What is a creative technology project. Creative project on technology "kitten" project on technology on the topic. Examples of creative projects for girls

  • 28.08.2020

MOU Kozmodemyanovskaya secondary school

Tambovsky district of the Amur region



by technology


student 5 "A" class

Petrova Maria

Project Manager:

technology teacher

v. Kozmodemyanovka

Environmental justification……………………………………………………….. 9


It substantiates relevance of the chosen topic, purpose and the content of the assigned tasks, formulated planned result and main problems,considered in the project are indicatedintersubject communications, reportedly who is the project for and what is its novelty.

The introduction also givescharacteristics of the main sources of information(official, scientific, literary, bibliographic). It is desirable to list used during the projectEquipment and materials.

Relevance - mandatory requirement for any project. Its justification includes an assessment of the significance of the project and the expected results, and the possibilities of their use in practice are revealed.

From goal setting project, you need to move on to specifying specific tasks to be decided in accordance with it. This is usually done in the form of an enum (study..., describe..., establish..., reveal... etc.).

I put before me goal : Design and sew a soft toy.


  • find and study literature on the topic;
  • choose a suitable toy sample, describe it;
  • determine the type, amount of material needed;
  • purchase the necessary material;
  • make a product;
  • analyze the finished product, identify the advantages and disadvantages.

Product history


Develop bank of ideas and suggestionsto solve the problem considered in the project.

Provide images and descriptions of products related to the topic that someone has already designed and manufactured. Conduct their analysis. There must be at least 3 ideas. It is important to giveobjective assessmenteach of the options, while using a number of specific criteria.


Describes the development of their own projected product, the materials necessary for the manufacture of this product, equipment and fixtures.



It is necessary to develop a sequence for the execution of the object. It may includelist of stages, technological map, which describes the algorithm of operations with the indication of tools, materials and processing methods.

No. p / p

Technological operation

artistic image

Materials, tools


Further, it is necessary to consider the economic and environmental assessment of the project. In the economic part, it appearsfull calculation of production costsdesigned product.






The cost of my labor(one hour of work is estimated from 50 to 150 rubles)-

Thus, the total cost of the product is Rs.

Environmental rationale

Particular attention should be paid to the environmental assessment of the project: justification that:

A) the manufacture and operation of the designed product will not entail changes in environment, disturbances in human life.

b) possibly using production waste;

c) makes it possible to reuse parts of the product at the end of its service life.

Here are presentedadvertising project, which may include advertising phrases, poems, images and the manufacturer's trademark.


It sequentially sets out the results obtained, determines their relationship with the general goal and specific tasks formulated in the introduction, and gives students self-assessment of the work they have done. The advantages and disadvantages of the finished design product are described. Product evaluation by parents, friends, etc. In some cases, it becomes necessary to indicate ways to continue the study of the topic, as well as the specific tasks to be solved in this case.


1. Sasova I.A., technology textbook 5,6,7,8 class, Moscow, Ventana-Graf, 2014.


Auxiliary or additional materials that clutter up the main part of the work are placed in applications. The content and form of the applications are very diverse. They may representtext, tables, graphics, maps, drawings, patterns, samples of threads, fabrics, knitting, etc.

Each application must begin on a new sheet (page) indicatingin the upper right cornerthe words "Application" and havethematic heading. If there is more than one application in operation, they are numbered with Arabic numerals (without the number sign), for example: " Application 1"," Application 2", etc.

Numbering pages on which applications are given should beend-to-end and continue the general numbering of the main text. Its connection with applications is carried out through references that are used with the word "look" (see), enclosed together with the cipher in parentheses.

Municipal educational institution

« Secondary school No. 17 "

Creative project on technology on the topic:

Done by: 7th grade student

Golysheva Kristina

Leader: technology teacher

O. V. Grechishkina

Bogoroditsk 2016



    1. Goals and objectives of the project……………………………………………….. 3

    1. Rationale for the choice of the project topic…………………………………. 3

      Product options……………………………………………………. four

    Main part………………………………………………………. . 5

2.1 History of embroidery with satin ribbons…………………………… 5

2.2 Selection of materials and tools and safety precautions……… 6

2.3 Sketch of the product…………………………………………………………….. 8

2.4 Manufacturing technology of the product…………………………………….. .9

2.5 Environmental assessment of the project……………………………………….10

2.6 Economic evaluation project………………………………………11

3 Conclusion…………………………………………………………… 12

3.1 Self-assessment…………………………………………………………..... 13

3.2 Results of the work…………………………………………………………. 13

5 Literature ……………………………………………………………..15



aim creative project is the implementation of such a product, which most fully represented my knowledge, skills, acquired in the process of learning at technology lessons.

Tasks project:

1. Develop and execute a project.

2. Make a picture according to the project.

3. Improve the skills and techniques of work acquired in technology lessons.

4. Evaluate the work done.


In our house there are things embroidered and decorated by my grandmother and great-grandmother. These are paintings, towels, napkins.

Beautiful products still keep the warmth of their hands and hearts, and at one time they were a fabulous decoration of a simple village house.

Even as a child, looking at these products, I dreamed of becoming a needlewoman like them. Therefore, for me, the ability to embroider is an opportunity to join the beautiful.

I got this skill from my grandmother, and now I really want to use it to decorate my house. My mom's birthday is coming soon. I decided to give her a present. She has a small shelf in her room. At this place, I decided to make her a bright picture. I think that she will decorate the interior of her room. After all, the best gift for parents is one that is made by hand.

I know that today in all countries interest in embroidery is being revived, a lot of relevant literature is being published: books, magazines, manuals. Embroidery gives very great opportunities to make any decorative item. Currently, embroidery with satin ribbons is relevant. I decided to take up this art.


Option number 1. Making a picture in the technique of hand embroidery with ribbons. Yes, I can do it, no problem ... financially, but it takes a lot of time. I have little experience with this technique.

Option number 2. Making a picture embroidered with beads. It is suitable for interior decoration, but it is too simple.

Option number 3. A picture made with satin ribbons is not a bad idea! It can be made from satin ribbons, inserted into a frame. I have no doubts about the need for such a picture, because it will decorate the interior of the apartment. It will not take much time to make a picture, but how much beauty and comfort it will bring to the interior of the house. Thus, I made my choice! I decided to “paint” the picture myself with ribbons. We'll see what happens in the end!



Since ancient times, narrow strips of fabric have been used in Everyday life and economic activity of people. Already in Ancient Greece women weaved strips of fabrics into their hair to "revive" their image.

Armbands adorned with gold and precious stones, woven into hair in ancient Rome.

In addition, clothes were trimmed with colored ribbons, and each social class had its own color and material. In the Middle Ages in Italy, the backs of chairs and canopies were already decorated with ribbons, as well as heavy curtains were tied up with which windows were closed to protect against the cold in winter.

But only inXIVcentury, the domestic use of silk ribbons began to expand. The traditions of weaving in Lyon and the favorable climatic conditions of southern Europe contributed to the rapid development of the production of valuable silk thread. After the papal curia moved to Avignon, under the tutelage of the French king, noblemen began to flaunt in luxurious clothes trimmed with ribbons with a gold border or brocade ribbons, according to the rank and origin of the wearer.

In 1446 the future King LouisXIinvited Italian weavers to teach their art to the people of Lyon. Nothing came of this idea, but a variety of machines were brought to the city both for silk dressing and for making silk ribbons. The demand for ribbons continued to grow, and Lyon gradually turned into a major textile center. In 1560, there were already fifty thousand weavers who made various, including expensive and extravagant, silk ribbons, and to the south, in Velzy and Saint-Etienne and the surrounding area, there are already about eighty

Thousand looms for the production of ribbons and three hundred and seventy - for the production of braided products (braid, galloon, lace). At the beginningXVIIIcentury, the demand for these goods increased sharply, and a period of rapid distribution of luxurious and beautiful ribbons began. King Louis of FranceXIVdecorated with ribbons toilet jewels, even his shoes and ordered the court to dress in an original way with fiction.

The Rococo era came, and frivolity became the style of the French court. King LouisXVHe loved to embroider and often gave the ladies of the court cute trinkets made by himself. Dresses became voluminous and spacious, richly decorated with ribbons. “Flying dresses” with unstitched folds (tucks) on the chest and numerous ribbons came into fashion.

It was during these times that embroidery with silk ribbons appeared in France. At first, noble ladies began to decorate their dresses, decorating corsages with small roses "a la rococo", leaves and many scattered flowers with pearls and crystals.

Then it was time for the laundry. It became more and more luxurious and refined. In the studio, which bore the high title of "Suppliers of the Royal Court", with the help of a simple needle and ribbons, real masterpieces were created. Now they show off in museum showcases around the world - from London to Pretoria.

From France, this type of embroidery migrated to the islands, to England. And from there it spread to all countries of the former British Empire. Together with the settlers and the Old World, he came to America, where he quickly gained popularity. This art flourished in the 1970s.XIXcenturies. By that time, embroidery could be seen not only on dresses, but also on umbrellas, lampshades, quilts, knick-knacks for the home and hats.

After World War II, public interest in all types of needlework began to decline. But within the last two decades, a revival of embroidery has begun.

Interest returned, and this art again shone with all its facets. After all, sewing with silk ribbons is extremely entertaining, it does not require complex devices and large upfront costs. In addition, simple and well-known embroidery techniques are used here. And the three-dimensional pattern is so attractive that we can, without any doubt, say that in the coming years this type of embroidery is expected to be widespread and successful.



Different needles are used for embroidery: thin - for light fabrics, thick - for dense ones. When sewing with silk ribbon, sharp needles are used, because they must freely enter the fabric without forming unaesthetic puffs. The eye of the needle should be elongated so that you can easily see the tape and it slides over it without twisting. In this way, possible breaks can be avoided. For tapes with a width of 7.9.12 mm, needles No. 18 - 22 are selected; for a tape of 3 mm, No. 24 is recommended.


decorative ribbons used for decoration only.Silk Ribbons . They come in various widths and various colors. They can be used for embroidery on any kind of fabric.Organza ribbons and braid used in embroidery to create volume and transparency.Finishing tapes and braid There are several types: voile ribbon (with a heel, smooth or with an insert in the center of satin), satin ribbon (smooth, pleated, pleated), lace ribbon (with beads, gathered).

Embroidery threads

They are required to create the basis (contour) for some seams or to secure the tape on the wrong side at the end of the work.

Beads and beads

They are used for decoration and give the embroidery a special elegance.


A wide variety of fabrics can be used for the base when embroidering with silk ribbon. Cotton fabrics: gunny, cambric, plush, muslin, satin. Linen fabrics: rough linen, thin linen, rough linen, linen with a uniform warp. Silk fabrics: chiffon, chescha, silk tulle. Woolen fabrics: crepe, tweed, jersey. You can embroider on any surface, as long as the fabric is strong enough to securely hold the stitches on it, and so elastic that the thread can easily pass through it.

In my job The following materials and tools were used:

Background fabric (light gray canvas)

Satin ribbons

Cotton threads




While working with scissors

    Put the scissors on the right during work, with the rings towards you, so as not to prick on their sharp ends. Blades of scissors in non-working condition must be closed.

    Pass the rings forward with closed ends.

    Make sure that the scissors do not fall to the floor, as if they fall, they can injure you and your friend.

    Do not play with scissors or put them in your mouth.

While working with needles

    Store pins and needles in a certain place (cushion, special box, etc.), do not leave them at the workplace.

    Do not use rusty needles and pins when working, as they break easily.

    In no case do not take needles and pins in your mouth.

    During operation, do not stick needles into clothes and random objects.

    Sew with needles only with a thimble to avoid pricking your finger.

    Attach patterns and fabrics with the sharp ends of the pins away from you.

    Do not bite off the threads with your teeth, but cut them off with scissors.

While working with glue

    Place the glue gun on the thermal mat.

    Insert a roll of glue into the gun and fasten.

    Plug in the plug.

    Children should not work with hot glue. Do the work with the help of adults.

    At the end of work, unplug the plug from the socket, cool and put the gun away.




Manufacturing sequence

Materials, tools

Transfer the composition of the pattern to the fabric

cloth, pencil, picture sketch

Make flowers of different colors from satin ribbons. Only 25 pieces. The technology for making flowers is shown below.

Attach a bead to the center of the flower.

ready-made flowers, thread, needle, scissors

Make 8 large colors from satin ribbons. Manufacturing technology is shown below.

satin ribbons, thread, needle, scissors

Tuck the fabric into the frame. Fix flowers and leaves on the background arbitrarily.

ready-made flowers, leaves, background fabric, needle, scissors, thread

Fix the finished picture in a frame.

picture, frame

Making flowers.

To complete each small flower, I sewed a ribbon with small basting stitches, as shown indrawing and tightened. A flower has formed. Thus, I made several flowers of different colors and sizes.

How many flowers we want - we collect so many segments of 25 cm for large flowers, 15 cm for medium ones, 10 cm for small ones.

Now you can cut the tape to the desired length, leaving a little space for the seam after the last stitch.

Now gently pull the thread and collect our already flowers.

I did not have a specific manufacturing scheme. I began to collect the bouquet arbitrarily, “as it will fall” ... At the same time, I used the selection and combination of colors. First, I made a bow from a thin brown ribbon. Then she began to collect a pattern of flowers.

I had to shift the flowers from one place to another to find a harmonious combination.

After the final laying of the flowers on the canvas, I moved on to the final stage - gluing the flowers to the frame. From the formed pattern, I took one flower at a time, squeezed out a drop of hot glue and quickly applied it to the intended place. I fixed the ribbon-twigs at the ends, glued the bow. That's it.


Embroiderysatin ribbons- it's ecologschesky net production, tk. it is practically waste-free, no harmful substances are emitted, the atmosphere is not polluted, there is no danger to human health.


Price per



Total rub.


Fabric for background canvas

150 rub.


150 rub.


Satin Ribbons: Green

10 rub.

1 m

10 rub.


Satin ribbons:blue

10 rub.

0.5 m

5 rub.


Satin ribbons:crimson

10 rub.


10 rub.


Satin ribbons:red

10 rub.

0.5 m

5 rub.


Satin ribbons:dark green

10 rub.

0.5 m

5 rub.


Satin ribbons:brown

10 rub.


10 rub.


Satin ribbons: yellow

10 rub.

1 m

10 rub.


Frame 24*19

125 rub.

1 PC.

125 rub.




1 PC.


Cotton threads


1 PC.




1 PC.


Hot glue

15 rub.

1 PC.

15 rub.


345 rub.

The cost of my painting is low, which means that it is economically cheaper to do the work yourself than to buy a similar one in the market or in a store.



The completed picture turned out to be very bright and beautiful, the patterns of the picture are simple, they correspond to the interior of the room.

All my family liked the picture. I hung it above my bed. The room became more comfortable, more beautiful.


Analyzing the work done, I believe that I have fulfilled the goal and tasks set for myself.

In the process of doing creative work, I consolidated my skills to correctly and beautifully embroider with satin ribbons, to select colors. I liked doing this work, it is a creative, exciting process, which resulted in a wonderful product. Carrying out a creative project, I learned a lot about the history of embroidery with satin ribbons, systematized my knowledge and skills. I will continue to improve in this kind of arts and crafts.

4. Product advertising

The hands of people can make any miracle;

And flowers can weave on a white field

And embroider the golden sun across the blue sky,

To become more beauty on earth

I will pick up a thread and a simple rag

And a little fantasy and magic

And I'll sew something that you don't even dream of -

Only for beauty to live on earth!


1. A. Burda. "Album on needlework". M.1999.

2.Series "school of embroidery" "Ribbon embroidery". M. 2004.

3. "Golden library of hobbies" Embroidery with silk ribbons. M. "Ast-Press". 2008.

    A. Chernova "The Art of Ribbon Embroidery" 2006 Rostov - on - Don "Phoenix".

    D. Chotti "Embroidery with silk ribbons" 2004 Moscow "Ast-press".

https://yandex.ru/images/search?text=%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8 %D0%B5%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%8B%20%D0%BF%D0%BE%20%D1%82 %D0%B5%D1%85%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B8%20%D0%B2%D1%8B%D1%88 %D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BA%D0%B0%20%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B8&noreask=1&lr=213

Content 1. Selection and justification of the project 2. Task formulation 3. Development of the project idea 4. Information about the product 5. Product drawing 6. Product drawing 7. Alternative options 8. Logistics of the project 9. Manufacturing technology of the product 10. Economic justification 11 Analysis of the obtained results.

1. Selection and justification of the project There is no wall clock in my room, and the clock is a very important element. The life of a modern person is impossible to imagine without a clock, you constantly have to keep track of the time, and it is very convenient when the clock is on the wall. In technology lessons, I learned how to make typical connections, with the help of which I decided to make a wall clock in a wooden frame myself. My dad and I often go fishing, so I decided to make a funny fishing watch that, better than any words, will tell about the interests and hobbies of its owner. 2. Statement of the problem To make it easier to keep track of time, I decided to make a wall clock for my room..

3. Development of the idea of ​​the project project "Fisherman's Watch" the need for product design requirements for the device equipment, tools, fixtures necessary materials product drawing product cost calculation project protection, testing, evaluation project production

8. Logistics of the project Materials: Wooden beam 20x30 mm 4 beams 250 mm long 1 beam 15 mm long Plywood, 3 mm thick Nails 15 mm Nails 25 mm Sanding paper PVA glue Colored varnish for wood Clock mechanism Decorative elements Equipment: Workbench Tools: Ruler Pencil Square Hacksaw File Brush Hammer Screwdriver Pliers

9. Manufacturing technology of the product p / p Content of the operation Equipment, tools and fixtures 1 Marking a wooden beam and plywood according to the given dimensions of the drawing Ruler, pencil, square 2 Cutting a wooden beam and plywood according to the given dimensions of the drawing Hacksaw, workbench 3 Preparation of the wooden parts of the product for gluing File 4 Gluing frame parts Brush, PVA glue 5 Applying colored varnish to the frame and plywood base Brush, colored varnish for wood 6 Fastening the frame to the plywood base Hammer 7 Installing the clock mechanism Screwdriver, pliers, clock mechanism 8 Decorating the clock Brush, PVA glue

10. Economic justification Material costs: 1. Wooden beam with dimensions 1200x20x30 - 40 rubles; 2. Plywood, 1000x1000x3 mm - 60 rubles, ¼ part used - 15 rubles; 3. Nails 1 pc. - 10 kopecks, 20 pieces were used. - 2 rubles; 4. Sanding paper - 100x150mm - 5 rubles; 5. PVA glue 20g. - 10 rubles, used 4gr. - 2 rubles; 6. Colored varnish for wood 150g. - 50 rubles, used 30gr. - 10 rubles; 7. Clock mechanism - 20 rubles; Total for materials: = 94 rubles Labor costs: 1 hour of work of a 7th grade student - 25 rubles; Product manufacturing time 6 hours; Total: 6 x 25 rubles = 150 rubles Product cost: Material costs + labor costs = = 244 rubles. In the store, a wall clock in a wooden frame costs 600 rubles. A handmade product costs 244 rubles. The savings amounted to: 600 - 244 = 356 rubles (60% of the cost of the watch). Conclusion: making watches with your own hands is profitable.

11. Analysis of the results As a result of the work, I made a clock that will hang on the wall in my room and show the time. In addition, the clock will perfectly decorate my room. I believe that I managed to make an inexpensive, beautiful and practical product.

Decorating a product using decoupage technique

Technology teacher: Zharkova Irina Pavlovna, MBOU "Izhevsk secondary school named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky", Ryazan region

Creative project on technology on the theme "Beautiful planters using decoupage technique"

Whoever feels the beauty of flowers, the world belongs to him. Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live.

Objective of the project: make pots for indoor plants
get acquainted with various ways of decorating flower pots;
find and study new technologies for surface decoration;
independently decorate flower pots;
show imagination and creativity.
Houseplants- decoration of any room. Without landscaping, the interior seems uncomfortable, empty, uncomfortable.
In technology lessons, students learned how to grow and care for indoor plants. Everyone loves flowers. Someone likes ornamental plants more: ivy, ficus, monstera, spurge, dracaena, yucca, begonia and others. These plants are grown not for the flowers, but for the beauty of the leaves or stems. Some grow plants in pots with their natural look, especially if the plant itself is valuable. However, beautiful flowerpots make the plant even more attractive. Mostly unattractive flowerpots are sold in stores, and if it is finished, it is very expensive. To shade the beauty of the leaves of indoor plants, you need to decorate the flower pot.
Research and analysis of the problem
Engaging in creativity today is interesting and fashionable. Leafing through the pages of the Internet, you can find a lot of interesting and exciting arts and crafts. Decorated flower pots original, practical, environmentally friendly and inexpensive. The process of decorating is a fascinating activity that allows you to turn banal, unremarkable things into exquisite decor elements.
Asterisk of Ponder

History of decoupage
Decoupage is the art of decorating objects by sticking colored paper clippings in combination with special effects such as coloring, cutting, gold leaf coating and others. Usually an item such as small boxes or furniture is covered with magazine clippings or specially made paper. The object for decoupage is varnished (often in several layers) until the joint disappears and the result looks like painting or inlay. With the traditional method, up to 30-40 layers of varnish can be used, which are polished there until they are completely smooth. This technique was used in England in the 18th century as the art of qapanning
Product Requirements
evoke positive emotions
Inexpensive in cost
Designed to decorate the interior of the room
Development of initial project ideas. Variant Analysis
1. Decorating a flower pot with eggshells
Pros: beautiful, interesting
Disadvantages: does not meet 1 criterion.

2. Using shells to implement a marine theme
Pros: original
Disadvantages: does not meet the 2nd criterion.

3. Decoupage technique on a flower pot
Pros: beautiful, interesting, original
No cons

Decoupage technique
Decoupage was considered the "art of the poor", which is not surprising, because. nothing fancy is needed to create exquisite effects. On the contrary, only ordinary materials from the economy. Of course, you can purchase materials made specifically for decoupage, but you can use the usual things that are at home around you. This makes decoupage one of the cheapest crafts.

The decoupage technique is quite simple. It is necessary to sequentially perform some work:
1 - prepare the workpiece,
2 - pick up an interesting napkin,
3 - cut out the required number of patterns,
4 - separate the top layer,
5 - glue the patterns on the workpiece,
6 - dry the product.

After these stages, you can proceed to further decor or leave it as it is, covering it with a layer of protective varnish. The work can take several days, depending on the speed of drying materials: glue, varnish.
It is convenient to apply materials with brushes with different numbers, rollers, sponges. Their quality should be checked in advance, since it is unpleasant when the villi remain on the painted surface. Easy to use synthetic brushes. A top coat of paint is applied to the surface of the pots to create a more interesting backdrop for the pictures.

To begin with, the surface is covered with a layer of glue and a napkin is carefully applied, leveling all its sections. this work does not tolerate haste, but even if a small marriage has formed, for example, in some place the napkin is torn, then its edges are carefully connected and allowed to dry. The image can be applied to a dry pot, and then glue is applied.

Materials and tools for project implementation
To work in the decoupage technique, a set of certain tools and materials is required. When decorating flower pots, the planters themselves are needed, which can be plastic or ceramic. The pattern on the front side is obtained by gluing napkins, drawings from decoupage cards or applying acrylic paint. Basically, paint, glue, varnish will be required for work. It is a good idea to use a primer before painting to enhance the adhesion of the decor to the surface of the pots. Glue can be used specially designed for decoupage, stationery PVA can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1, 1:2 or 1:3.

The project required:
1. plastic planter
2. acetone
3. napkins
4. brushes
5. PVA glue
6. acrylic varnish

Safety instructions for adhesives and paint liquids:
1. Be careful with glue.
2. Do not inhale it.
3. After preparing the product, you need to wash your hands with warm water and soap.
4. Periodically ventilate the room.
Design product manufacturing technology
1. Treat the flower pot with acetone to degrease the surface and apply a layer of glue.

2. Prepare napkins for work, separating the top layer.

3. Glue the pattern element, starting from the middle to the edges, smoothing out all the wrinkles.

4. Dry.

5. Cover the surface of the product with acrylic varnish.

6. Place the flower in a pot.

Product cost calculation
How much does it cost? This type of needlework is quite budgetary. The initial costs are small: you can get by with glue and napkins. You can get a taste, buy more paints, markers, varnishes, etc. A matter of taste, imagination and wallet.
The calculation of the cost of materials did not include the cost of PVA glue, because these materials and objects were found in my home.
The cost of electricity is also not taken into account, because. work was carried out during the day.
1. Napkins - 2.50 rubles per one.
2. Cache-pot - 99 rubles.
3. Acrylic varnish - 10 rubles.
Total: 111 rubles 50 kopecks. The cost of similar products in the store is at least 250 rubles.

Analysis of the work performed
The goal of the project has been achieved. The flower pot turned out bright and beautiful. It has flowers on it. This product can decorate any interior. In the process of working on the project, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about decoupage. The work was done neatly. The result of the work met all expectations. The pots were liked by the students of the school. The main thing is that everyone is able to get to know and master the decoupage technique. Anyone can make amazing products with their own hands, which can be an original gift.
After analyzing the work performed, we can conclude that a thing made by one's own hands is more expensive than bought in a store, because love, skills and a piece of the author's soul are invested in it.


creative project is a complex work. The structure of the creative project includes the following components:

- explanatory note,

creative work(product),

- protection of the creative project.

To registration explanatory note first of all, requirements are made as to a printed work. The text should be written on a computer in Times New Roman No. 14, line spacing - 1, page orientation portrait, margins on the page - 2.5 cm on the left, 1.5 cm on the top, right, bottom. The text part of the explanatory note is done in a single font and in black. Pages must be numbered. The work must have content, which must necessarily indicate the pages on which this or that section is located. Sections of the explanatory note are highlighted in bold. Colored inscriptions are allowed only in tables, diagrams and drawings. An explanatory note can be illustrated with photographs and drawings on the topic design work. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the work is not overloaded with photographic materials. In general, the volume of the explanatory note of the creative project should not exceed 10-15 pages of printed text.

The title page of the explanatory note should contain the name educational institution, subject, topic of project work, author and teacher. The theme of the project should reflect not only the name of the work, but also the technique of its implementation.

Municipal state educational institution

Secondary school No. __ of _______

Creative project on technology

"Valentine's Day"

Completed by a student of ____class


Head - consultant

technology teacher


1. Justification of the problem and need.

2. Thinking scheme.

3. Identification of the main parameters and limitations.

4. Theoretical information.

5. History and modernity.

6. Bank of ideas.

7. Draft study of the basic version.

8. Requirements for the product.

9. Design specification.

10. Tools and equipment.

11. Materials.

12. Safety rules during work.

13. Manufacturing technology.

14. Quality control.

15. Environmental justification.

16. Economic justification.

18. Self-esteem.

19. Dictionary of terms.

20. Literature.

Justification of the problem and need. This section provides a rationale for the chosen topic of the project, reflects the answers to the following questions: why this topic was chosen, why is it interesting, what is its significance. Particular attention in this section should be given to the practical significance of the work performed.

Thinking scheme. The scheme should include the main aspects of working on the project. A student, starting a project, may not yet have any idea what kind of work he will do, but he must clearly know in what sequence it will be organized.

Sample Thinking Scheme

Identification of the main parameters and limitations. In this section, it is necessary to establish the basic requirements for the work to be performed, that is, to determine the framework within which the work on the project will take place.

Example. The product must meet the following requirements:

· The product must be made carefully.

The product must match the chosen style.

· The product must be beautiful.

The product must be durable.

Theoretical information. This section sets out theoretical basis the selected project topic, on the basis of which the product is further developed.

History and modernity. This section is historical reference on the chosen topic of the project. In addition, it is important to show the connection between the history and the present of the issue.

Bank of ideas. After collecting the necessary information, students put forward various creative ideas for the implementation of a product. Products can be combined by technique, style, purpose. There must be at least three product options. Each of the options considered should be brief description, which may include the name of the product, its purpose, a description of the execution technique. Information can be presented both in text and in the form of a diagram or table. The decision to choose one or another of the proposed options can be made by applying the marketing technology "Decision Grid".

Conclusion : based on the evaluation results, we can conclude: the most optimal option is option 2. The product is useful and multifunctional, a universal style solution.

Sketch study of the basic version. The content of this section is detailed description selected for further production of the final version of the product. Here you must have a detailed sketch of the product and its photo.

Product requirements. Product requirements give a visual representation of the main properties of the manufactured product and are drawn up in a table according to the form.

Design specification. It is a diagram that visually represents the main aspects of the manufacture of the product.

Tools and equipment. This section provides a description of the tools and equipment used to manufacture the product in the selected technique, as well as the rationale for the selected tools for the product manufactured in the future. Information can be presented both in text and in the form of a table or diagram.

Materials. This section provides a description of the materials used for manufacturing in the selected technique, as well as the rationale for materials for the product manufactured in the future. Information can be presented both in text and in the form of a table or diagram. This section may also contain confection card, which represents samples of possible materials used.

Safety regulations. Sanitary and hygienic requirements. This section contains information about the rules safe execution certain types of work. The theoretical material is presented to students in their own words and may be accompanied by illustrations.

Manufacturing technology. This section contains a technological map of the manufactured product. Wherein routing should be presented in the form of a table and contain the following columns:

In addition, information such as technical and technological conditions, safety, etc.

Quality control. This section lists the requirements that the completed product ultimately meets.

Example. The finished product meets the following requirements:

· The color combination of materials is harmonious.

· All elements of the composition are made smoothly and accurately, in accordance with the technology.

· The work is framed in a finished product.

In general, the product makes a favorable impression.

Environmental rationale represents a rationale for the environmental safety of the product being made, the non-waste of its production, the possibility of reuse or the environmental safety of disposal.

Economic justification. The section is devoted to economic calculations of the cost and price of the product, as well as the size of the expected profit.

Section design example:

Cost: C \u003d C1 + C2 + Ao.

Ao - depreciation (wear and tear) of equipment - 0.05% of the cost of equipment.

Self-esteem. The importance of this section cannot be underestimated. At this stage, the student develops critical thinking, develops logic, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

Glossary of terms. It is enough to include in this list from three to five basic, most frequently used terms in the project. Of course, it is better if these terms are directly related to the main theme of the project.

Literature. When working on a project, various sources of information are used. Therefore, it is important to tell students about copyright and the conditions for using various sources of information, including the possibilities of the Internet.

An important part of a creative project is checklist. The checklist is compiled and filled in by the teacher. Its structure depends on the theme of the creative project. Important conditions for a teacher when preparing a checklist are the clarity and objectivity of the assessment, the coverage of all stages of work on the project, and the visibility of the assessment results.