If you need a copywriter for simple work. The best exchanges for copywriters

  • 07.06.2020

Millions of sites day in and day out are fighting for high ranking positions. That is, they do this not on their own, but under the strict guidance of the owner of the resource. What is being done for this? You need to choose a hosting, think over the design, make a plan for writing articles for key queries and, of course, you need a good copywriter , who knows his business and is ready to follow the strict rules of the technical task.

Creating and promoting a website is a creative process, consisting of consistent, deliberate actions. In this case, attention is paid to each tool, because everything that is used for promotion purposes will not work on its own.

But no matter how beautiful the flashing animated splash screens are, and the fact that the presence of pictures facilitates the reading process and the guest stays longer on the page, the information component plays one of the key roles. This concept refers to the content for the site. It is needed everywhere, from information portals to technical portals. And even an online store will not exist without content. After all, in order to sell something, the buyer needs to tell about the product.

The concept of unique content for the site

Like any intellectual product, articles (content) belong to someone. Let this not be a well-known author and journalist, but still each text has its own owner. There is a mass , where each resource owner can find a copywriter who is ready to write high-quality material. And let it not be Daria Dontsova or Daniil Koretsky. Believe me, the author, previously passed primary school writing articles, and there is always a lightness of thought.

To increase the project's ranking in the eyes of search engines, the content on the site must be unique, meaningful and relevant. Such works keep the reader on the site, and he will want to return again if the knowledge gained from reading the tips for laying electrical wiring was useful to him. This means that a copywriter is needed not only competent, but also preferably versed in the subject of the site.

It is sometimes difficult to find a person who is subtly versed in construction or fishing. This is where the subtlety of the work of a copywriter lies. The author must think in different directions and without losing the meaning of the story. It is this task that the owner of a new Internet project needs to solve. Namely, he must find a good copywriter, ready to take on any job.

Price of text relevance

In addition to uniqueness, the second fundamental content for the site should be credibility. Copied and superficially modified texts lead not only to a downgrade. The consequences can be much worse, up to a complete ban on indexing. By filling the resource with only unique articles, the owner of the resource guarantees the promotion of his offspring in the search results, and the copywriter, taking his work seriously, increases his rating and, as a result, pay. Therefore, as the famous cartoon character said - guys, let's live together.

What do you think about this? Is it true that only good copywriters can write quality content for a website?

Greetings, dear readers of my blog. Today I propose to figure out what a copywriting exchange is and which ones are best suited for beginner copywriters. Almost all copywriters, even the most successful ones, started their careers on stock exchanges. This is such a survival school for beginners, which has its own rules and features.

I offer you an overview of the best copywriting exchanges for aspiring authors, I hope this will help you start earning your first money today.

The best exchanges for copywriters




Miratext.ru - ideal for beginners, since orders can be taken into work without tenders, that is, without waiting for feedback and approval from the customer.

In addition, the exchange provides the opportunity to place your finished texts for sale in the Articles Store.

Registration on the site is free. However, in order to gain access to work on this exchange, you must pass an exam, which consists of several stages:

  • testing;
  • writing text with key queries;
  • answers to questions about the rules of the exchange, which are better to familiarize yourself with in advance.

Don't be discouraged if you didn't get tested right away. According to user reviews, most succeed on the fifth or sixth attempt. On this resource, you can start testing again an unlimited number of times without blocking, as on other exchanges. Just remember the correct answers and don't make mistakes the next time you try.

I welcome such tests, because in the process of their implementation, erudition develops greatly. A little concentration and perseverance, and you will have one of the best exchanges for copywriters at your disposal.

- this exchange is well known high level copywriter earnings. In order to gain access to the work, you need to go through several stages:

  1. Registration.
  2. Test for knowledge of the Russian language. Keep in mind that the test is against time. In 8 minutes you need to answer 15 questions, so I don’t advise you to look for answers on the Internet, concentrate and you can easily go through this stage, because you chose the profession of a copywriter for a reason.
  3. Essay on a given topic.

Based on the results of completing tasks, you are allowed to complete orders of a certain level. For each level, there is a rate below which the customer cannot lower the cost of the task. Here is the gradation:

  • beginner (from 22 rubles per 1000 characters);
  • basic level (from 36 rubles per 1000 characters);
  • high level (from 71 rubles per 1000 characters);
  • pro (from 179 rubles per 1000 characters).

As a copywriter at Turbotext.ru, you can earn in two ways:

  1. Upload finished articles to the store.
  2. Fulfill orders for working with texts (writing, rewriting, translation).

Perhaps the main drawback of this exchange is a commission of 20% of the order value, which is withheld from the performers. Withdrawal of money is carried out once a week on Mondays.

For a complete introduction, read.



But here, with due diligence, you have a much better chance of reaching high ratings in a short time and decent pay labor. In this direction, you will also be strongly encouraged by constant learning and improving your skills, I advise from our Knowledge Base.

In addition, this is a great opportunity to find employers who will offer you long-term cooperation outside the exchange.

Needless to say about the experience and professionalism, which grows with each completed order and positive feedback.

Did you, dear readers, have experience working on stock exchanges for copywriters? What sites have you worked on? Share your impressions in the comments, perhaps someone lacks your advice in order to achieve the desired results.

Hello! I often use the services of copywriters and rewriters. Most often, I use the contentmonster content exchange - a user-friendly interface, everything is thought out for both the contractor and the customer, the prices are affordable, the performers are responsible. I wrote in more detail about the exchange itself in my post. For all the time that I work with performers from there, I was able to develop a certain list of criteria by which you can determine whether the performer (copywriter or rewriter) is a specialist in his field and whether it is worth adding him to white list(white list) in order to work with it in the future. I will try to break down the criteria by which I add performers to the "Favorites". So let's get started:

Order execution time

An important indicator by which one can judge the level of responsibility and diligence of a copywriter (rewriter). If he does everything on time, he is a reliable person. Yes, there are force majeure events, but in this case, a competent performer will always (even sometimes in advance, if possible) inform the customer about this and apologize for the delay.

Text uniqueness

Probably one of the most important (if not the most important) indicator of the quality of order execution. There is a contentmonster on the exchange built-in uniqueness check, which is triggered when a copywriter sends a completed order to a customer.

If you are in a hurry and there is no time for an additional check, you can look at this indicator before accepting the order and, if it suits you, accept and pay for the work.
However, I recommend additionally checking the work done with or, preferably with a 3-4 shingle. This will significantly increase the chances that the order you receive will be as unique as you need.

Text readability

A very important indicator for an inexpensive rewrite. Uniqueness - uniqueness, but what to do with the fact that the text can be unique and at the same time unreadable (as an example - a synonym: "we go take the dog for a walk")? It is difficult to suggest any here, because it is one thing to check for uniqueness or grammar, and quite another to check the work for readability. In this case you need to read the text handed over by the rewriter yourself, or at least its fragments / excerpts(selectively). I have had cases when unscrupulous rewriters tried to actually submit a 100% synonymy. To better understand what "synonymize" is, I will give an example of a poem by A. S. Pushkin, which was synonymized with one of the programs:

Agree, it's not even funny search engines are banning mercilessly for this, they have long since learned to distinguish synonymized text from normal text.


The work must not only be delivered on time, be unique and readable, but it must also missing punctuation, grammar, spelling and other errors. On the ContentMonster content exchange, it is possible to check the literacy of the text handed over by the copywriter, but I also additionally check through Word or directly through the browser (FireFox), since it has such an opportunity

Absence of Latin letters in Cyrillic words

Sometimes some "wise men" use the following trick to make the text unique, which cannot be traced "by eye": they replace some letters in the text from Cyrillic to Latin. For example, in the word "text" you can replace as many as 2 letters with Latin ones: "e" and "c".

The text becomes unique, but search engines have also learned to catch such tricks a long time ago, you can run into a filter for using such tricks, so it’s better not to take risks and not do such things. What is good about the Contentmonster content exchange - when placing an order the system will automatically check the text for the presence of Latin characters in it and notify you.

Availability of keywords

Here, in fact, the main criteria for checking the quality of a rewrite or copyright. Do you want to become a good copywriter and enter the list of the best copywriters in Russia? Then wind all of the above on your head. Thus, I collected a list of performers on the ContentMonster exchange, who do an excellent job with orders for "5", in rare cases - for "5" with a minus. There were over 30 authors, here is the list of their nicknames on the stock exchange:

  • eas70
  • kopytko
  • Nadin2012
  • larandra
  • misterav
  • hadich
  • Martovskayakosya
  • Leon10
  • Shuro4ka
  • ViGosha
  • blackbride
  • andreilev
  • PchelkaMaja
  • cuzina
  • acne
  • Kobeleff
  • betty
  • Juliet
  • vikatory
  • sp1997
  • Mouravey
  • Elasto
  • exbkrf
  • autumn paranoia
  • SAN4EG
  • Andrew
  • zerado
  • AnTish
  • KrochmalKonstantin
  • luppa

I have been working with them for a relatively long time and they have managed to prove themselves with positive side. Feel free to add them to your WL on the exchange and work only with them
What content exchanges do you work on? Do you use any additional criteria when checking assignments and listing authors to your white list of rewriters and copywriters?

Finding the best copywriter

Good day, dear readers of the blog, subscribers of my mailing list. Today, the best Runet copywriters are visiting my blog! Yes, yes, you heard right...

The idea of ​​this post arose a long time ago, only with the implementation everything turned out to be a little more complicated. This is understandable: summer is the holiday season, many copywriters have a rest. But there were also those from the TOP-10 who told me directly that if the subscription base is less than 1000 people, we will not communicate. Unfortunately, while my mailing list has not reached such sizes, therefore ( free education, interesting news, chips applied in practice and much more).

Post Idea

Everything is quite simple: I wanted to know the history of the formation the best copywriters. Ask them how much the most expensive text costs, what is the maximum conversion of works. And most importantly, who did they learn from, how did they climb to the top.

I firmly believe that we can only achieve success when we learn from those who are already at the top. They are the best. Our task is to absorb the ideas, thoughts, knowledge that these guys share.

I believe that this post will be useful to the audience of my blog, as you can choose who to learn from, whom you are interested in reading, who was as sincere as possible.

Unfortunately, only 4 people out of 10 responded to my request. Dmitry Kot and Natalya Karya, unfortunately, were on vacation. The names of the rest, the reasons for the refusals, I do not consider it necessary to name. By the way, PLEASE READ this post. At the end, a slightly provocative, but interesting question awaits you.

In the photo - Dmitry Kot

Beauty Natalya Karya

I wanted to systematize a little all the “best copywriters”, collect them in one place, in one article. Unfortunately, not everything planned turned out. But this is an invaluable experience, which I am glad about. Thanks to everyone who responded!

So who are they - the best Runet copywriters?

I made a list of questions and sent them to the 10 best (in my opinion) authors. I will post the answers in the order in which they were received. Here are the questions and my comments on them.

1. How did you get into copywriting? What problems did you face at the beginning of the journey? Do you remember the price of your first text?

At the beginning of the journey, we all do not know where to move, in which direction to develop. I was interested in the success story the best copywriter.

2. How long did it take you to make your way to the top? So, how many years have you been working in this field?

For many, after a month or two of work in the field of writing, their hands simply give up. Again an example successful people indicative.

3. How much is the most expensive text written by you (I understand that this is not a cost per thousand characters, but a selling text as a whole)? What is the highest conversion of your text? Share the most original, valuable customer feedback.

We are all interested: how much do those who are so high earn, what should we strive for. I understand that the cost of a selling text can be measured in tens or hundreds of dollars. I would like to hear more specific figures.

4. Plans for the future. If you have your own school - where will it move, new master classes, trainings, ideas ...

Of course, each of us has plans, thoughts about our future. Top authors are no exception. For many, the answer to this question will be useful if you want to receive professional training.

5. What books, trainings, information products, people left a mark on your brain. Both in the field of copywriting and in general. That is, who did you learn from?

Specific advice is the best, in my opinion. That is - take and read this book, implement this training. In general, pay more attention to any area of ​​\u200b\u200bits activity ...

6. Wishes to the readers of my blog ( the target audience- beginners, novice authors, copywriters of the “middle hand”).

It was a sin not to ask wishes to all of us.

I recommend starting your acquaintance with Victor from here: consillieri.com

How long has he been a copywriter...

Copywriting (more precisely, "copy-impact" - that is, influence through oral and written speech for a variety of purposes) was engaged from school. Therefore, it is rather difficult to talk about problems as such - I have never put loot at the forefront. It has always been a thrill for me to write and speak in such a way that others stop doing their own thing and start thinking about the world that surrounds them...

And at the same time they changed their beliefs ...

A good copywriter is not an artisan. This is the Inspirer, Leader, Guru, Mentor, Mentor - and much more ...

You cannot create a powerful impact with your texts if all your opinion about copywriting comes down to what the Runet dictates to you, and all your knowledge about it comes down to three books you read and a dozen selling sites composed on your knee.

Since it sells a lively phrase that is not licked from someone and not scammed swipe files.

Selling YOURSELF...

About the price of the first works

As for the price, my first texts were offline and related to a full-fledged PR campaign in the interests of a large industrial customer from Tagil. This was back in 1988, before RASO appeared. And then it was very decent money ...

How Vic feels at the top, a little about the books

It may sound immodest, but I am the “father chieftain” of Runet copywriting.

It was from my books "Magnetic Words", "To Myself Copywriter" that more or less began

systematic demand for this profession and for copywriting itself in general. It was about 9-10 years ago. It's easy to check - Google to the rescue.

I don’t know a single current copywriter or infobusinessman who has either not heard about these (and other) publications - or has not learned from them ...

dimokfm note: I think that the books "Your Own Copywriter", "10 Secret Buttons", "Master of Sales" are the basis from which to start. I was also very "inserted" by the "Hard Sale" course. Thanks Vic.

If you type in Google a very high-frequency query "influence" - then from the huge sample size you will get my site consillieri.com in the very TOP - which in itself proves the power of not just copywriting knowledge, but the ability to implement them in the form of a holistic strategy - brand management and copywriting as such...

A moment of attention :)

Surely, you are interested in additional earnings on the Internet.
I offer tools that I have been using myself for several years:

The most expensive text by Vik Orlov

I won’t tell you about prices, because now I rarely write for third-party customers - I’m just not interested.

And the conversion reached 60-70 percent. Well, or on cold traffic - about 15-20.

I'm not chasing conversion, oddly enough.

It is for this reason that my Master Class, for example, was placed behind a blank fence - in private. Although there are more than one and a half thousand people. This avoids the profanation of special technologies and prevents them from falling into the hands of pirates.

From a commercial point of view, this may seem illogical, but to me quality is more important, not quantity.

Runet pop music is of no value ...

Future plans

The future is ourselves.

Of course, there is a School, and it is now working and developing in several directions

online learning. The meaning of this School is effectiveness.

As a Master, you must provide not study time, but efficiency.

And I vouch for my efficiency.

I don’t make books and courses outside of learning algorithms - because such products are basically consumer fraud.

Only by teaching, advising, checking homework, mercilessly bashing on special tests, you can get a genius.

This is the difference between the Master and the shoemaker ...

Who do the best copywriters learn from?

The classics of our and foreign literature and poetry, above all.

For example, Stephen King, Pasternak, Ashbury - and many others.

A penny is worth a copywriter who, apart from books on copywriting, has not read anything else.

A person who reads books will always control who watches TV.

Without an awesome knowledge of rhetoric, style, creativity and other things, you will become a maximum good copywriter.

But you will never be the best...

This is reality…

Wishes to blog readers from Vik Orlov

To learn, putting aside show-offs and laziness... And not to drift, if life constantly pokes your face into the asphalt... For our world, this is normal)

And will it ever end...

dimokfm note: It's hard to disagree with this advice. A time machine with a song about the world, which one day will cave in under us, I remembered.

And the fact that life sticks in the asphalt is normal. You become stronger if you draw the right conclusions, learn the right lessons. Be grateful for what you have! Many do not even have this... And strive for more. Always strive...

Thank you Vicki for your answers! By the way, he sent them first. I hope that readers have learned a lot of useful things for themselves.

Move on. Another candidate for the title the best copywriter runet - . Denis leads very well, I recommend adding him to your feed. Many thanks to Denis for answering questions.

The history of the formation of Denis

I switched to copywriting professionally when it started to bring me more money than my main job. Moreover, it was copywriting per day that I was doing then only a few hours free from my main job.

Problems never scared me. When I arrived, I was a "newbie" who had only one question in his head. By trial and error, I gradually reduced their number and found turnkey solutions. I remember the price of my first order - I completed it for free.

On the way up...

I don't know what the pinnacle of copywriting is, so I can't say that I've achieved it. I have been in copywriting at a professional level for more than 3 years.

About pricing, reviews, and conversions

At the price of the most expensive text - here I, with your permission and for obvious reasons, will evade the answer. I do not consider the concept of "conversion" the highest measure of the effectiveness of a copywriter. With a conversion of 0.3%, you can sell goods worth a million dollars and secure your old age already in your youth. Or you can sell seeds at 50% conversion and do this all your life.

dimokfm note: very valuable and IMPORTANT remark. Pay attention to it.

My personal record for the sum is "hot" offer which led to a €4.5 million deal. My personal record for conversion is 30% on cold traffic.

Plans for the future of Denis Kaplunov

There are plans for the future, of course. But I am a person who is used to reporting on the fact. :)

I don't have my own school. If I wanted to run something like this, then definitely not a school, but at least a university. For master classes, trainings, etc. - stay tuned, they will be.

Who did Denis study with?

There is a list of TOP 10 books on the Internet that I recommend. There are not several books on that list, for some reason they are not published now. These are Dan Kennedy's Sales Letter, Joe Sugerman's The Art of Marketing Messages. In general, I'm more comfortable reading and learning from foreign experts in their own language.

Wishes to all of us

Never call your readers "newbies" and even more so "middle-class copywriters." I still consider myself a beginner, because every day I learn and get something new and never stop there.

dimokfm note: did not mean anything bad, under the phrase "copywriter of the middle hand." As for me, this is a layer of authors who do not reach the title of the best, the most. Hope I didn't offend anyone. If anything, peace to all.

I wish you never give up if you decide to get serious about copywriting. Be prepared for the fact that on your way you will several times face the choice of “continue or leave?”. I always stayed, although sometimes it was very difficult. And that's where I am now. Listen to other people's recommendations, but do not blindly believe them (including mine). In our business it is important to find your individuality.

Try and test. Only practice gives answers to important questions. I have already proved 300 times the relevance of "yes", where others shouted "no".

Once again, many thanks to Denis for sincere, original answers. It was nice to read them, some of the tips are already being put into practice. YES, don't forget to visit Denis's blog!

So, word to Arthur.

How did you get into writing?

He started writing at the end of 2009. It so happened that the elite salon swiss watches switched to closed mode. My salary was cut in half. I started looking for a part-time job on the Internet, as a result I found the main source of income.

There were problems, like all newcomers. The incomprehensible functionality of copywriting exchanges, the lack of regular orders, the price tag is below the baseboard. Started with $0.5 or $0.75 for 1000 characters.

I have been in the field of writing for 3 years, but I made a good breakthrough probably a year and a half ago.

About reviews for your work

For me, all customer reviews are valuable =) Of course, someone gives their opinion in an original way, someone prefers to be brief and to the point, but I cannot single out one.

Future plans

Specific figures of Sergei Troubadour

If for the text, 12,000 rubles - this is how much my texts for one-page turnkey cost. And this is not a one-time order, but rather typical.

If we take into account the volume, then, it seems, 2000 rubles for 600 characters of text. But you also need to consider the cost of time. The record was something like 4,000 rubles per hour of work (an urgent easy order from a regular customer with well-known information).

Plans for the future, school development

Now I want to separate two areas - web writing and web copywriting.

Partial differentiation has already begun: in June I conducted the training “Writing a shock one-pager” in the direction of web copywriting, and now we are finishing the training for web writers - “Successful web writer. Takeoff".

We will move forward in each of these areas. Let's repeat levels 1 and 2 of the "Successful Web Writer", I will conduct a training on selling multi-pages for web copywriters. In general, well, it's unrealistically many plans :).

dimokfm note: I personally did not take trainings with Sergey, please give feedback on them in the comments. I think it will be extremely useful for readers.

Where to study?

At the stage of web writing, there were simply no information products yet - I myself am fixing this gap.

And I learned quite a lot about selling texts at the beginning of my career. I learned the most from Pavel Davydov, who greatly influenced my basic style. Over time, of course, I developed my own.

The books on marketing by Jack Trout and Al Rice helped a lot - they influenced my understanding of positioning.

Now I almost do not study copywriting (I teach myself :)). I listen to information products and audio books on marketing, information business and personal effectiveness.

Wishes to blog readers

Colleagues, it's very hard to see above yourself. At the beginning of a career, it seems that high earnings (or at least some) are simply unrealistic. That you have to be something special to achieve them.

And there is nothing special here.

You just need:

  • understand the principles of personal marketing;
  • respect your customers (know business ethics);
  • get your hand in the technique of writing texts;
  • and work, work, work...

And in time you can become real freewriter- Freelance writer. Which can, for example, go on vacation not for 7-15 days, but for one and a half to two months.

Thank you Sergey for taking the time to answer my questions.

That's all, dear readers, this is the end of the list of respondents. Let's thank those who did not send me to hell in the comments. I hope that you have found something useful for yourself.

The best copywriter - who is he?

Best Copywriter- This is of course a bit arbitrary. YES, and who gave us the right to choose the best, you say, and you will be right. But still, I propose to indicate in the comments the NAME of the one whom you consider the best.

You can name several names. Of course, and those who are not on this list.

Just do not turn it into a quarrel, throwing mud at one of the authors, including me.

I will be glad for your comments (by the way, from now on you can comment via the Facebook form), retweets, likes and links to this article. The more people read it, the more objective the opinion will be.

Thanks again everyone!

Warm and sincere greetings to all readers of the blog! I wrote today's post not for copywriters, but for customers. Tell me there is something. For more than 4 years I have been writing texts myself and for almost a year I have been working on some projects together with other authors.

You can see the results of my work. I am proud that I have many grateful customers and yet none negative feedback. Although it's not easy. But you will make it easier. After reading this article, it will be much easier to find a good copywriter and establish fruitful cooperation with him.

Where is the best place to order texts?

Depends on your goal. Already talked about this in . Need a professional copywriter? It is not necessary to look for it on the exchanges. Use Yandex or Google. Quickly and immediately direct communication with the author.

No registration, no unnecessary gestures. No need to understand the rules and interface of the site for freelancers, publish a project, etc. Go to, see contacts, contact in a convenient way. Although…

Good authors can be found on some stock exchange. Having your own website is a huge plus for a copywriter. Especially if for queries related to the craft of an Internet writer. But I know for sure that there are professionals who have earned an impressive rating on content exchanges and do not think to spend time and money on creating and maintaining a blog or even designing the most modest business card site.

So think about what is more important to you:

  1. The fastest communication with a copywriter.
  2. The opportunity to evaluate his skills in optimizing texts and maintaining sites.
  3. The representativeness of the author. You can promote yourself on other people's resources. Still, a copywriter with his own website cares more about his image than the one without it.
  4. The ability to dig deeper. Often a copywriter's web resource is not only a portfolio and reviews. These are articles about the profession and about yourself, communication with readers, real photographs. It doesn't matter to everyone. But if you are aiming for long-term cooperation, you can find out what kind of person this copywriter is, and not just what kind of specialist he is.
  1. Real reviews. Reviews on your own website can be faked, embellished, and hidden all the negativity. There is no such possibility on a third-party resource. Especially if the author has been working there for several years.
  2. Ability to keep communication to a minimum. We attached the task, sent the payment to the account of the intermediary site, and got the result. If the result is satisfactory, the money is automatically transferred to the author's account.

There is another way to find a good writer - job search sites. The disadvantage of this option is that it is difficult to find a professional copywriter there. Checking his qualifications is even more difficult.

If you need a copywriter for simple work

Finding a professional to write sales texts or SEO articles should be approached wisely. When the task is simple, it doesn't really matter where you look for the performer. Although other intermediary sites are preferable in this case. There are beginners who know little and know little, but they also charge cheap for their own.

Technical task

In writing or orally

Choose for yourself what is more convenient for you: fill out a brief or tell the essence of the task in words. Some authors are not used to communicating by voice. Then look for someone who is not afraid of oral conversation.

How to draw up TK on your own

If the copywriter did not send a brief, and you need to draw up your own terms of reference, first of all find texts on the topic that you are interested in that you like. Judging by my experience, this is at least 60% of successful cooperation. The author must understand what style you prefer, what style of writing, what words and phrases influence you.

Task for writing a text about the company

Be sure to send material if the text is needed about your company (some of your business). Reporting only the date of foundation (as some of my customers did) is not enough 🙂

Remember that it is written for the first time for the Internet, so there is no information about it on the Web yet. Tell everything that comes to mind. Facts that seem banal. An intelligent copywriter will choose the strongest advantages and present them in an original way.

Text volume and uniqueness

In the TOR it is necessary to indicate the amount of text. At least approximate. The volume is usually considered not in A4 pages, but in characters. It is easy to find out how many characters are in the text. detailed instructions with screenshots.

When compiling a task for a copywriter, indicate not only the percentage of uniqueness of the text, but also the service that needs to check this uniqueness. And remember that 100% uniqueness does not guarantee that the article will get into the TOP 10 search engines or even be indexed. In fact, this guarantees almost nothing, except that the writer will have to fiddle with it for several hours longer. Usually a uniqueness of 90% or a little more is enough.


If the TOR helped to compile the SEO-shnik, and it is stuffed with phrases such as “spam”, “morphological occurrences”, “stop words”, etc., discuss these points with the author before starting cooperation. Not everyone understands this. Some quickly skim through the task and say that they understood everything. Ask your writer again if he knows what “spaminess” is, how to check it and how to make sure that its percentage in the text is minimal. Then you don’t have to look for another artist at the last moment or waste your time on editing.

Let your copywriter always have at least half a day left. Set deadlines that can be extended by at least 4 hours later. It's better when you have a day to spare. I worked with experienced journalists and editors. Still, almost always there was not enough time. But when I said that there is still half a day - just right.

I don't know why so many writers are like this. They are not taken to work immediately after receiving the order, but are waiting for something. They manage to send the text at the appointed time. But he is often "damp". After a few hours of grinding, you can get just what you need.

When the project is urgent, there is no stock at all, look for an author with an impeccable reputation. See reviews. If a copywriter has not let anyone down over the years of work, then he will have time to cope with your project. By the way, I'm not referring to myself. I rarely take on urgent orders. And only at the request of regular verified customers.

Now for the edits

I know that most of the conflicts between the customer and the copywriter are due to edits.

Agree on making changes in advance and avoid a lot of problems.

Ask the copywriter if he agrees to free edits. If you need to pay extra for editing, how much. All.

If the writer promised to make changes to the text, he will do it. No joy, but no worries either. All the authors with whom I worked corrected their texts at my request. Because they said they would. Before starting work.

Your comments may be subjective. You can ask for something to be added or removed, although there was nothing like this in the TOR. Your request will be fulfilled. The main thing is to agree on everything in advance. And understand that a specialist who agrees to edit without any problems will cost more than one who thinks that he always creates a masterpiece the first time.

About long-term cooperation

I have seen hundreds of ads from content studios looking for contributors to work full-time and most likely only found problems. These announcements are divided into two types.

From completely "green" studios

A copywriter, after six months or a year of successful work, suddenly realizes that he has more orders than he can fulfill, and creates his own “company”. He himself is far from a TOP author, so he is paid relatively little. He can allocate a penny to his own employees. Therefore, when he himself needs a copywriter, he promises “bonuses” in ads: free training, interesting projects, the opportunity to work in a young, growing company, etc.

What is the result?

As a result, he spends a lot of time and nerves on training, earns very little and constantly complains about his wards on various forums for freelancers.

Only the very beginning of a masterpiece called “I am a SUPER COPYWRITER and SUPER MALE. I'm looking for a slave to worship me."

From overly "experienced" studios

This is when they taught, taught, spat and realized that it was more efficient to hire a trained one. Let it be more expensive, but it will work better, you don’t need to edit, you don’t need to constantly explain something.

Requirements are written for several pages (I have seen such, and more than once). It says here about the ability to write “without water”, and about knowledge of html, and about perfect punctuation, and about the ban on the use of stamps, and about the fact that a sentence should have a maximum of 14 words and a lot more about that. Often such ads have a rude hysterical tone in the style: “We pay you more than 30 rubles for 1000 characters, so you must be perfect. Or go to hell!"

30 rubles for 1000 signs plus fines. A really serious offer that you can't refuse.

I want to work with you! You are so sweet and kind. And your payment corresponds to the skills of writing IDEAL texts - 20 UAH (less than 60 rubles) for 1000 characters.

What is the result?

As a result, serious authors bypass such meticulous unpleasant customers by the tenth road. And those who really need work and money peck at the ads. They know they don't meet half the requirements, but they try anyway, wasting their time and that of the studio executives.

What do I suggest?

Reliable and capable copywriter needed for a long time for many types of work?

Write your requirements. But don't forget about the benefits of working with you. (By the way, “working in a young and dynamically developing company” is not an advantage. Time to remember.)

After looking through dozens of ads on Work.ua, I found this, where there is at least some attempt to attract an adequate copywriter, and not a madman who is ready to work for food and constantly listen to unfair criticism.

Think about which skills are more important to you, and which ones you can easily teach the author. Remove unnecessary requirements from the ad.

For example, knowledge of html. To write articles that can be immediately published on the site, you need to know just a few tags - paragraph, headings, lists, and possibly links. Why scare potential employees? They may think that you need to be able to typeset websites.

Do you need a decent person who you can rely on? Tired of frivolous performers who promise and disappear? Show first that you can rely on. Call the specialist who answered your ad, talk to him with his voice, answer all his questions, prove that you can work with you for a long time and still make good money.

I was amazed. The difference between a person who creates their image with printed words and a real person with whom you speak via Skype could be simply huge. During correspondence, only emoticons, links to their work. Positivity and confidence. When you need to think fast and you can’t hide your real emotions with emoticons - superficial knowledge and resentment for the whole world.

Have you read this far? Find the right author for sure!

The article turned out to be voluminous. But I'm sure it will help good clients find good copywriters. Now full of dissatisfied and on the one hand, and on the other. I have been, and still am, on both sides. I understand why this happens.

Copywriters accuse customers of being greedy and picky, customers are angry at writers because of missed deadlines and ignorance. We need a little more careful approach, a little more patience and understanding, in order to increase the number of people who work or conduct their business on the Internet several times over without too much headache.