Safety - presentations on the topic of safety at school, the rules for the safety of life and the safe behavior of children on vacation, in the forest, with electrical appliances, in transport, on the road, download free safety lessons for the classroom and obzh. Cla

  • 04.04.2021

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Today in class

Rules of conduct in the locker room Rules of conduct in the dining room. Rules of conduct in the library. Rules of conduct in the assembly hall and on the sports ground.

Rules of conduct in the locker room 1. When you arrive at school, be sure to change your shoes and take off your hat. 2. Hang your shoes and clothes in a certain (your) place. 3. Put mittens, gloves in your pocket, headdress in your sleeve. 4. Hang your clothes neatly. 5. When undressing, do not talk, undress quickly, do not interfere with others. 6. I saw the fallen clothes, pick them up. 7. Be polite to your comrades, help others. 8. DO NOT FORGET YOUR ITEMS!

Rules of conduct in the library. 1. Keep order in the library, behave QUIETLY. Don't speak loudly. 2. Upon entering, say hello to the librarian (Nina Anatolyevna), and when you receive the book, be sure to say THANK YOU. 3. Take the book only with clean hands. 4. In the book, do not bend the corners, do not write with a pen, use only a bookmark. 5. If the book is damaged, "TRY IT". Glue. 6. Take special care of library books! KNOW that they are not just for you, but for many other children.

Rules of conduct in the dining room. It is necessary to enter the nightingale in an organized manner. Don't push, don't scream. OBSERVE ORDER. Always wash your hands before eating. Don't talk while eating. At the table, do not indulge in bread, do not spin, do not interfere with your neighbor. TRY TO EAT EVERYTHING! Do not take out of the table buns, sweets, yogurt, fruits. Eat everything at the table. Don't move your dirty plate towards your neighbor. After eating, slide your chair under the table. Clear the table if you're on duty. When leaving, say thank you to those who fed you

Rules of conduct in the assembly hall. 1. Come to the holiday in FESTIVE clothes, smart, combed, in polished shoes. 2. Calmly, without disturbing others, take your place. 3. In the hall, do not shout, do not run, do not push, do not try to get ahead of your neighbor. 4. In anticipation of the start of a holiday or concert, be PATIENT. 5. As soon as the start of the performance is announced, stop talking, LOOK CAREFULLY and LISTEN. 6. Do not move from place to place until the end of the event. 7. Do not laugh if something is not going well on the stage, there is some kind of awkwardness (for example, if the speaker forgot the text, fell during the dance) 8. Do not forget to APPLAUSE! 9 . After the end, do not push, leave the hall QUIETLY!

Rules of conduct in the school yard. 1. See if there are classes in the schoolyard during your walk, if you will interfere with the guys with your presence. 2. On the sports ground, be careful: swings, sports equipment (ladders, horizontal bars…) can be dangerous if handled incorrectly. 3. Do not approach dangerous structures (transformer booths ...) 4. Play safe games with friends. DO NOT CLIMB on rooftops, trees, fences. 5. Be FRIENDLY with your friends. It's more fun to play together! 6. Green spaces decorate the school yard. DO NOT PICK FLOWERS, DO NOT BREAK TREES! 7. If you ran to play in another yard, DON'T FORGET TO WARN YOUR PARENTS.

Rules of conduct at school All school things should be in order, neatly packed in a briefcase. We arrive at school ALWAYS ON TIME, WITHOUT LATE. When you enter the school, don't push. Dry your feet thoroughly before entering. When you enter a school, a classroom, you need to say hello first to the teacher, then to your comrades. If you are late for class and enter the classroom after the bell, you must ask the teacher for permission. If an ADULT (teacher, director, parent ..) enters the class together, but QUIETLY and QUIETLY should stand up, welcoming the newcomer. You can sit down only after permission. If the teacher asks a question to the class and you want to answer, don't yell, but RAISE YOUR HANDS. You should also raise your hand when you want to ask something from the teacher.

8. When making a request to a teacher or comrades, you need to use "polite" words: please, thank you. 9. Each student must take care of his DESK, do not break, do not write, do not scratch with a sharp object. 10. You can go to CHANGE only after the permission of the teacher. 11. DO NOT RUN and SHOUT in the corridor. 12. All adults you meet at school for the first time in a day should be greeted. 13. If an adult is met at the door, you need to give him a seat. 14. If a girl is walking next to a boy, he should let her go ahead. 16. Papers, bits, all rubbish must be thrown into a special basket.

The main task of adults is to ensure the safety of children. And it does not matter at all where they will be: at school or at home, in the forest or on the road, in a car or on a train. Children receive their first safety lessons at school. Child safety presentations should be shown in every grade so that students in grades 1-11 know that many emergencies can be avoided if you know how to behave.

You have received a class and become a class teacher, which means you already need to download a presentation on the topic of safety at school, at home, on the street, in transport. For a long time this topic was considered the most difficult when planning the educational process. Children are bored of sitting at their desks and listening to safety edifications. Everything changed with the advent of IT in school life. Now the safety precautions painted on the slides of the presentation are of interest to the child. He not only listens, but also remembers, takes an active part in the discussion of situations.

Our collection has safety presentations for all classes and on any topic. For kids, you can download a presentation on safety at school, when rollerblading and cycling in the form of fairy tales with pictures and musical accompaniment. In the middle classes, presentations on the rules of safe behavior when non-standard situations, while taking hostages, in the forest. High school students, getting acquainted with safety rules, strive to learn something new. It's time to download presentations on safety and security systems that are used in the world.

Life brings not only continuous joys. Sometimes there are so many surprises in it, but it is presentations with safety lessons that will save someone's children's life when trouble comes from somewhere or prevent a meeting with this very disaster.

Do not think that ensuring children's safety is the primary task of parents. They do not have a special education, and some simply do not assume that it is necessary to talk with a child on such topics. But the teacher has the opportunity to download for free from the site any presentation on the topic of safe behavior at school, electrical safety, personal safety of children and reveal to them the little secrets of saving their own lives.

Danger must bypass the children, but it will not touch them only when its students know by sight. Let each presentation on such a topical topic as safety be in demand by the teacher at the beginning of the school year, and on the eve of the holidays, and on the eve of any holiday, and not only when the school reports another accident.

In addition to this section, presentations on safe behavior can be downloaded for free in the sections SDA, Fire safety, Terrorism, Railway.

Every school should be safe. The presentation tells how to ensure safety at school for children, not only in the classroom, but also in the locker room, library, canteen, gym, schoolyard. It is necessary to download a presentation on the topic of safety within the walls of the school in order to warn children about the dangers that occur due to their inattention or negligence.

As soon as the third quarter ends in the spring, the teacher should download a free presentation on safety rules during spring break. It can also be used at the end of the school year to instruct at the classroom hour or life safety lessons for primary school students on the rules of safe behavior in summer time. Free presentation on safety during spring and summer holidays - happy adventures of children without injuries and accidents.

Leaving a child at home alone is always scary. The presentation for children on the topic "Home Safety" contains fascinating advice from the wise Owl, who tells how to use the elevator, how to behave if a stranger rings the doorbell or on the phone. The presentation for children in grades 1, 2 or preschoolers states that your safety, child, at school and at home depends on yourself.

A presentation for children on the topic "Road Safety" on 16 slides talks about the dangers that occur when entering the roadway and how they can be avoided. By following all the safety rules on the way, the road to school and friends, the store and the library will be completely safe.

Jokes with electricity never led to anything good. A presentation for children on the topic of electrical safety, talks about the rules for handling electrical appliances at school and at home. In addition, the presentation drew attention to the rules of conduct at transformer booths, at power lines.

A presentation on the topic "Rules of safe behavior" will save the lives of children, the slides of which tell about safe behavior in the forest, when crossing the street, when an unfavorable environmental situation occurs in the region, or even when children are taken hostage by terrorists. These presentation slides, which can be downloaded for free, do not scare children, but teach basic safety rules in and out of school. Children's life depends on the implementation of such rules. The presentation contains all the rules of safe behavior from A to Z.

The presentation on the topic "Safety Rules for Children" will warn our nimble and restless students from misfortunes on the roads and streets, answer the question of why it is necessary to follow the safety rules in the train and car, as well as when rollerblading. These topics excite children so much that each slide of the presentation on safety rules will cause a hail from children and will be remembered for a long time.

The presentation "Safety Lesson" teaches children the rules of behavior in Everyday life. They seem to be simple, but they need to be known, because they inform about the risks leading to tragedy. You can download a security lesson with a presentation for elementary school, as the material is fascinating and contains many illustrations.

Safety Lesson

You should know it!


primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 40 of Belgorod

Ryapolova Marina Viktorovna

Targets and goals:

  • ensuring the safety of life and vital activity of students of an educational institution;
  • informing and warning about the risk and necessary security measures;
  • preservation, strengthening and protection of the health of school students in dangerous and emergency situations;
  • organizing the protection of students, the formation of skills and abilities of safe behavior at home and at school.

Rights and obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of protection from emergency situations.

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to protection of life, health and personal property in case of emergencies.
  • In accordance with the law citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to be informed about the risk to which they may be exposed in everyday life and about the necessary security measures.
  • Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to compensation for damage caused to their health and property as a result of emergency situations.
  • Necessary know and follow the laws, safety measures and a number of general rules of conduct in everyday life, contributing to the safety of citizens.

Rules for safe behavior in life and at home.

  • Every person should know and follow general rules in everyday life, so that emergencies are not taken by surprise.
  • Each dangerous and emergency situation has its own specifics and requires specific human actions, taking into account the current situation.

Why are electrical appliances dangerous?

  • Under certain conditions, when using well-known equipment and devices, dangerous situations can arise for you, for your loved ones and for your home.
  • In the first case, you yourself can create a dangerous situation by violating the rules for using equipment and household appliances.
  • In another case, a dangerous situation may arise independently of you: the electrical voltage in the network has sharply increased.

Rules for the use of electrical appliances:

  • Electric current passing through the human body causes it to heat up and can cause burns. Electrical burns can seriously damage the internal tissues of the human body.
  • In addition, defeat electric shock can lead to cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest.

  • do not use faulty electrical appliances, never leave the switched on electrical appliance unattended;
  • do not plug several electrical appliances into one outlet;
  • follow the procedure for connecting the appliance to the network: first, the cord is connected to the appliance, and then the cord to the network;

General rules for the safe handling of electricity.

  • the device is turned off in the reverse order;
  • do not touch the switched on electrical appliance with wet hands;
  • remember: do not use electrical devices while in the water;
  • immediately inform parents or elders about detected malfunctions in electrical appliances, about bare and poorly insulated wires.

Remember and know!

Household gas and its properties.

  • Gas used for domestic purposes can be of two types: liquefied gas in cylinders and city main gas.
  • Household gas has neither color nor smell, but in order to be able to detect its leakage, special substances with a specific smell are added to it.

Rules for the safe handling of gas appliances.

A gas leak can lead to poisoning of a person and an explosion of the room. To prevent this, you must follow the safety rules when using household gas.

Basic Rules:

  • to light a gas burner, first bring a lit match, and then slowly and carefully open the gas cock;
  • do not leave the included gas burners unattended;
  • make sure that the liquid heated on the gas stove does not flood the burner flame;
  • if you notice an extinguished burner, do not try to light it again - this can lead to an explosion. Turn off the gas supply, open the windows and ventilate the kitchen properly. Report the incident to an adult.

What should you do if you smell gas?

When an ignition source is found:

1. Do not be afraid to call adults for help, even if you are the culprit of the fire.

2. Immediately leave the burning room, checking to see if those who cannot get out on their own (small children, sick old people) have remained in the apartment.

3. Call the fire and rescue service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations by calling "01". At the same time, tell the exact address, what and where it burns, your last name and phone number.

Follow the rules fire safety!

Rules for the use of the water supply system.

  • Do not throw foreign objects into the sewer.
  • Do not clog the sink with food waste.
  • When you leave home, make sure all the faucets are closed.
  • Monitor the condition of the pipes for the timely elimination of leaks in them.

If you find a leak:

  • Immediately inform your parents at work or call the neighbors.
  • Call the control room, tell them what happened, and ask them to send a plumber.
  • Turn off the electricity and turn off the water.
  • Place basins, buckets, pots or other containers in places of leaks, rather remove the water that has accumulated on the floor.

Rules for working with a computer:

  • position yourself at the computer so that the distance to the display is at least 50 cm;
  • watch your posture: do not slouch and do not lean strongly towards the screen, keyboard;
  • the duration of the student's work at the computer should not exceed 25 minutes;

Internet safety rules:

  • when you register on sites, try not to provide personal information (number mobile phone, address Email, your picture);
  • unwanted emails from strangers are called "Spam", if you receive such a letter, do not reply to it;
  • if you received a message from an unknown address, it is better not to open it, such letters may contain viruses;
  • if there are no adults near you, do not meet in real life with people you meet online.

Use of hazardous substances and household chemicals.

To the means household chemicals include detergents, cleaners, disinfectants, pest control and plant protection products, adhesives, paints and varnishes.

How to avoid poisoning with household chemicals?

  • Never use unfamiliar household chemicals.
  • Do not drink liquids from unfamiliar bottles and cans.
  • Do not use matches or open flames near jars or bottles with strong odors.
  • Do not spray their contents near an open flame.
  • you can not use medicines whose names are unknown (tablets without packaging or in bottles with a worn label);
  • Medicines that are past their expiration date should be discarded. You can't drink them.

What harm can drugs do?

Devices containing mercury.

  • fluorescent lamps (these are gas-discharge tubes that contain inert gases and mercury vapor). All such lamps contain mercury - from 40 to 70 mg;
  • mercury thermometers;
  • instruments for measuring pressure (pressure gauges);

All sharp, piercing and cutting objects must be put in their places. Order in the house is not only for beauty, but also for safety!

Why are sharp, piercing and cutting objects dangerous?

Be careful when meeting strangers, do not open the door of the house to strangers!!!

Thank you for your attention!

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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3 slide

Description of the slide:

Rules of conduct in the locker room Rules of conduct in the dining room. Rules of conduct in the library. Rules of conduct in the assembly hall and on the sports ground.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Rules of conduct in the locker room 1. When you arrive at school, be sure to change your shoes and take off your hat. 2. Hang your shoes and clothes in a certain (your) place. 3. Put mittens, gloves in your pocket, headdress in your sleeve. 4. Hang your clothes neatly. 5. When undressing, do not talk, undress quickly, do not interfere with others. 6. I saw the fallen clothes, pick them up. 7. Be polite to your comrades, help others. 8. DO NOT FORGET YOUR ITEMS!

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Rules of conduct in the library. 1. Keep order in the library, behave QUIETLY. Don't speak loudly. 2. Upon entering, say hello to the librarian (Elena Stepanovna), and when you receive the book, be sure to say THANK YOU. 3. Take the book only with clean hands. 4. In the book, do not bend the corners, do not write with a pen, use only a bookmark. 5. If the book is damaged, "TRY IT". Glue. 6. Library books TAKE CARE ESPECIALLY! KNOW that they are not just for you, but for many other children.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Rules of conduct in the dining room. It is necessary to enter the nightingale in an organized manner. Don't push, don't scream. OBSERVE ORDER. Always wash your hands before eating. Don't talk while eating. At the table, do not indulge in bread, do not spin, do not interfere with your neighbor. TRY TO EAT EVERYTHING! Do not take out of the table buns, sweets, yogurt, fruits. Eat everything at the table. Don't move your dirty plate towards your neighbor. After eating, slide your chair under the table. Clear the table if you're on duty. When leaving, say thank you to those who fed you

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Rules of conduct in the assembly hall. 1. Come to the holiday in FESTIVE clothes, smart, combed, in polished shoes. 2. Calmly, without disturbing others, take your place. 3. In the hall, do not shout, do not run, do not push, do not try to get ahead of your neighbor. 4. In anticipation of the start of a holiday or concert, be PATIENT. 5. As soon as the start of the performance is announced, stop talking, LOOK CAREFULLY and LISTEN. 6. Do not move from place to place until the end of the event. 7. Do not laugh if something is not going well on the stage, there is some kind of awkwardness (for example, if the speaker forgot the text, fell during the dance) 8. Do not forget to APPLAUSE! 9. After the end, do not push, leave the hall QUIETLY!

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Rules of conduct in the school yard. 1. See if there are classes in the school yard during your walk, if you will interfere with the children with your presence. 2. On the sports ground, be careful: swings, sports equipment (ladders, horizontal bars…) can be dangerous if handled incorrectly. 3. Do not approach dangerous structures (transformer booths ...) 4. Play safe games with friends. DO NOT CLIMB on rooftops, trees, fences. 5. Be FRIENDLY with your friends. It's more fun to play together! 6. Green spaces decorate the school yard. DO NOT PICK FLOWERS, DO NOT BREAK TREES! 7. If you ran to play in another yard, DON'T FORGET TO WARN YOUR PARENTS.

9 slide

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10 slide

Description of the slide:

Rules of conduct at school 1. All school things must be in order, neatly packed in a briefcase. 2. We ALWAYS come to school ON TIME, WITHOUT LATE. 3. When you enter the school, do not push. Dry your feet thoroughly before entering. 4. When you enter a school, a class, you need to say hello first to the teacher, then to your comrades. 5. If you are late for the lesson and enter the classroom after the bell, you must ask the teacher for permission. 6. If an ADULT (teacher, director, parent ..) enters the class together, but QUIETLY and QUIETLY should stand up, welcoming the newcomer. You can sit down only after permission. 7. If the teacher asks a question to the class and you want to answer, do not shout out, but RAISE YOUR HANDS. You should also raise your hand when you want to ask something from the teacher.

11 slide

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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3 slide

Description of the slide:

Safety of school children on the road Cross the street only at pedestrian crossings; Do not cross the street at a red light, even if there are no cars nearby; When crossing the street, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle, to the right; Never run out abruptly onto the road and do not play near the road; Always walk on the sidewalk, and if there is none, walk along the side of the road towards traffic.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Safety rules for children on the street Never talk to strangers. If you are spoken to, then do not agree to anything. Do not take anything from them and do not go anywhere under any pretext. Remember, a good adult will not ask a child for help. If they try to take you away by force, then scream; If you are being chased (by an adult or a teenager), then never run away to deserted places, on the contrary, go to the bus stop, to the store, to the post office. Ask for help from a policeman, a security guard, a salesman, or just passers-by on the street. Always explain that these are not your parents, this is not your brother, but someone else is chasing you; Don't talk to drunks, it's better to get out of that place as soon as possible; Do not go with unfamiliar guys to deserted places; When you see a bundle, bag or box on the street, do not touch anything, there may be a real bomb; Don't go for a walk without asking. If you are going somewhere, always tell your parents the exact place and address. Do not walk yourself in the evening; If you are lost in a crowded place, stop, wait for your parents, if they are gone for a long time, then go and ask adults for help. Always try to contact a policeman, a station attendant, a salesman, a dispatcher, or a security guard. Do not ask for help from suspicious adults of strange appearance and behavior;

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Fire and Electrical Safety Rules Do not play with fire. A lighter, matches, sparklers are not a toy for children; When leaving the house, check and turn off electrical appliances and gas; Do not light a fire without adults; In the village, do not use the stove yourself; Do not use electrical appliances with wet hands, do not pull the cord when pulling the plug out of the socket. Do not use damaged electrical appliances and sparking sockets; Do not dry anything over a gas stove; Do not put foreign objects on a hot stove or switched on electrical appliances;

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Rules of conduct in case of fire Small fires can be put out by covering them with a blanket or other dense material. You can also pour water on it or cover it with sand. Do not pour water if there is electricity nearby; If the fire is large, you must immediately leave the premises, take all the children with you, call adults and call the fire department 01 (from a mobile phone, the number depends on the operator); Do not use the elevator in case of fire - it is dangerous; If you can't escape, call for help through the window, call the fire department; Don't hide in the room, it will be difficult for the firefighters to find you; If you are choking on smoke, sit on the floor where there is less smoke.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Safety rules for children at home Heavy, sharp and cutting objects should always be hidden in their places. Be careful when using a knife; When leaving their homes, always make sure that the water is closed; Never touch bare live wires; Do not take medication on your own without direct instructions from adults; Try to touch household chemicals less (dishwashing detergent, washing powder, etc.), if any chemicals get into the eye, immediately rinse it with cool water for at least 20 minutes; If you heat your own food, then be careful not to burn yourself; Always wash your hands before eating.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Safety rules with gas Do not leave the gas stove turned on unattended. Always turn it off after use; If there is a smell of gas in the house, immediately open the windows and doors to let the gas out; In no case do not turn on the light or fire while there is gas in the house, there may be an explosion; If you can, then check the gas valve on the stove, if it is open, then close it; Notify adults and gas service 04; Leave the area with a strong smell of gas until it dissipates.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Children's safety on the Internet Never share your or your parents' data (address, phone number, passwords, etc.) with anyone on the Internet. Nobody has the right to demand them from you. If someone asks for them, call your parents or leave this site; Do not go without parents to any real meetings with virtual friends from the Internet, instead of friends there may be bandits; Do not download any programs from the Internet yourself, they may contain viruses; If you accidentally landed on a bad site, then close it immediately. There are many good sites on the Internet, use them.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Personal life safety of children at home Never open the door to strangers. Even if they tell you that it is from the police or a plumber or a post office. Do not open the door for any stranger; If someone from strangers tries to open the door of your house, immediately call the police. In extreme cases, you can open the window and call for help from neighbors or passers-by from the street; When you are at home by yourself, it’s better not to pick up the phone, but if you picked up and there someone else’s voice asks if your parents are at home, say that they are at home, but they are busy and cannot come up. Let the caller leave their phone number, and the parents will call back later; Do not believe that someone came to you or brought something at the request of your parents, if they themselves did not say so.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

Child safety in winter river ice, it can break through; Be careful on slippery surfaces so as not to fall. Try never to fall on your back, it is better to fall forward and lean on your hands; Do not forget to dress well and cover your ears, head and throat so as not to frostbite and not to catch a cold; Walk away from the walls of houses so that snow or icicles do not fall on you from above; Do not touch the icy metal, especially with your tongue you can freeze; Do not throw snowballs in your face, do not throw ice cubes; Skiing, skating and sledding can only be done in safe, specially designated areas. Do not ride near roads; Cross the road very carefully. In winter, the road is slippery and it is difficult for a car to stop.

12 slide

Description of the slide:

Rules of conduct in the locker room 1. When you arrive at school, be sure to change your shoes and take off your hat. 2. Hang your shoes and clothes in a certain (your) place. 3. Put mittens, gloves in your pocket, headdress in your sleeve. 4. Hang your clothes neatly. 5. When undressing, do not talk, undress quickly, do not interfere with others. 6. I saw the fallen clothes, pick them up. 7. Be polite to your comrades, help others. 8. DO NOT FORGET YOUR ITEMS!