Life is not without good people. The world is not without good people. How even a small contribution is appreciated

  • 23.04.2020

The world is not without good people. How to understand the meaning of the proverb?

    The meaning of the proverb The world is not without good people in that sometimes completely strangers come to the rescue in a given situation. Especially when you already despair, you don’t hope for anything. For example, relatives and friends have absolutely no money and opportunities, and a stranger takes and helps, and sometimes even free of charge. Or, for example, it happens that a person’s house burns down and he has nowhere and no one to go to, and not familiar people give a roof over his head.


    and so understand, and soul and mind, It is not in vain that the people say and it is not for nothing that it is said.

    It has always been and always will be: In spite of everything, there are wonderful people.

    There are forces of light and glorious forces, These people on Earth are assigned to them.

    And if only the forces of evil dominated, Khan would have happened to everything long ago.

    And only by grace the world was created, It was affirmed and did not fall apart.

    Let's remember them that were in our past - And we will say thanks to them, to those good people,

    Who once saved us, fed, warmed, helped.

    Materially and in words, Supported and taught, instructed,

    We were accompanied through life And were with us.

    The bright world of eternal life, I send my sincere gratitude to you

    For humanity, and sadness, for every glimpse of yours - I thank you.

    The meaning of this proverb is that not all people are bad, someone good and there will be someone who will help. Usually this proverb is said to someone who needs some kind of help, but they cannot cope on their own and they hope for help from outside. They say to somehow support, reassure.

    Here we go to the store and there is a box for donations, the baby is sick, someone who is completely unfamiliar and there is a lot in it different money both small and large. And who put them there? kind people!!! That's what this proverb says our world is full of good people we are all good people. We are all ready to help a person in trouble to help him out - this is our Russian

    mentality. We cannot see someone else's misfortune and will always help.

    This proverb, and these words, are uttered more often when someone rescued a person in a difficult situation for him. Most likely, he even had little hope for this help, and it was for him a kind of MIRACLE, one might say. And he, having almost lost faith in someone's help and support, suddenly finds this help, support, maybe some kind of minimum that allows him to simply survive or hold out, or maybe he gets much more than what he even counted on. And then, to his surprise and joy over what happened, he can hear from someone to whom he told this, or even from himself, with some amazement and joy, this phrase: THE WORLD IS NOT WITHOUT GOOD PEOPLE. And thank God that it is.

    I think that the proverb - the world is not without good people can be understood as follows: when you are in trouble, you feel unbearably bad, because you need to get out of trouble, and relatives, friends, good acquaintances at that moment turned away from you (this happens and this is very hurts), then suddenly a person appears who you don’t have to anyone, but he extends a helping hand to you, like the best and most faithful friend and pulls you out of trouble. That is, there is no need to despair, good people have been, are and will always be, who help absolutely free of charge in a difficult life situation. This has happened to me many times. Then these people disappeared. They seemed to be fulfilling their mission and disappearing from my life, I think God sent them to me to help me survive.

    This proverb refers to a situation where a person is left alone with his misfortune or even misfortune. At this terrible moment, good people help him. That is: advice, money, shelter, food, moral support. Therefore, The world is not without good people; - this is exactly what saves a person from death.

    You should never despair. There is no need to think that among people you can die and there is no one who could help you. Do not abuse trust, but it is worth hoping for the mercy of people.

    Even from all over the world, let there be good people.

    Even at the most difficult moment in life, when a person is left completely alone - there is no help from either friends or relatives - someone will definitely appear who will give a hand and put a shoulder on his shoulder. Personally, I had this happen a couple of times. situation and problems, helped and supported.

    This proverb means that in this world not all people are evil, there are really good people. And there will definitely be a person who shows kindness, mercy towards other people. Such a proverb is said to emphasize that support and help are still likely.

A lonely 71-year-old man lived in a crumbling shack in one of the districts of Bucharest. The house was very bad, leaking, falling apart and had no amenities. But the old man refused to leave this place, because it was here that he lived with his wife, who by that time had already died for many years. Once a guy told the story of an old man on his Facebook page, and this is what happened then ...

The old man's name is Ion Negril. This is an ordinary pensioner, very proud and at the same time very lonely. For many years after the death of his wife, he grieved, not even trying to somehow improve his life. He became unsociable, talked little with neighbors, and the area in which his housing is located cannot be called the friendliest: thefts and crimes often occur here.

The city authorities repeatedly suggested that Ion move to another house or even to a nursing home with full board, but for the old man this was unthinkable. He flatly refused to leave his house.

It was in this house that his wife died in a fire in 2006. This plunged Jon into depression, and as a result, his relatives and former colleagues stopped communicating with him. In his youth, Ion was cheerful, cheerful and always helped other people with everything he could. But in his old age he was completely alone.

Ion resigned himself to his position, he no longer wanted to change anything. social services inspectors were constantly sent to him, who documented that his house was completely unsuitable for life, and the health of the old man was also in danger. Ion simply closed the door to the inspectors and did not want to hear anything about the move.

After seeing Jon's story on Facebook one day, several young people decided to solve this problem in their own way. It was really impossible to live in that house - it had no windows, the walls crumbled, and the ceiling sank and desperately leaked. In Romania, in winter, frost can reach -20C, so leaving an old man alone with his grief, loneliness and problems would be wrong. The guys thought that since he doesn't want to leave his house, why not force him to move, but instead do new house right next to the old one.

The guys themselves did not earn much, but they knew how to get the most out of even a small amount. They asked on the Internet for anyone willing to help, to transfer money, and eventually collected a thousand euros.

With their own efforts, the guys cleared a place next to Ion's old shack, cut down the stumps, leveled the ground. They then bought an old container that was still in good condition. They replaced the doors and windows, painted the walls and ceiling inside, laid the floor, insulated, installed electricity, heating, water inside, made / bought furniture, tried to make the new house as cozy as possible. Other caring people also joined the work, so everything was done quite quickly.

When Ion realized that the guys were really going to make a house for him, and that these were not just words in the wind, he was amazed. He has long weaned from someone else's kindness and attention. When the old man entered his new home, he was so moved that he didn't even know how to react. For the first time in long time he could touch warm radiators, sleep on clean dry linen and not wrap himself up from the cold and wind.

A month later, just in time for Catholic Christmas, the guys returned to Jon again, this time to make a fence for him. All funds for this were collected thanks to donations, and the guys worked independently. They were glad to see that Ion uses the house, that he completely changed his lifestyle: now his house is always clean, there is food at home, he invites guests to his house, and in general he has become much more social.

“Now he smiles a lot, much more than before. Actually, no one had ever seen a smile on his face before, ”says one of the guys. We are making this video to inspire others to do the same.

And here is the video itself, which the guys shot to inspire other people to do the same:

And be sure to watch the second part of this story, which shows how the same guys saw Ion just a month later, when they came to him to install a fence. How much the old man has changed!

A post about those who do good and change the world in better side without further ado ">A post about those who do good and change the world for the better without further ado " alt="(!LANG: The world is not without good people A post about those who do good and change the world for the better without further ado!}">

You can talk and write a lot about goodness, but it is best to do it, as the heroes of this post did. Someone can call their actions heroism, self-sacrifice, even recklessness. Although this is just a manifestation of humanity. They did not remain indifferent, could not pass by, or simply fulfilled their duty. When we are no longer surprised by such actions, we will rise one step higher!


A dog named Shep suffers from arthritis. In order to alleviate the dog's suffering a little, every day his owner John took Shep to the lake. John took the dog in his arms and went deep into the water. The water allowed the dog to finally relax enough that the pain subsided and Shep could calmly take a nap on his owner's chest. Shep passed away at the age of 20 in 2013.


Window cleaners dressed as superheroes surprise children at a hospital during their work, Alabama


A man spotted a duck stuck in the frozen water of a lake in Norway. The unfortunate woman clung helplessly to life. Risking his own life, he jumped into the icy water and pulled the duck to dry land.


Two more brave and caring guys from Norway rescued a lamb that had fallen into the river.


An elderly man had a heart attack when he was clearing snow from the entrance to the house. The paramedics took him to the hospital and then came back and shoveled the snow for him. For uncleaned territory near the house in the USA - a fine. So the paramedics took pity on the old man, saving him from a possible fine.


Fans let their wheelchair-bound friend watch a Korn concert in Moscow.


A man saves a drowning kitten with his umbrella.


A sign on the door of a dry cleaner's: "If you're unemployed and need to have your clothes cleaned for an interview. We'll clean them for free."


Firefighters did not abandon the unfortunate animals and saved them from a terrible death.


During a cycling race in Australia, athletes stopped to give a drink to a koala that was dying of thirst. Humanity over victory!


Jacqueline Kiplimo helps a disabled runner finish a marathon in Taiwan. It cost her first place.

“The world has become smaller,” some will say. “People have become cruel,” others will attest. And only a third will object: "Russia is not without good people." One cannot but agree with the last expression after reading the stories of these five personalities.

Fedor Mikhailovich Rtishchev

Nobleman Fedor Mikhailovich Rtishchev during his lifetime, he received the nickname "gracious husband", and his name was recorded in the synodiki (commemoration) of countless monasteries and churches in gratitude for his activities and financial investments.

Fyodor Rtishchev was a friend and colleague of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. During his life, he built many schools, shelters for the poor, hospitals, and became the founder of the Andreevsky Monastery. This man, seeing a drunk lying on the pavement, could easily take him and take him to a shelter. During the Russo-Polish war, Rtishchev achieved success in peace negotiations with representatives of the Commonwealth. During the battles, Fedor Mikhailovich carried both his own and the enemy from the battlefield. He hired doctors for his own money, bought food for the wounded and prisoners.

Most of all, his contemporaries remember the case when, in 1671, during a severe famine in Vologda, Rtishchev sent 200 measures of bread, 100 gold and 900 silver rubles there. These donations came from the sale of some of the nobleman's property. When Fyodor Mikhailovich found out that the inhabitants of Arzamas were in desperate need of land, he simply donated his possessions to the city. When Rtishchev died, his “life” appeared in the monasteries. This was practically the only case when a righteous life was described, not a monk, but a layman.

Anna Adler

Anna Alexandrovna Adler She has devoted her entire life to helping children with disabilities. In the 19th century, activities charitable foundations was mainly aimed at satisfying only the physical needs of the disabled for food and shelter. They were deprived of the opportunity to realize themselves in society.

Anna Adler herself was engaged in educating the blind in order to prove to others that they can also learn and earn their own bread, like everyone else. This woman mastered the Braille system, found funds to purchase a printing press in Germany, and set about creating teaching aids for the blind. In addition to teaching literacy, in schools for the blind, under the patronage of Anna Adler, boys were taught to weave baskets and rugs, and girls were taught to knit and sew. Over time, Anna Alexandrovna translated the notes into a form understandable to the blind, so that they could learn to play musical instruments. The first graduates of the school for the blind in Moscow and St. Petersburg, with the active assistance of Anna Adler, were able to find work. This woman managed to break the established stereotypes about the incapacity of the blind.

Nikolai Pirogov

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov became famous as a brilliant surgeon, naturalist, teacher. Already at the age of 26, he was appointed professor at the University of Dorpat. Pirogov devoted his whole life to saving people. The soldiers called him a magician who worked miracles right on the battlefield.

Nikolai Ivanovich was the first to distribute the wounded on the battlefield, immediately deciding who should be sent to the hospital first and who got off lightly. This practice has significantly reduced the amputation of limbs and the death rate of soldiers. In operations, Pirogov was the first in Russia to use anesthesia, thereby relieving the wounded from excruciating pain.

In addition to performing his direct duties, Nikolai Pirogov carefully ensured that warm blankets and food were delivered to the soldiers. When, after the end of the Crimean War, Nikolai Ivanovich got an audience with Emperor Alexander II, he began to talk in his hearts about the backwardness of the Russian army and its weapons. After this conversation, Pirogov was sent from the capital to serve in Odessa, which can be regarded as a manifestation of the disgrace of the sovereign.

Pirogov did not despair and directed all his energy to teaching. The scientist zealously opposed class education and the use of corporal punishment. “Being a man is what education should lead to,” Pirogov thought so. Unfortunately, Pirogov met with a decisive rebuff from the officials. All the students spoke of him as a brilliant teacher who cared not only for their education, but for the upbringing of high moral qualities.

Sergey Skyrmunt

In the second half of the 19th century, there lived a Sergei Apollonovich Skyrmunt. He was serving as an army lieutenant when a fortune fell on him. From a deceased distant relative, the 30-year-old officer got 2.5 million rubles, land and a farm. But, unlike many suddenly rich people, Skyrmunt did not go all out.

He donated some of the money to charity. In his Crimean estate, the newly minted landowner decided to improve the living conditions of the peasants. Instead of dilapidated shacks, new houses were built. There was also a hospital and a school. Needless to say, the inhabitants of the estate prayed daily for the health of the landowner.

Vladimir Odoevsky

The noble origin of the writer and philosopher Vladimir Odoevsky did not prevent him from showing sincere participation in the fate of people of the lower classes. The prince actively advocated the abolition of serfdom.

Odoevsky organized the Society for Visiting the Poor, which provided assistance to 15,000 poor families. The needy or the elderly could apply to the society and receive medical care. Prince Odoevsky was called a "strange scientist", whose main quality was virtue.

Vladimir Odoevsky defended the interests of families

The world is not without good people

Grandfather Savely began to prepare ahead of time for this event. At the end of May, his granddaughter Dimka comes to his village. He does not come himself, of course, his parents will bring him. I have not yet grown up to independent trips over such distances. After the first grade, he will spend the third summer in the company of his grandfather. Didn't come to school. Kindergartens yes summer cottages were not allowed.

Savely lives alone. He buried his wife three years ago. He's almost seventy. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to endure loneliness, so he prepared for the meeting, as for a holiday: he cleaned the hut, heated the bathhouse - he had to get out of the way. He cooked dinner: cabbage soup, porridge, jelly. The day before I went to a local shop, bought some treats: a few bags of dry lemonade (it would be good to dilute it with cold water), a kilogram of small pretzels and, of course, a whole pack of viscous squares, “chews”, as Dimka calls them. Painfully fashionable it has become with the kids. Well, let it be fun. He took out field glasses from the chest, wiped them, admired them. Still, a gift from the commander! "For good service" - so stamped on a tin. Now this is a gift for my grandson. He straightened the ladder to the hayloft, where an old wheel from a wheelbarrow was nailed to the window, which Dimka turned like a steering wheel every time he looked through the binoculars through the window, imagining himself as a captain. He gave orders and carried them out.

The meeting was warm and joyful. Now Savely has someone to talk to, tell something, and it’s very interesting to listen to himself: how his grandson studied, what he did in the evenings, who and what kind of friends he has.

All day long they dug: now in the garden, now in the garden. We went to the forest for the first strawberries. We listened to the nightingales and the cuckoo. Guessed how many years left to live. They tried to catch a fish in their small river with a bait. Time flew by imperceptibly. Savely's soul was light and calm. And how necessary in these years of peace of mind! During his long, difficult life, Savely was excited to the extreme. At least live a little without the fuss. After all, soon you will have to die.

On this ill-fated day, nothing foreshadowed trouble. In the morning they once again examined the garden, fed the chickens, had breakfast and got ready to go to the nearest copse, look at the first russula and pick up a couple of cuttings for rakes and shovels. While dressing, Savely splashed water into a pot and put it on the stove. Warm up, they say, wash the dishes and go. And how did it happen that at the last minute he forgot about the pot on the gas burner, closed the house, and went old and young towards the forest.

Dimka wore binoculars around his neck, which he constantly put to his eyes and tried to take a closer look at everything that fell into his field of vision. His attention was attracted by the blue cloudless sky, the bright green grass wet with dew, the singing of birds and the stream that met on the way. Crossing the stream, Dimka sat down and began to scoop up water with his palm to drink.

Grandpa! And you wanted to take a bottle of water to the forest and rye bread with salt, did you take it? Black lightning pierced Savely's mind. He remembered the forgotten bottle on the table and the pot of water on the stove.

Dima! You did not see? Did I turn off the gas or not?

No, I haven't seen it! Savely's legs buckled. The mind was confused. The whole body was shot through with convulsions. He already clearly saw how a wooden painted partition lights up from a red-hot dish. Smoke is already coming out from under the roof. The flames engulfed the entire house and spread to the neighboring ones. The people who fled gathered at the only well and could not do anything with the fire. The fire engine drove up to a wide ditch that surrounded the street, but it was impossible to pass, the bridge did not allow it. All this horror presented itself in the mind in one second.

Dima! Dima! House fire. I left the gas on! Look through the binoculars, can you see the smoke above our street?

No, you can't see anything!

Then let's run!

Dimka shot forward like an arrow.

Dima! Dima! Take here the key! But remembering that the lock was difficult to open, he waved his hand hopelessly and trotted after his grandson. Out of breath, he leaned down on the grass by the side of the road. The grandson, seeing his grandfather on the side of the road, returned. The child's heart felt mortal danger and was ready to be torn apart. Either stay with your grandfather, or run to the house.

Now Savely no longer remembers how they got to the porch, how they opened the lock. He only remembers that they ran into the kitchen and saw a dish red-hot to a crimson color and a smoking partition. He still remembers a cloud of steam rising to the ceiling from a pot thrown into a bucket of water. Going into the front room, he, as he was in everything, collapsed on the bed. A wild, inhuman groan escaped from his chest. Hands clutched at their own hair and froze. The cartus rolled across the floor. He lost consciousness.

For some time Dimka was still at a loss, but then he jumped out into the street and set off with all his might to Baba Ulyasha, who lived opposite. She came to their house and used to treat him with goat's milk.

Uliana was alarmed when she saw Dimka, who was crying out of breath, and when she heard the bad news, she shouted across the alley:

Daria! With Savely it’s bad, probably, his heart is again, run to Nastasya, she still has some pills from Peter! And she herself, grabbing a bottle of holy water from behind the goddess, hurried to help.

Savely was lying face up with his eyes closed and his arms outstretched to the sides. The beard and mustache were bristling like tufts of unkempt tow. Baba Ulyasha bent over him: is he breathing? She unbuttoned the buttons on her shirt. Then she crossed herself and, filling her mouth with holy water, sprinkled Savely's face three times.

Daria and Nastasya appeared. One brought pills, the other immortelle infusion. They took off their boots, quilted jacket, jacket. Removed the belt from the trousers. Ulyana rubbed her chest with her hands and read the prayer “May God rise again.” Savely opened his eyes.

Granddaughter! Native! Where are you? Run to the track, maybe you'll leave somehow. Tell your mother that I feel bad, but let them go to a flatmate.

Neighbor, Nikolai Ivanovich, a general practitioner, like Savely, has long retired. But he sometimes opened his hiking bag, helped his relatives and close friends. They became friends when Savely lived in the city for two weeks. It was already painfully strong frosts that winter, it was cold in the village. Then he came to Savely in the village and spent two summers in a row with pleasure.

Dimka ran two versts to the track without a break. He had never had to go on such long journeys alone, without adults. But the duty of a grandson and love for his grandfather overcame fear.

On the highway, some owner of a private car, seeing a crying and frantically waving child, stopped:

What happened, kid?

Grandpa is dying, he sent for his mother.

Well sit down! Where do you live? Do you know?

A kind, merciful man turned out to be, God grant him health. He drove Dimka to the very entrance, although not on the way. I wish my grandfather good health. If only we could all be so responsive.

Meanwhile, Savely felt better. He got up on the bed, saw his neighbors fussing around him:

Forgive me, the old one, I gave you trouble, tore you away from your affairs. God will save you, my good girlfriends, I owe you!

What are you, what are you! What do you owe us? We must bow at your feet. He repaired the roof of Ulyana, nailed a new latch to the gates of Nastasya, ruled the town for me! - listed Daria. - Low bow to you for this!

Before sunset, an old Moskvich stopped under the window. It was Nikolai Ivanovich who arrived with his suitcase, taking his relatives along the way.

Everything in the hut was tidied up and washed. Savely lay in bed with his head tied with a towel. Baba Ulyasha managed the housework. She worked hard and helped the doctor as much as she could. After the injection and pills, Savely felt relieved and wanted to get up, but the right side did not obey, and they laid him down again, forbidding him to move.

The next morning, my daughter and her husband went to the track, we have to go to work. And his friends remained to finish the treatment of the grandfather: Baba Ulyasha with her friends, the old doctor and grandson Dimka. And only thanks to their tireless care, death receded. A few days later he was able to sit up. His heart became calmer. He could not hide his tears of gratitude to these people.

Indeed, the world is not without good people!

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