Party in royal style. Party in Russian folk style: oh, take a walk Russian soul. Entertainment program: games and competitions

  • 27.05.2021

Couples in puffy dresses are whirling around in a marvelous waltz to gentle, bewitching music, people in powdered wigs are scurrying around discussing the latest news, lackeys are bustling about announcing the arrival of new guests, and suddenly the main face of everything that happens is the Tsar father. A throne has been specially prepared for him, by the decree of his finger a feast is being held. What's this? Fantastic time travel? Partly it is. So, you have come to the most original, bright, spectacular corporate evening in the royal style. eventspro will tell you how to host such an event.

Invitations that take you back in time

If the theater begins with a hanger, then a corporate evening with invitation cards. In order for the guests to have the appropriate mood from the very beginning, you should pay a little attention to the quality of the invitations. Of course, they must be made in the spirit of the era that you are going to embody at the corporate party.

The variation of the choice is so wide, you can make a bias towards antiquity, or you can choose a more progressive direction, where there is a place for both traditions and the fresh wind of new trends. But in any case, invitations will look more impressive if they are made in the form of scrolls, which were read under Ivan the Terrible in the central squares, announcing the new decrees of the tsar in the time of Peter I.

A good alternative to scrolls would be large sheets of glossy paper with a coat of arms, sealed in velvet envelopes sealed with a seal.

The king invites you to a ball. What to wear?

It is mandatory to enter a dress code for a corporate party. There should not be modern costumes here, but the maximum proximity to the spirit of the chosen era. Women will especially like such a masquerade, because it is not at all difficult to make a dress in the style of the Middle Ages or the Renaissance, but positive emotions will last for a long time, and the romantic atmosphere deserves preliminary efforts and a little time spent on preparation.

Men should also like this idea, because who would not want to imagine themselves in the role of a gallant knight, hussar or officer of the royal cavalry? All this is very interesting and captivating so much that within half an hour after the start of the corporate party, its participants get used to their images so much that they don’t want to leave them afterwards. At such a corporate party, a new image of relations, informal, friendly, is usually formed, which, of course, has the most positive effect on further work.

For men, the best option for a costume would be a historical camisole of the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries. It’s not worth going into the era of the costume too much, today only connoisseurs and specialists can figure out the historical era when this or that costume was popular, so in any case you will get to the point.

The king is waiting for guests. Doors open

To create the right mood and feel of the royal chambers, you need to make the guests wait a bit (just a few minutes). At this time, frightened lackeys can run out of the doors with the exclamation “The Tsar is not in a good mood today. Oh! What to do?!". Let the guests get a little worried and wonder what to expect from the next evening?

But after a couple of minutes, the doors solemnly open and the butler gestures for those waiting to enter the hall. To soft classical music, the guests disperse to their places.

Where does time travel take place?

In our opinion, this style dictates its requirements for the premises. So a heated discussion arose in the editorial office as to whether it could be arranged in the office. As a result of long disputes, everyone agreed that pompous suits, dresses, gourmet dishes and classical music are clearly not enough to create the appropriate atmosphere in the office space.

The same can be said about the restaurant / banquet hall, which are decorated in a completely different style than the classics. Agree, it will be very strange to see guests in evening dresses with corsets, gentlemen in camisole in, say, an oriental-themed banquet hall or in high-tech style.

Nothing better than the large and medium-sized festive halls that we inherited from the tsarist era cannot be imagined here. You may spend a little more on renting such a room, but solve several questions at once:

  1. recreate the atmosphere of the tsarist era by 100%;
  2. completely solve the issue with the design and you no longer have to spend money on some private decor elements;
  3. freely arrange the tables based on your tasks (after all, such rooms are always quite roomy and spacious).
  4. the large space of the hall will allow you not only to dance freely, but also to arrange an interesting show program.

In St. Petersburg and Moscow, finding rooms in a classic style will not be a problem, while in other cities finding an appropriate hall can be a serious task.

Classic halls in St. Petersburg

Time travel begins. Room design rules

If, for some reason, you decide to hold an event in the office and you need to recreate the atmosphere of antiquity, do the following:

In addition to the above, use flowers, which are always a great decoration for any event, including a corporate party in the royal style. Since the main theme is Tsarist Russia, nesting dolls of different sizes, plates decorated with Khokhloma can become decorations.

And finally, an excellent solution would be to prepare small gift souvenirs for the guests of the event as a keepsake, these can be the same nesting dolls.

What to treat at the royal corporate party?

Who remembers the good old film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession"? Of course everything! From there, you can safely take the ideas of dishes for a corporate party. These are pike heads with garlic, and rabbit kidneys twisted (or peppered), and it’s not a sin to order a whole pig in a restaurant. And what is the real Guryev porridge worth?! Pies, cereals, bread made according to the oldest recipes. This is not a herring with potatoes, which, by the way, was not at all our traditional dish.

Was not our drink and vodka. We had honey (with a strength of up to 16 degrees) and compotes. During the reign of Peter I, expensive and strong alcoholic drinks. However, since only once you arrange a royal corporate party, you need to know that although alcohol was on rich tables in the 13th century, it was accompanied by so many snacks that it was not possible to get drunk even with a very strong desire.

As for dessert, you can depart from the old Russian customs and order a huge cake in the form of a crown, or power with a scepter.

Entertaining part of the royal corporate party

The guests will not have to sit idle for a long time, because soon either the cheerful Petrushka, or the mysterious Ivan Tsarevich, or Danila Guslyar will appear, who has prepared an interesting leisure program for those present. There should be jokes, and songs, and dances, and games, preferably everything traditional, primordially Russian, well known and loved by everyone.

The simple but very fun game "Dancing Snake" is always popular. Its essence lies in the fact that under the energetic play of the accordion player, one person is the leader. He, dancing, must lead someone else from the table into a circle, and he, in turn, pulls someone else after him. As a result, no one remains at the table, everyone is included in the mass action, and whether they like it or not, they obey the creative imagination of the host, who is already preparing a new competition for them.

The next stage may be the “Water Carriers” relay race, which consists in the fact that players from two teams must transfer water from one cup to another in a spoon at speed.
At the end, you can hold an intellectual quiz.

From show programs for corporate parties in the royal format, the following are suitable:

  • fire show
  • illusionist show
  • show of stilt walkers, mimes

What to listen and see?

An obligatory element of your corporate party should be classical background music and nothing else! For dances, as an exception, you can use (at the special request of the audience) modern dance compositions, but the musical red line of the evening should still be the classics.

  1. A DJ who understands the classics and will be able to offer you something more or less modernized that will not be very out of harmony with today,
  2. live music from a group of instrumentalists.

As one of the modern entertainment elements of a corporate party, film screenings are sometimes arranged. If such an entertainment option fits well (in your opinion) into the event, we recommend watching the following historical films: Peter I, Ivan the Terrible, Russian Ark, At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds, and so on.

Corporate evening in the royal style is the most colorful, spectacular type of corporate party that arouses interest in the history of our country, opens colleagues from a new, previously unfamiliar side, captivates and fascinates. Such theatrical performances always have the most positive effect on the relationship of employees, on mutual understanding and on the further working mood, because before you get down to business with enthusiasm, you need to have a good rest, which we sincerely wish you!

A short plan for preparing for a corporate party in the royal style

If in your life you have always lacked theatricality, pomposity, sophistication, and blue blood flows in your veins, we suggest you move from words to actions. Answer your first question important question: we organize it ourselves or order it on a turnkey basis.

If you decide to order a turnkey corporate event, the issue of choosing a quality contractor is very acute, use our services to greatly simplify your task.

If you decide to test your abilities, here is our short thesis plan that will help you keep your finger on the pulse and not forget anything while preparing. Copy, print it in Word and boldly go towards retro entertainment.

  1. Determine who will be responsible for preparing the corporate party (one or more people, if several, determine who will be in charge) and distribute the tasks according to this list.
  2. Make a list of participants. Who can come? (You need to know how many people to count on).
  3. Determine the date and time of the corporate party.
  4. Determine the budget that you are willing to spend on a corporate event (the solution of all subsequent issues will largely depend on this amount)
  5. Distribute the roles between the participants (who plans to be in what image)
  6. Find suit rental studios and give each employee a memo with addresses and phone numbers (this way you can avoid excuses like “I didn’t know where to find a suit…”)
  7. Decide where you intend to hold a corporate event (restaurant, office, yacht, country complex, and so on). To solve this issue easier, leave a request on the site indicating that a corporate party is planned in the royal style, for sure, you will be answered by sites specializing in oriental cuisine, which means that design issues are off your shoulders.
  8. What dishes should be on your table? Who prefers what?
  9. Consider the issue of transport and delivery of guests home
  10. Decide who will be responsible for decorating the space. If you plan to do everything on your own, decide on the decoration elements, it is best that they be ready at least 1 week before the event. If you rely on the experience of professionals, leave a request on the site, you will be offered not only design options, but also demonstrate the existing decoration elements. You can choose the best performer for quality and price.
  11. Consider the entertainment part. What contests and competitions attract your employees and what do not? Use our contests section to quickly solve this problem.

May 27, 2016

Themed parties are becoming more and more popular, they have long been a good alternative to banal and boring feasts. If you are tired of hackneyed holiday ideas, we offer a rather unusual option for organizing a celebration - party in the style of Russian fairy tales. It will take you to a wonderful childhood, where, at the behest of a pike, the most extraordinary fantasies were fulfilled. The topic will be very close to everyone, because we all grew up on these fairy tales. Everyone in childhood associated themselves with some fairy-tale character, imagined their castle or dreamed of possessing supernatural powers.

Going into the world of magic and adventure, let's take a closer look at organizational issues and scenarios.

1. Venue

It all depends on the preferences of your company, the available budget and the time of year.

If you plan to use a lot of decorations, then it is better to spend the holiday indoors. Accordingly, it is winter or summer in this case, it does not matter. For a party, the banquet hall of a restaurant, cafe, bar, night club or country cottage. If there are few invitees, you can arrange a party in the apartment.

If outdoors, then look for a clearing in the forest, by the river, or gather in a park area. You can prepare a fabulous transportation for your guests - in a horse carriage or cart.

2. Invitations

Original invitations will set a positive wave for all guests long before the party starts. Therefore, be sure to pay special attention to this moment.

There are several options for designing invitations:

Indicate the date, time and place of the celebration in the invitation. Do not forget to focus on the mandatory presence of a themed costume.

We offer a ready-made invitation text:

« We are here goldfish caught. We will stuff it like the last pike! So roll your peas faster (for girls, start a broom). If you arrive at four minutes to midnight on such and such a date, you will have time to make a wish! If not, Ilya will make a wish for you “for the first time I got up in 33 years” Muromets!»

Greet guests with the legendary phrase: “Taste the heroic silushka!”, then imprison them very tight hugs!

3. Interior decoration

The main task of decorating is to create an atmosphere that characterizes Russian fairy tales as much as possible. If you do not plan to stick to the theme of one particular work, we offer the option of zoning the room.

Conditionally divide the festive hall into several parts, where you place the attributes corresponding to the given styles, then all the guests from different fairy tales will be on topic.

Let us dwell more specifically on props in the styles of different fairy tales.

  • Far Far Away kingdom: wooden lampshades, benches covered with expensive carpets, a chest of gold, a samovar, the royal throne.
  • Mystic forest: tree branches, large flowerpots, a hut on chicken legs, a mortar, a high broom, figures and outlines of ghostly castles.
  • Village hut: Russian stove, poker, harmonica, balalaika, bast shoes made of wicker, wicker baskets, onion bundles.

Do not spare money for the production of thematic banners. Do not use images of characters from Russian fairy tales for posters, they will be enough at the party anyway. It is better to print drawings of a fairy-tale palace, a hut on chicken legs, a Russian stove, an oak with a golden chain, a tower or a Russian landscape. Let the banners become an addition to the scenery, and they will make very effective photos against their background.

Use in the stylization of the room and the unifying elements of Russian decor, for example, garlands of flowers and herbs, traditional Pavlovo-Posad shawls. Use small lanterns to create a magical atmosphere.

Place all the decorations along the walls, as there should be enough space for games and other entertainment.

4. Suits

What an abundance of characters in Russian fairy tales! Reincarnate as your favorite and closest in spirit hero, then you will feel "at ease". Try to maximize your creative potential in the preparation of the costume. Think over everything to the smallest detail, from makeup to shoes, so that the image is easily recognizable. If you don’t feel like making your own costume, rent or use the services of a tailor. Guests who come in pairs will look very harmonious if they are from the same fairy tale.

Characters of Russian folk tales:

  • Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich;
  • Snegurochka, Marya Morevna, Vasilisa the Beautiful;
  • Lisa Patrikeevna, Mishka Clubfoot, Gray Wolf;
  • Baba Yaga, Bolotnitsa, Cat Bayun, Koschei the Immortal, Serpent Gorynych;
  • Firebird, Frog Princess.

Make sure that there are no repeating heroes at the fabulous party, because the choice is quite large. Let each guest inform you in advance of the chosen image, and you tell me if there is already such a character in your common fairy tale.

The exception is two from the casket of identical faces. Very colorful characters. If there are two funny scumbags for this role, the holiday will only win!

You can see some more interesting images for a fairy tale party.

5. Party menu or a feast for the whole world!

Whatever fairy-tale heroes attended a party, treats should be on highest level. Remember the self-assembly tablecloth? Just imagine a rich royal table, bursting with an abundance of all kinds of delicacies!

It doesn't matter if you prefer a trivial feast or choose the option buffet, there should be plenty of food. Cover the table with a white or red embroidered tablecloth, decorate it with fresh flowers, wild herbs, delicate tree branches. Roll the napkins into a roll, decorate with a flower and tie with a ribbon. Use painted wooden or earthenware to serve treats. Present bakery products and fruits in wicker baskets. Pour drinks into clay jugs.

The menu can be made up of traditional Russian dishes, so as not to go far from the theme of the holiday.

The main royal dishes can be baked suckling pig, goose, pike, game, potatoes, mushrooms, red caviar and all kinds of pickles.

For dessert, you can not do without pancakes with different fillings, yeast dough pies, gingerbread, bagels, jam and honey.

From drinks to the theme of the party, tea from a samovar, kvass, fruit drink, mead and vodka are suitable.

6. Entertainment program: games and competitions

Make sure that the budget of the party allows you to hire a professional host or organizer of the celebration. Don't forget about the photographer!

"Who sat on my chair"

This is a well-known fun game, without which no holiday can do for sure. Everyone who wants to participate. Chairs are arranged in a circle or randomly around the hall, they should be one less than the number of players. The music turns on, everyone dances, but as soon as the music stops, you need to sit down. Those who did not have time to land on a chair are eliminated from the game, taking this piece of furniture with them. The game continues until one of the most dexterous remains. He becomes the winner.

"Guess who"

Anyone who wants to can participate. The host chooses one of those who wish, makes him a fairy-tale character or the name of a fairy tale. It is necessary to show the hidden, without uttering a sound. Which of the guests will guess - shows the next task. This game does not provide for winners.

“It flowed down the mustache, but it didn’t get into the mouth”

Both girls and boys can take part. An equal number of containers with alcohol are placed in front of the players. Use a glass, cup, glass, bottle or even a plate. Just don't drink too much! The task of the competitors is to empty all the dishes as quickly as possible without the help of hands. The winner is the one who completes the task faster. If several people drank everything at the same time, determine the winner by estimating the amount spilled.


Divide the participants (it is better to choose guys) into two equal teams. Arrange a traditional tug of war, in the middle of which tie a fake turnip. Instead of a turnip, incentive prizes can be tied to a rope. The team that "pulls the turnip" wins.

"Free the princess"

Couples of the opposite sex take part in this competition, their number can be any. The guys close their eyes with dark scarves. The host ties the girls an equal number of ribbons on different parts of the body, but do not knit strong knots. You can tie ribbons to your wrist, waist, hip, neck or ankle. Guys need to blindly find all the ribbons and untie them with their mouths. The pair that completes the task the fastest wins.

"Baba Yaga's broom"

A fun game for the whole company. The host gives any of the guests a high broom. To the music and dancing, the guests pass this inventory to each other, without any sequence or queue. The music suddenly stops, and the person holding the broom must perform a dance or, for example, fulfill the desire of the one who gave him Baba Yaga's transport. Then the transfer of the broom continues again. Award prizes to everyone who happened to complete the task.

In between active competitions and games, hold quizzes on the knowledge of Russian fairy tales and storytellers.

"From what fairy tale?"

The host calls the characters of Russian fairy tales, and the guests guess the names of literary works. Whoever correctly names the fairy tale first, the answer is counted. Calculate which of the participants gave the most correct answers, he will become the winner. Character selection:

  • Yalo, Abazh, Yagupop ("Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors")
  • Ellie, Toto, the Tin Woodman (The Wizard of Oz)
  • Volka Kostylkov ("Old Man Hottabych")
  • Gunka, Donut, Pilyulkin ("Dunno and his friends")
  • Carpenter Giuseppe ("The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio")
  • Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Danila the Master, Katenka ("Stone Flower")
  • Queen of Shamakhan, King Dadon ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")
  • Dr. Gaspard Arnery, Tutti's heir, Suok ("Three Fat Men")
  • Mikhailo Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka ("Three Bears")
  • Grandmother-bee, butterfly-beauty, small mosquito ("Tsokotuha Fly")
  • "The Scarlet Flower" (S. T. Aksakov)
  • "Humpbacked Horse" (P. P. Ershov)
  • "The Stolen Sun" (K. I. Chukovsky)
  • "Porridge from an ax" (folk tale)
  • "Puss in Boots" (V. A. Zhukovsky)
  • “The Tale of the Priest and his worker Balda” (A. S. Pushkin)
  • "Malachite Box" (P. P. Bazhov)
  • "The Adventures of Dunno" (N. N. Nosov)
  • "Nikita Kozhemyaka" (folk tale)

We propose to include in the entertainment program some enchanting show. Invite a dance show-ballet (fairy-tale style) to the party or order a fire show. Vivid impressions are guaranteed!

Despite the abundance of Russian choices fairy tale characters and such a rich supply of the works themselves, it is possible that the party will be the heroes of one fairy tale. So you can determine the most popular fairy tale among the guests. Make a nomination "Hero of a favorite fairy tale."

Arrange a competition for the most interesting outfits among men and women. Hold a secret ballot: let all the invitees, having examined each other well, write the names of the best on a piece of paper.

Winner's reward ceremony all competitions and competitions in the best fairy-tale traditions. These can be symbolic postcards or calendars with characters from fairy tales, painted boxes in the old Russian style, nesting dolls or books with fairy tales.

7. Musical accompaniment

The use of music from filmed fairy tales is suitable. For example, "Pinocchio", "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Stone Flower". Use this music as background music when meeting guests, festive feasts and during competitions. You can also greet contest winners with songs about their theme character. For the dance part of the party, there will be more acceptable disco music, or songs from Russian cartoons in a DJ arrangement.

Soon the fairy tale affects, but not soon the party is organized! So start preparing early!

Announcements related to the request

I invite you to the world of FAIRY TALE!



Prizes for contest participants

Congratulations in verse

Maid of honor:

Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to our "Far Away Kingdom". Many fairy tales have been written about our kingdom and many films have been made about it. Well-known characters live in our state. Such as Puss in Boots, Cinderella, Princess - Nesmeyana, Skomorokh and many others. Do you know fairy-tale characters? Say their names! And I will answer you - they live with us, or in a neighboring State.

(Children call the names of fairy-tale characters)

Maid of honor:

Do you know who governs our state?

I must inform you that the Queen (name of the Host) governs our state.

And I am a maid of honor (name), a friend of the Queen. Any minute now, my mistress should drive up. Do you know how to properly greet the queen? (Shows a curtsey and they all try to perform it together).

I know that each of you sometimes dreams of finding yourself in a fairy Kingdom. Today you will have such an opportunity. Hush, hush: I seem to hear the light footsteps of my Queen.

(The Queen enters and everyone salutes her with a curtsey.)


I ask you to sit down, my faithful subjects. The maid of honor (name), be so kind as to acquaint me with the latest news that has occurred in my state!

The maid of honor (unfolds the scroll and announces the news):

Political news:

Viscount Dantes has sent for Your Majesty's signature a peace agreement between our states.

Recreational activities:

Count Walenski invites you to attend a ball to be held in his castle.

Household news:

1000 white roses and 2000 red roses were cut in our garden.

And the news of the day: today, (date), (child's name) turns (age)!


Who is this lovely child? Come to me, Young lady. This message needs special attention!

(The child comes to the center of the room.).

I knew it was you! On this spring day, you are more beautiful than ever, Your outfit is simply magnificent. And you yourself glow with happiness. I hope your inner world

Just as beautiful as the outside!

Dear guests, will you tell me about the birthday girl (ke, tse)? Tell me about her virtues.

(children tell her worthy characteristics).

Maid of honor:

I want to remind you, my queen, that those girls (boys) who turn (age)

Years, then they are crowned as Princesses (princes).

Queen (getting up from the throne):

I command! Arrange a ball in honor of the coronation of the future princess (prince), (name of the birthday man).

(Fanfare sounds.)

Maid of honor:

Guys, you are going to have a great holiday! Therefore, you need to look royal. I see you are all smart and beautiful here. But in order to show that you are invited to the ball, you need to have a badge of distinction. Approach the queen and put on festive ribbons.

(Music plays loudly, all the children come up to the Queen. She and the birthday girl help to put on the ribbons, at the end they all walk in a circle together, led by the maid of honor. And the Queen and the birthday girl are watching the Parade from the side).

Queen (asks the birthday girl (ka)):

What do you think, (name), are the guests ready for the Ball?

(Birthday (ca) answer).

Maid of honor:

Well, since our guests are ready, let's conduct a survey.

1. The game "Spies"

The children sit in a circle. The facilitator asks a question to one of the players. His task is to remain silent. And the neighbor on the right must answer the question of the presenter.

(Everyone plays, including the queen and the birthday girl).

Are you going to the ball?

And what will you ride?

What will you be wearing?

What is your hairstyle?

Do you have a handbag?

Are you wearing a hat?

Why are you going to the ball?

Will your friends be there?

What shoes do you have?

What kind of jewelry do you have?

What is your mood?

Who are you going to the ball with?

Will you dance?

(music plays)

Maid of honor:

I see you are all ready to go to the ball.


My castle can be reached very quickly with Magic Steps.

2. The game "Giant steps"

Children line up in one line. Opposite the first player is the birthday girl (k), at any distance according to her (his) desire. The player must name the number of steps to the birthday girl (ka), and then complete them. The winner is the one who called the correct number of steps.

Maid of honor:

My queen, let me show you these steps.

Name of steps:

Giant stride (maximum stride width)

Lilliputian step (minimum step width, i.e. heel to toe)

Goose step (squatting step)

Twisted step (turn around yourself and take a step at the same time, you can jump)

Cancer step (back step).

(After the steps of the last player, Fan Lights sound. The Queen gives consolation prizes to those who won).

Maid of honor:

Well done guys, everyone did their best. Therefore, you are already in the Castle itself. And you deserve to hear the Queen's announcement.


Attention! The ball dedicated to the coronation of (child's name) is declared open!

(Everyone applauds. The Queen addresses the birthday girl (ku)).


Are you, dear (oh), ready to hear wishes from your guests?

(Lights off, candle lit.)

3. The game "Candle of desires"

Children become in a circle. The host holds a lit candle in her hands. She is the first to wish the birthday girl. The candle is passed around. Everyone who holds a candle says congratulations or wishes to the hero of the occasion. The last participant passes the candle to the birthday girl (ku). The birthday girl (k) herself (a) makes a wish (either out loud or to herself) and blows out the candle.

(The lights turn on, music plays loudly, everyone around applauds).


And what is a real ball without dancing? I, the queen, love to dance the waltz, mazurka, minuet, polka. What kind of dance do you know how to dance?

(The maid of honor suggests: rock and roll, twist, lambada, "Dance of the ducklings", letka-enka.)

4. The game "Chairs" (adjusted) (Conducts the maid of honor)

Chairs are placed in the center of the room. The players perform the given movements to the music, which the leader demonstrates. When the music suddenly stops, the player who does not have enough chair sits on the lap of another. One chair is removed. The game continues until all the children are sitting on each other's laps. At the end of the game, everyone applauds each other.

Purpose of the game: Be sure to sit down.


Now you know not only modern dances, but also those, but also those that are customary to dance in our kingdom.

Guys, we have one tradition. She appeared after our ball

Cinderella visited. And leaving the ball, she accidentally lost her shoe. Does anyone of you know how it was?

(Children talk).


After this opportunity, a game is played in our kingdom. It's called "Give Your Shoe Back."

5. Fanta game

Fans are folded into a box. Children take off one shoe, put it in one in one row.

The volunteer turns his back on everyone. The facilitator points to one of the shoes and asks the volunteer: “What should the owner of this shoe do?” The volunteer pulls out one forfeit and says what the owner of this shoe needs to do.

1. Tell a poem

2. Walk the penguin around the birthday girl 3 times

3. Mumble as many times as the birthday girl is old

4. Draw a cat

5. Make a swallow and jump 3 times

6. Sing a song

7. Guess the riddle: Sparkles, flashes

Shoots fire arrows (Lightning)

8. Compliment the birthday girl

9. Draw your favorite animal

10. Jump around the birthday girl on one leg.

11. Dance together with the birthday girl

12. Find the hand of the birthday girl with her eyes closed

13. Sit down 9 times, after each squat say “coo-coo”

14. Congratulate the parents of the birthday girl: kiss mom on the cheek, shake hands with dad

15. Dance with the Queen

16. Tell a joke.

(Volunteer - birthday girl, leading queen, maid of honor participates in forfeits)

Maid of Honor: (addressing the Queen)

And can we move on to the most important thing? ..


I agree with you, my maid of honor.

(Fanfare sounds, coronation begins)

Maid of honor:

Attention!!! The coronation begins!


By the power given to me, I declare the coronation of the future Princess (name) open!

(Music and applause sound. A “throne” is placed in the center of the hall. The Queen and the maid of honor stand on both sides of the birthday girl, majestically escort her around the entire perimeter of the hall and seat her on the throne. The maid of honor takes out a diadem on a pillow and stands next to the queen.


I am queen far away kingdom, I crown you (name of the birthday boy) as a princess. Repeat after me the solemn oath.

Oath: (After each sentence, the birthday girl replies: “I promise”)

1. Look great at any time of the year.

2. Be in good mood In any weather.

3. Study for "4" and "5".

4. Respect the elders, do not offend the younger ones.

5. Do not leave friends in trouble.

6. Love parents, take care of them.

7. Have fun today.

(Guests surround the throne and raise the birthday girl 9 times with shouts of “Happy Birthday!”).

Attention! Attention! Important message! Another event: parcels arrival. From the Far East, from the city of Vladivostok! For (name) a package arrived from ... (name).

Maid of honor:

(Takes the parcel from the messenger and congratulates the birthday man)

And we all join in the congratulations. Dear guests, you can also congratulate our Princess.

Guests give gifts.

Queen (To the Princess):

Where there is a pie, there is a feast,

And where there is feast, there is peace.

And I think, Princess (name), you should thank your guests and invite them to the Royal Feast!

Happy holiday!

The degree of difficulty of training



candles, garlands, velvet, masks, flower arrangements


white and dark red roses, purple tulips, green and white bulldenezh


Bach, Corelli, Scarlatti, Vivaldi, Fuchs, Purcell

Purple, Green, Gold, Silver, Black, Red, White, Wine Red, Purple


Beef tenderloin medallions, seafood salad, rosemary chicken, French bread, pastries, cookies, cake, fruit, champagne

Thematic entertainment

Dance, auction, walk, theater game, dance cards, voting for the best costume, photo session

The idea of ​​a theme party ball - masquerade

Idea masquerade ball made the heart beat faster and blood flowed in the veins since the 16th century. Some smart (or too in love) Frenchman came up with the idea to come to the royal ball in a mask. A little later, the mask became a symbol of the equality of rich and poor, smart and stupid, men and women. Only motley birds took part in it without gender, age, even, sometimes, voices. It was the perfect environment for treacherous intrigue, gossip, and, of course, forbidden love. And yet - the man in the mask could afford to be different. The mask helped some to defeat the complexes, while others, on the contrary, allowed them to carefully hide their depraved essence. The true "I" remained somewhere there, in the light of half a day. In the twilight of the masquerade ballroom was born new person who wrote his own, mysterious history. So what will be the mysterious story of your holiday? Let's start planning the party!


1. Choosing a Masquerade Theme

The choice of topic depends on several factors. First of all, your general vision of the holiday and preferences. Here are some tried and tested suggestions:

Mardi Gras

(thematic for admirers of bright colors and colors, feathers, wild fun and dancing)

Phantom of the Opera

(a more discreet celebration in the spirit of the Victorian majestic era, with classical music and drama appropriate to the theme)

Aristocratic ball of the 18th century

(a luxurious event, the main focus of which is the pomp of outfits, a lot of precious jewelry, gourmet food)

Old Hollywood

(the world of glamor of a secular party, whose representatives coquettishly cover their eyes with an exquisite mask)

In addition, the choice of theme can be influenced by the venue of the holiday (for a Victorian ball, you need to rent a large dance hall, and for old Hollywood, a modest living room in your house is enough). And, of course, the budget. If, for example, "Hollywood" and "The Phantom of the Opera" are low-budget events, then "Mardi Gras" and "Aristocratic Ball" will have to fork out thoroughly.

2. Invitations to the ball - masquerade

After we have decided on the topic, we begin to invite guests. The dominant symbol for any holiday theme in the spirit is, of course,.

For the front side of the tablet of such a stylish invitation card, the idea of ​​​​decorating Venetian boudoirs was used. The walls are painted with gold, flowers shimmering in the light of candelabra, expensive, refined fabrics…

This option is simpler and more economical. We cut out the base mask from thick paper (cardboard), and decorate it using improvised means. Instead of (or together with) serpentine, you can use glue-based aerosol silver glitter or metallic large "peas" of confetti.
We formulate the text of the invitation arbitrarily. It is important to include the date, time, holiday theme, location, dress code, and timing of the RSVP information.

3. Outfits for a ball - masquerade

There is nothing worse than themed holiday with guests who ignored the line about the dress code. Masquerade without costumes is initially doomed to failure. Three simple rules will help to avoid awkwardness, embarrassment and spoiled mood:

I. Invitation cards must be handed out to all guests at least two weeks before the event;

II. Raise the question of the dress code clearly, loudly and categorically.

Try to explain to your guests that thanks to their fabulous costumes, the theme of the party will “come to life”, that during the Renaissance masquerades were held only for the elite, the elite of society, and at the end - announce a competition for the best carnival costume (with a subsequent reward for the winner).

III. Prepare spare masks for those guests who suffer from “hearing defects”, or who are too pragmatic in nature to feel the whole deep philosophy of the future holiday.

A spare, along with a strict indication: men in tailcoats, women in evening dresses - is quite capable of saving a masquerade ball, which may be on the verge of failure.

And if the guests add a little zest to the outfit - shoes in the style of the bright birds of Rio - it will turn out wonderful fancy toilet.

suit for masquerade ball it can be either a carefully thought-out pompous outfit or some kind of humorous image with erotic overtones.

Men also, depending on the theme of the holiday, can come both in a strict tailcoat with a bow tie, and in the costume of a cheeky pirate in a cocked hat, or Zorro.

4. Masks for a party ball - masquerade

An excellent solution for an expensive ball in the spirit of the Middle Ages would be this one based on gypsum.

You can make it at home, using a little improvised means and artistic talent. For one masks you will need: 20 tapes of medical plaster on a gauze basis (width 2.5 cm and length 4 cm), fat cream, water. Lubricate your face with cream (to avoid irritation and an allergic reaction), apply plaster strips soaked in water. Let the plaster dry on your face. Using a sharp knife, give the finished print the desired shape. And then - give free rein to creativity and imagination.

An easier option is goggle mask from fabric. Guipure, pearls, rhinestones, leather - these are just a small part of the tools that can make a woman's look from under the mask mysterious, mysterious, perfect.

And the most elementary masks- guipure eye patch Mystery, expression, charisma - these are just a few words from the galaxy of those that you will hear thanks to the mask addressed to you at the party.

5. Decor for a ball - masquerade

Ideal place for masquerade ball will become a dance hall of the Renaissance. Tapestries, paintings, candelabra with candles, bulky carved furniture... Unfortunately, there are no more than a dozen of them left in the world, and even those are museums. What to do? Return your (or rented) house several centuries back in time!

Drapery . Buy a few pieces of velvet to drape the walls of the "ballroom". Burgundy, dark green and dark blue fabrics are perfect.

Candles . Masquerade ball requires the creation of a romantic, mysterious atmosphere. Turn off the central bright lighting for the evening, use side lights and beautifully decorated candles.

masks . Masquerade masks(with feathers, rhinestones, ribbons) will be a great decoration for walls, tables, front doors of your home.

Glasses. For wine, champagne, other drinks, it is also worth decorating in the spirit of the holiday.

Menu. If you are planning a self-service buffet, then you will not need this attribute. And if your masquerade ball according to the scenario, it should slowly turn into a dinner party - prepare such a menu for each guest. The impression of your holiday will increase several times.

Fairy lights. Unusual pendants made of flowers or butterflies will add charm, unusualness, mystery to your evening.

Other for masquerade . Silver, gold, purple, green Balloons, serpentine and electric garlands can also be used as decor for a masquerade ball (especially if the theme of the holiday is Mardi Gras). For a bright holiday, live greenery as a decor, and multi-colored ribbons are suitable.

6. Music for an adult party ball - masquerade

Members masquerade ball Renaissance listened to the elite music of that time: Bach, Corelli, Scarlatti, Vivaldi, Fuchs, Purcell. Records and CDs with classical music can be found on sale. Eternal melodies will set the tone for your evening, encourage guests to get into character, chat on timeless topics and just have a good time.


1. Entertainment at the masquerade

Of course, the main activity of masquerade ball are dancing. Classical (if you are at the French or Italian court), incendiary Latin (if you are at a bright carnival). It would be nice if one of the guests made an unusual gift for the birthday boy - he invited a ballroom dancing instructor for a festive master class.

You can also play around with the idea of ​​dance cards at your party. Remember, at the court of Louis 14, the lady danced the next dance with the gentleman whose name was on her card. And you can also experiment with the dance card, and enter there not the real names of your guests, but the names of the characters in which they reincarnated.

Game "Theater"

Intellectual, creative and at the same time - a fun activity. Guests are divided into two teams. One team writes a short script, the other follows the instructions of the "director". The basis of the script can be a famous movie (for which you jointly make a parody), a theatrical performance, or a children's fairy tale.

A mandatory competition to be held among your guests if they came to the party in masquerade costumes and carefully worked on their image. Arrange a secret vote (by installing a note box with votes in the hallway), or - explicit (by counting the loudest applause for one or another hero of the evening). And give the winner a prize.

Posted by the author - - April 8, 2017

Every girl always dreams of feeling like a real princess. And even more so on your most important holiday - your birthday. So why not make your child's dream come true? Arranging a themed birthday party in the style of a princess will be a great idea, because not only children, but also adults will like it. Bright decorations, delicious food and fun entertainment will help create a fabulous mood.

And now in detail and point by point.

1. invitations

Invitations set the tone for the entire celebration. To begin with, let's decide what primary colors will be present at the holiday and will be a bright accent of the entire decor, including invitations to the holiday. There are no restrictions here - it all depends on personal preferences. But still, princesses are always associated with tenderness. Therefore, you should opt for light colors - pale pink, blue, turquoise, lilac. Depending on what color you choose as the main one, make invitations.

If there is no time or opportunity to hand invitations personally into the hands of guests, then this can be done by e-mail. On the Internet, you can find many ready-made templates in which you will need to enter only the name of a person. You can also create your own invitations in Photoshop.

But still, at the time of the princesses there was no Internet, and invitations to the celebrations were handed out personally. Moreover, personal attention will be pleasant to guests.

Download invitation templates and other useful sketches.

A good enough choice can be invitations in the form of scrolls with a wax seal or tied with a beautiful ribbon (in the color of the whole holiday). You can buy paper for these invitations at any craft or scrapbooking store. And you can do it yourself, because you don’t need to make much effort.

How to make invitations in the form of old scrolls yourself?

Brew strong tea or instant coffee (at the rate of 1 tsp per glass of water) in a wide container. Take a sheet of A4 paper and lower it to the input for a few seconds. Then dry on the battery or simply spread out on a flat surface. Done - you have already received the effect of antiquity. Then you can write the text by hand or print it on a printer. Just before printing, run the sheet through the printer without text. So it will be smoother.

You can also make beautiful openwork invitations. The lace itself is quite difficult to cut and takes a lot of time. But again, handmade and scrapbooking stores have special machines for this - cutting down. Making such lace will cost a penny and will take no more than 10 minutes.

You should also pay special attention to the text. It is best to arrange it in accordance with the fabulous style. For example, an invitation may contain such text.

Your Highness Princess Anna!
We invite you to attend a gala ball in honor of the birthday of Her Highness, Princess Victoria. Unforgettable entertainment and a magical feast await you.
The celebration will take place in the palace, at st. Fairytale, 12/24
The feast will start at 12:00.
We look forward to seeing you!

2. Venue and decoration

A princess style birthday venue must be truly magical. Medieval-style cafes or those with a light and delicate interior, as well as establishments near the water, are perfect.

But you can hold a celebration at home. After all, if you take care of the interior, then the apartment can be turned into a real palace.

If you decide to make a holiday in the style of a princess, then you need to carefully approach the decor of the room and try to turn it into a princess castle as much as possible.

You can find ready-made jewelry in craft stores or on the Internet. But it is much more interesting to make them yourself. Especially if you include a child in it. You can cut a lock out of fear boxes from equipment. Draw windows, turrets with a spire and cut them out. And then decorate everything beautifully.

Use balloons - the more, the better.

You can make paper pompoms or large numbers with the age of the birthday person.

You can also make paper garlands, such as hearts, and hang them around the room. Or use serpentine.

Lay out soft toys in free places.

But don't overdo it. Try to stick to one colors. Lots of detail is not always good. Especially if the room is not big.

Create a separate photo zone so that guests can take funny pictures for themselves. To do this, install a small wall. You can make it from old cardboard boxes. And decorate it to your liking. A good option is to order a banner or a self-adhesive oracal film in the printing industry. A castle, a carriage, a magical forest are perfect.

3. Dress code: costumes and looks

It is necessary to notify guests in advance that the party will be a costume party. They need to have time to think over and embody their image in accordance with the fairy-tale theme. Girls love to dress up! So the opportunity to become a princess will be good news for them. And the boys will be able to feel like real princes.

A good option would be a themed party in the style of Disney princesses, where the roles are pre-assigned. Famous fairy princesses: Cinderella, Jasmine, Ariel. If there is a guy at the birthday party, he can portray Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid cartoon.

Stock up on accessories for guests in case someone is "off topic". These can be homemade crowns or bright bracelets on your hand. For girls, you can make tulle skirts. The material is inexpensive, and the process is not at all laborious. Here's how to make your own tulle skirt.
The crown is easy to create using this sketch.

If you have time and desire, make a crown from different materials(felt, plastic bottle, foil, stretch lace) with your own hands.

Don't forget the magic wand. You can buy it, or you can make your own. Glue a fabric star onto a barbecue skewer (you can use felt, satin or other material in bright colors) and more glitter, ribbons and feathers!

4. Themed treats

It is necessary to take care of the decoration of the table. Light tablecloths will be harmoniously combined with bright napkins and dishes.

Treats should be light. This is important so that the children are full, but do not feel heaviness in the stomach and can have fun. Try to give preference to low-fat dishes with vegetables, light snacks and fruits.

Don't forget about appearance. Try to create intrigue. Princesses and princes are exquisite persons and serve them the appropriate menu. So, an ordinary vegetable salad can turn into a Fairy Lady salad, and a canape with salmon into an Overseas Dish for the Heirs of the Throne.

Of course, the sweet table occupies the main place in the banquet. It can be a big cake, in the form of a castle. But more and more often preference is given not to one cake, but to individual cakes - cupcakes.

A great option would be a candy bar. Usually a separate small table is placed. It is also decorated according to the fabulous birthday theme. And various sweet dishes are put up on it - cupcakes, cake pops, cookies, sweets, custards, French macaroons, fruits. Very often, a candy bar is decorated in one color - this applies to both the tablecloth and decor, and the treats themselves.

5. The scenario of a children's holiday in the style of a princess

At a thematic birthday party, cheerful and unobtrusive melodies should be preferred. Soundtracks for Disney cartoons and cartoons about princesses are perfect. After all, children probably know them, they will be happy to dance and sing along.

Particular attention should be paid to entertainment. Do not stop at banal games. Think over contests based on the nature of the guests. Also, all fun should relate to the theme of the holiday.

It is best to complete the celebration with fireworks, even if inexpensive. After all, every fairy tale ends this way. And the children will be delighted, because it is fireworks that everyone associates with real magic.

We bring to your attention a universal holiday scenario in a fairy-tale style. You can remove, add or change something to your liking. The main thing is that everything should correspond to the general concept and not violate the harmony of the atmosphere.

The hosts of the celebration will be the parents of the birthday girl.


Queen - mother

The king is dad

Princess Anna from the cartoon "Frozen" (daughter).

Meeting with guests

Guests must be greeted with phrases in the style of a celebration.

For example:

"We've been visited by a royal family from the Southern Realm"

"Princess Victoria honored our celebration with her presence"

You can also turn on the sound of applause or fanfare on your mobile phone, tablet, or portable speaker. Such a bright greeting will be remembered by guests for a long time and will immediately set a favorable tone for the whole holiday.

Be sure to note the beauty of the outfits of the guests who came - they prepared diligently! And for those who came without a costume, distribute pre-prepared attributes and decorations.

When all the guests have gathered, start the program with a greeting.

King : Dear guests! We are glad to welcome you all to our castle!

Queen : Our today's celebration is dedicated to the birthday of our daughter, Princess Anna.

King : There are certain rules in our castle.

Queen : you can not be sad and bored.

King : but you can have fun from the heart!

King and Queen Together (to the sound of fanfare): Welcome! Our holiday begins!

King : I am the King of this beautiful castle, my name is Victor, and this is the guardian of our palace - Queen Anastasia, and our beloved daughter's name is Princess Anna.

Princess Anna : I am a real princess
I came out like a book.
All girls and all boys
They know for sure: in fairy tales about princesses
Lots of great wonders.

(The child was also given a verse to feel his involvement)

Queen : What is our name, you already know. Now let's get to know each other better.

All guests introduce themselves one by one. It is not necessary to give your real name if the guest imitates any particular hero. Each guest is greeted with applause.

Queen : and now I ask everyone to the table! A festive feast awaits you!

After the guests have eaten, you can arrange entertainment for the children. As prizes, you can use various sweets or small trinkets like hair ties and bracelets, soft toys and books.

Queen : So, I see you are ready to have fun! True, right? I can not hear! Come on, repeat it louder!

To begin with, we will arrange a quiz. We show you a photo of a princess, and you have to guess the name of a fairy tale or cartoon. And if you know the names of the heroes, you can name them!(photos can be shown on a computer, but it is better to use printed drawings - the King shows a photo). The one who guesses the most will get a prize for a real princess.

  1. Ariel from m / f "The Little Mermaid"
  2. Cinderella
  3. Belle from Beauty and the Beast
  4. Aurora from Sleeping Beauty
  5. Jasmine from Aladdin
  6. Snow White

Queen : Well, everyone knows these heroines! Can you guess the names of these princesses?

  1. Merida "Brave"
  2. Rapunzel "Rapunzel: Tangled"
  3. Pocahontas
  4. Tiana "The Princess and the Frog"
  5. Mulan

The person who guesses the most names wins a prize.

King A: Don't think to be upset if you didn't get the first prize. After all, today you will find many more contests, and everyone can become a winner!

Queen : Every princess should have her own prince. So let's find real couples!

Each participant is given 6 small cards, of which 3 will have the names of princesses, and another 3 will have the names of princes. Whoever makes all the pairs correctly first wins.

The names are:

Ariel + Eric

Belle + Adam

Jasmine + Aladdin

King : Now let's play game "Spoiled Messenger". In turn, we will whisper a word into the ear of another private trader, and the one who hears it incorrectly becomes the very last in line. If you didn't hear it, they won't repeat it to you. Pass the word you heard to another private trader.

The game "Broken phone" with words that relate to the theme of the princess party. For example, a castle, a candelabra, a ball, etc.

Queen : Now let's create our own story! I'm sure it will be interesting and funny.

Competition "Come up with a fairy tale". One leader is chosen (King or Queen), and all participants are divided into two teams. Each team sits in a circle. The host first calls two words that are not related in meaning to the first player of one team, and then two other words to the first player of the other team. A person must fit these two words into one sentence. For example, "hair" and "fork". (Princess Rapunzel had very long hair, which she sometimes combed with a fork instead of a comb). Then the host calls one other word, not related to the previous ones, to the next participant. For example, "handle". (And when there was no fork, Rapunzel had to use a pen). And so on in a circle to the last participant. The facilitator writes down sentences for each, and when the teams complete the competition, the facilitator connects two tales and reads them out. It usually turns out very funny. But it is better to prepare the words for the competition in advance.

King : All princesses love to sing. And you probably know the melodies from cartoons about princesses. Let's try to guess them!

Contest "Guess the melody" Take turns including famous songs from cartoons about princesses. You can also take Russian versions of songs - it will be easier to find out. The person who guesses the most songs wins a prize.

  1. Once Upon A Dream (Sleeping Beauty)
  2. Part of Your World (The Little Mermaid)
  3. Beauty and the Beast (Beauty and the Beast)
  4. A Whole New World (Aladdin)
  5. When Will My Life Begin (Rapunzel)
  6. Touch the Sky (Brave)
  7. Let it Go (Frozen)

Queen : What same you all good fellows! Real princesses!

King : And now let's congratulate the princess! After all, on this special day, she will be happy to hear good wishes to your address. You should only congratulate her like real princesses.

Hosts can help guests. For example, the little mermaid Ariel may always wish for a warm sea and a fair current.

Queen : I see that you are already a little tired and hungry. And future queens should always be full. So let's get back to the table. And then an unusual surprise will await you!


King : Our dear princesses. An exciting journey awaits you. You will have to complete a real quest. And if all the tests are completed successfully, there will be a prize waiting for you at the end!

6. Game-quest "Are you a real princess?"

Game scenario:

  • fairy letter
  • How to get to the ball
  • Reception at the court lady
  • Find a shoe
  • Are you good at dancing?
  • Princesses can cook
  • Rewarding

Required attributes:

  • Peas and beans (or two other cereals) (100 grams each) and 3 different bowls.
  • Shoes that will fit the birthday girl well, and a few more pairs of other shoes, sneakers, for example.
  • Dance music for princesses (court waltz, for example).
  • Strawberries, raspberries, any cream (for example, butter), chocolate chips, brewed tea.
  • Spoons, cups, plates, napkins.
  • Decorated invitations to the ball.
  • Diplomas for princesses are a beautiful document that confirms that all participants are real princesses. 39,40,41
  1. fairy letter

The Queen reads a letter written in advance on a scroll of paper (as in the invitation version).

My dear girls! I'm not sure if this letter will reach you, but if you're lucky, you'll read it. I want to tell a mysterious story about lost princesses.

A long time ago, when kings and queens ruled over these lands, and my great-grandmother was young, she had one amazing story. She went to a dance ball at the royal palace and met a handsome prince there. They fell in love, got married, and had five children. But when the eldest daughter was only 8 years old, a terrible war befell the kingdom. The children were taken away from their parents, and they failed to become princesses. They were all adopted and adopted kind people who lived in different parts of the country. If this story is true, then you are all real princesses. And to find out, you must complete several tasks.

Queen : First you need to get a pass to the ball. Remember the Cinderella story? She had to separate the peas from the lentils, and only by doing this, she was able to get to the ball. So let's all try to do it together!

Pour a small amount of peas and lentils into one bowl. Participants should separate these cereals into separate bowls as soon as possible.

King: So, with a bang, you coped with the first task with a bang. Your pass to the ball!

  1. Reception at the court lady

Queen : But before you get there, you must prove that you are worthy of it. The lady of the court wants to test your good manners.

Exercise. You can pre-record the questions on video or ask one of the adult guests to read the questions:

  • Even the stump will smile if we say ... (Good afternoon!)
  • Neighbor sneezed? It will not be difficult to wish him ... (Be healthy!)
  • Guests are supposed to behave nicely, so you need to say ... (Thank you!)
  • When they ask, they say for a reason ... (please!)
  • Suddenly accidentally hurt, the word will help ... (Sorry!)

King : you really have good manners. Well, now it's time for the ball!

  1. Find a shoe

Queen : but where are you going, Princess Anna, without shoes. Pick a pair for yourself. King, bring a box of shoes and help your daughter.

The king brings a box of different shoes, and starts the fitting with shoes that are not suitable for the ball: sneakers, boots, and at the end he takes out beautiful shoes.

Queen : so, it seems that now you are all ready.

  1. Are you good at dancing?

King : What about dancing? Princesses must be able to dance beautifully!

Queen : but it's true! Let's see how you dance.

Task: the music turns on and everyone dances.

  1. Princesses can cook

Queen : Oh, you dance wonderfully! But there is more. A true princess is obliged to please her chosen one with delicious dishes. Can you cook?

Task: prepare a small table. To complete the task, participants must:

- cover the table with a tablecloth;

- put the plates in which to put the cream and fruits, then decorate the dish with chocolate chips;

- put glasses and pour juice into them;

- lay out the napkins nicely.

When all tests are successfully completed, the competition is over.

  1. Rewarding

Queen : you really are real princesses! After all, all tests passed perfectly! Now you can go to the ball, where you will be awarded certificates.

The King gives each participant a princess certificate to the solemn music.

Queen : You worked hard today, so you deserve a sweet reward!

The cake is ceremoniously served. Then everyone eats and dances. A festive fireworks display will effectively complete the evening.