Making a photo album with your own hands: non-standard ideas. Family chronicle using scrapbooking technique - do-it-yourself vintage family album Do-it-yourself family photo album design

  • 02.09.2020

Many houses have old family photos carefully stored in grandmother's albums. Flipping through old family photos, the questions often arise: “Who is in this photo?”, “Who is this person to me?”. Time passes, people leave life, family ties are interrupted. It is within the power of each of us to preserve the memory of our ancestors and pass it on to future generations. Let it be only family photos of grandparents, parents and children, or large family trees with roots going back centuries and extensive family ties - each family has its own important and dear history, and it is not too late to start compiling it at any time.

Learn to create real masterpieces! Watch the video Master classes on scrapbooking

Photo of an old album

The idea of ​​creating a genealogical album came to me a long time ago, since for several years I have been researching the history of my family. On some lines, family ties were established up to the 1600s, on others everything breaks off at the fifth generation. Of course, it is impossible to collect photographs of all your ancestors - some photos simply have not been preserved, and for earlier generations there can be no talk of a photo. But even records with names, years of birth, facts about the life of their ancestors should be included in the album. I want to say right away that this is not an ordinary album, and it will take a lot of time and effort, but believe me, as you start to explore your history, you will want to learn more and more.

Where to begin?

How to start working on a genealogical album? So the very first step is systematization the information you already have about your family. Compose your genealogical tree– you, your parents, grandparents, etc. Write down all the names, dates, pick up photos. Talk to representatives of the older generations of your family, ask your grandparents. Try to write down everything you learn, because in the future, when searching, all the facts, even insignificant at first glance, may come in handy.

Next stage - search for information in Internet resources. Lots of useful information for the study of the pedigree is contained on the forum "All-Russian Genealogical Tree". Here are excerpts from historical documents, and links to useful sites, and an exchange of views of both historians and ordinary people who are interested in their roots. Information about the participants in the war can be found on the websites of the OBD-Memorial and the Feat of the People. Here it is worth looking not only for your direct ancestors - grandfathers, great-grandfathers, but also for their brothers, as this will allow you to collect more information. On the OBD-Memorial website, when searching for dead and missing soldiers, in reports of irretrievable losses of personnel, personal data of servicemen were indicated - full name, year of birth, place of birth and conscription, place and reason for departure (death), as well as full name and address of next of kin to whom the funeral was sent (wife or parents of a soldier). The Feat of the People website contains information about awarding soldiers - orders, award lists, etc.
Detailed recommendations when searching for data on front-line soldiers are presented in the article “My Immortal Regiment. How to collect material for a memory album". The site "Victims of Political Terror in the USSR" will help in the search for repressed relatives. Information about the participants in the First World War and the Knights of St. George can be found on the website "In Memory of the Heroes of the Great War 1914-1918".

If, having studied electronic resources, you want to continue researching your ancestry, the next step is appeal to the state archive. There are 3 options for obtaining information - visit the archive and search archival documents, make a formal request to the archive or use paid services of genealogists.
The first option is possible if you live in the same city where the desired archive is located or have the opportunity to go there. The advantage of this method of searching for information is the opportunity to study the old manuscripts yourself, to see with your own eyes the records about your relatives made a hundred or even two hundred or three hundred years ago. But you will have to spend a lot of your personal time on this, which is a big disadvantage for many people.
The second and third options do not require personal presence. A request to the archive can be made by mail or through the official website of the archive. The advantage of this method is that you will receive an official response to your request, certified by the management of the archive. The disadvantage is that archive employees are often very busy, and it may take several months to wait for an answer to your request. The third option is to use the services of specialists in the field of genealogy who search the archives. The advantage is that you will receive information much faster, the disadvantage is that such a search will require you to pay for the services of a historian (although often this does not cost much more than an official genealogical request to the archive).

When searching in the archive, you need to have initial information - at least this is the full name and place of residence (documents in the archive are grouped by settlements, not last names). It should be borne in mind that you will have to study documents from the beginning of the 20th century and earlier, so you need to know where a person lived during this period.

What to look for in the archive?

Now a little about the documents that are worth studying in the archive in the first place. The first one is 1917 agricultural census. The census was carried out in the courtyard. The questionnaire indicated the owner of the yard, whether he was an old-timer or a migrant, the year of resettlement, the province of exit, the composition of his family, indicating age and kinship in relation to the owner, land holdings and farming.

1917 Agricultural Census Questionnaire

1917 Agricultural Census Questionnaire - verso

Another base very useful in genealogical research is collections of parish books. Until the 1920s, all the facts of birth, death and marriage were recorded by the clergy in registers of births. Such books were kept in every church, and those that have survived have all been transferred to the archives. Each book consists of three parts - about the born, the married and the dead. Records were kept in chronological order throughout the year. The first part of the book, devoted to the registration of newborns, indicated the date of birth and baptism, the name given at baptism, parents and heirs (godparents)

List of births from the register of births

Births sheet (turnover)

During the baptism of adult Gentiles, entries were also made in this section indicating the age and former religion. In the records of those who married, in addition to the full name of the bride and groom, their age, religion, the first time they marry or not, as well as the names of the guarantors (that is, witnesses) on both sides, were indicated. When registering the dead, they indicated the date of death, the date of burial, the name of the deceased, his age, cause of death and place of burial.

When searching for information about ancestors who lived in the middle of the 19th century and earlier, it is necessary to study revision tales. These are censuses of peasants, regularly conducted in tsarist Russia since 1718. You should start with the last (tenth) revision, which was carried out in 1858.

Revision tale of 1858

The peasants were rewritten by yards, indicating all family members, their relationship to the owner of the yard, as well as the age of each family member at the time of the current and previous revisions. Revision tales of the early 19th century and earlier contain censuses of peasants without surnames (only first and middle names - for example, Stepan Ivanov's son), since the official assignment of surnames to peasants took place only by the middle of the 19th century.

Revision tale of 1816

Documents of the 17th century and earlier were written in the Old Slavonic language, therefore, for us, modern residents who do not have sufficient knowledge of Old Russian writing, it is quite difficult to make out the records in the documents of that era without the help of specialists.

Census book of 1677

So, I shared the main points that will be useful when compiling a genealogical album. As you already understood, the work is painstaking and long, but it is really worth it. The album will become your real family heirloom, preserving the memory of your ancestors.

If you want to know what it might look like handmade genealogy book please read this publication carefully. After studying the manual, it will not be difficult to independently draw up a family chronicle of the clan, which will be passed on to future generations of the family. Let's divide the process of creating a family heirloom into two main points: the inside of the book and its cover. Take our recommendations responsibly, and then you will be able to fill the book with competent and interesting content. Several pictures are attached to the article, which show the templates of the genealogical book (personal sheets). Print them out, fill them in with information, and you will get a beautiful design with your own hands.

Let's deal with the content first, since it is the content that makes the book valuable, and the cover and design of the design are only additional decorations. You can start compiling a family pedigree with your own hands without conducting a study of the genus along the line of genealogy in the federal archives.

However, with the verification of archival documents and further confirmation of the facts in public institutions, the genealogical book will become more reliable and informative. In addition, searching for ancestors by last name is an exciting process that can be done by the whole family, which will once again bring your relatives closer. We draw the attention of readers to the fact that below is a list of fundamental sections, if the compiler wishes, they can be expanded with secondary points. How to arrange a family tree book with your own hands for your needs, you will have to decide on your own. And so, the list of sections of the book, according to the administration of the site, looks like this:

1) Preface of the genealogical book with introductory information;

2) Genealogical terms and special scientific concepts;

3) Origin of names with surnames and geographical names;

4) The history of tribal villages, a description of the life and way of life of different generations;

5) Report on the conducted genealogical research of your family;

6) Generational painting of family members, including brothers, sisters and others;

7) Family tree with the location of the family relationship scheme on it;

8) List of genealogical sources of information, extracts from archives, photos.

In order for the reader to understand the publication about how to make a family tree, we will write out the points in detail, paying attention to the nuances of the design process. Do not confuse the preface of the book with its content, which should go at the beginning, after the title (front) page. In the introductory part, we suggest placing a text on 1-2 pages, telling, for example, why it is important to know the ancestors, why a person needs a pedigree, and what it is. At the same time, the reader will tune in to a certain atmosphere and "failure" into the past by reading a book with the history of the family. The specialists of our family research bureau "Keepers of Family Secrets" described all thematic materials, so you can easily find comprehensive information in the section with unique articles.

Genealogy, as a science, is replete with specific concepts, not everyone knows what a family tree is, who a godfather, matchmaker, brother-in-law or other relatives are, and who they are to the main person of the family tree. The terms used in the book are recommended to be explained in the second section, before starting the main description of the family history, so that a person understands what is being said. Here, it would not be superfluous to reveal the concepts of estates, for example, about peasants or nobles, if such ancestors were present in past generations of your family who lived during the existence of tsarist Russia. You can clarify the definitions by studying the genealogical guide, a separate section of the Livemem website. A high-quality design of a family tree book with your own hands will allow you to read it in one breath and with a full understanding of what is happening.

How to make a family tree with your own hands - a guide for a book

If you want to write an interesting genealogy book on your own, then place a section on the origin of names, surnames, and explain the history of occurrence settlements where the members of the family lived. There are general and particular principles. We refer to the general cases when a person inherited a surname from the father's name. The process looked like this: in the family where Ivan, who did not have a surname, was the head, children were born. Whose child? Ivanov's son or daughter. There were other ways, for example, education from the name of the village. Special cases include assignments, based on the type of activity. For example, a blacksmith received the surname Kuznetsov when the authorities were puzzled by the issue of a more accurate identification of the inhabitants of the country. Of course, in one paragraph of the manual on the genealogy book, it is not possible to display all the variety of options; in order to be closer to the point, it is required to analyze a specific surname.

The situation is similar with geographical names, but this item of the genealogy book can be especially interesting, since in the process of studying it is possible to come across information that it was your ancestor who became the founder of a particular village, and possibly an entire city. The history of surnames and localities can be found in federal archives and local history museums, libraries, some data can also be obtained from the Internet. The choice of instrument is up to you, but if you need a true pedigree with your own hands, then refer to reliable historical sources.

When the authors of our bureau prepare genealogical books, the 4th section turns out to be the most voluminous, on average, 30 pages per family line, but sometimes it reaches a hundred. This paragraph intersects with the previous one, if necessary, combine them. Tell us how the village appeared, what the population as a whole did, and how your ancestors worked, their military services to the Fatherland. There is where to "roam around", while the volume and readability of the text of the genealogical book depend on your talents and creativity. Mention professions, life, holidays, family experiences, life path, fill in the pedigree and other materials about relatives from past generations, found by hand using the described research methods or thanks to paid services archivists. The history of the family should become the most fascinating section of the content, if you approach the independent writing of the genealogical book of the family with enthusiasm, diligence and the desire to create a masterpiece.

The genealogical report is placed in the pedigree at the request of the owner, but filling the book can do without it if the study has not been conducted. The section is a list of studied publications, analyzed documents, verified publications involved in the search for ancestors. With the soulless compilation of this part of the pedigree, the meaning of posting the report is lost. However, if you add a detective component to it, similar to an investigation, then such a text will fit perfectly into the book, and will only add interest from readers. Use phrases like "in order to find my great-grandfather, I had to ..." or "it seemed to me that the history of the search was over, but it wasn't there ...". Improvise, and the content of the genealogy book will become richer, captivating reading relatives or friends with the plot.

The next part of the genealogical book contains generational painting. As it is not difficult to guess from the name of the term, its meaning lies in the composition of the family painted for each generation. Note that murals can be of two main types: descending and ascending. It will be most convenient for you to understand this concept on simple example(in this case the ascending version is used):

I, Ivan Yakovlevich Ivanov (conditionally);

Ivan's father Yakov Georgievich;

Brother Yakov Ruslan;

Ivan's mother Agrippina Fedorovna, nee Mikhailova;

Livemem does not recommend posting any information about family members other than their names and degree of kinship in the generation list, so as not to create confusion in the book. Additional data such as places of birth and years of life are best placed on the family tree, and biographical information in the family history section. A pedigree scheme is an analogue of painting, but in the form of a graphic table. You can study a detailed guide to compiling a genus tree in the articles section, and in this publication we draw the attention of visitors to the attached picture with a template, which shows the simplest circuit, which clearly demonstrates family ties. If an elementary layout is enough for you, you can save it to your computer, print it out and insert it into the genealogy book, after entering the relatives. If there are a large number of people in your family, we offer to buy a family tree of the family, having familiarized yourself with the templates from our designers in the catalog.

DIY Pedigree Template - Family Book Cover

Do-it-yourself family tree cannot be kept without a cover, because this is the history of the ancestors, which the descendants will inherit, so this task remains to be dealt with. Before talking about three ways to solve, let's finish with the final part of the content - a collection of genealogical sources. The described section is not mandatory, but if there is a need to make a means of storing a family archive out of a book case, such a desire is welcome. When the children or any of the relatives are curious and want to know how the pedigree was collected, you can show the specific document from the 7th point. This part can include extracts from archives, copies or originals of birth, marriage or death certificates, certificates from state and departmental institutions, copies of pages of scientific publications, literature, photographs, and more. Use our DIY family tree template, which has been developed by genealogy professionals over the years, and you will have a valuable family history book - a family heirloom.

As for the cover of the genealogical book, there are 3 common options for solving this issue. Choose the most suitable for you, based on your available budget, time and desire to participate in the process of creating a case family heirloom. This is what our list looks like:

a) buy a pedigree book from one of the manufacturers (ready-made models);

b) apply for a service to one of the bookbinding shops in your city;

c) buy everything the right materials and make your own book.

With the first solution, everything is clear enough. In Russia, there are several manufacturers of genealogical books, the range of which is presented in our catalog at the link provided. Come in, choose your favorite model from 3,000 to 50,000 rubles, and you will have a finished book with a case and cover for every taste and color. There are models made of genuine leather and using a cheaper artificial substitute that reduces the price. There are books decorated with bronze, precious stones and velvet, with a variety of designs and the ability to personalize the purchase. In general, look, ask the price and choose if the method of purchasing a factory-made genealogical book suits you.

The second method involves a more individual approach and long-term production of a family pedigree. You need to find in your city or on the Internet, but with delivery to your place of residence, a bookbinding workshop or a printing house that publishes books in small circulation. Develop with your own hands appearance covers of the genealogy book, transfer it to the company, and after some time (about a month) you will be given the finished product. If you yourself cannot provide the original layout and come up with a design, then, as a rule, such services are provided by the same companies, and you can order them. The total cost of printing one copy of the book without frills is approximately 5,000 - 40,000 rubles. This price also includes an indication of the names on the front side, to which the restored history of the family is dedicated. By the way, if you conducted a search in military archives, then the results of such a study would appropriately supplement the text.

When choosing the final option, the creator's hands are completely untied and freedom of creativity appears, and only the direction of fantasy affects the final form of the genealogical book. At self-manufacturing keep in mind that the base must be made of quality material, such as durable moisture-resistant cardboard or environmentally friendly wood, so that the cover does not deteriorate over time. How to decorate and how to decorate - depends on your needs and preferences in art. We only recommend using special mechanisms for attaching pages, which will allow you to supplement the genealogy book in the future. We wish you successful searches and hope that this article on how to make a family tree with your own hands was useful and helped you create your own family heirloom.

If you have additions - let us know in the comments, we will make a useful resource together!

All rights reserved, copying of text is allowed only with a link to the site

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 12 minutes


Who among us does not like to be photographed and photograph loved ones and loved ones? Over time, we accumulate a huge number of photographs at home, which, of course, we want to preserve and pass on to future generations. Therefore, today we will discuss with you ideas for decorating a family photo album with your own hands. It would be nice to make this pleasant activity one of the most creative work on the design of the family album together.

Scrapbooking family chronicle - do-it-yourself vintage family album

Scrapbooking is one of the techniques for creating and designing family or personal albums. Where, in addition to photographs, newspaper clippings, postcards, buttons, drawings and other memorabilia are added that carry a story about you and your loved ones. Thanks to this art, instead of an ordinary album, we will get a whole story about the life of your family. The cover of the photo album can also be given an original look. Decorate it with some memorabilia - for example, a ribbon to which you can attach an amulet, or yellow maple leaves. On the cover you can put a beautiful inscription symbolizing something important only for you and your family.

Making a family album in the form of a genealogical tree

Try to make your own family tree of your family and attach it to the title page of the photo album. It will not be difficult - list all the closest relatives that you remember and whose photos you can find in the family archive. First, add photographs of the most distant ancestors to the album, and finish the design with photographs of our days. Such a self-made photo album will be of interest to absolutely everyone - both the older generation and the younger. After all, considering it, you will have the feeling that you are reading a real saga about the history of your own family.

How to make a family album with children's pages - ideas for designing a children's family album

Of course, one of the most important events in every family is the birth of a child. We always want to decorate this chapter of our life somehow in a special way. After all, even the smallest detail matters. We have a great many photographs of growing children, because we want to capture every moment of the life of a little man. And it can be very difficult to choose some individual photos from them to put in an album. But still try to select the most characteristic photographs that most clearly reflect important points in your baby's life. At first, these can be your photos, where the baby is still in your tummy. Next - an extract from the hospital. A newborn baby gets acquainted with family members and closest people. First smile. First steps. Walks. Deep sleep. Breakfast. For any mother, all these moments are incredibly important and everyone will be remembered forever. Also in the photo album you can attach the first hairs of the baby, make decoration from the first booties, ribbons, from a lace baby scarf or bonnet. Do not forget to describe next to the photographs the events that are depicted in them. Over time, it will be possible to add your child's drawings and various school or sports trophies and certificates to the photo album.

Do-it-yourself wedding family album - lace, satin bows and dried flowers from the bride's bouquet.

A wedding is a very important and special day for every woman. I want to remember every moment of this have a nice day. And, of course, we have a huge number of photographs that require a decent design. You can unusually decorate a wedding album by putting satin bows and lace from the bride's accessories into it. You can also attach dried flowers from the bride's bouquet to the photos, if you have them. All these little things will acquire more and more value for you over the years, and, opening wedding photoalbum handmade, you will return to that magical day every time.

The idea of ​​​​designing a family album about a vacation with trophies from long journeys

We all love to relax, and from each trip we bring a bunch of photos. Naturally, these photos are also worthy of their photo album. You can decorate such an album with postcards depicting the countries where you rested, trophies from travels - whether it be a piece of a shell or a dried exotic plant. You can also make an ornament from the sand from the beaches where you sunbathed and took pictures. Don't forget about the descriptions of what is shown in the photos. After all, many years later, your children will be very interested to read about the adventures of their parents on vacation, and see colorful illustrations for this exciting story.

How to make a family album as a gift to parents - a chronicle of the parental family

A handmade photo album is also a wonderful gift that you can present to your parents for an anniversary, or any holiday, or just like that. Collect the most the best photos parents from all family albums to transfer them to one. When adding photos, add some words from yourself for your mom and dad in the description. Tell them how much you love them and how much they are dear to you. You can decorate the photo album with clippings from old magazines and preserved old theater tickets that your parents attended. An album for parents can also be decorated with hand-made decor items - an album cover crocheted or knitted, figurines for decorating a luxurious antique style, made by yourself. The album can also contain homemade collages, appliqué and decorative elements in vintage style, with antique lace and velvet. The flight of fancy here is simply limitless!

DIY creative album - creating a family chronicle with photos, drawings, poems and stories of all family members

And, of course, every family should have a common album, looking at which is so warm and comfortable to spend time surrounded by loved ones. There are a great many ideas for creating such an album, and all members of the family will have to work on their implementation. Add your favorite photos to it in chronological order. Accompany them with poems of your own composition, let each of the family members write stories about some significant events. You can also collect children's drawings to put them in an album, small memorabilia. Bring all your creative impulses to life! In the photo album, in addition to photos, you can add everything that matters to your family. And then you get a real family illustrated chronicle, which can be left to posterity as a keepsake.

A handmade photo album will inspire new life into your memories captured on film. After all, what if not viewing family photos on winter evenings, so brings family members closer making you appreciate each other even more.

A family album is an important element of every home. He is the center of attention during the visit of friends and relatives, at family celebrations and in warm moments of memories. This is the secret of the past, a kind of relic, the history of the life of each of us. Today, most photos are stored on phones, tablets, mobiles. But it's much more pleasant to flip through the pages of history and touch the pictures than to view them on the monitor. A handmade photo album will be a good alternative to electronic folders.

Photo album in the technique of scrapbooking

The scrapbook is a literal translation of the newfangled trend in creating photo albums. Such albums can contain everything: dried flowers, “tags” of a newborn, small meaningful things, cuts, lace, beads and, of course, a photo. Design fantasy knows no bounds, and modern materials give you the opportunity to realize any ideas.

Masters work in several directions:

  • modern. All relevant attributes, stencils, blanks, bright prints, rhinestones and more are appropriate. In this direction, you can often find shabby chic;

  • in retro and vintage albums use aged paper, cute trinkets, jewelry, clippings from old newspapers or magazines, lace, braid;

  • romantic implies the use of everything delicate and airy: lace, fabric, ribbons, jewelry, braid, poetry.

When creating an album on any subject, it is important to think over the basic design and make up a color composition. Basic scrapbooking tips for beginners:

  • decide on the style in which the album will be performed;
  • pick up the background of the pages. It should be combined with shades of colors used in the album;
  • think over the semantic content of the album, if you need to pick up poems, quotes, make clippings.

How to make an album with your own hands, see the video below.

One Love Story: Wedding Album

A wedding photo album does not have to contain only pictures of the celebration. You can start a story about your family with a history of acquaintance: joint pictures on vacation or moments of dates.

When creating a wedding album with your own hands, you need to:

  • choose size. Option 30*30 cm is ideal for several photos to fit on the page. Parameters 20 * 20 cm imply a standard photo on the page and a few little things. But the album 25 * 25 cm is the average option. You can mix several pictures and diversify with additional inserts;
  • of the materials you will need: thick paper (cardstock), film with a pattern (overlay), cardboard figures (chipboard), foil, beads, garter, invitations, napkins, bows, buttons, lace, postcards, tulle.

Watch the video below for the album creation process.

And of course your family life will be a happy and long one, so you need to provide pages for future anniversaries.

How to make a cover in the video below.

Create an album for a newborn

When creating a children's album, it is appropriate to use a variety of scrap paper, stencils, baby things. For registration, you may need:

  • the imprint of a child's hand or foot. This can be done with ordinary gouache, or on a special basis, which is then placed on the cover;

  • pregnancy photos and ultrasound pictures;
  • horoscope, the meaning of the name - all this will be a good addition to the album;
  • pictures of your favorite toys will decorate the pages;
  • a lullaby for your baby is suitable for a photo of a sleeping baby;
  • the first phrases, a memorable drawing, a page from a diary - everything that seems ordinary now can be of great value in 10-15 years;
  • menu, favorite dish, favorite cartoon - mentioning these moments will be a good addition to the photos.

How to create a children's scrapbooking album, see the video below.

A children's album made of envelopes will be creative and non-standard. Watch the master class in the video below.

Chronicle of generations in photographs

A family photo album is a great wedding anniversary gift for your family and friends. The history of their family, photos of children and all significant events can be placed under one cover. Such an album will look good in a vintage or retro style.

For a family history album, you can use:

  • lyrics that are relevant at a certain time, poems and sayings, newspaper clippings;
  • significant things or their photos;
  • artificial flowers, various stamps, elements of old jewelry, iron butterflies, flowers, curly photo frames, suede and velvet.

See the video below for an example of design.

An integral part of such albums is aged paper. It is not difficult to make it:

  • in order to give the edges "shabby", you need to process them with a distresser;
  • coffee will turn a white sheet of paper into yellowed from time to time. Brew 5 full teaspoons of coffee in 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 10 minutes under a closed lid and strain. Lightly press a sheet of paper, dip it in coffee and hold for no more than 5 minutes. Dry and iron;
  • black tea will give yellowness to paper. Brew 5-10 tsp. in a glass of boiling water (depending on how much you need to yellow the sheet). Leave for 10 minutes and strain. Keep the sheet in tea leaves for about two minutes. Dry and iron. You can drip several times on the sheet with tea leaves.

It's a good idea to create a family tree. You can realize the idea by drawing it, cutting it out of cardboard, felt or fiberboard.

How to make a family tree with your own hands, see the video below.

DIY travel book

For travel lovers, a travel book will be relevant - a book of photographs, notes, plans, saved tickets and small souvenirs.

How to make a travel album, see the video below.

Travelbook contains:

  • many entries. By hand and not necessarily under the ruler. These can be stories about their expectations from the trip, about what they managed to realize, a description of the highlights of the trip;
  • you can devote a page to each topic: food, recreation, sights, new acquaintances;
  • special pockets for small souvenirs.

An overview of the full design of the travel album in the video below.

Stroller, heart or house: creating curly photo albums

Who said that a photo album has to be rectangular? Figured albums look bright and non-standard. You can download ready-made stencils from the Internet, or you can create them yourself. unsurpassed Family album in the form of a house was made by blogger Elena Stepanova. The author made a multi-storey building, and posted photos as follows: with the growth of the family, the floor increases. The result is amazing.

Figure albums can be family, children's, reflect the hobbies of the household.

The album of a pet is interesting for children, because filling it with pictures of a pet is very entertaining.

How to arrange a curly album, see the video below.

Beginner Mini Album

This album will good start for those who try themselves in scrapbooking. It can be issued in the form of a booklet, a box and an accordion. The last option is the easiest to implement. All you need is cardboard 70*10 cm, decorative paper, Double-sided tape, ribbon. The album is composed as follows:

  • folds are made on cardboard at a distance of 10 cm. This will be a binding;
  • the cover will be two squares measuring 10.5 * 10.5 cm, pasted over with decorative paper, which are attached to the binding;
  • sheets of decorative paper measuring 9.5 * 9.5 cm are glued to each page of the album;
  • the album is decorated with a ribbon-string.

Master Class

Teacher primary school


Krylatova S.A.



Master Class

Topic: "Creating a class history"

Target: contribute to increasing the motivation of the master class participants in using their creative abilities in the educational process.

Tasks : to form the concept of "chronicle" among the participants

start developing creative abilities during the master class

show what forms can be used in creating a class diary

Relevance due to the desire of teachers to improve the quality, effectiveness of education in the modern information society

Equipment: computer, projector, handouts, stationery

Expected results : the participants of the master class will be immersed in the process of developing their creative abilities, they will understand its importance and necessity for the modern school

practical way out : an information sheet that reveals the ability to create through various forms of chronicle

The main content of the master class:

Istage:Organizational (topic disclosure)

IIstage:Basic working methods

IIIStage: Presentation


VStage: Reflection

Master class progress:

I stage : Organizational (topic disclosure)

I invite you to the "Master class" on the topic: "Creating a class chronicle."

What is a chronicle? To answer this question, let's turn to the dictionary: "Chronicle - in ancient Russia: a weather record of historical events that took place in a country, city, area. Any regular record of events, a diary, a chronicle. A collection, a collection of any records, works, pictures , films, etc., in which individual moments of development, the course of something are reflected. (Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language).

It seems that everything is clear and understandable, but, as in all dictionaries, it is clear and concise, without unnecessary emotions. But when you pronounce the word "chronicle" out loud, old notebooks with yellowed pages come to mind, someone's fate, events, tears and joy, worries and experiences. For some reason, a family photo album pops up in my memory, with cracked photographs, with yellowed postcards, and even with dried leaves (probably there was a reason to save them ...)

In my opinion, a chronicle is still a record of events, a kind of diary that helps to restore the most significant events, a chronicle is associated with some specific events, for example, the Second World War (which describes the events of only this period), and the concept of "history "- in my opinion, covers the entire history of mankind, its development and formation. Ancient chronicles were written on parchment, describing events over the years. And each story began with the words "in the summer ... of the year" - hence the name of the word itself. Now, everything is very simple. First, a typewriter came to the aid of man, and now a computer. I made a mistake, I can quickly fix it, I didn’t like the font - I changed it, inserted as many drawings, graphs into the document - as much as my heart desires.

"Chronicle of the class" - is collected together and "sorted on the shelves" events that took place in the class for a certain time.

II stage : Techniques and methods of work;

I associate the "chronicle of the class" with a certain album, book (in modern terms, with a presentation). Creating a "chronicle of the class", as well as any work, I put my soul into it, I want my work to be liked by children and their parents, so that they review it again and again, reread it. And an outsider will not be able to make her more sincere, because he does not know the nature of the children, their relationship. Yes, and I myself am glad that I can bring someone moments of joy and pleasure. What can I bring to the created chronicle? Over the four academic years, I have accumulated a lot of photographs that the guys do not have, maybe I will surprise my students with the fact that I will compose small quatrains about my class (everything will depend, as they say, on inspiration). I will describe all the cool events by month or by season. And the heroes of my chronicle are my students from the 1st grade to the 4th. In my opinion, the most vivid and memorable events should be reflected in the annals.

I'll start in order. First, we need to say a few words in the annals about the creation of the class, how many students are in the class, how many girls, how many boys. Indicate the common character traits or hobbies of the guys, what they are fond of. Further, you can include materials from extracurricular activities(participation in competitions, quizzes, competitions), materials from holidays, meetings. You can talk about collective affairs, what everyone did together. Where did you go (to nature, on an excursion, etc.), what exhibitions did you visit.

It seems to me that the results achieved by the guys should also be noted. I also want to place in the annals the most interesting creative tasks that the guys performed during this year. I think that in the annals of the whole class one should talk about all the members of the team, and it is better to tell about individual guys in another material, for example, in the “Class Business Card”. After all, talking about one person, we can offend him with our inattention to another member of the team. Yes, and I do not want to single out one person. Although, if you indicate the successes and achievements in the annals, it will turn out that the winners were singled out, but I think that the spirit of competition should still prevail here and the children should be taught to rejoice at the success of their classmates. If there are video recordings of some events, you can include them in the chronicle. You can interview team members, teachers, or even their parents (because sometimes it’s impossible to capture something interesting in a photo, verbal memories will help with this)

III stage : Chronicle presentation;

I want to present my “class history” in the form of a presentation in which I have placed various photographs that capture interesting moments from the life of my students.

IV stage: Modeling

I suggest that you make your own chronicle project in the following sequence: at the very beginning, place the "passport data" of the class, and then place the material according to the seasons (or quarters). Recall what events have happened in your class in the past. Consider how your content will be presented? In what form? Why? The more material, the more interesting the chronicle will turn out.

V stage : Reflection

Analysis of projects to create an annals of the class. Combining the best forms to create a chronicle. What kind of history do we have?

I hope that the master class will be useful for you! Thank you for your cooperation!