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  • 28.10.2019

But a crisis is not the time to change. You can feel good even working with such an inadequate boss.

Remember: you will not be able to re-educate the boss, to prove that humiliating employees is bad. Even a 15-year-old child cannot be re-educated, although parents have much more control over their child than you, the boss. It makes no sense to raise the team to fight with such a leader: if they work here, then they agree with the conditions. Don't expect your boss to change just for you.

But that doesn't mean you have to "flex". Your main task is to maintain self-esteem and peace of mind. Your self-esteem should not depend on the praise or scolding of your superiors. It is important that you are internally confident that you are doing better every day and that there can be no complaints against you. Then you will not react sharply to the reproaches of the leader and will treat his cries as a concussion.

Remember: a person who, for any reason, breaks into a cry, signs his own weakness. The need to humiliate others is just an attempt to raise your own low self-esteem. You have no reason to feel guilty, afraid and endure insults.

Do not allow yourself to break down in response to reproaches. If the boss humiliates you, he wants to achieve a reaction: so that you get scared, nervous, and thereby amuse his pride. Do not follow his lead - control yourself, answer calmly and firmly. If you are confident in yourself and remain calm, all kinds of insults stop - they no longer make sense.

No one is obliged to endure rudeness, so put the boss in his place during the next attacks. In no case should you act on the principle of "you're a fool!", responding to unfair accusations or even obscene expressions of the boss with insults. You need to say very calmly, coldly: "I would ask you to change your tone - it is inappropriate in a business conversation. What does this have to do with my official duties?" If he sarcastically remarks: "Yes, such an employee cannot be entrusted with anything," you can answer with a smile: "And that is why you should pay as much attention to me as possible and explain what and how to do it right." Ask what exactly you do not handle and ask for a clear deadline for completing the assignment Write down any claims made against you Say that you will prepare a written response on all points When the boorish boss understands that he will be rebuffed every time, and not enjoy your humiliation, he will stop touching you .

You should not hope that, having calmed down, the leader will become very polite with you and begin to treat you with a cigarette. Without waiting for your reaction, he will find himself another victim.

Anna Mukhina, Head of the Department of Career Consulting, Center for Testing and Development "Humanitarian Technologies"

In this article, we will explore what to do with such behavior of the authorities and where to turn, find out how to punish the boss for infringing on the rights of an employee and determine responsibility for insulting a person.

Procedure for insulting the boss

We believe that the order of influence on superiors can be determined depending on what exactly the leader seeks with insults and humiliation.

Important! If the boss or boss yells and humiliates the employee, trying to force him to quit, then you need to contact labor inspection with a complaint about forced dismissal.

In this case, it is obvious that the leader does not have legal grounds for your dismissal, however, for any reason, does not intend to keep you at work. Therefore, I have to influence you psychologically. Don't give in to provocations.

Important! Perhaps, for starters, you can threaten the boss with an appeal to the labor inspectorate if he does not stop such actions. Or if the situation is worse than ever, then you need to contact the labor inspectorate.

In such cases, as a punishment, employers are brought to justice for violating labor law. The sanction is quite tough and involves a warning or a fine:

Usually, legal entities in such cases, a fine is imposed in the maximum amount provided for by the sanction of the article.

In a complaint to the labor inspectorate, it is necessary to indicate the essence of the situation in chronological order, indicate the data of the employment contract (attach it to the application), leave contact information. In practice, the application first indicates when and with whom you entered into labor contract, then the situation itself is described, if possible, evidence is attached to support your arguments. In this case, supporting documents can be audio, video recording of communication with management, correspondence in the mail or in in social networks(if the insult is expressed there).

Liability for harassment in the workplace

If the management does not have the goal of “surviving” you from the team, then in this case there is simply a mockery of subordinates.

These actions can be qualified as an insult, it all depends on the content of the words of the authorities. By general rule an insult is understood as a humiliation of the dignity and honor of another person, expressed in an indecent form.

In practice, the behavior of the management entails bringing it to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.

Important! If your boss insults you, you need to make it clear to him that you will not allow such an attitude towards yourself. If an understanding could not be reached, and the management does not understand that they are behaving incorrectly, then more severe measures must be taken and the prosecutor's office should be contacted on the fact of insult.

The statement must indicate the date, time, place of the offense, the actions of the leader and the words that he uttered and committed towards you. In detail, the situation can not be described, after the initiation of the case, you will be interviewed separately and in more detail.

After considering the application, the prosecutor must make a reasoned decision to initiate an administrative case or to refuse to initiate a case. This procedural decision can be challenged through a court or a higher prosecutor.

After the initiation of the case, the prosecutor must take all measures aimed at investigating the offense. In most cases, the prosecutor interviews colleagues (each participant in the conflict) separately. The maximum investigation period is set at 1 month.

Based on the results of the investigation, the prosecutor sends the materials of the administrative case to the court. At the trial stage, the case must be considered within 2 months. But this deadline is not always observed due to the workload of the courts.

Based on the results of consideration of the case by the court, a decision may be made to bring to responsibility or to terminate the administrative case. These procedural decisions can be challenged in a higher court within 10 days from the date of delivery (receipt) of a copy of the decision.

In this article, we investigated the procedure for insulting the authorities, determined the responsibility for these acts.

ATTENTION! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in the article could be out of date! Our lawyer will advise you free of charge - write in the form below.

Leaders are different: professional and not very professional, friendly and aggressive, smart and stupid. Unfortunately, there are those who use their social status and humiliate subordinates for no reason. Using power to boost your ego is not uncommon these days. To deal with bosses tyrants, there are some techniques that allow employees to maintain self-esteem. If you do not want to endure humiliation and nit-picking, our advice will come in handy.

The reasons for humiliation on the part of the manager may be different: he may not like your appearance, being late, misunderstanding one's duties, mistakes in work, etc. To avoid conflicts, first of all, eliminate being late for work, try to look in line with the rules of your company and do your job well. Thus, the number of reasons for nit-picking will decrease. However, circumstances may not always depend on you. Unforeseen cases often appear in the work that can bring down another portion of anger from the boss. Unprofessional bosses are very fond of chastising their subordinate in a rude and insulting manner, most often in the presence of other employees.

In such cases, employees most often choose the following behavioral strategies:

  • Refuse to listen to this nonsense and proudly leave. The positive moment of such a decision will be comforted pride and pride that they were able to put the tyrant in his place. However, after you have to start looking new work. This option is suitable only for a small part of the workers, since they spontaneously quit their job and are left without stable income for many it is unacceptable.
  • Reply to the boss in the same manner. Often emotions take over, and we begin to show rudeness and aggression to the offender in response. As in the first case, most likely, you will have to leave work.
  • Humbly listen to all the reproaches and nasty things addressed to you, apologize and promise that this will not happen again in the future. In this case, the boss will grant forgiveness, but the employee will have to say goodbye to self-esteem. This type of behavior leads to the fact that over time the employee becomes a "scapegoat". In addition, other colleagues may also begin to copy the behavior of the boss and "break off" on a humble employee.
  • The employee lets the boss speak, waiting for the moment when he is ready to hear the answer. If the claims are justified, you need to admit that a mistake was made and promise to be more careful in the future. In order not to be humiliated, the worker says that he does not see the need to speak to him in such a harsh tone. The risk of being fired will remain even in this case. However, this method helps to delicately put an inadequate boss in his place and avoid similar situations in the future.

Never try to give your boss ultimatums, saying, "If you let me do this to you again, I'll quit." Most likely you will be told that they are waiting for your letter of resignation. In the end, you can quit at any time without prior threats. It is better to explain to the manager that this style of management does not allow you to fully fulfill your duties.

Even if you express yourself in the correct form, there is still a risk of being fired. There is a category of bosses with a manifestation of psychopathic character traits, they do not tolerate even a drop of self-respect in employees. Most managers show respect for employees who can confidently and correctly stand up for themselves.

In some cases, the boss uses ironic remarks, sarcasm, a disdainful tone, or nasty jokes to humiliate his employees. He performs these actions in a veiled manner, with the sole purpose of humiliating. If you notice such behavior towards yourself, you should not be silent. In this case, silence speaks of consent to humiliation. You need to directly and correctly state to your boss that you are worried about such hints and you do not like his jokes at all. Ask what it means. Demanding clarification will confuse the boss, you caught him in a dishonest game. If you say all this calmly and delicately, you will have a chance to build a relationship with the boss.

It's much harder to deal with a psychopathic boss. Such managers take pleasure in humiliating employees. The boss usually chooses psychologically weak employees in the team and begins to mock them in every way. The ideal employee of the company, headed by a psychopathic leader, is a slave who silently endures everything and is terribly afraid. To protect yourself from such a boss, mentally put a wall between you. Abstract and show indifference to his nervous cries. When he feels that you are not afraid of him, interest in your person will disappear.

These simple recommendations can be a powerful tool in the fight against the unfair attitude of the leader. But if after long attempts to get rid of anger and nitpicking does not work, it may be worth thinking about changing jobs. After all, self-esteem and strong nerves are more valuable than money.

There are situations when a person sincerely loves his job, but is completely tired of the constant reproaches of his boss. And it is difficult to get along with him, especially if the boss is a petty tyrant. If you constantly find fault with every little thing, sooner or later it will bring out any person, and then he will definitely not want to go to work in the morning. And in order to prevent another meeting with the offender, the only desire is not to leave the house, hiding in the far corner.

And there are only two ways. The simplest one is to change jobs, the more difficult one is to approach the issue wisely and try to improve relations with higher management.

general information

According to about half of the workers in our country, the bosses are petty tyrants. At least that's what opinion polls say. And the question of how to be in such a situation, whether it is necessary to observe subordination, excites many. Indeed, very often people like their work and salary, and sometimes there is simply no choice, because there are no other similar positions and conditions in the region. Removing the boss from the post is a dream of many, but unfortunately, it is almost impossible to realize it. In this regard, it is necessary to look for methods of how to get along with such bosses, and learn to tolerate his character.


Many psychologists agree on this point in one thing: there are several options for how to get along with such a person. The first is to develop patience. A person should humbly, without taking it to heart, listen to all unreasonable and often humiliating nit-picking in his direction. Despite the fact that this option seems very strange and it can only be suitable for a very patient person, most workers in our country behave this way. And maybe everything would be fine, because observing subordination is the right thing to do. But from the point of view of psychology, such a development of events can significantly affect the health of the employee. Stress will accumulate, and psychological and physical health will decline.

In this regard, psychologists recommend not only to endure, but also to take care of your health. It is important to carry out psychological and emotional unloading. Do not relieve stress with alcohol. But if the employee does not have the strength to endure and humility is clearly not his forte, then it is better to find another way.

If the boss is constantly yelling, it means that he is not confident in himself and is afraid to seem ridiculous in the eyes of others. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that such people are very afraid of publicizing their incompetence. To figure out and understand exactly what complexes and injuries provoke him to defend himself from the world means to find a weapon that will work flawlessly on this person. There is even a chance that he himself will leave his post. But this method is very dangerous, because any mistake is slander, and it is punishable by law. But it is best not to resort to drastic measures and decide how to communicate with the boss without resentment and problems for both parties.

Choice of actions

Naturally, if every second an employee finds fault with his superiors on all sorts of trifles, the most easy way- Start looking for a new job. This method is ideal suitable for people, in whose character there is no inclination to fight for their rights, and those who are used to looking for easy solutions to problems.

According to the theory of probability, the tyrant boss will remain in the past, and the new leadership will be much more favorable. But if this is not the case, then it makes sense to build a competent strategy of action. The first step is to understand what he screams about most often, and also to determine which of his nit-picks are valid and which are not. When conducting an analysis, one should not look at the question one-sidedly; there is a possibility that the manager is quite justifiably indignant at the employee’s poor performance of his direct obligations.

hysterical boss

To build relationships with management, you first need to understand what type of personality his character belongs to. According to statistics, tantrums happen in 99% of situations in women. If they are in a state of permanent tension, it is very likely that they will take out their anger on subordinates, while maintaining affability with higher management and strangers. If this is hysteria, then it is worth acting like an armored train. Do not react. All answers should be controlled, without raising your voice and showing mutual emotions. If the nit-picking is ridiculous, it is worth arguing your opinion.

And in a situation where the authorities are trying to blame their subordinates for their own mistakes, it is best to clearly show him who is really guilty. You can also enlist the support of colleagues or management from above. In this situation, this should not be taken as betrayal or sneakiness, because the actions of a constantly humiliated employee will be fully justified.

How to find a common language

Unlike hysterics, the tyrant boss is aggressive towards everyone indiscriminately. Such people are undeniably confident in their own superiority over everyone else. They are mostly men who have advanced career ladder fast enough. Their main belief is that there are only idiots around, and communicating with them is worse than torture.

If a person has to communicate with a tyrant, then initially it is necessary to behave correctly. It is necessary to show that the subordinate has enough pride, and the option that he will become completely absent. Of course, the task seems difficult, but if it is completed, then there is a high probability that in the future you will no longer have to deal with nit-picking. In addition, a person must inspire himself with the idea that he is no worse than his tyrant boss. Psychologists also recommend using fantasy, for example, imagine the boss in a pink fluffy sweater or with a trash can on his head. This will allow consciousness not to take seriously its blows to self-esteem.

If the production manager constantly finds fault

Just a nagging leadership at first glance looks more harmless than a hysterical type or petty tyrants. But the fact is that constant remarks can bring out even the most calm and balanced person. Nagging bosses will carefully control every step of their subordinates, chastising them even for a half-minute delay.

Often such people also control the time of lunch and call on a day off, without good reason or serious reasons for this. There is also a chance that he will look for flaws in work that is done perfectly. And instead of a well-deserved bonus, the employee will receive a reprimand.

How to raise a boss

You should not cringe before a nitpick and a hysterical production manager. It is worth clarifying exactly which nuances do not suit the manager, calling him to a dialogue, where he should not only explain what he sees the shortcomings in, but also suggest ways to solve the problem that has arisen.

As for calls on weekends, you can simply not pick up the phone. This is a rest time, and the authorities have no right to accuse you of not being in touch. It is also worth taking the work schedule more seriously, avoiding being late or delaying lunch time. This will lead to the fact that the boss will simply get tired of looking for reasons to blame you, and he will switch to another employee.


Taming bosses is not easy, but it's not really a way out. If the boss is a tyrant, what to do with it is known. You just need to improve the relationship between you. Do not grovel or bend under annoying guidance. On the contrary, for such people, those employees who show dignity and can prove their worth are important. If you fence yourself off from constant nit-picking, you can work calmly.

But globally re-educating this person is a task for his relatives. When building relationships, it is very important to make it clear to the person that you are not only ready, but also want to cooperate with him. It is your desire to resolve the conflict that will allow you to continue labor activity no problem. By recognizing the psychotype of the boss and solving this situation, you can make your life better and get rid of resentment and problems at work.