Cheerful anniversary 45 years for a woman. Scenario of the anniversary of the woman. Competition for the birthday man's wife

  • 28.08.2020

Before starting the celebration of the anniversary of 45 years, a woman according to the scenario below should decorate the room. Homemade decor is perfect for this, although store-bought garlands and flowers can also be used. Bright posters with cheerful wishes for the hero of the day will complement the interior. And of course beautiful bouquets!

At the appointed time, the hero of the occasion meets her guests. They take their seats at the table. The leader appears in the room.


Hello dear birthday girl! Hello dear guests! Once again, we are all gathering in the house of our beloved and respected (name and patronymic of the birthday girl). But, today's occasion is quite unusual. We are celebrating the anniversary of a wonderful woman, a caring wife, an attentive mother and a wonderful hostess!

Young people consider anniversary a synonym for old age. But, look at our birthday girl! Does she look like an old woman? Not at all! Ours (name and patronymic) is as positive, beautiful, kind, sympathetic as in her youth. The only thing that has changed is that she is wiser now. But wisdom does not mean old age!

Please accept the most sincere and warm congratulations on your 45th birthday from all those present. After all, today relatives, friends, colleagues have gathered in your house - only the closest people.

In this part of the script for the 45th anniversary of the woman, congratulations with humor from the girlfriends and friends of the birthday girl. All guests are invited to raise their glasses to the health, well-being and happiness of the hero of the occasion.


Among all the guests there is one person for whom you (name and patronymic of the birthday girl) are the meaning of all life. Your family is already (so many) years old and together you have experienced a lot. Well, the word to the spouse (name and patronymic).

After congratulating the husband, a small competition is held. After all, what without interesting fun?


Let's check how much the husband got to know his wife during the years of married life. After all, every woman is a mystery! Could (name and patronymic of the spouse) unravel all the secrets of our birthday girl?

We offer a simple test to see how attentive you (husband's name and patronymic) are to your beloved! Some of the questions will be provided with possible answers, from which you will have to choose the correct one. Shall we start?

  • Date and time of your spouse's birth?
  • The number of the school where the birthday girl studied?
  • Was your favorite school subject your favorite?
  • Wife's prom dress color?
  • The university that you graduated from (name and patronymic of the birthday girl)?
  • Date, time and day of the week when your child was born (if there are several children, then name all by seniority)?
  • What is the name of your wife's favorite perfume?
  • What flowers does the wife prefer?
  • The name of the "signature" dish of your favorite?
  • Where would the wife go on vacation: a) to the country; b) to the Canaries; c) to Odessa?
  • When the birthday girl retires, will she: a) breed rabbits in the country? b) engage in floriculture; c) knit socks for grandchildren?
  • What series does your wife like to watch?
  • The ideal male actor, according to your wife?
  • How long does it take for a birthday girl to cook dinner: a) 15 minutes; b) 60 minutes; at 3 o'clock?

So, according to the results of the test, the spouse will have to reveal the secrets of the soul of his beloved. But, there are still so many happy years of living together! And yet, she knows a lot (the name and patronymic of her husband), therefore he receives the title of “Ideal Spouse” and is awarded a medal.

Applause, toasts and congratulations sound.


Everyone sat up for something! It's time to warm up a little, so a dance competition is announced!

To conduct this part of the script for the 45th anniversary, it is necessary to prepare props - ordinary newspapers. Several pairs of women and men are selected. The winners need a prize - a medal for the "Best Dancers"


When the music starts, all the couples stand on the newspapers and start dancing. When the music stops, you need to fold the newspapers in half, then continue the dance again. The couple that can dance on the smallest piece of paper wins.

After the end of the competition, the winners receive medals and thunderous applause.


Well, the birthday girl and her guests are excellent dancers. And now is the time to test your creative and intellectual talents!

The host divides those present into two teams - everyone participates, except for the hero of the occasion.


The task for the teams is the same - to compose a song for the hostess of the holiday. Run time - 10 minutes. Begin!

At the end of the competition, the birthday girl and the presenter determine the best composition. She gives the winners the medal "Best Writer" to applause.


What wonderful songs the guests composed in honor of our birthday girl! But, how can we leave our (name and patronymic of the birthday girl) without a reward? After all, it is thanks to her that we are all here! It was the birthday girl who organized such a wonderful holiday for us!

The host presents the medal to the hero of the occasion “The most charming and attractive hero of the day.” Congratulations again.


On this, the official part is considered closed, but the holiday continues!

A woman can make any changes to the script for 45 years, the main thing is that the birthday girl is happy.

So that he will be remembered for the rest of his life. But not every birthday person is responsible for organizing his holiday. Sometimes this task falls on the shoulders of friends and relatives, and in this case, developing a script for the anniversary of 45 years for a woman is our main responsibility. But how to do that? How to come up with funny contests? How to find a good topic? We hasten to please you! Everything is easier than you can imagine.

At any time you can take finished script anniversary of 45 years for a woman on the Vlio website. Specifically, this section presents a lot of interesting scenarios that can turn any celebration into a real hurricane of fun and positive emotions. Not only the hero of the occasion will be surprised, but also all the guests of the holiday. This is what we guarantee you.

Spend some of your precious time and find cool script anniversary of 45 years for a woman on our website. In the end, we are working precisely so that you do not lose face at the most crucial moment. Treat yourself, your guests and your birthday to an unforgettable holiday! Take advantage of the given chance!

Scenario of the anniversary of 45 years for a woman

Any Anniversary should be celebrated joyfully and solemnly. And of course, such a date as the 45th anniversary cannot do without it. Therefore, we offer you to spend it according to this interesting and very tasty scenario.

"Berry Mood" And why the topic is such, you will understand from the first words of the presenter. The holiday can be celebrated at home, but if it allows you financial position, then in a cafe or even a restaurant. We decorate the room with a favorite detail of the holiday - balloons. Napkins and tablecloths should be with the image of different berries. You can also draw posters, where in the middle there will be a photo of the Anniversary, and around her a large number of different berries.

And they say that in "45",
Berry woman again
And true words
Ours is so good
All so ripe
Juicy and ripe
Let's call her a strawberry
And let's call together!
One, two, three, Anniversary (name) - come out!
(they call the Anniversary in chorus, she enters, applause sounds)

This age suits you
Ripeness, juiciness, all over
We solemnly welcome you
We call it sweet strawberry
And on the 45th Anniversary, from the bottom of our hearts, we solemnly congratulate you!
(husband or another man of your choice, gives the Anniversary a bouquet of 45 inflorescences of her favorite flowers)

Well, now, I ask you to the table,
And I hasten to say a toast:
For you (name), my dear,
So that you always have happiness in full!
(musical break, meal)

The competition is very tasty, I announce
And I call couples of family to me!

The competition is called: "Strawberry with cream." Participation takes 4-5 couples. Each couple is given two plates, one with strawberries, the other with whipped cream. Task: a woman takes a berry with her teeth, dips it in cream and gives it to a man, he also takes it with his teeth, all this is done without the help of hands, to rhythmic music. The couple that will eat all the berries the fastest will be the winner. Prize: a jar of strawberry jam.

Presenter (toast):
Entertainment succeeded
The mood has risen
Now we will drink for the Anniversary,
Congratulate and praise her!
(musical break, meal)

And now I'm announcing a riddle contest.
And those who answer correctly, I give gifts!

The competition is called: "Berry riddles." The presenter makes riddles, the answers to which are the names of different berries. Whoever answers correctly gets gifts. For gifts, the best ones are: good teas with berry additives, kitchen towels with their image, air fresheners for cars with berry flavor, etc.


It helps for vision
And vitamins saves?
(answer: blueberries)

Her appearance for the bears is like a picture,
So juicy and ripe...?
(answer: raspberries)

We collect it red, in the cold,
And in case of a cold, do we close the jars?
(answer: cranberry)

Everyone is happy to eat it.
Green, black - …7
(answer: grapes)

She's red like a carnation
This forest...?
(answer: strawberries)

Although it is tasty, but with a little bit of bones,
And the name of such a berry is yellow - ...?
(answer: cloudberry)

This berry is the largest and very sweet in taste,
For the summer harvest, and the name of her ...?
(answer: watermelon)

This berry blooms in spring
What we all forget about the fetus!
(answer: cherry)

Presenter (toast):
Well, what a berry mood,
For our (name) great birthday,
We congratulate her on this.
And we wish you all the best!
(musical break, meal)

And now the competition for the sweet tooth!

The competition is called: "The Elusive Jelly". Everyone is welcome to participate. Each is given a table, a chair, a plate with berry jelly and toothpicks is placed on the table. At the command of the presenter, all participants, with the help of toothpicks, begin to hook the jelly and put it in their mouths. But all this is not as simple as it seems at first glance, because the jelly slides, and it is very difficult to bring it to the mouth. Whoever eats all ahead, he will be the winner. Prize: a large flip calendar with a picture of berries.

We entertain the jubilee
And we raise our glasses
For her 45
May she be even better!
(musical break, meal)

And now the competition is unusual,
A bit groovy, but where aesthetic!
We will dance with you
And the berries are delicious to eat!

The competition is called: "Dancing for the elimination." Everyone is welcome to participate. A small table is placed in the middle of the hall, on which, on different plates, all kinds of berries are laid out. As soon as good, rhythmic music starts, everyone turns their backs to the table and starts dancing. But, as soon as the music stops, the presenter shouts loudly one of the names of the lying berries and the participants must eat them. Who thinks for a long time or who does not get berries, he leaves. And so to one person, to the winner. Prize: cake.

Now everyone is dancing
With a smile and cheerful!
(good fast music is turned on, all guests dance if they wish)

Now let's all take a break
And again we will call family couples!

The competition is called: "Blind Taste". Couples take part. Everyone is blindfolded and given a plate of berries of different varieties and tastes. To each other, in turn, blindly, they begin to put one berry in their mouths, while whoever eats must guess its name. Who does not guess, he is out. And so on until one pair. Prize: 1kg. Strawberries and whipped cream.

Well, now it's a couple of congratulations,
It's time for gifts, smiles, sayings,
I ask you guests to come to the Anniversary.
And every wishes say!
(guests in turn congratulate the Anniversary)

This is a holiday, this is the Anniversary,
And the soul becomes brighter
How many relatives are here, and how many friends,
And there is nothing more expensive and shallower!

Moderator (closing speech):
They say that at 45, a woman is a berry again,
We do not say this, but confirm it, and again (name), happy Anniversary, congratulations! Hooray!
(the holiday continues, the meal, dancing, fun)

At 45, a woman still has her whole life ahead of her. the best way prove it will arrange a great holiday with contests, which she will remember for a long time. But first, you need a script. It is necessary to clarify in advance the number of invited guests and if their total number exceeds 15 people, then the best option would be to hire a host of the celebration and a DJ.

To organize a wonderful anniversary for a woman of 45 years old, you need to come up with a theme for the holiday. It all depends on the birthday girl herself, if she loves humor, it will not be superfluous to have a fun party with jokes and gags. One has only to find out all the information about the guests, whether there will be children, so that everyone would have fun.

In addition to the script, it is also worth considering what present to give to a woman. There are a lot of options here, but do not forget about the taste preferences of the hero of the occasion.

The most important thing is that if the woman you want to arrange a beautiful holiday on the occasion of her birthday is dear to you, then you will definitely do everything from the heart, which means everything will go perfectly.

Cool scenario for the anniversary of a woman of 45 years

To make your birthday a success, it is better to think through all the details. The basis of a successful party is the script of the holiday. The host of the holiday can come up with a script, or you can find a suitable one on the net. Here are a couple of script ideas.

The first option, flower and berry theme. The hall should be decorated in flower and berry, colorful shades. Very handy - fruit serving and slicing is unusual, you should bring the table setting as close as possible to the berry meadow. A garland of flowers that can be hung in a banquet hall will fit perfectly here. This theme is suitable for a birthday girl whose birthday is in the warm season.

At the beginning of the celebration, all the guests sit in their places, the hero of the day enters the hall. At this time, the presenter talks about the woman, what an important day she has today, that she is in her prime, that all the most interesting is yet to come.

Further, the first toasts are pronounced from the closest relatives and friends, then the guests proceed to the meal. After a light snack, a colorful slide show is offered, in which guests will be presented with photographs of the birthday girl from birth to the present day.

Before the celebration, the host must tell each guest what kind of flower or berry he will be, but so that the hero of the day does not know about it. A flower or a berry should be as suitable as possible for a person, because the birthday girl will have to guess the guest from the description of the presenter.

Also, you can lure guests into a game of guessing riddles related to berries and flowers.

Further, the presenter points to the guests and says that all those gathered here are a whole bouquet that will have to congratulate the birthday girl. Each guest gets up and congratulates the hero of the occasion in his own way (verse, song, scene, etc.).

Then a competition is held in which several guests participate. They stand with their backs to the table (the table must be moved to the center of the hall in advance and put berries on it), during the music they dance around it without turning around. When the music ends, the host calls the berry that needs to be found and eaten. The contestants must turn to the table, quickly find a berry and eat it. Those who do not have time are out of the game.

At the end of the holiday, the host arranges song contest. The DJ must prepare a cut of songs in advance. The person who guessed the chords of the song sings along and receives a prize as a reward (tulip, raspberry, and so on.).

At the end, a solemn blowing out of the candles on the cake for the birthday girl and tea drinking.

The second option is a scenario of an ordinary holiday without a theme, just funny toasts and dances, contests and congratulations, gifts and other surprises. Here you can decorate the banquet hall simply with balloons of the hero of the day's favorite color, as well as put her favorite flowers on the table. Posters, inscriptions, bows will also be appropriate.

Do not forget that people at 45 can have fun no worse than young people, the main thing is to triple a successful program that will not let either the guests or the birthday girl get bored.

Congratulations on the anniversary: ​​wife 45 years old from her husband

It is important for every woman to receive words of congratulations from her beloved husband on her 45th birthday. There are many options for congratulations. One of such flowers and postcard. Any woman is pleased to receive flowers as a gift from her husband, but on an anniversary, it is desirable that the flowers be an addition to the main gift. Another option is verbal congratulations and a gift. You can read a verse or memorize it, you can say a couple of lines from yourself, then giving a present.

For congratulations, a song ordered on the radio, tickets for some event that the birthday girl has long wanted to attend, a certificate for buying in a store are also suitable women's clothing, cosmetics, underwear.

If finances allow, then one of the most luxurious gifts for your beloved wife on an anniversary can be a beautiful piece of jewelry. Many are worried about its packaging, but you should not bother about this, a regular jewelry box will do. Such a gift does not particularly need packaging.

Congratulations on the anniversary: ​​mom is 45 years old from children

Every mother expects happy birthday wishes from her children. She will not expect expensive gifts and magnificent speeches from them. Simple attention is enough for mom, and the fact that the children have not forgotten about her birthday. It will certainly not be difficult for schoolchildren to make a happy birthday card or any other craft for their mother. It is important that the postcard be signed by hand. In addition to the postcard, you can congratulate your mother by giving a balloon or a flower.

It would be great if the children together drew a congratulatory poster for mom, this will definitely surprise her and delight her.

If the children are already old enough, they will be able to mount a video about their mother, which will be a wonderful gift for a long memory.

From the son, it is most pleasant to receive a gift in the form of a flower, a postcard, and from a daughter - in the form of crafts, a drawing, a ball.

Anniversary congratulations: sister is 45 years old

Sisters and brothers have a special bond that allows them to hold each other, help and experience the happiest moments of life together. My sister's birthday is no exception. Your sister turned 45 and you don't know how to congratulate her? In fact, everything is simple. The main thing is attention, sincerity. It is very nice if you can write a couple of lines from yourself, from the bottom of your heart, to express those wonderful feelings that you have for your sister. Often, in Everyday life we skimp on kind words, so when congratulating our sister on her 45th birthday, we need to “catch up” on the lost as much as possible. Compliments, kind words addressed to her sister, who celebrates her birthday today, will touch her very much. Let her know how much you cherish and appreciate her.

From the gifts you can pick up a lot of things, here you need to focus on the preferences and tastes of the birthday girl. I think the sisters and brothers know each other well, so there will be no problems with choosing a gift.

Congratulations on the anniversary: ​​a colleague is 45 years old

A good and friendly atmosphere at work is an important thing in the life of every person, because we spend most of our lives in the workplace. If your colleague has an anniversary, then you should prepare well for her congratulations.

A poster, a greeting card from all employees, flowers and a present - everything will come in handy. More and more lately workplace colleagues-birthday boy are strewn with a lot of balloons, it's fun and original. Let the workplace of the hero of the day be colorful and cheerful on this day.

It can be a great idea to say congratulations on behalf of all colleagues, or if everyone comes up and says congratulations. Together with a card, it would be appropriate to give a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, or some valuable gift that the birthday girl dreamed of. Agree, if all employees gather money for a gift, then a decent amount can come out for which you can buy a good present. Often colleagues give money in a gift envelope. A very pleasant trifle will be a greeting card signed by all the colleagues of the hero of the day.

Anniversary congratulations: girlfriend is 45 years old

Not everyone was lucky enough to get a good and faithful girlfriend, although at 45 there are much more chances than in youth. At this age, people are mature and responsible, understanding each other, having gone through a lot together. To congratulate your beloved friend on her 45th birthday in an original way, you need a creative approach. Without a doubt, a friend has long been aware of the taste preferences of the birthday girl, which means she knows how to choose the right words for a congratulatory speech and what to give.

You can compose a congratulation yourself, or you can find a beautiful one on the net and learn it, or rewrite it in a postcard. Well, along with a postcard, you will quickly decide on a present for a friend.

Beautiful poems, songs, toasts and sketches for the anniversary of a woman of 45 years

Here are a couple of sentences of poems and toasts that will help make the congratulations of the hero of the day brighter:

  • Congratulations on your 45th birthday, we wish you to continue to bloom, still please your loved ones, we wish you the fulfillment of any dream, well-being in the family and a carefree life

  • Today dear and respected birthday girl is 45 years old. Only the closest people have gathered here, we all want to raise our glasses to the beautiful lady, the best mom and the most beloved woman!

  • Let that light shine in your eyes that attracts us, warms and gives tenderness, love, care. We all love and appreciate you, you are a wonderful decoration of our life.

As for the scenes, everything here is up to your taste and your imagination. Usually, skits are arranged at celebrations, where you can have fun and please the hero of the day.

We make a gift for the anniversary of a woman of 45 years

A special gift, one that is made by hand. This is the most valuable gift you can give. If a woman has an anniversary in spring or summer, at the beginning of autumn, then an original gift will be a bouquet of fruits, or a basket made by hand with cosmetics or goodies.

Children can make handicrafts, a postcard, an application for their mother, a husband can collect a beautiful bouquet of flowers for his wife with his own hands.

Another original gift- DIY photo collage. It is very creative and will be remembered for a long time. Another option is a family tree in a frame, which is in fashion today. If you know how to draw, then you can make a portrait of the birthday girl by placing it in a frame.

What to give for the anniversary of a woman 45 years old

To please a woman with a gift for her 45th birthday, you need to know what her hobbies, hobbies, and dreams are. Well, if there are no hard financial framework. One of the surest options that will surprise the birthday girl is jewelry. Perfume or good toilet water is also an equally good present.

A tablet or phone is a gift that will definitely please the hero of the day. You can pick up something from professional personal care equipment: hair dryer, manicure machine, depilator, and more.

Any woman will be delighted with a gift bag, clutch or purse, especially if they are made of high quality leather.

How beautiful to sign a card for the anniversary of a woman of 45 years

If you are going to give a birthday card to a birthday girl, you need to sign it beautifully and competently. It is best if it is a congratulation in the form of a verse, but you can also use prose. It is worth mentioning in the text how important the hero of the day is for you, how much you love him and appreciate how dear this person is to you. At 45, you should wish stability, health, prosperity, career growth.

Children can sign a card for their mother as they please, while decorating it with different colors, sparkles, or making an application inside. There are a lot of options, if nothing comes to mind, use the ready-made congratulations that are on the Internet.

Any anniversary is a kind of event. This is not just a gathering with friends, but a special day. After all, it is not in vain that anniversaries were introduced separately from all other holidays. Therefore, this holiday should be fun, bright and so that everyone remembers. And for this to happen, you need interesting scenario for the anniversary of a woman for 45 years. Comic and funny, with contests and games, and so that it’s straight ah! in general, see our script and choose what you like!

Anniversary meeting.
We offer to meet the hero of the day with the help of the magic of numbers. You need to prepare plates with numbers in advance and distribute plates to guests. And the guests should stand in two directions to form a corridor. When the hero of the day enters, she passes through the "live" corridor, and stops near the first plate with numbers.
The host asks her:
- Do you know what these numbers mean in your life?
The jubilee answers. If it can't. The host helps her. And the first digits are the date of birth of the hero of the day.
Then she comes to the second tablet, the number 3 is drawn on it.
The number 3 is the age when the hero of the day went to school.
The next plate with the number 7 - went to school.
Next, the number 18 is the age of majority.
Then the age of marriage. Then the birth of a child and so on, all the significant events in life.
And the last plate is clean, without numbers. And the same empty signs in the hands of the rest of the guests.
And then the host says:
What does this blank sign mean? And it means that the next important event in your life has not yet arrived! Look how many empty signs the guests have in their hands! See how many more important and necessary events will happen in your life!
Happy anniversary to you!

All the guests applaud and sit down at the tables.

The main part of the holiday.

Dear friends!
They say that at forty-five grandma berry again. Do you agree with this statement? And if you agree, then I propose to play a little game.
Do you know a lot of berries? I have pictures with different berries in a magic bag. I will approach each guest, he will take out a picture with a berry at random. And when he sees a berry in the pictures, he must say why the hero of the day can be called this berry. All clear?

The game is played with the guests.
For example, the guest takes out a picture with strawberries. He can say that the hero of the day looks like a strawberry, because she is just as sweet!
Cherry card - the hero of the day is as juicy as a cherry!
Raspberries are ripe like raspberries. And so on. It is important that the guests do not repeat themselves, but constantly come up with new comparisons.

Excellent! See what a diverse hero of the day we have turned out to be! Well, what about the guests?
Dear guests - are you the same "sweet"? Are you the same "tasty"? Are you as versatile?
And let's check it out!
I have cards in my already known magic bag. They have variants of the end of one phrase. You need to say the beginning of the phrase, and then get one card and read out the end of the phrase. But remember - you are reading a card for your neighbor on the right! So be careful, try not to offend him!

And so, each guest first says such a phrase - “you will definitely become a star”!
And then he takes out one card and reads out the ending.
Ending examples:
- when you drink brotherhood with me.
- when you sing together with me.
- if you take care of me.
when you fill my glass.
- if you take me home after the holiday.
- when you dance with me.

Tell me, do you like to sing? Do you all know the song - "lilac fog"?
Let's try to sing it. Great, I see and hear what you know. Now we will all sing our congratulatory song to the same tune. I will distribute leaflets with words to everyone. We will not sing in chorus, but line by line. I will quickly move the microphone from one to another, and you sing. So, let's begin.

Words for the song alteration to the motive - "Lilac fog"

Well, what kind of songs are you all! Do you also dance? Let's check!
Let's start with a little competition. I have in my hands a list of all the guests. More precisely, a list with your names. But who is who, I don't know. But I prepared cuts of songs where they sing about names. And now I will include them. And you, when you hear your name in the song, go to the dance floor. So I will know all of you, who and what is the name. But so that you come out bright and beautiful. I have prepared a gift for the best, most spectacular exit. So don't be shy and come out dancing!

The presenter begins to turn on songs with names, and the guests go out if the songs are sung about their name.
Example songs with names:
- Natasha, Natasha (hands up)
- Oh, Lech, Lech, I feel so bad without you.
- Valera, Valera...
And others, depending on the names of your guests.

Excellent! So we met and everyone came out to dance. Do you want to dance? I can not hear? Then let's get started.
I suggest you all split up. Women go to the right, and men, as always, to the left.
We will compete in dancing. First, a song is played for the women, and they dance. Then a song for men is turned on, and already they are dancing. And I will watch who danced how and choose the winner: men or women.

And so, the dance competition.
For women, you can include such songs:
- And I love girls, I'll gather them together.
- boots, boots.

And for men such songs:
- you pidmanula me, you pidvel me.
- there are girls, knee-length skirts ...

Dear friends! I looked at all of you and declare that I won - friendship! Now just dance!

Our holiday is in full swing and it is time to give gifts to the hostess of the holiday. And while the guests began to run around the hall and remember where they put their gift. Who wanted to give, I will make my gift.
Dear hero of the day!
I am very pleased that it was I who became the host of your holiday. And in honor of this event, in honor of your anniversary and for a long memory. I present you with this honorary diploma:

And now all the guests give their gifts.

Do you still remember that we are celebrating our 45th anniversary? Do you remember that we said that at forty-five, grandma berry again?
I invite four guests to my stage. Each of you gets your own card with a drawing of a berry. Look, you will be a strawberry, you will be a raspberry, you will be a lingonberry, and you will be a strawberry.
Your task is simple - I read the verse, and you do what your persona does in verse.

The facilitator reads the verse. And the guests, when they heard the name of their berry in verse. Must do what the verses say.
And here are the verses themselves.

Raspberries and lingonberries hang on twigs.
And from their branches they look down.
They saw a strawberry and rushed to it,
And kiss her on the cheek, hurry her up.

What's hiding, strawberries?
Shake off the earth from yourself.
Run faster to break away
Kiss with the hero of the day!

Oh, the strawberries are jealous.
- I'm better than strawberries!
Well, then run quickly.
Kiss the hero of the day hot!

Red raspberries poured
And her glass filled to the top.
Rather, a glass of cotton,
And smack the hero of the day!

Modest lingonberry, left alone.
And so it was her turn.
Cowberry! Anniversary is coming!
Run quickly, the hero of the day is waiting for a kiss!

And now it's time to dance!

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This scenario is suitable for celebrating the Anniversary in a banquet hall or in a spacious room.


Props: cards with the image of berries (for 2 competitions), cards with lines of toast, cards with numbers, small Balloons, 2 laundry baskets, 2 ribbons, songs for the competition, gifts for participating in competitions.

The guests are seated.

presenter (starts):
Berry, beauty, Goddess,
The extraordinary beauty of the soul,
Congratulations on your Anniversary today
Your family, friends, friends!
And on this day, the lights shine bright
And the music is heard in all houses,
(name of the Anniversary) I wish myself happiness
And so that the soul always bloomed!

Dear guests, today's event is entirely due to the beautiful, delightful, breathtaking (name of the Anniversary). The right of the first toast, I would like to pass it to the parents (if there are no parents, then you can start with the next of kin).

(Parents pronounce their)

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

Berry holiday, berry day,
And it's not too lazy to have fun today,
Congratulations, songs, poems sound,
And dreams come alive today!
And to make us all happier,
Dear guest, do not regret your strength,
Our first competition I will announce
And I'm asking for volunteers!

Competition "You are our berry".
The presenter selects several men and gives them cards with the image of berries. Their task is to compare the hero of the occasion with the berry that they got. Whoever comes up with the most comparisons wins. You can't repeat.
Props: cards with the image of cards.

Perfect! You see what a diverse Anniversary we have, just a real berry!

For the berry to bloom
Sweet for her to be
To shine in the sun
I admired everyone in the world,
This is what I wish
And also good, warm!

I think he wants to join your congratulations (says guest's name) maybe he/she has berry toast!

(Guest says)

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

I continue our evening
I announce a new competition
Berry, lovely,
Joyful, wonderful!

Competition "Berry poems".
The host invites 4 guests to her place. They are handed cards with the image of berries. The task of the participants is to do what the verse says when it comes to their berry.

Raspberry and strawberry,
Something was discussed
And new clothes
We chose together.

And strawberries with blackberries,
Standing aside
Beautiful manicure
They look at theirs.

And here they are, elegant
Everyone goes to the holiday
Strawberries and raspberries
Songs are sung.

And the strawberry thinks
Composing a toast
Blackberry side by side
Carries a bouquet of roses!

Strawberries for the Anniversary,
Hurry, hurry, hurry
Kiss her beautiful
She flies, she flies!

And strawberries in the dance
All already found
And the style is special
Got it instantly!

And the blackberry too
Wants to kiss
With our Anniversary,
Hug tight!

Raspberry with expression
Reads poetry to her
Kisses gently on the cheek,
And give her flowers!

This is where I end
berry verse,
Everything turned out great
End of beautiful lines!

Props: cards with the image of berries.

We raise the third toast,
And love we praise
We pass the word to the half,
We are waiting for cherished congratulations!

(The toast is made by the partner of the Anniversary. If this is not the case, you can skip the toast or pass the floor to one of the guests)

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

Dear guests,
I invite you to sing
And berry songs
You need to be able to sing!

Competition "Berry Songs".
The presenter divides the guests into two teams and alternately asks questions about songs that talk about berries. Each team should not be easy to guess, but also sing a song. The one who guesses the most songs wins.

Questions for the song quiz:
1. A berry that blooms by a stream? ("Oh, viburnum blooms")
2. Berry, which is so loved by Varum? ("Winter cherry")
3. In this song, K. Orbakaite sings about the sky, and about love, and about the fact that some kind of bush leaned ("Currant")
4. Where did Friske and Disco Accident go? ("Malinki")
5. Igor Nikolaev really praised the wine from this berry ("Raspberry Wine")
6. What berry beckoned to itself ("Raspberries").

You are all such good fellows
I'm surprised, I admire
And your talent, gentlemen,
I bow to the floor!

Everyone knows, and I know
What is most important friends
We can't live without them
Let's find trouble!

I give the word
Well, you understand who!
But, I will complicate the task,
I'll give them the cards!

Hands out cards with a line from the toast written on them. The task is to collect and. Time to complete minute.

Props: cards with toast lines.

Toast option:
Berry you are our dear,
We drink for you today
And we wish you happiness
We will always find time for you!
We've known you for so many years
We are grateful to fate
that became our friend,
Earthly blessings, we hasten to wish you!

(After that, you can announce a dance break, lasting 10-15 minutes)

Game "Berry Dance".
2 pairs of participants are selected. For this game, you need to pick up musical cuts of songs about berries. The task of the participants is to dance in pairs to the rapidly changing music. The task is complicated by the fact that the host sets certain movements, for example, raise your hands up, dance on one leg. The couple that does it better will win.

Need to rest a little
Remember the past, dream a little,
And for this I propose,
Guess the anniversary date!

The game "Fragments of the past."
Before the start of the holiday, some guests receive cards with numbers. The guests alternately raise the cards, and the hero of the occasion calls the events related to the numbers. For example, the number 3 is shown on the card, which means that at this age the hero of the day went to Kindergarten etc.
Props: number cards.

(After this game, the host offers to drink for memories)

(A 5-10 minute banquet break is announced)

But I wonder how smart and skillful our guests are?

What do you mean?

And now you will see!

Competition "Picking berries".
The host invites 4 participants, who are divided into 2 teams. Each team gets one laundry basket, and the host drops small balloons for them to collect. The task is complicated by the fact that the participants are attached to each other. The competition is held to rhythmic music.
Props: small balloons, 2 laundry baskets, 2 ribbons.

(After this competition, a dance break is announced, lasting 20-25 minutes)

Everyone in the world loves poetry
And (the name of the Anniversary) is no exception,
Let's read them to her
As a congratulations!

Game "Berry rhymes".
The host sets the first line and passes the word to one of the guests, who must continue. He, in turn, passes the word to the next one, who goes astray, performs the task of the Leader (sing a song, squat, etc.). First line: You are like a sweet raspberry.

(After that, the guests make a toast, and a banquet break is announced, lasting 5-10 minutes)

And there is a competition in stock,
Very interesting,
Clockwork, he is cheerful,
Joyful, wonderful!

Contest "Guess the song".
The facilitator chooses 2 participants. Headphones are put on each in turn, and he must show the song without words. Display time 45 seconds. The one who guesses the most guests wins.
Props: Songs for the contest.

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

What's a holiday without cake?
So bad, so impossible
There will be a treat
Candles, happiness, congratulations!

While the cake is being brought out
I give the word to our Anniversary,
She is madly loved by everyone around,
And with her, life is much sweeter!

(The hero of the day says thanks to the guests, after which they take out the cake)

Our evening is coming to an end
It's time for us to say goodbye
Berry day is over
Goodbye friends!

It was sweet, it was loud
We laughed heartily
Lastly, I wish
Let dreams come true!

If desired, you can add several