Homemade manual machine for the production of corrugated board. Profiled sheet production: serious equipment and manual machines. About purchased handbrakes

  • 10.10.2020

Nowadays, without exception, all building materials are constantly becoming more expensive, and corrugated board, which is very widely used in construction, is no exception. A material is produced from a sheet of metal, which is given a certain shape.

The main function of such a machine is cutting and rolling the workpiece, as a result of which it takes the form of a finished profiled sheet. In our time, a similar manual machine for the manufacture of corrugated board can even be made with your own hands, knowing how to work with metal blanks and, preferably, having engineering skills.

Automatic and manual machines for the production of profiled sheets

The main difference between a profiled sheet and other similar metal sheets is that the corrugation has a trapezoidal shape. At first glance, it may seem that it is impossible to make a machine for the production of such material on your own, but this is not so.

The production lines of such material are a whole complex of mechanisms, each of which performs its own functions.

So, even the simplest automatic line for the production of profiled sheets consists of:

  • unwinder of rolls of metal sheets;
  • rolling mill, on which the formation of the material is actually carried out;
  • scissors that look like a guillotine;
  • receiving device.

It is clear that it is unrealistic to make such an automatic line on your own. But here it is quite possible to make a manual machine that can bend the blanks to the desired angle so that a sheet of corrugated board is obtained.

It should be borne in mind that a home manual machine will not be able to produce too thick profiled sheets - the maximum thickness of the workpiece is about 5 mm.

Preparation of supports and a table for feeding workpieces

Self-manufacturing of a rolling machine begins with assembling a frame to accommodate all the components of the equipment. In this case, it is enough to install reliable supports, fixing them on the base: preferably on a concrete floor.

Next, a table is assembled, on the surface of which the workpiece will be fed into the machine. Its length should be several times the length of the finished product, since free space will be required on the surface so that the finished product can be received. The optimal material for the table surface is aluminum sheet.

There should be a special bar on the table, which, with the help of bolts, can fix the workpiece on the table. In the same way, a manual lever is fixed, which feeds sheets of material across the table into the machine for corrugated board, setting the required feed angle.

Installation of rolls and first start-up

The next component - rolling shafts - is very difficult to assemble with your own hands, so it is best to purchase them ready-made. Finding such devices on the market today is not difficult.

With the help of brackets made of metal corners, the shafts are fixed on the frame of the machine near the hand lever.

Having tightened all the bolts not at full strength, the almost completely made manual machine for the production of corrugated board is ready for the first run-in of the material. If the manufactured corrugated board has the desired shape, the parts can be fixed in place by firmly tightening all the bolts. Otherwise, adjustment of certain parts is carried out, and the procedure is repeated.

Features of working with a homemade manual machine

Even if you are an experienced craftsman, you should be very careful when working on a machine made with your own hands, since any malfunction in any component of the mechanism can lead to injury during its use.

At the same time, one should not forget about safety precautions, working with extreme caution, especially if.

Thus, the self-assembled machine for corrugated board is ready. Its principle of operation is very simple:

  • the blank sheet is placed on the table;
  • with the help of a special bar, the workpiece is fixed on the table;
  • using a manual lever, the optimal angle of material supply to the rolling shafts is set;
  • at the exit, the finished sheet should move freely around the table.

In order not to get any industrial injuries, when working with such a machine, it is necessary to constantly adhere to safety regulations.

The machine that produces the corrugated board is a very dangerous piece of equipment because it has many cutting and piercing components that can be dangerous to the operator. Therefore, work on the machine is only allowed in protective clothing and goggles.

Before each work with such a hand-held device, the performance of all its components should be carefully checked. On manual machines, it is highly recommended not to bend very thick metal sheets.

Thus, having the skills to work with metal materials, even with your own hands you can make a mechanism for rolling a profiled sheet, which will ensure a sufficiently high quality of the resulting products. The main thing is not to make any mistakes when assembling it, and also remember the rules for safe use.

Do-it-yourself drawings for making a machine

The manual sheet bender for the production of corrugated board LSP2000 is designed for the manufacture of corrugated board by hand. The machine is positioned mainly for the production of fences from corrugated board directly at the facility. In this model, the sheet bender produces corrugated board with a wave height of up to 15 mm, the approximate productivity of the machine is 200 - 300 sheets per shift. For an additional fee, the machine can be equipped with interchangeable dies for the production of other types of corrugated board with a small wave height.

Reliable steel construction and a multifunctional clamping mechanism allow you to easily produce high-quality profiled sheets. These machines have a high bending accuracy and eliminate the saber-like product. At the same time, the machine has no restrictions on the depth of feeding the workpiece. This model of a manual sheet bender, for convenience of work, has a receiving table. The machine can also be equipped with a cutting machine for cutting metal worth 12,000 rubles.

Machine features:

  • the ability to mass-produce corrugated board
  • full steel construction of the machine
  • high clamping beam lift
  • no workpiece feed limit - continuous
  • does not damage the painted metal layer
  • reliable original hinge mechanism
  • ease of use - wave step limiter
  • the possibility of modifying the machine for corrugated board
  • maintainability
  • acceptable price on the machine for corrugated board
  • quick payback

The main feature of the machine is the ability to bend the sheet into corrugated board across unlimited width, which is important for the manufacture of fences from corrugated board of any width without joints between columns, unlike rolling mills that roll the profile along the corrugations, which leads to a significant limitation of the width of the corrugated board - no more than 1100 mm, and therefore the fence from corrugated board has to be joined in sections - which not very aesthetic. It's no secret that most of the profiled sheets are used specifically for the manufacture of fences.

The production of corrugated board is a very attractive business idea - the only question is the equipment. Building materials are getting more expensive every month. They are always in demand especially, such as corrugated board. It is used on any construction site as:

  • facing material;
  • frame for pre-fabricated non-residential facilities (for garages, warehouses, hangars, amenity premises);
  • territory fencing;
  • roofing material;
  • fixed formwork for monolithic construction of buildings;
  • material for auxiliary, decorative design (visors, canopies, valleys, skates, ebbs, siding and complex products).
Where only the professional flooring is not applied? Its popularity in the construction industry stimulates a constant demand for profiled sheet. And profitability is also at a decent level. The average wholesale price for 1 ton of galvanized sheet metal 0.55 mm thick is $1400. From one ton of galvanized sheet, 250 square meters of corrugated board can be produced. Galvanized profiled sheet in retail today is sold at $ 8 per 1 sq.m. Thus, 250 X 8 \u003d $ 2000, the profitability of the business is 40%. Such a concept can be realized thanks to equipment for the production of profiled sheets. Then the question arises of the amount of investment to launch a core business. Factory lines for the production of corrugated board cost a lot of money. But there is a compromise solution - this is a manual bending machine for home production metal profile. The cost of the machine is $2000. Naturally pays off - very quickly!

The machine is equipped with structures that allow the production of high quality corrugated board

Manual sheet bending machine is an inexpensive, compact and versatile equipment for the production of corrugated board. In terms of production quality, it is in no way inferior to factories. The low cost is primarily due to low productivity. Manual labor always famous for high quality and low performance. The structures of beams and supporting elements are made of high-strength metals. This allows for a long service life, working with metal sheets up to 1.5 mm thick. The cam clamping mechanism allows you to work with the machine with one hand, without violating the geometry of the workpiece. The equipment allows you to work with rolls of galvanized metal sheets without pre-cutting. The set of equipment includes a steel, roller knife made of durable metal alloys. It allows you to cut products yourself. The length of the sheet can be changed at the request of the customer. The principle of operation of the machine is quite simple. A strong steel beam bends a wave of the required shape with a control force. The force and shape are pre-adjusted to the thickness of the workpiece sheet. The control is carried out by sensors, which at the right time stop the process of metal bending. The machine operator must pre-configure all equipment controls before the production of corrugated board. A special scale controls the course of the traverse and the angle of the bend shape. The process is carried out cyclically until the completion of the production of the profile sheet. Profile bending manual equipment allows two workers to produce about 120 sheets of corrugated board in size - (1100mm X 2500mm) in one shift. In production, the machine for self made will never leave scratches on the polyester coating of the sheet. The next benefit of working on such a machine is the lack of power supply for its operation.

The professional flooring is irreplaceable on any building production

Decking has recently gained high popularity among building materials. And in certain nodes of the construction project, it has become an indispensable material. Important information about corrugated board. It has acquired several types in different fields of application:

  • roofing;
  • carrier;
  • wall;
  • facing;
  • sandwich panels (wall and facing corrugated board in a pair, and between them a heat-insulating layer of foam or polyurethane).
Working with corrugated board is very convenient and fast. Builders often prefer corrugated board because of its useful characteristics:
  • durability throughout the operation;
  • mechanical strength;
  • little weight;
  • simplicity in installation work;
  • relatively low cost;
  • aesthetic appearance.
The professional flooring is steady against any climatic conditions. The processed material is not affected by high humidity and temperature changes. A profiled sheet made of galvanized sheet treated with polymers can be indispensable in places that are particularly susceptible to corrosion. It is often used when it is required to build simple structures in the shortest possible time.

Machine for the production of corrugated board

For processing a metal workpiece, as a result of which it acquires a certain profile shape, a machine for corrugated board is used. Its two main functions are cutting and rolling of a metal billet. Profiled sheeting is by far one of the most popular building materials and has long become a real leader among the many products that are made from sheet steel.

Its main application is fences, roofing and wall structures. Despite the fact that corrugated board serves less than metal tiles, it attracts many with its cost and ease of installation.

For the construction of prefabricated buildings, new technologies are now widely used, in which the interior and exterior decoration of buildings is done using a profiled sheet used as the main building material.

Machine for the production of corrugated board: basic requirements for machines

Photo: machine for the production of corrugated board

The main function of the equipment is the ability to use it to give a certain shape to the metal, creating pressure on the workpiece by mechanical action on it.

The purpose of the machine for corrugated board is to make a profile from a smooth sheet.

For its manufacture is used:

  • steel sheets with aluminum or zinc coating;
  • aluminum sheets with aluminosilicon coating or no coating at all.

Such a variety of materials and coatings requires equipment to have universal qualities, therefore, the main requirement for the machine for the production of corrugated board is not to damage the coating of the material of the rolled sheet, especially when working with steel sheets.

Machine for the production of corrugated board: types of machines

There are two types of metal processing using pressure:

  • Cold
  • hot

Since the machine for the manufacture of corrugated board is able to produce products at a temperature environment, heating of the workpiece is not needed, so they use the cold method of rolling metal. Before processing, smooth metal sheets are delivered in rolls, so the set of equipment for corrugated boarding machines includes "decoilers".

The main part of this set is rolling mill, on which a smooth sheet of metal becomes corrugated. The profile of the sheet can take on a variety of shapes, so one of the criteria for classifying machines for corrugated board is their division into profiles that can be made on them. Another type of classification is the division of machines according to the methods of manufacturing corrugated board.

The equipment of the machines also includes guillotine shears, with the help of which the finished corrugated sheet is cut into blanks of the required length. The last stage of work is the packaging and storage of finished sheets. To do this, the kit includes receiving devices that are used in the final segment of the work cycle.

Types of machines for corrugated board

According to the degree of mechanization, the equipment used in production can be of three types:

  • Manual
  • Mobile
  • automated

The manual corrugated sheeting machine is usually used for small volume production and the manufacture of small-sized corrugated products.

Technological operations do not require the use of electricity, since the manual machine for the production of corrugated board uses the physical force of one or two operators directly. Due to the special shape of the spring-type mechanisms and the eccentric system, the efforts for bending the sheet are minimal.

Such machines are in demand for the production of small additional elements from galvanized metal used in metalworking workshops. They have been widely used in construction organizations. The use of a manual machine for the manufacture of corrugated board is not recommended for workpieces with various coatings (paint and varnish, polymer coating).

On construction sites, mobile machines for the production of profiled sheets are often used. Usually it is arched corrugated board, which is used in warehouses, hangars, storage facilities and other structures with arched elements in the project.

The use of mobile equipment of this type significantly accelerates the construction of large arched structures and reduces the cost of construction due to savings on the supporting frame of the structure.

Automated equipment is an automatic or semi-automatic lines, which consist of sets of machines and mechanisms mounted in a certain order.

Making a homemade machine for corrugated board

You can independently make a manual machine for corrugated board, if you have the appropriate equipment, technical capabilities and skills. There are several proposals and drawings on the Internet for the manufacture of a home-made machine for the production of manually operated corrugated board.

To make it, you need to purchase:

  • Channel
  • Metal pipes and corners
  • loops
  • hinges
  • Bolts and nuts

Do-it-yourself machine for corrugated board

Naturally, you must have a welding machine. You will also need an "aluminum rule", which will be used as a clamp.

Each craftsman himself refines any finished project, therefore, it is useless to advise those who decide to make a machine for corrugated board with their own hands. The only thing that can be advised to all "Kulibins" is not to forget about safety precautions, and to make your creation as safe as possible in work.

The prices and form of sale of machines for the production of corrugated board depend on the type of equipment. Of course, automatic lines will be the most expensive. Usually, if the line is new, then the payment system is as follows:

  • prepayment - 50% of total amount order:
  • when ready for assembly - 25%:
  • after testing at the factory and signing the acceptance certificate - 25%.

Warranty - 1 year, technical resource (on average) - 10 years.

Today, corrugated board is increasingly popular with those who build modern buildings, erect fences, reliably strengthen partitions, and renew the look of old buildings. Also, with profiled steel, ample opportunities for the construction of the original roof of a residential building or office building become available. Thanks to high quality steel for rolled profiled sheet can be used during the construction of structures such as warehouses and hangars.

Creating a high-quality building coating by rolling a strip through guide rollers is quite simple. Thanks to technology and equipment, it is possible to organize production in the available areas.

Sheets of corrugated board can be used as a material for such purposes:
walling different kind structures;
roofing for buildings for various purposes;
formwork manufacturing;
installation of partitions and fences.

Self-assembly of a machine for the manufacture of profiled sheets with your own hands

An automatic line for the production of profiled sheets is a very difficult task to assemble with your own hands. However, it is quite realistic to create a manual machine on your own, on which blanks can be bent to the desired angles and thus make sheets of corrugated board.

Here it should be taken into account that it will not be possible to produce profiled sheets of too large thickness on a home manual machine - the possible maximum is approximately 5 mm.

Drawings of machines for working with corrugated board

How to prepare supports and a table for feeding workpieces

To make your own rolling machine, first of all, you should assemble the frame in order to place all the components of the equipment in it. In this case, it is enough to establish reliable supports. They need to be fixed on a solid foundation - it is better if it is a concrete floor.

Next, you need to start assembling the table, on the surface of which the workpiece will be fed into the machine. The table must have a length that is several times the length of the finished product. There must be enough free space on the surface to receive the finished product. Optimal material table surface - aluminum sheet.

On the table you need to place a special bar, which with the help of bolts will fix the workpiece on the table. In the same way, a hand lever will be fixed, thanks to which sheets of material are fed across the table into the machine for corrugated board and the desired feed angle is set.

How to install rolling shafts and start the fixture

It is rather difficult to assemble such a part of the structure as rolling shafts with your own hands, so it is easiest to buy ready-made ones. Today it will not be difficult to do this - you will find them at least in the market.

By means of brackets made of metal corners, the shafts are fixed on the frame of the machine near the hand lever.

We tighten all the bolts not at full strength - now our home-made manual machine for the manufacture of corrugated board can be used to carry out the first run-in of the material. If the corrugated board, which is released on the machine, has the required shape, we fix the parts in their places, firmly tighten all the bolts. If the shape of the corrugated board does not meet our requirements, we adjust certain details and repeat the procedure.

It must be remembered that the machine for the production of corrugated board is equipment that is dangerous to operate. This machine is equipped with a large number of cutting and piercing elements, which, if safety precautions are not observed, can cause injury to the operator. Therefore, the machine may only be operated in protective clothing and goggles.