"I hate this job." How to understand that you have emotional burnout and it's time to save yourself. What to do if you hate your job: top tips What to do if you hate your job

  • 16.06.2021

Reading time: 6 minutes

How happy days in week you do you live? What are they filled with? Or youwake up tired andexhausted? Often wetrying to deal withsituation instead of changing your life. When work is notbrings pleasure- Emotional burnout occursit's time to change something.

Recognize the situation

First step towards a solution - recognize the obvious. Let's be honest: youvalue your work? Can be self-deceiving andmake excuses, but you are not in the exam, and there is no wrong answer here. Here is the checklist if youmatched you at least three points - there is reason to think:

  • in sunday night you not in the mood - tomorrow to work;
  • all day you look at the clock and hope that time will speed up;
  • avoid corporate parties, holidays andevents outside of work;
  • you don't just don't like the team- you dream of get rid of him;
  • don't talk about work friends andavoid questions;
  • you are ambitious, but you just sit back at work;
  • feel like a miserable person.

Did you recognize yourself? The more you think abouthappening, the better you understand: is not it want to live or something goes wrong so.

You can ignore the situation: endure, get angry andhate every day. Or admit the obvious- keeps a big salary, habit or fear before a new and unknown.

Stop waiting for a sign

dream job is not will find you,the best leader will ring the doorbell. You find a hundred reasons, put off life and stand on place. Why suffer? How many years single life youready to get down in nowhere? If you can't leave work now, you loan or three kids then start with small: post your resume, tell your friends that you are looking for a job.

hate work andthink it's better not you will find - an erroneous opinion. It's like convincing yourself that after breaking up withit is impossible to meet another guy.

Find the cause of dissatisfaction

It does not happen that at work like everything. Usually satisfied with the salary, butannoying duties. Or nowant to work ingroup where they like to gossip. You need to understand this before a new interview.

What are you leaving and what do you want to come?

Record audio andtell in detail whatLike. What causes hate? The work itself? Supervisor? culture incompanies? Listen to yourself with parties and find a clear answer.

Start saving money

Create a financial cushion. The sooner you arrivethis issue, the sooner you protect yourself from fears and risks. Money is needed forjob search time. Decide in advance when you will quit, and don't miss the date. Don't be distracted by external factors: bonuses, promotions andother. Agree toshort-term bonuses or a happy life?

When you feel sick from work, it's not will pay for a one-time increase tosalary or new year gift. Set aside at least 10%each salary, save on expenses.

Relax or take a vacation

Forget about usual two weeks. Rest as long as you need man - talk to him, explain that you want to gain strength. Maintain yourself? Set aside the required amount of money (cf.previous point). Youyou can choose a job not accept the first offer.

Write down your strengths

Take inventory of experience: knowledge, education, strengths, achievements- more confidence andself-esteem will increase. Draw two columns:first write out 10–15 achievements - professional, creative, sports. Mention everything you like to do. For example mewriting interesting texts, I run every day, I know French, I’m a great joke. ” Create a professional portraitstrengths. Specify, even if you are preparing a delicious charlotte- many do not are able to do it.

In Write down the qualities that helped you in the second column. ATwhat is your strength: discipline, hard work or cunning?

Understand on what qualities will you rely oncritical situation.

Find your "gaps"

Let's not just talk about the pros. You understand what you can do andwhat job do you want. What notenough to be in point B? dreaming about international business trips or internships in States? If not know Englishis your gap and hardly something will work out. Or you want to work as a business assistant, butyou are constantly late. Hardlypotential boss will be pleased.

understand your weak sides sometimes more important than being strong. You not will demand that you be paid 100 000 rubles, because you are a good person.

Stop comparing yourself to others

Get rid of stereotype prestigious profession, status andother things. Reply to question: Who am I? like a pro? love to make coffee andcommunicate? Learn tobarista! What difference does it make that there are entrepreneurs and freelancers? You don't even remember this when you start the morning at coffee shop, and you will love the job. Forget the restrictions of serious professions, age andeducation. It will matter when youwill you be happy?

Build a quality resume

Summary is an arrow that fliesa specific goal. Write down your priority list. Abstract goals "to be rich andhappy" exist ateveryone. What do you need? Great staff, close proximity tohome, social package?

Make a list 25–30companies where you want to work. There are organizations thatlooking for employeesopen resources. Take initiative andsend your resume in a targeted manner, and not engage in passive search.

We choose a job and not she us. Do you live infree time, when talent is more important, and not diploma. The economist becomes a TV presenter, and sociologist - stylist. People change careersany age. You can earn through the Internet, be an employee or work for myself.

Set a goal not to find a job, but to realize yourself in your favorite business.

Think about money not in first of all, and how about a nice bonus.

Choose: receive 100 000 rubles and hate every day or start from 60,000 rubles and love work. Leave the work that destroys you, find an area where talents will manifest, andyou will see the result yourself.

Text: Oksana Laryushkina


:((((((Depressa:(((((I HATE MY JOB! Tell me what should I do with myself? Life is collapsing... :((((((I know that this question will cause laughter and bewilderment for many I will be considered a snickering parasite, but still .... I am 30, I live in a provincial city where there is complete poverty, and finding a job in an office with a more or less normal salary is considered the highest good! different enterprises ) for 6 years already... But I just hate my job to the point of madness, to fits of anger, tears and swearing! I don’t like all the specifics - the fact that you have to work 5 days a week, get up at 6 in the morning and half-dead crawl to your hard labor, despite the fact that you don’t have to actually work every day, and these days you stupidly sit there pants, I hate the team of narcissistic sleek gossips hung with gold and their self-praising conversations with the real worthlessness of their lives and personalities (as well as the life of all individuals in my town, including mine, is worthless). The work is also boring and uninteresting to me, and explaining and interpreting something (every day the same thing) like a parrot in a tedious voice that doesn’t understand anything, mostly village semi-literate clients who are always yelling and dissatisfied with everything is also not a fun activity. Stupid bosses who by all means think about how to rob their employees and pay them as little as possible, forcing them to work as hard as possible, and also attract them to perform duties that are not their own. In addition, it is almost physically disgusting for me to walk around in ugly business clothes, which overwhelmingly make me older and scarier and look like a retired grandmother. The salary allows me to barely make ends meet (buy only food and a minimum of the most necessary clothes) BUT these troubles are just garbage compared to what I lose because of the work of the people closest to me. Relations with my parents are hopelessly destroyed due to the fact that when I come to them from work, I just swear everything and everything, like the last cattle, and earlier, in childhood and adolescence, I was a polite downtrodden girl. They are shocked by what has become of me over these 6 years. It's good that at least I live separately - they settled me in one of their apartments. And so it was - every day a scandal. My love, with whom we have been for 2 years, (I am a gay person, and it is difficult to find a mate in the provinces) also began to quarrel with me about my eternal whining, obscenity, depression and the promise to commit suicide every time, as at work, something it happens, but something happens there forever... :((((I'm afraid to lose her too. if only he would do it, knowing that in the province there is still nothing good and interesting in terms of work. anyway, I won’t go to Moscow as a guest worker to work physically. .. so I got myself a personal hell. Already from the institute, I have degraded, having lost faith in any success, and I am floating through life, like go-but in an ice-hole, although I graduated from school with a gold medal. How can I restore good relations with loved ones and not go crazy on my hard labor? You can’t look for another job - they pay less there, and there are few chances with my level of education. You can’t NOT work - no one will support me. Do you really always go to work with Corvalol and valerian so that you don’t express irritation at home? You can't always take medicine...

Yes .... I sympathize with your feelings ... With such a perception of your work - namely, at least 40 hours of your life a week - it's like a prison sentence. But voluntary, that's where the ambush is the main one! Let's try that. Write to me, if without all these "shoulds" and "!shoulds" - what would you do in your life right now with pleasure, with interest, with pleasure? If you can’t work for a while from NOT, and there is no one to support -?


I hate exactly the atmosphere of the office and the constant team of young well-groomed blondes around, feigned politeness to clients. If I had sat and filled out the same documents in a separate room, I would not have felt so disgusted and bad. In my 30s, it would be necessary to somehow retire from people. It is unpleasant to see someone's youth and success, a blooming appearance and painfully compare yourself with younger employees. I start thinking about my relationship with the girl, she is 4 years younger than me and I immediately feel like, and even in shabby business clothes - well, just a disgusting old woman. I constantly think that my girlfriend will find herself younger and more successful than me. Although there are no real reasons for jealousy yet. And she always says that she loves, we live together, and sometimes I sit next to her and get jealous ..... Kvk is terrible to become an old woman - and work reminds of this like an open wound: ((((((


Hate to work came with age. I used to treat her normally. When I was the youngest in the team :))) Only when I saw young beautiful employees did I completely fall apart.


And as for pleasures and interest - this is certainly not connected with the case. With my money, besides, it is impossible to relax except for stupidly sitting on the Internet or in front of the TV set. I live in the provinces, therefore, I am a second-class person - and my pleasures are the same as slaves - staring at a computer, drinking beer, smoking :)))))) BUT this is normal for my city. Here everyone is gradually turning into an intellectually undeveloped cattle, it's a pity, but I'm becoming the same ... I never thought that I would get to the point of watching stupid shows for grandmothers and launching such appearance for a couple of years - former acquaintances, seeing on the street, ask me what happened to me. I have turned into some kind of shrunken, unkempt troll in some kind of eternally untidy clothes .... I even go to the hairdresser only when it becomes unbearable to see my reflection in the mirror ... is everyone living in the provinces waiting for a gradual degradation? I guess I'll get drunk someday like all the local inhabitants. The fear that, having become unemployed, I will go down at all, and makes me hold on to my hard labor - including.

Reading time: 3 min

The position when a person says “I hate my job, but I can’t leave” is common, because initially everyone is brought up with the opinion that work is a duty and a negative, it should be difficult and it’s impossible to give up at least some for the sake of illusory hopes. This greatly narrows the person himself, locks him into the framework of stereotypes and completely absorbs even the possibility of obtaining satisfaction from his activities.

We are accustomed to only complaining, with few people trying to figure out if this is related to unjustified expectations or insufficient payment. Many do not even think in the direction of the fact that hatred can be generated by the team and the impossibility of development. Being out of place, occupying a higher level, it becomes immediately visible to others, and he quickly slides where it was necessary, but if an employee can do much more, he constantly offers modernization, but he is slowed down by stuffing him lower - this is also a person not there where he is supposed to.

Recognition of the value of a person and his work is an important motivating factor, and when the employee himself does not appreciate what he does (says that it is nothing, performs complex tasks for free), then as a result, others cease to appreciate his contribution. Often the bosses themselves, accustomed to using only the whip method, plunge even the most ambitious employees into an unbearable depression, the way out of which is possible through dismissal and a six-month vacation.

If the problem is acute: “I hate my job, what to do”, then it is necessary to deal with the reason why this is happening. The reason for hatred can be constant stress and professional burnout. This is typical for toxic collectives, where it thrives. Then all the resources of free time are spent on recovery, sometimes connecting medications and psychotherapy.

What to do if you hate your job

Thinking about what to do if I hate my job, everyone should choose only their own individual path, there is no single recipe, because someone will need to add responsibilities, and another rest, for some, the solution is a radical dismissal and change of activity.

You need to start by looking for a problem, which means the easiest way is to find out if you are there at all. Career guidance tests help a lot, as an option, you can remember childhood dreams, favorite activities and assess how much what is happening now satisfies all this. If there is an imbalance, then it is better to start taking courses or just look for another position.

Those who have chosen the right specialty need to look further. It is possible that I hate my job, but there is nowhere to go - the main thing here is not to make a mistake and not go nowhere, because. a working employee is more likely to be employed. Understanding all the disadvantages of the place where you are now starting to look for something new, participate in the opening of new locations, offer your consulting services. Gradually, a new plan may emerge, with the option to go part-time and run your own business or move to another city for an amazing offer.

Assess the safety of your workplace, if hatred is born from constant insults, harassment, threats, in a situation where you are forced to bear responsibility for others - this is all about the violation of psychological and physical safety. In this case, it is necessary to quit as quickly as possible, even if you have not yet looked for a new place and do not understand what to do next. When you feel overloaded, it is better to discuss everything directly with your boss - to voice inadequate requirements, ask for a raise, or find other solutions together.

Most often, if you are a worthy specialist, you will be met halfway and there will be no need to constantly endure huge stress, withstanding unbearable conditions. If, after trying to openly discuss your dissatisfaction, you did not receive an adequate proposal to improve the situation, then we return to finding a new place or you can start using the time for yourself (place orders in online stores, paint your nails, talk on the phone and print books).

When boredom lies in the causes of hatred, then everything depends only on you. You can take additional courses and introduce new trends in your activities, come up with and offer new project. Take a closer look at your workplace - you can also decorate it and create coziness, and in a difficult team you can gradually introduce warm traditions - with breaks for tea and cookies, as well as mutual assistance.

When the thought comes that I hate my job, what to do about it may not come right away. The main thing to remember here is that there are no ideal vacancies and adaptation and a small optimization of space and algorithms for oneself will be required everywhere. It may be a bad view, but that's the only reason you won't change the eighth city, but rather hang wonderful curtains - also here it is necessary to properly weigh the moments where your influence will be successful, and where it is better to run.

It is impossible to live with hatred for work - this will either lead to or sharp conclusions due to the accumulated tension. Therefore, you can gradually reduce the degree of negativity psychological techniques, as well as a general study of the situation. It is necessary to evaluate yourself and compare your condition only with yourself.

When dissatisfaction gnaws at us because of the success of someone else, then this only speaks of being a marker of unmet needs. You need to compare yourself with yourself some time ago and see if there is development, positive changes. If there are none, then we figure out how all this can be improved. Comparison with colleagues and superiors can be used in a constructive way - to catch envy, understand what exactly it is about (a car is not always about movement - it can be about status) and try to achieve this. Work is not a place where everything will be given to you just like that, but here you can achieve a lot if you plan your own growth strategy - do not wait for a referral to courses from the personnel department, but complete some remotely, do not hope for a promotion, but offer your candidacy.

Overload and a high stress index appear in those who cannot refuse colleagues and perform many other people's duties. This can also include empty conversations in an attempt to support - someone has a family crisis and despair, and instead of writing a report, you comfort a colleague for three hours.

Look at the lessons on, correlate the importance of additional tasks and never take them until you have completed the main ones. It is optimal to pump the skill of refusing too persistent, and also learn to delegate some of your responsibilities. You will actually become less tired if you understand where you can save a piece of time for a break and development.

How to stop hating work? In addition to constant complaints, try to find an objective reality where this work is not only hated, but is somehow beneficial. It can be bonuses, a convenient location or flexible hours, you can get something for free, or you can get a lot of seniority. A person is never in those relationships, a city or a work team where absolutely everything does not suit him, so finding a positive helps to reassess values. For example, if you hold on to a place in a neighboring house and this is the only plus, it may be better to change it to a more distant one, but with higher salary and short working hours. In general, it is recommended to resemble interviews in order to find out the market and possible prospects, as well as your real value. For those who are underestimated, this is cool and then they can stop tolerating bad attitude, for those who are overestimated, they can suddenly start to like their bad work, because there is nowhere better for them at all.

Make every day better on your own. To do this, stop communicating with emotional vampires, people who degrade your dignity or simply bring negativity. The way is better you will have one comrade, but inspiring creativity and supporting after misunderstandings with superiors. The next point will be a reasonable distribution of time, where the goal is not to do everything and then do even more, but to organize good breaks. It is best to go for a walk outside, if there are parks or exhibitions nearby, if there are none, then go to the nearest cafe for coffee, and not to the office buffet. The more switching and rest the brain receives, the more positive emotions. When for lunch break you have time to buy gifts for loved ones, and not write a presentation for a colleague, the work becomes less disgusting.

The rule of mental hygiene for all social specialties is to leave work at work. It works well if you walk in a uniform, then with it you exit the role of an employee and switch. During non-working hours, you can engage in professional topics, but only taking into account your own pleasure and development. For example, writing scientific articles for magazines or a blog after seeing patients, but not thinking about how to cure a particular old woman.

How to love your job

When you decide not to leave, then there are a lot of options for how to fall in love with a job that you hate. It does not begin with the relief and addition of online games at the table, but, on the contrary, with a sense of the burden of responsibility. After the realization of one's own contribution comes in every minute spent, there is a greater inclusion in the activity, it ceases to be automatic. This is necessary because our brains feel full of life only when they actively interact with the present moment, and do not act according to patterns.

How to love a job you hate? Add value and meaning to what you directly do, and in a way that reflects the impact on all of humanity. Sellers not only force to buy the most expensive, but help a person solve his problem, starting from the existing conditions. Workers stat. departments may feel like they are just sorting through papers, but if you dig further, it is thanks to their work that an improvement in the situation or working conditions is possible. The janitor is not just a person in a low-paid position, but one who can give joy and comfort to many residents at once. Look for what your activity brings along with the mission, and then work will immediately become more interesting and inspiring.

Constantly develop, and in any position. We have now moved away from monotasking and it is necessary to have a lot of knowledge. Even simple work, which do not require qualifications and education, may require advanced communication (salespeople, consultants, the entire service sector), an understanding of harmony (sellers, florists), computer skills (for working with office equipment, finding the right place or order, etc.) . Learn and hone your skills - this is a great opportunity for self-realization and for further advancement and to combat boredom right at the workplace. You can set small tasks for yourself - make ten people smile, help different colleagues.

For help, take the time to learn how to automate every possible task to save time. Such optimizations will please the whole team, and you will stop wasting a lot of energy on a routine. The process will be more fun if you imagine it as the levels of some kind of game, where your main goal is from the place where you are located to maximize the company. Consider not only the work techniques themselves, remember the motivation of others and the climate in the team, so after you have freed up a good chunk of time for everyone, find something to do with it. You can sign up for courses together, plan new studies, or arrange fasting evenings with training, tea and drawing.

Feel your own efficiency and professionalism, you can use it as an opportunity to show all your skills to the maximum. Such tasks are performed a priori, but speed, quickness of thought and your own heroism will give the routine significance and dynamics. It is also good to use various motivating encouragement things - buy yourself something, take yourself somewhere. For workaholics, it is recommended to choose rewards from the opposite area, i.e. skirts, theaters, bowling alleys, and for those who do not overwork, those that will stimulate the work process are good. As an option, it can be interesting courses, frames for your own diplomas or a folder for documents in a pleasant color - everything that will cheer you up right at the workplace.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

There is nothing more depressing and hopeless than the sound of an alarm clock when it's time to go to a job you hate.

There can be any reason for not loving your job: a demanding boss, conflicts with employees, boredom and monotony, or shattered ambitions. If you have not yet decided to put the application on the table, there are several ways that will ease your suffering.

Many people are stoic about their work, do not like it, but do not feel despair at the thought of the next day. The bulk of man's suffering comes from his own thoughts and beliefs. If you just hate your job - quit, but if you can't do it now, instead of suffering, you can try to change your thoughts and your behavior.

Start a gratitude journal

Look at your working day, most likely, it has some positive sides. It can be fun gatherings with employees at lunchtime, interesting moments of work, the possibility of shabbats, or even good coffee. Every day, write in a journal (notebook, file) what you are grateful for your work, and your life will begin to change.

The feeling of gratitude directly affects your feeling of happiness and teaches you to look for positive aspects in any situation.

Take a break from work

Many people get used to working without rest and break, even without leaving the building for lunch. Take breaks, walk, breathe fresh air - half an hour "free" will cheer you up and help you stay positive for the rest of the day.

Say what you think

Honest comments (of course, made in the correct form) can change your career in better side. How often do you know it's best to do one way or another, but don't say it out loud? Then, of course, you will receive moral satisfaction by mentally saying “I knew it,” but this will not affect your career in any way. Correct comments and suggestions will help you prove yourself, and constructive criticism can be a very useful tool.

Treat employees to treats

If it is customary for you to drink tea in the office, you can bring something tasty for everyone. Firstly, it creates a relaxed atmosphere and wins people over to you, and secondly, small good deeds support good mood.

Annoying employees are a gift

If some employee or the whole team annoys you, do not rush to snap and show your displeasure. Colleagues can be aggressive, lazy or stupid, but still each of them can teach you something.

The lesson on their part may be about professional skills or just the psychology of relationships, but in any case, you can learn something from them. After all, if your rabid employee looks completely useless, thanks to him you will learn patience and empathy.

Set goals that can be achieved

Often people load themselves with various tasks and, not coping, feel insignificant and worthless. This is fundamentally the wrong approach: what you can do, and mark them on your list.

After viewing the list of completed cases, you will have a sense of accomplishment, and will have something to present to the authorities if any questions arise.

Feel free to ask for help

If you feel like you're not up to the task, just ask for help. Just think in advance how many people you need as assistants, to whom you decided to shift some of your responsibilities and what you yourself will do at this time. That is, when approaching your superiors or a specific employee, you must clearly state your request in the form of a business proposal.

Break your stereotypes

Just try to behave differently, it won't get worse, right? If you have always been silent at conferences, try to actively participate in discussions and ask questions, if you have always criticized someone, try to praise him, if you have been working at a crazy pace, try to relax and slow down a bit.

Maybe by changing your behavior, you will understand what really pissed you off so much in your work, and you can change it.

Remember there is always a choice

Think about what still leaves you in an unloved job? Fear of not finding the same profitable and prestigious place? Maybe a debt to the company, when "everything rests" on you? In any case, remember that you have a choice, and if you do not find any positive traits in your work, it is time to change it urgently.

Find an outlet

If every day you come home from work like a squeezed lemon and lose all your good mood on it, it may seem that you have no energy left for anything else. The paradox is that if you find your favorite thing, interesting even after work, your energy will not only not decrease, but vice versa - it will increase. Sports, dancing, art, even just night walks - if work does not bring joy, then something must certainly bring it, otherwise this is not life, but real hell.

The next time you come to work, look at her from the outside, try to turn off negative emotions and understand what exactly makes you hate her? Maybe, in fact, the roots of your hatred are not in your work, but in yourself?