Ruler for Cosmonautics Day with a presentation. Presentation of the class hour for the day of Cosmonautics. Purpose: to form an idea of ​​space, to acquaint students with the science of astronomy, with the profession of an astronaut. "Russia's star son"

  • 23.02.2021


Prepared by the teacher primary school MKOU secondary school No. 5 with. Safe Trunovsky municipal district Stavropol Territory Salnikova Irina Leonidovna

  • formation of ideas about space,
  • to acquaint students with the science of astronomy, with the profession of an astronaut.
  • to give students an idea of ​​what a spacecraft, orbital station, universe, galaxy, weightlessness, open space, descent vehicle are;
  • expand their understanding of the stars, planets;
  • to acquaint children with the biography of the first cosmonaut - Yu. Gagarin; the history of space exploration;
  • to cultivate the desire to always achieve the goal, to be independent,
  • develop methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, visual memory, imagination;
  • teach children to listen thoughtfully and attentively.

Since ancient times, people began to think about the questions: “What is space? If there is life on other planets besides planet Earth?”

And then scientists and designers created the first Vostok spacecraft.

The spaceship is complex technical system. And before you put a person in it, the equipment must be checked.

Before man went into space, there were animals.

The dog Laika was the first to go into space.

At that time, people still knew very little about space, and spacecraft have not yet been able to return from orbit. Therefore, Laika remained forever in outer space.

3 years after the unsuccessful flight of the dog Laika, two dogs are already sent into space - Belka and Strelka.

They spent only one day in space and successfully landed on Earth.

After the successful flight of animals into space, the road to the stars became open for man. After 8 months on the same spaceship, on which the dogs Belka and Strelka flew, a man also went into space.

For the first time in the world, a spaceship with a man on board broke into the expanses of the Universe.

The ship was piloted by Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

He was the first person to see with his own eyes that the earth was really round, really covered in water for the most part, and really magnificent.

First cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin

On the Vostok-1 spacecraft, Senior Lieutenant Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew around the Earth once

How do astronauts prepare for flights?

For training astronauts use a simulator - a centrifuge.

For more than 30 years, all cosmonauts, preparing for a flight, for weightlessness, have been training in the so-called "flying laboratory". This is the main simulator for working out the skills of working in the absence of attraction to the Earth.

How do astronauts live in a rocket?

In space there is no air to breathe, there is no water, and even more so there is no food. All this is loaded into the spacecraft on the ground and then consumed in flight. There is nothing in space but emptiness and sunlight. It is light that powers the spacecraft through solar panels.

Astronaut clothes -

space suit.

Astronauts wear it when launching and descending a rocket when they go out into outer space.

What do astronauts eat?

Astronauts eat food that is stored in canned form. Before use, canned food and tubes are heated, and packages with the first and second courses are diluted with water.

space research

  • Biological (plants are grown, various experiments are carried out).
  • Medical observations (the influence of space on the body);
  • Technical observations (provide space and radio-television communications, study the surface of the earth, report on places where minerals have been found).

MBOU Shatalovskaya secondary school

Human. Universe. Space.

Kirpichenkova O.A.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

(1857 - 1935)

A teacher from Kaluga who knew physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, and mechanics well. He is the author of airship projects, works in the field of aerodynamics and rocket technology, one of the founders of the theory of interplanetary communications with the help of rockets, and the developer of the principle of rocket propulsion. Many of his contemporaries considered him insane. The scientist was able to outline the path by which humanity went into space.

Exactly one hundred years before the first artificial satellite appeared above the Earth, in September 1857, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was born. Working as a teacher in a provincial school, in his spare time he read, thought, calculated, fantasized, dreamed of man conquering space. With his mind's eye, he looked through the whole century and saw multi-stage rockets, automatic control spaceships, the solar system, the orientation of the interplanetary ship in outer space.

Tsiolkovsky made assumptions about thinking beings in other worlds, put forward many interesting ideas. Scientists from all over the world were interested in the work of a modest teacher from Kaluga, and his students and followers created the world's first spaceships.

Monument to K. E. Tsiolkovsky

in Borovsk (Kaluga region)

Since ancient times, people began to think about the questions: “What is space? If there is life on other planets besides planet Earth?”

And then scientists and designers created the first Vostok spacecraft.

A spacecraft is a complex technical system. And before you put a person in it, the equipment must be checked.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev

(1906 -1966)

Russian scientist and designer. Under his leadership, ballistic and geophysical rockets, the first artificial satellites of the Earth, the first spacecraft were created, on which, for the first time in history, a man's space flight and man's exit into space were made.

Before man went into space, there were animals.

The dog Laika was the first to go into space.

At that time, people still knew very little about space, and spacecraft were not yet able to return from orbit. Therefore, Laika remained forever in outer space.

3 years after the unsuccessful flight of the dog Laika, two dogs are already sent into space - Belka and Strelka.

They spent only one day in space and successfully landed on Earth.

Among experimental animals there are heroes.

AT August 1960 on the second Soviet spacecraft-satellite, the dog-passengers Belka and Strelka, who had previously undergone lengthy training, set off for flight.

The dogs were trained to live in a small container with limited movements. They wore restraint clothing, monitoring medical sensors, and their own portable toilet. They were taught to eat on command with specially prepared mixtures.

After 18 orbits around the planet, the ship was transferred to the descent trajectory to the Earth's surface, and its passengers were safely catapulted from an altitude of 7-8 thousand kilometers. Both dogs felt great and subsequently continued to work faithfully for the benefit of space medicine.

Monument to the dog Laika

who flew into space

on satellite

After the successful flight of animals into space, the road to the stars became open to man. After 8 months, on the same spaceship on which the dogs Belka and Strelka flew, a man also went into space.

For the first time in the world, a spaceship with a man on board broke into the expanses of the Universe.

The launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite marked the beginning of the space age,

From the Baikonur Cosmodrome, the Vostok spacecraft with a man on board took off into the sky.

"Russia's star son"

Born in the family of a collective farmer in the city of Gzhatsk, Smolensk region. In 1951 he graduated with honors from a vocational school in the city of Lyubertsy near Moscow (specialty molder-caster). In 1955 - industrial college and flying club in Saratov, entered the 1st Chkalovsky military aviation school for pilots. K. E. Voroshilov, from which he graduated in 1957. Then he served as a military pilot in the fighter aviation units of the Northern Fleet.

Yuri Gagarin


Since 1960 in the cosmonaut corps; since 1961 his commander. In 1968 he graduated with honors from the Air Force Engineering Academy. N. E. Zhukovsky.

He was an open, charming person.

His smile was a symbol of the USSR.

Moscow time 9 hours 05 minutes

... There was a flame and thunder,

zamer cosmodrome,

And he said softly:

He said, "Let's go!"

He waved his hand.

As if along the Piterskaya,

Passed over the Earth...

Hello Earth!

In 108 minutes, the Vostok-1 ship with Yuri Gagarin on board at a speed of about 28,000 km per hour made a complete orbit around the globe and safely landed on Earth

How do astronauts prepare for flights?

For training astronauts use a simulator - a centrifuge.

Astronaut clothes -

space suit.

Astronauts wear it when launching and descending a rocket when they go out into outer space.

  • Biological (plants are grown, various experiments are carried out).
  • Medical observations (the influence of space on the body);
  • Technical observations (provide space and radio-television communications, study the surface of the earth, report on places where minerals have been found).

starry sky

planets solar system

Venus Mars Earth Moon Saturn Jupiter Uranus Sun Mercury Pluto Neptune

S.P. Korolyov Sergei Pavlovich Korolev is a scientist who worked in the field of rocket and rocket and space technology. S.P. Korolev is an outstanding designer. He is rightfully the father of domestic rocket and space technology, which ensured strategic parity and made our state an advanced rocket and space power.

Who was the first to fly into space? The dog Laika was the first to fly into space. She spent several days aboard an artificial satellite, but they could not return her to Earth. In August 1960, the dogs Belka and Strelka set out on a space journey. There were also mice, insects and seeds on the ship. After the flight, the animals returned to their home planet and felt great. Astronaut dogs: Zvezdochka, Chernushka, Strelka and Belka (photo 1961).

On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin went into outer space on the ship Vostok, becoming a space pioneer for all mankind. The 108 minutes he spent in space paved the way for other space explorers. In a short time since the first flight into space, man visited the Moon, explored almost all the planets of the solar system, but that first flight was the most difficult and dangerous. Confidence and optimism, the desire to conquer space overcame all obstacles. Addressing all the inhabitants of the Earth, before the launch on April 12, 1961, Yuri Alekseevich said: “Dear friends, relatives and strangers, compatriots, people of all countries and continents! In a few minutes, a mighty spaceship will take me to the distant expanses of the Universe. a ship with a man on board was the merit of many, many people, and first of all general designer spaceships of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

Yuri Gagarin

Cosmonaut training

The first exit of a man into outer space on March 8-19, 1965, Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov, together with P.I. Belyaev flew on the spacecraft "Voskhod-2" as a 2nd pilot. On March 18, 1965, Leonov first went into outer space, retired from the spacecraft at a distance of 5 m and spent 12 minutes in open space outside the airlock. 9 p.

On June 16-19, 1963, the first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova made a space flight as a pilot of the Vostok-6 spacecraft, lasting 2 days and 23 hours. It was the first flight of a female astronaut in the world.

Rockets take off into space.

ISS - International Space Station The International Space Station is the largest space object among all that have been made by human hands. If the station is inscribed in a rectangle, then this rectangle will exceed the area of ​​a football field. Although, of course, only a small part of this rectangle will be filled with compartments where people live. The station is so huge that it was impossible to launch it into space entirely at one time.

Baikonur Cosmodrome named after S.P. Queen

Management of the docking of the Russian transport manned spacecraft "Soyuz TMA-12" with the International Space Station.

Exit to open space in our time.

We live on the Earth. EARTH, the third largest planet from the Sun in the solar system. The surface area of ​​the Earth is 510.073 million km2, of which approximately 70.8% is in the World Ocean. Land makes up 29.2%, respectively, and forms six continents and islands. Mountains occupy more than 1/3 of the land surface. Deserts cover about 20% of the land surface, savannas and light forests - about 20%, forests - about 30%, glaciers - over 10%. A significant part of the northern territories is permafrost. Our Earth is great. Its nature is diverse, the wealth of its bowels is incalculable. And at the same time, the huge Earth is only one of the planets revolving around the Sun. The sun is a giant hot ball compared to the earth. Our planet Earth is still not fully understood. What awaits the Earth in the future? This question can only be answered with a high degree of uncertainty, abstracting both from the possible external, cosmic influence, and from the activity of mankind, which is transforming environment And not always for the better.

This is our planet, Earth.

Take care of our planet Earth. You may be surprised to know - the Earth is our common home! Animals, birds live in it And you and I live. Earth - our house is huge, It has many floors For the inhabitants of the underwater And for forest snakes. Enough for all apartments: For buffaloes and goats, For owls and crocodiles For hares and dragonflies. The earth is our huge house, And even though it is not built from concrete slabs, But the point is not at all. And the fact that we are neighbors, And we must save the deer and bears. This is what we're talking about! Take care of your planet! There is one garden planet. In this cold space Only here the forests rustle, Calling birds of passage. And only here dragonflies look into the river in surprise. Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other in the world!

The first scientific developments in aero- and rocket dynamics appeared at the end of the 19th century and belonged to the great scientist and inventor K.E. Tsiolkovsky, the founder of the science of astronautics.

Sergey Pavlovich Korolev became a student of K. E. Tsiolkovsky and a successor of the great work in space exploration
The scientist, designer, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, twice Hero of Socialist Labor S.P. Korolev, under his leadership, launched into space the Vostok and Voskhod spacecraft, on which, for the first time in the history of mankind, the first space flight and human spacewalk were carried out.

Belka and Strelka were the first to travel into space

On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin on the Vostok spacecraft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome and for the first time in the world made an orbital flight around the planet Earth. The flight in near-Earth space lasted 108 minutes.

On April 12, 1961, at 09:00 7 minutes in the Soviet Union, the world's first spaceship-satellite "Vostok" with a man on board was put into orbit around the Earth. The pilot-cosmonaut of the Vostok satellite is a citizen of the USSR, Pilot Major Yuri Alekseevich GAGARIN. According to preliminary data, the period of revolution of the spacecraft around the Earth is 89.1 minutes...

Yuri Gagarin with his wife Valentina

Yuri Gagarin with his daughters

On March 9, the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin would have turned 80 years old. The whole planet applauded him. Hollywood actresses melted at his smile, and crowned heads asked permission to take pictures with him. He was 27 when world fame hit him, and only 34 when he died. The anniversary of the pioneer was celebrated all over Russia.

Aircraft "MiG-15" with Gagarin and his instructor, Hero Soviet Union Colonel Seregin, crashed on March 27, 1968 at 10:30 in the morning near the village of Novoselovo, 18 km from the city of Kirzhach, Vladimir Region. Visibility was poor. The plane went into a tailspin, in order to bring it out, the pilots did not have a few seconds.

Titov German Stepanovich USSR cosmonaut - No. 2, world cosmonaut - No. 2 Number of flights - 1 Duration of flights - 1 day 01 hour 18 minutes. Status - pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, 1st set of the Air Force

Nikolaev Andriyan Grigoryevich Cosmonaut of the USSR - No. 3, cosmonaut of the world - No. 5 Number of flights - 2 Duration of flights - 21 days 15 hours 20 minutes 55 seconds. Status - pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, 1st set of the Air Force

Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna
The world's first female astronaut!!!

Savitskaya Svetlana Evgenievna
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, awarded two Orders of Lenin and the Order of the Badge of Honor. Gold medal and 18 FAI diplomas, 16 gold sports medals of the USSR, was awarded a special medal for setting a women's world record for spacewalking.

On April 12, the whole world celebrates Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. This is a special day - the day of the triumph of science and all those who work today in space industry. It was on this day in 1961 that Yuri Gagarin on the Vostok spacecraft for the first time in the world made an orbital flight around the Earth, opening the era of manned space flights .... He said "Let's go!" And a new era began in the history of mankind.

Cosmonautics Day in elementary school with a presentation

1. Organize the activities of students to get acquainted with the spring calendar holiday on April 12 - “Cosmonautics Day”.
2. Expand students' understanding of the first steps in space.
3. Promote development oral speech, thinking and imagination, promote the development of fantasy.
4. To cultivate discipline and mutual respect, a sense of patriotism and love for the native nature, to promote the formation of environmental education.
Equipment: presentation

Event progress

1. Organizational moment
The bell rang and fell silent
He took us all to class.
Guys, what time of year is it? (Spring)
- And what changes with the advent of spring in nature?
How did the sun shine? (Brighter)
- What was the sky like? (blue)
- What happens to the snow? (melting)
- Has the day increased in comparison with the winter day? (Yes)
- And what happened in nature? (Nature comes to life, wakes up)
2. Introduction to the topic
- Guys, what month is it now? (April)
- And what April holiday is approaching? You do not know? Then I will advise you.
(Slide #2)
- April 12, 1961 - on this day, for the first time, a man visited space - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, and therefore in the spring our country celebrates another holiday - COSMONAUTO DAY!
(Slide #3)
- Yu.A. Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the city of Gzhatsk, Smolensk region (now the city of Gagarin). On April 12, 1961, he performed the world's first space flight on the Vostok satellite ship: circled the globe in 1 hour 48 minutes and returned safely to Earth.
One hundred and eight minutes of man's stay in space shocked the world. The motherland was waiting for him. His relatives were also waiting for him: his wife, two little daughters, who were only 2 years old, and the other 1 month old. Also waiting for Gagarin - parents, brothers and sister.
…Like fairy tale hero he sank to the ground. The landing site was the vast lands of the collective farm, not far from the village of Smelovka, Saratov region. Gagarin saw a woman with a girl. The unusual appearance of the astronaut in a bright orange spacesuit frightened them a little.
(Slide number 4)
- “Our own, comrades, our own!” Gagarin called out to them. A few minutes later, tractor drivers and combine operators ran up to Yuri. He was hugged and kissed.
(Slide number 5)
- Guys, Yuri Gagarin is not the only cosmonaut who has been in space. After him, many other astronauts have flown and are flying. In addition to men, women also flew into space. The first female cosmonaut is Valentina Tereshkova.
(Slide number 6)
- Before Gagarin Yu.A. flew into space, dogs were sent. And the first was Laika.
(Slide number 7)
- Then the dogs flew - Belka and Strelka.
(Slide number 8)
Fizkultminutka - ophthalmic simulator
(Slide number 9)
- Guys, our occupation is unusual, today we will also visit space. But first we need to know who is an astronaut? What do you think?
(A person who works in space)
- Do you think anyone can become an astronaut?
- And what should be a real astronaut? What should a real astronaut be able to do?
- What should be the discipline? (children's answers)
- Of course, guys, not every person can become an astronaut. A real astronaut must be in good health, and most importantly, he must be hardy, because before flying into space you need to go through very difficult training.
(Slide number 10)
And also in space, astronauts are in weightlessness, and not everyone can withstand this, it is very difficult. He must be attentive, do everything right, know a lot, study well, read a lot about space, train his memory.
- But in order to go on a trip, you must obey all the above listed rules of the “Real Astronaut”, and most importantly, you must be careful!
- And in order to go into space, we need ... (Children solve a rebus)
(Slide number 11)
- That's right, rocket.
- You and I know what we fly into space.
- And now it remains for us to find out how we will eat in space, and what we will have to wear.
- An astronaut should not get lost in a difficult environment and should always be ready to go out and orient himself in any emergency.
- Guys, how many of you know the name of the clothes that the astronaut wears?
- That's right, this clothing is called a spacesuit.
(Slide number 12)
It saves and protects from fire and various damages. Of course, it is not very comfortable in it, it restricts movement, but it is safe. The suit has its own air supply system. If you connect an autonomous breathing system to it, then a person can go into outer space. This system is in the knapsack. They put it on behind the back, like your briefcases, only such a satchel weighs about forty kilograms. But in weightlessness, this weight is not felt at all.
There is no air in space, there is very low pressure, and astronauts need to know how to work in a spacesuit under these conditions. On the ground, rarefied air can be created in pressure chambers - this is a device in the form of a huge cylinder, from which air is pumped out and pressure is created, as at an altitude of 60 kilometers. Working at this height is just as dangerous as working in space.
- Guys, in space you need to know how to eat right! After all, there is weightlessness. If you chew without closing your mouth, or talk at the same time, then crumbs of bread, porridge will immediately fly out of your mouth and will float right in front of your nose. If any crumb, flying in zero gravity, gets into the windpipe, trouble can happen.
(Slide number 13)
- That's all, we are completely ready to fly! Everyone has already taken their places, sat up straight, put their hands on their knees, closed their eyes, prepared for flight,
(Slide number 14) (Intro - blue background)
- 5-4-3-2-1-0 START!!!
- Open your eyes, look around, imagine we are on another planet.
(Slide No. 14) (At the click of the mouse, the "Planet" appears)
- It is lifeless, we need to engender life here. And what will we do for this? Most importantly, we need...? (Air)
- And what else ...? (Water, fertile soil, orchards, forests, fields…)
- Why sow rye, wheat?
- Do we need animals and birds, insects?
- And most importantly, our planet will be clean. Therefore, we will call it Purity.
(Slide number 14) (At the click of the mouse, the name of the planet appears)
(Pre-prepared students read a poem)
Everything, everything, everyone in the world needs each other,
And midges are no less needed than elephants.
It is impossible to do without ridiculous monsters,
And even without evil and ferocious predators.

We need everything in the world, we need everything,
Who makes honey and who makes poison.
Bad deeds for a cat without a mouse,
A mouse without a cat is no better off.

Yes! If we are not very friendly with someone,
We still really need each other.
And if someone seems superfluous to us,
That, of course, would be a mistake.
Teacher: Everything, everything, everyone in the world needs each other,
And that's what you kids need to remember.
- And now, guys, we will go on a journey through the Galaxy.
(Slide number 15)
(Slides #16-33)
(To the music, slides with photographs of space automatically change. Against the background of music, the teacher reads a poem)
People have always been attracted by the distance,
They were forever called by the oceans.
And the cosmos lived slowly,
He was mysterious and scary. (A. Semyonov)

- That's all, our journey through the Galaxy has come to an end, it's time for us to return.
(Slides #34)
- Now we are with you on our planet, planet Earth.
- After his first flight into space, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin addressed people with these words ...
(Slide number 35)
- “Having circled the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, we will preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!”

3. Solving a crossword puzzle
- And now I offer you a crossword puzzle.
(Slide number 36-43)
1. Celestial body, visible at night as a luminous dot. (Star)
2. Celestial body - a hot fiery body of a spherical shape, around which the Earth and other planets revolve. (Sun)
3. A celestial body moving around the Sun and glowing with its reflected light. (Planet)
4. Red planet. (Mars)
5. The smallest planet. (Pluto)
6. Celestial body, satellite of the Earth. (Moon)
7. Universe, world or world of stars and galaxies. (Space)
- Read it guys. keyword. (Astronomer)
Who is an ASTRONOME?
(Slide number 44)
ASTRONOME - a scientist who studies cosmic bodies.

4. Summary of the lesson
Guys, our journey has come to an end! You all did a very good job today!
- Let's remember what spring holiday is approaching us?
What was the name of the person who was the first to go into space?
What else do you remember from our trip?
- What did you like the most?
- Thank you for your work!
(Slide number 45)