Scenario for 35 years to her husband in nature. Scenario of the anniversary "35th anniversary of a man". Table role-playing tale "Why don't you drink?!"

  • 01.04.2020

I greet all those present in this elegant and solemn hall, full of celebration and universal rejoicing! I ask everyone to take their seats according to the “tickets purchased”: I ask our lovely women to sit closer to the men and snacks, and the men closer to the women and drinks. The mood is magnificent, smiles and laughter have already firmly settled in the atmosphere of the hall, and we are ready to start our festive evening, which brought together in this hall the dearest and closest people to our hero of the day. So: FANS!!! Anniversary evening on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of ________ (name) BEGINS! APPLAUSE, friends!

/ under one chair at each of the tables there is a card with the inscription "Chief Analyst" and an armband/
Before we open the first bottles of champagne to make a solemn toast in honor of the hero of the day, I want to determine the backbone of those guests who will be my faithful assistants today, for this, dear friends, please check the bottom of your chairs. The one who finds a distinctive sign under his chair will be the main analyst at his desk, controlling - Is it poured? The right to open the first bottles of champagne is given to you, our dear analysts. First toast:

/ Any congratulatory poem is suitable here, of which there are plenty on the Internet, but it is better that it be individual - redo the lines under the name of the hero of the day.

The soul glows with spring color,
Open eyes, eyes sparkle with happiness
All your life today is good -
You are young, full of energy, and often

Thank fate for difficult victories,
For the happiness of being a son, and a husband, and a father.
For dashing troubles bypassed your house,
For the fact that like a bowl, the house is full of love.

And now, today Alexei is 35.
Another milestone on your way
We have gathered here to wish from the heart
And then just as nice to go on it!

Erasing all the barriers before you,
Always striving forward and upward,
May good luck be your reward
Well, now, hug with your wife,

And wink at your mother, and mother-in-law, and guests,
We will drink everything to the bottom sweet drink
And it will be just as sweet for all of us
A dozen more anniversaries of yours to celebrate just as smoothly.

Concert number.

As one famous actor said, referring to his closest friends: You shouldn't live here! While saying these words, he put his hand to his forehead. - Better you live - here! At that moment, he held out his hand to his heart. Our hero of the day truly lives in the HEART and is guided by the HEART in his actions. Therefore, it is very large for him, the heart of our hero of the day, of course, has enough space for all those present in the hall, but the spouse of our hero of the day has the strongest place in it. How did she get him? It turns out that the acquaintance of our hero of the day with a charming wife ______ name ____ happened ____________ / acquaintance story, fun and in a joking manner /.
The word is given for congratulations to the wife of the hero of the day!

/ From the wife sounds a musical gift - concert number./

To take out the cake, we prepare the number 35 laid out from old CDs on the dance floor, put a candle-tablet on each disk. Turn off the lights and bring in the cake.

it scenario a little unusual anniversary - scenario of the anniversary of a man of 35 years. The date, as you can see, is not very solid, but I didn’t want to ignore it without attention. Anniversary, director small company, wished that the holiday was held in nature, in an informal setting, in the circle of the working team. To be fun, but unobtrusive, so that people can relax and listen to music in between times and participate in light contests. And the main wish: as little as possible to speak about the anniversary and do without frank honoring hero of the day.

Good afternoon! Hello! Salute! Hello! Hello! Buenos tardes! And, however, whoever likes it. In a word, we welcome you to your celebration of life. And actually, why not celebrate - around native open spaces, nature, the river, but the air! And you don’t even need a reason to enjoy life! And then there is a reason, and not just one! For starters, let's get to know each other. I am Svetlana, that interesting man behind the equipment is Nikolai. We will try to make sure that you get even more positive emotions from today's outdoor party. And, as expected at corporate holidays, a little bit of officialdom. Do you remember what I said about the occasion? So nature is nature, and the occasion is undoubtedly a priority. So, I ask you to guess who it is?

In the beer, water and soda market
And providing brokerage services.
He is not a very new person.
All partners are accustomed to trust.
And complete understanding
He can reach with them.
Smartest, energetic and stubborn,
He is a powerful prospect generator.
And make his plans come true
Believe me, the team is insanely happy.
At the same time, charming and kind,
Easily accommodating.
Each employee is very dear to him
In its unique beauty.
He did a lot of merit.
In large circles, his recognition is growing,

And that's right! This is all about him, about your dear director _______________, whom today in your close circle, taking this opportunity, all those present want to congratulate.

Congratulation. Presentation of a gift.

Everyone scolds TV, and sometimes very angrily,

But at the same time, everyone turns on the TV every day.

It seems that it’s not smeared with honey, and you don’t want to, but it pulls.

What can you do - an infection, once stuck - will not lag behind.

Yes, and it's boring without him; Here, for example, a winter evening,

And you come home from work - and there seems to be nothing to do.

Beer every day is boring, vodka every day is poison.

Here you just turn it on: at least some, but fun.

Congratulating you on your thirty-five years,
We wish from the bottom of our hearts
All the best to you in the world
Energy, health, and good luck.
May all your expectations come true
Cherished dreams will come true.
We wish the company prosperity,
In the family - love and happiness of fullness.

And let your glasses be filled in honor of the newborn director ___________________.

The song Happy Birthday.

The officialdom will not be too long,

However, the boss needs to give a word.

Among colleagues, friends of their old

He will now give gifts.

Director's word.

Song "Kalina red".

I would like to contact _________. The fact is that your colleagues and friends sent you a congratulatory letter, but it so happened that they got here faster, but the letter was delayed. And besides, it still, apparently, fell into the water and got wet. And all the adjectives in the letter were erased. In general, now you need to restore it. Let's try to do it together. You call me adjectives, and I will insert them into the letter.

Letter from an honest company.

Here we have a little recollection of the program elementary school. And what do you think is the similarity between the two phrases: "Bare wire passes under the trolley" and "The naked conductor lies under the train." Both of these phrases in English sound exactly the same. Great and mighty is the Russian language! And I invite Nikolai to the microphone. And again, he will give you his performance, albeit not in such a powerful, but also very beautiful language.

Artist performance.

I would like to rejoice today for _______________, because he gathered around him such a cool team that not only knows how to work wonderfully, but also to relax. But so that I not only guessed about your cohesion, but also made sure, I suggest you prove it. I ask a few couples to come out. This competition is called "Siamese twins". You should hug each other around the waist so that you have only one arm free. And in this position, you must inflate the balloon and tie it with a thread. The task is easy. Get started.

Game "Siamese twins".

In ancient Rome, a man under the age of 30 was considered a child. But we will not say at what age he began to be considered a mature man there, but at the age at which our birthday boy is now, he entered adolescence, so to speak, into puberty, that is, from unkissed he passed into category of kissers. I do not think that any of the young men will refuse this ritual, especially if with its help we will determine the favorite of the ladies. For a certain time, you must collect as many kisses from the ladies as possible. I suggest you do this while I sing to you one very well-known song. And I hope that you will help me to sing it.

Song be with me.

Competition "Favorite ladies" - a prize.

Oh, how complicated everything is in amorous affairs. And it is not clear why no one pays attention to one, and the other attracts all the views of the opposite sex. A lonely woman goes in the evening for bread and sees: a drunken man is sleeping on the steps of the store. She leaned over to him and, examining him, said to herself: if he was washed, fattened, then he would be fine. Now I’ll buy bread, and on the way back I’ll take it to me.” A woman comes out of the store, but the man does not. A woman exclaims in her hearts: “Here, fool! I had to pick it up right away. And I rushed for bread! You might think that I haven’t seen bread for three whole years!” Such is female logic. I love you, I kiss you, I can’t live, then my eyes wouldn’t see you! ..

The song "Damn you abyss!".

Dance break.

(Dressing up as natives).

Game "Dancing on the account."

Dear friends! A moment of attention! Guests at our party. You will not believe: they came from the island of Wamba-Namba. Let's give them a round of applause!

From places far inaccessible

Our guests arrived in droves.

We meet with applause

Their dance is incendiary!

(Pre-arranged, disguised participants dance a ritual dance).

Meet the Wamba-Namba Tribe

A week from distant shores

We got to say to everyone:

Welcome and love!

Natives: Oh!

Wish you good and happiness,

Prey on the hunt oh-hoo!

Let the sun shine and the bad weather will go away!

They are ready to give you a big hug!

Natives: Oh!

They are waiting for you in their village,

To show my gods

In order to give honors in the best possible way ...

Suddenly become a leader!

Natives: Oh!

Unfortunately, my translation is not very accurate.

Sometimes you can't convey everything

What the Wamba-Namba tribe wants for you:

Exotics... Good luck... Happiness...

Natives: Oh!

Natives - prizes.

Look at our natives - how energetic and athletic they are. And the secret is simple:

To immediately disappear in the bones of the ache,
Dance with us "Belly Dance". A competition for the best belly dance is announced.
Song Marjanja.

Competition for the best belly dance - prize.

The song "Little".

Being alone with nature, a savage instinct usually wakes up in a person: deeply hidden desires and skills arise. For example, the desire to hunt. And, if you understand the background of this desire, just a desire to hit the target. We can satisfy this desire, though in a slightly modified way. So, a competition for dexterity, strength and ingenuity. So, you will hunt for some object, a thing, simply a gift. Which one, you don't know. First, I say in encrypted form what will be discussed. If you immediately guessed what kind of object - it is yours. If not, you try to beat it off, that is, with a bump to get into the hollow. You have 5 bumps and five tries.

Shooter game.

Without it, we will not be happy with any feast. (Salt)
An essential attribute of civilized life. (toilet paper roll)
Pleasure all night. (dummy)

One-time pleasure from the firm "Russian Baldezh" (balloon)

World telephone directory in a pocket version from the company "LevshaTelecom". (Notebook)

Portrait of an unknown person by an unknown artist from the gallery "Modern Art". (mirror)

Leave-in makeup product from the cosmetic company "Freddy Krueger" (Marker)

Slot machine from the casino "Pshik" (cards)

Pocket incubator for a novice millionaire from Ryaba Incorporated (2 rubles)

A three-day supply of food from the company "Nerussky Product" (Battery)

Something sticky. (scotch).

Artist performance.

They sit down at the table.

While you fill your glasses, I will tell you a story.

The distinguished guests gathered at the table.
And the question arose among women: "What is love?"
One woman says: "Love is probably a disease."
The doctor gets up: "No, this is not a disease, because a very large amount of energy is released. Most likely, this is work."
The architect stands up: "Well, what kind of work is this? After all, everything is so perfect. Rather, it is art."
An art historian stands up: "No, no. Art needs an audience. And this happens one on one. Rather, it is a process."
A lawyer stands up: "What kind of process is it when both parties are satisfied. Rather, it is a science."
An old, dandruff-covered professor stands up: "What kind of science is this when every young student can, but I, an old professor, cannot!" ...

Birthdays and jubilees for birthdays of young and middle age have their own characteristics: the heroes of the occasion have not yet a particularly eventful life story behind them, but now they are full of hopes and plans for the future, active and energetic. Yes, and the company of such anniversaries gathers, mainly youth, ready to dance a lot, have fun and “make fun”.

That is why the program author's script for a young man "The hero of the day is a superstar!" consists of comic entertainment and congratulations and active dance and music competitions (with thanks for the ideas of some of them to the talented authors of the Internet). Musical accompaniment is included.

Scenario of the anniversary of a young man

Music sounds at the exit 1. Instrumental. Opening

Leading out


The vast world around is full of colors,

Everyone has their own destiny and a special path is planned

And it is important not to turn off, to go forward and not to give up.

Accept life as it is! And smile!

You have to hurry to meet the heights and dreams!

Fate caresses those who strive for the impossible!

And our hero of the day is just like that, (name) always positive!

And he deserves congratulations of the kindest and most beautiful!

Yes Yes! It's time to raise glasses to the birthday boy!

And shout out (Name) friendly and triple: “Hip-hip-hooray!”

(small break)

The song sounds 2. Gulyarin. happy birthday friend



Good evening, dear ladies and no less dear gentlemen, we are: the presenter ... .. and the DJ .... with pleasure we will take part in this holiday with you! And it was not by chance that we started it so solemnly, because our hero of the day is young, full of plans and hopes, he has achieved a lot, but the main achievements of the hero of today's celebration are yet to come! And meet such a historical moment of your life (name) decided in the circle of the closest people and true friends.

Dear guests, are you ready to support the hero of the day in this solemn and responsible hour of his life and inspire him to great deeds? (Guests answer).

Some kind of discordant and unfriendly choir turned out for us. Does everyone in the room know each other? (answer: no) Then it's time to get acquainted, and since our hero of the day is unusually young and good-looking, then we will get to know each other unusually: musically and, I'm not afraid of this word, dancing.

(Author's note: the presenter finds out in advance from the customer which companies of guests will be present and includes those musical greetings that are necessary. You also need to clarify whether it is worth introducing the guests by name: if necessary, then the host acts according to the proposal; if not, then you can change the eyeliner simply to charge the birthday man with positive from different groups of guests, and don’t ask for names)

Musical acquaintance of the guests at the anniversary "It's time to become a superstar!"


Now the first piece of music will sound, it is for a group of close friends, are there any in the hall? We beat our acquaintance with you in this way, we make the “Victoria” gesture with our hands (shows) more "kAncrete" boys demonstrate "purely kAnkretny raspaltsovka" (shows) dance and give a boost of energy to a friend. Go!

Sounds 3. Beating Yes-yes-yes

(The presenter approaches everyone and with light comments introduces everyone to the representatives of this group of guests)


And now the word to a group of colleagues, respond, are there such people in the hall? We hear and see what is, now, who exactly knows about the prospects of our culprit, and therefore they will inspire him to accomplish something like this: hands on hips and boastfully spinning to the music (shows barrels).

Sounds 4. Sounds beat Opa-opa

(The host comes up and introduces everyone to the representatives of this group of guests)


And now relatives will share their positive and faith in the birthday boy: aunts, uncles, nephews (if any) parents and wife (again, which of them is in the hall) speak separately. For you, movements and music are the most natural for relatives - we send him kisses.

Sounds 5. Beat Aga-ah-love

(The presenter introduces everyone to the representatives of this group of guests) .......................................... .

Musical congratulations "Scream in the style of rock"

(Author's note: this congratulatory comic chant can be sung, if the vocal data of the presenter or one of the guests allows, under the minus songs of the Queen group: the soloist verses, and all the guests chorus in unison. If there are no singers, then the verse can be pronounced in recitative without music, maintaining the rhythm, and turn on the rhythm on the chorus and sing the common words under it: "Let's drink, drink vodka." Hyphens are placed in places where it is necessary to stretch the sound a little so as not to bring down the tempo of the chants, there are also accents on keywords- emotional emphasis on them). ..............

An excerpt to illustrate:


1. Today is the anniversary of a cool dude /

A - we e-mu still / and spe-whether! /

Didn't sing about it / what we value / ,

And for the sake of something, let's all get drunk in smoke! /

Chorus (all in unison):...............................

(both versions and minus songs as a whole and only the rhythm for the chorus are included)

Board game for guests. Comic fortune-telling "When will I become a star?"

To conduct the game, it is necessary to prepare cards with answers or, if the audience is ready to improvise, then the cards are offered only to the delayed guest.

The essence of entertainment: each guest comes up with for his neighbor at the feast a variant in rhyme to the phrase: "You will definitely become a star ..."

1. Eyeliner option when improvising guests:

2.Eyeliner option when playing with cards:

(Suggested 20 ready-made options cards)



- joke game for rallying "Crazy guests"

This is a game to raise the degree of mood (and the real degree) of the audience, whether to drink every time completely or just clink glasses and sip - at the discretion of the company.

Lead to the game (leader says): The first acquaintance and the first healthy toasts in honor of the dear hero of the day have already been said and drunk, it's time to get to know each other even closer. And to do this in Russia, as you know, is possible only with filled glasses. Now I will offer various sketches from life, and everyone who recognizes himself in it raises their glasses and glasses higher so that comrades out of habit or conviction can notice you, clink glasses with you and drink .......

(a game is being played, after each quatrain, the guests are looking for "friends" in the hall, those who also do this and clink glasses)


- funny scene- impromptu "On the anniversary of the Superstar or everyone is in shock!"

It's absolutely new begalka, which is played according to the traditional rules of the game "Six Chairs". 6 participants are called, each draws a card with the name of the character and a replica, and everyone sits on chairs. Then the facilitator reads the text of the tale, each, as soon as he hears a mention of his character, jumps up and, shouting his words loudly, runs around the chairs. When the word “anniversary” is found in the text, everyone runs and shouts: “Hurrah!”.

(Author's explanation: the organizer must definitely explain to the participants that it does not matter how the name of the character will sound: in the singular or plural and in what case - you must always react. It is better to insert the month and place of residence into the text specifically where and when the celebration takes place. And even if someone goes astray, do not correct, the whole charm of the idea lies in its festive bustle)

Actors and lines:

Star: "I'm shocked!"

Superstar (anniversary):"I'm in shock!"



Gift:"The coolest!"

Darling:"Most of all!"

Vodka:"Where, without me!"

Text (read by presenter).................................

- Cool outdoor game "Sorry, madam!"

(A game for a liberated adult company, the plot is based on a children's card game. The host explains that as soon as the couple hears the phrase in the text: “Sorry, madam,” the man kisses the lady’s hand, “Hi, jack!” - the lady kisses the gentleman in cheek, "Shoot" - they push off each other with priests, "Real Colonel" - the lady jumps into the gentleman's arms)..............................


An excerpt to illustrate:

A REAL COLONEL - a lady's dream,

And without a dream, SORRY MADAM, life is empty!.................

- Costumed congratulations from friends "Matryoshka - strippers"

Presenter: The best gift that best friends can come up with is to order a striptease for him. Our evening is no exception. Meet striptease in Russian style "Matryoshka Strippers"

"Matryoshka" dolls come out, dancing, one after another - sounds 15. Matryoshka excerpt 1

Presenter: Good evening, girls, the fact that you have red faces makes us all extremely happy, but we have strippers on the program ....................... .................

- Comic congratulations to the hero of the day "Fan Show"

To carry out such a congratulation, it is necessary to prepare a tablet or easel, on which a pre-prepared double poster will be fixed. The first layer of the puzzle, i.e. a large photo of the hero of the day in full growth, cut into pieces, back side each of them must be numbered. The second layer, which is opened only after the puzzles are sorted, is a list of joke rights that a fan has purchased.

(Or, if the pieces of the puzzle are large enough, you can write directly on them and dispense with the second layer).

Lead to entertainment: Each of us knows that where there is a show, there are fans, and where there are fans, there is a separate show. Enthusiastic fans are ready to take apart their idols for souvenirs. Our show is dedicated to one star - our hero of the day (Name). We ask him to our impromptu stage!

.......(Joke lifetime rights options included):

- Cheerful dance competition "Tango with a horse"

To conduct the game, you will need three horses on a stick, factory or home-made, and musical accompaniment..............................

- General dance "Avtoledi begin and ..."

Lead to dance fun: What do you think, who according to statistics are the best drivers: ladies or gentlemen? LADIES! Let's go out here everyone who agrees with this! (exit). And now, who strongly disagrees with this? (exit). And now I ask you to leave those who have not yet decided ...

The essence of the game:........................

Musical excerpts for illustration:

Bonus App :

In the bonus application, we share ideas and material that do not belong to the authors of the site and which we gleaned from open sources from brilliant authors and presenters. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TALENT!!!

1. Table role-playing fairy tale"Why don't you drink?!"

2. Cheerful radio fairy tale for adults "Three Little Pigs"

To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to contribute a small amount (500 rubles) to the site development fund - conditions and details on the page AUTHOR'S SCENARIO

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain full version this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)

Fairy Tale Bonus

This scenario of the men's anniversary is also perfect - fun and playful, it is offered separately (300 rubles), but for those who purchase this script, there is a bonus discount of 200 rubles, therefore, those who wish to have both a script and a fairy tale in their arsenal can send 600 rubles to the site fund, without a fairy tale, respectively , 500 rubles will be enough.


35 years for a man is a very important age and an important date, because he already has everything: family, work and true friends, which means that there will be quite a few guests at the holiday. It is best to celebrate such round dates in places such as cafes and restaurants, where you will feel the pleasure without too much fuss and home cooking.

We decorate the hall. A man's holiday should be truly masculine, so we suggest you arrange a holiday with beautiful car posters, balloons severe shades. You can choose the color of the flag: white, red and blue. To allocate a place for the hero of the day at the table, put a large glass for drinks for him, which will be decorated in a strict tuxedo, you can do this thing yourself or buy it in a special store "Everything for the holiday". You can also stick special stickers on the bottles: “For the Anniversary”, “For 35”, etc.


(all guests and the Jubilee sit at the table)

Today we will congratulate
Well, also praise
One young man
Who will live longer than a century,
He's only thirty-five today,
But on this date he was able to take a lot from life,
He has a beloved family, and you are friends,
And these figures are golden, which cannot be ignored!
So let's start right away
Pouring wine into glasses!

(everyone fills glasses)

For (name of the Anniversary) so that his life is good,
We all drink a glass of wine!

Guests that you stayed too long
You got drunk and ate
It's time to get up quickly
Anniversary congratulations!

(the time for congratulations begins, but at first the congratulations are not ordinary, but theatrical, first they congratulate five different guests, who are given emblems with brands of different cars, they come out, congratulate and give the hero of the day a collectible model car)

#1 Ferrari.

So that everyone from the crowd recognizes you,
So that under the hood the horses tore,
I give you a Ferrari!

#2 Toyota.

It's always a pleasure to drive on it,
And even if this is not the choice of a patriot,
But Toyota is hurrying to you as a gift!

№3 Lada Kalina

And even if you don't need it
And with her the road is not with the taste of chocolate,
Accept as a gift, your Kalina Lada!

No. 4 Skoda.

And let the machine for the class of the middle people,
But behind it is quality and fashion,
The gift will be a Skoda car!

It is made by us
He will not let you down at the right time,
So take it now
Now it's yours - the Russian UAZ!

(all other guests, in turn, congratulate the Anniversary)

The words are all said, the gifts are presented,
Now let's we
Let's fix it all with wine
And we'll all clink our glasses!

(everyone drinks, a meal passes, music plays)

And now I want to tell
More precisely, to describe
As the hero of the day lived to thirty-five,
So (name of the Anniversary) you come out here to my power!

(a theatrical scene takes place about the life of the Anniversary, and the presenter, the Anniversary and a couple of guests in the images take part in it: Educator kindergarten and friend)

(The hero of the day sits in the center of the hall, the presenter leads the story)

Thirty years ago to sing
Among the cares and joys, (the name of the Anniversary) was born,
He turned out very handsome!

(puts a baby cap on his head and ties it)

Began (name of the Anniversary) to grow up,
The pacifier began to live!

(the presenter puts a pacifier in the Anniversary's mouth)

(here comes the guest in the form of a kindergarten teacher)

A kindergarten teacher:

I (the name of the Anniversary) loved very much,
Always praised him for everything
And I could pamper a couple,
Buy him a delicious candy!

(the teacher takes a candy, unfolds it and puts it in the Anniversary's mouth, he eats it)

(a friend approaches the Anniversary and pretends to hit him in the face area, meanwhile the presenter paints on the Anniversary's eyes with bruises under the eyes, with blue eye shadow)

But then he settled down
I studied well at school
And even received diplomas in the future,
And he graduated from the institute with honors!

(the presenter wipes the bruises and presents the Diploma)

Then he became a young man
Married, became a father,
And today celebrates its anniversary,
Thirty-five wonderful years to celebrate!

(gives the hero of the day the medal “Happy 35th birthday”, everyone applauds, the hero of the day sits down in his place)

This is how life was
And now my friends
You need to drink for (the name of the Anniversary) of the year,
After all, thirty-five is a great time!

(everyone drinks, a meal passes, music plays)

We sat with you
Empty the tables
We need to change the pace
It's time for everyone to dance!

(dance break, fast and slow songs play)

And now I ask the Anniversary,
To prepare his strength,
I am very happy to announce the anniversary cake,
Candles there burn like fires!

(a large cake with candles (35 pieces) is brought into the hall; it is brought directly to the place of the Jubilee)

Well, Anniversary, are you ready,
So that all your dreams come true?!
Then blow out the candles to applause,
And cut the cake solemnly!

(To the applause, the hero of the day blows out the candles, a sweet meal passes, the host leaves the holiday, and it already continues without her)

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35th Anniversary Scenario

It was my friend's birthday. I sometimes amuse myself with these kinds of celebrations. This is the script for the evening.
Ladies and gentlemen!

We are glad to welcome you on board of our NVL-0901 airliner.
The entire crew of our airliner flying from the Dream circus to your apartments with a long flight over the territory of the Circus, thanks you for choosing our company. Flight time within 6...10 hours. The temperature outside the liner is up to -25 degrees, the temperature inside the liner can rise up to 40 degrees. The flight will take place at a height of 1.5...2.0 meters from the floor level.
And now I will acquaint you all with the rules that must be observed during our entire flight:
- during takeoff and landing, everyone must fasten their seat belts,
During the flight, it is allowed to unfasten for a plentiful acceptance of treats,

When taking off and landing, bring the backs of the chairs to a vertical position; during the entire flight, it is allowed to tilt your chair towards your neighbor with his permission, but not 90 degrees,

There is no flight attendant call button, so with all questions, please contact me personally in oral and written form,

The doors of the emergency and main exits are located in the same place as the entrance to the circus

The restrooms are located at the tail of our liner next to the exit,

It is allowed to get up and go home during the flight only after agreement with the commander of the ship,

During the entire flight, you will be offered soft drinks, cold snacks and a hot dinner.

Some passengers may experience turbulence during the flight, be careful

And now, dear passengers, please everyone stay in your seats until the full climb. Let me introduce the crew of our liner. The commander of the ship is our charming hero of the day Lebedeva Natalya Viktorovna, the assistant commander is the first pilot, and part-time husband is Lebedev Konstantin Stanislavovich, as well as the flight attendant with you all evening - just Lyudmila.
The ship's commander and crew wish you a pleasant time.
The people languish in anticipation
And there is no reason to delay any longer.
That's why it's his birthday,
To make the glasses ring.

Dear passengers, please fill your glasses and I propose to drink the first toast while standing, honoring our hero of the day.

Do you remember how it all started?
Born 3.200 in total.
These are the pens
These are the legs
Those are her cheeks.
How friendly everyone rocked you,
They changed your sliders.
Mom and dad named Natasha
And the baby began to grow

We drink to the bottom - for this miracle:
A man was born
And the color of the sun became brighter!

We drink to the bottom - for this miracle:
This only happens once
And how good that we have

Not somewhere in Paris
Or even in Moscow.
It all happened here, on our land.
She grew up without knowing any worries or troubles,
And here we are celebrating its 35th year!


So, dear friends, our airliner has gained altitude. The evening continues. You can unfasten your belts, you are allowed to get up, but not all at once, you are allowed to walk, but no further than before the hero of the day. And to make it easier for all of us to communicate during the flight, I suggest everyone get to know each other. And we will start with Natasha's parents: mother is a wonderful woman, a kind-hearted person is Lidia Agarkova _____________, father is an amazing man, a charming interlocutor - Victor Mikhailovich Agarkov,
The younger brother of our hero of the day is a handsome guy - Andrei, relatives - ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________,
Fellow students-________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
For our company
Good, dear
I drink
I'm not sick of the stack!

Slow music sounds

The hero of the day invites her father to dance

My friends, let's applaud the dancers. My God, what tenderness when a father dances with his daughter. And remember, Viktor Mikhailovich, how 35 years ago your wife handed you a small package. Remember how tenderly you held the tiny, fragile body of a little daughter, how you looked into her eyes, how you wanted to see her smile as soon as possible, to hear the word PAPA, how carefully you touched this little angel, and just as tremulously and affectionately now you hold in your the hand of an already grown-up daughter.
Andrey invite mom to dance. Dear! Darling!
They need you so much!
Good and "you are beautiful,
Gentle at heart.
Support for children
Hope and happiness
You give them affection
Love and participation
It is a great happiness to be children and have children, enjoy this happiness as long as possible, take care of each other
Viktor Mikhailovich, hug your only and beloved one more tightly, and quietly, so that no one hears, whisper something kind and gentle in her ear. Thank you for the day, thank you for the night, thank you for your son and daughter, thank you for saving our little world in the midst of pain and evil.

You know how people say: a husband and a wife are one Satan, and yet, without me, my beloved, you can fly with one wing.
In the end, we don’t have a downed bomber, but a passenger liner, so the word for congratulations from the commander of the ship is given to his spouse Konstantin.
There is a person that those girls who don’t have him dream about, and those who have one often quarrel with him, argue, but still there is no closer and dearer person for them. Of course you guessed it - this is a brother. The word for congratulations is given to brother Andrei
The fox teased the lioness.
Where does it fit - to give birth to only one cub a year!
And the lioness answered: - Yes, that's right, I have one cub, but he is a lion!
Dear mothers of an only child, do not be upset, but be proud of your lion's share.
For that, we will sip from our glasses!

Now I invite you to name a few animals, those that are more pleasant for you.

In transportation...
With relatives...
With work colleagues...
In the store like...
At home like...
In a cafe or restaurant...
With the boss...
In friendly company...
Like in bed...
In the doctor's office...

The appearance of the doctor
Yes, what is it, you that I have the only one or something. Well, the youth went. No sooner had the girl been born, and they had already gone to the party, they would not have time to wash. What's going on, what's going on. I am your doctor, so I came to the address of the newborn for a round, but they are not there. Well, I need to get a card. Where is the mother with the butt.
1. What date was the girl born?
2. What is your birth weight?
3. Growth?
4. What was the name?
5. At the time of the girl's birth, where are they registered?
6. Dad, how many days did they wash the baby?
7. What time of day was the baby born?
8. How did you get to the hospital?
7 toast
Congratulations from relatives

8 toast
congratulations friends
You can't buy a birthday anywhere.
It comes free once.
He does not forgive you to pay
but he does not come twice a year.

He will come - the performance will unfold,
suddenly a magician will fly to you,
to ask: you're happy, aren't you?
Be thankful for everything!

And then it will unfold before you
this stellar and milky way.
And the bad won't come back
forget about sadness and sadness.

I wish among the evening stars
to be the brightest star.
To be spring among the songs of spring,
and don't forget about your happiness!
You can't get away from anniversaries in life,
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry through the years
The warmth of the soul, a particle of warmth.

Beautiful, gentle and cheerful,
charming, crazy,
Always loved and in love
Forever young at heart
With fire in my chest, with a dream in my heart,
Unfathomable like a star
And an unsolved mystery
You stay forever!

The appearance of a gypsy

“Give me your hand, my golden one! I'll tell you, my dear, tell fortunes, but I'll tell you the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life. She goes uphill all the time, you, my diamond, will become a big man. Oh, men will love you, but you will be unshakable as a rock. You'll also have a car, but I can't tell if it's a white Mercedes or a green Moskvich. And some handsome man along the line of your life, well, he doesn’t retreat a single step. Oh good! All women keep their eyes on him, and he strives to get closer to you. Wait a minute, my pearl, but how could I not admit it - this is your husband. Ah, my precious one, I see the brilliance along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will buy a cottage outside the city, you will celebrate your anniversaries there, you will invite all the guests to your place for every holiday, and now - give me a coin, my rich one, gild your pen for what I told you fortune. Yes, do not spare money, my hundred-dollar one, I’ll tell you now what your guests think about you, I’ll read all their thoughts - everything is for you, dear!

The guests pull out the papers prepared in advance from the gypsy, and the gypsy reads the text on the pieces of paper:
1. Oh, what a woman, what a woman, I would like this!
2. I will never forget you
3. Madly I love the girl who does not notice me
4. I love you to tears
5. Your clear eyes ruined me
6. With what delight I meet your lovely eyes, but I often notice in them
they don't look at me
7. And I forget about everything in the world with you
8. That sapphires and diamonds, pearls and turquoise,
it’s not a pity to give everything right away for Natasha’s eyes
9. I want to invite to dance
You and only you
10. As I am going to you for salvation, you are the one whom I have been waiting for a long time
11. And I catch myself on the fact that I almost already love you
12. Natashka, Natashka-white chamomile,
pure as snow, the best person
13. And I admire you alone,
and you don't know yourself
that beauty will overshadow any
beauty queen
14. How to thank fate,
that brought me to you
15. I'm ready to kiss the sand you walked on
16. My fish, I am your eye,
my bathhouse - I'm your basin,
17. No, you are not just the best,
you are simply the best of all comparisons.
18. Small spool, but expensive.
19. Drink something, drink, but have a mind.
20. I don’t know if I love you, but it seems that I love you.
21. You are my finishing ribbon, everything will pass and you will accept me.
22. I don't sleep well at night because I love you.
23. old friend better than the new two.
24. Who told you, well, who told you, who came up with the idea that I don’t love you.

Gypsy (after divination): Now everyone knows their future. Well, I have nothing more to do here. I’m going to the camp, the children are tired of waiting, and my husband is strict, stern, doesn’t like it when I’m late for work ... Hello everyone! And I wish the hero of the day and his family happiness, prosperity, health and prosperity! I’ll drink a glass on the path for the hospitable owners of this house and for their guests! ..

Since here we were talking about men, among whom she is both sweet and comfortable, let's give the floor to the men, the sultans, who came to visit us.
Song of the Sultans.

Congratulations from the sultans to the motive of the song: "If I were a sultan, I would have three wives ..."

From the other side
From overseas countries
We have come to you
To the country of the Russians
Oh, Natasha - beauty,
Oh queen of the day
We dance, we sing
Only for you!

Nata's today
big anniversary,
Well, sultans,
dance merrily!!!

35 - no problem
only part of the way.
look at you -
Give me only 23.
Like the air is light
With sparkling eyes
How slender birch -
Oh go crazy!

And it is true,
Sultans don't lie
It's gratifying to look
On your spell!

Let's be honest with you
Oh, Natasha-zhan,
In my harem would you
Everyone took the Sultan!
Hands so golden
Not to be found in the world
Allow us for that
Kiss you!

Nata's today
big anniversary,
Well, sultans,
dance merrily!!!

I see that intellectuals and merry fellows have gathered at this festive table. And now I want to know if you can dance... in unusual conditions. You need to perform the dance without getting up from your chair. There must be four contestants.

Four guests go out, taking chairs, to the center of the room. March, waltz, Latin American rhythms, twist, rock and roll sound alternately. Participants perform appropriate dances. The winner is chosen jointly and then a medal is awarded to him. "For the best dance performance." After that, everyone can leave the table and perform the Gypsy Dance. The best dancer receives the medal "First-class (th) gypsy (-ka)".


Draw eyes, mouth, nose, ears, cut with scissors, spread with glue and stick on paper

Well, and a couple - a goose and a great auk! Or as they say: two pair of boots.

At the end of the dance competition, the guests return to the table, and the presenter announces that one woman accidentally came to the light to congratulate the hero of the day. A "gypsy" appears before the guests. She offers to tell fortunes to the hero of the day.

Farewell to candles