Tele2 GPRS: Setting up an Internet connection via Tele2 GPRS. Automatic settings. How to get automatic Internet settings on Tele2 How to get automatic settings

  • 08.08.2021

Sometimes there are situations when access to the Internet is not configured on the SIM card from MTS. global network and it is urgently needed. What to do in this case? Read detailed instructions on connection and all the answers to the questions of concern to subscribers of the mobile operator below.

The first and most important condition is that your phone must have the option of accessing the Internet. Unfortunately, some devices (especially the so-called black-and-white old phone models) do not have such a function in their menu. With this type of device, you will not be able to connect to the Internet.

To access the network, you will need a more modern device that supports GPRS / EDGE or 3G / 4G communication standards. The subscriber will need to dial the service number 08 20 221 to receive data transfer settings.

Check out step-by-step algorithms on how to get automatic Internet settings from MTS to your phone. To do this, you can use several methods:

  1. By calling the short service number 0876 to communicate with the operator.
  2. By sending an SMS to a number 1234 . If you send an empty message, then after a while the phone will receive the Internet settings, as well as multimedia messages (MMS). To receive network access settings, you need to send the word "INTERNET", to connect WAP and GPRS the word "WAP", and to send and receive multimedia messages - "MMS". The settings will come to your phone after a few minutes. All the user needs is to confirm their installation and then you can immediately start using the Internet.
  3. By visiting the section " Personal Area" on the MTS official website. To get started, you will need to select the "Settings" menu item, and then click on the "Internet and MMS Settings" column. The next step is to indicate a personal mobile phone number to which a message with automatic settings will be sent. In another window, you should indicate your model and brand of phone, and then select the type of settings you need - INTERNET, MMS or WAP. Select the way to get the settings (the most convenient way is through the standard text message), check the correctness of the above data and click the "get settings" button.

Important! After delivering the automatic settings, be sure to save them to your phone and restart your gadget. This will help the phone correctly install the received data.

If for some reason it is not possible to receive automatic data (or the phone does not recognize them), then you will have to connect manually. You can configure the Internet in the menu section called "Settings". It should have an "Internet Settings" column. Enter in the free fields standard scheme parameters:

  • Profile`s name: MTS Internet.
  • Data link/ Bearer data: GPRS/EDGE or 3G/4G.
  • Access Point/APN: MTS.
  • User`s name: MTS.

From time to time, some subscribers think about how to order Internet settings on MTS. Every modern client of the mentioned mobile operator should know about this. After all, the Internet has become an integral part of human life. And without it, working with mobile devices does not bring much benefit.

How to connect the Internet on a smartphone from MTS? What advice and recommendations are available regarding this topic?

Activation methods

It is proposed to order MTS Internet settings on the phone in various ways. There are several options for the development of events:

  • by simply inserting the SIM card into the phone;
  • via SMS command;
  • using the "Personal Account";
  • by making a call to a mobile operator;
  • manually.

The latter technique is not used so often. Therefore, you have to think about how to order automatic Internet settings on MTS.

SIM card and smartphone

The first and easiest layout is to start working with a phone and a new SIM card. Usually subscribers are offered automatic settings and MMS. And they need very little:

  1. Insert the MTS SIM card into the phone.
  2. Turn on mobile device.
  3. Wait a few minutes.
  4. Save message with automatic settings.

SMS from the operator arrives a few minutes after turning on the mobile device. But sometimes this operation is not carried out. What then? You will have to order the settings for the mobile network yourself.

SMS command

For example, you can use a fairly common approach to solving the problem. So, solving the problem of how to order Internet settings on MTS in Russia, you can act according to the following instructions:

  1. Start writing a new message on your phone.
  2. Write the word in the body of the letter internet.
  3. Send a message to 1234.
  4. Open the SMS that will come in response to this request.
  5. Save the settings published in the message. In this case, you need to open the settings in the SMS menu and select the appropriate function.

All that remains now is to restart the mobile device. The settings will take effect automatically. Now you can easily use mobile Internet on the phone.

Full connection

How to order Internet settings on MTS along with MMS? To do this, you will have to act in exactly the same way as in the previous case. The difference is that the SMS request will be slightly modified.

In this case, you will have to send an empty letter to the short number 1234. Further, as in the circumstances described, it is proposed to save the changes and reboot the smartphone.

Phone calls

The next trick on how to order Internet settings on MTS is to make a call to a mobile operator. This approach has several implementation paths. Namely:

  1. Making a call to number 0876. After that, the subscriber will receive automatic settings for the Internet and MMS in the message. They will need to be saved.
  2. You can also call 0890, wait for the operator's response, ask him to send the settings for the Internet to a particular number. The call center employee will fill out an application and send the parameters in the form of SMS.

That's all. These methods are absolutely free. They can be used at any time. Usually, a response message will be sent to the smartphone within a few minutes after the request has been processed. So you won't have to wait long.

"Personal account" and network settings

The next approach to deciding how to order Internet settings on MTS is to work with the "Personal Account" of the subscriber of the mentioned mobile operator.

Step-by-step instructions for setting up a mobile network on a smartphone via the Internet is as follows:

  1. Open the official website of the operator.
  2. Log in to the "Personal Account" using the previously received login and password.
  3. Open the "Access Control" - "Settings" - "Internet and MMS" section.
  4. Specify the phone number to which you want to send the Network settings.
  5. Select the settings sent to the smartphone.
  6. Confirm the operation.
  7. Wait for SMS with settings.
  8. Open the parameters of the received message and select the "Save" function.
  9. Reboot phone.

The described algorithm of actions helps to order certain network settings from MTS without any problems through the "Personal Account". This technique is not suitable for subscribers who do not have the appropriate profile. You can get it up and running in a few minutes.

Manual setting

The methods proposed earlier help to order the MTS Internet settings for "Android " and other OS. You can go the more difficult way - to implement a set of suitable parameters manually.

For this you need:

  1. Go to the "Settings" section on your mobile device.
  2. Select "More" - "Mobile networks" - "Network access points".
  3. Click on the button responsible for adding a new access point.
  4. Specify network settings. We will talk about them below.
  5. Check the box next to "Data Transfer".
  6. Save network settings.

It is done! As you can see, everything is not as difficult as it seems. And everyone can manually configure the Network modern subscriber, even a schoolboy.

Settings for manual addition

As we have already said, for manual setting Networks on a mobile device, you need to type certain data in a special menu item. That is, when thinking about how to order Internet settings on MTS, a subscriber can try to write the following information at access points:

  • name - MTS Internet;
  • APN-;
  • password - mts;
  • login - similar to the password.

This is all that needs to be written in the previously specified settings section. After saving these settings, you can easily use mobile network MTS.

Attention: the remaining fields in the APN points do not need to be filled in. Otherwise, the settings will not work fully.


We found out how you can order MTS Internet settings on your phone. The following instructions will help you complete the task.

As practice shows, it is usually not necessary to order network parameters separately. After starting work with the SIM card mobile operator will still offer to automatically configure access to MMS and the Internet on your smartphone. This is normal. Feedback from subscribers indicates that all of the instructions listed above work equally well. And therefore there is no difference in what kind of technique is used.

Can money be deducted under any circumstances for sending a request? No, getting settings for the mobile network from MTS is completely free. The operator does not charge for such a service.

Modern mobile phones tend to automatically produce all necessary settings to connect to the network: when activating the SIM card parameters are ordered. But in some cases this does not happen, so you will need to get the data yourself.

After purchasing a SIM card and installing it, you can immediately use telephone services. However, to access the network, you need to perform additional steps. In most cases, you must specify custom settings in your mobile device.

Operator mobile communications provided several ways in which any subscriber can prepare his phone for connection. First of all, you need to know how request automatic Internet settings Tele2. This free service « Automatic Internet/MMS setup» is the simplest and fast way set up a mobile device to access the network.

Tele2 Internet settings via SMS

To find out how to get automatic Internet settings on Tele2, you need to call a toll-free number 679 .

An autoresponder will notify you that your application has been accepted. During the call, the model of your mobile device will be determined. In accordance with these data, Internet auto-tuning on Tele2 will be prepared.

In about a minute, the mobile will receive four text messages. The first two warn the user about the arrival of information about the parameters, and the next contain these parameters. You need to open incoming SMS and save settings.

Depending on the mobile phone model, you can establish a connection by clicking the "set" button. Profile needs to be activated Tele2 Internet" and restart mobile device.

You can get detailed information about promotions and discounts on mobile Internet by calling the toll-free number 639. You can also find out how to receive SMS with Tele2 Internet settings by going to the official website of in the section " Internet».

If during a call to a number 679 the system could not determine the model of your mobile device, then automatic settings are not available for it. In this case, you will have to connect manually.

Manual Internet settings

In addition to automatic mode, you can manually configure Tele2 Internet settings. You can find the required parameters in two ways:

  • On the Tele2 website.
  • By making a USSD request *202# .

How to set up the Internet on Tele2 manually using the site:

  1. Open the official website of the company.
  2. Choose a section " Internet».
  3. Follow this link " Internet settings».
  4. Open the link " Setting up your phone for Internet and MMS».

This page lists Internet and MMS settings suitable for all phone models.

If the Internet settings did not come?

Some users are faced with a problem when the Internet settings on Tele2 do not come. This can happen for several reasons:

  • No data transfer.

During a call to a number 639 the phone transmits technical information about itself, such as brand and model. According to these data automatic system selects the appropriate settings for sending them in an SMS message. If there is no data, it is not possible to search and send messages.

  • Your phone model was not found in the database.

The operator has an extensive database of phone models, according to which SMS messages containing the necessary settings are generated. If you are the owner of a rare model that is not in the database, automatic connection is not possible.

Settings installed but internet not working

Subscribers often find themselves in a situation where there is no access to the network, despite the fact that all settings are saved and installed. In this case, the user can take a number of actions to eliminate the causes:

  1. Check profile. The "Tele2 Internet" profile must be installed.
  2. Check your balance. It must be positive for a successful connection. You can get information about the balance of funds in your account in two ways:
  • using the Personal Account,
  • by typing the USSD command *105# .

Go to the site to enter your personal account. To log in, use one of the suggested methods. On the page that opens, you will find information about the current tariff plan and account balance. You can pay without commission using bank cards MasterCard and Visa, Diners Club International, JCB International or use the service.

Alexander Grishin

If you don’t know how to order automatic Internet settings on Tele2, then take a couple of minutes to read this instruction. We will tell you how to get them, as well as what to do if the settings do not arrive or you cannot install them. The instruction is suitable for smartphones on different platforms: Android, iOS and Windows 10 Mobile.

Receiving automatic Tele2 settings

In order to receive automatic Internet settings on your phone with a Tele 2 SIM card, you need to make a request by dialing a short number 679 . After that, the operator should send the Internet/MMS settings almost immediately. Save them and restart your phone - the Internet should work.

If it does not work, then go to the settings section and check if the access point is selected as the default access point.

check path:

  • for smartphones on Android 5.1 (in earlier versions, the path may be different): Menu -> settings -> mobile network -> APN access points
  • for Windows 10 Mobile: Menu —> settings —> network and wireless connections —> cellular network
  • for Windows phone: Menu —> settings —> network and wireless connections —> cellular network
  • for iPhone: Menu -> settings -> main network -> cellular data network

If the automatic Tele2 Internet settings do not come, you will have to enter them manually

Manual Internet setup Tele2

You can manually configure the Internet on Tele 2 as follows:

  1. Go to the menu and select the "Access Point" subsection. How to do this is written above.
  2. Create a new profile and give it a name, for example “Tele 2 INTERNET”
  3. In the APN (access point) field, write:
  4. In the MNC field, enter: 20
  5. Enter in the MCC field: 250
  6. In the APN Type field, select: default.
  7. In field home page enter:
  8. Proxy Server: Not set or Off.

You can leave all other fields blank. In the end it should look like this:

Save the settings, try to restart the Internet - it should work.

Manual settings parameters can also be ordered via SMS using the code *202# or find them on the official website of the operator.

P.s. if after automatic or manual setting Internet tele2 does not work, check if mobile Internet service (GPRS / EDGE) is connected to your tariff.

We hope we were able to help you. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments or our