How to make an electronic diary for a student on your phone. How to use the service electronic diary of a student through public services. How to enter the electronic diary

  • 15.03.2021

On the site

The problem of entering the electronic diary is associated with the planned transition of all schools to an electronic system of interaction between parents, teachers and students.

The project of a new electronic journal in Moscow in 2019 covered all the capital's schools. From September 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018, almost all municipal schools in Moscow were transferred. Subsequently, it was decided to transfer all schools of the Russian Federation to the EZhD system.

Electronic diary entry through public services

Electronic diary 2019 is significantly different from previous types of similar documents. Now you will not be able to enter the MRKO electronic diary, as it was before. From September 2018, it will be possible to enter EZhD only through

To do this, you need to create an account, get access to your personal account. The previous username and password that were given to parents at school will not work. What to do in this case?

  • register on;
  • fill in all personal data;
  • enter SNILS;
  • valid email, mobile phone;
  • information about the child.

If there is not enough information, the system will issue the following inscription:

Enter all the information that is required in order to connect to the service. Then you need to wait until the technical problems on the site are resolved, and you can enter the electronic diary without hindrance.

In the meantime, you can watch a video clip that will introduce you to the rules for entering the electronic diary on the portal:

Do I need to register on the public services portal

The login and password that you enter to enter your personal account will also be valid for receiving all other services. Gradually, all state organizations plan to transfer to this type of service. Therefore, you still need to register in this system. You will need this method of communication not only to enter the EZhD or the student's electronic diary. You can:

  • check grades through an electronic diary;
  • find out the results of the exam;
  • make an electronic appointment with a doctor;
  • issue a passport;
  • pay utility bills;
  • sign up for a queue in kindergarten;
  • enter meter readings for water and electricity, and much more.

What should I do if I can't log into EZD or I don't remember my password

I can’t get into the electronic diary, it says - the password is wrong, what should I do? This is the most common problem when entering the EZD.

If you forget the password for your personal account on, you can get a new password without waiting for a meeting with the teacher, as was the case before. Just click the "Forgot password" button, and the system will prompt you to specify the address of an alternative Email or send an SMS to the mobile phone number specified here.

Why can't I enter the electronic diary through public services 2019?

Even those parents who remember the password and have not lost their login, with the beginning of the new school year, cannot enter the electronic diary through public services on and on the website. On the first site, the following inscription appears:

  • “Dear users, the servers of the system are engineering works. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience. The system will be fully operational as soon as possible." This inscription hangs for almost the entire September. Since the beginning of October, the situation has changed a bit and now the inscription appears:
  • “Dear class leaders! Pay attention to the new personal message from the Administration in your journal. We ask you to carefully read the authorization procedure for students and parents, and the algorithm of your actions in case they have problems accessing the diary through»

The entrance to the electronic diary is not available not only to parents and teachers, but sometimes to schoolchildren who cannot receive assignments in a timely manner or follow the lesson schedule.

Electronic diary - difficulties for teachers

Those teachers who duplicate entries in an electronic diary or EZhD with entries in ordinary paper diaries and journals turned out to be right.

Schoolchildren enter tasks with their own hand, monitor the accuracy of filling out the pages, they can show the diary to their parents, and let the system get better for the time being.

The class teachers of almost all metropolitan schools are busy throughout the beginning of the school year sending parents instructions on how to enter the EZhD - a new electronic diary that is starting to operate everywhere. Often these instructions turn out to be incorrect, as they are immediately replaced by others. Here you can find instructions for filling out EZhD and working with them:

Entrance to the EZhD electronic diary - problems for parents

Most parents experience irritation and panic because of the ill-conceived system, because of the constantly changing requirements.

EZD electronic diary 2019 - parent reviews

Here is what the mother of a seventh grader from one of the Moscow schools says about the new EZhD:

  • “Since the end of August, they have been trying to explain to us how to use the new electronic diary. At first they said to look for old passwords that had a lot of characters. They were given to us three years ago. With difficulty found, inserted - nothing works. We also cannot check whether this password is correct or not. We go to the site, it says that technical work is being carried out or that the site is unavailable for technical reasons. Yesterday we went in - there is an empty grid hanging there, in which the days of the week are written and that's it "

And here is the opinion of the parents of the fifth grader, who had just returned from the parent meeting, which was held due to a general misunderstanding of how to use the new electronic diary:

  • “At the meeting, we were told that the problems would gradually disappear, that we would still have to learn how to use this electronic system. But it is not clear why it is necessary to constantly change the requirements, update an already complicated system? Yes, and there was enough time to approve the new provisions, three months of vacation are over, what were the organizers of this project thinking about? I still can’t enter my daughter’s electronic diary, but how can I check the lessons and grades? You have to call the teacher in the old fashioned way and find out the assignments from classmates on the phone.

EZhD, electronic diary, electronic journal - how it was

An electronic diary at school is no longer a novelty, the first such diaries appeared back in 2014, when the head of the Moscow Department of Education, I. Kalina, said that the city had made its choice, and it was not subject to change.

“We work with you in state educational institutions. I ask you not to forget this. The choice has been made by the city. Anything that you think should be useful in the selected journal - offer it, ”the leader said such a speech.

The first electronic diaries on the site "Nachalka"

However, 6 years ago all students elementary school Moscow had to register on the Nachalka website, which was also not easy at all. Especially when you consider that the parents of first-graders are inexperienced people, worried about every occasion. But nothing, they got used to it, by the end of the year almost everyone had connected to this system, having figured out the appearances and passwords.

"Electronic journal" on the site ""

But for the next academic year, Nachalka was closed, and all schoolchildren were connected to the Electronic Journal system on the website.

This magazine was recognized as the most convenient, because even the most “non-advanced” parents managed to connect to it by the New Year. Teachers could send messages, connect SMS.

Electronic diary of MRKO

Since 2014, Moscow schools have been forcibly transferred to new system electronic journal MRKO. What does the Moscow Register of Education Quality mean in translation? An entrance to the public services portal was required. Both parents and students had to register here.

Viewing homework and grades has become even more inconvenient. Some schools were so outraged that they filed a petition with the Department of Education. This is essentially unheard of in the metropolitan area. The petition was sent as a protest against the forced connection of schools to the ER system. She appeared on

Here's what the petition said:

  • “We demand an end to administrative pressure on schools. Provide an opportunity for an educational institution to independently choose a system for maintaining an electronic journal and an electronic diary. Many schools, under pressure from higher authorities, were forced to switch to the use of a unified MRKO system. In most cases, this system simply does not work: “Instead of preparing for lessons, teachers are forced to enter information at night into an inconvenient system that constantly disappears”
  • “Parents cannot maintain operational communication with the school and teachers through the electronic journal. And also use the usual services available in other systems. For example, progress alerts via email and SMS. Moreover, MRKO does not meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for electronic journals and diaries. And it does not allow to receive the corresponding electronic service in full, since there is no information about the topics of the lessons held in the MRCS electronic diary,” the petition read.

What ended the debate on the transition to EZhD

All parents were again given passwords to enter the system. The class leaders again began to send out instructions and meticulously explain to the most ignorant how to use the portal of public services.

But even the most competent parents who constantly use the Internet and work as IT specialists often cannot figure out all the nuances of entering a login and password, they ask where to enter numbers and how to use an electronic diary and journal. During these three years, however, almost everyone got used to the fact that in order to learn homework, you can spend half an evening. That EZhD often hangs, disappears, information can either disappear or appear.

Teachers also complain that they now have to spend all their evenings filling in the graph in the EZhD, but you get used to everything, you get used to it.

Now change is coming again. And I want the Department of Education to take into account the requests of parents. He also listened to teachers who want to stop at something, get used to unified system. What prevented, for example, ordinary, paper diaries, where the children diligently entered the task? And where every parent without a password and login could read the teacher's comments, subscribe, find out what was asked for tomorrow. And, it was absolutely free. Nerves, time and millions of rubles were not wasted on the implementation of more and more new projects. After all, now the entire first quarter of each school year is spent figuring out how to enter an electronic diary. How to easily learn elementary information that was previously available and understandable to everyone.

You can check the child's schedule in the electronic diary. To do this, select the service on the site and log in. Further:

  • to view the lesson schedule for the week, select the "Diary" section in the top horizontal menu, then the "Diary" or "Schedule" tab. In the menu that appears on the right, select the week you are interested in;
  • to view the schedule of holidays, weekends and vacations for the current academic year, select the "Diary" section in the upper horizontal menu, then the "Calendar study schedule" tab. In the calendar that opens, vacations, training modules, and days off are marked in different colors. You can hide one of the sections from the calendar - to do this, click on it in the right menu.

If you have several children, you can switch between their diaries by clicking on the gray triangle under your last name and initials in the upper right corner of the screen.

2. How do I tell my child not to be at school?

The "absence notification" function is available only for parents. To notify that the child will not be at school, select the "Diary" section in the upper horizontal menu, then the tab. In the calendar that opens, specify the date for which you want to create a notification. If the child misses one or more lessons, select "In some lessons" and mark the lessons for which he will be absent. If your child misses one or more entire school days, select "By day" and mark when he will be absent from school. Confirm your choice by clicking the "Create on the selected range" button. Days when the child will not go to school will be marked in the calendar in blue, when part of the day will be absent - in green.

If you need to delete a notification, select the date on which the notification was made (marked in green or blue) in the calendar, indicate which notification you want to delete, and click "Delete on the selected range". You can't delete notifications from past days.

3. How can I contact school staff and parents of students using the diary?

Go to the section (envelope icon), click on "+ New Chat" and enter the name of the chat.

You can add students, their parents, teachers and school administration to the chat. To do this, enter the first letters of the last name of the person you want to send a message to in the “Start typing full name” field, or select a category (parents, teachers, students, etc.) and the last name of the person to add to the chat. After that, click the "Go to Chat" button.

To edit an already created chat (delete, leave, rename, add or remove participants), click on the “ ” icon in the upper right corner of the chat itself.

4. How to use the electronic diary through a mobile application?

  • download the free mobile app (available for Android and iOS devices);
  • open the application and register in it by entering your mobile phone number;
  • on the main screen, select the "Electronic diary" section and enter the email address that you submitted to the school to access the electronic diary.

If an error occurs while running the application, make sure you have the latest version of the application installed. If the update did not solve the problem, take a screenshot (screenshot) of the error and contact customer support.

Step 1. Register on the site portal

To use the "Electronic Diary of a Schoolchild" service, you and your child must register on the site. The child and parent must have separate personal accounts. To register, fill in with your last name, first name, patronymic, email address and mobile phone number.

When registering, make sure that personal account the current phone number and email address that you use. If these details are incorrect, you will not be able to access the service. You can read more about registering on the portal in ours.

Step 2 Submit your details to the school

Give the class teacher your data and the data of your child, specified during registration on the website portal:

  • E-mail address;
  • cell phone number;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) (optional).

Please note that the child and parent must have different accounts on the site.

After the personal data is processed, you and your child will get access to the electronic diary, to enter which you must enter the login and password from the website.

2. How to enter the electronic diary?

After that, you will be taken to the website, where you can see the child's progress, his homework and check how he attends school.

3. How to give access to an electronic diary to a trusted person?

If your relative or other trusted person, such as a nanny, is registered on the site portal, you can give him access to the child's electronic diary. For this:

  • after authorization in the service, follow the link and click the "Add trusted" button, or immediately select "Give access to the electronic diary and information about the visit and nutrition of the child" in the service catalog to the site.
  • select the service to which you want to give access to a trusted representative, and the last name, first name, patronymic of the child whose diary you want to allow to view;
  • indicate the last name, SNILS or mobile phone of the person you want to invite.

The authorized person will see an invitation in their personal account to the site (section "Notification Center", tab). Access will open within 24 hours after the invitation is accepted by a trusted person.

The school diary connects the school management with the student's parents - it marks the results of a knowledge survey, control works, teachers write comments about behavior or poor preparation, and this technique has always continued until an analogue of the paper version came into use - an electronic diary. What is it, how can a parent enter an electronic diary and check how the child is doing?

With the development of new Internet services, each parent registered on the State Services portal can timely receive all information about studies and various comments, missed classes, made simultaneously in paper and in in electronic format diary. That is, the student will no longer be able to hide from the parents any information that the school wanted to bring to the attention of the parents. And if earlier a negligent student could tear out a page or correct 2 by 3, then new service for parents already excludes this possibility.

Any parent who is interested in the success of the child at school will be able to obtain all the information of interest to him through the Internet portal of the State Services under the option "electronic student diary". To do this, you must have registration in order to enter the portal in a section specially created for this. Access is absolutely free.

Beforehand, in order for each parent to have access only to the page of their child, a colossal work was done - a list of students was compiled, correspondence by school institutions and classes, in addition, personal input data for parents was developed.

At this point in time, not all regions have prepared the system in order, so this service is not yet available everywhere.

Getting login information

One of the parents must apply to the secretariat of the educational institution with a statement indicating:

  • Information from the child's birth certificate.
  • Applicant's personal details.
  • A request containing a request for access to the electronic diary of your child.
  • Give consent to the processing of data on the Internet.

The secretary will verify the specified information with the available data, and issue information and instructions on obtaining access to the desired service on the State Services.

Please note that you can get access not on the national website, but only on the regional one. For example, for Moscow, this page is located, in the section "Study and Education", for the Moscow Region.

It should also be taken into account that not all regional educational institutions have switched to the new format of keeping school records. Moscow is at the forefront here, and its experience will be transferred to other regions.

  1. To log in, authorization is required, and if not account, then you should create it.
  2. Contact the class teacher and request input data - each student has their own personal page, and you can enter only using this data.

Registration procedure on the portal

Let's take Moscow as an example. Open the main page of the State Services in Moscow, click on the banner - register:

  1. Enter your personal data, email address and phone number in sequence in the appropriate fields mobile device- they will receive confirmation codes.
  2. Click on the button - registration, and after checking the entered data, messages with confirmation codes will come to your mail address and phone - enter them in the appropriate fields;
  3. Create your login password, and complete the process by clicking on the Done banner.

Now you can enter various electronic services, including in the "Education" section, where the necessary functionality is located.

Login procedure

Now more about how to access the student's electronic diary for parents:

  1. Open the portal page and click on the button - enter (at the top of the page).
  2. Enter your login details and log in.
  3. From the general list, follow the link "Education", to the section "Electronic diary of a student".
  4. Now you should enter the data received from the class teacher - login and password, then a new page will open with records of your child's progress. Data for the last school month will be displayed here, but parents do not need a longer period.

You can also access this service from mobile application“Gosuslugi”, the authorization process is similar to the traditional login from your desktop computer.

What information will be available to parents?

Important! If you have an electronic signature, then through the service you can put it, thereby notifying the teacher that you are familiar with his comments and wishes.

By opening a personal page, parents can learn about all the important events of the educational institution and other important information:

  • Appointed classroom and school-wide meetings, agendas;
  • Absence of lessons for an unexcused reason (truancy);
  • Homework for each subject;
  • Receive personal information from the class teacher or any subject, if available electronic signature and answer them online.

All information is provided by the Department of Education of the Moscow Region.