Health day topics in kindergarten. Day of health for educators in the preschool educational institution. Scenario. Children enter the hall and build

  • 19.04.2020

Municipal Preschool educational institution Syavsky kindergarten "Bell"

Nizhny Novgorod region, Shakhunya, pos. Syava

Synopsis of the scenario of the sports festival "Health Day"

Bazanova Lyudmila Alexandrovna tutor of the First qualification category MBDOU Syavsky kindergarten "Bell". Nizhny Novgorod region, Shakhunya, pos. Syava


Children consolidate knowledge about cultural and hygienic skills and benefits healthy eating and vitamins; interest in a healthy lifestyle and sports is brought up.


1) tell the children about the holiday "Health Day";

2) to consolidate knowledge about the necessary cultural and hygienic skills and the benefits of a healthy diet and vitamins.

3) educate interest in healthy lifestyles and sports.


- adults: Host, Aibolit;Glutton

Preschool kids: Microbes, Carrot, Nut, Potato

Children of middle and senior group


Suits of microbes; vegetables, nuts;

Toothbrush, comb, toothpaste;

- "magic box" or medical bag;

Pictures depicting useful products containing vitamins of different groups;

Gymnastic sticks, panicles, cubes, baskets, benches, medals and sweet prizes.


Conducting GCD on the topics "Useful and bad habits", "What does it mean to be healthy", "Who are microbes?", "Vitamins-protectors of the body".

Acquaintance of children in physical education classes with different types sport, a conversation about its significance for a person.


Leading : Guys, today we have gathered for the holiday "Health Day".

With a bright smile, a friendly parade, we need to start Health Day. Let's all shout together to Health Day “Hurrah! Hooray! Hooray!". Who's to say what it means to be healthy? ( children's responses). Yes, you are right, it means not getting sick, playing sports and tempering. And don't sit still, move more often. Let's move, let's dance!

Leading : The guys are in a hurry to visit us, beloved doctor Aibolit.

He will show us friends of health, he will tell us about an important matter -

How to be strong and brave!

Children : Healthy!

Aibolit : Do you always brush your teeth?

Children : Yes!

Aibolit : Do washcloths and water often make friends with you?

Children : Yes!

Aibolit : I also want to know the answer: are there sluts here?

Children : Not!

Leading : What should we do? How can we be? Who can protect us?

Aibolit : Don't worry so much guys. Guess the magic riddles. And they at the same hour will save you from germs.

Aibolit shows trick with a box with a double bottom. In it, in turn, appear: soap, toothbrush and paste, comb. Aibolit gives all items to microbes and they run away).

Aibolit : So there are no more microbes, but they will come again,

If you forget to wash your hands with soap more often.

Don't let the microbes of happiness live in the dirt

Brush your teeth regularly in the evening and in the morning,

Do not forget to comb your hair and always be neat.

Aibolit : Eat a lot of very harmful-chocolate and marmalade. Each of you knows that this is a poison for the body.

Glutton : And I can't eat.

Aibolit : Don't worry, I'll help! We cancel the hunger strike. We take vitamins.

Glutton : Pills won't fill you up.

Carrot : And I'm sweet and delicious. Vitamin in me is "A"

Whoever takes me as a friend grows, grows, grows.

Aibolit : Guys, who knows what other foods have vitamin A? (children's answers: tomatoes, herbs, garlic)

Potatoes : And vitamin C is presented in the potato face

Aibolit : What other foods have vitamin C? (children's answers: cabbage, currant, onion)

Nut : And I have vitamin B.

Everyone has long known that nuts are tasty and healthy.

Eat them before dark, you will be very vigilant.

Aibolit : Yes, thanks to vitamin "B" our eyesight improves. What other products contain it? (children's answers: egg, corn, meat, cheese, cottage cheese).

Aibolit : You are absolutely right kids. But we did not name all the vitamins, because there are a lot of them. And if there are a lot of them, then there is a lot of healthy food too.

Leading : You see, Robin-Bobbin, how many edible things the children named. Food that contains vitamins is called healthy. This means that the listed products do not harm our health, but, on the contrary, strengthen it. But besides healthy food, you need to know one more thing so that, like everyone else, you can run, play, and not just eat and sleep. Here's another question:

What does it take for everyone to grow up with straight, slender legs,

With the wide chest of a sailor, so that his mouth was with strong teeth,

To raise a hand with force?

Children : Temper, play sports, observe the daily routine, walk in the fresh air, sit properly at the table, brush your teeth.

Aibolit : It's not good for you to be lazy, remember, guys,

Even animals, even birds do exercises.

Leading : Cause time is an hour of fun.

The first team is on the right. Here the second stand.

"Pass the ball": The children line up one after the other and pass the ball over their heads.

"Stepmother and Cinderella": in each team, the first child - "stepmother" - takes a basket with cubes, runs to the landmark and pours out the cubes, and then returns and passes the basket to the next player - "Cinderella". He must run to the landmark, collect the cubes and return to the team.

"Baba Yaga behind enemy lines": The child sits on a broom and runs to the landmark, runs around it and returns to the team, passes the broom to the next player.

"Hardworking Ant": the first member of the team takes a gymnastic stick, runs to the landmark, runs around it, returns to the team and the next player clings to the stick behind him. At the end, all team members must hold on to it.

"Through the Eye of a Needle": the participant runs, threads the hoop through himself, runs to the landmark, runs around it, comes back and threads the hoop through himself again, runs to the team and passes the baton.

Lost and found": one “shoe” is removed from all team members and placed in a pile at the landmark. In turn, each team member must run for their shoes. The team that puts on shoes faster will win.

Leading : All teams played well, everyone immediately became healthier.

But while the jury determines the winners, Aibolit will guess riddles for you.

Listen carefully and be sure to answer.

Aibolit :

Leading : And who will say which kinds of sports from the riddles are in the program of the Winter Olympic Games, and which in the summer?

The jury (tutors of the groups) sums up the results and presents everyone, without exception, commemorative medals "Health Day".

Leading : Here comes the moment of farewell. Thank you all for your attention.

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition that ensured success.

Aibolit : There is no better recipe in the world: be inseparable from sports.

You will live to be a hundred years old! That's the whole secret.

It's time to end the holiday. Shout the holiday "Hurrah!"

We are microbes - we live happily. We microbes sing a song.

Everyone has long known that vegetables are healthy!


"Pass the ball" "Sunshine"

"Lost and found"

Educator MDOU Syavsky d / s "Bell" Bazanova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna

"Health day at preschool"- a section where you can find useful articles, recommendations, abstracts and scenarios for conducting physical education and preventive measures dedicated to the "Health Day".

April 7 is an official holiday, dedicated to the day health. The events held on this day once again emphasize the need for the comprehensive development of a child's personality, serve as a reminder to young pupils of the need to protect and maintain their health. It also provides an additional opportunity to give the necessary recommendations to parents in maintaining the physical form of their children.

Scenarios of "Health Day"

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 3730 .
All sections | Health Day. Scenarios of entertainment and events

Scenario sports holiday. « health day» Art. group "B" Goals and tasks: 1. Formation of culture healthy lifestyle life. Expanding knowledge about healthy lifestyle and preventive measures. 2. Promotion of physical culture and sports as the best remedy for any disease. 3....

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Health Day. Scenarios of entertainment and events - Synopsis of the sports festival "Mom, dad, I am a healthy family!" for older children

Publication "Summary of the physical culture holiday" Mom, dad, I am a healthy family! ... "
Goal:  Introducing children and parents to a healthy lifestyle through joint sports activities. Program tasks: exercise in speed running by completing additional tasks; develop coordination of movements; exercise in the ability to perform jumps on the ball, ...

MAAM Pictures Library

Abstract of entertainment for children of the middle group "We grow up healthy" in the form of a journey through the stations Purpose: creation of conditions for the generalization of elementary knowledge of children about a healthy lifestyle. Tasks: to form an idea of ​​health as one of the main values ​​of life; to consolidate children's knowledge about the skills of cultural and hygienic behavior; nurture interest in healthy...

instructor for physical culture Chesnokova Anna Alexandrovna 06/14/2019 Entertainment scenario. Characters: Host, Zakalyaikin. Purpose: promotion and formation of a healthy lifestyle for kindergarten students. Tasks: ⁃ show children the irreplaceable value ...

Synopsis of a sports festival with parents “Together along the path of health” (younger preschool age)“Scenario of a sports festival with parents “Together along the path of health” Presenter: Hello guys! Today we have gathered in this hall to hold a sports festival. Sport is a pledge Have a good mood and excellent health. Guys, do you like sports? Children: Yes! Host: If...

Health Day. Scenarios of entertainment and events - Health Day in kindergarten (middle-preparatory age)

health day in kindergarten. Compiled by: Dobrynina Olga Alekseevna. This event can be held in the younger, middle and preparatory groups of the kindergarten. The scenario of the holiday of health for kindergarten children Under the "March" of V. Shainsky, children enter the hall, are built in a semicircle at ...

Scenario of the event "World Health Day" Purpose: to form in children the need for a healthy lifestyle. Tasks: creating a positive attitude and a favorable environment for the education and upbringing of children; stimulating the desire of children to independent physical exercises. Health Day program: 1....

Compiled by physical education instructor of the first qualification category Boronina Elena Vladimirovna Entertainment was carried out by: Physical education instructor Boronina E.V. and educator (Clown Butterfly) Saprykina I.E. Objectives: To develop speed, agility, the ability to act in a team, ...

Sports holiday "Healthy Childhood Day". Tasks: The course of the holiday: Presenter: Hello boys and girls, tell me what holiday we have today? Correct day of healthy childhood. Today we will jump, run and play, but of course we will dance. V .: Look how many children ...

A healthy child is a successful child". If a child does not know how to maintain his health, where and how to properly channel his energy, where to apply his physical abilities, it is quite possible that such a child encounters difficulties in teaching and educating. In this regard, in addition to the general tasks set by the preschool educational institution to create conditions in the process of education and upbringing, the goals of maintaining the health of pupils remain mandatory.

The obligatory goal of the preschool team is to create favorable health-saving conditions for the stay of children in the preschool educational institution.

The program requirements include the following tasks:

  • Formation of a healthy lifestyle in pupils.
  • Development of agility, speed, strength.
  • Learning how to work with children and adults.
  • Teaching valeological knowledge, and their application in the improvement of the body.
  • Develop interest in physical education and games with physical activity.

To carry out these tasks, the necessary conditions and the following activities are carried out: Morning exercises, acupressure, physical education, ventilation of rooms, finger exercises, gargling, vitaminization: juices, vitamins, preventive vaccinations, hardening, prevention of flat feet, prevention of children's posture, physical education minutes, outdoor games, walks.

Natalia Goshko
Health Day. Entertainment scenario for all kindergarten groups

Health Day

entertainment for all kindergarten groups

Target: raise the emotional mood and muscle tone of children.


Raise the desire to be healthy, learn to take care of your health.

To develop in children dexterity, speed, ingenuity, the ability to use their experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers: endurance, determination, mutual assistance.

To give children knowledge about the impact on health of physical activity, hardening, nutrition, fresh air, mood.

Activation of speech activity of children, expansion of vocabulary, development of attention and memory.

Involve parents in active participation in the life of the child in kindergarten.

The song "Health Day" is performed(lyrics by Davydova, free music).

Leading: Guys, today we came to the holiday of Health Day.

Health day, beauty day,

Everyone loves him - me and you.

And everyone around them always says:

"To be healthy - wow!"

And a guest came to us. Guess who it is?

Who on the day of illness is more useful and heals us from all diseases?

Children. Doctor.

Leading. That's right doctor. We will show and tell him how we can take care of your health.

The Doctor enters. Greets all those present.

Leading: We don't get bored here

It's time to start the workout

Stand in a circle together

Hold hands together.

Rhythmic dance.

Leading. The kids will play with me the game "Right - wrong"

Listen carefully,

Do it diligently.

If my advice is good

You clap your hands.

On the wrong advice

You sink - no, no!

1. Constantly need to eat,

Important for health:

Fruits, vegetables, scrambled eggs,

Cottage cheese, curdled milk (children clap).

2. Do not gnaw a cabbage leaf,

It's very, very tasteless.

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade (stomp - no, no).

3. You brushed your teeth

And go to sleep.

grab a bun

Sweet in bed (stomp - no, no).

Leading. And now the game "No and yes" (for middle group)

Kasha - delicious food

Is it good for us? (Yes)

green onion sometimes

Are children useful to us? (Yes)

Dirty water in a puddle

Is it useful to us sometimes? (Not)

Shchi is great food

Is it good for us? (Yes)

Amanita soup is always -

Is it good for us? (Not)

Fruits are just beautiful!

Is it good for us? (Yes)

Dirty berries sometimes

Is it healthy to eat, kids? (Not)

Vegetables growing ridge.

Are vegetables useful? (Yes)

Juice, compote sometimes

Are we useful, children? (Yes)

Eat a bag of big candy

Is it bad kids? (Yes)

Only healthy food

Always on the table!

And since healthy food -

Will we be healthy? (Yes)

Senior and preparatory group - two teams.

1competition"Read the proverb"

I'll start and you finish

Answer quickly!

Don't be afraid of the cold, up to your waist .... (wash).

In a healthy body healthy mind).

Before the wedding…. (will live).

One skin, yes.... (bones).

Whoever that hurts, that and (says).

From colds and sore throats help .... (oranges)

Barely a soul in (the body).

Sun, air and water…. (our true friends).

And ingenuity is needed, and hardening .... (important).

Who loves sports... (healthy and cheerful).

Smoking - health (harm).

Whoever goes in for sports, that strength .... (gaining).

Fun football game, We already scored the first ... (goal)

Here someone quickly ran up and flew into ... without a ball. (gates)

You decide to become healthy, then do it. (mode).

In the morning at seven, our cheerful friend calls persistently. (alarm).

All our friendly people got up to charge. (a family).

Of course I won’t break the regimen - I wash myself under the cold. (shower).

Forget about your computer, run outside for a walk. Very useful for children fresh air(Breathe)

2 contest"Sports training" (Teams perform exercises with sports equipment)

Friendship with sunshine

With jump ropes and a ball,

Skittles and hoops

What you will see for yourself.

Work hard in training, take part in preparation.

You will see how you become stronger and healthier.

Performing exercises with a gymnastic stick. (Yoke)

Gymnastic stick - an amazing thing

Do exercises with her

And you will part with laziness.

Performing exercises with the ball.

All our ball games are countless:

There are so many of them in the world.

After all, you can throw the ball, roll,

Hit him with your hand.

Throw the ball into the basket and into the water,

We found business everywhere.

Performing exercises with a hoop. (Jumping from hoop to hoop)

The hoop is a useful item

Why? I will answer now

You can roll a hoop,

Play it all day long.

3 contest"Sports quiz" (three questions for each team)

Let the first be the one who lives with sports!

1. What should be done in the morning to be alert and healthy? (charging)

2. What is the name of the athlete who skates to music? (figure skater)

3. How many teams play hockey? (2 teams)

4. How many people are on the football team? (11 people)

5. What are the names of people who swim in the hole in winter? (walruses)

6. What is the name of the sports equipment that athletes use with sticks? (washer)

7. Where was the 2014 Olympics held? (Sochi)

8. Type of sport on the board? (snowboard)

9. Ski track? (ski track)

10. Children's winter transport? (sled)

11. Skates for the summer? (rollers)

12. What is the Olympic emblem? (5 rings)

Leading. Our guys know their body well and know how to massage.

Game-massage "My body".(for all groups)

Nightingale head (children stroke their heads,

Lobik - Bobik (children put their foreheads forward, like bulls,

Nose - apricot (children with closed eyes touch the tip of the nose,

Cheeks-lumps (children carefully rub their cheeks with their palms,

Sponges - doves (children stretch their lips into a tube,

Teeth - oaks (children gently tap their teeth,

Beard - young woman (children stroke their chin,

Cilia - sisters (children blink their eyes,

Ears - naughty (children rub their ears with their fingers,

Neck - turkey (children stretch their necks,

Hangers - grasshoppers (children raise and lower their shoulders,

Handles - grips (children clasp themselves with both hands,

Fingers - boys (children move their fingers,

Breasts - ducks (children arch their chest forward,

Puzik - watermelon (children inflate their bellies,

Back - ostinka (children straighten their backs, rising on their toes,

Knees - logs (children alternately bend their legs at the knee and press them to

Legs - boots (children stomp their feet)

4 competition"Obstacle Course"

Running between posts

Rolling the ball between the uprights

Crawling under the arc

5 contest"On a visit to Moidodyr"

The task for the participants: to continue the lines from the poem by K. I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr".

1. You have a wax on your neck, you have a blot under your nose.

You have such hands (that even the trousers ran away).

2. The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away (And the pillow, like a frog, jumped away from me).

3. It is necessary, it is necessary to wash in the mornings and evenings .... (And shame and disgrace to unclean chimney sweeps).

4. Long live scented soap and fluffy towel (And tooth powder and thick comb).

5. And in the bath, and in the bath, always and everywhere ... (Eternal glory to water).

Game for children of primary and secondary group "Dwarfs and giants"

Children are standing near the chairs. If the host says dwarfs, everyone should sit on the chairs and stretch their arms forward; if the giants say, everyone should rise on their toes and stretch both hands up.

6 contest And now. guys guess riddles

Long, not a stick, fast, not a jackdaw,

She's so fun to ride with. What's this? (jump rope)

Escapes like a living thing

But I won't let him out.

Foaming with white foam

Don't be lazy to wash your hands. (soap)

Lie in your pocket and watch

Roaring, crying and dirty,

They will wipe away the streams of tears,

Do not forget about the nose (handkerchief)

Always in the mouth, not swallowed. (Language)

At night, two windows close by themselves, and at sunrise they open themselves (eyes)

They stand together, they walk apart. (Legs)

This horse does not eat oats

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive. (Bike)


Leading: It's time to end the holiday

Shout to the holiday: Hurrah! Hooray! Hooray!

Children leave the hall to the music "Temper"

Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 2, Nizhneudinsk"

Scenario sports festival

"Health Day"

Compiled by:

Physical education instructor

Dyatlova D.V.

Health Day

entertainment for older kindergarten groups


To teach children from early childhood to appreciate, protect and strengthen their health.

Holiday goals:

To develop in children the ability to take care of their health.

Strengthen the health of children with various health-improving methods.

Expand and enrich children's knowledge of the health benefits of exercise.

Cultivate positive emotions and friendliness.

Leading: Guys, today we have gathered for the holiday of Health Day.

bright smile,

Friendly parade

We need to start Health Day.

Let's all shout together

Happy Health Day! Hooray! Hooray!

Who can say what it means to be healthy? (children's answers) Yes, you are right, it means not getting sick, playing sports and tempering, eating more vitamins and healthy foods. And don't sit still, move more often.

Are you ready to move and compete? (Yes)

We will check this now.

Team greetings.

Team "Healthy":

Forever faithful to the sport

Maintain health from youth

Don't cry and don't despair

Do not offend opponents

competition to love

Try to be the first in games

Team "Fortress"

Let's play sports!

Let's heat up

And don't forget to wash your hands

And celebrate health day.

Leading: and now, guys, guess the riddles

I'll start and you finish

Answer together:

1. The game is fun football, we have already scored the first ... (goal)

2. Someone quickly ran away

And without the ball flew into .... (gates)

3. On the ice, I drew a figure eight -

The coach gave me a five.

What is this sport? (figure skating)

4. "Long, not a stick, fast, not a jackdaw,

She's so fun to ride with. What is it?" (jump rope)

Leading: Well done! What other sports do you know? Name? (children's answers).

Suddenly, “Oh” in felt boots and a hat and “Ah” in sportswear run into the hall.

Oh: Oh, how tired I am! Oh how sick I am! Oh, how cold I am!

Oh: Ah, how good! Ah, I think I'm on holiday! Oh, how fun it will be!

Leading: Who you are? What is your name?

Oh: I - Ah!

Oh: I - Oh! Grabs behind the back Oh, how it hurts!

Leading: That's it! You Oh and Ah. Came to us from the cartoon.

Oh: Ah, how good!

Oh: Oh, I hit! My side hurts!

Oh falls, Ah tries to lift him by the leg, then drags him by the arm.

Oh: Yes, you sit down, look at the children, maybe you will learn how to become strong and tempered. Oh, sit down.

Oh: Listen, Oh, why are you so wrapped up? Hat, scarf. Why aren't you hot?

Oh: Oh, I'll catch a cold!

Oh: Well, take off your hat. Exercise with me.

Shows movement: One-two! One-two! Oh clumsily repeats.

Oh: Nothing works for you, let's play better with the guys.

We are not discouraged at all

We are playing a new game.

The ball rolled around

And then he stopped.

You look carefully

Freeze with the ball!

Say the right word!

The game "The ball in a circle" (children stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other to the music, the music stops and whoever has the ball in his hand names a healthy fruit or vegetable).

The host addresses Ohu:

Do not be afraid that they will laugh,

Never leave your charger!

Only the one who does not cry will achieve good luck, easily, without difficulty!

Oh: Charging is useful for everyone, charging is needed for everyone,

She saves everyone from laziness and illness!

Leading: Business is time, hour is fun.

Let's start the relay.

Oh and Ah are at the head of the teams. (teams of 5-6 people)


1 relay "Stepmom and Cinderella" (in each team, the first child is Stepmother, takes a basket of cubes, runs to the landmark and pours out the cubes, and then returns and passes the basket to the next player - Cinderella. He must run to the landmark, collect the cubes and return to the team)

2 relay "Through the Eye of a Needle" (The participant runs, threads himself through the hoop, runs to the landmark, runs around it, comes back and threads the hoop through himself again, runs to the team and passes the baton).

3 relay "Lost and found"(one “shoe” is removed from all team members and placed in a pile at the landmark. In turn, each team member must run for their shoes. The team that puts on shoes faster will win)

4 relay " Fast train"

Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team are built one after the other in a column. A flag is placed in front of each team at a distance. The first player in the team runs to the flag, runs around it and returns to the place where the next participant grabs it, and the children run to the flag together. Then they come back and take the third one, and so on, until the whole team runs around the flag. The team that finishes the game first wins.

5 relay "Looks like it's starting to rain"

This is a relay. 10 people participate.
Divide the group into two teams with an equal number of players. Each team receives a raincoat, an umbrella. At the command to march, the first person from each team runs up to a chair, puts on a raincoat, then, opening an umbrella, shouts: It seems it is starting to rain. Then he takes everything off and runs back to his team. The next player does the same.
The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

6 relay: "Who quickly"

Teams become pairs. Ahead - the leader with two hoops in the left and right hands. At a signal, two people, holding the hoops with one hand, run after the leader to the finish line. Behind the finish line, they lower the hoops, and the leader with the hoops runs to the next pair. The winner is the team whose couples are faster than the finish line.

7 relay: "Cancer Moves Back"

Teams are built, and the column one at a time. Before each team at 10-15 meters put a flag. On a signal, the first players turn around and go to the flags with their backs forward, bypassing them on the right, and in the same way - with their backs forward - returns to their place.

Leading: All teams played well

Everyone immediately became healthy.

And now guys, tell our guests proverbs and sayings about health, sports, healthy food and vitamins.

- What is food and drink - such is living

- Expect trouble from sweet food

- Lunch without vegetables is a holiday without music.

- In a healthy body healthy mind.

Leading: Well done boys!

Oh and Ah: Guys, you are great fellows, we saw how you play together, compete, how fast, dexterous, resourceful you are. We want to give you such a (shrugs) a large vitamin (They show a large “vitamin” (round or flat like a pill).

Leading: What are you, dear Oh and Oh. Your vitamin, although large, but one, is not enough for all children. You leave it to yourself, and our manager will present certificates to the children for participating in competitions at the Health Day holiday.

Oh and Ah say goodbye to the children, wish them good health and return to their fairyland

Ah and Oh together: Now it's time to say goodbye.

Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition

Ensuring success.

Leading: It's time to end the holiday

Shout to the holiday: Hurrah! Hooray! Hooray!

MBDOU d / s "Birch"

MBDOU d / s "Birch"

Sports holiday


(preparatory group)

Prepared and hosted:

Shatilova T.S.

April 2015


Hello dear friends! It has become a tradition in our garden to celebrate World Health Day every year on April 7th. Physical education is the key to health and good mood. Engaging in physical education is useful, fun physical education is doubly. After all, every minute of playing sports prolongs a person's life by one hour.

Is everyone gathered? Are you all well?

Are you ready to play and run?

To the sports ground

I invite you children.

Holiday of sports and health

We start now.

Children read poetry.

Be healthy, don't get sick

This is the request of all people.

"Hello" is enough to say

And no need to explain:

We want to be healthy

And we are talking about it.

Who follows the exercise

It shines with beauty.

In addition, in well-being

Amazing mood.


And now we will hold a musical exercise "Radiant Sun"

(rebuilding in columns).

Musical exercise "The sun is radiant."

Children read poetry.

Do not be lazy,

Physical education is life!

You always be sporty -

Forget sickness!

We are fighting guys

And we are quite capable.

All world records

Give to your native country.


Rebuilding in two lines.

And now I introduce you directly to the participants.

1 team: "SUN"


Are the teams ready to compete?

Children: YES!


Our success will be judged by a jury consisting of:

1. Methodist MBDOU d / s "Birch" - Voronina O.V.

2. Besschetnova Daria Alexandrovna - parent.

3. Shamaeva Anna Valerievna - parent.

1 relay. "Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop."

Each team has 2 hoops. It is necessary to jump from hoop to hoop as quickly as possible, without hitting them. The speed and accuracy of the child is evaluated.

2 relay. "Carrying Balls"

Children stand in columns. In front of each lie two hoops (at the same distance from each other). In the hands of the captain - 2 layer. ball. On a signal, the first team members run and put one ball into each hoop. Returning to the team, they pass the baton to the next one. The second player collects the balls and passes them to the third, and so on.

3 relay. "Bag Run"

On command 1, the participant gets into the bag, jumps to the rack, gets out of the bag, picks it up and runs back to his team, passes the bag to the next player, etc. The team that completes the exercise first wins.

4 relay. "Running like a snake between the cubes."

Each child in the team needs to snake between the cubes without hitting them. The speed and accuracy of the children in each team is evaluated. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next one.

5 relay. "Pass through the arc."

The participant needs to crawl under the arc.
6 relay. "Pass Balloon".
Children line up in a chain in each team and, on a signal, begin to pass the balloon forward to each other. The captain, who is first given the ball, raises it up.

Rebuilding in one line.


The jury is summing up.

The song "Fizkult - Hooray!"

1. To grow and temper

Not by days, but by hours,

engage in physical education,

We need to take care of it!


And we are already today

Stronger than yesterday!

Physical Culture! Physical Culture!

Physical Culture!

2.Us pills and potion

And in the cold and in the cold,

Replaces physical education

And cold water!

Chorus: - 2 times.

Children read poetry.

Before we part

And everyone go home.

We want to say goodbye

Wishing you at the same time.

For you to be healthy

And don't forget about sports.

To celebrate the holiday

But don't forget about sports.

The floor is given to the jury. Rewarding!!!


The merry holiday was a success

I think everyone liked it.

Goodbye, goodbye, everyone be happy

Healthy, obedient and do not forget sports!