Three main differences between the Syrian conflict and the Ukrainian one. Money and ideology

  • 21.11.2019

Recently, much has been written about Russian barbarism against the backdrop of European civilization in Western and liberal domestic journalism. But if we compare moral ideals and real life peoples, look through the heroic pages of the history of the Russian people, then a completely different picture arises.

For example, in the Russian pagan pantheon there was never a god of war, while among the European peoples the concept of a warlike deity dominated, the whole epic is built around wars and conquests.

  • The Russian man, after defeating the Gentiles, never sought to forcefully convert them to his faith.

In the epic “Ilya Muromets and Idolishche”, the Russian hero liberates Tsargrad from the filthy Idolishche, but refuses to be the governor of the city and returns to his homeland.

In ancient Russian literature, there is no theme of enrichment during conquests, robberies, while plots on this topic are common in Western European literature.

The heroes of the Nibelungenlied are obsessed with finding a buried treasure - the gold of the Rhine.

Main character the ancient English poem "Beowulf" dies, "saturating the eyesight with the play of gems and the brilliance of gold ... In exchange for wealth, I laid down life."

It does not occur to any of the heroes of the Russian epic to sacrifice their lives in exchange for wealth. Moreover, Ilya Muromets is not able to accept the ransom offered by the robbers - "golden treasury, colored dresses and good horses as much as necessary." He, without hesitation, rejects the path where "to be rich", but voluntarily tests the path where "to be killed."

And not only in the epic, but also in legends, fairy tales, songs, proverbs and sayings of the Russian people, the duty of personal or family honor has nothing to do with the duty of personal or family revenge.

  • The concept of revenge as such is generally absent in Russian folklore, as if it were not originally embedded in the “genetic code” of the people, and the Russian warrior has always been a warrior-liberator. And this is the difference between a Russian person and a Western European.

The Russian historian and philosopher wrote: “Europe does not know us ... because the Slavic-Russian contemplation of the world, nature and man is alien to it. Western European humanity moves by will and reason. A Russian person lives first of all with his heart and imagination, and only then with his mind and will. Therefore, the average European is ashamed of sincerity, conscience and kindness as "stupidity."

A Russian person, on the contrary, expects from a person first of all kindness, conscience and sincerity. The European, brought up by Rome, despises other nations inwardly and desires to rule over them.

  • Russian man has always enjoyed the natural freedom of his space... He has always been "surprised" by other peoples, got along with them good-naturedly and hated only invading enslavers...".

The good-neighborly attitude towards the peoples of the annexed territories testifies to the mercy and justice of the Russian people. The Russian people did not commit such atrocities as the enlightened Europeans did in the conquered lands.

There was a kind of restraining moral principle in national psychology. Naturally strong, hardy, dynamic people were endowed with amazing survival.

The famous Russian long-suffering and tolerance towards others were based on the strength of the spirit.

Under continuous invasions from all sides, in incredibly harsh climatic conditions, the Russian people colonized vast territories without exterminating, enslaving, robbing or forcibly converting a single people.

The colonial policy of the Western European peoples uprooted the natives of three continents, turned the population of vast Africa into slaves, and the metropolises invariably grew rich at the expense of the colonies.

The Russian people, waging not only defensive wars, annexing, like all large nations, large territories, nowhere treated the conquered like the Europeans. From the European conquests, the European peoples lived better, the robbery of the colonies enriched the metropolises.

  • The Russian people did not plunder either Siberia, or Central Asia, or the Caucasus, or the Baltic states. Russia has preserved every nation that has entered it. She was their protector, provided them with the right to land, property, faith, customs, culture.

Russia has never been a nationalist state, it belonged simultaneously to everyone living in it. The Russian people had only one "advantage" - to bear the burden of state building.

As a result, a state unique in world history was created, which the Russian people defended with their blood, not sparing their lives.

Precisely because such suffering and colossal sacrifices fell to its lot, my people accepted, as their own pain, the suffering of other peoples under the yoke of the Nazi fascists.

And after the liberation of his native country, with the same self-sacrifice, with the same energy, he liberated half of Europe.

What a heroism! That's the strength of the spirit of people gives rise to the Russian land!

And I think that such a feat even great people can be solved once in a century.

The patriotism that the Russian soldier demonstrated on the fields of the Great Patriotic War is patriotism the highest standard which neither world nor domestic history knew. And I will never agree with the statements in the press about Russian “barbarism” and European “virtue”.

I am proud that our ancestors, our heroic ancestors, were so beautiful, persistent, courageous and hardy, and we are their descendants!

1. Why did the crises of the 1970s and 1980s influenced the transition from extensive to intensive type of production?

In 1973, the Arab countries - oil producers, protesting against the anti-Arab policy of Western countries and rising prices for industrial products, sharply raised oil prices (first 4 times, then several times more).

Under such conditions, it became necessary to switch to intensive production, i.e., to saving energy, materials, and labor costs.

2. What are the main features of the third industrial and technological revolution?

This is a period of development of new equipment and technologies.

The third technological revolution is the result of the crisis of mass industrial production aimed at extensive development, the result of the end of the era of cheap oil and a new aggravation of competition in the world market. This revolution made it possible to begin the transition to a post-industrial society - an information society. Particular attention is paid to the development of information technology, and especially the rapid change of generations of microprocessors, computers, the development of communication systems (communications) - fiber optic, satellite, cellular, etc. On this basis, the information revolution is unfolding.

3. Name the main areas of the latest scientific achievements.

Improvements in the 1970s microprocessors and integrated circuits and the creation of personal computers based on them. The most promising industries modern science and production is becoming the development of biotechnology, genetic engineering, nanotechnology, technology of new materials, etc.

4. What discovery and achievement impressed you the most?

Deciphering the human genome.


1. What are the main features and characteristics of the post-industrial (information) society.

Signs of the emerging era of the information society are as follows:

Knowledge and information become a source of more high performance labor, they increasingly use the data of science;

There is a shift in production itself - from the creation wealth and goods to the production of information, which fundamentally changes the social and professional composition of society;

The information society has launched a mechanism of constant renewal, technological innovation, innovation, a kind of perpetual motion machine that has been sought for so long, because information and knowledge do not decrease as they are used, but are only updated and improved.

2. Highlight the main differences between a post-industrial society and an industrial one.

A post-industrial society is defined as a society in which the priority in the economy shifts from the predominant production of goods to the production of services, knowledge, research, the organization of the education system and the improvement of the quality of life, in which the class of technical specialists becomes the main one. professional group and, most importantly, in which the introduction of innovations is increasingly dependent on theoretical knowledge.

If a technical progress in the industrial era was associated with the desire to conquer nature and the concepts were close to him: power, size, volume, speed, etc., then the technology of the post-industrial society is based on other concepts: diversity, efficiency, economy, environmental cleanliness, etc. If earlier automotive companies competed in creating the most powerful engine, now the desire to ensure low gasoline consumption, handling, safety, and comfort comes to the fore. The largest car manufacturers are moving to custom-made cars.

site compared fighting on the territory of Ukraine and Syria and tried to highlight the main differences between the two armed conflicts that are currently ongoing.

Equipment and weapons

Despite the fact that the war in Syria has claimed the lives of several hundred thousand people, and the conflict in Ukraine about 7,000, the equipment and firepower of the main participants in the Syrian ground campaign is significantly inferior to the power of the warring parties in the Donbass. The soldiers of the regular Syrian army and, moreover, the rebels look rather poor even against the background of the fighters of the self-proclaimed people's republics opposing the Ukrainian security forces. Supporters of secession from Ukraine have at their disposal much better uniforms than the Syrian government army. At the same time, according to various sources, unlike heavy weapons, DPR units acquire equipment for infantrymen on their own or receive assistance from people and organizations (mainly Russian) who sympathize with their cause, without counting on the capabilities of any state machine.

In Syria, neither the government army, nor various groups of militants and rebels can afford this. Few militants or loyalists wear at least the Soviet helmets SSH-40/60, which at certain points in history filled the region. Other equipment of both government soldiers and militants of various groups leaves much to be desired even in comparison with other local conflicts in which non-state armed groups take an extensive part.

The helmet example above is not the only one. The combatants have exactly the same problem with camouflage, body armor and other uniforms. Even the lightest bulletproof vest of the 1st protection class, which saves from pistol shots and small fragments, can often only be seen in special units of the Syrian army (except for ostentatious photos at various parades and parades, of course). Unloadings are found only in the simplest design, and their shabby appearance can be seen even in poor quality photographs.

Camouflage in the war is used mainly by the Syrian army and the soldiers who deserted from it, who found themselves in the camp of the rebels. But even among government troops, one squad can have several different camouflages at once, including those that are not suitable for the conditions in which hostilities are taking place. For example, even in a desert area, fighters from both sides have to fight in green camouflage equipment, which makes them easy targets for each other.

Infantry weapons in the Syrian conflict are mostly old versions of machine guns and Kalashnikovs, sometimes even AK-47s. Hand grenade launchers of the Islamists are represented by obsolete Russian, Croatian and Yugoslav models. By no means an exotic representative in the units of the IG * is the Soviet heavy machine gun Degtyarev - Shpagin (DShK). Its first copies began to enter the Red Army in 1939.

Similar information in an interview with Russian Planet was also reported by war correspondent Dmitry Steshin, who visited Syria.

“The equipment of the Syrian fighters is very modest, well, very modest. Personally, I have not seen anyone in bulletproof vests. Kevlar helmets are rare. cards, unloading or backpacks with MOLLE, berets from the world's leading manufacturers - none of this is in the Syrian army or is extremely rare, at the level of statistical error. Or in special forces," Steshin said.
The equipment of anti-government fighters on the territory of Ukraine exceeds the equipment of many armies of the world, while jihadist engineers sometimes have to build tools to create a caliphate from what is at hand. You will not surprise anyone with home-made and artisanal weapons in the Middle East wars. Weapons from which one can hit the target only with the highest favor of Allah have been appearing here for decades. But if earlier it was created at least on the basis of serial samples that were subjected to peculiar upgrades, then the inventors from among the Syrian militants managed to come up with truly original things, against which the use of an excavator as a launcher for a rocket seems to be the height of engineering.

In Ukraine, the fighters of the People's Republics completely closed the sky over their territory for Ukrainian aviation. In this they were greatly helped by the presence of the necessary things, such as anti-aircraft missile systems, including portable ones. The rebels shot down several Ukrainian helicopters and planes, thus protecting themselves from further raids. In Syria, the militants failed to do this even with Assad's aircraft, not to mention the aviation of Russia and the international coalition.

Professionalism and tactics

The problems of the participants in the conflict are connected not only with their equipment, but also directly with their actions during the hostilities. Dmitry Steshin also notes that the Syrian artillery allows itself to strike from the same position for a whole week, which "is impossible to imagine in Novorossiya (a self-proclaimed state on the territory of Ukraine - ed.). More than once, Syrian armored vehicles have been seen entering urban areas without any cover, incurring unnecessary losses.In addition, government armored vehicles are not equipped with any elements of dynamic protection, which is why they are quite often hit with RPGs and anti-tank guided missiles, even by untrained religious fanatics. which a militant dressed almost in slippers knocks out a Syrian tank from an American BGM-71 TOW.

Problems with the professionalism of all participants in the conflict are noticeable in almost any video from Syria. Snipers shoot at several magazines without changing position, infantrymen shoot from the hip into full height, and at positions and checkpoints there is not even a fraction of those fortifications that can be seen in the same Donbass.

Artillery preparation for insurgents and militants is often replaced by firing from improvised mortars or shahids on an armored personnel carrier, tank or truck loaded with explosives. According to the tactics of the militants, he drives up to a minimum distance to a fortified object and explodes, hitting the enemy’s manpower and creating panic. Such peculiar actions in the Syrian theater of operations are replacing the volleys of Hyacinths and Tulips, the cannonades of which are already distinguished from each other even by the civilian population of southeastern Ukraine.

It is these actions that are one of the reasons for the huge losses in this war. More details about the above tactics of militants can be found in the video below.

Money and ideology

But there are areas where IS* fighters are vastly superior to any other insurgents. This is, for example, making money. According to various estimates, this group sells oil for 1.5-3 million US dollars per month. For comparison, the cost of the Russian Su-25 attack aircraft will fall into this gap. And this is only oil revenue, without taking into account other significant ways for IS * to get money - sponsorship of patrons from Doha and Riyadh, as well as the slave trade. Few insurgents can boast of such income.

The second success of the IG * follows from the financial possibilities, which the same DPR and LPR could not achieve by a third - this is propaganda. Considering the paucity of IS outfit* and high quality propaganda materials, it becomes obvious that it is on them that the jihadists spend their money. IS* propaganda attracted Muslims to Syria from all over the world, who before that were often not even interested in radical Islamic movements. In turn, the propaganda of the people's republics is at an extremely low level and does not find a tangible response in terms of effectiveness even among people who sympathize with their cause.

* - "Islamic State" - banned in the territory Russian Federation terrorist organization.

Lesson Objectives:

  • expand students' knowledge of the person.
  • based on the ability to compare, analyze, conduct research work to identify similar and distinctive features of animals and humans.
  • develop communicative, informational and group competencies.
  • form interpersonal relationships.

During the classes

1. Incentive.

Studying at school, you learn to independently extract information, analyze it, compare results with existing knowledge.

What does it mean to compare 2 things?

We will need this knowledge in the lesson.

2. Formulation of the task.

Read the definition from the explanatory dictionary.

Decide what the lesson will be about.

1 SLIDE: This is a living creature with the gift of thinking and speech, the ability to create tools, use them in the labor process.

(S.I. Ozhegov)

Based on the concept, highlight the main differences between humans and animals.

(Conversation in the form of a dialogue).

2SLIDE: 1. The presence of thinking and speech

2. The ability to create tools and use them

Only a person has a purposeful creative activity, so this feature must also be taken into account when comparing a person and animals.

3. Group, research work.

We will unite into 3 groups according to distinctive features, conduct a study and compare what is manifested, the difference between each feature between humans and animals

Each group receives a worksheet.

Group 1: 1. Based on the article of the textbook, encyclopedia, reference books, find and write down 3

hallmarks of their group.

2. Fill in the table of differences

3. Prepare a presentation that reflects these differences

Groups 2 and 3 receive similar task forms.

Children's performance and comparison of their work with the sample. Discussion of the performances of the guys, addition, evidence, discussion.

SLIDES 3, 4,5.

SLIDE 3: speech and thinking

SLIDE 4: Production and use of tools

SLIDE 5: Purposeful creative activity

4. Summing up:

- (Only a person has purposeful creative activity)

Today you consolidated the ability to analyze, compare, independently find the necessary information, use a textbook, additional literature. You will need these skills throughout your studies at school and later in life.

Introspection of the lesson

  1. Fragment of the lesson of the surrounding world on the topic “The difference between man and animal”
  2. A fragment of the lesson is built using the structure of a competence-oriented task.
  3. The lesson began with an incentive to work, when the children repeated the general educational skills that the children already possess. (analyze, compare, highlight the essential)
  4. At the next stage, a task was given during which the students had to show the ability to work with information, to isolate the main thing, that is, to show informational competence
  5. At the next stage, based on the ability to work independently, select necessary information, work with a textbook and other sources, group work was organized, which showed how children can communicate, take initiative, and choose a person responsible for the group. Here their communicative and group competence was manifested.
  6. Each group was given a form with tasks, after completing the work, the children compared their work with the sample, conducted self-analysis, and one of the group prepared a speech. Work was underway to develop public speaking skills
  7. At the end of the lesson summed up what skills were developed and why.