How to cook satiety for bees. Spring feeding of bees. A summary of the main reasons for spring feeding

  • 29.05.2020

Breeding bees - difficult process, which requires constant attention and reverent care of the breeder. One of the main concerns of beekeepers is feeding the bees in the spring. Many doubt what to choose - sugar syrup or honey full. More experienced experts are inclined to believe that honey is still closer to a natural product and will bring more benefits to insects.

Roughly speaking, honey is full water diluted honey. Only the proportions and methods of feeding change. The consistency depends on the time of year in which top dressing will be carried out. For example, in the spring, bees are not recommended to give a large amount of liquid; accordingly, more honey and less water should be used to make a honey satiation.

Find out more about useful properties different types honey: sainfoin, chestnut, buckwheat, linden, phacelia, may, coriander, hawthorn, acacia, fireweed.

The natural components, vitamins and minerals included in its composition are very important for the life of insects and are as close as possible to their usual diet, consisting of pollen and nectar.

Important! Sugar feeding is acceptable for bees, but it is characterized by a high content of carbohydrates and a lack of minerals and vitamins that they constantly need. Honey full used to encourage the queen to lay as many eggs as possible; such top dressing is called incentive and is used for brood and strengthening the apiary. Most often, it is added to the diet of insects in the spring, when food supplies in the hives are exhausted, and the flowers have not yet bloomed and the bees cannot feed themselves on their own.

cooking full

honey full It is very easy to prepare, and there are many recipes for its preparation. Many beekeepers, in addition to the main ingredients, add pieces of lard, dried insects (wombs, ants), herbs and spices, and sometimes even vodka to the delicacy; however, it is difficult to assess the benefits of these impurities. We offer basic classic recipes for this nutritious top dressing.

"Thick full". If absolutely all honey is removed from the hive, care must be taken to feed the insects for the winter. To do this, it is necessary to dilute honey with warm boiled water in a ratio of 4:1.

"Average full". This mixture is prepared so that the bees multiply better, and do it as follows: add 1 liter of warm boiled water to 1 liter of honey and mix thoroughly.

"Liquid full". If the bees still have reserves, but they need to be encouraged to lay eggs, the satu is prepared as follows: for 1 liter of honey, take 2 liters of boiled warm water and mix well. Important! If herd honey with wax residues is used for satiety, it is necessary to take ¼ more of the main ingredient. After connecting with water, you need to strain the wax or simply squeeze it out with your hands.

What time to feed the bees

Bees are fed in spring, summer and early autumn.

The most important - choose the right time for spring feeding bees. It must be started 5 weeks before the insects begin to swarm. Here, each beekeeper should rely on his own experience, because depending on the climatic conditions, this period may occur at different times.

AT summer period bees are given extra food only when the insects are not able to fly out of the hives for nectar. This can happen due to bad weather, when it rains continuously and it is quite cool outside.

You can make a honey extractor, a wax melter, a Dadan hive and a multi-hull hive with your own hands.

Autumn top dressing you can support the bees and give them the opportunity to reliably and more than complete stocks for the winter, which will definitely be enough. This method is used as a reinsurance, or when absolutely all honey has been removed from the hive.

Did you know? In bee colonies, only females work, which have a lot of responsibilities. Each of them walks up the steps career ladder”: initially, the bees are allowed exclusively to warm up and ventilate the hive for the queen, then they clean the cells for her eggs, the next step is feeding the larvae, this is followed by the reception of honey from the honey collectors, and only after that - the long-awaited promotion, permission to fly out in search of honey.

How often and what portions to feed

In order to feed 100 families, it is necessary to cook 13-15 liters of food. On bad days, the bees are fed, distributing half a liter of goodies in the evening. Evening feeding is due to the fact that at this time it is unlikely that alien bees attack the meal of your insects. Portions of such a dinner should be distributed as follows: the weaker ones are given a little more, and the strong ones - a little less than the specified norm.

Be sure to pay attention to the amount of stocks that the inhabitants of the hive managed to prepare or did not have time to eat. In the event that they are available, you can get by with a small amount of liquid satiety, and if they are catastrophically absent, you need to cook a thick one. Here you need to navigate and act according to the situation, as well as relying on your own experience.

We can definitely say that top dressing is needed, even when there are reserves, since this stimulates the uterus to lay eggs more actively. In addition, a small amount of honey delicacy helps hard workers to take a break from their continuous work. A 20-day break between the flowering of the first spring fruit trees and the beginning of the flowering of mustard and nuts is considered difficult for honey plants that live in the fields.

Most often, this period occurs at the end of May, when lilac and viburnum bushes bloom. It is very important not to miss this hungry period of time due to the fact that just during this period active reproduction takes place and the bees especially need hearty food. Such situations do not arise only in flax apiaries, where there are practically no such breaks.

Did you know? To fly into the hive, the bee must confirm its belonging to the family. To do this, insects use a special smell that a person cannot feel, but bee guards easily separate their own from strangers.

How to give bees full

To carry out top dressing, special feeders are installed inside the hives. They are frame or overframe structures in which glassware with gauze stretched in several layers. The jar is placed upside down above the entrance to the house, which makes food easily accessible for insects to suck. It is also allowed to fill honeycombs with well-fed honey.

Complementary feeding of honey bees is much better and safer than its sugar or even synthetic counterparts. In order to guarantee a quality product at the output, that is, honey, one should not save on the nutrition of bees, but feed them with natural, high-quality top dressing. The result will pleasantly please you, and the insects will certainly be grateful.

Friends, I welcome you back to my blog! I am very glad that my publications resonate with beekeepers of various ages and categories.

Today I want to touch upon the issues of preparing sugar syrup and honey for the spring feeding of bees in a little more detail, since I received several letters with questions on this very topic. In addition, the topic is now relevant. And right away I want to say “Thank you!” to my readers for active participation in the life of my blog, for comments, for questions, emails, as well as trust!

The main issues related to the feeding of bees, as such, I have already considered in the article.

Now let's talk directly about cooking sugar syrup, honey full and a little about protein feeding.

Any person who deals with bees or is just planning to start them needs to know one very important point: if you want to get honey in the summer, do not spare it in the spring!

What's the point? I'll give you an example.

Nectar for a bee (feed) is like gasoline for a car. The more fuel, the further, more confident, faster the trip. If the car has an empty tank, then the driver is unlikely to plan a long trip, right? Yes, and it will be somehow scary to drive, because at any moment the engine can stall. By remembering and always keeping this simple association in mind, you can make life easier for your wards.

In spring, especially in early spring, there are very few plants that produce nectar in nature. And our favorite insects need to eat continuously, and even feed the kids. So, the beekeeper is obliged to help them. In general, I believe that the role of a true, real beekeeper is “simple as a rake” - to help the bees always and in everything! This is one of my principles.

honey full

I really hope that my opinion on bee food will coincide with the opinion of the vast majority of beekeepers: honey is the best food. Of course, we understand that in many situations it is simply not possible to feed bees with honey for a variety of objective reasons. And then other foods come to the rescue, which can replace honey with relatively high quality: honey satiation, sugar syrup, sugar candy, etc. But honey full most of all, in composition and its main qualities, it is close to the natural carbohydrate original - honey.

Honey sat is essentially honey diluted in water.. The concentration may be different. It depends on the purpose of feeding. For example, if bees are fed in early spring, then the amount of water will be minimal, since at this time liquid food can provoke bees to fly out of the hive in search of fresh nectar and, accordingly, these bees will be doomed. In this case, honey is simply dissolved (if it is crystallized) in a water bath, preventing it from overheating and mixed with water in proportions of approximately one to ten (one part of water to ten parts of honey). Such honey satiation turns out to be of moderate density and is easily transferred by bees from the feeders to the nest. At the same time, food supplies in the nest are replenished and the uterus begins to work better.

Liquid honey satu can be prepared using a one to one or two to one ratio (two parts water to one part food). In the first case, the consistency is medium in density, and in the second - more liquid. The second recipe is just an option for encouraging bees to fly out for nectar. Thus, giving the bees liquid food, we kind of say to them: “Girls, the flowers are filled with nectar! Forward!" and the uterus also understands this signal and begins to intensively worm. Moreover, liquid food, brought into the hive by worker bees, has a greater effect on scarring than thick food. That is, if the beekeeper sees that the weather is more or less warm, more often sunny, and the bees, for the most part, are still sitting in the hives, then incentive feeding is simply necessary. I am a supporter of annual incentive feeding for all families without exception.

Also, with regard to the preparation of honey full, I want to add the following: honey should be taken only the one that was harvested healthy families . In no case do not use honey from sick colonies, as this can lead to very serious consequences and, if it does not kill, it will greatly weaken the bee colonies. Also, you should not take honey from other, unverified beekeepers.

So, now, as for the protein feed.

Protein supplement

In spring, the main goal of the beekeeper is to increase total weight bees by creating all necessary conditions in the nest. One of these conditions is the presence protein feed in sufficient quantity. For growing brood, not only honey, water, but also bee bread and pollen are required. As long as there are no pollen carriers in nature that could uninterruptedly provide families with the right amount of fresh pollen, the beekeeper should take care of this.

Since autumn, based on the total number of families going into winter, the beekeeper must prepare frames with bee bread. The number of these frames should at least match the number of bee colonies going into the winter. It is better if there are more pearl frames.

During the main flow, if, along with nectar, bees bring a large amount of pollen to the hive (and this happens most often), then the beekeeper needs to remove these excesses with the help of pollen traps. If this is not done, then the frames will be heavily covered with pollen and this may adversely affect both the volume of the brood nest and the amount of honey in general, since the uterus will not have a place for sowing, and the bees will also be forced to store freshly brought nectar in cells. , which are partly already occupied by pollen.

I know that there are not rare cases when you take out a heavy sealed full-copper frame for pumping out, print it out, put it in a honey extractor, pump out honey, and taking it out of the honey extractor you realize that the frame has not felt any better. You look into the cells - full of bee bread. This is how the bees pour bee bread with honey and seal it because of the lack of free space for nectar, and because of the small control of the beekeeper over the total volume of pollen entering the hive. Although, in this way it is possible to preserve bee bread and it will be stored much better and longer without losing its properties.

By the way, store pearl frames must be in a dry place. Otherwise, the perga will grow moldy, ferment, and such food will do more harm than good. In winter, the frames must be freed from possible severe freezing. Well, if you have an underground with good ventilation, in which temperature drops are minimized. It is desirable to place all fodder reserves there for storage.

In the spring, you can also cook protein candy, in the event that there are no bee-bread frames, but it is enough harvested in the summer. Prepare it like this: 400-500 grams of honey, one kilogram of pollen and 3.5 kg of powdered sugar. How to cook kandy is described in detail in the article "". Distribute in the same way as usual. We pack in bags (400-500g), make cakes, scratch the cellophane with a fork on one side and put this side on the frame on top, then canvas and insulation.

The danger of theft in the apiary during fertilizing

I want to make one important reminder. In order to avoid the provocation of theft in the apiary during a bribe-free period or during a period with a weak bribe, you need to work very carefully and not allow any kind of food for a long time stayed in open form, spilled on the ground, on the frames, inside the hive. So that honey, bee-bread frames also do not stand openly, lie around idle and looked after, but are only in special boxes (ramonos).

At this time, opening the hive, the beekeeper must clearly know what exactly he will do now and carry out his plan without delay, quickly and accurately. An open nest for a long time can also provoke an attack.

You can see clearly how not you need to do and what actions will certainly lead to theft.

Every beekeeper needs quality bee food. You can find out the secrets of cooking its various options in this article.

Variety of dressings

In nature, there are many options for food for bees. And all of them are designed to maintain the necessary amount of energy to ensure the full functioning of the winged apiary workers.

As a rule, it is produced in the season when there is no opportunity for the inhabitants of the apiary to make up for the lack of their energy on their own.

If your apiary is located in the northern regions of our country, then most likely you will need to pay special attention to the preparation of top dressing. In conditions of extreme cold, there will certainly be periods in the life of your bee colony during which it will need your help to maintain its normal state.

Complementary insect dishes can be used during the following periods of the year:

  • spring;
  • autumn;
  • in winter.

However, before making the direct preparation of top dressing, you must make sure that there is no honey in the hive in which your pets live. There are also situations when honey is present in the bee dwelling, but there is a shortage of it.

If the bee colony has own honey reserves, then you should not feed them in a special way. remember that the nutrition of these winged and industrious insects should be produced in the most natural way.

Often the lack of food is observed as a result of the vagaries of nature. Especially often such unpleasant situations are observed in the off-season.

For example, in the spring snow often falls at a time when, theoretically, warming should already be observed. This can disrupt the habitual mode of life of insects.

The main types of additional food for insects include sugar syrup, which is sugar diluted with water, as well as sugar dough, also known as candy.

All these types of dishes are quite possible to cook on your own. All recipes consist of fairly simple ingredients that are available for purchase even to a novice beekeeper.

sugar syrup

One of the most popular types of complementary foods for bees is simple sugar syrup. It is safe to say that any self-respecting beekeeper should be able to make this rather simple dish for bee nutrition on their own.

The main thing here is to observe all the necessary proportions. Only in this case you will give the bees the necessary amount of energy and at the same time will not harm their health.

If the bee eats well, then this will definitely have a positive effect on their life. In particular, the uterus will actively multiply and bring a new generation of pets to your apiary.

When preparing food, proportions must be strictly observed. They may depend on the season.

For example, thick meals for the bee diet are commonly used during the fall season. Under these types of feed is meant the following ratio of ingredients: 2 to 1 or 1.5 to 1. Water predominates in the composition of sugar syrup, and there is a little less sugar in it.

For additional feed for winged apiary workers, as a rule, a 60% solution of sugar syrup is used. Thus, if your apiary needs 10 kilograms of such a substance, you need to take 6 kilograms of sugar and dilute it in 4 liters of clean water.

Watch the quality of the ingredients you use. Only in this case can you be sure that the condition of your bees will be good, which, in turn, will contribute to their reproduction and the production of sweet honey products.


Another popular top dressing is kandy. What is it?

Kandi is nothing but sugar dough that is used to feed the bees. You can cook it yourself if you read the detailed recipe.

Mastering the secrets of cooking candy will not take you much time, even if you are a beginner beekeeper.

Powdered sugar is often used as the main ingredient for making kandy. The process of kneading the dough takes place in the traditional way for such cases.

You can also make your own powdered sugar by grinding the sugar first. Of course, you can do even easier: buy powdered sugar at a typical grocery store.

You can also use honey to make candy. Only in this case it is necessary to carefully monitor its condition and quality: honey should not contain any crystals.

The dough doesn't have to be very tough. If, nevertheless, this condition is violated, the situation can be corrected by adding a small amount of water to it. Only its amount should not be more than 1% of the total volume of your mixture, otherwise the dough may, on the contrary, be too liquid.

From kandy it is necessary to make special cakes. About one kilogram of this sweet bee dough should be placed in each hive frame.

Putting candy in the form of cakes in the beehive, it is best to cover such food with polyethylene. This way you can be sure that the feed will be protected from exposure. external factors and will not deteriorate for a long time.

First of all, polyethylene helps to ensure that the sweet honey dough does not dry out. In addition, you have the opportunity to store the cakes in the bag even before you place them inside the bee home.

Experienced beekeepers use this technique: placing the candy inside the polyethylene, they scratch it with a fork. Then the package must be placed directly on the frame of the hive, turning it with the scratched side of the package towards the hive.

Thus, you will immediately solve two problems: how to prevent the cake from drying out and how to provide access to it for winged insects.

Self-preparation of top dressing

Top dressing can be purchased at specialized stores, but even novice beekeepers will not be difficult to prepare it on their own.

Remember that you need to feed your wards competently. If they have their own reserves of honey products, then you should not additionally load them with unnatural food for them.

However, there are often situations when the presence of bee dishes in the hive is literally a matter of life and death for its inhabitants. And in such situations, it is definitely impossible not to help your wards.

In addition to making sugar syrup and candy, you can use them as additional food for insects. own products- honey. Such type of top dressing as honey is popular.

If you follow for health your wards, then you should follow one important rule when running a bee farm: you should not completely remove all the honey produced by bees from the hive.

For such insects, there is no single type of food that would be better than natural honey. And only when they do not have the opportunity to replenish their nutrient reserves on their own, then it is worth thinking about what types of feeding they should be fed.

A competent approach to keeping bees will help achieve the following results:

  • increase the volume of honey extracted from the apiary;
  • maintain the health of bees by the spring;
  • reduce the resources spent on beekeeping;
  • increase the profitability of your farm.

Your bees will be healthy and hardworking, which means that they will be able to bring you much more honey than in the conditions when these insects are forced to starve.

Keep track of the condition of your wards, and then your farm will actively expand.

Winter is a relatively quiet time for a beekeeper. But in order for the bees in the apiary to survive the winter well, they need to be properly fed in the fall. "Correctly" means at the right time and in the right proportions. If everything is done according to science, not a single family will die in winter.

Autumn feeding of bees

Feeding domestic bees in the autumn-winter period is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Syrup for bees for autumn feeding must be boiled, strictly observing the ratio of the main ingredients - sugar and water. If you cook it "by eye", the food will turn out to be unbalanced, insects may die from indigestion.

Important! According to statistics, the most common cause of death of bees in winter is diarrhea caused by an improperly organized last feeding.

  • If you have to take hard tap water for syrup, you must first pass it through the filter. The ideal option is water from a well or well.
  • To obtain a 70% solution of water and sugar, you need to take 2 kg of sugar sand per liter of water.
  • Before giving food to the bees, it is necessary to heat the liquid to about 40 degrees.
  • Fir oil can be added to the finished liquid. This will help to enrich the diet with an additional dose of proteins.

Autumn feeding of bees with sugar syrup

When and how to feed the bees in the fall

Beekeeping in September-October (the timing depends on the region) is, first of all, the preparation of insects for winter. The main task of the owner of the apiary is to ensure that the bees leave for the winter well-fed. To do this, you can not start feeding too early. But you should not be late either, otherwise the bees will already be lethargic and will not eat well. Every year, the favorable period for feeding comes at a different time.

When planning this important event, consider the following:

  • If the weather is favorable, it is better to start feeding in the first decade of September or in the middle of the second decade.
  • Before starting work, you need to pump out the honey for the last time.
  • Don't wait for the cold weather to come. When the temperature drops sharply, the insects do not fly out of the hive for their natural needs, and the droppings remaining “in the house” can cause dangerous infections.
  • Before feeding, it is necessary to disinfect the hives.

To the question of when bees are fed in Siberia in the fall, experienced beekeepers answer: it all depends on what the weather is like outside, and when weather forecasters predict the final onset of winter, with snow and frost.

Attention! Of course, you need to feed the insects while there are warm, fine days - as experienced beekeepers say, you need to “catch” such days.

However, it must be taken into account that, due to the early onset of cold weather, this event in Siberia and regions close to it must be carried out before the onset of the calendar autumn, in the third decade of August.

Residents of the Middle Strip can safely wait until the end of August, and the owners of apiaries in the south of the country can take care of feeding in early September, and will not be late anywhere.

Honey full for top dressing

Feeding the bees in autumn involves, in particular, the use of honey satiation. Add this food to the diet of insects must be strictly dosed. A large amount of carbohydrates in this product will help the bees safely survive the winter. Also, such feeding will enrich the diet of insects with valuable amino acids.

Honey bee feeder

When preparing honey satiety, keep the following in mind:

  • You can cook satu of different consistency, it all depends on the condition of the bees.
  • If all the honey is taken away from the bees, they should not remain hungry in the winter. In this case, you need a thick concentrated solution of honey - 4 parts of honey to 1 part of water.
  • When a beekeeper is interested in the active reproduction of insects, you need to prepare top dressing of medium consistency - not very thick, but not liquid either. To do this, honey and water are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, that is, they are taken equally.
  • It happens that there is still honey in the house, but the beekeeper wants to stimulate insects to lay eggs. In this case, liquid food is needed, consisting of 2 parts water and 1 part honey. But it should be borne in mind that sometimes liquid satiety causes diarrhea in insects.

It is not worth adding various spices to the satu, as beekeepers in the south of Russia sometimes do. If the bees are healthy and active, they will eat food without any additional supplements. If insects are sick with something, they must first be cured, and then fed.

How to feed old honey to bees

Syrup for bees in autumn is an essential product. But in addition to syrup, other substances should be present in the diet of insects in the fall, it can be honey from past “harvests”.

How to feed old honey to bees:

  1. Choose a moment when insects almost do not fly, approximately in the second decade of September.
  2. When it starts to get dark, pull out the frames with last year's honey.
  3. Place the frames at a distance of about 17 meters from the houses.
  4. The next day, pull out and give the insects frames with last year's honey at any time of the day.

You can do this for several days in a row, until there is nothing left of the sushi.

It is necessary to observe how insects clean the dry land, and make sure that they do not make holes in the honeycombs. The frame with the softer honey should be periodically placed up. Instead, a frame with a solid product is installed, insects are removed, the frame is placed aside.

In the end, only those frames in which the hardest honey is located can remain unrefined. Before giving out such frames for cleaning to the bees, they are lightly watered in the evening. During the night, honey becomes softer, and insects easily clean everything.

How to feed old honey to bees

Feeding with last year's honey can be done not only in autumn, but also in spring. This method is safer, because at this time of the year the insects will not "rob" each other. However, bees eat worse in spring than in autumn.

Incentive top dressing

Autumn feeding of bees includes the so-called incentive feeding.

Here are the basic rules for such feeding:

  • the purpose of feeding is to activate the natural instincts of bees;
  • incentive feeding is needed if the queen bee stopped laying eggs very early;
  • syrup is given in small doses, and insects take it for a natural bribe;
  • the density and concentration of the syrup during incentive feeding do not matter.
  • instead of syrup, you can just as well use honey satu.

In the southern regions, where the period of activity of the uterus lasts longer, incentive feeding is rarely necessary. However, in the Russian Middle Zone and in more northern regions, this event must be included in the beekeeper's annual calendar.

Beekeeping in September: feeding bees with wormwood

Experienced beekeepers often advise less experienced comrades to feed insects not only with sugar syrup or honey, but also with herbal ingredients. Most often, wormwood is used for this. It is not difficult to prepare a "dish" with wormwood for the inhabitants of the apiary. For this you need:

  1. Collect wormwood, separate the leaves from the stems.
  2. Finely chop the leaves and place in a clean glass jar so that half of the jar remains empty.
  3. Fill with rectified ethyl alcohol.
  4. Close the vessel tightly, leave in a dark, cool place for three days.

Feeding bees with wormwood

For 2 liters of ordinary sugar syrup, you need to take 4 tablespoons of wormwood tincture. This additive has an antiseptic effect. Wormwood also contains valuable vitamins and microelements, normalizes redox processes (prevents oxidation) in the body of wintering insects. If all proportions are correctly observed, the bitter taste of wormwood and alcohol will be almost invisible to insects.

In winter, the death of bees is not a rare phenomenon, especially in the northern regions. However, the correct organization of feeding, in accordance with the climatic characteristics of a particular region, will help to avoid this trouble.

There is a time in the apiary when the beekeeper has to feed the insects. In such cases, along with sugar syrup and invert, honey is used to feed the bees. This is an aqueous solution of honey of different concentrations.

This kind of food is better for the family for a number of reasons. The resulting mixture is rich in vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances. It is alive and most of all in terms of characteristics it is close to nectar, which serves as the basis for the bees to make honey.

Sugar is also processed by bees if there are no other food sources, but such food contains only carbohydrates and cannot be considered a full-fledged replacement for natural food.

Inverted syrup is slightly better than sugar syrup, but it cannot be prepared in such a way that all the substances necessary for the full functioning of the hive are present in the composition.

Honey is full of natural, therefore it is more useful for insects. They are also more willing to take and turn such top dressing into reserves.

The practice of feeding the bees is also convenient for the beekeeper. A good beekeeper always has honey, it is not difficult to cook food. The mixture does not necessarily need a fresh component, you can use the surplus from last year's collection.

The product deposited by the family in the honeycomb is always natural, and the bees themselves, on almost natural food, increase their numbers faster, wear out less during its processing, winter better and do not get sick so much. The main thing is to use only high-quality and non-infected honey for feeding.

Honey sat for bees

They feed insects with a sweet solution in spring and summer, when there is no bribe and it is necessary to support the bee family until the honey plants come. It is also used to stimulate oviposition by the uterus and actively build up the population for early departures for nectar. The medicine can also be distributed by diluting the remedy in this composition. Honey is also used for feeding bees in the fall, during the preparation of the apiary for wintering.

The nutrient mixture is prepared in different concentrations depending on the goals that the beekeeper faces. It can be medium, thick and liquid. The first is distributed to insects as incentive feeding. The second - so that they can replenish the missing feed stocks. The latter is used to spray two different colonies when they are connected into one family.

In early spring, after a cleansing flight and the first revision of the hives, it becomes clear how much food the bee colony has left. If the food that was left in the winter is all eaten, or there is not enough of it, and there are no frames with full-fledged honey, beekeepers begin to feed the bees full.

Spring feeding of a weakened family

Especially such top dressing is important for weak and poorly overwintered colonies, which will not be easy to enter into force without human help. Only with satisfactory carbohydrate and protein reserves, a warm nest and a cozy hive, insects develop well and increase the population, which is necessary for working on the main bribe. It is also good to feed the bees in the cores with the honey composition.

In order for the family to increase, the uterus should be stimulated to lay eggs. Perhaps this is when the working individuals will bring honey. If you give satiety when there is still no good honey flow, this will create the illusion of a bribe and the uterus will begin to intensively lay eggs. By the beginning of the true honey harvest, the population of the hive will already be large.

Summer honey solution supports families in regions where there is a large gap between the honey flow. In long non-flying weather, if a prolonged rainy season sets in, the bees also need a small portion of food until they can fly out for nectar on their own.

In the fall, top dressing with honey full makes it possible:

  • create a winter supply of food in the hive;
  • replace honeydew and soon crystallizing honey;
  • supplement existing bee stocks to the norm;
  • stimulate oviposition in the uterus when there is no supporting bribe;
  • give the bees the opportunity to print combs with good honey if they did not have time to do this in the main season.

Drugs are mixed into the sweet solution, for example, to combat varroatosis. In general, autumn feeding of honey bees is carried out on the same grounds and at the same time as feeding with sugar syrup or invert. The only difference is that it is a higher quality food for insects. Before feeding, remove the extra frames, move the nest and put the feeders.

Cooking saty and feeding the bees

It will be interesting for beginner beekeepers to know how to prepare honey for feeding bees. Everything is done simply, and the process itself does not take much time.

  1. If liquid honey is used as an ingredient, then it is diluted in warm water until completely dissolved. The liquid should not be hot, otherwise the composition will lose its useful qualities. For mixing, water is first boiled and then cooled to 40 °. Syta is distributed to the bees warm, so they take it more willingly.
  2. If old candied honey is used for cooking, the mass is first dissolved, heated in a water bath. The right amount of honey is placed in a small container, and water is heated in a larger container over a fire. One container is placed in another. The mixture is slowly dissolved. Do not allow the product to overheat, because its strength will be lost. When the honey becomes liquid, it is removed from the heat and allowed to cool. Then diluted, as in the first case, with warm water.
  3. To prepare a thick full, use a proportion of 4 to 1, where the first value is honey, and the second is water. A medium consistency solution is prepared using a different ratio of products. Take an equal amount of liquid and sweet mass (1 to 1). For liquid satiety, dissolve honey and water in a ratio of 1 to 2.

Honey solution is not stored for a long time. In hot weather, it quickly turns sour, so it should not be done with a margin. It is better to mix fresh portions for each feeding.

Method for feeding honey bees with a can

For one bee family at a time they spend 1 - 1.3 liters. full or fed up to 5 liters. with an interval of several days. The solution is poured into the ceiling feeders and a raft is installed on them so that it is more convenient for the bees to pick it up.

Place food inside the hive. They use frames with honeycombs, where they pour satu. The frames are placed behind the diaphragm, and the family itself carries the food where it needs to be.

Intra-hive feeders, drinkers with cans, and plastic containers with cut holes are also used.

Very easy to feed the bees from plastic bags. This will require a container slightly larger than the volume that will be used for distribution. A bag is placed in it and the satu is poured inside. The edges are tied tightly.

Food bags are laid out under the roof of the hive on frames, usually insects quickly carry the contents into the combs. This method is also convenient because it does not provoke theft among the bees, as happens when working with open containers, when a sweet smelling of honey is poured right next to the beehives.

Distribute food in the evening. The number and frequency of feedings are set individually.