The best statuses. Cool statuses about the New Year. Good New Year's statuses with meaning

  • 28.10.2019

How imperceptibly our life rushes... In a kaleidoscope of days - losses and good luck, Thorns and roses, clover and wormwood... And every moment is paid for in its own way.

Hey Life! Aren't you tired of inventing for me... Something new and more dirty? So. KNOW - I won't give up anyway!

If you do not build your own life, then someone will definitely build it for you.

You never know how the next story in your life will end, but while it lasts, appreciate every moment, every second, every moment.

Life is a performance. It doesn't matter how long it lasts. The main thing is that there should be applause at the end.

A dog is the only living creature that values ​​your life more than his own...

One of the most important tasks in life is to find someone who looks at this world the same way as you.

Do not beat your head against the wall, suffering, humiliating yourself and loving ... do not waste your life on those who do not appreciate you - spend it better on yourself !!!

And the meaning of life, girls, is this:
Not a paradise at all, where there are a lot of men ...
Paradise will be where there is only one...
But he loves and loves you!

Do not be shy about your feelings and desires. There will be no other life for them...

The life allotted to a person is too short to repeat the same thing twice.

Learn to find joy in life The best way attract happiness.

get off bad life... Tether good... I wish you all good luck... And all the best!

There is a desire - there will be opportunities.
There will be actions - the result will appear ...

Life diverts our attention all the time; and we don’t even have time to notice from what exactly.

The biggest drug in life is attachment to people... When they disappear, withdrawal begins.

Life is a chess game, at the end of which both kings and pawns go into one box!

If life slipped you a lemon, think about where you can get salt and tequila.

If in the morning you don't hug a pillow.
And there is someone to wish for pleasant dreams at night.
And coffee - two in the morning you brew mugs -
You have found everything in life, it remains only not to lose!

Whatever happens - believe in yourself, believe in life, believe in tomorrow, believe in everything you do, always. Bill Kaulitz

I hate it when I'm taught life by those who didn't really live it themselves.

Life is a funny thing... Either it gives you a small amount of luck, or it hits you so hard that you can't catch your breath... And the latter more often..

In life, you need to get rid of unnecessary garbage. Until the trash got rid of you.

Tired cockroaches kept repeating:
- Calm down, remember how old you are ...
And the awl answered them:
- No f * ha-ah! Life is just beginning!

Chance is not the only one in life. There is only one life.

Life is not always white, like an albino, sometimes it is blacker than a crow and croaks so that the heart shrinks from anguish ...

Life goes breathless without an aim.

I am grateful to every person with whom my life has pushed me. One - for help and support, another - for the example, the third - for the lesson. And a few - just for the fact that they are!

Life does not teach anything, but only does what it takes exams with passion.

When you were born, you cried and the world smiled. So live your life so that when you die you smile and the world cries...

There is nothing to regret in this life. Happened - made a conclusion and live on.

To cheer up and emotional support, it is sometimes necessary to read successful new statuses about life with meaning for 2017. Wise Sayings, aphorisms or popular expressions can help make a decision in a given situation, support yourself. Some statuses of the new year 2017 help to increase the level of motivation or find peace of mind.

New statuses with meaning for 2017

A small list of new statuses about life that can restore the former sense of self-confidence, charge with positive energy and help to partially rethink the worldview. It depends only on us whether we will build our happiness, gain freedom of spirit or get rid of laziness in the new 2017.

Statuses for 2017:

  1. There is no need to change to please people. It is important to remain yourself, and then there will be people with whom you go along the way.
  2. Life is given to a person to learn to dance in the rain, and not wait out the storm in the gorge.
  3. The most difficult exam is life. Most fail it by copying and copying from others, not realizing that everyone has their own exam ticket.
  4. You can't hate people who envy you. Respect their envy, because they think you are better than them.
  5. Do not complain about your parents, because they gave you everything they had.
  6. You have to constantly fight for happiness, you just can’t find it just like that.
  7. Future events worry us, while past events hold us back. That's why the real slips away.
  8. Youth sets its own limits of what is possible, not caring if the body will hold up. And it endures.
  9. In this life, everything depends only on you. Leave excuses to yourself, if you want - you will achieve it, you will not achieve it - you are worthless.
  10. We don't meet people by chance. We choose only those who already exist in our minds.
  11. The main reason that encourages us to systematically look into the future is the desire to understand the future consequences of current decisions.
  12. The one who was below will long to go up and bring down the one who was above.
  13. The strength of the family, like the strength of the army, is in community.
  14. Recipe for a successful life: study while others enjoy sleep; work while others do nothing and are lazy; get ready while others play.
  15. Books are like a parachute - they are useless until they are closed.
  16. You need to live the day so that tomorrow you will envy yourself.
  17. Dreams can only become reality when thoughts turn into actions.
  18. All the best things in life happen suddenly and unexpectedly.
  19. Even if it seems that you have nothing, remember that you have life, and it has everything.
  20. Being late can be the worst thing in life.

New statuses with philosophical overtones

  1. Laws are not designed to unravel problems, but to endlessly drag out quarrels. After all, if we violate the laws, we are fined, and if we do the right things, they take taxes from us.
  2. One day such happiness will come into your life that you will understand that it was worth all the previous losses.
  3. The highest pleasure is the ability to do what others cannot.
  4. You have to build your own life, otherwise someone else will build it for you.
  5. Those who really need will find opportunities, in another case - excuses.
  6. Those who suffered from inferiority at the beginning of their lives will at the end rejoice in their superiority.
  7. If you have problems, try to solve them; if you can't, don't make a problem out of it.
  8. Do not give in to doubt - this is a terrible enemy, because of which we lose what we could not even try.
  9. You cannot return to your starting position to change your start, but you can start now to change your finishing position.
  10. Listen only to your heart. Have your own opinion, plans for life. Do not chase someone, just go forward.
  11. Every time you tear off a calendar sheet, you make room for new ideas and progress.
  12. Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them. Let reality be reality. Lao Tzu
  13. Life is really simple, but we love to complicate it.
  14. The great gift of life is friendship, and I received it. H.H. Humphrey
  15. Words are like leaves - they must always hide the ripe fruit of the mind.

After reading the new statements, it becomes clear that the statuses for 2016 do not lose their relevance, but are reborn into intricate quotes. They motivate to own development, cheer up difficult moment. You can’t change your life in a minute or 24 hours, but you can think about what needs to be changed and lay the foundation for subsequent achievements.

Sometimes we can't change fate, we can just change the time after which everything will happen.

You have to be very quiet when you are happy. The world is full of evil envious people.

Always say what you think and do what seems right to you - this is your life and no one will live it better than you!

Nowadays, the school does not teach our children, but provides educational services!

Pay attention - plinth. And remember, this is your level.

What kind of bad habit, when you feel very bad, turn on sad music to make it even worse?

Close your eyes and let the raindrops heal your heart.

The sun shines and does not heat, vacation warms - but does not shine ...

Who said that I am far from ideal?!? This poor ideal is far from ME!!!

They say that everything passes ... Well, let's go through quickly already - you are blocking my whole future!

If you think there is someone better than me, remember that there is always someone better than you...!

The family is the place where you can find comfort and your love.

Do not be afraid of perfection - it does not threaten you at all!

Even the most independent person loves very much when her back is rubbed gently in the bathroom.

Recently I was at a cafe with a friend. and a boy and a girl were sitting next to each other (well, they are 8-9 years old). I did not hear the essence of the conversation. but the last phrase shocked everyone: “Come on, I'll sort it out. I'm a MAN!"

The most arrogant creatures in the world are men! Where they came from, that's where they climb.

If a person, I apologize, is a GANDON, then relations with him will be strained ...

It’s always like this with girls: if you pester, then you are impudent, if you don’t pester, then you are a moron!

If stupidity constantly haunts beautiful girls I mean, I'm pretty damn beautiful.

Friendship between a man and a woman is a cake put off for later ...

I want to tell you one secret: I have you, you don't have me!

If something seemed to a woman, goodbye logic, intuition, and also common sense.

Whoever puts a plus sign is the most beautiful, good and kind!

The risk is when you paint your nails, but there is no nail polish remover!

It took me a very long time to learn how to dance tango with life, practicing in empty halls the graceful refinement of beautiful movements. And then it turned out that life prefers house, has been on cocaine for a long time and does not dance at all.

Why is there no such status “in passive search” in a contact? I want to type, but look for a break)))

And it happens when a guy hugs a girl, kisses her on the lips .. and they are still not together and never will be?... if yes, then press the plus sign, and if there is no such thing, then minus!

Writing about ballet is like dancing about architecture.

It's you and me in VK friends ... but in real life ... I slept with your boyfriend, soiled your favorite dress and borrowed from you for an indefinite period.

There are people who even have a black stripe made of dark chocolate!

Previously, children were frightened with a babayka, but now ... turning off the Internet.

The mistake people make is that we think one thing and say and do another.

I'm leaving, leaving mountains of cigarette butts, kilometers of days, millions of idiots.

Women's logic is like a license agreement - you don't understand anything, but you have to agree.

Before we, dear readers, have time to look back, the long-awaited guest - New Year 2017 - will come to the threshold, and he will bring with him two weeks of bright and unforgettable holidays. At this fun time, everyone wants to surround their loved ones with that special magical atmosphere that comes from the smell of tangerines, a box of Christmas decorations, hot mulled wine with a cinnamon stick - in a word, from preparations for a grand celebration, coupled with eye-pleasing New Year paraphernalia.

When the level festive atmosphere will reach its climax, active users of social networks will begin to look for suitable and appropriate mood statuses about New Year 2019

It's good that modern settings public portals, in which people "disappear" for hours, allow users to decorate their accounts not only with beautiful backgrounds, but also with more than interesting statuses. This privilege becomes especially relevant on the eve of big holidays. And New Year 2017 is just such a case.

Without a doubt, every advanced "user" social networks I remembered a simple unwritten rule - a short text at the very top of the page, coming from its owner, occupies an important place in the world of virtual communication. And no wonder. After all, when switching to a particular profile, the eyes stumble not only on the photo of the account owner, but also on the saying that flaunts next to the photo.

It is worth remembering that a status change notification appears on each of the list of friends, so you need to update the status deliberately, carefully reviewing the text and checking it for errors three times. Who wants to appear illiterate? Besides, new status appears in the news feed and you can safely use this convenient feature and all your friends in one fell swoop. Or put the original funny status, which will definitely cause a smile or even a burst of laughter from a friend or subscriber.

It’s good that at a milestone in technology, you don’t need to rack your brains over witty phrases. The Internet is literally full of all sorts of statuses - copy and paste! We have also selected for you new year statuses, ready to compete in sparkling humor or originality with the status of your friends.

Cool statuses about the New Year

  • Once, in a cold (rainy) time, I left the house ... and quickly went in!
  • I love January 1 - you just woke up and had breakfast, and it's already dark.
  • New Year's time is the time when your computer accumulates not only tea mugs, but also tangerine peels.
  • Santa Claus, you are no longer needed. The snowmen have arrived.
  • When you go outside on New Year's Eve, remember, friend - you can’t eat yellow snow!
  • I really hope that at least this New Year a beautiful young Santa Claus will come to me. Or at least sober...
  • Proven advice: hostesses, do not put croutons in the New Year's salad! They hurt the face...
  • Dear Santa Claus! Make sure you stop teasing me. Vanya Kakushkin.
  • Santa Claus, help! My car won't start! And since childhood I dreamed of having her ...
  • Actual advice: in the New Year, do not click your happiness with the mouse!
  • I wish everyone good health in the body, crazy love in bed, dough in the briefcase and no rigmarole!
  • Waiting for the jokes about "last year's bread" to start...
  • Childhood is over - instead of Santa Claus, I'm waiting for the Snow Maiden.
  • I've been doing very well all year! Santa Claus, can I behave very badly on New Year's Eve?
  • Good Santa Claus, cotton beard, we don't need gifts! Raise your pay...
  • Only the most persistent on New Year's Eve will fall asleep in dessert.
  • It's time to eat last year's food, watch eternal movies and forget New Year's Eve at all.
  • We are sitting at an awesome New Year's table, and there are only fingerprints in the wallet ... But the table is awesome!
  • What to give me for the new year? Yes, whatever! The main thing is to touch and with red headphones.
  • Santa Claus! I can’t have sweets ... but semi-sweet can be.
  • Our children are not waiting for the moment when Santa Claus will come, rather, they are waiting for their parents to finally set sail.
  • The main thing is not to forget to leave Odnoklassniki on December 31 at 23:59 and celebrate the New Year.
  • Good Santa Claus, do not put me new year gift under the tree Better get it in the garage right away.
  • I wanted to go to the matinee with a snowflake - a white dress, white tights. And I looked in the mirror - I’ll go in a snowdrift.

Good New Year's statuses with meaning

  • Dear Santa Claus! I don't need gifts! Please make sure that all people on Earth are happy.
  • As we get older, our New Year's wish list gets shorter and shorter, but what we really want is something that money can't buy.
  • I wish Santa Claus put three gifts for all my friends under the Christmas tree - boundless happiness, selfless love and good health.
  • On the eve of a magical holiday, I would like to wish all my family and friends a fairy tale and a miracle.
  • Remember - if during the decoration of the Christmas tree it broke Christmas tree toy- very soon the most secret desire will come true. You can't hit on purpose.
  • I want to wish everyone a short return to childhood, when on New Year's Eve the parents' house smells of tangerines, and a favorite toy hangs on the Christmas tree, which seems to reflect an unknown small world with its own New Year's wonderful fairy tale.

Beautiful statuses in verse

New Year is coming
The rain is pouring for the third day.
The grass is green in the field
Santa Claus is sweating in a fur coat.
Water is pouring down the collar...
Happy New Year gentlemen!

Let there be a New Year
The beginning of all beginnings
And everything will come true
What I dreamed of in my life.

May the holiday be magical
It's going great!
prosperity, success,
Bright year!

In the year of the Rooster, be happy
Wealth is full and health,
And don't forget to make friends
With luck, friendship and love.

New Year is here again!
With new happiness! Good time!

In a red coat, with a red nose
Grandfather figachit in the cold,
In a hat with a stick and a bag,
And a fluffy snowman.

Near a rabbit in heels and
Snow Maiden on the horns.
If you meet this rabble,
So soon NEW YEAR!!!

Problems don't scare
And the crisis will not beat!
We are still beautiful
We welcome the New Year!

Let the glasses clink
Let the wine sparkle
Let the night starfall
He will look into your window.

On this wonderful night
Can't be without a smile
Pain and sorrow - away!
Happy new year friends!

Good luck - smile!
End of the world - canceled!
Life goes on!
New Year is coming!
Christmas trees - dress up!
The garlands are on fire!
The light of the soul - turns on!
Miracles happen!
The holiday is starting...

May the holiday be magical
It's going great!
prosperity, success,
Bright year!

The toilets will also have a holiday,
Their New Year is also in for a surprise,
And instead of boring bare asses,
They will see many new faces!!!

Let the New Year caress
Brings happiness in life.
Let hope warm
And let fate protect!

Santa sleeps and his deer sleep
And Frost is still full of worries.
We Russians cannot be brought to our knees!
On the 13th we drink for the Old New Year!

Let New Year's Santa Claus
Will give you happiness
Good health in addition,
In everything conceived - good luck.
Peace, friendship, happiness, affection,
So that life is like in a fairy tale!

On New Year's Eve I will throw out all the rubbish ...
And I will wipe the dust everywhere where they have inherited ...
Only in my head is a complete bedlam ...
There are cockroaches ... they dressed up the Christmas tree ...

Tangerines are on the move, which means that the New Year is coming soon!

Under the beat of the clock
To the sound of a waltz
New Year's Eve
We wish again
Raise a glass
For peace and happiness
Hope, faith and love!