Maternity photo session best ideas. Conducting a photo session for pregnant women in nature. Before and after

  • 08.04.2020

During an hour photo shoot, in anticipation of a miracle, we manage to change at least 3 images. This means that you need to take at least 3 sets of clothes, preferably more. Because not all clothes can fit the interior of the studio, or you will not look beautiful in it. It's better when there is a choice.
For a husband, take 2 sets of clothes, for an older child 2-3.

I don't know what to wear? Where to begin?
The ideal choice is a long solid color floor-length dress, both tight-fitting and flying apart. All that is needed is underlining. Everything that is not needed is hidden. The future mother looks gentle and feminine.

What to wear for a maternity photo shoot with her husband?

Option 1.
White shirt and dark trousers. Everyone has it, it will suit any color of your dress and any interior of the studio. It is better to take a shirt with long sleeves. Shirts of pale tones also look good - blue or lilac (you can take in addition in white). Often, dads-to-be use their costume or some of its parts for a pregnancy photo shoot.

Option 2.
Photo session of pregnant women in a white T-shirt and blue jeans. Everyone also has it. In this case, the expectant mother takes you the same set of clothes.
An alternative to T-shirts can be a polo for dad, a T-shirt for mom.

Men's T-shirts with a crew neck are NOT suitable for pregnant women. They do not sit well and visually make you look like a ball.
The T-shirt must be absolutely white, without skulls, a photo of an adorable dog, I love NY inscriptions, images of your favorite rock or pop group.

In the first photo, how NOT to do it, in the next, how to do it.

Photo session of pregnant women in lingerie. Do?

It is solely your choice, but personally I am for aesthetics. If your period is more than 32 weeks, you have gained more than 10 kilograms by the time of the pregnancy photo shoot and you are not tall, think about whether it would be better to take another dress?
For those who still decide to act in lingerie, white, blue, pink and beige sets look good. You can take one set of bright color for testing.
Do not take thong panties with you, they will not be appropriate in this shooting, also refuse short panties, they visually increase the hips. Stop your choice on the classic version.

Be sure to bring one set of sleek white or beige underwear, even if you won't be wearing it. Black lingerie that shows through translucent dresses or embossed lingerie that shows through tight-fitting clothes looks terrible and is no longer retouched.

Lace or chiffon robes look very beautiful and gentle at a maternity photo shoot.

An alternative to a photo in underwear with a bare tummy can be a photo in a lace bodysuit. Moreover, both pastel colors and bright ones.
Looks great! There is only one problem here - not every bodysuit can fit with a tummy, but if it works out, take it by all means.

What NOT to take.

Short dresses, both fitted and flared. It looks strange and almost unsuitable for a photo. Flared dresses don't fit at all. They ride up a lot in front and look awkward.
There is only one exception for short tight dresses - you have very long and slender legs.

Also, you do not need to take clothes with a pronounced geometric or floral ornament. You are already not small in this period, and large elements will increase you even more.

It should be remembered that if you are holding a photo session of pregnant women in winter, in studios with New Year's decor, you should not take light dresses. It is better to pick up beautiful knitted clothes.
For yourself, your husband and older child, you can take woolen sweaters, sweaters with a collar, plain sweaters, knitted dresses.

And, on the contrary, in spring and summer it is worth giving up warm clothes. In floral decor, it will look strange.

Pay attention to your manicure.
He must be!
Of course, I don’t shoot your hands under a microscope, but they are constantly in the frame - by the tummy, by the face, hugging my husband.
French manicure, light or clear polish is the best choice.
Avoid bright varnish, including on the legs, it is very striking.

What else can be added to the image for a photo shoot of pregnant women?

Wreaths or floral elements in the hairstyle. You can use both natural flowers and polymer clay flowers.
Just fresh flowers tied with a ribbon look good (tulips and peonies, for example).

What children's elements and accessories can be used for a photo shoot in anticipation of a miracle?

You can take:
- a teddy bear or other small soft toy, children's blocks, a photo from the screening, a small car, booties or shoes.
Balloons one color, white or pink or blue look beautiful. If the balls are tender, then ask for the ropes to be white, not gold.
— Beautiful inscriptions made of wood or plastic (Love/Family/Baby/baby name)

Should I take shoes to a maternity photo shoot?

Shoes must be taken by all participants in the shooting - the expectant mother and father, the eldest child (if he takes part in the shooting).
Take light-colored shoes. If there are dresses in saturated colors, then one pair of dark ones.
If you are comfortable and not heavy, take shoes with heels. They will visually lengthen the legs and add the article and posture.
You can also take cool sneakers, sneakers.
I take a few full-length photos, but when I do, it's better to avoid the situation - mom is in shoes, dad is in socks 😉

I have already packed a whole suitcase of clothes, but maybe I should take something else?

Additional list of clothes for a photo shoot in anticipation of a miracle:

— White or blue men's shirt

– Pajamas (T-shirt + shorts)

- Summer dresses flyaways. From chiffon, silk, any light material.

- Lightweight fabric (silk chiffon). About 4 m.

In conclusion, I wish you not to overload your image with accessories, because. the main thing is you, your beauty, tenderness and uniqueness of the moment of waiting for the baby!

For the mom-to-be, pregnancy is an exciting time. interesting time into her being. This period is the most important for every girl and it is worth saving it by taking photos, but it is better to do it with professionals. They will be able to take pictures that will warm your heart for a lifetime.

A well-executed and well-designed photo shoot will help a woman transform, show all her natural beauty and tender maternal feelings. And most importantly, when the child grows up, he will simply admire these beautiful pictures. He will be able to see how wonderful the period of waiting for his appearance was.

In order for the shooting process to go as you planned it, you need to prepare for it in advance. There are many ideas for a photo shoot of pregnant women in nature, but we will consider the most popular ones in this article.

In our studio you can get advice on this issue, as well as order photography.

Why is it worth taking such a photo shoot in nature?

In nature, you can create those photographs that you can not create in the studio, at home or anywhere else. In nature, you can make the most tender and natural photographs, as here you can find a natural and unique background that you can never repeat in a studio or at home. You will never find a lawn on which flowers will grow, the rays of the sun that especially decorate photographs, sky blue is a natural decoration of any photograph. In such conditions, the photos will turn out with extraordinary brightness, freshness and naturalness.

Find a place where you will feel serene and at ease, and passers-by will not disturb you. You can create photos in which you will be walking in a park or in a forest. You can have a tea party on the lawn or in the park, you can have a picnic with your husband or alone. Take pictures among the trees or leaning against them.

The photographs of pregnant women by the pond come out wonderfully. We will consider some ideas for such a shooting below, but in general, you can take pictures in a boat, on a pier, or near trees and bushes that grow near a pond. Poses can be very different, everything that your imagination is capable of can be depicted. Next, consider some ideas for such photography.

Maternity Photography Ideas

Since the photo session of a girl who will soon have a baby, the photographer must be a professional in this matter. After all, women who are waiting for their baby are those whose mood can change instantly. Therefore, everything must be done quickly and professionally. Also, he must be well developed such qualities as patience.

The husband shows how much he loves the unborn child:

The husband can show how impatiently he is waiting for the child, for this, the tummy of a pregnant girl can be decorated with anything, and let the husband begin to kiss the tummy of the expectant mother, and let the photographer take pictures. From such a photo will come extraordinary tenderness and love.

Photo shoot in the field:

You can take pictures in the field. A husband and his pregnant wife are sitting among the grass or ears of wheat. The future dad gently strokes the tummy of his beloved wife. From such a photograph, the same feelings will arise as from the photograph above.

Among rowan:

A photograph in which a pregnant girl is photographed among mountain ash will look great. Rowan beautiful tree and she emphasizes all the charm and beauty of nature, and among her branches the expectant mother will look simply amazing.

Among the trees:

The photo looks great when the expectant mother is photographed among the trees in the park or in the forest. She always fascinates nature, and if you take a photo shoot of a pregnant girl among the trees, you will get great pictures. The girl leans her back against a tree, and wraps her arms around her tummy, her face looks into the lens, her chin is slightly raised. In this position, the expectant mother will look as if she is looking forward to her baby.

On a picnic:

If you are doing a photo shoot in the summer, then you can do it using a theme at a picnic. To do this, you can spread a blanket in a park or on a lawn, and the expectant mother will sit on it. As accessories, you can use a fruit basket, you can also put a glass of juice in front of a pregnant girl. Clothing should be light but tight around the tummy.

The expectant mother sits, hugging her tummy and tenderly looks into the lens. So the expectant mother will show all her tenderness and love that she has for the unborn child.

Picnic with spouse:

A great idea for a photo shoot of a pregnant girl in a natural bosom would be if she is filmed with her husband. The husband can also take part in such photography. You can take accessories for a picnic basket with fruit and other things that are used during such a holiday. The pregnant wife sits with her hand on her stomach, and the husband looks with tenderness and love at the one who will soon give him a child, his child. You get some really great shots. As clothes, you can wear simple and beautiful.

You can also decorate the shooting location by placing a small table near the parents-to-be, on which to place flowers and other decorations. Hang an inscription over your head, for example,<<ждем с нетерпением нашего малыша>> and the date of the photo shoot.

At the pond:

Beautiful photographs can be obtained by the river, lake or whatever reservoir. Nature everywhere shines with its beauty and the reservoirs are also beautiful in their own way. Therefore, at the source of water, you can take beautiful pictures. If your husband wants to participate in a photo shoot, then you can take a few pictures together. For example, the husband can stand in the back, you in the front and the husband and you gently hug the tummy with the baby. And at this time, look at each other with tenderness. When a child grows up, these will be the best photos for him.

If you shoot without your husband, you can take pictures on a boat or on a pier. You sit on the pier and hug your tummy and look tenderly into the camera, as if into the future, when the child will already be with you.

All of these outdoor maternity photo shoot ideas can help you make an unforgettable photo shoot, but in this article we have covered just a few. Our professional photographers are ready to help you with this issue. Contact us, we will be glad to see you.

From lace peignoirs to rock and roll

More recently, photos of pregnant women looked the same: the expectant mother in a lace peignoir in a studio with some kind of cute interior. In this case, the emphasis is certainly on the stomach, hands in two positions: on the stomach or under the stomach. I've been shooting like this for a long time.

A maternity photo shoot was so strongly associated with lace peignoirs that many girls missed shooting such important point in my life, denying: “No, no, this is not mine at all.” What is most interesting, shooting in a peignoir, in itself, is a successful format, very popular, but this is just one of the possible images that really does not suit everyone.

What happened next? Little by little, photos of pregnant pop and movie stars, top models began to appear on the network. The style of these shoots was very different from the generally accepted one, and the girls saw that maternity photo shoots can look much more diverse, and everyone can choose an image for themselves. This immediately affected the situation - there were much more people who wanted to be photographed during pregnancy, the participants in photo shoots began to take a more creative approach to shooting, and the range of images expanded. For example, I shot a girl, she had a bright rock and roll image. More recently, only the stars decided on this. But in fact, it all depends on the character of the heroine, her interests, what is close to her.

In my opinion, this is great, because pregnancy is an important stage in the life of a woman and in the life of a family, and at this time you should definitely take photos as a keepsake. For example, it is very interesting for me to look at photos of a pregnant mother, because I know that I am already there in my stomach, and will appear soon)

Preparing for a photo session

Where to start if you decide to take a photo during pregnancy? I usually advise girls to start by looking for photos they like. Now there are a lot of beautiful photos of pregnant women on the Internet, and you can find examples, references that your photographer will be guided by when preparing for shooting.

There are photographers who shoot in the same style, girls like the style and they choose it. I have a different approach, I try to understand what a person likes, how comfortable he will be, and depending on this, we determine the style of shooting. It can be, for example, a home photo shoot in a light reportage style, or a more staged boudoir shoot in a peignoir, or a glamorous fashion shoot.

Photo session of pregnant women - in nature or in the studio?

Then we select locations. And here the question arises - where is it better to have a photo session of pregnant women - in the studio, at home, in the country, in the park, on the street?

If the girl is shy, it is better to arrange a photo session in a studio or at home, away from prying eyes. Or if it's winter) Or if a girl wants more candid photos with an open tummy, in beautiful underwear.

You can have a cozy home photo session. For example, once the guys and I met in their kitchen, drinking tea, eating some puffs, and it turned out to be a very warm photo session.
With my photographer friends, we arranged a photo session at their home, but in the end, we hung up the backgrounds, set up the lights, got out the props, and it turned out to be a small photo studio.
Of course, a maternity photo session can be held in nature, in the country, in the park, or on the street, if you are ready for a photo walk. Locations in the air are much more diverse, the studio is a little limited in this regard.

Maternity photo session - with or without a husband?

It depends on the style of shooting and how comfortable the girl is. If this is a shooting together, the emphasis will be on the relationship of the couple, if alone - on the image, feelings, internal state of the heroine of the shooting.

By the way, a good idea for a family photo shoot of pregnant women can be not only shooting with your husband, but also shooting with three or four of us if the family already has children.

Once the third participant in the photo shoot was a pet - Jack Russell, this is a fashionable breed now, they are very active, mobile, such dogs always add immediacy to the shooting.

And once I had a completely unusual photo session for pregnant girlfriends) Two girlfriends got pregnant at about the same time, and decided to take a picture together. It turned out the story of how they sit, measure their stomachs, it looked very nice. When a woman becomes pregnant, her brain in any case switches to this topic, and it is more interesting for her to communicate with pregnant women than with other people. And it turns out that if your girlfriend is also pregnant - this is just an ideal option)

Dress for a photo shoot of pregnant women

During the shooting, you can change the image two or three times, this is a common practice, but you need to think over the images for the “pregnant photo shoot” in advance.

Usually girls send me options for some bows, we discuss, decide what is more suitable. If we go into some kind of fashion, magazine shooting, then we are looking for something ultra fashionable, if this is a family shoot, we select a family look. Nowadays, there are no restrictions - it is easy to imagine a photo session of pregnant women in both lace underwear and jeans.

In fact, in most cases, the basics are enough. For example, to create a family look that will suit almost any couple, it is enough to choose jeans and shirts, or T-shirts. In my opinion, a win-win option for clothes for a photo shoot of pregnant women is knitted dresses, some tight-fitting things that will emphasize all the necessary shapes. And no - shapeless hoodies. For creating beautiful image for a "pregnant photo shoot" they are categorically not suitable.


Of course, I highly recommend using the services of a makeup artist. In order for the result to be 100 percent, you need to make an effort, make a make-up and a hairstyle, and then everything will be perfect. This is a professional photo session, and the make-up must also be professional.


A maternity photo session should not be delayed, because this is quite an active action, anyway, this is how I work. During the shooting, we move a lot, and we don’t want the girl to get tired. The optimal time is an hour and a half, and if a change of images is meant, then two. But no more.


Since there is not much time allotted for shooting, discuss all the nuances that are important for you with the photographer in advance. If you want the photo to have some specific angles, poses, lighting, be sure to voice your desire. It largely depends on whether you end up with exactly the photos you want.

Pregnancy is a short, happy and reverent period in a woman's life. 9 months fly by extremely quickly - and there is so much to do. These days, moms-to-be want to have a photo shoot with professional photographer, because you really want to capture these exciting moments of waiting for your baby.

When is the best time for a photo session?

Such surveys are usually carried out during the third trimester. You can choose clothes and images for a photo shoot of pregnant women on your own or contact a professional stylist and makeup artist. Ideas for shooting are usually suggested by the photographer, as "Waiting for the Miracle" photo shoots have been very popular in the last few years. And this is not surprising.

Maternity photo shoot ideas

Expectant mothers want to do nice pictures during your pregnancy in order to keep pleasant moments in family photo album. In addition, many women want to please their friends and subscribers in in social networks bright and original pictures. Therefore, pregnant girls are very responsible in choosing an idea for filming. The concept of a photo session depends on the location. Typically, the photographer offers the following location options:

  • home conditions;
  • in a photo studio
  • Outdoors.

The choice of a photo session location depends on weather conditions, season and family budget. Before deciding on this, it is better to consult with the photographer in order to avoid mistakes. Maternity photoshoot ideas are very diverse and interesting anywhere.

Shooting in nature

If the third trimester of pregnancy fell at the end of spring or in the summer months, then there is an opportunity to have a photo session against the backdrop of bright flowering nature. Beautiful landscapes of forests, fields, rivers and meadows will serve as excellent decorations for photos of the expectant mother. natural light emphasize her extraordinary beauty. Under such conditions, you can get incredibly tender and sensual photos with your husband.

A photo shoot for pregnant women in nature should not be overloaded with props. A wreath or bouquet of wild flowers will be a good addition to the image of the expectant mother. It is better to plan a shooting day 2-3 weeks in advance, as the weather dictates its conditions.

This is the only significant disadvantage of a photo shoot in nature.

Filming location examples:

  • in a park or square;
  • in a field among flowers or ears of corn, in a meadow;
  • in the forest;
  • in a blooming garden;
  • near the reservoir (marine theme).

Photo shoot in the studio

A photo studio is a great place to shoot, where you can realize a lot of creative ideas for photos. There are special devices for lighting (softboxes) that will help make pictures brighter, clearer and more beautiful. In the studio, the expectant mother can completely relax and enjoy the process of a photo session, because there are no strangers here who will embarrass the woman with their curious looks. As a rule, a photo studio has a lot of props that will help make the photos more original and interesting.

Many girls want to expose their belly in the photo and make a cute drawing on the skin. A photo studio is the best place to realize this idea. Ideally, if the drawing will be applied by a professional artist specializing in body art. But it is possible that one of the close people painted the stomach.

Usually in December and January, almost all photo studios have a New Year's atmosphere. Beautiful Christmas trees with sparkling toys, garlands and other Christmas paraphernalia will be an excellent backdrop for pictures of the expectant mother. A New Year's photo shoot for pregnant women is an original version of a gift for the winter holidays. As props, you can use hats, like Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden costume, tinsel, fake gifts and other holiday accessories.

Here are more maternity photo session ideas:

  • Belly tied with a wide satin ribbon with a bow of the appropriate color (blue if a boy is expected, pink if a girl). A husband can hug his wife from behind or stand opposite, gently touching their “gift”.
  • Nude or underwear. In a photo studio, you can afford to be completely or almost naked. For this shooting option, it is better to choose some weightless translucent clothing items to emphasize the sensuality and beauty of a pregnant woman.
  • Expectant mother in rose petals. You can get beautiful photos by posing on a bed strewn with flower petals.
  • Use children's things as props (booties, undershirts, shoes, caps).
  • Flying fabrics. In some photo studios you can rent dresses for a maternity photo session. A long, weightless train of such outfits can be a good addition to the pictures of the expectant mother. The photographer himself or with the help of a fan will lift the fabric into the air to add elegance and grace to the image of the girl.
  • Drawing on the stomach. Examples of inscriptions: Loading 80%, “I plan to escape this fall”, Kinder surprise. Usually emoticons, watermelons, cute babies or watches are drawn on the stomach. Be careful with the choice of paint, as not all of them are safe for the health of a pregnant woman.

Photo session of a pregnant woman at home

Sometimes the last months of pregnancy are very difficult for a woman. Edema, poor health and weakness do not allow to leave the house. In this case, the apartment or house of the expectant mother can become a place for a photo shoot. It is very convenient and practical to shoot in such a place - all things are at hand, the photographer and future parents are almost unlimited in time. Props for such photography can, for example, be children's things, toys or a crib. At home, images for a maternity photo shoot should be laid-back and simple.

Not every apartment or house is suitable for a photo shoot - the location for filming should be spacious and well lit. It will be great if the photographer first examines your home. Only he can tell you whether this place is suitable for photographing or not.

Ideas for a photo shoot for pregnant women at home do not differ much from studio ideas. Usually, photographers offer to capture the morning of the expectant mother: how she wakes up, prepares breakfast, hugs her husband, folds things for the future baby. Such everyday moments seem simple and mundane, but life is made of them.

Maternity photo session with husband

If the future dad wants to take part in the filming - it's just wonderful. The clothes of future parents should somehow “echo” in color. It would be best if the shade of some accessory or wardrobe item of a man repeats the color of a woman's dress. Then the photos will turn out more harmonious and tender.

Photo session for pregnant women in the studio will be good decision in this case.

Here are some ideas for shooting for a pregnant woman with her husband:

  • A man gently kisses and hugs his stomach or puts his ear in the hope of feeling the baby move.
  • Close-up of the belly, and on it are two hands, male and female, with wedding rings.
  • The future dad draws a cute picture on the woman's stomach, for example, a family with a small child or a baby's face.
  • Smiling future parents, and in their hands they have a pregnancy test or an ultrasound scan.

Ideas for photographing a pregnant woman with her husband and child

If the family already has a baby, you must definitely involve him in the shooting. In this case, the photo session is best done in the studio. So the child will not be able to run far, he will be interested in a new place, he will not have time to get bored. Do not stretch the filming process longer than 1 hour, as this can tire the baby and he will start to act up. A New Year's photo session for pregnant women with the participation of a child will be the decoration of your album. Can be used as props Christmas decorations, funny Christmas hats and sparklers.

Other ideas for a photo shoot with a child and a husband:

  • child and husband different sides hugging a pregnant woman by the stomach.
  • The husband hugs his wife from behind, and the child kisses the naked belly of his mother.
  • The child leaves prints of his hands on the mother's stomach.

What clothes to choose for a photo shoot?

The issue of choosing makeup, hairstyles and clothes should be approached very seriously. For a photo shoot, you need to come up with several images that you will change during the shooting. If the photo shoot lasts 1 hour, then no more than 2 images should be prepared, since there will not be enough time to change clothes and make-up (especially if the photo shoot takes place in the studio). If the shooting lasts 2 hours, then it is worth considering 3-4 sets of things.

A woman chooses clothes for photography according to her taste, it depends on her style and manner of dressing in Everyday life. As a rule, expectant mothers choose dresses for a maternity photo shoot, because it is very convenient. In the photo, this image looks very feminine and elegant.

What is the best way to wear makeup for a maternity photo shoot?

Makeup for a pregnant photo shoot should be elegant and calm. It can be bright, but this means that the chosen clothes for this image should be matched. It is better not to take pictures without makeup at all. It should be understood that the makeup in the photo looks different than in real life. The colors on paper are “eaten away”, so it is imperative to highlight the eyes and lips with cosmetics.

Ideally, if the expectant mother uses the services of a professional makeup artist. Hair needs to be styled in a beautiful hairstyle or curled right before shooting. No need to use a lot of varnish - it will be noticeable in the photo. The image should be thought out to the smallest detail.

During pregnancy, a woman is especially beautiful. I want to keep the memory of this magical time forever in the family archives. And shooting with a professional photographer will help in this. Pregnant women often plan a photo shoot in nature. Because it involves more locations and opens up unlimited possibilities for shooting.

Special position - special photo session

It is best to organize a photo shoot at 30-36 weeks of gestation. At this time, the interesting position of the woman is already clearly visible. Do not delay shooting until 38 weeks. It will be difficult for a future mother to pose for such a long period of time. If you plan to travel out of town, let you have a comfortable car at your disposal, in which you can take a break between shots. Make sure you wear comfortable clothing to prevent overheating in summer or hypothermia in winter. Take plenty of water and a light snack with you.


The photographer plays a significant role in how the shoot goes. It is better that he was already familiar from previous works. If the photo session is coming up for the first time, look at the master’s portfolio on the Internet and chat with him live the day before. Every photographer has their own style of work. It is important that he shares your ideas and wins you over.

Getting ready to shoot

The process of preparing for a photo shoot is no less important than the photo session itself. On the eve of the event, it is recommended that the expectant mother get a manicure and pedicure, prepare clothes, shoes, accessories and props to create several looks at the shoot. You also need to take care of your hair and makeup. Many photographers collaborate with make-up artists and hairdressers. If possible, arrange to create a make-up immediately on the set.


We select accessories and props

For a photo shoot of a pregnant woman in nature, interesting props will come in handy. He will make the image of the expectant mother complete. Depending on the prepared ideas, you can take with you:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • thematic books;
  • baby clothes;
  • round objects - a ball, a globe, a watermelon;
  • Balloons;
  • flowers;
  • pareo, light fabrics fluttering in the wind;
  • plates with inscriptions, cubes with letters or three-dimensional letters made of cardboard;
  • photo from the ultrasound of the baby;
  • unusual props - umbrellas, armchairs, chairs.


As additional accessories, use flowers in your hair, bows. You can tie a blue or pink satin ribbon on your stomach, presenting it as a gift.

Deciding on clothes and make-up

Clothing for a photo shoot in nature depends on the time of year and the individual preferences of the expectant mother. It is important that the outfit is not only beautiful, but also comfortable. If photography is planned with her husband or children, then all the images should be combined with each other.

Summer photo session significantly expands the choice of clothes. To create romantic gentle images, free-cut dresses or sundresses made of light natural fabrics are suitable. The tummy is emphasized with a belt, satin ribbon, drapery. Blouses or shirts are also popular, which can be unbuttoned at any time and demonstrate your interesting position.


Some women love tight-fitting clothes and stick to this style during pregnancy. In this case, emphasizing your position is not difficult. It is enough to wear a T-shirt, T-shirt or dress made of stretch materials. Or you can do without clothes at all and make nude shots, covering the innermost places with your hands, flowers, beautiful underwear or lightweight fabrics.

If the photo session is to be held in the cool season, the clothes should provide comfort and warmth for the expectant mother and baby. But this does not mean that a stylish image will not work. Use tight-fitting warm dresses and sweaters, cardigans, unbuttoned stylish coats. Accessories will complete the image: cozy knitted mittens and a scarf, a warm shawl.

Makeup should complement the planned image. If a fun unusual photo shoot is planned, they choose a playful and bright make-up. When future parents want to emphasize the touching moment, natural makeup is used. In any case, it is worth using the services of a professional makeup artist to make the face in the photo more expressive.

We plan favorable poses for shooting

The beauty of the picture is largely determined by the pose of the model. Choose positions that emphasize pregnancy and will be comfortable for the woman. Usually the following ideas are used:

  • a woman hugs her stomach, standing, sitting or reclining;
  • standing in profile - this position focuses on pregnancy;
  • lying on your back - you can sit on the grass, hay, flowers, leaves, bench;
  • peeking out from behind a tree, at home - the face and round belly of the model are clearly visible in the picture;
  • view from above;
  • a frame in which only one of the woman's belly and her arms are visible.


Choosing a place to shoot

There are many beautiful places for a photo shoot of a pregnant woman in nature. The choice is determined by the desire and capabilities of the model, her well-being, weather conditions, as well as the style of shooting.

Photo studio

If a photo session in nature had to be canceled due to weather conditions, you can always shoot in the studio. There, of course, there will not be such a variety of locations, but this choice has its advantages:

  • calm comfortable environment;
  • independence from the season, weather;
  • high-quality lighting;
  • ready-made interesting scenery.


When choosing a room for shooting, pay attention to its interior, the number of photo zones, the quality of the scenery. model image and environment should be in harmony with each other.

Sweet home

It is optimal if a photo session for pregnant women in nature also includes home shooting. It can start or vice versa finish the photoset. Shooting at home will show how future parents are preparing for the arrival of the baby. You can take a picture of a nursery, a cradle, little things for a newborn. And, of course, you should take a photo of future mom and dad in an atmosphere of home comfort. Later it will be very interesting to watch such a photo report with a grown child.


Summer in nature

Pictures from a studio or apartment can not be compared with photos taken in nature. Natural conditions are the best way to emphasize the beauty of the expectant mother. Great luck if the last months of pregnancy fall on summer period. For shooting, you can get out into nature outside the city or go on vacation at sea. The most daring ideas for a photo shoot of pregnant women are realized there. Especially beautiful shots are obtained at dawn or sunset.

If a vacation on the sea coast is not included in your plans, go by car to the nearest forest. Photos in the forest are always saturated with mystery and magic. Interesting shots are obtained in a clearing, a forest clearing, or not against the background of tree roots.

A park

Picturesque corners for shooting can be found within the city. Take advantage of the beauty of a city park or square. There you will find enough interesting locations for creative photos. Frames can be taken among vegetation, near fountains, sculptures and other attractions. A photo session in an amusement park against the backdrop of a beautiful carousel or a Ferris wheel is also interesting. This topic is especially relevant for photoset with her husband and children.


Taking pictures in the field among the ears of wheat or sunflowers will give the expectant mother beautiful shots. A pregnant woman looks very nice in wildflowers or by a haystack. As accessories use flower wreaths or bouquets. The props can be the most diverse: children's things, balloons and even pieces of furniture.