhabitants of the chicken coop. One lamp with a power of 250 W is enough to light and heat a room of 12 m2. For it, it is necessary to fix the platform with a standard ceramic (plastic can melt from high temperature) E 27 cartridge on the ceiling.

The luminaire must be equipped with a protective fence that will ensure the safety of the lamp and the safety of birds in case of cracking and destruction of the bulb or its falling out of the cartridge, which can occur in conditions of high humidity. If you install a thermostat with a sensor along with the lamp, you can save energy by setting the lamp to maintain the required 10-12 degrees of heat. Installing a simple timer will also allow you to turn on and off without human intervention, linking these actions to a specific time.
Lamps are represented by a large number of models. Some of them seem to be built into a lamp with a mirror surface, which allows you to heat the necessary area of ​​​​the room. There are moisture-resistant models, there are also those whose bulb is made of unbreakable materials. The cost of purchasing such a lamp is quite small. Installation consists in the fact that it is necessary to screw the light bulb into the cartridge, which is not difficult at all.

Do-it-yourself heating

Warming the walls, ceiling and floor can often be enough to ensure that the temperature in the chicken coop in winter is not only comfortable for living, but also for laying eggs. Styrofoam, mineral wool and a low-budget but very effective old-fashioned way of applying a mixture of clay, sand and sawdust or straw as wall plaster can be used as wall insulation. For thermal insulation of the ceiling, you can use cardboard, dismantling the boxes, which they will gladly give in the nearest store.

Natural heating of the room will provide a warm well-arranged warm deep bedding. It saves resources in any type of artificial heating. The processes of decomposition of the litter are accompanied by the release of heat, reaching 32 degrees and above.

You usually have to clean the chicken coop 1-2 times a year - in spring and early autumn. The concrete floor is the easiest to clean, but it is colder than wood, which, in turn, has another significant drawback - fragility.

The most inexpensive floor - earthen absorbs moisture well, but does not retain mice and retains heat poorly. It cannot be cleaned properly. Regardless of the material, the floor must be cleaned and dried. Then, 1 kg of slaked lime is scattered for each m2, after which the first 10-cm layer of bedding is covered, which is gradually added as it gets dirty. Sometimes it needs to be loosened.

Video “Alternative chicken coop heating”

From the video you will learn how you can heat the house without the use of fuel and classic heaters.

All pets, including mother hens, do not like the cold. And therefore, in this article we will consider the main ways to heat the chicken coop in winter.

Need heating in the winter in the chicken coop?

So that egg production does not decrease in winter, it is necessary to insulate the chicken coop, since this indicator depends on heat by 40%. And broilers at low temperatures do not gain weight well.

At low temperatures, more feed is consumed, the bird becomes lethargic and inactive, and this leads to the fact that it becomes fat. And in general, the cold can lead to the fact that chickens can get sick and egg production drops sharply.

So, the minimum allowable temperature for a chicken coop is 70C, but it is desirable that the temperature be around 100C. Therefore, if you live in warmer regions, then there is no need to heat the chicken coop, it is enough to insulate it well and lay a warm bedding on the floor.

How to insulate a chicken coop with your own hands

There are two ways to insulate a chicken coop -
⦁ Artificial way;
⦁ Natural way.

The essence of the natural method of heating is that nothing needs to be heated. That is, heating is due to the proper feeding of chickens. But this method is not suitable for harsh and frosty winters.
But, let's take a closer look at the artificial method, how to heat a chicken coop in winter.

Floor, it is recommended that there be bedding about 8-12 cm high. Peat, straw or even sawdust can be used as bedding. The litter can be used in the future for a garden or flower garden as compost. Every month, the litter must be turned up using, for example, a pitchfork, and add another 4-7 cm each. Do not be afraid that the litter will be very high, with proper care, by spring, the height of the litter reaches 25-30 cm.

It should be noted that straw bedding has some advantages, namely:
⦁ Bedding, for example, from straw during the winter, it releases heat,
⦁ Due to the fact that the litter is warm - the process of decomposition of the litter is slower;
⦁ And most importantly - heat does not allow harmful bacteria to multiply.

But, all poultry farmers should remember that the litter is removed only in the spring, so good ventilation is needed. If the winters are very severe, then it is better to periodically open and close the ventilation pipe.

Walls it is desirable to insulate inside using, for example, foam, glass wool can also be used for insulation. Some poultry farmers also use other materials as wall insulation, it all depends on financial capabilities. The easiest and most economical method is to insulate the walls with bales of hay or straw. Ready bales are simply attached to the wall of the chicken coop. But this method can only be used for a small chicken coop, with a small number of chickens.

Ceiling also should not be ignored. It needs to be insulated and for this you can use mineral wool or ordinary roofing material.

Windows, doors- usually hung with rags.
But, winter - winter is different. If one winter the minimum temperature is -100C, then another can be -250C. therefore, it is necessary not only to insulate the room, but also to heat it.

electric heater- on the one hand, it is very convenient, put it on, plugged it in, and after a couple of hours you can feel warm air in the chicken coop. But, on the other hand, heating a chicken coop with electricity is very expensive, in terms of the cost of electricity. If, nevertheless, the chicken coop is heated using this method, it should be remembered that:
⦁ First, it is necessary to take care of safety;
⦁ The heater must be installed away from chicken nests;
⦁ When choosing a heater, take into account the area of ​​​​the chicken coop and the number of birds that live in it;
⦁ It is better to use modern heaters, as they are automated, and due to this, you can set the desired temperature, and the device will turn on and off on its own.

This method of heating the chicken coop in winter is most beneficial for large poultry farms. It is also convenient for large poultry farms to heat with gas, since the purchase of a gas boiler in this case will be justified, and for an ordinary poultry farmer - The best way how to heat a chicken coop in winter is the use of a potbelly stove.

"potbelly stove"- is a metal stove that is used for heating. The convenience of a potbelly stove is that
⦁ Easy to use, that is, it is easy to heat;
⦁ you can heat with any raw materials;
⦁ the room heats up quickly.

But the "potbelly stove" has a significant drawback, which is that it quickly becomes covered with rust, so it needs care and the firebox process must be constantly monitored, that is, it is necessary to monitor the entire process.

Those poultry farmers who opted for this method heating the chicken coop in winter should equip the chicken coop in advance, namely:
⦁ Install a "potbelly stove" in the chicken coop;
⦁ Make a chimney;
⦁ Isolate the entire heater from chickens, as well as observe safety rules during installation and combustion;
⦁ And most importantly, stock up on fuel in advance, that is, you need to purchase coal and prepare firewood or briquettes for the furnace.

Other, more bladeless methods of heating a chicken coop should be noted, and one of these methods is heating with infrared lamps or heaters. The main difference between infrared heaters is that, for example, with an electric heating method, the air is heated, but it quickly disappears and the room must be constantly heated to keep it warm. And infrared lamps are characterized by the fact that they do not heat the air, but heat objects that do not cool down as quickly as air and heat lasts longer.

Infrared lamps are convenient due to the fact that they are attached to the ceiling. The advantages of the lamps are as follows:
⦁ Modern lamps have special mechanisms that switch from one mode to another;
⦁ Lamps, in comparison, for example, with an electric heater, do not burn air, and therefore, the room does not need such frequent ventilation;
⦁ When heated with such lamps, air humidity decreases;
⦁ In addition to heating, lamps also illuminate the chicken coop, and the red color has a positive effect on birds, as it calms them.

There is another method of heating. For example, if the chicken coop is built close enough to the house, then the same method of heating can be used to heat it as heating the house - this is water heating. In this case, pipes should be laid. And when heating the house, the chicken coop will automatically be heated. The method is very convenient because
⦁ air does not burn, as in other heating methods;
⦁ there is no need to constantly monitor compliance with safety regulations;
⦁ and there is no need to waste time heating the chicken coop, as it is heated at the same time as the house is heated.

So, in this article, all methods have been described on how to heat a chicken coop in winter. The poultry house decides which method to choose, but the main thing to remember is that if the chicken coop is warm, the egg production will not change, but will remain at the same level. And birds in a warm chicken coop will not only not get sick, but will honor themselves much more comfortably in the harsh winter.

Videos chicken coop heating in winter