Cultivation of sturgeon mini farm reviews. Home mini-farm for breeding sturgeon: creating a profitable business. The place where the containers will be placed

  • 07.07.2023
  • Project Description
  • Implementation - sales market
  • What OKVED for business
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Growing sturgeon, subject to the technology and conditions of keeping fish, is a profitable and cost-effective business. Now, in order to grow sturgeon, it is not necessary to live where weather conditions allow. Thanks to recirculating water supply installations (RAS), sturgeon breeding does not depend on the climatic conditions of the region and the season. A full-fledged farm for breeding valuable fish can be placed in any room with an area of ​​​​50 m2. The main initial conditions: the presence of heating, electricity, water supply and ventilation ...

Project Description

Sturgeons have always been considered a delicacy; it is from this family of fish that black caviar is obtained. Sturgeon is an expensive fish. The selling price of the delicacy on the domestic market starts from 500 rubles/kg. The cost of growing 1 kg of sturgeon averages about 300 rubles. Profit is from 200 rubles per 1 kg of fish sold. The sturgeon farm with a capacity of 5 tons of fish per year has an annual turnover of 2.5 million rubles, of which the average profit is 1 million rubles. The profitability of this case, according to experts, is about 30-50%.

Step-by-step plan for opening sturgeon farming

To organize the cultivation of sturgeon in a RAS with a capacity of 5 tons per year, you will need:

  1. Premises own or rented, with an area of ​​100m2;
  2. Summing up all communications, including electricity, water supply, sewerage and heating;
  3. Hired labor from 2 people;
  4. Registration of activities (IP or LLC);
  5. Compliance with the technology of growing sturgeon, as the fish is very capricious to the conditions of detention.

How much money do you need to start a business

The highest costs in the first stage are investments in the purchase of equipment. The total costs at this stage will amount to at least 1.4 million rubles. First of all, you need:

  • Pools. The total cost of pools for growing 5 tons of sturgeon per year, depending on the manufacturer, is from 1 million rubles;
  • Pumps (from 9 thousand rubles per unit);
  • Loading for a biofilter (from 10 thousand rubles per piece);
  • Oxygen generators (from 20 thousand rubles per unit).
  • Incubators for caviar, if sturgeon breeding is planned (from 50 thousand rubles).
  • Other equipment (measuring instruments, scales, shipping containers, etc.)

In addition, it is necessary to purchase a fry. The price of a fry weighing 1 gram starts from 10 rubles / piece. Thus, the cost of purchasing 10 thousand fry will be at least 100 thousand rubles. When buying a fry weighing a few grams, it should be borne in mind that the mortality rate is about 60%.

The total cost of starting the project, excluding the construction of the premises and its repair, will be from 1.6 million rubles.

The main cost of keeping fish per year

  • Electricity, about 40 thousand kW per year for 5 tons of farmed fish;
  • Wages and deductions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, for 2 employees, about 400 thousand rubles. in year;
  • Taxes (STS) - 150 thousand rubles. in year;
  • Feed, on average 1.4 kg per 1 kg of sturgeon growth. The average cost of fish feed is about 40 rubles/kg. About 200 thousand rubles will be spent on growing 5 tons of sturgeon;
  • Rent (if the premises are not owned).

Technology of growing sturgeon

RAS is a pool with a connected filtration and water circulation system for oxygen supply. The use of RAS for growing sturgeon is justified in areas with harsh climatic conditions, since the growth of fish ceases to depend on weather conditions. With the help of RAS, it is possible to regulate the temperature of the water and the degree of saturation with oxygen, which makes it possible, for example, to obtain several fish spawnings per year. Thanks to the installation of a recirculating water supply, the density of fish stocks is increased to 100 kg/m2. When growing sturgeon in a RAS, the fish reaches its commercial weight already by 1 - 1.5 years. The sturgeon is considered a capricious fish, therefore, all conditions must be created in the pool for the normal life of the fish. When growing sturgeon using RAS, the main thing is:

  • Providing fish with oxygen dissolved in water;
  • Ensuring constant circulation of water through the biofilter without stagnant oxygen-free areas;
  • Uniform intake of fry into the system and uniform extraction of adult fish;
  • Regular removal of sediment and dead fish from pools. In this regard, the pool should be viewed to the bottom.

The stocking density of fish in the pool can reach up to 60 kg/m2, and the productivity can exceed 120 kg/m2. Sturgeon grows up to 1kg in just 1 year.

Implementation - sales market

The main sales channels for commercial sturgeon weighing more than 1 kg are:

  1. Realization of fish in food markets and fairs;
  2. Sale of sturgeon to wholesale organizations;
  3. Conclusion of contracts for the supply of food stores, including specialized fish outlets. The ideal option is retail chains, but it is not easy to get through to them;
  4. Sale of sturgeon fry produced in our own incubator to other producers.

1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What OKVED for business

The main business activity code for sturgeon breeding is 03.2 - Fish farming.

What documents are needed to open

Conducting business activities is possible in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To register an individual activity, you will need: a passport, an application for state registration, confirmation of payment of the state duty, a scanned copy of the TIN certificate. To register a limited liability company, you will need: an application, a charter in two copies and a decision on the organization of the enterprise, in the case of one founder. Minutes of fees of equity holders and an agreement on the establishment of a company, if it will consist of several members. Then, a receipt for the payment of the fee. It is also possible to register a farming form of management, i.e. KFH, similar to LLC.

Which taxation system to choose

The legal form of a sturgeon breeding enterprise determines its taxation. Therefore, it is possible to levy taxes: simplified, general, or payment of a single agricultural tax on a farm under a peasant farm.

Do I need permission to open

Self-construction of a pool with a filtration system and installation of a RAS does not require permits. But in order to sell fish, you need a certificate for products from the veterinary service (epidemiological conclusion and invoices from the fish industry).

The method of artificial cultivation of fish in reservoirs has been known since ancient times. In the 20th century, the growth of fish in artificial reservoirs has gained industrial proportions. Interest in this type of business in the 21st century has only intensified. More and more, private fish farms and farms are opening up everywhere. Recently, the method of breeding fish by the RAS method has become popular. Let's find out what this method is, its advantages and all the nuances of this business.

Growing fish in open water

The traditional method of rearing fish in artificial or natural ponds and pools. Known since ancient times. The advantage of such a business is low cost. All expenses - the purchase of fry, feed and organizational expenses. There are many more disadvantages to this type of business. Growing fish depends on external factors, weather conditions, average temperature, pond conditions, and so on. Also, it is worth noting that the fish in the ponds grows as it wants, depending on the natural cycle and the presentation, such fish, acquires no earlier than the natural period. In fact, breeding fish in ponds is Russian roulette.

Of course, these disadvantages are covered by the profit that comes from the sale of finished products, but you should forget about scaling up such a business and its modernization. You will not be able, for example, in the conditions of the middle lane, to grow sturgeon, trout, salmon and other valuable fish species in such a reservoir. You are limited to those types of fish that can grow in the conditions of your strip - usually it is a lake fish, less often a river fish, since for river fish you will have to arrange an additional system of water flow and filtration, which is much more difficult to organize in the remoteness of your lake.

Growing fish on RAS farms

In the past few years, thanks to modern advances in technology and science, it has become possible to grow fish in automatic fish farms. One of the popular forms of such farms is RAS farm.

RAS is a self-contained recirculating water supply system for fish rearing. The RAS farm is a closed system of module pools, where biological and chemical processes are controlled and controlled using automation and a water purification and treatment system. Since the system is closed, it does not require a constant supply of water from outside. It consumes fresh water in the amount of 5-10% of the total volume of water in the installation per day.

In RAS installations, it is possible to grow exotic species of fish, river, salmon, sturgeon. A wide range of settings allows you to adapt the system to the cultivation of any breed of fish or aquatic organisms (organisms living in the aquatic environment). And additional modules included in the system allow you to create a complete cycle - from caviar to caviar.

Advantages of RAS systems over other systems

System compactness allows placing RAS on various areas in heated hangar-type rooms, which makes the system completely independent. At the same time, a high landing density is achieved in RAS, which cannot be achieved in open systems.

The ability to control the growth rate of fish. All fish are cold-blooded, which means that their growth rate depends on the average water temperature. For example, increasing the temperature from 20 to 30°C doubles the growth rate of the fish. For example, the cultivation of sturgeon to a commercial appearance at a constant temperature of 24ºC is achieved in 1 year.

Possibility of cultivation of exotic hydrobionts. So, not infrequently, some types of sea sharks are bred in RAS, which are then sold to owners of "cool" aquariums.

Feed savings. There is a so-called feed coefficient - the amount of food that is required for fattening fish per 1 kg. When breeding fish in ponds and cage method, the coefficient reaches 3 units. That is, to grow 1 kg of fish, you need to spend 3 kg of feed. This is due to the cycle of the seasons. During the warm season, the fish gain weight, in the cold season, the fish does not feed and loses up to 50% of the weight gained. In RAS installations, the feed factor is equal to or less than 1. Since there are no seasons in closed systems.

by-products. The RAS system produces a lot of by-products, including waste products. So, in Israel, where RAS are very popular, fish manure is considered the best organic fertilizer. Also, the plant produces quite a lot of warm carbon dioxide, which can be emitted into the atmosphere or sent to greenhouses with plants, for which such an atmosphere is an excellent growth accelerator and many greenhouse owners buy CO2 specifically. By attaching a greenhouse to a fish farm, you can develop a subsidiary farm.

Minimum water consumption. Of course, you say, water is free in reservoirs. But, this is for 1 season, every season you will have to purify this water, because it tends to silt. And every season you will need at least 600-700 cubic meters of clean water per 1 kg of marketable fish. In a RAS installation, up to 500 liters of water are required for 1 kg of marketable fish. The rest of the water is purified and reused.

High yield. Since the RAS system allows you to control all the parameters of water and air, ideal growth conditions can be created for each fish breed, and automatic feeding contributes to this.

Average yields by system:

  • Cage method - up to 500 kg per hectare.
  • Pond farming - up to 1 ton per hectare.
  • RAS farm - up to 100 tons per hectare.

At the same time, the compactness of the system allows you to place mini-RAS in various rooms, literally in the attics and basements of residential buildings.

RAS farm cost, profit, business plan

The cost of RAS "turnkey" economy option (for an area of ​​about 150 m²) - 35 thousand euros. This plant allows to produce up to 5 tons of fish per year. Consumption of the installation is about 4 kW/h. The installation can be operated by 1 person.

Costs per year - electricity, up to 250 thousand rubles, wages 240 thousand rubles a year, additional costs (including the purchase of feed) 200 thousand rubles. The cost of 5,000 fry, for example, sturgeon, will be 25-30 thousand rubles.

In total, the annual expense is about 1 million rubles.

It is assumed that a valuable breed of fish will be grown in the RAS. From the example above, we choose the sturgeon, although the RAS can be set to any fish species. The wholesale price of commercial sturgeon is 700-1000 rubles per fish.

Thus, 5 tons of finished sturgeon can be sold for 3.5 million rubles. This will allow not only to recoup the RAS installation, but also to get a small profit immediately after the first season. At the same time, the system can be scaled and expanded production, without stopping the process of year-round sturgeon cultivation.

Video - how to open a sturgeon farm

To start a business such as sturgeon breeding, a mini-farm is best suited. Sturgeon caviar and meat are in stable demand, and competition is still low. The sturgeon is unpretentious, in order to grow it, a large amount of special knowledge is not needed.

Sturgeon varieties

What are the subtleties of sturgeon breeding? A mini-farm can become a profitable enterprise, since the sturgeon is listed in the Red Book and it is not caught in natural reservoirs. This shortage against the backdrop of the popularity of meat and caviar creates good conditions for business.

For breeding, fast-ripening sturgeon breeds are used:

  • Siberian;
  • Amur;
  • white;
  • sterlet;
  • bester.

Beluga, spike, stellate sturgeon can be bred in fish farms, but they grow and mature slowly.

Products for sale

What products are produced by sturgeon breeding? The mini farm will not spawn for the first 6-8 years. In order to pay off the costs of keeping fish, farms sell sturgeon meat. It could be:

  • live fish;
  • smoked fish;
  • canned sturgeon;
  • soup sets;
  • liver;
  • squeal.

For the production of smoked fish and canned food, additional production will be required. But processed products will cost more. The ultimate goal of the farm is to get caviar.


How promising is sturgeon breeding? A mini-farm can pay off in 2-3 years after the start of work. The purchase of equipment will have to spend about three thousand dollars. For food and utilities - 500 dollars, about 1000 for the purchase of quality fry. In general, the initial costs will cost about 5 thousand dollars.

How expensive is sturgeon breeding (mini-farm)? The price of equipment can be reduced if you make a part with your own hands or order a small company.

The average income from the sale of one sturgeon is 6 dollars. Accordingly, a small farm can bring in 3.5 thousand dollars a year, and this is at the initial stage, without taking into account the production of caviar.

The natural loss of fry can be up to 30%, this is the norm for keeping in captivity. In their natural habitat, only about three percent of the fry survive and grow to adulthood.

By the age of six months, a sturgeon can gain a mass of half a kilogram. At this age, fish can already be taken to restaurants, as it is ideal for making portioned dishes. Fry-peers grow unevenly. Dominant fish get more food and gain weight faster.

The first production cycle is completed when even the weakest fry reach the desired weight. This happens after about 8-9 months. After that, you can get the first income and purchase a new batch of fry.

The mini-farm will be controlled by SES. Water samples are taken twice a year, and sturgeon will also be tested. You will need to present documentation for fry and feed. At the initial stage, the business will require serious investments, the payback period will be quite long. The entrepreneur will begin to receive serious profits after the fish have reached maturity.


How to organize sturgeon breeding (mini-farm)? A business plan starts with costs. What is required to start a business?

  1. Equipment.
  2. Room.
  3. Reservoirs.
  4. Malek.
  5. Feed.

The farm can also be organized in your own backyard, but then you will have to build the main and auxiliary premises. Breeding sturgeon (mini-farm) at home in small areas is impossible, as equipment and pools take up a lot of space.

The sturgeon loves running clear water. It is difficult to organize suitable conditions in a natural reservoir, so RAS will be more convenient.

RAS is a recirculating water supply installation, fish breeding modules for growing fish. The RAS consists of:

  • reservoirs;
  • filters for water purification and compressor;
  • oxygen generator;
  • UV lamps for water disinfection;
  • heaters;
  • pipelines;
  • sensors.

The water in the RAS system is in constant motion. It is filtered and enriched with oxygen, after which it is returned back to the tanks. Some of the polluted water is drained into the sewer, some evaporates, so you need to constantly replenish its volumes.


A very important point in growing fish is nutrition. Feed must be chosen carefully, because the health and growth rate of the fish largely depend on it. The food should not become sour and dissolve in water, as sturgeons live and feed in the lower layers of the water. Granules of high-quality feed do not lose their shape for more than half an hour. Pay attention to the composition of the feed: it must contain all the substances necessary for fish.

For fry and adult fish, different granules are needed. Every 10 days the sturgeon is sorted by size and fed in different containers. At first, you need to buy special food, but over time you can learn how to make it yourself.

Buying fry

It is with fry that sturgeon breeding (mini-farm) begins. The cost of one fry is 2 euros. After the equipment is installed and the feed is prepared, it is time to buy fry. It is quite difficult to breed sturgeon on your own, so you will have to buy them in large farms in the first couple.

The weight of the fry for sale is 5 grams. The further growth of the fish depends on the quality of the fry, so the purchase must be treated carefully. Babies need to be fed 6 times a day, six-month-old fish - 4 times a day.

Adult fish and fry do not tolerate transportation well. Compliance with the temperature regime and additional oxygen enrichment will be required.

Receiving offspring

Usually, fry are bought from large fish farms, but sturgeon breeding on a mini-farm is also possible. In nature, the sturgeon begins to breed at the age of ten (in captivity, this period is reduced), but the reproductive age also lasts a long time - up to 18 years.

You can buy already adult females, then you will not have to wait so long for eggs, but such individuals will also be expensive. In captivity, due to favorable conditions, offspring can be obtained after six years. In order to stimulate the desire of fish to breed, you need a spacious pond.

Raising fry requires special knowledge and an incubator. Caviar is fertilized artificially and placed in special containers, where it is washed with water and saturated with oxygen. A week later, larvae appear from the eggs. In a month they will turn into fry. If you arrange the cultivation of fry, then it will be possible not only to save on the purchase, but also to sell them to other small farms.

In fact, there are many ways to start a business in our country, one of which we suggest you consider, namely - a sturgeon farm (business plan).

Considering the popularity and cost of sturgeon waterfowl, it is not surprising that sturgeon farm business plan interested in many start-up entrepreneurs. In principle, there are not so many competitors in this market, and, with the correct implementation of their business ideas, a newcomer has every chance to take a good share of it. As for demand, despite the rise in prices for caviar and fish itself, people do not stop pampering themselves with their favorite sandwiches and steaks. Another big advantage of such a business is that sturgeon family very unpretentious, they do not require special exotic conditions or specialized breeding skills. So, let's get to know them better.

Types of sturgeon fish breeds

What features does sturgeon farm, and how can she surprise her owners? For example, the fact that sturgeons have long been listed in the Red Book, which means that catching such fish is prohibited on the territory of any natural reservoir. And for a businessman, this is a huge plus - after all, it turns out that sturgeons have become a scarce fish, and the demand for them has remained the same, only prices have increased significantly. So, the types of sturgeons that are most suitable for breeding, in view of their rapid maturation:
  • Siberian breed;
  • Amur breed;
  • Sterlet;
  • Besters;
  • White breed.
If you are lucky enough to become the owner of a fish farm, then perhaps sturgeon breeding stellate sturgeon, beluga, spike, however, it should be borne in mind that they are characterized by slow growth and maturation.

What can a mini farm produce for sale?

In order to compose sturgeon farm business plan, it is necessary to study well what of the manufactured products can be sold in order to make a profit. Do not forget that the long-awaited caviar harvest will appear only five or even eight years after you start your business in this area. But the fish mini farm requires regular expenses, and in order to avoid having to pay these expenses out of your own pocket, you can sell fish products other than caviar. Products that can be sold in markets and shops include the following items:
  • Fish liver;
  • Soup set;
  • screeches;
  • Canned fish meat;
  • Smoked fish;
  • Live fish.
If you want to smoke fish yourself, you will have to organize not only a fish farm, but also a production facility in which the smokehouse will be located. Naturally, smoked meats are sold at a higher price, and considering that this sturgeon family, then for them buyers will give an impressive amount. But starting the breeding of sturgeon fish, any businessman strives precisely to get caviar.

What are the prospects for fish farming

The payback period for this line of business is two, maximum three years. But do not forget about the initial investment. So, one equipment will cost a businessman about three thousand dollars. Payment for utilities will be at least five hundred dollars, and a high-quality fry will cost a thousand conventional units. If you make a complete business plan for a sturgeon farm, but the initial investment will be about five thousand dollars. In order to save on equipment, you can try to make some of its parts yourself, or find a small private company that can offer an economy option.

If we talk about the average income from one fish, it reaches six dollars, from which it follows that sturgeon farm a small scale can bring a profit of three and a half thousand conventional units in one year. This is the starting amount of income, at which caviar is not yet produced on a mini-farm. The natural decline, which is typical for small fish, should also be taken into account, sometimes its scale reaches thirty percent, but this is natural for waterfowl, who do not live in open reservoirs, but in artificial ones. Fry that are born in the natural environment very rarely survive and mature, their number does not exceed three percent.

A six-month-old sturgeon fish weighs about five hundred grams. Such a carcass can be sold in a cafe or restaurant, because this size is ideal for preparing a portioned dish. Sturgeon family characterized by the fact that all fry develop differently. Those that dominate development need more food, but they will be able to reach optimal weight more quickly. Breeding of sturgeon fish cyclically, and the end of the first cycle is the moment when all the inhabitants of the pool reach the desired weight indicators. Most often it takes eight or nine months. And at this moment it's time to spend the profits on the purchase of new fish.

And there are regulatory bodies in this business, the sanitary epidemiological service will take water samples twice a year. In addition, all fish will be checked. For all fish, for the food they eat, there must be documents. This business is special in that from the very beginning it requires real capital investments, but it will not be possible to feel the profit soon. The main income will come when the fish become mature and begin to produce caviar.

Conditions for breeding sturgeon fish

Let's talk about the right business organization, because sturgeon breeding requires not only material investments, but also some knowledge. In order to start a business, an entrepreneur will need to decide on a breeding room, purchase feed and tanks, order equipment, and purchase fry.

Mini-farm equipment:

To organize a mini-farm, you can even choose your own yard, but then you need to build the main and auxiliary premises. The idea of ​​breeding sturgeon family at home, you can discard once. In the apartment you will not be able to install all the necessary equipment and several pools.

For a normal existence, fish need clean running water, which flowing water bodies cannot provide them. Therefore, you will also have to buy a closed water supply installation. Such an installation includes: tanks, sensors, heaters and pipelines, an oxygen generator and a UV lamp that disinfects water, as well as filters and a compressor. Such a system stimulates the constant movement of water, which allows it to be filtered, enriched with oxygen elements, and then returned to the reservoir. Dirty water goes into the sewer system, a certain percentage of the water is subject to evaporation. This suggests that it should be constantly added to the system.

How to feed the fish properly?

Talking about how to grow sturgeon fish, it is necessary to pay special attention to its nutrition. Depending on what kind of food you pamper your fish, their growth rate will be formed, as well as their health status. Good food does not become sour and does not dissolve when it gets into the water. This is justified by the fact that such a breed of fish lives in the lower layer of reservoirs, just like they eat. High-quality feed contains granules that remain in their original form for another half an hour after they enter the water. Before buying food, carefully read the information on the composition, it must include all the components that fish need.

The nutrition of the fry is different from the nutrition of adult fish. Once every ten days, the fish should be sorted according to their size, and then fed also in different tanks. When your sturgeon farm only begins to develop, you can go to stores for special feeds, but henceforth it is likely that you will learn how to cook them yourself.

How to choose the right fry?

Each sturgeon farm begins its existence with fry, each of which costs about two euros. So, you have purchased and installed all the pieces of equipment, prepared feed, and it's time to buy the first tenants of your mini-farm. No matter how much you want to do independent breeding, you should not forget that this process is quite complicated, so for starters it is better to contact a large farm and purchase ready-made fish. Sturgeon breeding starts with fry that weigh only five grams, but you need to choose them very carefully, despite the fact that they are so small. From what will be the first inhabitants of your farm, its further success directly depends. The fish need six meals a day, and after they are six months old, the number of feedings can be reduced to four. Be sure to monitor the temperature regime, additionally enrich the tank with oxygen if you decide to transport both large and small sturgeons. They really don't like to move - it's hard for them.

How to get healthy offspring?

Sturgeon farm involves breeding fish, because not all the time you will cooperate with farms and spend money on acquiring fry. The breeding season for sturgeons begins after he is ten years old, but this is if he lives in a natural environment. In artificial containment, he matures a little faster. The reproductive function has been active for eighteen years. To shorten the waiting period for the caviar harvest, you can buy adult sturgeon females, but do not forget that their price is much higher. You can get the first offspring with artificial keeping after six years, and in order for the sturgeons to start breeding faster, they should be kept in a spacious tank.

To grow a fry, you need to have certain knowledge in this area, as well as acquire an incubator. First, the eggs should be artificially fertilized, then placed in special tanks, in which they should be washed with water and saturated with oxygen elements. The appearance of larvae can be expected in seven days, and their transformation into fry will occur no earlier than thirty days later. Another business option is to focus on raising babies and selling them to other breeders. But for this you should carefully study all the features of raising sturgeons.

Karolina Emelyanova

Breeding sturgeon fish (video):

Cultivation of sturgeon is a very promising and profitable business, in retail chains the cost of 1 kg of sturgeon is about $20, and black caviar is more than $1000 per kilogram. Such a high price is due to the very high taste qualities of sturgeon, sturgeon dishes are the calling card of almost every restaurant. You can start growing sturgeon at home using polypropylene pools with a closed water supply installation.


Sturgeon farm.

A modern sturgeon farm is a building with pools connected to a water purification system. Water is in constant circular circulation, purified and filled with oxygen.

Under natural conditions, with a decrease in water temperature, the growth of sturgeon slows down, female sturgeon start spawning from the age of 15. The sturgeon farm constantly maintains the optimal temperature of the water in the pools, thanks to which the fish does not stop growing and grows much faster. Under such conditions, it is possible to obtain caviar from females at the age of 5-6 years, after receiving caviar, females are sent back to the pools.

So, what do you need to grow sturgeon at home.

Premises for a sturgeon farm.

Room with heating and water supply. The premises for a fish farm can be an insulated hangar, a capital heated greenhouse, almost any room with heating. The room must be connected to electricity, water supply and sewerage.

To determine the area of ​​​​the premises, one can proceed from such calculations, for growing 1 - 1.5 tons of sturgeon per year, you will need a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 40 m², but you need to take into account the possibility of expanding the farm in the future.

To reduce the cost of growing sturgeon, the best option would be to place the farm on your own plot, you do not need to pay monthly rent for the premises, and everything will be constantly under your control.

Installation of closed water supply RAS.

The installation consists of:

Pools are round or rectangular, the most popular are pools made of polypropylene (the cost of a 3-cubic pool is $ 300). To grow 1 ton of fish annually, pools with a total volume of 16 m³ will be needed.

Aeration systems blowers, diffusers.

Oxygen generator.

A complex to maintain water transparency - an ozonator, a flotator and a pump.

Pipes, drains, fittings.

Sensors for oxygen, pressure, pH.

Mini laboratory for testing water quality - oximeter, p H-meter, colorimetric tests.

Drum mechanical filter.


Carbon filter.

Circulation pumps, main and standby.

Air compressor.

UV lamp for water disinfection.

Heat exchangers - heating water in winter cooling in summer.

Belt feeder.

Gasoline generator in case of an emergency power outage.

Scheme of RAS installation.

The installation can be assembled by yourself if you consult with a specialist in RAS.

The whole installation without a generator will cost at least $4,000 if you buy the installation from the manufacturer. To date, more than 80% of the units sold are sold through intermediaries, who, in turn, are represented by manufacturers and make the margin several times higher. Look for direct manufacturers and buy units only from them.

Growing sturgeons at home is a business idea.

After launching and setting up the RAS system, the next step will be the purchase of fry, feed and consumables.

Planting material for sturgeon fry weighing 5 g is purchased, the price is 10 - 15 rubles. a piece. Sturgeon is a bottom fish and eats most of its food at the bottom, so the stocking density is taken from the calculation of the area of ​​the bottom of the reservoir. The optimal stocking density of fry will be 300 pcs. for every m² of the bottom of the pool.

For a novice entrepreneur, the best option would be to grow fish up to a weight of 500 g for restaurants. Restaurants buy sturgeon weighing 500 g, this weight of fish is portioned, that is, a cooked portion of 370 g is obtained from 500 gram sturgeon.

Usually a restaurant buys about 60 kg of sturgeon per month, restaurants can work on a cashless basis, some pay immediately in cash. Usually delivery to restaurants on Tuesdays and Fridays, some restaurants buy chilled sturgeon, others only live.

The fish grows to a weight of 500 g in 6 to 9 months.

To grow 1 ton of sturgeon in 9 months, you will need to purchase:

Fry - 1800 pcs. price 15 rub. thing. - 27,000 rubles.

For each ton of grown sturgeon, 1,400 kg of feed will be needed - 70,000 rubles.

The cost of electricity will be for the entire period (taking into account the heating of water in the winter) about 30,000 rubles.

The water fee is not taken into account, since the farm is located on its own plot with a clogged well.

Other minor expenses 50,000 rubles.

The main costs for growing 1 ton of sturgeon will be about 177,000 rubles.

The cost of 1 kg - 177 rubles.

Restaurants buy sturgeon for an average of 500 rubles. for 1 kg.

Profit from each kilogram is approximately 323 rubles.

From the sale of one ton of sturgeon, the profit will be about 323,000 rubles.

The above calculations are approximate, may vary depending on prices in the region, each farm requires an individual calculation.

This article discusses the cultivation of sturgeon at home as a business idea, and the whole technology requires a thorough study of the literature on this issue. With the expansion of the farm and gaining practical experience in a few years, it is possible to obtain black caviar from 5-6 year old female sturgeon, with a market value of black caviar over $ 1,000 per kilogram, the profit from the farm can be significant.

Sturgeon farm. Growing sturgeons at home is a business idea.

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