Ideas for open air events. Experienced tips: how to organize an unforgettable Open-air. Event at the country cottage

  • 14.04.2021

Open air organization

Necessary information for future organizers of open air.

Let's start Open-air is a kind of outdoor parties. Nowadays, these parties are gaining momentum and are becoming increasingly popular. After all, this is an accompanying outdoor recreation. leisure and of course dancing! But the main question arises how to make sure that your party goes flawlessly? How to organize such an event outside the city? What are the nuances in preparing the event? We will help you find the right answers to these and many other questions.

If this is your first experience of holding parties of this format, then it is not reasonable to think about a huge number of people. Open-air of 200-300 people for the first time is more than feasible

Where should you start?

open air concept. Determine for yourself the main goal - why open-air will be held and what will be its "chip", how you can attract people. After all, ordinary dances under the moon have long been practiced among young people and they are not particularly surprised by something like that. People are interested in all sorts of theme parties, which differ in format from similar events, you also need to decide on the musical format. because the choice, artists, venue, and the budget in the end will depend on this.

Party plan. The next step is to draw up a plan for the Open-air, if possible with a full consideration of the time of the event: the time for preparing the site, placing and setting up equipment, what time the artists will arrive, how long their program is, the time of the DJ's sets, etc. This will streamline the process of preparing for open air, but of course there may be situations in which you can slightly deviate from this plan.

Building a business model . Next, you should develop a business plan that reflects both your costs and further possible profit from the services that you are going to provide during the event. Next, we determine the price of tickets, the cost of your services and make a menu of drinks and food. Do not forget to also write down expenditure items: administration kickbacks, security salaries, purchase or rental of sound equipment, etc. The main thing is to do it as accurately and completely as possible.

Site selection

One of the most important things when organizing a party is - right choice venue of the event. Remember the main thing is to accommodate the planned number of guests, transport arrived, organize a place for the stage and, most importantly, the dance floor, separate several recreation areas. The best option is a place near the reservoirs. Venue selected? - Amazing! Now the most difficult step ... to coordinate the planned with the administration. Moreover, it is necessary to knock out the written permission of the mayor or municipality. On the basis of this decision, the doors of the police, fire service and doctors should open before you. Must, but not required There is an option - contacting security agencies, but this is already paid for by you.

Open air technical support

Probably the most important thing. Provide the event with decent sound and lighting equipment. You have two options: either rent the equipment, or buy it for permanent use if you are seriously fired up with the organization of "street" parties constantly. The first option is not bad because the complex technical part is performed by professionals, so you will not touch the equipment and will be busy only with organizational activities. The second option is beneficial for people who are engaged in open all the time.

Sound. In a good way, the “quantity” of sound for street parties is calculated by the number of people using a simple formula “20-30 W x 1 person.” After simple calculations, you can make a choice of equipment. If the party is held in the amount of about 100 people, then a few kilowatts should be enough. If this is a larger party, then both sound and equipment need an order of magnitude more powerful. Also, do not forget about the riders of the invited persons, it is worth discussing in advance what equipment they need. It is worth clarifying which models of turntables will be used by DJs, etc.

Light. It all depends, of course, only on your imagination. In general, all lighting equipment can be divided into several types: flood, scanning, full rotation. Do not forget about special effects: smoke machine, foam, etc.

Scene. Performing DJs and artists will benefit better on stage. Since the party is taking place outdoors, be sure to protect yourself from the rain. The sound system does not like dampness, so it is worth considering waterproof capes.

Nuances with nutrition

Keep in mind that if you plan to sell food prepared on the spot, you need a person who has a license for this activity. Everything is the same with the sale of alcohol - a license is required.

Brief checklist for organizing an open air event

Open air is an event organized in the open air. Over the years, this format has become increasingly popular, as it allows those present to truly relax and get a sea of ​​emotions. In addition, space not limited the area of ​​the premises, which means that additional opportunities open up for the organizers.

When should you choose the open air format?

Not all activities will fit into the open air concept, so it is always necessary to weigh everything "pros and cons" before organizing a similar format. Open air is used when it is necessary to create a relaxed, informal and friendly atmosphere. Recently it has been used for:

  • festivals;
  • insta picnics;
  • corporate events;
  • celebrations, etc.

I.e, scope of activities organized in the open air can be different - from small celebrations for a narrow circle of people, to concerts for several thousand guests.

Event Plan

The first thing to think about when developing an event plan is concept.

What will be so special about your open air that will make people buy tickets without thinking? Of course, if you need to organize a corporate party or a birthday where sales are out of the question, everything is much simpler. But if you ventured to a festival or a concert, you should think carefully! As an example of a well-chosen concept, one can cite "Courage Bazaar". Each time, the organizers offer not only to come to their flea market, but also to eat, dance and just have a good time. The chosen concept helps them in their further actions - developing the program, choosing entertainment, menus, etc.

  • create a budget;
  • choose a location;
  • determine the date and time of the event;
  • think over where the food courts, stages, toilets will be;
  • to invite artists, leading;
  • determine the cost of tickets and additional services;
  • be sure to find security and a medical station in case you need help;
  • etc.

Attention! Think of a plan "B" in case of rain.

If the event is small, find out if it will be possible reschedule the event into the room. In the case of a large festival or concert, make sure there are enough tents and staff to quickly protect equipment, food and products from water. Often, when the weather worsens, the organizers distribute raincoats to people. This is exactly what they do, for example, at the now popular festival Atlas Weekend.

Choice of location and technical support

We recommend paying special attention to the location! You need to think about the number of guests that will attend your event, and build on this when site selection. It must have sufficient space to accommodate all participants, as well as the installation of stages, photo zones, product sales points, etc. In addition, there should be parking for cars near the venue.

Well, perhaps the most important part - technical equipment. Providing sound, lighting equipment and special effects is a task that is difficult for a beginner to cope with. In this case, the best option would be, which will provide in rental equipment and monitor the quality of her work at the event. If outdoor activities are something you want to do all the time, you should consider buying all the necessary equipment and hiring a team of technical specialists.

Make sure you have enough lighting in the evening.

Stationary lights can be installed on the site - this will simplify the task of the organizer. If there are no lights, check availability of sockets. If they are not available, you will need to rent a generator to connect electricity.

Open air food

When organizing a corporate party or a birthday party in the open air, you can order catering and discuss the menu with the client, taking into account his preferences. At an open air festival or concert, you need to carefully choose companies and people who will sell food to visitors. They must be licensed to sell food or alcohol, and medical books. Otherwise, you may get in trouble with the police.

And, of course, a few words about protection. First of all she is needed! Especially if a large number of open air visitors are expected. Secondly x, it must be professional! Often, the owners of the location can recommend you a company that provides security for other events that were organized on the site earlier. It may be worth listening to positive recommendations, because this way you will be sure that the guards are working, and not relaxing with visitors.

In conclusion, let's say that open air is one of the most popular formats at the moment. The organization of such events requires maximum professionalism - you need to take into account specifics of work outdoors, a variety of unforeseen circumstances and much more. Therefore, we hope that our small checklist will help you avoid unnecessary trouble, and your event will be held at its best.

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As part of participation in the regional infrastructure project "Territory 2020", on the basis of the flagship program "Run, follow me Siberia" was created social project winter festival "Snowball", aimed at the development of active leisure of the population of the village of Kiyai. The festival is presented as a mass event divided into locations. The festival is thought out in such a way that each participant will be attracted to participate in locations.




open-air winter festival


Motto: "For health - move your body!"

Target: development of active leisure of the population of the village; identification and development of organizational skills of youth; encouraging the younger generation to go in for sports and creativity; providing opportunities for young people to gain experience in organizing mass events; to give students the opportunity to discover themselves and raise their self-esteem.

The Snowball open-air festival is presented as a mass event divided into locations and designed so that each participant finds something to do.

Preparatory work:

Think and design

Pick up music, games, dance elements

Prepare goods for the fair

Prepare leading locations

Prepare details

Rehearse everything.


music center, computer, speakers, extension cords,

flags 4 pcs., ribbons of four colors + min 250

marathon suits 4 pieces,

craft blanks.

Hello, hello, hello. Today is an unprecedented event in our Kiyai land. (the host dictates and bends his fingers and asks everyone present to repeat after him) For the first time we are holding such an event - a festival, open-air, in winter, with a share of Russian folk in modern processing. This is exactly how today should go.Look at each other, you are all young at heart, which means that you are all young, energetic and will rock today. Right? Can't hear... Right?

Attention! Kidding…

Attention attention! ( fanfare ) Winter outdoor festival "Snowball" is open! Hooray! ( fanfare) On stage, the choir sings the song "No time to be sad")

At the opening ceremony of our winter festival there are:

Head _____________________________________________________________ Deputies ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Head teacher____________________________________________________

Let's welcome the guests.

All of you today have an amazing opportunity to excel and light up in the press and on television ...

And now I will reveal to you the essence of our meeting. What is health? (responses from those present) And yet (or, correctly) health is movement. And today, in order not to freeze, you have to move everywhere and everywhere. (according to the directions on the plate, tell about the sites) Specially for you, platforms have been created where animators are waiting for you, guys in blue scarves ( pause ): 1. Games area - on it you will be taught old Russian games.

2. Dance area - on it you will be taught the elements of dance fitness to strengthen your body, both from the outside and from the inside.

3. On the art square, you can become creators and create a product with your own hands.

4. At the ski station, you can test your ability to stand on skis and stilts, and test your speed by completing a ski marathon.

5. At the fair, you can look for a souvenir for the new year, or a gift.

6. There is also a buffet where you can get a glass of tea by exchanging it for a ribbon, or just buy it.

At all sites, you will be given ribbons for active participation. At the end of an hour, we will gather with you at this place, count the tapes you have collected and find the most active, most alive, and most healthy. Or maybe it will be all of us. And we will end our festival with a friendly snowball and the capture of our fortresses.

In order for us to disperse more evenly around the city, a ribbon was tied at the entrance to each. The color of the ribbon duplicates the color of the flag. Follow the movement of the flanks, where your flag is, they are waiting for you there.

With that, I wish you all good luck! Forward friends!

Fanfare sounds. Animators wave flags, attracting people.

All flags converge on the fairground. After 5 minutes, they disperse into sections.

Red flag: P.igr - Art-P. – P. dance – Ski station.

Blue flag: Art-P. – P. dance – Ski station – P. game.

Animators also move around the venues.

Within an hour, the players move around the territory of the "city"

My friends, you are all already tired, let's have a little rest.

Let's see how healthy you are, count how many ribbons you have earned on our creative and sports grounds. Who has 5 ribbons? I can't hear you!.. You are cool! Who has more than five? Yes, you are really cool! As I said, we need to choose the most active, the most alive, the most healthy, but not everything is so simple. To obtain this title, you must complete a challenge. Who is ready to do this come to me. A long time ago, I found scrolls with strange tasks and ciphers, which I decided to use today.

I give the scrolls to you, and I ask everyone else to help our brave souls in this difficult test.

I also remind you that we have a fair, come and choose.

While the players are completing the quest, fervent music plays, the dance area is open.


My friend, I am very stingy and do not like to give away titles for free, even if they are earned by hard work.

Do not take it for impudence, but in order to receive the title of “Most Active, Most Alive, Most Healthy”, I ask you to take part in a small quest.

Your task is to solve all the riddles and complete all the tasks. As a result, get closer to the main goal - the title of "The most active, the most alive, the most healthy."

And so on, my dear friend...

1. To start the journey, decipher the word


Answer (Volodya, you need to find a person with that name)

2. I encrypted the first clue

C11 -C6 - B8

S15 - S10 - B27

C7 - C2 - B14

S27 - S5 - B8

C3 - C1 - B2

S12 - S2 - B24

S87 - S5 - B8

C86 - C1 - B2

S39 - S1 - B5

S42 - S14 - B3

C109 - C1 - B15

C3 - C8 - B3

You will find a clue in my favorite book, which I will never part with.

(Answer: fitness trainer) one of the organizers walks with a book under his arm "Russian folk painting on wood"

3. Having understood the meaning of the phrase, you will continue on your way ...

Ted Stole the Carved File and Cupcake

Answer (Turnik)

4. Go to Showroom. Find a merchant. Tell him "Lapushka" and give him a coin. He will give you an envelope.

5. Go to the crossroads of six roads. Count all the letters. The resulting number is divided by the number of directions. Get a new value. Multiply it by 2. Take the same number of people and take a picture with the name of the festival in the background. Photo show DJ.

Answer (60:6=10)

6. You need the Leader.

Decipher the phrase:“- Throw a lachan or smoke!”

Find the leader and tell him.

Dear friends, we have winners! Here they are “The most alive, the most active, the most healthy”! They have come a long way to this title. Loud applause for the winners! (handing out a bag of fruit)

So our winter health festival is coming to an end, but not everything is done yet. Finally, for the sweetest thing, we left our fortresses. Those who wish to take part come to me and stand on my left hand. I will share you...(split into two teams)All other fans.

We behave peacefully on the court, we don’t push, we don’t kick, remember this is just a game.

Let's go, occupy the fortresses, prepare snowballs and, on my command, we begin.

At the start, attention, forward.(game of interest until it dries up)

Now let's conquer impregnable fortresses. Aboard!!!

Who is the king of the hill? Come to me! You deserved it!(give a gift)

Fanfares sound, as at the opening, gathering everyone to the command post.

- Musical number "No time to be sad»

No matter how sad and sad, but our winter open-air festival "Snowball" has come to an end. I really hope that you have fun and usefully spent these hours with us and that you will remember this day and want to repeat it. On this we: I and my team say goodbye to you. All the best!

(at the exit, all guests receive memorable souvenirs with the logo of the festival)

The team puts things in order and removes the equipment.

The next day, hold the award ceremony for the organizers

Chants for the fair.

Please come to us here as soon as possible

Come on, honest people.

Start having fun.

The fair is calling you all!

Come on citizens

Let's please everyone!


There are good products.

Not a commodity, but a real treasure

Take it apart!

Get in line

Take everything apart!

What does your soul desire?

You can find everything at the fair!

Everyone chooses gifts

You won't leave without shopping!

Don't pass us by

Look at the crafts.

All crafts are first class

Surprise you today!

Chants for the fair.

Fair, fair - lively and bright!

We start the fair - we invite guests!

You don’t have time yourself - your neighbor will get it!

Please come to us here as soon as possible

Come on, honest people.

Start having fun.

The fair is calling you all!

Come on citizens

Let's please everyone!


There are good products.

Not a commodity, but a real treasure

Take it apart!

Get in line

Take everything apart!

What does your soul desire?

You can find everything at the fair!

Everyone chooses gifts

You won't leave without shopping!

Don't pass us by

Look at the crafts.

All crafts are first class

Surprise you today!



The plan of the festival "Snowball"

10.45 - 11.05 - meeting guests

11.05 – 11.15 – opening ceremony

11.15 - 12.15 - work sites. Every 15 minutes a fanfare is played to move to the next venue.

12.15 - 12.20 - counting the tapes, and the announcement of the quest.

12.20 - 12.40 - passing the quest.

12.40 - 12.45 - awarding the winners

12.45 - 13.00 - taking the snow fortress.

13.00 - 13.05 - Closing ceremony of the festival

13.05 - 13.15 - see off the guests.

Work distribution



Working hours




Meet and escort guests

Before opening and after closing

Maria P.

Maria K



Maintain order

All the time

Egor V

Nikolai P

Alexander D

Dmitry P


Artem G

Monitors equipment performance. Turns music off

All the time

Alla M


Photo and video recording of what is happening

All the time

Yuri Evgenievich


Distribute and sell tea, monitor water temperature

All the time

Alena B

Ekaterina E

Games area

Organization and holding

1 group

2 group

3 group

4 group

Maria I

Alexandra N

Maria P

Anastasia N

Daria X

Anastasia G

Maria P

Anastasia N

Dance Square

Organization and holding

1 group

2 group

3 group

4 group

Snezhana G

Maria S

Gulizor K

Ekaterina P

Polina L

Snezhana G

Maria S

Gulizor K

Ekaterina P

Polina L

Art Square

Conducting master classes

1 group

2 group

3 group

4 group

Marina A

Olga F

Snezhana G

Ekaterina G

Marina A

Olga F

Snezhana G

Ekaterina G

ski station

Organization, conduct and compilation of the rating


Maria K

Hope K

Anastasia N

Maria Sergeevna


Sale of souvenirs, crafts

1 group

2 group

3 group

4 group

Daria X

Anastasia G

Olga F

Xenia G

Ekaterina P

Maria I

Alexandra N


Build, keep safe

9th grade boys

Vladimir Alexandrovich


Festival progress

Music is playing

11.05. Anthem of the Russian Federation

Welcome words

Attention attention! Winter outdoor festival "Snowball" is open! Hooray!

Fanfare (1)

"No time to be sad" (2)

Explanation of the course of the event

Fanfare sounds. (3)

15 minutes have passed - Fanfares sound. (3)

Dance Square - Katya, Masha (5)

15 minutes have passed - Fanfares sound. (3)

Dance Square - Snezhana, Gulya, Masha(4)

15 minutes have passed - Fanfares sound. (3)

Dance Square - Katya, Masha (5)

15 minutes have passed - Fanfares sound. (3)

The words. The words…

Quest (music plays)

Fortress conquest(music is playing)

Fanfare sounds (1)

Let's smile (6)

Final word

Music is playing


White flag: P.igr - Art-P. – P. dance – Ski station.

Orange flag: Art-P. – P. dance – Ski station – P. game.

Green flag: P. dance - Ski station - P. game - Art-P.

Yellow flag: Ski station - P.igr - Art-P. - P. dance.

Yankova masha

Nekrasova Sasha White Flag

Podyaschenko Masha

Nekrasova Nastya

yellow flag

Khomyakova Dasha

Golubtsova Nastya Green flag

Podyaschenko Masha

Nekrasova Nastya Orange flag


Anufrienko Marina

Filippova Olya

orange flag

Grigorieva Snezhana

Golubtsova Katya

White flag

Anufrienko Marina

Filippova Olya

yellow flag

Grigorieva Snezhana

Golubtsova Katya

green flag

P. dance

Grigorieva Snezhana

Kuznetsova Gulya

Salnikova Masha

green flag

Shoulders Katya

Yankova Masha

orange flag

Grigorieva Snezhana

Kuznetsova Gulya

Salnikova Masha

White flag

Shoulders Katya

Yankova Masha

yellow flag

Ski station.

Karabontseva Masha

Karabontseva Nadia

Nekrasova Nastya

yellow flag

Karabontseva Masha

Karabontseva Nadia

green flag

Karabontseva Masha

Karabontseva Nadia

Nekrasova Nastya

orange flag

Karabontseva Masha

Karabontseva Nadia

White flag


Winter game "Run, bell, run"is held on a large ice field with a flat surface (skating rink or a flooded area in the yard). This is an outdoor game for a group of five to ten people. For the game you will need equipment: a bell and skates for each participant.

Rules of the game

Participants draw lots to choose two drivers. One of the other participants is given a bell. Players gather together in the middle of the field, then on the count of three (or at the signal of an invited adult presenter) scatter in different sides. The task of the drivers is to catch up and touch the player with the bell. And he, in turn, can pass the bell to one of the other participants. If one of the drivers still catches the owner of the bell, then that one.

Snow treasure.

This game is played in winter as it can only be played on a court with deep snowdrifts. Number of participants: from five people, but the more the better. Also, for the game you will need a “treasure” - it can be anything, even a stone or a glass bottle.

Rules of the game

Participants are divided into teams with an equal number of players. In each team, the children choose a player who will be the "watchman". Then, by drawing of lots or on a voluntary basis, a driver is appointed, who is not part of any team. The players of both teams stand in two lines, the sentinels should be the first in the lines. At a sufficiently large distance from them, the driver becomes with a "treasure" in his hands. At the signal of the driver, the participants of both teams, except for the “sentinels”, turn away and close their eyes, and while they are standing, the driver hides the “treasure” in a snowdrift. The "watchmen" are carefully watching where he hides the "treasure", but they have no right to voice its exact location. After the driver gives the second signal, the participants of both teams begin to look for the “treasure”, and the “sentinels” help them in this with the phrases “two steps to the right”, “three steps forward”, etc. The winner is the team that finds the treasure first. And if the children want to play "Snow Treasure" again, then the next driver is chosen from the winning team.

tug of war- a well-known simple fun. But what if we change its rules a little and try to pull the rope while sitting on a sled. Let the kids measure their strength with the help of the game "Who will pull whom"! So, the game is played in winter, when the ground is already covered with snow. When going outside, take a sled and a rope with you, the main thing is that it be strong.

Rules of the game:

Two players sit on the sled opposite each other at a distance of 2-3 meters, and take hold of the ends of the rope. A line is drawn in the middle between the players on the snow. On command

leader, the players begin to pull the opponent towards themselves until someone's sled crosses the border. This player is considered the loser. The game is quite insidious, and often it is not the most physically strong player who wins, but the most savvy and dexterous.

Partridge hunting- winter outdoor team game. To play, you need an open area, on one side of which you need to make several elevations from the snow - nests for partridges (equal to the number of players). On the other side of the site there are hunters (three or four people).

Rules of the game

At the signal of the leader, partridges fly out of their nests and start flying along the "tundra" (playground). As soon as the leader shouts "Hunters!" Partridges should quickly return to their (or others') "nests". While partridges run to their nests, hunters try to hit them with snowballs. "Killed" partridges are out of the game. After three or four rounds, the leader counts how many partridges each hunter has shot down, after which new hunters are selected, the eliminated partridges are returned to the game and the game continues anew. Thus, all players must be hunters. At the end of the game, the most accurate hunters who have shot down the most partridges are announced. Snowballs can be thrown at the torso and legs. If the partridge ran into the nest before the leader's signal, it is considered knocked down and is out of the game. You cannot shoot at a partridge that managed to run to the nest.

Another version of the game.

Players are also divided into two teams - partridges and hunters. To play on the playground, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 10-15 meters from each other. Hunters line up behind these lines. In the center of the site, a square is indicated - a tree for partridges. All other space is considered a field. At the signal of the leader, partridges should jump off their "tree" and begin to wander around the field, simulating the search for grains. Hunters with snowballs in their hands are watching them. At the command of the leader, the partridges must quickly return to the "tree", and the hunters should hit them with snowballs. Salted partridges are out of the game until the change of hunters. Hunters must not go beyond their lines and can only throw one snowball at a time. Hits on partridges that are in their field do not count. Thus, several horses are held, after which there is a change of hunters. Partridges win, in which the hunters who have knocked out the most partridges have never hit. To complicate and give it more dynamics, you can introduce a rule according to which the knocked out partridges become hunters in the next round and also start throwing snowballs.

Rules of the old Russian folk game "Handkerchief"

Before the start of the game, you need to choose one driver. He receives a handkerchief. The rest of the guys stand in a wide circle. The fewer players, the greater the distance between them should be. If a lot of people take part in the game, then they can stand almost “shoulder to shoulder”. The driver is on the outside of the circle. He goes around the circle and discreetly puts a handkerchief on the shoulder of one of the players. Then it continues to move in the same direction. The player, noticing that the handkerchief is on his shoulder, must immediately run along the outside of the circle in the opposite direction to the leader. The goal of both is to have time to run first and take an empty seat. Those who did not have time will drive. The game also has its own little tricks. For example, the driver should not run headlong immediately after he put the handkerchief on his shoulder - this will attract attention. After all, the player can "gape" and not even notice that he, it turns out, had to run for a long time. And the driver, calmly going around the circle, will ask the gap to make room. To keep the game from dragging on. An additional rule can be introduced - the driver cannot make more than one “idle” circle. If he has already completely bypassed the round dance once, then when he goes around again, he is obliged to put a handkerchief to one of the players. If you play the old Russian folk game "Handkerchief" in a forest clearing, on the beach or indoors with carpeted, then the players may not stand, but sit in a circle. True, this further increases the chances of winning the "running duel" for the driver. But the driver changes all the time and does not have time to get tired or bored.

Ancient Russian folk game "Pots"suitable for children from 5 years old. The traditional version is played by children of different ages. The younger ones are put in a circle and assigned "pots". The elders become "masters" and each stand at his "pot", behind. If children of more or less the same age are playing, then the "pots" squat down. The driver, the “buyer”, chosen by the rhyme, walks in a circle and, approaching each pair in turn, conducts a dialogue with the “owner”. The “buyer” asks: “Kum, (godfather), would you sell the pot?”. The owner may refuse. In this case, he says: “I don’t hold it for sale!” Then the driver goes to the next pair. If the owner is ready to “sell the pot”, the dialogue is different. "Buyer": "Kum, (godfather), would you sell the pot?" "Master": "Buy, what will you give?" "Buyer": "I'll give you an awl, yes a soap, and a golden mirror!" "Owner": "Deal!" After these words, the "owner" and "buyer" shake hands and run in different directions in a circle. The task of each of them is to quickly take a free place near the "pot". You need to run up and put your hands on the shoulders of the "pot". The one who was in time first becomes the "owner", and the one who is late becomes the driver. Of course, the "pots" in such a game play a very passive role. Therefore, if children of the same age are playing, you can change the rules. Let the loser of the running race become the "pot", the former "pot" the "owner", and the winner the driver-"buyer". You can "assign" inanimate objects as pots: skittles, balls, a small circle drawn on the ground.

"Korovka" - Russian folk winter outdoor gameThis game can be played on ice or verywell-trodden snow. Choosedriver. The driver steps onpiece of ice, which is called "cow".The players stand still, and the driver trieshit the players with ice. When thrown, hesays: "Buy a cow!". Players canbounce over an ice floe, but don't havethe right to run away. The one who got the ice - new driver.

"Heel" - Russian folk winter game

This folk game of the Arkhangelsk province is similar to the game "Winter Cauldron". A circle with a diameter of 2-3 meters is drawn on snow or ice. The leader stands inside the circle. He holds a small piece of ice in his hand. The rest of the children jump on one leg from the outside of the circle. You can't cross the line! The children say in chorus: Against our yard, the mountain is prikatana Watered with water, Shoe nailed. I jumped on the ice, The heel fell off, The heel fell off And left my footprint! After the last word of the chants, the leader throws the heeled ice floe outside the circle. The guys are trying to drive the ice back into the circle. You need to do this with your feet, without stopping jumping on one leg. For toddlers, you can simplify the rules and allow them to move on two legs. The driver beats off the ice with a club. Moreover, he can take out a stick beyond the line of the circle, but not go out with his feet. If someone managed to drive an ice floe into a circle, then he becomes a driver.

In search of treasure.

Take some toy, sweets, etc. as a "treasure". It is best to wrap it in foil. Show the sealed treasure to the children and ask them to close their eyes. Hide the "treasure" on a tree, behind a stump, swing, bench or somewhere else. Let the kids go looking. Whoever finds the treasure first wins.

Find a couple.

The host distributes to all the children multi-colored circles or flags (each item in pairs). At the signal of the leader, the children run, and when they hear a clap or the sound of a whistle, everyone must find a mate for themselves by the color of the circle or flag and join hands. An odd number of children can also take part in the game, then one will be left without a pair and leave the game.


One child is blindfolded, and he stands with his back to the children. Each of the players should approach the leader and put his hand on his shoulder. The driver says: "Caw, crow!". The player croaks, and the driver guesses the name of the one who croaked. If he guesses correctly, he changes places with the player.

Fishermen and fish.

Two children are chosen as fishermen, and the rest are fish. Children begin to dance around the fishermen and sing a song: Fish live in the water, No beak, but peck. There are wings - they don't fly, No legs, but they walk. They don't make nests, but they bring out the kids. "Fishermen" join hands together and quickly catch all the scattered "fish". Caught "fish" are already becoming "fishermen". Now these "fishermen" join hands and start catching other children. So the "Network" becomes even larger.

At the bear in the forest.

One child squats down in the designated area and pretends to be a sleeping bear. Children walk around him all the time and pretend to pick mushrooms and berries, singing a song in unison: “A bear has Berries in the forest, I pick mushrooms, But the bear is no longer sleeping, He is looking at us! The basket overturned - the Bear attacked us. "Bear" quickly jumps up and starts to catch the children who run away from him. Whom the "bear" catches - takes his place.

TIN/KPP 2424004838/242401001

№______ from ___________

On No. ____ dated __________

Press release: Move your body

December 13 at 11 am on the territory of Kiyai high school The Mansky district will host the winter open-air festival "Snowball" under the motto: "For health - move your body!"

Winter, village, despondency, and so you want fun - strong, healthy and for everyone.

Our school invites you to the Snowball Festival to lift your mood, morale and healthy tone. The purpose of this festival is to spend the winter day as healthy as possible and get a charge of vivacity for all the winter months.

The territory of the festival - the school yard, will be divided into locations. Is waiting for you:

1. Games Square - here you will be taught Russian folk games.

2. Dance area - here you will be taught the elements of dance fitness.

3. Art - square - here you will become a creator and create a product with your own hands.

4. At the ski station you will test your endurance.

5. At the fair, you can look for a souvenir for the new year, or a gift, or sell something yourself or just give it away.

After passing through all the locations and the intellectual quest, you will be able to earn the title - 3C: "The most active, the most alive, the most healthy."

We will end the festival with a friendly snow pinball and the capture of fortresses.

We really hope that you will like our idea.

Festival organizer: Teslyuk Olga


e-mail: [email protected]

open air- cultural event in the open air, capable of attaching a huge number of people to this event. Professional training and holding Open Air is only possible for the team that has repeatedly held these events of various levels and complexity.

The organization of open air is directly related not only to city holidays and folk festivals, but also to closed corporate parties with team building elements.

CONCEPT agency is ready to hold an event of any format and with any number of participants:

    Celebrations of a closed type in the open air;

    Private corporate parties for the team;

    Holidays in the air with an organic number of visitors;

    Parties with free entry.

For a cultural event in the Open Air format to take place on highest level, all organizational issues that are within our competence will be carefully studied, worked out and prepared. The only thing that will be out of control at this large-scale event is the weather.

Features of Open Air Events
If we talk about the advantages of large open-air parties, the venue of the event itself remains an indisputable fact. After all, the natural infrastructure will be the best decoration in this case (a sea beach, a beautiful park, a coastal strip of a lake or river, etc.).

Since the holding of this event is not limited to the walls of the institution, there is no need to take care of ventilation or air conditioning.

Parties in the Open Air format provide an opportunity to decorate the holiday with an original pyrotechnic or laser show. The territorial space will allow organizing various mini-events, competitions, show programs, sports grounds, attractions and other entertainment within the framework of one event.

Before starting the organization of Open Air, it is important to obtain the necessary permits for holding a large-scale event from the administration of the city or region, as well as from the sanitary services. In order for this party to be of high quality and without problems, organizational skills are needed. This includes the meeting and resettlement of artists, musicians, DJs. Taking care of their moving and food, installation of sound equipment and much more.

If holding large-scale actions in the open air is related to children's holiday, festival or rally, then this event should remind fabulous journey with various competitions and numbers. If it's about corporate party, such an event may have elements of team building, which will strengthen relationships within the team.

1. Negotiations with artists.

To negotiate with artists, musicians, DJs means to communicate with their management. Management - these are the people whose work consists of negotiations with the impresario. Therefore, even if you drank beer a couple of times with the bass guitarist of the group or the DJ or artist himself, you need to talk with the director or manager. Ask for a contact number or find it online.

You can get to the directorate of the required artist by going to his official website or by carefully studying his licensed disc. It usually contains all Contact Information. In a letter or conversation, introduce yourself, name your city, tell us what kind of event you are planning. The first thing that interests you is the performance fee.

It can be made a little smaller, and there are two ways to do this. The first is to organize several performances at once with the participation of this group or DJ (or sell them or his organizers in a neighboring city), but for the first time it is difficult. The second is to say that you are from Shym. In this case, the discount can be up to 25 percent.

Then the date. If you have already determined the date, it can be filled with the desired artists, so do not rush to negotiate with the site. Next: you need a rider. It is divided into household (what to carry, where to lodge, how to feed) and technical (equipment on stage). The rider is not the wishes of the group, but the requirements, so it's better to immediately figure out whether he can do it or not. If in doubt, feel free to discuss any issues with the management.

So, everything suits you. Depending on the chosen artists, you may be offered different terms of payment: the artist leaves subject to 100% prepayment and the availability of round-trip tickets; the artist leaves with 50% prepayment (the remaining 50% is handed over upon arrival); the artist will work for a case of beer... Preferences in the form of payment also differ: in cash or by bank transfer. All this is discussed with the management. I can say one thing for sure: until you have made an advance payment, the date is not fixed for you. So it is quite possible that on this day the artist will not go to you, but to a more efficient organizer. It's not smart to start advertising campaign without agreeing with the band or artist. Such performances are often cancelled.

2. Search for a general sponsor.

The general sponsor is your main partner. And he, unlike other sponsors, is alone. Usually they are really big players in your market. Think about who in your area willingly spends money on advertising. Brewers, cellular operators, beverage producers, big shops can willingly offer their products for sale at your open air festivals! Maybe now one of them is entering the market with a new product, and your offer will come in handy.

The general sponsor, unlike others, gets a preferential place on the back of the stage (for example, his banner can be 3 times larger than the banner of sponsors), gets the right to present the event "Cocktail" Pshik "presents ..." and it sounds on TV and radio advertising, as well as on all printed materials. You also offer priority right to contests. And if Gen. the sponsor has such a desire, you can give him the opportunity to give a speech to the people, but this may already be too much. In negotiations with a candidate for generals, I recommend being compliant, but remembering people. If open air turns into one big commercial break, the public will be left with a bad taste.

3.sponsorship packages.

sponsor package. Here you offer the same thing as the general, but conditionally 3 times less. Small banners on the back or larger ones, but on the side surfaces of the stage. Mention in the radio advertisement "we are being helped ...", participation in competitions is possible, but with a trailer. For example, "Vasya won the competition from the Elegant store, he receives a prize: a demi-season coat, and wrist watch from our sponsor, Luch. There can be an unlimited number of sponsors. Do not overestimate the cost of the sponsor's package.

This is where the package price trick can work. For example, the Titanic water park wants to announce the beginning of the swimming season and to be placed in radio and television advertising. For example, it costs 100 rubles according to the price list, but in the package it costs 70, and the package itself costs 120. For these 120, he will get what he wants, plus printing, and banners at open air. It works.

Information Sponsor Package A media sponsor is someone who can help advertise your open air party. Usually these are radio stations, TV channels, popular newspapers and magazines. Why pay for advertising in full? Make this media your media sponsor and get a discount equal to the cost of your media sponsor package! On the other hand, why do radio stations advertise on open air? And then, to "select" this audience from another radio station.

Technical sponsor package. A technical sponsor is someone who can help ease the burden of overhead. Airlines, taxi services, hotels, cafes and restaurants. Why pay for all this when you can advertise these guys. Here the document itself is rather arbitrary - they are ready to feed the guests with lunch, for a banerka over the bar on the open air site - good. They give a discount on hotel accommodation for a logo on printing + a mention on the radio - good, only a bigger discount).

4. How to communicate with sponsors.

You need partners, those whose product or service is aimed at 14-28 year olds. There are many, but some are beyond your reach. With some, especially with large market participants, cooperation is possible only if you take care of this in advance, when advertising budgets businesses for a year or a quarter. But there are also large companies that can work quickly and accurately, there are medium-sized companies that are ready to give you an amount that you did not even dream of, but there are also misers. There are small companies for which cooperation with you can play a key role on their path to success, and this action will be inscribed in golden letters in their history.

So how to talk to sponsors?

This is the field that you plow, and all the finds are yours. There is no single scheme or rule, well, or I don’t know it. Surely in this specialty you can get a diploma of higher education well, or finish the courses ... If this is about you, you are lucky. Call everyone, fax and email offer insist on a meeting. If possible, try to bypass junior employees of companies. They are often lazy and shy, and in order to get them to make a gesture towards the original publicity stunt, which is exactly what you offer them, it will take a large amount of your strength. It is better to communicate with the authorities. Having agreed on the date and time of the meeting, call the day before, make sure that the plans have not changed (at the same time, remind about the upcoming negotiations). In negotiations, you have to speak, and you will be listened to. You should talk about your visions for your open airfest. If you are not burned at the stake, then you will become Nostradamus.

If your monologue develops into a dialogue with company representatives, that's good. Here you will need the ability to hear people, adapt to their requirements, the concept and policy of the company, at least formally!

5. What to offer sponsors.

Imagine that the internal surfaces of an open air site are one large advertising space. The most expensive here will be the back of the stage, the one that is behind the backs of the artists. Then, the side surfaces of the stage, then the hall, the bar. Try selling toilet stalls, I'm sure condom or diaper ads are appropriate there). Is it bad to entertain people fun competition with a prize from a sponsor?

This is what they call "competitions" - they sell well. Now. Does any of the visitors mind getting a free one-hour Internet card plus a couple of booklets at the entrance? Not? Then we sell promotions, that's what they call it. Got a brewery that wants to put their bar in the lobby? Or do the corn guys want to sell popcorn? Please - sell trading places. Move on. Will there be posters? What if you sell a piece of it? For example, at the top, where it is more expensive, or at the bottom, where it is cheaper.

There are also flyers and tickets. Then. Radio advertising. Why not announce your partners in radio advertising. For example: "Yo-mayo" bar presents... West Biribidzhan festival of hip-hop culture. Break battle, battle of DJs, graffiti contest and naked women. "Svetly Put", car repair shop "At Rafik"! Guests are treated to "Cheburechnaya No. 5", our stars fly by planes of the Winged Swing airline and stay at the Venice Hotel. Oh, how! And all this needs to be packed in 15 seconds so as not to overpay for advertising.The same text can be used for the video, adding logos of partner companies.That's not all.

You can also invite sponsors to advertise at a press conference, in press coverage of events, and on a video version of your event. More on that below. In the meantime, the following positions for sale have certainly emerged:

  • Advertising space on site
  • Radio and TV advertising
  • Advertising space on posters, flyers and tickets
  • Promotion during the concert
  • Contests
  • Trading places

Let me give you a little more confidence. You must be jarred by the "youth" from television commercials advertising chocolate bars and other rubbish. Their slang, their way of dressing, and why the hell is a Prince bar for a 25-year-old boy?.. But this is how we are presented by manufacturers whose goods are designed for an audience of 14-28 year olds. Do you hear what I'm getting at? You have what they do not have - you are one hundred percent in the subject. You are in full contact with your audience. And your task is to convince the prospective sponsor that your open air audience is their audience. I'm sure if you could be tempted to sell chocolate bars to your comrades, you would probably be hung on the honor roll of the chocolate factory, but other peaks await you, so let's continue.

Visitors to your open air festival are ready to pay for a ticket an amount several times higher than the cost of a jar of this cocktail or a pack of these cigarettes, and if everything goes well, they will definitely come to the next concerts organized by you. Therefore, as a merchant, you are more successful in a local sense. And let your festival exist only on paper so far, and you have never done anything like this before. You need to feel such confidence in the success of the upcoming event that in the course of the dialogue it will be transferred to your future partners. Let them know that your offer is unique. This means that they definitely need to conclude an agreement with you - until competitors do this.

6. How to choose the right open air venue.

We are doing an open air festival or a closed concert, which means: there should be a dance floor, there should not be Neapolitan porcelain in the toilet (they say it’s a fucking expensive thing), there should be a stage and a dressing room (make-up is not necessary). Clubs, stadiums, sports arenas, sports palaces, pioneer palaces, houses of culture and exhibition pavilions, the forest is finally a good platform for an open air festival!

A bar would be nice, or the possibility of installing one. The site should be with access control - unless of course you decide to do charity work! Be sure to solve the parking issue, otherwise there will be terrible traffic jams and a lot of negative reviews.

Fence off the artists' area and set up guards so that there is order behind the scenes, if there is a beach, then it might be worth taking it under special control - why do we need drowned drunk dancers ...

If you are doing a concert indoors, then there should be nothing superfluous. Philharmonic and theater are unlikely to fit. Not bad are recreation centers, in case the chairs are taken out of the hall. More about this.

Armchairs in the hall break the buzz. Because when they are, they sit on them. And when it starts to heat up from the stage, the first rows usually get up, which breaks the buzz for everyone else who gets up involuntarily. Closer to the end of the concert, especially if the price of beer in the bar is reasonable, they (armchairs) make it very difficult to walk and “get under your feet”. The artist's buzz breaks the sitting room immediately, upon entering the stage. What does it feel like to be a participant in a regional reading competition among ninth graders? And your buzz as an organizer will be broken immediately after the concert by the administrator of the recreation center.

Having counted the broken chairs and torn upholstery (and all the breakdowns will be attributed to you, even those that were before you, because you did not draw up an acceptance certificate! that earned money. Possible options: fainting, a fit of lunacy, calling the "roof", a challenge to a duel. It all depends on the talent buried in this person, because he is also an employee of show business, and probably played in an ensemble of folk instruments or sang falsetto in the same recreation center. So, chairs are a run, but if you decide on a sports palace or another venue where there is a place in front of the stage, the stalls used as a dance floor, and the chairs are at a distance, then this is good. Parents of third-graders who came to the concert can sit on the chairs. Jokes aside! You will be amazed to see how young the attendees of this kind of events can be.
