Equipment for plastic food containers. Production of plastic food containers as a business

  • 16.03.2020

The company "Pische-Poly-Plast" has been manufacturing all kinds of plastic packaging for more than 15 years. Over the years, hundreds of companies have ordered disposable packaging from us and have become our regular customers. Why do they trust us? The answer is simple - we treat each client with attention, find out all the tasks that packaging should perform and offer an option that solves all issues. With our help, buying disposable packaging becomes a simple and pleasant experience.more

Buy disposable packaging in bulk

One of the directions of the company "Pische-Poly-Plast" is the production of plastic packaging.

Our products are applicable to a wide range products:

  • confectionery;
  • salads;
  • semi-finished products;
  • vegetables, fruits, dried fruits;
  • ice cream, desserts;
  • fast food;
  • sushi, rolls and other ready meals.

In total, the company produces more than 200 categories of disposable packaging. Such a wide range of will help you choose the most suitable packaging in terms of shape, volume and purpose.
Disposable plastic packaging is convenient and practical to transport. It reliably protects products from moisture.

It is especially convenient to use a transparent plastic container for packaging products. Its main advantage lies in the reliable protection of products from the effects of temperature and mechanical factors. This predetermines a high demand for the corresponding type of product in various segments: in retail, in a confectionery and Food Industry, in the catering industry and for fast food delivery.

Disposable transparent packaging provides an excellent opportunity for the buyer to evaluate the product he buys. And it has become even easier to choose and buy disposable packaging thanks to modern IT technologies. If you need to place a label with a description of the composition and characteristics of the goods, this is also convenient to do.

The range of products manufactured by Pishche-Poly-Plast is constantly expanding. At the same time, disposable packaging always meets the most stringent quality criteria.

The modern equipment used by our company allows us to produce exceptionally high-quality and aesthetic samples of plastic containers. Our products are available in a wide range of sizes and designs. We can provide mass production, as well as the manufacture of unique products to order, in compliance with all the wishes of the customer.

We use modern, high-tech thermoforming equipment from leading companies in the USA, Canada and Germany. We work with raw materials the highest level quality and environmental friendliness, which we receive from reliable reliable suppliers.

Another advantage of ours is the reasonable price of our products. Its optimal combination with excellent product quality is achieved thanks to advanced technologies, modern equipment, safe raw materials and, of course, highly qualified staff to achieve maximum results at optimal costs.

By contacting our specialists, you can easily and quickly buy disposable packaging or plastic containers, which are best suited for packaging all kinds of food products. We will offer you a solution that meets your needs at low cost.

Production of plastic packaging - Video

Production of food containers- a high-tech process for the manufacture of disposable packaging designed for all types of food products. Sealed containers are the most convenient way to pack food for long-term storage and transportation.

In any case, it is necessary to decide - what exactly will this food container be used for? This can be storage, transportation, heating of food or ready-made food, and possibly long-term transportation of food. Based on these indicators, it is worth selecting containers.

Production of disposable containers

Disposable polyethylene containers are very convenient. They are light, inexpensive and most suitable for packaging products. However, polyethylene is unstable to temperature changes, and deformations are possible. You need to decide on the purpose for which you are going to buy disposable containers and use them accordingly.

In terms of quality indicators, as a material for the manufacture of food containers, PET is currently the leader, the only drawback of which is its low resistance to temperature effects.

Production of sealed food containers

Polystyrene is a thermally unstable material, it is gradually being replaced by modern polypropylene.

Containers made of polypropylene obtained excellent barrier properties, allow various temperature effects, while maintaining appearance and product quality. If there is a special marking, they can be exposed to microwave radiation, that is, a polypropylene container for food and products receives the most important advantage - the possibility of heating. Resistant to fracture, and at the same time lightweight material, easy to use.

Food containers with lid

The most popular are containers with fasteners and a special lid. Such containers are very convenient for food in the workplace, absolutely harmless and non-toxic. They are practical, allowing easy washing without the use of aggressive detergents.

Heat resistant and waterproof polypropylene food containers are indeed the most the best option. The volume of such containers is convenient for carrying, storing food and ready meals in the refrigerator. You only need to decide on the purpose for which you are going to buy containers.

Transportation of food containers

When it comes to transporting products, you will definitely need large-sized polypropylene containers with a lid to ensure the most convenient transportation. They are suitable for fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and meat, and other foods.

The minimum lot that you can order is one package.
Are you surprised and hard to believe? Doubts away, everything is exactly the same. Yes, yes, you can order just one container and you can pick it up right on the day of the order. Note, this will of course be possible if such a container is available. If it is not there, then it will take some time to create your order.more

Of course, the situation when a client orders only one container is the exception rather than the rule. After all, plastic food packaging is very convenient.

An important parameter for the manufacturer is the rigidity of the packaging. It can deliver products from the place of production to stores. It is strong enough for this, as it has stiffeners. There are also specially provided ledges that take into account stacking, that is, fixing containers on top of each other. This greatly facilitates transportation and storage.

It is important that food packaging is user-friendly for the end consumer. When a client one day buys your cake or salad, brings it home, puts it on the table and enjoys having dinner with his family or drinking tea with friends, he will be happy. Everything turned out exactly as he imagined. After all, an elegant, but durable salad bowl not only did not wrinkle in the bag on the way home, but also harmoniously fit into the serving and the purchased dish did not have to be transferred to another dish.

That is why we pay so much attention to the design and production of food packaging.

Today, many customers who once ordered plastic packaging for food products from us have switched to permanent cooperation. This is due to the fact that we treat each order with attention, taking into account all the wishes of the client.

We understand that it is important for you to receive your order as soon as possible. Therefore, we form a stock of the most popular types of packaging so that they are always in stock. For repeated and unique orders, we develop a plan for the production of food packaging. Such planning makes it possible to ship by a specific date convenient for the customer. Thanks to this planning, you get several advantages at once.

Firstly, your products are always fresh on store shelves. This also benefits outlets who sell your products, and end customers.

Secondly, you do not need to have a large warehouse, because you can immediately pack and ship finished products. And that's savings on rent. warehouse, which can be used for the development of production or for other purposes.

Turning to our specialists, you can easily and quickly buy disposable packaging or plastic containers that are best suited for packaging all kinds of food products.

Specialists of the company "Pische-Poly-Plast" will offer you a solution that meets your needs at low costs.

Food packaging production video

The decision to start your own business is always difficult. Many have been nurturing this idea for several years and still hesitate to take the first step. Do not be afraid, because any development of events will teach you, give you an unforgettable experience, and possibly a good income.

We offer an excellent option for earning in the form of the production of plastic food containers. Yes, these products are very common in the market. But keep in mind that it is constantly in demand. Catering outlets, food delivery companies, grocery stores, retail outlets selling meals by weight and even ordinary people need such a product. In addition, if you offer products with a new design or made from a special material, this can generate extraordinary demand!

Optimal organizational form when opening a business, it is an LLC on the general taxation system. In that case, you have to large document flow, but there is an easy opportunity to agree with enterprises on cooperation. In addition, more trust entity. The nice thing about the plastic food container business is that such products are not licensed, they do not require the issuance of certain certificates.

Choice of rented premises.

So, first you need to decide on the production room. In this case, it is worth paying attention to some nuances. The height of the walls must be at least 4 meters, the floor must be concreted or tiled. Also, such a room should have good ventilation and be connected to the water supply. For production, it is necessary to be able to connect to a 3-phase power supply. Another nuance, before starting work, it is important to finish the walls with non-combustible materials at least at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the floor. Such a place is not difficult to find in any city.

In large cities, the rental price can be 280-320 rubles/sq.m., in smaller cities this figure is slightly lower than 200-270 rubles/sq.m. So, you will need a room with an area of ​​at least 40 sq.m, so you will have to pay 11-13 thousand rubles / month. The rented premises, if possible, should be divided into several zones: a production workshop, a raw material storage warehouse, a finished product warehouse, a bathroom and a staff room.

Purchase of equipment and housing.

When you already have a certain production area, the next stage comes - the purchase of equipment and raw materials. Polypropylene is used for the production of food containers. This material has good barrier properties and can withstand temperatures up to 130 degrees. Containers made of this material can be used in a microwave oven. It is also sufficiently resistant to kinks, which is why it is widely used for the production of containers. If the containers are not resistant to high temperatures, then polystyrene can be used as a raw material. This material looks very close to glass, so it is quite popular.

At wholesale prices, polypropylene granules can be bought at a price of 48-52 rubles/kg, polystyrene can be bought at a price of 80-84 rubles/kg.

Before buying equipment, it is worth deciding which method will be used to manufacture products. The main methods are injection molding and shaping. After forming, a lot of waste remains (although they can be reused), thin-walled containers are obtained. Additional processing is also required. Such as cutting, welding, gluing, soldering, etc. Casting involves the manufacture of products by placing a viscous-fluid mass in a mold and hardening it.

Such a production cycle is longer than the formation. But it is best to stop at the formation of products. So, for production you will need a granulator (about 48 thousand rubles), a mold (about 130-150 thousand rubles), you will also need small equipment for trimming and repairing minor damage (10-13 thousand rubles). this amount should be added to the cost of electricity (approximately 40 rubles per hour) and the costs associated with attracting personnel (approximately 2 rubles per 1 manufactured part).

Don't forget to advertise your products. Of course, you will not print flyers describing this product and distribute them on the streets of cities. In this case the best advertisement, this is a demonstration of the goods in front of the buyer. At the beginning of sales, you can organize some kind of promotion for the product, provide a discount. Let's say the cost of advertising a product will be about 2-3 thousand rubles.
Definition of the sales market and business development.

Of course, the main problem in this business will be the organization of the sales market. As mentioned at the beginning, the product is quite popular. It must be remembered that the production of food containers involves non-stop loading of equipment, that is, continuous manufacturing process. Only in this case, you can get a good profit. And continuous production implies a well-established sales market. It is possible to compose a sales market in the following proportions: 45% - public catering outlets operating on a permanent basis; 20% - seasonal outlets; eighteen% - hardware stores; 12% - enterprises specializing in the delivery of ready meals; 5% - cafe.

We calculate the profit from production and its payback.

Summing up all the calculations (costs for the production of 1 product - 2 rubles, sales of 1 product - 5 rubles), taking into account the production of 1,000 products per day and 100% sales, you can make a profit of 2 thousand rubles. in a day. Thus, your business will pay off in 1 year and 4 months. It's not bad for starting a business! And then you can buy optional equipment(for example, a new molding machine for making containers of an unusual shape) and increase your profits.
Good luck in your endeavors!
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The equipment is designed for the production of plastic food containers, salad bowls, correxes, plates, lids, trays, substrates, egg packaging, packaging for cakes from plastic sheets of BOPS, HIPS, GPPS, PVC, PET and other polymers.

Equipment advantages:

  • The thermoforming machine 580 x 520 is designed on the basis of modern world technologies, automatically feeds, heats up the web, forms, cuts and gives out finished products, collects unclaimed material for recycling. The equipment is intended for independent use. Manufactured products do not require any modifications on additional equipment.
  • The whole production process is controlled by PLC, which is programmed by means of LCD touch screen and displays the current parameters and production statistics. The computer can also memorize programs with predetermined parameters, the process of reconfiguring the machine for different products is simplified, the convenience and ease of operation, the reliability and stability of the equipment are increased.
  • The equipment is advanced in its class, the closed water cooling system of the mold increases the efficiency and productivity, improves the quality of the final product, reduces water consumption. By replacing molds, it is possible to produce products of various shapes.
  • An additional plus is that the 580 x 520 thermoforming machine independently forms and cuts finished products, there is no need to purchase punching presses, the production chain is shortened, the number of maintenance personnel is reduced, electricity is saved, the need for production space is reduced, which ultimately reduces the cost of final products in the consumer market.


The film roll is mounted on a special shaft holder located in the rear of the machine. Before starting operation, the equipment must be turned on for heating. The warm-up time is 30-40 minutes. The edge of the web is fed through a system of broaching and pressure rollers to the heating zone.

The heating zone consists of two surfaces, the canvas is simultaneously heated from the bottom and top sides, acquires a uniform temperature, the heating time is several seconds, the heating temperature can be adjusted depending on the thickness and type of film.

The heated material is drawn into the molding zone where it is clamped between the two halves of the mold. The mold quickly and reliably closes by means of pneumatic cylinders, which firmly fixes the web during formation, the possibility of material displacement is excluded, the products are obtained High Quality, the probability of marriage is minimized. Forming time is 2-5 seconds, depending on the depth of the product, after forming finished products cut by means of the same mold.

After cutting, the web with extruded and cut products moves further along the conveyor belt, the finished products are separated from the common web and removed from the machine, unclaimed material is wound on a special storage shaft. The resulting products can be stacked in a certain amount and placed in a transport package for storage in a warehouse and transportation to distribution points.