How to clean the carpet from plasticine. How to remove plasticine from the carpet - every parent should know this. Cold cleaning of carpets

  • 26.11.2019
Surely every mother faced the problem how to clean clay from carpet, after creative work his child. You should not scold, and even more so, take plasticine from a child for not careful handling, so as not to discourage the desire to create again and again. Sculpting in the best way develops the motor skills of the baby. If the carpet is dirty, you need to act immediately, only in this case you can clean the stains without a trace. Which of the methods are the most effective we will analyze in today's article.

1 Way - ice

To do this, put ice wrapped in plastic bag, or a frozen product from the freezer, wait a while until the plasticine freezes, then remove it from the carpet with a scraper or an unnecessary plastic card. If there are still traces of plasticine on the pile, use the following advice.

Method 2 - iron or hair dryer

In this case, it is necessary to turn the soiled product over, place a napkin or a sheet of paper under the stain. Heat the carpet from the wrong side until the plasticine begins to melt and flow onto the napkin, if necessary, you can replace it and continue the procedure until the carpet is completely cleaned.

3 Method - soap solution

Plasticine tends to leave greasy spots behind, a pre-prepared solution of water and grated laundry soap will help to cope with them. Use the brush to scrub the stained area of ​​the carpet in a circular motion until the stain is gone, then rinse the area with copious amounts of warm water.

Method 4 - "White Spirit"

This tool is an excellent solvent, so it will perfectly cope with the greasy trace of plasticine. To do this, apply a small amount of White Spirit to the affected area and leave for 20-30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wipe the area to be cleaned with a damp cloth. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated, it will not cause any harm to the carpet.

How to clean a carpet from plasticine with a purchased product

Do not use solvents for synthetic carpet, as the structure and color of the product may be damaged. Before cleaning, familiarize yourself with the fabric composition of your carpet. Now on sale there are various sprays for removing difficult stains, if you fail with the above methods, you can use one of them. It is important to strictly follow the instructions for use of the product. We provide carpet cleaning services, if you wish, you can invite us and we will return your carpet to its former cleanliness.

When there are children in the house, then there are toys and objects for creativity. But they are not always in the right place. And if brushes or paper are easy to remove, then plasticine makes you work hard. The kids mold it everywhere, inadvertently drop it on the floor. They didn’t have time to remove it right away - there will be a greasy stain, the mass will be absorbed into the villi.

How to remove plasticine from carpet? There are many ways. Read and choose which one suits you.


The very first action is mechanical cleaning. Of course, first with pens. We remove everything that we can collect. No need to rub! Otherwise, the plasticine will firmly eat into the coating. Now we need to freeze this dirty trick.

Is there a piece of ice in the freezer? Wonderful. We take it, wrap it in a thin napkin and apply it to plasticine for 10-12 minutes. After this period, carefully break off the pieces and collect. This must be done quickly, before the mass has time to thaw.

A vacuum cleaner helps in this matter, it collects very well. Just cover the hose with a thin cloth or an old sock so that the plasticine does not get inside the vacuum cleaner. It was still not enough for him to smear everything there.

Advice. No ice in the freezer? No problem! Any frost will do. Everything that is in the freezer is quite capable of freezing plasticine. Either chicken or meat.

We wipe

After most of the contamination has been mechanically removed, a greasy stain of the corresponding color always remains. Even if the plasticine is super fancy, it always contains wax. It is he who leaves this very stain.

When the carpet is long pile and the dirt is small, you can try to carefully cut it with small scissors. It is likely that the damage site will become invisible. With a large stain from plasticine, scissors will not help.

We remember how wax is removed. Loose cotton fabric is placed on top, then gently ironed with a hot iron. Some of the wax will be absorbed. The napkin is replaced and the operation is repeated until the complete disappearance of contamination.

Instead of fabric, regular parchment paper is fine. Just do not take siliconized! It does not absorb, but rather repels fat. On a dark surface, even the simplest newspaper can be used. It adsorbs grease and wax well.

Advice. Don't try this with synthetic carpet! It will simply melt, instead of a stain there will be a burnt piece.

If, after all the manipulations, pieces of stubborn plasticine still remain and are an eyesore, then chemistry will help you. Any solvent at hand - acetone, nail polish remover, white spirit. Wet a soft cloth or rag in it, then three. Be sure to move from the edges to the center, otherwise you will spread the stain even more. First, try on an inconspicuous piece somewhere behind the furniture, how the carpet will react to such a product! Periodically change the cloth to a clean one.

Advice. For artificial carpets, such an operation is undesirable, because it can melt the fibers or dissolve the colors. Use a special carpet cleaner that says "suitable for artificial pile."

Now the plasticine is removed, the stain is gone. But there were stains from the solvent. What to do to end this endless story of stain removal? We take the simplest dishwashing detergent, the tiniest drop. We wipe the stains, wipe with a clean cloth moistened with water. Everything, we are waiting for drying and admiring the beauty.

  1. Some sources recommend removing plasticine from the carpet with sunflower oil. Soak, rub, it rolls into rolls, which will then only be collected. Interestingly, and then how to scrub the oil? That's right, gasoline. Further more. Gasoline than to rub? Solvent. And so on ad infinitum.
  2. Hairdryer is advised to warm. Good enough to melt the plasticine. This is understandable, it will melt and then what? How to collect his semi-liquid? And quite liquid, it will be even more smeared and absorbed. Even if you put a napkin or a rag on top, then the melted plasticine, according to the law of universal gravitation, will crawl down, and not into the rag! But if first a napkin and only then a hairdryer, then something sensible may well turn out.
  3. AT winter period offer to drag the carpet outside. For hardening plasticine. All carpet. Wolf to the street. That is, religion does not allow bringing a piece of ice or dense snow from the street in winter? A normal picture, especially when the carpet is of decent size. We squirm, prem on the balcony to freeze plasticine. The situation is similar to screwing in a light bulb with four people at the same time.
  4. If the plasticine is the same color as the carpet, then no problem at all! It is recommended to simply ignore it, it is still imperceptible. Well, yes, but the fact that later the children or you yourself on your feet will pull this plasticine throughout the apartment - is this also ignored? And there will be greasy stains on socks and tights - also let? That's right, it's still not visible on the sole. Perhaps this is still advice for true sluts.
  1. It is very good to remove plasticine from the carpet with foam, which is used to clean car interiors. It also removes grease stains. This tool is sold in many car accessories stores, it costs decent money. But do not regret, spend it once, especially if there are small children, animals or clumsy household members in the house. This bottle will last you a very long time. for a long time. It will pay off handsomely when, for the next hundred and twenty times, you scrub plasticine from carpet, furniture or clothes. In this case, the foam can be used on any artificial surface.
  2. The widely advertised carpet cleaner is also quite tolerably cleans plasticine stains. Just use it according to the instructions.
  3. Cleaning creams for the kitchen are good at removing plasticine from the carpet. They are gently rubbed into the contamination with a dry sponge, then washed with clean water. Just take exactly the cream that is for washing dishes. For cleaning plates contains alkali or acid, you can easily spoil the coating in the most visible place. Then nothing can be fixed.
  4. The simplest laundry soap perfectly removes plasticine from any carpet. Beat a strong thick foam with some water. For a light carpet, a few drops of hydrogen peroxide were added, for a dark one, ammonia. They smeared it on a polluted place. They left for 15 minutes to drink tea, scold the child for carelessness. Then they returned with a brush, carefully rubbed it. Again, towards the center, not away from it. Then gently rinsed with a soft cloth with clean water. Next, dry rags soaked up excess liquid and that's it. You can admire the clean carpet again.
  5. All manipulations gone ashes? Try the last resort - a thick soda solution. It is applied warm to the plasticine stain and left to dry. Then the dirt is vacuumed to remove the grains of soda. And only after that, thoroughly rinse the entire stain with clean water to finally remove all traces.

How to remove plasticine from carpet? Maybe not? An expensive long pile carpet may not hold up to all your experimentation. Take it to a good dry cleaner, and at the same time the entire coating will be updated. And in the nursery, lay newspapers on the floor during creative work. This way you save the carpet, your nerves and a lot of money on cleaning products.

Video: how to clean plasticine from a carpet

The need to remove plasticine from the carpet can arise in any family with small children. Even if the kid is engaged in modeling in his own corner for creativity, he is still able to drop and trample on a piece. The result is an ugly and noticeable stain on the floor. Therefore, such materials should not be kept in the public domain. But if the trouble still happened, then mom has to start cleaning.

How to remove clay with cold and heat?

To clean your favorite carpet, do not immediately grab the brush and try to scrub the stain. The result may be just the opposite: the substance will only spread over the surface, and the contaminated area will increase. The secret to saving flooring is in physical properties ah plasticine. It consists of clay and wax or rubber, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride and other elements. They provide it with the same qualities as resin: the material melts when heated and becomes brittle at low temperatures.

This feature will remove most of the plasticine. To achieve this, you need to take a few pieces of ice from the freezer and put them in a clean bag. It should be put on contamination and left for a few minutes. When the substance is no longer sticky, most of it can be easily removed from the carpet with a non-sharp knife or an unnecessary plastic card. If it is inconvenient to collect small particles with your hands, then you can use a vacuum cleaner. But the garbage can must be emptied immediately, otherwise the plasticine may melt. Then there is a danger that it will clog the filter.

If the so-called "smart plasticine" intended for adults has got on the carpet, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to clean it on your own. You need to go to a dry cleaner.

There are also special means for freezing, which are applied directly to the stain. The result from them is noticeable quickly, and further actions are the same as in the case of using ordinary ice.

In addition to cold, you can use the opposite effect, that is, heating. First, everything that is possible is cleaned by hand. Then a sheet of paper or a napkin is placed on the carpet and ironed with an iron at low power. A stream of warm air from a hair dryer will do. The rest of the plasticine will stick to the paper. It must be changed as it gets dirty. You can complete the procedure by walking on the cleaned carpet wet wipe. It should only be remembered that if the carpet is synthetic, then this method must be used with caution for it: it can melt at high temperatures.

How to remove a stain?

But often simply removing the substance itself from the carpet is not enough. Wax, which is part of the mass, and dyes leave a mark, which is especially noticeable on a light coating. You can remove such a stain with a soapy solution. It is made from laundry soap and hot water. As a result, it should turn out thick and warm. Then moisten a cloth with it and wipe the stained area. Repeat until it is clean.

Also effective detergents designed specifically for carpet processing. Another greasy stain is easy to remove with dishwashing detergent, at the end this area should be wiped with water.

Tools that dissolve plasticine

Special solvents will also help remove the substance.

  • You need to wet the sponge in gasoline, acetone or white spirit. They are suitable for dealing with strong pollution, they can also cope with a plasticine stain. Next, wipe the desired area, moving from the outer edge inward. After a while, repeat again. At the end, to completely clean the carpet, wipe it with a clean cloth.
  • It will help to remove plasticine and a product that is used to clean the car interior. It is applied to the affected area for a couple of hours, during which time the substance should dissolve. Residues can be removed with a damp cloth.
  • You can try to remove dirt with any cleaning cream for other surfaces. A small amount is applied to a dry carpet. Then the sponge should be wet and rub the right place. After that, the foam is washed off with clean water, there will be little of the cream.

In a house where there are children, it is difficult to be surprised at the appearance of various spots in the most unexpected places. This is unpleasant, but, fortunately, most dirt can be successfully removed, including plasticine marks from the carpet. In the same way, it will turn out to clean upholstered furniture. Just do not put off cleaning for a long time: fresh dirt is always easier to remove than old ones.

It is impossible to imagine childhood without plasticine: it develops fine motor skills and sensory skills, and also has a lot of advantages over gadgets (does not overload the psyche, does not negatively affect vision and posture). However, it is quite difficult to clean the carpet from plasticine. In order not to damage the coating, stains are removed by freezing and cleaning with special or folk remedies that make the material unhook from the pile and etch the pigments and the fatty component from the fibers.

Features of pollution

Presented on the market big choice plasticine with different composition and properties: traditional, from natural clay, wax, rubber, etc., artificial, from oil distillation products, etc. Modern technologies allow you to get bright colors that are very popular with children. Plasticine is also produced with a special composition that does not stick strongly to other materials - it costs a little more, but is worth every penny if plasticine is molded often and a lot in the house.

How easy or difficult it will be to remove a plasticine stain depends on its composition, the physical properties of the soiled surface and time. The longer the plasticine remains on the carpet or table, the deeper the pigments penetrate and the more the plastic mass is trampled down.

Little children should sculpt under the supervision of their parents: this way they won’t get enough of the material, and they will throw off less mass from a special board or oilcloth.

The most difficult to clean carpets with long pile, including woolen and fur. Pigments and fats instantly eat into the loose structure and are extremely reluctant to leave. Silk repels dirt, but only to a certain extent, while washing and in general it is impossible to wet the fabric strongly. The easiest way to remove any stains, including plasticine, from synthetic carpets and rugs (tracks or rugs of double-sided weaving and without lint) - they can be washed and rubbed with almost any means, they perfectly tolerate slight heat and other methods.

How to clean carpet from plasticine - general principle actions:

  1. Remove the bulk. A piece that has just fallen is simply picked up. Depressed in front of you - pry off with a modeling knife and carefully brush off the pile. Unnoticed and lain for a long time, thoroughly trampled plasticine will have to be removed through freezing. Wax plasticine is rubbed with oil.
  2. Remove pigment and greasy traces. Here you can not do without folk or industrial stain removers for carpets.
  3. Dry. Moisture is removed with a dry cloth. If the carpet was washed entirely, it is allowed to dry on the floor or hung out on the street.

The freezing method

The most economical and effective way cleaning is the freezing of plasticine adhering to the carpet or carpet. The hardened material crumbles and easily leaves. Large, weakly adhering lumps of mass are removed completely and without a trace. If the plasticine is smeared and absorbed into the pile, then freezing will remove only the bulk, and the pigment and fat will have to be cleaned with a stain remover.

Before freezing, without smearing, remove as much plasticine with your hand as you can.

It is obvious that even a small rug is unlikely to fit in the freezer, and what hostess will put the rug to the food. Therefore, plasticine is frozen with ice packs or coolers from cooler bags, overlaid from the face and inside out. In winter, everything is simplified: just take the soiled coating to the balcony or hang it on the street.

After half an hour or more, the plasticine hardens, it remains to carefully remove it with a plastic knife or other non-sharp tool.

Tools for different types of plasticine

Plasticine with wax and paraffin is well rubbed, for example, with vegetable oil. The resulting greasy stains are removed with dishwashing gel or ordinary soapy water.

Ammonia diluted with cold water, as well as a solution of soap chips, helps to get rid of plasticine with clay. Wear-resistant carpets are cleaned with a mixture of wet shavings of laundry soap and baking soda (2: 1). The paste is applied for half an hour and washed off with clean water (damp, clean cloth).

Universal cleaners

Any plasticine leaves under the action of household chemicals: gels, foams, powders for washing carpets and furniture or stain removers. The difference is how long and intensively you have to rub.

According to the comments of users, plasticine is best handled:

  1. "Vanish" for carpets. Both the gel and foam powder clean up stubborn stains and disinfect and deodorize the carpet at the same time. It is applied more thickly on plasticine and rubbed a little, the remaining foam is distributed throughout the carpet, allowed to dry and vacuumed.
  2. "Faberlic" is a universal concentrated and special product for carpets and upholstered furniture. It will take some effort, but the result will be excellent - no traces will remain.
  3. Amway also produces good cleaners that can handle plasticine.

Household chemicals more effective after freezing and mechanical cleaning.

Dish gel and laundry soap successfully fight light dirt and greasy stains, but they clog pores and stick fibers together, so it is better not to use them on expensive natural carpets.

Removal using autochemistry

If neither ice nor household cleaners have destroyed the traces of plasticine aggression, heavy artillery has to be called in. Means for washing car interiors are able to clean even the most difficult stains. The carpet is treated completely or locally, allowed to lie down for 20-40 minutes, and then rinsed with a washing vacuum cleaner or manually, armed with a rag or a large sponge.

When using strong products, strictly follow the safety instructions on the label and pre-test on the most inconspicuous tip of the carpet.

Gasoline and solvent

Such hazardous substances are used with great care. They destroy the structure and color of carpets and rugs, emit a pungent odor, are toxic, and flammable. Therefore, you should not experiment - it is better to walk to the nearest hardware store and purchase a stain remover for carpets, he will not have to stand in vain, because stains, especially if there are children at home, inevitably appear.

Heating with an iron

The thermal method of primary treatment is not suitable for all coatings - this must be taken into account. The second significant nuance is that the iron must be warm, not hot, otherwise the plasticine will be soldered, the artificial pile will begin to melt, and the natural pile will burn out.

If you follow all the precautions, the method will be effective and simple. Heat the iron by one and unplug it. Lay a paper towel over the stain. Without pressure, iron with the tip of the iron until a greasy trace appears on the napkin. Move the paper over to cover the stain with a clean area and heat again. Repeat 1-2 more times.

After thermal cleaning, the remains of plasticine are washed with a carpet or furniture cleaner.

hair dryer

The hair styling device gives out too hot a stream of air, moreover, it is difficult to direct it to one point - therefore, such heating is inefficient and generally doubtful. The unit is more suitable for the final stage, when the wet track needs to be dried quickly.

Dry cleaning and washing

It is better not to experiment with valuable carpet products and entrust cleaning to professionals. Definitely dry-cleaned:

  • handmade silk carpets;
  • vintage items;
  • exclusive products, etc.

Standard procedures in a conventional carpet washer do not help with plasticine marks. Therefore, you must either warn the staff and order a special cleaning, or freeze and scrape the mass from the pile before handing over the coating.

Pollution is always better to prevent than to eliminate. Therefore, it is worth organizing a place for creativity and explaining to the kids that plasticine should only be on a board or in a box. Interesting idea- lay a film and work with plasticine on the carpet with the whole family, build forests, cities, put on a performance or play "monopoly".

Creativity develops imagination and self-confidence, and if it is modeling, it also helps fine motor skills. Therefore, do not be afraid of stains - just work with the baby together, and teach the older child to carefully monitor where the lumps of plasticine scatter. If the carpet is damaged, immediately peel off the mass and wash the mark with a stain remover or ask a young sculptor about it - this way you will return cleanliness and teach your child to work.

The problem of how to remove plasticine from the carpet arises only when there are children or artists in the house. This is an excellent material for self-realization, creativity and the creation of short-lived forms, which is relatively infrequently resorted to at other times. Excellent and effective way keep the child busy for a long time, which turns into irreparable damage if unnoticed pieces get on the carpet and unintentionally end up under the sole. For many housewives, this is tantamount to disaster, especially if the carpet is light and with a long pile. But in fact, it is not so difficult to clean plasticine and leave no traces.

1 What will you have to deal with?

The choice of tactics for dealing with the stain depends on what type of plasticine the sculptor uses. If it is simple, the so-called Soviet, then it is enough to remove the hardened mass and fight the stain from animal fat. How to deal with such stains, especially fresh ones, any housewife knows.

Multi-colored plasticine

Now many new types of plasticine have appeared, some of them include crushed clay powder, beeswax, ceresin, color dyes, petroleum jelly and even foam balls that are connected by adhesives. A lot of trouble can be caused by the now popular modeling dough, which has become widespread due to its ability not to harden for a long time, but at the same time it is intensely saturated with fats that give it such properties.

Parents' fears that the child might bite off and swallow the plasticine during the game led to the emergence of the so-called edible substance that the baby can swallow without much harm. Fans of parental care get it.

Edible plasticine

Therefore, the first thing to do before removing a stain is to carefully study the qualitative composition of its source. This should be written on the packaging. In addition, it should be remembered that real plasticine should also not smell of anything. In flavored - sometimes there are additional components, such as dyes, very caustic and difficult to remove. If plasticine for adults ("smart") got on the carpet, then dry cleaning is indispensable.

2 What needs to be cleaned?

The carpet, if it is in the room, is the result of a long and captious choice of the hostess, an indispensable touch in the design decision, a means of additional floor protection, a piece of furniture that is always in sight. Natural carpets - made of cotton, wool, leather, bamboo, jute, sisal, seaweed - are more expensive and difficult to care for, but they significantly enrich the environment and perfectly absorb pollution. Synthetic ones - made from nylon, polypropylene, polyester, olefin, and rayon - are much less of a problem in terms of maintenance and stain removal, but can suffer significant damage when using chemical cleaners.

Plasticine carpet cleaning

After removing the plastic material that served as a source of pollution from the carpet and determining its composition, it is necessary to choose a product that can be used without consequences to remove grease and dyes. At the same time, the component of success largely depends on how long ago the disaster occurred, whether immediate measures were taken or whether the fat had time to be firmly absorbed into the pile, become old and finally disfigure everything.

3 Fail-Safe Ways to Remove Modeling Material

How to clean the carpet from plasticine is a small and not very difficult problem, especially if they didn’t have time to thoroughly and tightly trample it several times without noticing. You can absolutely accurately remove plasticine from the carpet using temperature exposure. This will require:

  • take the contaminated carpet outside in winter and wait until the plasticine freezes and falls off;
  • attach a few ice cubes through a cloth napkin and collect the pieces;
  • iron with an iron through paper, changing it after contamination with a molten mass;
  • rub with a stiff brush dipped in hot soapy water;
  • use a freezer.

The removal tool should be chosen carefully and carefully. For lint-free (synthetic with low hairiness) carpets, a sharp plastic or wooden plasticine knife, a sharpened spatula, which must be used with caution, without pressing, a plastic scraper, are suitable. Long pile coatings are best treated with a special brush or comb, which should then be excluded from use for hair. The easiest way in this regard is to care for the carpet. A simple kitchen knife can also be applied to its texture. Carpets made of decorative materials with a complex weaving structure should be treated with the utmost care.

There are ways in which vegetable oil, plasticine itself and alcohol are used. The first substance does contribute to the flaking of the trampled piece, but at the same time the carpet is exposed to additional pollution along the way. The second is to roll clean plasticine over a contaminated place, which helps the old layer stick to the new softened one. However, it is not known what is more in this - benefit or harm, and whether it will be necessary to remove the stain of a much more voluminous option. Alcohol, which was previously constant in the list of methods, does not work for all compositions of the mass for modeling.

4 Difficult and problematic stain removal

If the answers to the question of how to remove plasticine are not difficult, then you will have to tinker with the elimination of its traces and carefully consider the choice of means. After removing the modeling material, the cleaned and beloved piece of furniture will stubbornly show the eyes of incoming people the ugly stain left on its surface.

Removing plasticine stains from flooring

You can remove a greasy stain from the modeling material using:

  • acetone;
  • refined gasoline;
  • white spirit;
  • means for removing persistent pollution (stain remover);
  • composition for cleaning the interior of the car;
  • substances for kitchen degreasing;
  • special solution for cleaning carpets.

The stain should be treated, moving from the edge to the center, applying the substances directly to the contaminated area. If the first treatment did not help much, but did not damage the structure, you can repeat it after a while. After using a chemical agent, depending on the type, it is imperative to remove its remnants with a soft and clean cloth cloth or wipe it with a damp sponge dipped in soapy water. In certain cases, you can use a cleaning cream for any other surfaces. The use of chemicals is justified only in case of severe pollution, not noticed in time, in which the stain has already become old.

Removing plasticine stains from carpet with chemicals

If the damage caused to the coating is detected in time, you can use trouble-free and simple folk remedies and get an excellent result. No one can challenge the proven effectiveness and long-term reliability:

  • a strong solution of hot water and soap shavings;
  • ammonia;
  • baking soda;
  • vinegar;
  • salt sprinkled on a fresh stain.

Stains from plasticine, which contains wax, can only be removed with the help of chemicals. Synthetic coatings are best treated with soapy water and a soft brush, and do not use a hot iron when removing the mass. For natural fabrics, an ammonia solution of 10 drops per 200 ml of water is suitable, which should be applied with a cotton swab for a while and then washed off. In this case, it is better to use a soft swab or disc, which is changed as it gets dirty. A stain with a large amount of absorbed fat can be removed by rubbing it with soda and leaving it for half an hour. Before and after the procedure, the place of contamination should be treated with a hot soapy solution. The baking soda will absorb all the grease and discolor the dyes.

There are no special secrets in the fight against plasticine, and the listed funds can be applied to both clothes and upholstered furniture. It is even easier with a wardrobe - things can be soaked for a short time and machine washed.

The only thing necessary condition to obtain maximum success - the choice of purchased material and monitoring of its distribution. Expensive modeling compounds, especially scented and waxy ones, can sometimes create problems that even a professional dry cleaner can't handle. Pollution noticed in time and immediately removed is already half of the work required.